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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  September 16, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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the water. have we hit rock bottom or can we see more casinos shut down. maclin and he is going, to the end zone. the eagles are on their way to tying the game. >> that was the the story all night for eagles but they managed to pull off another win starting the season, two-o. our bird definitely flying high. we will have more highlights, analysis from the game coming up throughout the show. >> good day philadelphia it is tuesday, september 16th, 2014, we have reporters covering our top stories to day. steve keeley is in atlantic city where trump place ace closing its doors. dominoes continue to fall. our dawn timmeney in who will many circle neighborhood as a personal twist we will get to that in a minute. >> but first sue serio with weather on the one's. >> our pal bus stop buddy so happy that he put his eagles cap on, under the the umbrella, yeah, you'll need
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your rain gear this morning because we have showers around. we have been showing them on our cameras as well. temperatures in the 50's and 60's. here's first round of rain that will be moving through the area. between now and next couple of hours moving west to east, there is more to come before all is said and done. we will get to a high today of 75 degrees. included and showers around this morning but sunshine returns in the afternoon with breezes out of the northwest. it should be quite a different even of the day as it was here in the beginning of the day and that is your weather authority forecast. lets get to traffic, which is wet red ways, this morning. we have that construction on 295 southbound at route one with the lanes blocked that has cleared up. also in plymouth walton road and germantown pike an accident there that may cause some delays not to mention the the rain will slow you down as well, kerry. >> sue, thank you. 6:01. landscape along the atlantic city boardwalk will never look and feel the same again.
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>> literally just minutes ago the trump plaza became the fourth casino this year to close its doors. steve keeley was there when it closed and steve, reminus, were you there when it opened decade ago. >> reporter: it was like swat ago way mosquitoes here three times photographers here that were here for revel this seems to be bigger story for the media. you can see the shot that they wanted. that is what happened 302nd ago when management put these closed yellow signs. these are signs we showed you first at 4:00. please utilize the hotel lobby entrance located on columbia place. they will close hotel, get everybody safely out of this place but it is a baron wasteland. east tower second tower they built has long been shut down and front desk was cleared out earlier. casino number four in 2014, shut down. will there be number five at trump taj mahal the last of what was once four trump
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casinos standing here in atlantic city. we will wait and see but it doesn't look good as the official notices that have have to go out government mandated to the employees out there, that was putting more than 10,000 people working at the start of the year now out of the work and unemployed. >> you mentioned the revel, that goes up for auction next wednesday. a florida developer name glenn straub made a 90 million-dollar cash bid for the site last week. his attorneys say parts of the building could reopen after the sale goes through. straub says a casino will likely operate again but his bid does not include a requirement he get a license to run a casino. revel says the property did not receive any other qualified bids. we are following some developing news this morning, out of philadelphia's who will many circle section. >> a man shot his girl friend's boyfriend, and then killed him, fox 29's dawn timmeney live at the scene at ax factory road, dawn, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, chris and kerry. police are still trying to piece together exactly what happened inside of this second story apartment but investigators say that the 20 year-old boyfriend had climbed into a bedroom window of the apartment she shares with her dad. this was 11:30 last night here on the 2700 block of axfactory road in holmes circle. police say it appears that the 41 year-old father thought that there was an intruder in the apartment, there was a struggle according to investigators and police say that is when the dad shot the boyfriend once in the head. now the boyfriend was rush to aria torresdale hospital where he was pronounced dead at 1:45 this morning. a gun was recovered from the scene here, it does belong to the father, both the dad ape the daughter are being questioned right now at northeast detectives and they are said to be cooperating with police. the chris and kerry so far no charges have been filed.
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the stories is continuing to develop and we will get the latest, back to you in the studio. and 15 year-old daughter, and, and, sidewalk, and, just before, and, and, her parents, missing when she didn't return from school. women fighting for perfect life this morning after being shot, three times in kensington this happened on the 3400 block of braddock street around 12:30. police tell us the victim is in extremely critical condition and in the expected to survive. no word yet on a suspect, or motive. it didn't start off all that well but eagles did come back in the fourth quarter to beat the colts last night. >> codey parkey kick this winning field goal as time expired before the eagles, passed indianapolis 30-27 in their dome. eagles are now two-o this
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season. after the game head coach chip kelly says the team has to do a better job making plays and scoring in the first half. >> first half, you know, you will in the make a living continuing to be 17 down in this league. we have a division opponent coming in here, coming into our place next sunday. so, you know, hopefully we got it out of our system but we have to do a better job in the first half executing. >> you heard coach kelly talk about this coming sunday. the eagles will take on the redskins, that will be desean jackson's return to the link. michael bradley from 97.5, will be here later this morning to talk about more of this birds second win. wow. only other nfc team two-o right now arizona cardinals. u.s. amps up its fight against terrorist known as isis and we are trying to get help from other countries in the middle east a coalition what irene's supreme leader tweeted about our effort.
