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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  September 11, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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old curtis tanner from pottstown with aggravated assault and other crimes. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: we were the first to show aaron williams a different video that surfaced on social media. a blurry 152nd clip that was taken a few seconds earlier. in this one it shows williams trading belows with tanner and even using profanity. it all started when williams told tanner and his skateboarding friends to leave. here's the clip in its entirety. >> just last week, williams testified in court he was trying to get tanner off of him and attempted to escape. but in this video, tanner's attorney says it shows william was the aggressor at least in the beginning. >> were you threatening him at all? >> no. >> williams says he was just trying to defend himself and the
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video changes nothing. >> i was doing my job, okay? number two, he shouldn't have been there period. number three, there was three of them. i'm not coming here to fight. i'ming here to do job. >> reporter: now we did speak with the district attorney' office. it has been made aware of this video. the office is still looking into it. so far the charges against tanner are unchanged. iain. >> all right, chris, thank you. >> burlington county authorities have charged a 54 year old willingboro man with sexual assaulting two children who were attending a home daycare operation over soon by his late wife. dennis alston charged with aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of children. investigators say alston's late wife provided licensed daycare under the name home sweet home. >> vandals sprawled hate filled images on business in northeast philadelphia. the store own are in said someone painted swastikas on the front windows of his business and that has a whole lot of people in his neighborhood very upset tonight.
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fox 29's dawn timmeney joins us live from northeast philadelphia at that store. now, dawn, has anything like this ever happened in the neighborhood? >> reporter: no, lucy, never and that's why everyone here is so stunned. you can see that the swastikas have been washed away. the pain not so much so. long-time residents here say they're just shocked and deeply saddened. >> it hurts. it brings tears to your eyes. >> it's overwhelming. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. >> reporter: this is what eddie was seeing when she showed up for work at frankie g's hair salon on bustleton avenue. big red swastikas painted on simon's kosher meat store a few days down. >> this never happened in 60 years i lived here. this is a disgrace. roar report simon was overwhelmed with sadness when he arrived at his business and saw the swastikas. simon has been here 23 years. his mom escape the ukraine ahead of the nazis in 1941 when he was
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just a baby. to find this on the front and the back of his store is heartbreaking. >> this is very bother me because, you know, jewish person i feel very bad, you know. this is a shame. this is no good. not in america. >> reporter: police combed the scene for clues this morning. and are hoping surveillance cameras caught a glimpse of the culprits in the act. this is a very diverse neighborhood made up of many different ethnicities they pride themselves here on getting alo along. >> it is like a punch to the stomach. it really is. you know, it's always been a nice, nice neighborhood. >> i was flabbergasted because nobody in this neighborhood has ever done something like that, really. i can't get over it. >> reporter: simon says he feels he was definitely targeted, that this just wasn't kids. he says he's the only business along this block that wasn't
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touched and he also says just a few weeks ago someone through rocks through the front window here. he just wants whoever did this caught and prosecuted to the fullest. iain and lucy. >> all right. thatching dawn. happening now, a deal to did he criminalize small amounts of marijuana in philadelphia. the mayor and the city council have reached an agreement allowing people to carry an ounce or less without facing jail time now as we told you pot won't necessarily be legal but police won't jail you translating into no criminal record. get caught smoking in public know and you'll face a fine that is much steep per. that is a deal city council and mayor has reached. as of neck week, that bill becomes law and it takes effect on october 20th. >> if you side track a kid based on this di minimus activity you're really doing a bad thing for the entire city because that kid will most likely stay in poverty or wind up in jail. and we want them to be working productive tax paying citizens.
