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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  September 10, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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real quickly here, before we get into this area, i wanted to give birthday shout out to heather fisher, hi, heather. >> happy birthday, heather. >> your husband reached out to us and said that you are a very big fan. he'll be home in february. >> apparently he does watch the show. i emailed him last night, probably late in the afternoon there, way overseas. >> but you can watch anywhere, as we stream on line. >> he is watching on >> so thank you for watching. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday, heather. hey, did you ever think it was okay to treat your child like your child was your friends? you know? >> no. >> parents, friends, you shouldn't be doing it, i don't think, experts say this can do a lot of harm to that kid. we'll explain. >> plus, did apple just kill the credit card? new iphone, new watch, and brand new way to pay for things. we explain apple picks.
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>> would you trust? >> big question. >> do you know who -- once you see him, you will never forget him. he is on good day this morning, talking about new movie no good deed. but it is a horror film with a shocking twist. what is the twist? what we need to know. >> she lets him into her house, she should not have. >> are you telling us the twist? >> is that your guess? >> well, i know that's the promise. >> okay. >> another twist. >> like right at the end? >> like anyone would let him in. >> is he from the wire? >> yes. >> i know this guy. >> and he also played mandela. >> oh, that's right. >> in a lot of stuff. >> luther at the british series, bbc america. >> well, apparently two have been stalking the poor man. >> we've seen him. >> he is with us today. >> oh, my gosh. >> single men and women are no longer in the minority. check out these stats. >> for the first time ever government figures show single
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americans make up the majority of the population here in the united states, not married people. singles now represent just over half of the population, compared to just over 37% back in 1976. experts expect this trend to continue. >> i think this is little bit after misnomer. because people just aren't getting married. >> right. but they've long-term commitments. >> they're in relationship like a marriage, but they have to write down on forms tax returns, stuff lining that, that they're single. wouldn't you say that's true? >> i would say that's true. also think a lot more single people, wouldn't people just starting getting married? >> i think society has changed, put pressure on people back in the day to get married before they live together. now you just live together. >> oh, my dad? my younger sister, joanne started living with her boyfriend. >> ooh. >> and my dad would not go in
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their house. still loved my sister, woe pull up to the house and she would have to come out. he wouldn't go into the house. >> because that would be sanctioning. >> sanctioning. >> living in sin. >> i don't think my par won't approve of it, either. >> no? they're watching right now. >> they are watching. and probably telling me uh-huh. >> text us, let us know. >> they watch on line. >> every morning. >> in text. >> all right. >> won't do it, i promise. >> you won't? >> no. >> also, if you live together, it is less likely that you will get the ring. he gets comfortable, oh, he's here. >> why boy the cow. >> if you get the any being for free. >> we're still saying this in 2014,. >> but still true. >> back in my day, people would get married out of high school, certainly right out of college. married in college. about 20 years old.
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>> so i'm way behind. >> contacted by anybody? >> no. >> you're single. >> just out here single girl living in the world. >> by myself. injury mick maclin responded but he is engaged almost? >> yes, he says here on the show that's about to propose. >> now, on twitter, i got many -- why don't you introduce her to michael kendricks one of our eagles? >> i won't do. that will we went on q's show, 107.9, and he calls him up, live on the radio show. >> michael? >> yes. >> pressure. >> get this, he never called me back. >> oh,. >> haven't we all been there, girl? and everyone was calling in, but not him. >> but not him. >> so he doesn't want me. >> okay. >> his lost. >> yes, his lost. >> just saying. >> i would like to leave that alone, because he ditched me on the raid yes. >> you know i won't leave it alone. one single lady is trying to change her status. not just alex. >> gave her boyfriends a very
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direct sign that she is ready for a proposal. check this out. can you see the last thing on this grocery list? see there? right under milk? coffee? it says a diamond ring. just at the bottom. no big deal. i think she should have put it at the top. a man posted this grossly list on line after his girlfriend gave it to him. no word if he did the proposal. i mean, can you buy a diamond ring at the grocery store? >> maybe in the gum ball machine? >> ring pop! >> ring pop, exactly. >> oh, i used to love those. >> so the ring under soy milk and coffee. >> same aisle! >> soy miami being -- soy milk, coffee, diamonds. >> now, you see this all the time. >> the cool mom. >> the cool mom. that's exactly right. >> that's what they are called. now, new study says that a children -- british expert on
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childhood education says parents who become too friendly with their children are actually doing them more harm than good. >> she says involving children in adult conversations and activities causes them to grow up faster than necessary. she also adds that parents should not sympethize with a child's instruments he will by sharing their own proms from their childhood. i again they don't want to hear that. she said it shows when you don't understand something, it is okay to give up. >> oh, boy. so, in other words, don't ask them too much about -- >> in other words, saying, well, when i was your age, blah blah blah. and i don't know that that's always a bad thing? >> jen, i know you love your little five year old laundry. i can see maybe you hanging out with laundry and her friends when they're teenagers in 1000%. now, here's what i have to say. i have a british step mom. and none of them watch it.