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also drinking and football they generally go to go but not in a high school game. school that wants students to take a breathalizer test school that wants students to take a breathalizer test on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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they need our rain we are getting right now. high temperatures, reached about hundred degrees in los angeles over the weekend. then steve terrain. so far california fire fighters have responded to
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nearly 5,000, wild fires. looting has become a problem in the wake of hurricane otile in mexico. convenient store was torn apart in the storm. people helped themselves to food water and you name i had. storm weakened to category one, and it is expect to be downgraded to a tropical storm sometime today. sue serio is keeping an eye on. that meantime los cabos international airport remains closed leaving thousands of tourist stranded in mexico right now. pakistan army is stepping up efforts to rescue people strapped by flood the waters. >> thousands needed to be evacuated from the country's plains, raging monsoons devastated that area they are being blamed for hundreds of deaths. all right. lets take a look at our weather. sue serio is keeping an eye on it. not just in our area but we have hurricane odial. >> and we have a hurricane in the middle of the atlantic ocean but not bothering anybody. edward is a name, september traditionally the biggest in
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for hurricanes or for tropical activity, so that is something we will be watching but today we are watching this cold front, this is making its way through this morning, it should be gone by lunchtime, high pressure will build in after that and that will be our weather maker for rest of the week. it is looking better after we get rid of the rain. it looks like spotty showers will continue to be around for next couple hours and you will need your umbrella for the morning and these roadways are wet too. there is i-95 there moving through philadelphia and wilmington delaware with some rain, new jersey turnpike had some rain as well but as we look at the jersey shore, no rain just yet but here is an area of showers that is starting to move into cape may county in new jersey. future cast shows showers continuing through about 8:00 o'clock in the philadelphia area, by 9:00 it is still raining a little bit but this is all starting to move away from west to east. so by 10:00 o'clock most of the rain is in eastern new jersey, and by noon gannon its
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way out and we will see some sunshine gradual clearing throughout the rest of the afternoon and it is looking nice for the rest of the day, temperatures right now 55 in allentown, pottstown, 61 degrees in philadelphia, and we will look ahead at 60 degrees in millville, 64 in wildwood, 62 down in dover. warmer temperatures then we have had yesterday at this time but tonight temperatures will plunge and we could get one of the coldest nights so far once again mid 50's tonight in the city, but by early tomorrow morning we could see temperatures in the 30's in the pocono mountains. other than that perfect weather, throughout the rest of the week and looking good have after that, just got to watch out for rain and cold front. that is your weather authority forecast. time for traffic right now. we will start off with the schuylkill expressway eastbound, it is actually pennsylvania turnpike approaching morgan town there is an accident with the right lane block, kerr i. sue, thank you. 6:12 right now, minnesota vikings running back adrian
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peterson speaking out on the child boost charges that he faces for hitting his son with the tree branch, what he is saying next. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
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their forces kick them out in several key cities as u.s. continues to look for a coalition of international support in its fight against isis. with key allies including great britain remaining non-committal. how about this, a tweet from the country's supreme leader of iran, using twit
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tore reject america's a offer to stop isis. he posted several tweets including this one, i reject u.s. offer to iran about isis because u.s. has corruption on its hand in this issue. and this week congress is debating legislation that would clear the way for president obama to arm rebels in syria as part of the u.s. led fight against isis. they are in syria. they will say u.s. ground forces in the country. congress hopes to get measure approved by friday. oscar pistorius free to compete in the olympics, south africa once again. country's olympic commit thee says there are no rules to prevent somebody with the criminal report from representing the the country. as it stand right now he is allowed to run again as long as he doesn't go against the judge's ruling when sentenced next month. there are new reports out this morning that minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson is accused in the injuries of another one of his four year-old sons. this news coming just as the