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let them get through their youthful stuff and become good adults. >> all right. here's the new fine. possession of less than 30 grams or about an ounce of marijuana, 25 bucks. $100 fine for smoking in public. a powerful south jersey state lawmaker now wants to put body cameras on all patrol officers. senator donald norcross sponsored landmark police camera bill. now he wants all officers on the streets to wear cameras. he says it would increase safety for both the police and the public. >> if picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is pricele priceless. and that's what we're looking at here. the video doesn't have an opinion. it only speak the truth. >> norcross calls body cameras the next logical step in public safety. >> in the wake of a huge food truck explosion in feltonville back in july, philadelphia city council president darrell clark introduced a bill today to increase food truck safety. clark wants the fire department to start inspecting propane
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tanks on curb side food trucks feltonville food truck explosion killed a mother an daughter. >> delaware state police are asking for your help tonight to solve the murder of a taxi driver. police say 45 year old william toomey was found dead in his cab on country living road in millsboro last month. police are hoping to jog the memory of any witnesses with this timeline. investigators say toomey picked up a man on coastal highway in rehoboth beach right around 7:45 p.m. on august 20th. the cabby then drove to a neighborhood known as parkers point. police say then right around 8:45 p.m. a witness saw a man in a taxi driver seat who does not match toomey' appearance. his body was found a few hours later a at 10:00 p.m. details on how he was killed have not been release. >> take good look at this man. new castle county police want to know if you've seen him. they say 36 year old hunter williams assault add 42 year old woman near grand view avenue on tuesday night. so if you've seen him, contact police.
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and police in pal my remark burlington county, trying to figure out why driver lost control and crashed all the way into a home. it happened early this morning and the driver and someone inside the home were taken to the hospital. their injuries are not considered life threatening. >> a very somber day across our nation as we tuesday to mark 13 years since september 11th terror attacks that killed more than 3,000 americans. >> and my father christopher mark o'grady. i love you miss you so much. you'll forever be in my heart. >> ground zero americans honored the victims and the heroes of the worse at tack in u.s. history. and for the first time septemb september 11th museum was open as memorial service unfolded. >> officials in gloucester county held a patriot day ceremony to comment rate the september 11th attacks. it happened at the place of reflection inside the chestnut park on main street in mantua. the memorial a tribute to gloucester county residents and everyone else who lost their
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lives that day. you can see more pictures and videos. we did not show you on tv. just head to our website and look for the finish left coverage right on the home page. >> it's a special delivery for two sisters in our area. >> coming up, two bundles of joy sisters giving birth less than 24 hours apart. why these new cuties are a special gift for other members of the family as well. and good news for some people who use new jersey transit in south jersey. how you'll soon be able to use your smart phone to catch a ride. howard. >> it's the story behind the 20-cent tip by lesean mccoy. why. we hear the other side next on inside -- i mean fox 29 news coming up. (laughter). >> coming up in weather, we're talking about cloud cover now, but a cold front is moving through. big temperature changes plus the threat of weekend rain. your forecast is next. >> tonight at 10 a big surprise in back to school gift bags. high school students get personal hygiene searches, some of them may be not so essential.
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condoms. parents they're angry. school officials explain how the embarrassing mix-up happened school officials explain how the embarrassing mix-up happened tonight at 10:00.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> new jersey transit is expanding its mobile ticket passes to south jersey. it expanded my tix app to 59 bus routes in south jersey and philadelphia area. >> do you remember when apps were called applications. i do. >> you have to don't load the app. buy monthly passes. mobile ticking begins september 26th. >> two sisters each delivered baby boys just 22 hours apart. >> that happens so often like twins. >> you have triplets. you know how this happens a lot.