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>> v all her kids are a mess. and she thinks that i am too close with my kids. the same thing that i go snow board withing them, we wear the same size clothes, breed i and i. and she agrees that you should be sending these kids away to boarding school and finishing school and manners school. and i have told brody, you know, it is hard focusing and all of that other stuff. so i do sympethize, by the way -- >> hard to focus? >> he's my number one child. get out of the way. that's one of his low ranks members of his team getting ready to climb over. i will say this. you know, i don't think -- i think there needs to be a little bit of separation, right? i don't think you need to be taking them to the movies at 10:00 o'clock at night on a saturday, but i think that in this world, we are better friends with our kids than we were 25 years ago. >> okay, i need a ruling. violation. good friends of mine, works for the television industry,
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having her bachelorette party, her mother wants to go to it. >> oh, no, no, no. >> no. >> three no's? >> no, no, no, no. >> why not? >> it is just weirds. >> here is the thing. there needs to be a separation of church and state. the mom is the church. the girlfriends are the state. you know what i'm snake. >> ya? >> and the thing is that you need to become your own person, because i have friends, and they will tell you, and it is true, that their mom is their best friends. do you know what that means? they have become their mom. they are not their own person. >> you know, you have to give out that discipline, and you can't do it if you're their friend. you still need to be the authority figure in their life. >> and i think they want parents. >> they want guidance. they want somebody to tell them right from wrong, yes. >> and, you know, we talked about. >> this we don't have a wi. or play station or anything in our house, so of course i am the meanest man ever. >> you are. jen, thanks a lot. we want to get to this, too,
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we hook up with harvey levin at "tmz", all about the ray rice controversy and roger goodel responding, made statements like. that will this all got started because of "tmz". there is the man responsible, harvey lever inch, welcome back to philadelphia, harvey. >> hey, guys, how flu. >> good, good. what's your take on that interview did he with cbs? did he help himself snout. >> i got to tell you, this is bs. and i'm very slow to say. that will i don't think you are going to hear me saying something like that very often. but his is bs. and i'll tell you why. for all sorts of reasons, goodel makes no sense. he actually said, which is just so bushily, he actually said that, well, we went to the police and asked for things and we weren't able to get the video. and then they said, well, "tmz" was able to get it. then they said well we wanted to get it from a credible source. >> huh? >> like the police? >> our video is from the
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casino. >> yes. >> guess where the cops got their video? >> from the casino. >> the casino. so what is he saying? it is like, number one, the casino video is the source video. so it is ridiculous. he never went to the casino and asked for the video. they never went to the casino. and that's where you have to wonder, did goodel really want to see this video? because he knew she had been knocked out. and there was smoke. and you want to see what happened inside. he even said that. well, you see what's happening inside by going to the casino and getting the video. he never did it. and if he says that, well, that source is not credible, which makes no sense at all, why did he indefinately suspends rice about five hours after we posted that video on our website? so, his argument makes no sense. and one other thing: an nfl source told us that what he was actually saying,
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backpedaling, what he was actually saying, well, really what's going on here is that the commissioner didn't want to interfere with the criminal investigation, and that's why he didn't go to the casino, woe have been doing -- so, outwent blow a hole in that one? here is how we do it, the criminal investigation, the case ended may 20th. it was over may 20th. he had all of june, and almost all of july, he had two months, before he decided on the two game suspension, two months, after the criminal case was over. where there is no interference, go over to the casino and say hey, can i see this video. never did it. >> that is absolutely right. he had since may to do it. >> now you are an attorney as well. what do you think about prosecutors atlantic county? they saw the elevator tape. >> right. i know what happened there. i mean, we have talked to people in that office. and on background, and to me
