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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  September 9, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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is it really a in must have. a shady situation at a philly burger joint did lesean mccoy really leave a 20cent tip after the the game on sunday? and if he did, or didn't, should restaurant have called him out on it on social media we have so much to discuss. welcome back today two of our new set here on good day philadelphia alex decided to come back. >> i'm here again. >> for day two. >> you survived day one very well. >> welshing thank you. >> yes. >> boy will weather be great today, sue. >> yes, this is where i was. >> slide in my shot better. >> we're still getting used to things. there is a learning curve here. >> hi, here's the deal, do you remember yesterday. >> i do, a little bit of it. it will be like that again to take. we have cloud cover and there will be some sunshine. it won't be too hot today. but there is a chance of
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showers. your pal and mine bus stop buddy has the just in case umbrella with him. temperatures in the 50's and 60's to get you started this morning at the bus stop and for most it is a dry morning, easterly wind at 10 miles an hour. 68 degrees. relative humidity at 68 percent this morning. seventy-three is our high temperature with mostly cloudy skies and a stray shower and 63 degrees tonight with mostly cloudy skies and a few showers. is there your fox cast from the weather authority. now it is time to take a look at traffic. we will get started this morning with a look at the pennsylvania turnpike, southbound, northeast extension, approaching, lansdale, we have a problem with an accident. so far things are moving kind of well with that and it looks like that is a situation there. also on i-95 northbound approaching cottman avenue we have a disable vehicle still
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there and left lane still blocked. finally on the new jersey turnpike north bound at hightstown that tractor trailer fire is still there. only one lane is block but still very slow going at that part of the northbound new jersey turnpike, alex. >> thanks so much sue. breaking news regard ago this troubling new video of nfl star ray rice in an elevator of a new jersey casino. >> tmz is all over this. tmz is reporting that the nfl never asked for the video inside the elevator during their investigation. kind of surprising. their sources say at tmz if the league had asked because the the casino would have complied. we will show you the tape. chris murphy has been following this. hoist telling the truth here, chris. >> big question with you big fall out for roger goodell the the commissioner. as you mention he had yesterday, mike. the those sources say in one from the nfl ever contacted them to request a video from inside the elevator. they say cop its of the surveillance video were made
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from police and the the rice's lawyer. but however tmz's nfl sources say league requested all information but got nothing because it was a pending case. so that evidently precluded them from handing it over. ravens head coach john harbaugh says the team only saw the video for the first time yesterday. >> they had a meeting, it was not a long meeting. we came to the decision to release ray and that is what we did. >> coming up later this morning on good day we will have a sports attorney in. he is also an author. we will discuss fall out in depth with us. also president obama weighing in on this yesterday. he issued a statement and in part he said hitting a woman is not something a real man does and that is true whether or not the the act of violence happened in the public eye or far too often, behind closed doors. >> so when the commissioner asked ray, into his office, what happened, did ray not say i punched her right in the face with my fist.
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>> apparently not. >> obviously not. >> what ray rice was saying shouldn't they have asked to see the the video and try to do more to get their hand on it. >> nfl has some of the best investigators around, so wouldn't they become pulled to ask those questions. >> we have to ask the attorney that even if they asked for it, it is a pending case should they not turn it over. >> other question legally i would think is there double jeopardy in this case. he has been given his punishment. >> we had howard eskin on the show yesterday and he said he knew this tape existed. how come commissioner of the nfl doesn't have have it. should we name howard eskin nfl commissioner. >> that is bad business and nfl is a business. >> if you have any questions for him get on twitter, for him, tweet us. so you heard a clip from espn's keith at the top of the show here. that was part of the nearly six minute speech. some called it a rant, in
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which keith accused the league of a cover up. here's more of that. >> each leading individual involved came to a judicial conclusion about what had happened to janet palmer and what should happen to ray rice and each through deception or incompetence mislead public, damage efforts of every man and woman in this country seeking to merely slow down the murder us epidemic of domestic violence and made a mcry of those who batter those who claim they love are to be brought to justice. not one of them not commissioner goodell, not senior vice-president birch, not nfl chief council jeff p ash, baltimore team president, richard cast, not general maine ozzie new some, cysttent prosecutor dianne ruburt of atlantic county new jersey, not prosecutor jim maclean, not superior court judge michael, in the ray rice himself, no matter what actions were taken today against rice or what might be taken in the future, none of them have any remaining credibility and each must leave or be expelled from their current positions. despite the obsession of the
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moment, it does not truly matter whether they had seen to video before today. the league, the team, the prosecutors, either whitewashed ray rice's brutal assault without ever having seen this video, or they saw the the video and they whitewashed rice's brutal assault anyway. accused prosecutor, andrew burton... >> whether you agree with him or not get on facebook and twitter and let us know what you think. speaking of sports. >> you can be soon aloud to bet on sports in casinos and race tracks in new jersey. now we will bring in steve keeley, he is live talking about this and what does this mean, could this be the future for atlantic city. >> reporter: with all that stuff you mentioned with the the ray rice fiasco and that connection to atlantic city, even though governor was down here and nfl has been fighting the governor on all of this. they were kind of bus toy put it mildly. they didn't have any comment on the governor's move to make a move to try to get sports betting legal and going down here in atlantic city.
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so some comment from the nfl just yet. so stopping the state's move toward sports betting not priority number one yesterday, but everyone expects nfl lawyers to go to court as early as today, to make a counter move to stop it were it can even start. the governor happened to be here as you can see in at atlantic city for his previously planned summit on how to save the jobs still in existence and casinos still this business for now here, this first question, from reporters about his news conference about that summit wasn't about that, but it was about his own state of appointed attorney general putting out what was called a state white directive telling local new jersey prosecutors and police that atlantic city's casinos and horse race tracks across new jersey would not be committing any crime under state law if they begin taking sports bets. >> i didn't sign any order today. the attorney general issued a directive interpreting the the third circuit's decision.