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>> mine were a minute i was par. >> which is amazing. >> these sisters they're in the twins. making these deliveries even more special. they are the children actually grandchildren the first grandchildren for this family. fox 29's bruce gordon has the story. >> reporter: meet newborn jack b. nk7 pounds 6-ounces 20.5-inches long. meet his cuz zen owen whitaker 8 pounds 9-ounces and 21-inches. they were born 22 hours apart to parents who are still shaking their heads over this very special delivery. >> no words to describe it. i really can't. it's um out of body experience so far. so it's been nothing but good news and great times. >> now we're just really tied to them forever. can't get rid of them if we want. >> it began at a pizza party about nine months bridget and lee bism nk announced they were pregnant with their first child emily her younger sister was there with her husband colin. >> i was cheering her with
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champagne and wine and teasing her she couldn't drink it and then that night on the ride home my husband colin who said to me, you know, this is too strange. you've been little off. i think you should take test g she actually went home took a pregnancy test. >> four tests. >> four tests to just make sure, and the next day she knocks on my door with her husband colin and my mom and dad and says we're going to have a baby, too. >> i couldn't believe it. >> it's been the craziest nine months over. >> sisters held a dual baby shower and talked some about their dual delivery dates. september 15th. jack came a bit early wednesday morning around 7:30. emily came to abington memorial to visit. >> brought my hospital bag thinking it would be it for me i'd walk around a little and the baby would know cousin was calling it out. >> by 5:30 a.m. thursday, a second baby had entered the world. cousins just 22 hours apart. their moms beaming with pride and talking about the future. >> we gave them a brother and best friend and, you know, see
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them playing sports together and going to school together and all the way down the line. >> it's still just so surreal the whole thing is surreal. i can believe i'm a mom. i can't believe my little sister is a mom. it's crazy. it really is. >> reporter: new dad lee takes look at the two little bows the starting baseman and short stop for the 2034 phillies. for now they're happy little guys for mom who have redefined. term double play. bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> very large farm team. pre-school set. >> generous donation in philadelphia today to help in the battle against childhood cancer big donation. hyundai hope on wheels present add $250,000 grant to the children's hospital of philadelphia. a doctor at chop will use the funding for more research and to find new treatments for children with cancer. parents of children on under going treatment at chop say help like this is a blessing for the kids. >> underwent an aggressive and lengthy treatment plan.
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including surgery, chemotherapy, m. ibg therapy. so many cell transplant, proton radiation and immuno therapy all here at chop. resulting what every parent and doctor and patient hopes for. no evidence of disease. (applause). >> you can hear the little kids in the background there. so cute. >> children's hospital received nearly $2 million from hope on wheels since 2,004. patients put their little hand prints on a white hyundai. that car is priceless. >> it sure is. >> back to your fox 29 weather authority forecast. let's take live look outside old city in philadelphia just outside of our studios pretty nice little shot there with the sun. parts of our area though could see a passing shower but no rain when i played my golf this
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morning. >> you were good. got it in. >> it was beautiful. >> thank you from iain scott. >> really not that bad of a day. it could have been worse but the cloud cover early on out ahead of that front really helped us out. it helped to kind of stabilize the atmosphere as opposed to destabilize it. that could have produced some gusty thunderstorms. but if you're stepping outdoors, we'll call it mostly cloudy. it will stay breezy and then could be a few spotty showers around. i think most of us will stay dry. but as we talk a little bit about the forecast for friday, that sunshine it's going to return. the humidity it's going away behind that front and then as we move into the upcoming weekend, we're talking about below average temperatures, it will feel more like fall. but you'll need the umbrellas for part of the upcoming weekend. the not going to be a complete wash out. we'll talk about it coming up. storm reports from that cold front, mainly to our south today. as we take a look at ultimate doppler you can see that most of the showers and thunderstorms moved through sections of kentucky as well as tennessee. some wind damage reports and
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some heavy rain around the memphis area as well as lexington kentucky. but for us, that frontal boundary is moving through pretty much as dry passage. we're talking about the cloud cover lingering around some break in the clouds especially in extreme south jersey and sections of delaware. but also there could be a spotty shower around but i think the umbrellas can go in storage until the upcoming weekend. so as we look at the satellite and radar, we're talking about a cold front off to the north and west. out ahead of it winds out of the south and west muggy conditions but behind it, there's a wind shift. winds coming in out of the north and west and that will usher in some lower humidity as well as some tumbling temperatures as we watch how things play out, there could be a spotty shower once again. here's 8:00 o'clock. if we see it it would be in south jersey or central and southern sections of delaware but that frontal boundary is moving out of here overnight. so friday, it's going to be comfortable. we're looking at a lot of sunshine. beautiful conditions on friday. but then changes for the upcoming weekend. that same cold front that's
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moving through tonight it's going to advance to our north during the day on saturday. so that will increase the clouds. we'll have winds coming in off the ocean so cooler than average temperatures for saturday. and then watch what happens as we move into saturday afternoon and evening. we're watching a disturbance that will bring some showers across the area saturday afternoon and evening lingering into early sunday morning. but sunday's system will sweep all of the clouds as well as those showers out of here. so the high today made it up to 84 degrees 4 degrees above the normal for this time of year which is 80. the record 98 set back in 1983. the sun will set this evening at 7:16. so 84 degrees right now. that's our high for today. humidity up there at 63%. but look at the dew points. in the 70s right now. 70 is the current dew point for philadelphia. temperatures right now we're looking at 84 in trenton. low 80s in atlantic city. 86 currently in dover and low 80s toward parts of the lehigh valley. so 80s in philadelphia. but take look at chicago.