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there is one problem. see, what happened was they sent it over to the grand jury. grand jury issued felony indictment. but rice's lawyer went to the court and said, look, he is eligible for what amounts to like a diversion program. where it is not going to be a felony, casino of like a misdemeanor. >> because it is first offense? >> first offense, and he met those cry tear y and here's the problem. prosecutor had the right to go in and object and say, your honor, yes, he meets this cry tear y but there are extenuating circumstances. look at this video, he should not get it. they didn't do it. >> i heard people say well she didn't, janaa, didn't press charges. she doesn't have to. the police trump her, don't they? >> here is the thing. more than 50% of the cases, at least in l.a. county, this is pretty good measure, more than
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50% of the cases involving domestic violence involve women who are afraid to testify. we recant their stories, yet the da gets more than 09 presser conviction rate. when all you got is his word, her word, and some injuries. here you got a video. what do you need her for? you got a video. what do you need her for? you have got a video. and that's where this case is different. that's why this makes no sense. on the prosecutor side, i don't get it. i don't understand why they didn't object. but on the nfl side, i feel like goodel had reached his decision. i opportunity do a two-game suspension. and i feel like he knew that that video was going to get in the way of that decision if he look at it. and i think this was somebody who went like this, for some reason, and i don't know what that reason is, but this one
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smells. >> hey, 102nd, that's all we got left on your window here. you got anything else? you know, sitting there on ureides being, released? >> well, you know, always working on stories. so stay tuned. >> i love your show. now you got an extra hour, wasting my entire life watching you. >> great to see you. >> thanks, guys. >> yes, we changed scheduled for tm snaz. >> i was glued to it yesterday the live show, "tmz" live, i love that. >> i think they are doing that at 11:00. and half hour "tmz" at 2:00. >> later. >> at 3:00 we do another hour. >> ya, i know. i was watching -- >> i think that schedule will be temporary until we get the real -- >> oh, starts soon. all the ladies? monday, i think? all right, quick weather, because we want to breakdown this iphone six, especially, the iphone six plus. >> all right, you see the sun finally coming out. we had two days every pretty much cloudiness all the time.
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>> yes, and i missed the big super moon last night. >> i know. still casino every cloudy but see sunshine, perfect 80 degrees today. but the heat, humidity, close to 09 tomorrow. then boom, thunderstorms late in the day, remember, how saturday was cents? >> yes. >> tomorrow will be just like saturday. >> okay. >> then friday will be beautiful then shower or two on saturday, not big deal, sunday, perfect, high of 75 degrees, gorgeous outside. >> at least nice days sprinkled in there. >> we do. >> first time in a long time i have nothing to do this week end. >> so just going to relax, lay out. >> i'm going to stay in my underwear and watch it. >> v, watch it. >> mz. after months and months of rumors anticipation, well, the cats out of the bag. >> the iphone six, head honchos at apple announce the iphone six, six plus, cool features as added bonus, among those who may just be waiting in line for the new phone,
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stephanie humphrey here to announce, tell us all about it. >> did you lose your place? line? >> i do not wait in line. i love tech as much as the next person but not enough to campout for it. >> first off i love your new hairdo. >> thank you very much. >> very dewey. >> she has red on, too. >> right? >> all right. so, if i get one, i think i will ' go for the iphone six plus, because it is bigger why size? >> well, because the market is already flooded with so-called fablets, hybrid between phone and tablet, a lot of other phones, so iphone had to keep up. people were asking for that larger screen. and that ability to do a little bit more with the phone. soap, they gave that you option, which is great. >> also keeping up with something else, talking about the watch, flight. >> yes, that apple watch is so cool. i love. that will i might stands in line for. that will because i think they really hit the nailon the head with the stylish
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necessary of it ability to draw people in with the design, highly customizeable, 18 karat gold option. so i think a lot of people are going to gravitated toward this phone. >> and style is important. because we just mentioned earlier, my parents have the first one, think i with android phones, i think we have a picture. i asked my mom to send it in. they wear it all the time. it is casino of geeky. >> it is, little clung i, looks very much tech i, if you will, i think iphone was trying to make sure that people had a watch that they would actually want to wear. actually comes in two sizes, as well. because i know a big complaint from women the other watches were little big for their wrist. >> it didn't sell because it wasn't stylish enough. >> that's the thing. >> well, who would wear that? no woman would wear. that but your mother. >> yes.