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his interpretation is that given the third circuit's decision there is nothing that prevents entity is in this stating forward and offering sports gaming. that is what happened today. for any other specifics on that you know what the old saying if you have yourself it is a client, you have any as an lawyer. go to the attorney general's office and he will give you more specifics. i signed absolutely nothing today this is a interpretation from the state attorney general and i refrain to the state attorney general's office for more specifics. >> well, here in new jersey, for those of you don't know the difference between state of new jersey and pennsylvania attorney general in pennsylvania, kathleen cain, elect by the people of pennsylvania. that is why you have a democrat attorney general and republican governor. here in new jersey they call it the most powerful governor ship in the country because's points all those people. it is his attorney general. the attorney general to use his words does president put out any directives without getting the directive from the man in charge the governor. he what's spraying the the question essentially because he did not want to give
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lawyers for nfl or anybody that will fight him in court in these future weeks anymore ammunition to use against him. governor's lawyer asked a federal judge also to take up new jersey's request to change the federal judge's order last year you will recall when we were here. that stopped states from having sports betting. a lawyer for casinos here rick levinson a big name down here form kerosene owe control commissioner says judge will likely agree with governor christie's argument and that means he says that sports betting could be here, could be legal in the casinos and the at race tracks mostly in the meadow land by super bowl weekend. so nothing right away, you will not bet on the eagles here in atlantic city think weekend but maybe if the eagles make it to the super bowl you will be able to legally bet on them in atlantic city. >> steve, i know you are saying it could be a possibility but you mentioned nfl, why wouldn't the sports leagues be against this happening. >> reporter: that is such a contradiction because every weekend when you watch espn we
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just ran keith, they have who to bet on last week, that is why nfl puts out their injury report friday so better know at last minute who will be playing and will not be playing. they know people bet on them but with the pete rose thing they are trying to protect integrity of the game. if you thought athletes even though they are making millions of dollars if you know someone can pay them off to fumble the ball on purposes, for instance they don't want those questions coming n you have ncaa college kids who always have been caught in historical terms looking back for decades, shaving points. still winning game but not winning bias much, with the point spread. all of those people, major league baseball, all of the athletes of the leagues will be fighting this even though it is in vegas and all around the world. it is just silliness, isn't it. 7:10. police are on the hunt for gunman who shot and killed a teenager right in front of his own home. >> lauren johnson has the store friday the round house, lauren. >> reporter: good morning to you mike and alex. witnesses say last thing he saw was a man run inside his
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home and suspect take off on foot. detective here at headquarters are trying to piece together witness accounts and watch surveillance video to watch out what happened. just before 9:00p m officers in the between the second district heard a barrage of bullets, gunfire led them to the 2400 block of huntington, that is where they found that 17 year-old gunshot victim who had been hit once in the chest before escaping inside his home. victim was taken to the hospital in extremely critical condition but later died. detectives discover 19 shell casings at the scene, they say eight were fire at point blank range from the semiautomatic weapon. gun was spotted at front door of the victim's home. they don't know if that was the weapon used in the crime. last night detectives did not have a motive for the shooting but witnesses are being helpful and just as important to this investigation. surveillance video police say they are watching that to hope for some more clues. as for suspect vague description of him. they are told he was wearing dark colored clothing, and
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left the scene on foot, mike and alex. >> almost 7:12 now. i know i might start will some of you but it is election day in delaware. polls just opened a few minutes ago for the first state's primary. >> candidates are vying for various position as monk them state treasurer and state auditor. elections include several legislative races. polls close at 8:00 tonight. apple is unveiling the new iphone and other gadgets to day in california. i can't wait to find out more about this. >> yes, you have to. >> thousands of apple addicts are already camping out, look at this. that happens to be in new york city near central park. i bet there are some people in walnut street in philly too. experts predict ieven if six will be larger then its predecessor and cost about a hundred dollars more than the iphone 5s. the phone doesn't go on sale until later this month. i have been asking why would you stand in line for something not on sale.
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other people say these are preorder. we have a tech expert to try to explain to me specifically if i don't get it why would you be in line for something that is not on sale. >> a lot of people want to make sure they have it. they want to make their reservation. >> preorder. >> preorder. >> how about this, fail's mayor michael nutter says he will sign a bill to allow the city police department to stop arresting people for possessing, small amounts of marijuana. >> original bill passed city council in june and calls for a $45 fine for people caught with less than an ounce of the pot. offense wouldn't go on a person's record and would be similar to a parking ticket. a lot of people get those around here. part of the compromise with the mayor addition of the hundred dollar fine or community services for using marijuana in public. it is expect to take effect next month. >> alex got a parking ticket on perfect first day of fail. >> and i don't have have a car. >> shocking. >> my moving truck got a
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ticket. i necessity all about the parking authority here. >> yes, you haven't got a marijuana ticket yet. >> no, i'm not going to get one of those. >> a fourth american infect with the ebola virus is heading back to the united states, here we go again, from west africa. >> patient will arrive today at the same atlanta hospital where two other workers, two others were recover from the disease, emery university hospital says doctors will treat the patient in the hospital, isolation unit but emery is not yet releasing any other details about this. world health organization says one of the doctors working in the ebola treatment center in sierra leon has tested positive. we do not know if that doctor is a patient now heading to atlanta. >> it work out there at emery so hopefully same thing will happen for this patient. preliminary report in the deadly crash of malaysia airlines flight 17 revealed that the plane was likely struck by a multiple high energy object from outside the aircraft. boy is that technical talk.
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report was done by the dutch safety board. they are leading the international investigation in the cause of the disaster, officials stopped short of saying passenger jet was sat down by at missle. but their fine goes point to that conclusion n july flight 17 fell from the sky over eastern ukraine killing all 298 people on board. >> terrible. >> it is exactly what time can you read the clock. >> where is the clock. >> right there. >> we have a clock. >> learning curve. >> yes. >> we're getting it together and here is what is still together, same as yesterday. this low pressure system affect our weather yesterday and has in the moved much since yesterday, soaking rain in virginia beach, norfolk, virginia and for us it is spread something cloud cover and we have got northeasterly wind moving in from this system up to the north.
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both weather makers yesterday, both are weather make tours day. that will affect the cloud cover we will get lots of it and possibility of some showers here and there. we might see some today even here in philadelphia. so as we move along we will look at ultimate doppler, there you can see all that rain edging closer to ocean city maryland, up here in philadelphia we have got clouds. we are not as socked in as new jersey, but they are around. we have pop up showers throughout the day and throughout the night tonight. so cloud cover maybe a peak of sunshine now and again but that is the situation through tomorrow. i think by tomorrow afternoon, we will move into wednesday, you can see we will have showers to the south. possibly in the morning. as we get into mid take we will see plenty of sunshine wednesday a decent day. thursday humidity comes back and we will get warm into the upper 80's by about 4:00 p.m. and look what is coming out from the west we will get a cold front.