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team reinstates him. peterson is facing child abuse charges for using a tree branch and switch to spank a different four year-old son. last weeks indictment by a texas grand jury on a child abuse charge led to the vikings benching peterson in sunday's game with the patriots. vikings say they take the issue seriously but they would like legal process to take its course before making a final decision. peterson will play in this sunday's game against the new orleans saints but he also has a court appearance wednesday on the new charge. prior to this new allegation, peterson released a statement that read in part in one can understand the hurt i feel for my son for harm that i caused him. my goal, it is to teach my son from right from wrong and that is what i tried to do that day. 6:17. victims of the brutal hate crime in center city said they have identified their attackers through surveillance and they are hoping that police will soon make an arrest. >> this attack happened last thursday at 16th and
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chancellor. then say they were targeted because they were gay. they tell us they were walking home when a group of men and women started yelling homophobic slurs. they got in the argument and victims says that is when they were beaten. they took off leaving one of the men lying in the pool of his own blood. >> when i had three or four of these guys on me i turned around and saw his head hit the ground. i was horrified. i thought he was dead. >> we were out to dinner in philadelphia we have never had anything like this. so, i just want to make sure that it never happens again to any within. both victim had pretty serious injuries including a broken jaw, a busted eye, and severe bruising. next friday we are asking to you join us at fourth and market as we solute our troops. >> we are shutting down market street to honor brave men and women in uniform. join us september 26th at 4th and market. we will have music, food and, of course, so many men and women who serve in the
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military. meet the got day crew. come and show your support. such a great turnout and so wonderful to meet all of the men and women that have them share their stories about their training and what they see on the battle field and how they prepare and, of course, we will talk to their families as well. >> absolutely, not to get too personal but your husband is a military member. >> yes. >> he flies airplanes. >> he flies f-16 with the new jersey air national guard. >> will he becoming in or at least outside our sued ohio, or does he have to work. >> some of the squad ron is deployed, we actually did a story good the gunnery range so we will take a look at what they do to prepare not only our pilots but our ground troops for battle. >> okay, all right. mike jerrick walks six blocks to work. did you get all wet walking in, sir. >> i had to stop at 7-eleven to buy an umbrella.
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it has brass knuckles in the handle and it is shocking pink. still ahead, it is 6:20 almost. a little while ago we talk about adrian peterson. it looks like he will play on sunday. if there was a video like ray rice video of him whipping his kid do you think his punishment would be more severe? i have a feeling it would be. we will talk about that. are you kidding me yesterday we told but you that shady mccoy receipt on e bay from pyt at northern liberty. it was at 750. it has gone up astronomically overnight. you will in the believe how much the highest bid is, for his receipt. >> why does somebody want that. >> pyt has the receipt, this is a way for them to get more money. >> and publicity. >> boom. >> plus, the bid doesn't mean you can pay. >> that is right. >> i will go on there and offer a million-dollar. >> and take it all back.
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>> and then just not pay. >> when will the rain stop. it was raining heavily about zero minutes ago. >> we should ask sue serio. >> i think by lunchtime it will stop. let's break it down for you. this morning on the wet roadways outside of our neighborhood showers are moving in from west to east. at the jersey shore we are probably not seeing rain just yet this morning. light showers continue, we should end up with a tenth of an inch of rain when all said and done and this afternoon we will have gradual clearing and it will feel like autumn with that bright sunshine and low humidity eventually. just not yet. that is your weather authority forecast it is traffic time, and we go back to morgan town and pennsylvania turnpike, eastbound, approaching morgan town there is an accident there that has right lane blocked. unless plymouth walton road at west germantown pike an accident in that area. and on the turnpike northeast extension southbound at lansdale a truck is disabled and that has right lane
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blocked, one more, in limerick, lewis road at bener road an accident to tell but as well. we have a lot of accidents popping up here, roadways are wet take it easy out there we will be right back.