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>> huge, clung iy, bulky, and i think people will be attracted. >> i don't care about the watch. can you make a phonecall on the watch? >> you can. you can make phonecalls, but do you have to have your phone kind of tethered to the watch. so you will need your iphone, blue tooth kind of with you. it could be in your purse your pocket, as long as it is nearby. >> one more thing. >> you have to have it in your pocket? >> my dad is like this walking in the store. hello? i'm like dad! >> no more that far. >> the headline yesterday was that you can replace your wallet, and credit cards by just walking up to the item you want at the cash register, and watch this. you just go -- you pay. >> and that's too easy. >> apple pay what it is called. >> apple pay i think will be huge.
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we've seen this before with google wallet and some other technology, trying to get that nfc technology to take off. >> functionality still clungy, and concerns about security, but i think apple has answer add lot of those questions, and i think with all of the major retailers, major banks, and major credit cards companies -- >> i'm do it. >> they're going to really get people -- >> stephanie, here is the problem. isn't the same company that got hacked, the i cloud and all of these make pictures came out? >> also little questionable. because apple is still contending that i cloud itself was not breached. hackers were able to get into those celebrity accounts, because of weak password, other things like, that so there is a difference when talking security between those two types of hacks. >> we love you, we missed you.
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hey, still ahead. half of american children receive allowance, but most of them,. >> spends it all. idea to teach them about spending. put it in the piggy bank. well, they're not doing it. >> typical kids. >> i have a solution. >> tell me about it. >> ill in two.
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>> how do you spell dad? >> atm. >> did you ever feel like your kids, atm, ah, money, money. the reason they're coming, it is your fault, mom, dad. >> this new survey shows a
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thirds of children who receive an allowance come back for more. and come back for more. and come back for more. after they spends it all. majority of parents give it to them. in fact, more than 08% say they give their children more money even after they spends all that they have. and what's more, another study found, just 1 percent of kids get money from -- save money, i should say, from their allowance, get their alone ands, spends it all. >> 1 percent save it? >> 1 percent save it. 99% spends it all. >> you know what my parents didn't, just expected to do certain chores around the house. mine was to take out the trash. that was the one good thing about having four sisters. my mom and dad, they did all of like the domestic stuff around, they made my bed. >> oh, horrified. >> their job, because they were girls. >> they were girls. >> that was back then. >> you agree my chore was?
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>> cleaning up the kitty litter? >> that's it. >> that's that is. >> i what do you mean? the pooper scooper, all kind of smells. >> now they have those electronic trace. >> it doesn't work. >> doesn't work? >> it jumps out, watch go by. >> then they go zzzz. >> so cats playing with it? >> oh, like a toy. >> i can see that happening. >> children love cats. >> so it is okay. >> low maintenance, that's what i like, just sit in the window, don't have to worry about it. >> that's what i like. >> not jumping all over you. >> i like to watch them sitting in the window, looking at the birds, but there is something about my crotch. (laughing). >> a cat, if i walk into a room, they want to sit on my lap. >> really? >> yes. >> every animal that comes --
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>> yes, walk in the elevator in my apartment building, every dog goes right for me. >> what do you put in there? >> what? i don't have cat nip in my pants or anything. i wish it worked that way. >> for the ladies? >> for the ladies. all right, let's gave you gave a tweet, all a twitter about this actor. >> yes. >> he was in the film mandela, in american gangster. >> on the show this morning, and you'll want to see his new horror movie. ask him about the twist everyone has been talking about next. >> of course you can't tell us about next. >> of course you can't tell us what the twist; that will
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at
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ago of rage frequently involving the attentions of the a woman. >> lou so beautiful when you sleep. >> when i was in prison i thought a lot about you. >> i tried to wait. >> no, you didn't. >> there is violence in this man. >> parole is denied. >> a magnificent, what a malignant narcissist, we're not talking about me. >> no. >> that is the clip from no good deed, and i'm already scared of this movie. >> set to open this friday, i want to see it. it stars a very talented irdis elba will. the british actor joins us live from london, good morning, irdis elba. >> welcome to philadelphia. >> good morning, alex, how are you. good morning. >> everyone has been talking about the twist in this movie. i heard you guys even canceled advanced screening because it is so important. i mean what is it, give us a
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hint. >> i cannot tell you. >> no hint. >> no, we had to protect it. >> it comes out on friday and everyone will talk about it. >> yeah, that is the thing, we have to figure something out. so once people see it, we will put them in clutches and put them on an island somewhere. >> so what it about then besides the twist. >> well, you know, i play a character that is very much troubled. he has issues. basically, he is on a vendetta. when you meet him, you really think that this is a guy trying to get out of jail, up for parole but he does have a vendetta and i think basically it just keeps going and going. he has a really bad day that keeps getting worse and worse and that is what you will see. tane taraji plays a victim in this video but she isn't a victim in the end.