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it will be pretty loud thursday night but that will keep us cooler for the the weekend. that is what is going on there maybe one day we will start with summer. we will show you that in the seven day forecast. our temperatures 59 in bethlehem. sixty in allentown. fifty-five in mount pocono. in philadelphia we have 68 degrees. sixty-seven in bensalem. sixty-four in chester. seventy-two in cape may. 68 degrees in, millville, new jersey. so that is where we are at the moment, as we take a look at the seven day forecast as promised, 73 today. seventy-eight tomorrow. here's our flirtation with summertime, it is still technically summertime 87 degrees, back to the 70's on friday, saturday and sunday, maybe a stray shower on sunday morning but should not be a wash out weekend not by any stretch of the imagination. it is cooler by the time saturday and sunday get here. here is your seven day forecast from the weather authority time to check traffic on the new jersey turnpike southbound before hightstown. we have had that tractor
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trailer fire and new we have an accident with the right lane block, mess around there on that part of the northbound new jersey turnpike at hightstown that fire has the right lane block. stay away, all together, also on the northeast extension southbound a lansdale there is an overturn vehicle and that has the right lane block, mike. >> thanks very much. lets talk about sports. i went to the game last night. phillies are back home after a series in washington but they fell to the pirates, last night. the phillies, took the lead begins pirates in the fourth inning. watch this ryan howard with the single to short right field. jimmy appears to be in pain. strain left hamstring. phillies were up one to nothing. he did leave the game. then starring drives kyle kendrick's pitch over the wall for a two run home run. pirates up two-one. they ultimately went on to win
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the game six-four. we will keep you updated on jimmy rollins condition. mike, you have a big event coming up next month. >> yes, i know, it is early but you have to get your ticket because they are starting to sellout. we will have this you've got to try this tasting party benefiting the second chance foundation. thursday october 2nd from 6:30 to 9:30. independent visitors center at sixth and market streets. all of the things i have eaten over last couple of years you get to try, we will have music, we will have some, well, maybe some alcohol and plenty of food. it will be so much fun. entire cast of "good day philadelphia" will come out. i want give a quick shout out for sugar house casinos for being one of our big sponsors. we could in the do this event without you. so wendy at sugar house, thank you for that. i have to take you over to sugar house and it is close by. we all know princeton university is one of our area top colleges, hospitals, always rang up to the top five
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but some pennsylvania schools are seeing a dip in where they stand in the national rankings, we will break that down new list is out like it is every year. then a taxi service just for us women, unique idea starting in the too far from here but what happens if you are with a group of people, usually guys, we will tell you next. our dad's a plumber.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework.
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i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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look at that sky line i love the sky line here. it is beautiful. >> is there certain angles of it that is dramatic and beautiful. they she how bigot is. >> yes. >> i think so, yeah. >> coming across the bridge from the airport back into center city, i like that shot too, southwest philadelphia over on king sessing there is a i great shot of the city. that is a good one. you are a good luck charm. that is nice too.
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it is darn good since you have got here the weather. >> we might see rain, hopefully not a lot you are not perfect. >> i'm not. >> in every way. >> welshing popular philadelphia burger joint is blasting eagles running back lesean mccoy, why? for 20 cents tip. >> alex they have back off, we should take out that word blasting. pyt, called -- over in northern liberties. >> i have been, i have been. >> kind of called out shady mccoy, on social media, and so, people are taking sides now. let's explain. there it is, that does say 20 cents for a tip. mccoy's bill was $61. so shady only left 20 cents for a tip. so pyt over in the piazza decided not to take the chip tip lying down. they posted the image of his receipt on their facebook page. >> there has been comments about it.
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i was reading some of them. some people blasting mccoy, some people are blasting pyt. it is up for debate whether the tip was justified but waiter admitted services was not that great admitting he forgot an appetizer but waiter says that the table of four was just not satisfied with anything. saying that the group gave pyt a hard time. >> the guy ordered lobster crab cake with nothing and just patty itself. he complained there was in bun, no veggies in, sauce. we gave him a food run are a hard time bit. they were being rude to him. being rude to the bartender as well. >> that is a big deal. >> you need a bun to pick up the hamburg are. >> meanwhile pyt is getting backlash for posting the receipt. mccoy and eagles would not comment about the dust up but other wait staff who served mccoy in the past did step up to defend him on social media and or saying they don't even believe the receipt is real. they believe it was altered. >> we should check with
7:26 am, because i was on their web site and they said that shady did have have a response and he said is not true that it never happen. >> why would they target him, is what the point in saying it. >> fit didn't really happen. >> somebody weighed in on twitter who cares how much of a tip shady left, the the restaurant should in the have made it public. that is his business if he had bad service but it is a statement, isn't it. it is not just zero tip, it is 20 cents. >> that kind of making a statement about the service. >> everyone can think about it. >> a lot of times, this is nothing new because there are been at a restaurant and seen a waiter yell out, thanks for the the tip, bro. yes. >> people in new york, chased me down the street. >> no, i'm a very good tipper. >> you tip 25 cents yes, a quarter. >> so what do you think and why is this getting so much talk, maybe because we're talking about it. so now that the full video of
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ray rice and his wife then fiance in atlantic city is out there for everybody to see, what should be next, can former fat ball star redeem himself after three or four years will he be too old to play. we will bring in an expert this in morning to talk about that, what is ray rice's next move. and jen freddie's coming up, with a new work out. >> this is the thing it is called resist, and, my new best friend/enemy, is showing us how to do this thing, it is a lot harder then it looks, jeremy roenick loves it so i have to fall in. we will tell you
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in new jersey as far as gloucester city route 42 freeway north bound approaching the walt whitman bridge, there is an accident there with the left lane block, still on the new jersey turnpike north bound at hightstown where we have had a problem all morning, and tractor trailer fire still has the right lane block, use route 130 and route one as an alternate, and southbound before hightstown on the other side of the road is there an accident with the right lane blocked there. that whole area is a in mess,