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another come back win by the the eagles. they beat the colts last night in the final second of the fourth quarter. >> yeah, codey parkey kicking a 36-yard field goal, as time expired and the eagles past the colts 30-27. eagles new two-o this season, only one other team, who is it. >> the nfc right now only other team two-o is arizona cardinals. >> that is it, cardinals. >> they will take on the redskins this sunday at the link. michael bradley from 97.5 will be here later this morning to talk more about the birds win. >> we are well on top of the nfc east. darren sprawls what a pick up he was. phillies open up a west coast trip in san diego, phillies manager only two hits in the one to nothing lost, to the padres. phillies did not manage their
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first hit until dominic brown bunt single in the fifth inning. for more phillies news, here's tom. >> good morning i'm tom sredenschek eagles get back to work today preparing for redskins sunday at lincoln financial field. they will prepare for curt cousins at quarterback for skins, robert griffin the third out for a couple weeks but skins say not for the season. desean jackson may get a chance to play sunday after all, jackson's strain his ac joint on sunday and didn't return but skins coach says his return for jack son could be, sooner than expect. >> i think it is just a grade one. he will be day to day. if he can play with the pain, we will be good to go for sunday but we will have a better idea thursday or friday. >> jonathan papelbon suspended seven games, find an undisclosed amount of money for this on the field gesture
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sunday in miami. he will not appeal the decision. phillies supported baseball's decision ape apologized to the fans for jonathan papelbon's actions. that is sports in a minute i'm tom sredenschek. have a great day. going to high school football games requires more than a ticket, the test teens to have pass a breath lies tore get
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deadly home invasion with the personal twist a man breaks in the apartment and is shot dead but this wasn't a random break in how shooter and victim knew one another. then trump plaza is no more, the fifth casino to shut down just this year. are there more on the the way? we are live from atlantic city. let's see if pagan owe will take it, and he does. time out called by pagan owe, even though that field goal. >> the colts tried to ice the kicker but the eagles were on fire, and now we're two-o guys. >> yes. >> what a pick up. >> yes. >> all right. >> high late coming up. >> thank you. >> i was so excited, the last part of the tease, at within point, good day everyone, it is tuesday, september 16th, 2014. we are all smiles. >> we are indeed sueby. >> even with the rain this morning.
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if you take amtrak southbound towards washington d.c. stay tune we have a big announcement about that and you will not like it. bus stop buddy is ready for the rain with his eagles hat and green rain coat this morning. temperatures are milder then they were yesterday in the 50's and 60's but there are showers around as you can see on ultimate doppler radar. a few area of heavy downpours but a lot of that is in the process of clearing out of chester county and montgomery county but there could be another round before the morning is over. 75 degrees is our high, clouds and showers confined mostly to the morning because the sunnies supposed to come back out this afternoon. it must be a pleasant rest of your day. that is your tuesday forecast from the weather authority. lets get to the roads and, of course, the announcement about amtrak. the northeast line between philadelphia and d.c., the acela express and northeast regional services all suspended temporarily. wires are down. if you are planning to go to say baltimore or washington
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d.c. on amtrak you won't be able to do so until further notice. we will keep you posted. >> that is good to know, thank you. it is 6:31. police say a man shot and killed his daughter's boyfriend. >> this happened in philadelphia's holmes circle section. fox 29's dawn timmeney live at the scene of ax factory road, dawn, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris and kerry. detectives spent several hours on the scene looking for evident, this happened in a second story apartment here on the 2700 block of ax factory road in holmes circle. it appears that the boyfriend of the 20 year-old who lives here with her 41 year-old fat are had climbed into a second story bedroom window this happened around # 11:30 last night and dad thought the boyfriend was an intruder. that someone had broken in to their apartment. he fired his gun, killing the three two-year old boyfriend.
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>> possibly may have been a struggle, however, we know that the 41 year-old male fired one shot striking the three two-year old victim in the head, one time. the 41 year-old resident of the apartment remained on the the scene and was transport todd east detective, northeast detectives by police. >> now, revolver was recovered here at the the scene. the father did call 911 and he and his daughter are cooperating. they are down at north east detectives being questioned right now. chris and kerry, the boyfriend was rush to aria torresdale hospital again with the gunshot wound to the head and he was pronounced dead shortly before 2:00 o'clock this morning, so far, and, and, and, they continue to develop, and we will up to dayton any.