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you'lle. >> can you give us a hint, without giving us a hint. >> yes, i love her. >> yes, i can tell thaw taraji can really fight. i'm telling you that right now that is all i will say she can really put up a good fight. >> she's the bad one. >> wow, ahh. >> i like thaw are doing that. >> what is that accent thaw every doing, not the one you're doing now because that is real, british accent, the one in the movie what did you base that on? >> i tried to to a general, sort of a general american accent. i was than the really trying to be specific to any coast, just hopefully flat. if i'm honest there was a sort of southern draw that kept coming in, but i kind of lost it but it is really meant to be sort of general, what do you think of it, is it okay. >> no, we like it. >> a lot of us first got to
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know you in the wire. are people still surprised to find out thaw are british. >> yeah, i think people are. you know what i mean. over the last five years i think, you know, by media and press people know i'm english but they have not heard me speak in real life and then they get freaked out when they hear me speak. >> is there a one english, well, you are speaking english , more, is there a certain word you have a hard time with. >> anything with r in it. in this movie, when i say river road. >> yes. >> i said river road. i have a soft r. it was like river road. >> so, tar aji she was always like what are you trying to say there. >> yes. >> taraji will let you know. >> by the way, i didn't look this up, are you married?
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>> no. >> why are you trying to propose to me on tv. >> no, i'm straight but i do find awe tracktive. no. >> everyone find him. >> the two women i'm sitting with here of been waiting for this all morning, so they are very happy with that announcement, not that you two have a chance. >> we just respect his talent as a actor. >> yes, very talented. >> is this the first time you you have done a horror film, and it looks pretty scary and i have seen your other stuff. >> the last thriller difficult was obsessed with beyonce and allie lighter. i was victim in that case and allie played the psycho character. this is first time i have play a psychotic scary character. i hate to say it but it was kind of enjoyable to to. >> probably type casting, probably not the man for you. >> good luck, fantastic. come and visit philly sometime. great to see you. >> i will, i love philly,
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thanks so much for that? we love him. >> yes. >> we get the point. >> now, it is jen's turn to repel down, well, this is a practice repel, are you ready to go. >> but hey she's scared, mike. i lah like irdis elba. >> you would be scared too. >> yes. >> we will talk about it later. are you ready to go down. >> am i ready. >> i'm ready. >> she's scared. >> where is the big mouth on jen. the she's so scared. >> after the break, after
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a lot of trash talking this morning. >> and that is theme song of what jen business to do because she's on a rope and about to repel. the the thing about jen is, the only time she's quiet is when she is nervous and frighten. jen, are you nervous. >> i am a little nervous and i have to say as people don't know, i'm still afraid of heights, even i do this nonsense all the time. >> there you are. >> wow. >> okay, am i ready. >> i have to do it myself, right. >> yeah, like you did last year. >> are you ready. >> she's a little nerve us. >> you have have not moved. >> wow, wow. >> hi, q, how are you. >> let's talk about the losing team. >> you see jen, we have coach
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lane from u penn how are you doing. >> looking great i'm looking forward to being on your team october 24th. >> you are trying to scare my team members. >> it will happen. >> holy, you went down like three hours ago. >> it is my halloween outfit, my new outfit day today. >> any motivation you are a personal trainer. >> i went down, awesome, donate to team jen fred. >> yes, something happened with the mike. >> now we have team q, tracie, are you okay, are you ready. >> no,. >> i got tracie last night, yeah, q anything you need me to do, it is three stories and going down 31 stories. >> no? you look like you want to curse. we have mia menendez, are you ready for this. >> i'm ready, anything for you, q. >> it is not for me but for the the kids. >> we have q, you have been here since 6:00 in the
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morning. >> everybody has went down and i feel like you will be last within to go down. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> are you motivated, excitedded. >> we're doing this for the kids. >> jen is doing an amazing job, look at jen. >> she almost fell off. can you get back on. >> jen is going down. i went down earlier. go to my fox philly and donate to team jen and q and it goes to the outward bound school. are you guys ready. >> yes. >> our team looks scared. >> yes. >> i'm angry because, i want to say hello to marshall mitchell, because you guys, this is my team and i'm looking at energy on this team. >> we ready, q. >> we ready. >> now, you are a rowing coach at u penn . do you have any motivation for everyone participating.