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stay away if possible, mike. my action that is night were totally next excusable, and that night, let me just put this away. at nate i replay over and over in my head, that is in the me. my actions are next excusable. her pain is my pain, her pain is my pain. the one thing i wanted to do today is a a will guys to my wife. >> well, you have seen it before ray rice back in july, and publicly apologizing, and, his then fiance janet palmer, they are now married for dragging her out of that atlantic city casino elevator on the floor. she looked unconscious. i good she was. it was oval at revel casino. >> when this new video showed rice punching janet inside that elevator rice's apology and two game suspension he received as a result of his
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actions simply was not enough. ravens cut rice and commissioner roger goodell suspended him indefinitely. >> so what happens now? that is the question that everybody is talking about. can rice ever be redeem. >> let's ask this man he has written bit, many times, kenneth, a sports attorney, an author, professor at the wharton school at the university of pennsylvania, member of the law firm too, which law firm. >> you want to do traffic for us. >> good to see you, thanks for coming in. >> thanks, mike. >> i just want your comments after seeing the tape yesterday. >> you know, my thoughts throughout the day have been what did we expect? don't we know what domestic violence is? do we really to have see that part to understand why she was being drug out of the elevator. this is me. i didn't recognize. i have been blessed not to be
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experience domestic violence. >> you talk about it but it is another thing to see it. >> it is a huge, huge moment for a lot of us to say that is what it is and this is how we should react in the like we did initially. almost all of us did initially. >> you kind of knew what happened in that elevator and a lot of people did, is it viable to you that the nfl commissioner didn't see the punch tape. >> the nfl is a very sophisticated organization, one of the best investigative organizations to look out for the security of their players but the integrity of those guys is at the the highest level. the whole circumstance would not be one that surprised me that this tape just emerged at this moment, that it had been in some ways sequestered until this moment. >> so you buy that roger goodell maybe didn't see it or even ray's coach didn't see it. >> until we get word otherwise is there enough integrity
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among those people that is how we have to look at it. the the idea of looking further, digging further to find out, that makes absolute sense but is there reason why we should doubt that these men, and largely it is men in this setting would have reacted differently if they had seen this tape before they took the action they did. >> even in your legal experience even if they had asked they say it was a pending investigation could they have seen the tape even if they wanted to. >> in the whole discovery process i think focus should be on law enforcement. it is law enforcement that had the full power to acquire all this through discovery process, through legal proceedings and the like. you think about the law, the atlantic county had much more power then the nfl to say this is what we should get. >> wouldn't the the cops have gone to the revel and looked at it in the first five minutes. >> this would have been my thought. >> yes. >> i'm not sure why, why
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didn't that occur. >> real quickly here, is he ever going to play again ray rice, not that i care. >> what we have seen over the years is that if somebody can play, they will play and the nfl ban indefinite, although, ravens have cut him, nfl ban is indefinite. this is a country of where people are able to redeem themselves. in the best case, he was on the path before this video came out, that he knew what happened and he may have been on the path to say, i need to do right. >> i can't imagine for him playing for this year. >> this year would be impossible you are saying he could come back. >> he is a young guy, possibility of playing. i looked at an all the magazine of o.j. simpson in 1998 the other day and he thought wow redeem himself after his adventures. >> running backs career in the nfl is three and a half or four years.
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>> that is correct. >> time is ticking there. good to see you. >> we will have have you do traffic tomorrow. >> okay. >> big surprise in the college rankings, they are out again a new jersey school comes in at number one, but a big pennsylvania school slips in the rankings, what is going on there. we will give you top colleges in the the country when we come back.
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tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at rankings have have come out, and it is out, u.s. news and world report is all about this, hold on a second, they are ranking top university and colleges in the country. this years report gives our local schools some high marks. >> as always. >> dawn is here to discuss those marks we're seeing. >> we did all right locally some of our schools. i have to tell you though this is the 30th addition of the u.s. news and world reports college rankings, a grand daddy measures academic excellence and many institution as peer year and year and move up and down. this supplies ivy league schools at the top of the
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list. once again they lead rankings at number one, harvard in second and yale at number three. and, now university of pennsylvania, kept its spot at number eight, dartmouth slipped to 11th, after a tie for tenth. penn state fell 11 spots from number 37 to tie for number 48 but drop is in reason to panic. the university is normally rang around this area penn state held forty-sixth spot in 2013 and forty-fifth spot in 2012. swarthmore college was ranked third and best liberal arts college in the country and half for was also name one of the top liberal arts schools, rank number eight. among regional university rankings, and, number one, in the north, st. joes, by the the way was number 11 and rowan university was number 19. now the 2015 addition of best colleges includes information on about 1800 schools nationwide, and help parents
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and students' val wait their options, eligible schools are ranked up to 16 measures of academic, excellence. >> did you notice speaking of penn state, they can get to the bowl if they keep winning. in one day we will take the bowl sanction as way from you. they can get to the bowl this year. >> how about that. >> that may help rankings next year and they get their scholarships back next year. >> do you think that would factor in there. >> i was wondering when i saw it, if that played a role. >> scandal and all that. >> we will see fittings backup next year. >> by the way, what just happened yesterday afternoon? bunch of students held a rally there. >> yes. >> but they are asking that the joe paterno statue be brought back out. >> really. >> and placed in front of the stadium. >> he had 112 wins, they are still not being acknowledged even though they got their scholarship back.
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>> thanks very much. jen fred, i don't know you won't give up. you keep doing they are exercise programs because she want to get in shape. >> you don't need to do that. >> my gosh. >> i'm trying to get in shape. who better than this. we will talk about what these things are right on to the male announcer: the magic of the bay is waiting. explore maryland's coastal villages, scenic waterways and the land of our national anthem along the star-spangled banner national historic trail. there's an adventure waiting for you in maryland. land of discovery.