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and a man was shot and killed inside of a philadelphia bar last night. >> it happenedide family tavern in the side luzerne and benington street. the 28 year-old victim and another man got in the argument over a game of pool. the gun man is still on the loose, police are hoping surveillance cameras will help track them down. over philadelphia's hunting park neighborhood and old york road and erie avenue where police says a 13 year-old was shot and gunman under arrest. the it is a 16 year-old friend. police believe two teens may have been playing with the gun when it went off last night. investigators say victim was shot twice in the stomach and is in stable condition right now at st. christopher's hospital. time is 6:34. happening today another atlantic city casino has officially closed it doors. >> just about a half an hour ago trump plaza shut down after 30 years of business. it is the the fourth casino to
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fold in less than a year. fox 29's steve keeley coming up afterwards from atlantic city, steve. >> reporter: i was here for day one and here for the last day among people i in met in my years here in atlantic city, jerry burl, one of the biggest casino fans probably in the world. he visits two hundred casinos every year during a one week vacation, that tells you how much he has gone here. look at his hat, he has sands casino hotel. we covered that live when they implode that had building. another former casinos that closed right before the down fall. now he is holding a gaming voucher with his last, 1 penny, receipt there from trump plaza gambling because he won a very cheap souvenir. you collect chips with the chip collector's club, tell them how many you have in your collection. >> i have over 25,000 chips in my collection. >> how many casino closing have you collect. >> difficult all of the recent
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ones here, atlantic club, i was down for show boat and revel and also here today and also sand before they implode that had. >> are you used to this stuff or is this another sad day and you are thinking how sad it is. >> it is sad and in the club i blank to the casino collectibles club we document the casino industry and this is part of the casino history. when they started in 78 it was endless and now it has ended and it the is unfortunate for people that work there and i guess they will rebound in some form or fashion but i don't think they will reach the heights of the gambling that they were eight or ten or 12 years ago. >> reporter: how many casinos do you they they will end up here once closings are down. >> would i guess probably six, at the end, two more, taj mahal and resorts and maybe end up with six left overall. they are down 50 percent from what they were at their
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height, so simple math, you have 12 casinos only getting 50 percent of the business. maybe six would do very well. >> reporter: lastly what was mood in there in the last moments. >> there was no mood, there wasn't anybody there. they were trying to throw me out. i said no, i will wait until last second and get this piece of memorabilia as close as i could to 6:00 in the morning. >> this means 8,000 people are out of work and could be 10,000 if the taj mahal closes. hopefully next time we meet for some opening and not more bad news. >> i can get more chips then new casino opens up. >> good to see you, thank you very much. >> reporter: one of the many characters here, and a guy i met back before there was any bad news here when it was good news. unfortunately he is here to document everything. as we continue to document each closing taj mahal you heard him mentioned next scheduled to close in november unless something changes and that would be the end of the trump name in atlantic city if
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i that happens. there was once four trump casinos, trump castle, because came trump marine, trump's world fair which was originally ploy boy and trump plaza original name was harrah's and we will get into that about why that name change five months after this place opened but another sad moment in atlantic city and huge vacancy in the middle of the boardwalk. chris, kerry held sunday night right next door is connect to boardwalk hall. you cannot have a place like this, here on the boardwalk, shuttered and vacant for long. we will see if the mayor comes by and says anything about this one too. >> yeah, all right steve keeley live for us in atlantic city. from the six, it is foles, throwing, end zone touchdown maclin, an extra point from retying the game at 27. >> of course. >> nick foles directing the
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eagles come back win, this time over the colts in indianapolis. >> he threw a tying touchdown pass with just over three minutes left in the fourth quarter. foles then led that team on a game winning drive setting up codey parkey to take this 36-yard field goal, just as time expired. eagles beating indianapolis 30-27. birds appeared to be in trouble early in the game but fans say a win is a win is a win. >> you bet. >> i agree. >> nicely done. >> drinking and football, they kind of go together but not if you are going to the high school game. this school that want students to take a breathalizer test before they can root on their team. so how far would you go for one of your pets. how about a pet gold fish? gold fish that underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor believe it or not. >> a
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were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. it is wet out there and this is why. we have a cold front making its way through right now. good news it won't last very long not even for rest of the morning and then high pressure will build in after that and give us some excellent weather for the rest of the week, but there is plenty on rain moving through right now through northern part of the lehigh valley, poconos mountains get something rain this morning. here in philadelphia we are still getting rain and it has moved over into new jersey now
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you into washington township and other parts of the camden and gloucester counties and now jersey shore at least the southern most tip of cape may county in northern wildwood which is having a big irish festival this weekend. we are working on that forecast but it is raining and we will get it out of the way right now. for the the future cast we will sees more scattered showers through about nine or 10:00 o'clock this morning in the metro area and then everything moves to the east and by noon just about all have of it will be out of here and we will have plenty of room important sunshine. the the sunnies expect to return, later on in the day. temperatures milder then yesterday, mid 50's to the north, 62 in philadelphia 61 in wilmington. 66 degrees in wildwood. seven day forecast as promised has excellent weather after today, plenty of sunshine for wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and then by sunday we will see a warming trend where we could get up to 80 degrees for the eagles game. next chance of rain after that will be on monday and that is
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your weather authority seven day forecast, lets check traffic for you this morning on route 292 -- that is 202 southbound just past chesterbrook boulevard, there is a disable vehicle on the right shoulder. pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension southbound at lansdale a disable truck has the the right lane blocked. the accident on i-76 eastbound the turnpike approaching morgan town well, that one has cleared, chris. >> we can see the rain definitely out there at fourth and market. speaking of the roads, very sad store friday over weekend where pennsylvania pennsylvania state police say gunman ambushed two state troopers killing one and critically wounding another. he knew how to use a rifle. >> they believe this gunman had formal firearms training either through the military or perhaps even through law enforcement. investigators are focusing on the possibility that the killer had an issue with police, government and perhaps, the specifically targeted the blooming grove barracks.