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>> energy is always important so i'm a little concern with these guys over here. honesty is also important for fact they don't know they are going down 31 stories. i'm concern. >> they thought it was like three. >> okay. wow, jen went down. i went down. will challenge has begun, guys, back to you guys in the studio. >> october 24th is it turns into 31 floors. this is about 60 feet, the the other thing is like 480 feet. it gets a little scary. bottom line get to our page on my fox we want to raise money for outward bound. >> yeah. >> well, you did it, jen. >> yeah, jen. >> jen did it. >> they are having so much fun. >> but i love her type, spider jen type. >> yes, all the way down.
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>> still ahead the new season of hell's kitchen tonight, four of those contestants are here and they are from the philadelphia area. >> four of them. >> there they are. we will put their talent to the the test, coming up. we build spiralmate. and prorail. we're number one in north america. here at ductmate industries, pennsylvania workers are proud to make top-rated parts for ventilation systems. and they're proving there's a future for manufacturing in pennsylvania. i've got a plan to rebuild our manufacturing economy. and we'll do it by connecting companies with vocational education to ensure that our workforce is trained for the jobs of today. i'm tom wolf. and together, we can build an economy that works for the middle-class.
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it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide.
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oh, yeah, ohio players, that song is for segment we have for you right now, about hell's kitchen. pennsylvania, representing in the new season of hell's kitchen and that premieres tonight right here on fox. there are four local contestants turning up the heat, lets take a look. >> this season it will be, if not out right dangerous. >> we need a medic, right now. >> certainly trying. >> no, no, no. >> straight to the gut. >> and testy. >> i don't think anybody is getting through this tonight. >> and never before. >> wow, will they make it out alive? let's find out with mike and alex who is outside with all four of our local contenders. >> we have them here live. first lets say everybody's name. >> i'm ashley i work in bethlehem pa. >> all righty.
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>> dineen i work at local tavern in philly airport. >> i'm sorry. >> i'm jennifer, executive chef at cube libre at philly. >> i'm working at treemont on 15th and locust. >> that is delicious. >> come check us out. >> okay, so there is 18 contestants. >> yes. >> premiere is tonight. we have four out of our area. four out of 18. come on, within of you have to come through. >> odds are looking good. philly is in the building. the we're here. four out of 18. we will kill it. tune in. >> it is at 8:00 o'clock tonight. alex and i will do this red, what sit called. >> red band society. >> yes, premiering. >> at 7:30 at dave and busters. i will run over to cuba libre because every wednesday night there will be a watch party, starting tonight. >> yes. >> we can watch every episode every wednesday night at cuba libre. >> i will do a hell's kitchen
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inspired cuban dish every week. >> now remine everybody, ashley, why don't do you this, what is the premise of the show. >> eighteen people compete to become one of the gordon ramsey's executive chefs and win $250,000. >> that is a lot of money. >> how do you put up with him. >> you just know he is a very passionate man and you let it happen. >> he scars the heck out of me. >> he is passionate. >> in real life he is such a sweet guy. >> he is fabulous. i got to sit there and talk to him one on one and he is sweet, and genuine bye interested in your life and you just don't get that. >> two hour premiere and they will do men against women. someone will get kick off tonight. >> someone is going home, hopefully not us. >> so you have to present a signature dish. >> yes. >> are these the ones thaw will present tonight. >> no. >> no. >> these are their own special, this is for us. >> this is for you. >> philly dish.