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♪ >> and, let's check the the forecast with sue. >> we have a breeze out there. we have airport camera, taking a look, and, you see how many clouds, there are, and little bit of sunshine, trying to break through because of the southern storm system, and, very little, since yesterday, and spreading up some clouds, so in the case of the southern part of the viewing area, or
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maybe some rain, or, checking ultimate doppler radar, then, rain starting, and ocean city, maryland, and there air lot of clouds in southern delaware, and, in southern new jersey and we have clouds and sun here in philadelphia so, checking out those temperatures right now, we have clouds keeping temperatures down, and, 60 degrees in allentown. we look in philadelphia we have 68 degrees. sixty-one in doylestown. and, chester pa in delco, and 57 degrees, in new jersey and 72. and way down in cape may. and that is where you, walk out the door, and, get your kids to school. and, and, pollen forecast it is not too bad. and, low to medium levels, ragweed, today and tomorrow and on thursday the rain and the clouds are helping, with that situation, but of course as we get into autumn, and, we
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will get, a six out of some today. 73 degrees with the possibility of the stray shower here and there. it should turnout nicely with clouds in the morning, and then sunshine in the afternoon. then by thursday, it is warmer, much warmer, 87 degrees with the chance of the thunderstorm late in the day. partly sunny skies on friday, saturday a stray shower possible, but also some sunshine and sunday looks like the peak weather day of the week with a high of 75 and plenty of sun. so for mid-september, weekend, mike an alex, not bad. >> not bad. >> by the way people are asking how can i go to your tasting party, and, get to my fox and click on the good day tab. you scroll down. you can buy tickets right there. it is a fundraiser but in the very expensive. we are getting ready for the big premiere, of a new show here on fox, we have both seen it, both episode, it is good. >> very good. >> i got a sneak peak last
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night. i loved it. we will have a special screening of it, red band society, this wednesday we will host it by mike and i at 7:30 at dave and busters in philadelphia we will also have some special giveaways, and come out, you will want to see this. very good. >> you cry, you laugh, there is music, just a real interesting take on just a different kind of television show that i have not seen before. >> it will be big. >> i think people will like it. >> i agree. kind of like glee in a way but in a hospital. i know that doesn't make any sense. >> well, let's clip big rubber band around our thighs and run upstairs. >> that is what jen is doing, right. >> at the art museum. >> you got this, down, up, left, right, oh, yeah. so not a lot of height on that but you are building that foundation. building up that power system chain. >> three times. >> three times.
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>> my quads are burning. >> his quads are burning, jen, are yours. >> my quads are burning, say hello to shea, good morning. >> good morning. >> jeremy roenick loves it. he is an investor in the company. i told you on the phony did a little bit of this for my acl. >> great tool for that as well. >> we should be using it better. >> we can do so much more. >> all the way up the stairs. >> i feel more resistance is that part of it. >> you are pushing against it. >> and talk to me about what this is,. >> this is resist 360 a patented resistance training system that is revolutionary, wearing it around your thighs and knee. take it off, put this on earlier. >> yep. >> it will not come off. you have cuff to protect your skin. >> and then, you can move in any direction. you can do lunges now. you can jump while we are
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lunging. >> you are making it look easy and i say to you. >> it is like crazy yes. >> try basic squat. >> yes. >> it helps about your alignment, activating your muscles. you want a stronger booty, better butty. >> i feel like a work out queen. >> yes. >> i love all of it what do you like about this the most. >> what i love is you can do dynamic movement. i can move forward, backward. i don't to have take it off. if i want to do low income toning stuff, if i want to run, jump, do all kind of crazy cross fit stuff, yeah, right. >> you wear it all the time. >> i wear it all the time. >> great is thing is, you have resistance all around your leg, you can cut your work out time in half. more intensity. >> yes. >> take your 60 minute work out and get same results in 30 minutes. we are pressed for time. that is a great, that is what
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i love about it. >> jeremy miller, bodey miller. >> yes, good what are high level athletes like about it. >> they will use it a lot for same reason you did but then when they are training they are running up band, they are yum pink on boxes, they are getting more power, more speed, more guilt so when they are on the field, or on the course or whatever they are performing better. >> here's the deal, we have to stick around for another segment because ladies will want to know more and we have at home stuff we can do. >> definitely, tons. >> mike, it is a shame jeremy could not find a cuter girl. adorable. >> yes. >> that jeremy roenick too. >> here we go. >> yes. >> here we go. >> jen has great calves doesn't she. >> she does. >> all these work out segments >> athlete. >> we have to talk about this. duchess of cambridge expecting
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her second child. she's in the hospital. i remember how sick she got with morning sickness last time? apparently she's suffering from it again, why do women get morning sickness why and what is it and how can you help ease the pain. >> we will talk to doctor mike. a taxi service, and starting in the too far from here. we will talk about what happens if you have mike in the car do we have to boot him out. ♪
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i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. two amazing ways to score. tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history,
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and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to testing. now, doctor mike, why do women when they get pregnant, have morning sickness.
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>> that is a really good question. >> what is it, exactly. >> well, this is hyper morning sickness and what this is, it is morning sickness, on steroids. this is really bad morning sickness. it happens, in pregnancy, about one to 2 percent of women get it and it can be, just a nuisance, or it can be to the point where you have to be in the hospital, or occasion, and iv fluids, you can get dehydrated, you can end up in really big trouble. >> it is only her second child. if you have it, you get it every sickle time you get pregnant. >> if you had it with the prior pregnancy it is likely you'll get it again. they will just watch her. it is not terrible. they will give her iv fluid. >> yes, it is terrible for you. >> we don't to have deal with it. >> i hate throwing up.
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>> yes. >> the issue is it is more of a nuisance and with proper treatment with iv fluids and getting, electrolytes, things like potassium and sodium, pregnant mommy will be fine. >> why does it happen. >> well, in within really knows but we think it had has to do with hormones, h cg hormones. it is a pregnancy hormones. everything is hormones. >> is there a pill for it. >> well, is there treatment, usually you can just get by with ginger or some fluids, that kind of thing but fit is severe you might need iv fluids, vitamin b6 and medication. >> no way to prevent it. if someone is thinking about getting pregnant, not me but if someone is thinking bit, hey, they have that warning or you need to take something. >> you will know because you don't feel well and there is not much you can do something.