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corporal brian dickson was killed and another trooper was injury in the friday night attack during a shift change. the the killer slipped away sparking a manhunt. governor tom corbett says that authorities will not rest until the gun man is found. >> this is an assault not only on the individual troopers, it is an assault on the state police, assault on law enforcement and an assault on society. >> as manhunt continues reward for information has increased to $75,000. dickson's funeral will be held thursday, and he leaves behind a wife and two young sons. at 6:45, parents would like answers after students attending last friday's fat ballgame were forced to take a breathalizer before entering the stadium. >> the school district for their part says students who attend that had game without parents had to go through a students only entrance on to the field where an administrator waited with the alcohol testing equipment. superintendent told fox 29 off
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camera that the workers were hearing chatter from students planning to attend the game drunk. it business preventing underage drinking but many parents feel like the students were unfairly targeted. >> i think it is good for the goose, it goodies for the gander. why aren't we testing everyone. if drinking and driving is no the good for kids it is not good for any of the grown ups. >> district says administrators are train to give the test and phoenixville police were in the involve in the procedures. school officials say in one violated the rules that night. local cheer leading squad out 9,000 bucks after that money was stolen by team's commissioner. forty-four year-old jeanine hamilton is charge with theft. police say she had been stealing money from the new jersey force cheer association since december, and then tried to cover it all up by making a false police report. the last night team held a fundraiser in rita's water ice in marlton. the team says it has in hard feelings and is confident they will raise money they need to
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complete this season. >> i believe that we will have have more than a stake and in harm meant to be done to us as cheerleaders. >> if we can get through you this we can get through anything. >> they stopped by her home yesterday and a man came to the door and said she was not there. that money would have paid for competitions, practice space, and stunt clinics. if you with like to help out head to my fox ape find a link to the web site. robin thick is known for professing his life to his wife. now he has a confession of his own. >> yes. hollywood reporter, has court deposition that is thick admitted to being high on vicodin and alcohol while writing recording and promoting his hit song blurred lines. thick also reportedly admitted that the song was mostly written by hit artist ferrell. philadelphia resident earns master chef.
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>> she has big plans for your din are table. twenty-five year-old courtney won the fox cooking competition, she beat out 30 other home cooks and endured some harsh criticism from the judges including gordon ramsey who is full of compliments, however, after she won. she takes home $250,000, in cash, prizes and now, has a cookbook in the works as well. that will pay off. >> do you think. >> the show premiers this saturday morning here on fox 29 weekend. >> quick remine year we leave we will interact with your stories, your views, fox 29 weekend is what it is called and we are inviting to you join conversation on facebook, twitter and instagram. saturday morning at 8:00 right here on fox 29, if you would like to tweet us use hash tag fox 29 weekend as we keep track of what you are saying. "good day philadelphia" starts in ten minutes. >> mike, will you be hash tagging and tweeting, karen and lauren. >> am i supposed to come in
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saturday. >> well, no, karen hepp and lauren johnson, the new anchor. you get to sleep in. >> i will set my alarm and watch that darn show and maybe tweet them. most kids are back in school learning math english and science but there is one school with a very different curriculum. it is in the heart of the city and yet they have tractor on the campus. and cows. horses. so quincy decided to go back to school and try out all those things they have never tried before in the heart of the city is there a farm. how rude when it comes to driving who do you think are the rudees drivers in america? two states made the top ten? not surprising but not the worst. surprising state that came out on top for the worst drivers in america. >> can i share a quick story, i was driving in new jersey. >> yeah. >> and somebody was coming into my lane. >> right.