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>> what did you do. >> this is a kind of like a deconstructed gluten free chicken, it has black bean, and corn relish with chicken thigh and apple citrus. >> how do you get the flavor in there. when it comes to gluten dishes they are worried about still getting that flavor. >> welshing you can do it with a lot of veggies, a lot of different seasonings, cumen and all of the citrus and things that brings it out and makes it just all the better without the bread. >> gives it that the punch. >> next up what is this dish. >> i have a chicken egg plant rollteni and you have a mar nature, fried basil, stuffing with ricotta cheese, white onion and red ball pepper. >> okay, jen, what do you got. >> hi, mike. >> i have a pan roasted mahi, with a crab, corn, and
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peppers, onions and cumen and then of spicy lobster tomato broth. >> what do you have. >> they are already competing. >> yes. >> always a competition. >> what i have is a spice arctic shaved cucumber and char chile. >> what is that. >> it is in the salmon family, similar to sal machine and trout. reason why i chose this fish because i love cured sal machine but takes a long time to cure. where as, the char takes two hours and get same effect. >> where did you learn how to cook. >> combination of both, my grandmother all my life, ever since i was a child but i work at a restaurant at walnut hill college and working with my mentor at the tremachines you are one up, because your dad wasn't he in charge of the school.
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>> he actually, teaches culinary to high school students right now but he has been in the industry since he was about 16 years old. >> so you learn at an early age. >> we would definitely have dinner parties at home and everybody would try everything and we would just mess around all the time. >> mike. >> he is trying to get it all in. >> remine everybody what time does it the tart tonight. >> 8:00 p.m., fox. >> yes. >> two hour special. >> do you know what will happen. >> of course. >> you will not tell us. >> no. >> this whole show is hard been shot. >> yes. >> so one of you could be the winner. >> indeed. >> watch every week tune in. >> char. >> all right, sue take ate way. mike's mouth is full. >> we know where we will be at 8:00 o'clock tonight fox 29. >> only two in months until 50 shades of gray, coming up original christian gray why he back out of the movie we're
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talking about charlie
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five minutes from wendy williams, although those are my four biggest fans. >> yes. >> and that is my apartment and it is all about me. >> okay. >> so, this actor named charlie hunam. >> yes. >> a year ago on this show we said he was set to star as christian gray in 50 shades of gray. now, all of a sudden he goes nope, i'm out. sue, what have you found out. >> there are a couple issues and one of them was he had scheduling conflict but other one is anxiety about this movie. said those were two things that led to his decision to bow out of playing christian
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gray. he was playing three characters at the time and other projects going on and they became too much for him to handle, all of the anxiety so he dropped out of 50 shades of gray film, two months after he was cast. >> i bet he is happy that he did that. >> yeah. >> it ace a lot of pressure, women, those who read the book, i'm not saying those that did. >> did you. >> i read part of it. >> little much. >> just the dirty parts. >> but people were saying, you know, it is a lot of pressure, christian gray, he is supposed to be the man who can live up to that. >> we have seen trailer. it looks horrible. >> but he did the trailer, okay. >> yes. >> the charlie probably made the right choice to get out. >> who is the the guy, do you remember his name. >> i do not. >> they say he is too thin. >> melony griffith's daughter plays, what is her face. >> the other girl. >> okay. speaking of woman, the women
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at the center of the chris jener hacking scandal this woman is, well, she's ill. >> woman tells radar on line that the fbi seized her computer and belongings but still has not been arrested. she says she's innocent and is planning a man to bureau her computer for just a few months. she said she used to work for chris and they had a falling out. >> this woman has been stalking her, lives in the san francisco bay area and went down, she took a trip to los angeles to specifically search chris out and met her. >> wow. >> and there is footage maybe we can get it tomorrow, is there footage released of this woman on a roller coaster and whole time on the roller coaster she goes i love you chris, i love you chris. >> i saw it on tmz. >> yes. >> maybe tomorrow we can talk about this fight, between katie perfect i and taylor swift. they are enemies. >> girl fight. >> look at this tweet, watch
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out, for the regina george and sheep's clothing. >> mean gir she
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is giving us a peek at her fabulous shoe collection. plus samuel l. jackson lashes out on live tv. wendy has the details. plus all the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy. ♪