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>> if you really cared about this show you are doing now, audience likes to watch women on tv go through a pregnancy. >> yes, they like to see people barf. >> not that part. >> wait until i find a man first. >> yes. >> speaking of babies, look at this woman. the she's 51 years old. there it is, what does that say can you hear that head line. >> i'm 51 a and pregnant. >> the little word. >> single new york woman has a successful career this single new york woman, a million-dollar apartment, and a bun in the oven and she does president care what anyone thinks bit. >> i think it is great. science and technology is wonderful. my wife's list bet was 41 when she had amy. it is what it is. >> proper care. >> you are surprising me, doctor. >> i thought -- >> well, sure, i'm 54, and i have a two and a half
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year-old, sit hard, yes but bottom line is you have to do what you have to do. everyone is on a different time schedule. >> now can we just segway. >> you have 202nd. >> 202nd to talk about breasts. there is a study out there that just came out, there is always this kind of stuff out there that breasts and wearing bra can increase your risk of breast cancer debunked, absolutely no known science, whether it is a wire bra you bet you. wire bra, whether it is any kind of bra forget it. wear it young, old, how long you wear it, overnight. >> put your bras back on. >> yes. >> thanks doctor mike. >> everybody got to put their bras back on. >> i love you. >> i love you alex. >> love you too. >> stronger love. good day, it is tuesday, september 9th, 2014, here we
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go. >> what did the nfl know and when did they know it. tmz claims they knew a lot. more fall out from the case in atlantic city. steve keeley is live in atlantic city think morning. good morning to you, steve. >> reporter: more nfl news on the boardwalk trump plaza in the last week before the shut down a week from today too late to save this place but nfl not happy with the governor's move toward sport bet to go help save other eight casinos and sue, dark included both realistically over the atlantic city sky line right now, not looking good here. >> no, it isn't. nor is it here in philadelphia we are seeing very little sunshine today. will it ever come out? well, eventually sure. we will tell you whether in the weather authority forecast, jen. >> hey sue rain or shine we can why these babies right here not just for your legs, we cannery cyst 360 every where while watching tv, a little utopia on fox tonight,
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what about this band, i'm practically healthy. thanks ladies and gentlemen my work out is done. >> time for weather and traffic with sue serio. >> i like that bam. >> we are six out of ten today because of the, full clouds but there are comfortable temperatures out there and we have possibility of a stray shower. further south you go more chance you have, and, buddy has a umbrella we have seen a few peaks of sunshine but temperatures in the comfortable 50's and 60's. it is 59 degrees. breeze out of the east northeast at 13 miles an hour. relative humidity at 65 percent. seventy-three should be our high temperature today. sixty-three tomorrow, tonight with mostly cloudy skies and a few showers. we have the weather authority forecast, lets check out the traffic this morning, we will go first of all to i-95 south approaching route 320
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providence avenue there is an accident there that has left lane blocked. that is a slowed down area in huntington valley centersville road at huntington pike 232 an accident in that area finally, and, martin road, we have an accident there, as well. >> mike? >> thanks sue. it is on just about every paper out there right now, the ray rice story. daily news, banishing act because he was banish yesterday afternoon. we've got booted, booted, new york post. bam, u.s.a. today, national paper right there. sacked. for how long. so, lets get into this. you know the story by now that casino elevator revel in atlantic city. tmz is reporting that the nfl never contacted the casino to request the video from inside the elevator. >> chris murphy is following
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this story this morning what does it say about the nfl right now. >> big question about what the nfl knew and what they knew. tmz has been in contact with sources connected with the revel casino where this attack happened in february and they say in one from the nfl ever asked from that video for inside the elevator. now roger goodell is being pressed on what he knew and when. newly released video shows rice knocking out his then fiance and now wife in the elevator of the casino right after that was made public yesterday morning. rice was cut by ravens and suspended by nfl indefinitely. according to source fess someone from the nfl would have asked for that video the casino would have complied. the league says that they requested, any and all information, but got, and, she got, and, and, and baltimore ravens. >> and, they will decide that video you just saw for the the
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first time when all of us saw it from tmz guys. >> everybody is wondering are they telling the truth. it is nfl. >> ken rottweiler our attorney we use on a weekly basis. he says nfl had to have known or should have known, and he will explain when he comes in tomorrow or next day. >> it is a bad look for them. >> it sure is. he says they have not seen it. that is bad. if they didn't even ask for it. that is bad too. >> even if they had seen it and just two days that is bad too. >> i'm not sure if is there a parallel but listening to sports radio someone called in the local sports radio shows today and said nfl has been asleep at the switch for a long time when it comes toish enthusiasms affect the bottom line. they brought up concussions issues and how they were slow to create something by way of a policy there. now they have, and is it too little too late. >> i don't know, lot of people i talk about on radio and tv
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last night on his show on espn, keith, didn't hold back and accusing the nfl of a cover up. keith blasted league over handling of the ray rice and calling for commissioner roger goodell to step down and he want even more than that. >> mr. goodell is an enabler of men beat women. his position within the national football league is in longer tenable. i accuse ray rice of a brutal potentially deadly assault, followed not by admission and contrition but by a pius self-serving insincere, cynical, manipulative, an pol get i can performance to protect his job and his money at the expense of the truce and at the expense of the public and at the expense of the next woman he brutalizes. he has had his second chance, this new video shows he squandered it. ray rice must never aloud back in the national football league uniform. >> he wants him banned for life. >> strong words. >> he is calling for goodell to resign along with the
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number of top executives, he says failed to act after the first video, surfacedded. if you watch it is a long rant. he talks about some prosecutors, some other officials in atlantic city. >> yes. >> he calls them out. >> prosecutors, and 15 different people. >> we played that, and, at the press conference. governor, chris christie gets his way, sports betting and could not be allowed to and it could be more of the attorney general's decision. >> but some are wondering, that will give, atlantic city what it needs. >> here in new jersey the attorney general doesn't make any decision from the owe k from the governor and it would give them a boost, but that is a big if. and, this is where the nfl has moved fast, to fight anybody who wants to put legal sports bets on nfl games, outside of
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las vegas. the casinos here are not exactly instantly starting to clear floor space continue on stall flat screen tv and sports betting lounges. look at the video, governor himself yesterday held a closed barn door after horses, cows and chickens are out meeting on how to save jobs and come up with a second plan w for atlantic city. he didn't want to talk about his decision in the to have the state top to have casinos or race tracks from having sports betting. >> the tern general issued a directive interpreting the third circuit decision. his interpretation is that given the third circuit decision there is nothing that prevents entity is in this state with going forward and offering sports gaming. >> unaudible. >> matt, what i said is if you want further comment go to the person who issued the directive. it is in the my directive. i'm certainly not going to tell you what i think it means. the attorney general who issued the directive and be more than happy, i'm sure he
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would be more than happy to issue any information. >> reporter: matt freeman the the reporter for star ledger and every other report shore has been around in new jersey laugh at that when not his directive. state attorney general here in new jersey unlike pennsylvania is appointed by the governor, so he follows the governor's order. he is not doing these directives on his own. here is the former casino control commissioner lloyd levinson now a big time lawyer in atlantic city who represents the the casinos. he thinks this move makes sense predicting sports betting happening here, in atlantic city by super bowl weekend in february. he expects a federal judge to rule in favor of new jersey's governor who also in a sub head line went to this federal judge and said hey, rule in our favor make it clear in your ruling from last year that we're okay to do this and we expect that ruling by october 6th. next big hurt until this case. we will know where it stand. >> i know a couple book is whether or not happen bye this i don't know book is but if i
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did know them they are in the happen bye this. another thing i bet there is 8,000 people who are now at work saying, how come you didn't do this six months ago. >> reporter: we showed trump plaza late for those casinos and employees and they were protesting not too happy. here we are miss america week 53 girls vying for miss america and again, boardwalk doesn't look too crowded. this used to be one of the big weeks here at the shore. very sad, shame scenes at the end of the summer. >> 8:10 now. i have a quiz for you, there is a new study out that says moms, they get up in the morning and they do a certain number of tasks, before 9:00 o'clock. so for 15 minutes from now how many tasks, individual tasks do you think a mother does like from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning. >> okay, and there is also an apple announcement it is happening today evening we will preview what we expect those new products to be and why so many people are already waiting in line. >> you know i used to go to
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school with the apple twins, corry and saidi did you know them. >> no.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at could not see it last night but there was a bright full moon somewhere. we have had cloud cover but because of that, there will be some coastal flooding at times of high tides and we already had high tides for most of us this morning but tonight and then early tomorrow morning, for any body of water or any county highlighted in green. we thought we would make sure you knew about that this morning. some of our temperatures 63 in pottstown. sixty-nine in philadelphia. 56 degrees up in mount pocono. we are heading to a high of 77 degrees later on. we will about 78 degrees tomorrow. eighty-seven is our high on wednesday, this one hot and humid day and then back down in the 70's on friday after thunderstorms on thursday.