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>> i beeped my horn. >> they flipped me the jersey state bird, i walk by the guy has a newspaper open on his steering wheel reading the paper while driving. >> interrupting my reading. >> i'm guessing maybe new jersey is one of the two that may be on the list. >> my favorite is on the schuylkill expressway is there a woman picking hair out of her chin with tweezers. >> yes. >> i saw would the man up the other day northern liberty trying to parallel park while eating a slice of pizza. >> well, you can't blame her. >> these are master multi taskers. i cast only aspire but in the while driving. driving this morning could be a challenge in some places. roads are wet and we have showers around, throughout the rest of the morning. they will start to taper off by lunchtime from west to east and we don't expect a whole lot of rain. it ace anything. the sunshine does return by end of the day it should be beautiful with a high of 75. sunset time is at 7:08 this
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evening. that is your wet start to your tuesday. the lets get to the roadways which are wet this morning and causing a bit of the problem. this is schuylkill westbound at conshohocken curve, it is pretty wet out there this morning. slow down. you need to know this if you take train between philadelphia and washington d.c. the acela express and northeast regional service suspended temporarily to to wires down on the track we will be right back.
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welcome back. raining out there. not much rain in the pocono mountain right now. how about this you love your pets but what do you think about, one pet opener in australia, stopping at nothing to save the life of her pet gold fish? the ten year-old gold fish underwent a 45 minute procedure to remove a tumor from its head. owner says tumor started to affect the the fish's quality have of life. veterinarian said gold fish is now swimming normally again. a puppy is proving that yes, he can reply with the big dogs. he went sky diving, that is right, he jumped out of the plane 13,000 feet in the air with his owner. he a had his own custom made
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hardness and goggles. his owner says he has taken the plunge hundreds of times but he wanted to do this with his best friend by his side, what if the dog really enjoyed that or not. two shelter dogs scheduled to be euthanized get a second chance of life after their story was seen on life. true case of puppy love. they arrived at or land owe shelter a few days apart and became best friend eating, sleeping, playing together. women saw their story and stepped in just days before they were going to be euthanized. she adopted them. now they have a forever home. so many people on social media were touched, that they donated thousands to cover costs of their care. eagles, boy, what a finish, they are now two-o after a true nail biter in the second half. come back kick and all of the highlight coming up. trump plaza falls, casino closing its doors unable to keep its head above water.
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have we hit rock bottom or could we see more shut down along the shore.
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪
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what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent more on car insurance. i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to
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eagles bolt pass, indy 30-27. sprawls and foles lead bird to the two-o record. man, rain, rain, go away. it is raining heavily here in olde city. okay. it should not last that long but it will slow your morning commute. listen to this, amtrak has problems. if you are heading southbound from philadelphia look out we will give you details. sneaking into the house to see his girlfriend when dad wake up and shoots him. the boyfriend is dead. dawn is on that story. trump, bumped from the boardwalk another one by the the dust. no more trump cards, in atlantic city as another one, closes. we will get to that in a bit. did you stay up and watch the game, alex. >> no, i went to sleep but i was happy to wake up in here
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and hear that the eagles have won. >> sneak open your ipad. >> i was like please, please, please we're good. >> what we need on this rainy tuesday. >> that is for sure if we lost this would be more miserable but it is coming town really hard at fourth and market. >> it is, it is so yucky you may wonder why in the world do we have a seven as our number of the day and reason is it will get better later on. >> we will have comfortable temperatures and afternoon sunshine. we are starting out not as chilly but bus stop buddy shows you you need to have rain gear this morning. the showers around. it is in the 50's and 60's to get started. satellite and radar showing that the rain is right here in the sit it and we have rain in berks county, some down to the south, look at that a little bit more in depth coming up. sixty-two in philadelphia with the westerly breeze at 3 miles an hour and 90 percent relative humidity. it is raining. that stand to reason. rain is in the morning. the it


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