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52 degrees. we're talking 30s right now in kasper as well as rapid city. they're dealing with snowfall. believe it or not winter weather advisories and freeze warnings are posted out there. so 50s in the suburbs tonight. low 60s in the city and then tomorrow, beautiful. we're looking at sun and clouds. the humidity drops. 77 degrees will be the high temperature and then as we talk about that upcoming weekend, saturday late into early sunday it's going to be a little soggy unfortunately it but temperatures will feel more like fall only with highs in the low 70s. >> i look it. i'm happy. i just don't need the 3 feet of snow, though. that's all. >> it could be coming. >> exactly. >> later. >> iain doesn't want to think about it right now. >> takes me back to last year. >> just think football. i love that. >> just don't go to montana. eagles head coach chip kelly has a different quarterback as the opponent this week. much tougher but tells us how he knows him,. >> and what was the reason for that 20-cent tip by lesean mcc
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>> and what was the reason for that 20-cent tip by lesean mcc mccoy? he tells us coming up in why do we start with a kickoff special? because it's the start of the nfl season, and that's pretty special. get any large two-topping pizza for just $10. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5. better pizza, better football. papa john's.
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>> the eagles have a much tougher opponent in game two this week, and it's because it's a better quarterback. it's also tougher because it's on the road in indianapolis. colts are 2.5 favorite against the eagles. i did think the eagles will win
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but not easily. now, for years, when you played the colts you worried about peyton manning. those days are gone. but the quarterback is still the concern when playing indy. andrew luck was the first player taken in the draft two years ago. he clearly was the best quarterback to come out of college in years. chip kelly nose luck very well. playing at stanford. chip saw him every year when he was at oregon and actuall actuas two-one against luck so he knows what to expect. >> everything is good. he's 6-foot four, 235 pounds, he's the smart test guy you'll good against. he's got -- he can make every play in the book and runs four, six, five what separates andrew from a lot of other great quarterbacks is that he has the ability to extend plays not only in just staying in the pocket but he can hurt you on the football. i don't know the number. you can look it up. he had a lot of 50 plus runs in college. >> just pretty incredible. the story just won't go away. it's not about ray rice. it's not about the nfl
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commissioner roger goodell about a 20-cent tip by lesean mccoy at a northern liberties burger place pyt. the server and the owner put the tip on mccoy 60-dollar tab publicly on social media. today mccoy who spoke to the media he does it every week at this time. he was also told charlie sheen jumped in and said he would put a thousand dollars up. mccoy responded said it's about time charlie sheen has done something right. >> i tip on my service. you know, and i think the difference between, you know, good service and bad service or just having bad day. there's big difference just being rude and disrespectful, you know. so that's how that went. 20-cent tip was just more kind of a statement. you can't be disrespect tull and expect somebody to tip you. i don't care who the person is. that's why i left my card to see my name. >> it's the tip revenge by lesean mccoy next.
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(laughter). >> thank you howard. that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we'll see you back here at
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the ray rice scandal. did this woman trigger the notorious elevator attack. >> don't drag me in the middle of that. then exclusive, president barack obama's look-alike half- brother. they even laugh alike. >> you guys didn't really like each other. plus, did arnold schwarzenegger erase his ex- wife from his official portrait? then, two best friends, and the disaster that broke up their friendship. they almost lost their lives and then they refused to speak to each other. exclusive. their first time together since the accident.