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saturday possibility of some sunshine and also a shower or two. sunday looks fabulous with the high of 75. is there your seven day forecast from the weather authority, it is traffic time at 8:15. time to check schuylkill expressway eastbound approaching montgomery avenue a disable vehicle has center lane blocked what a mess that is going to be. i-95 south approaching 320 have providence avenue an accident was in moved to the shoulder. that helps. finally in wyncote washington lane at church road reports of an accident there, mike. >> you know all bit, apple is ready to roll out some fresh product. >> we're all excited bit, the company is expected to launch a long awaited iphone with the larger screen plus it will have some nice technology possibly on the way. >> yes, a watch, trying to keep up with the jones. anthony is here our tech expert. good to see you my man. >> nice to see you. >> i have been asking people
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for a week, i was in insuring, is there a really licensing line of people at apple store at 59th and fifth, why? >> because they are absolutely 100 percent certifiable crazy. it will be a great even if but to wait three weeks, two weeks in line for a new phone, that drives me crazy. >> it is in the worth the wait. >> i think it will be a great phone. thing i don't understand is this even if will revolutionize the the market because apple is coming out with a 5-inch phone. it will be great. they will release new ios and new features it is still a phone at the the even of the day. phone, camera and music player. you might get help watch with it too. >> so, i'm still going to the back of the line what are they waiting in line for for the actual physical appliance that won't be on sale for three weeks or is there a presale. >> nothing has been announced it could be a presale. that is what you have to wait for. typically every september apple does this. they will announce a new phone and it won't be available for
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weeks. there is in preshape sale they can choose to wait in line for weeks or go home. >> if they don't like it they walk out of the line after they have been waiting. >> or they can do what happens a couple years ago sell their spot in line for five hub or a thousand bucks. >> that is just plane stupid. >> what is so great about it. >> so new ios will be great but they should also put that on the current phone. the focus on health will be nice. >> what do you mean. >> what they will do is what android has already done they will make supposedly today not promising but iwatch is supposed to be done. that will monitor your oxygen level, your heart rate, it will monitor key vital signs. >> blood pressure. >> there is a product you can buy now you for that. i have the basis watch which i expect iwatch to do. it monitors your sleep, how many times you toss and turn, on average 50 times a night. >> basically just trying to catch up with the android, is everything you can done on a android watch.
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>> yes, and the other thing is market is really big. couple years ago it was small, now it is bigger, bigger, bigger. >> these little pieces of paper. >> they are not exact sizes but basically that is the current 5s, again these are scale. that is proposed new 4.7, and that will be 5.51. i will say about 5.51 i used to have the samsung galaxy note two. i ripped two pair of pockets winnie had to get them sent backup. i think it ties big but if you have trouble seeing or you want a tablet. >> they do like to put their phones in the pocket. i do it all the time. do you want an ipad or iphone. >> a little bit of both. >> also the type, i know people with iphones in mind, is there a crack screen. things should be easier with this, because i had several. my dad says i phone come with the crack screen. >> they will be using sapphire
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glass for new phones which is supposedly more durable to he help protect begins those crack screens. >> unless you get mad. >> what do you think of the new set. >> the new set is awesome especially those dance moves, that is what made it for me. >> it is plexiglas so you have to be warned our guests need to be warned you can see your socks. >> what in the world. >> what in the world are these. >> pink camouflage socks. >> everyone will see you with those socks on. >> yes. >> household lamp on you like wizard of oz. >> we even match today. >> look at that. >> i don't want to see what else matches. >> good to see you my man. >> nice meeting you. >> lets move along, alex. still ahead it is restaurant here in philly and it is a new list that has come out talking about the sexiest new restaurants in the area, what do you think made the
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cut. i guessed which was number one, if i did, without even looking. >> i want to know why they are called sexy kind of questionable. >> okay but first is there a taxi service for women by women, sit with men only? is that against the law? do you have to wear pants to get in. >> you can get in today. >> yeah. >> anthony is good. it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide.
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah.
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent more on car insurance. you know, alex you make me feel like a natural women. >> really, you feel feminine. >> i have have have a strong feminine side. anyway what about this ladies, do you recall when you first saw a gray hair? did it freak you out? there is a certain age now, a study has been done, when most women find their first gray hair do you want to know what
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it is. age 33. study says women start graying at 33. >> it seems so early. >> it is scary. >> brunettes. >> i'm talking about red heads. >> red heads start off at 30, that is earliest and brunettes around 32, and blondes, at 35. >> my gosh. >> those in the entertainment industry, gray earliest at age 27. >> i guess it can be stressful. >> why is that. >> i always thought they were dying their hair and switching it up. >> that is from the late needs. charles worthington, root concealer did this study. they are trying to tell you hurry up and buy product. >> i'm surprise they had didn't say it was 12 so you are not buying their junk at 12 years of age. there is a taxi service that is run by women. women are drivers, and the women are passengers, and i'm in the sure men are let into the vehicle. >> so starting next week country's very first all female taxi service will be
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available in new york. the it is called shoe taxis. hot seat cabs, so we can see it next week will be driven by women. request a ride via an app and driver with hot pink, comes up to your door. many say there is a need for services. just last in there was an attempted sexual assault by a man posing as a cabby. it can make women feel safe. sometimes if i'm by myself, it would be nice to know that the woman in front of me driving around, i feel more comfortable. >> this is how they explain it. >> you should see all of the feedback saying they are excited to be able to put the their daughters, and for them to take a ride with the woman whom they may feel more comfortable with. >> you know what you don't deal with that sexual harassment, and, you a don't appreciate the talk when you walk in. >> what happens when a group of people need a ride? one person needs to be a with man or they will be directed elsewhere.
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>> life will be okay. >> i got to hang out with the ladies. >> nothing wrong with that. >> i like the idea. >> it is a good one. >> like you said, you have your daughter, you are sending her somewhere just so she can know it will be okay. in one harassing you in the cab. >> where are they going. >> i'm trying to light up, i'm still learning the area. >> just hang around, it will happen. >> especially late at night. i love the idea. >> is it legal? i don't know. we will have to ask one of our attorneys. still ahead controversy surrounding, the naked bike race, they dit again last weekend. it is time to put a stop to this thing? look at this. what are parent supposed to to, kids turn away we will discuss and debate. oh, lord. the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the smoky double bacon sirloin. the new spicy sriracha sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. steaks that sizzle. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak.
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your pal, bus stop buddy does have an umbrella but it is not, raining. but just in case there are plenty of clouds around, 50's and 60's are your temperatures. pretty comfortable start. we are giving you a six out of ten because of the clouds and chance of the stray shower but at least temperature will be comfortable. little bit of the breeze out there looking at the airport 69 degrees, east northeasterly winds at 13 miles an hour relative humidity is 65 percent. seventy-three is our high temperature. in mostly cloudy with the the stray shower 63 is the the low tonight and a chance of the shower or two. so, he will find it comfortable with all of the clouds. that is your weather authority forecast, time to check traffic. we will start off on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound between bensalem and willow grove. we have an accident there, three vehicles involved, left lane block because of that
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accident. i-95 northbound the off ramp to the vine street expressway, and, and schuylkill eastbound, approaching montgomery drive, we have a disable vehicle that has now been moved to the shoulder but still slow go there anyway. mike? >> sue, that was comprehensive and fantastic. >> i agree. >> your best report ever. 8:31. where were you saturday night? you were at a fashion event. >> i did. >> i heard bit. >> and about dusk they do this every year, once a year at dusk it looked like more than 500 people were on bicycles riding around center city, naked. >> really. >> naked as jay bird. >> without warning. >> well, we knew it was coming but it is always kind of shocking. so she is pictures are from hugh dylan. >> this dude that dresses up by jesus but he heard bit. >> he had clothes on. >> probably a good thing.
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a lot of people got on twitter and were complaining. i'm here with high children walking down walnut street or whatever and these naked and i mean they are naked go riding by. jen met some of her girlfriend so they stopped at rouge on 18th street and they whereby you, jen. >> yes, my girl fred from the the suburbs in the city for a nice sophisticated evening at rouge. >> what did she get. >> we were starting to order drinks, right and the name people come by. first of all waitress leaves because we could not even talk to her, okay. when mike says they are naked. they are naked. i'm talking about naked. i have to say name just standing up is different from name on the bike. is there moving parts, stuff is angled differently. difficult notice girls wear
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booty short but the men do not wear booty shorts. some of the guys will paint their legs and paint other parts, yeah. >> yes. >> i have noticed a lot of people don't have the stuff, forgive me that you want to show if you know what i mean. >> it has always been fascinate to go me, jen, people who should not be name are the ones that want to be name. weirdly hugh dylan has pictures that we're showing of the very fit people which is a rarity during this ride. >> well, this picture i took from the back side, pardon the pun because i didn't want to get kick off of instagram. through mommies and daddies and young peoples point it is kind of, it the is a little bit disturbing if you have children alex said is there a warning. there isn't a warning.
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it is in the like when you go to a parade for instance there is streets block off because there is a parade. you kind of know there will be a parade. when this happens, it is like a tsunami of naked. it just happens. >> isn't it against the the law to be naked against the law to be name in public. >> it seems like it should be. >> mike greenwich, my photographer, we know him michael nutter, he is not there but he saw my instagram. he would like michael nutter do something bit. make it later on the night or have a proper warning. is there lots of kids playing in rittenhouse square. i want to be clear before all of the people hate me more than they already do, i am a free spirit. i believe that you should get to be naked sometimes and maybe name outside but i don't know if you should be naked because it goes on, it is not like you said it, someone said 500 people.
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it goes on for a long time. oh there, was some name people. when i saw tsunami of name i mean it is a tsunami and a flash flood. >> there is good name and bad name. trying to open up a jar of pickles, bent over trying to get it opened. riding a bike, bad name. >> it was good for me personally because i look good name compared to these people. >> let's see, just prove it. >> would it a bike. >> reason i don't do it is not modesty i just don't want anything to get caught up in the spokes. >> that was my first thought. >> is it painful, i feel like for a man it would be painful. >> they are narrow and you have to put some extra gel in there. >> extra padding. >> last thing i want is padding back then.
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bullies on the playground are not the only threats to our children. >> there are bullies living right in your home what you can pay more attention to right now.
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were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy.
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let me tell you this at 8:00 39. let's talk bullies on a play ground aren't the only threat tour children apparently according to a new study. >> this study says most damaging bullies may be your child's sibling, brother and sister kind of thing. >> wow. >> not good.
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>> researchers looked at more than 2,000 children around the age of 12 and they found kids bullied by their siblings were twice as likely at age of 18 to report they were depressed or admit they did self harming behavior. they are twice as likely to report anxiety of adults. researchers say intervention should reduce sibling bullying and improve a child's mental health in the long term. >> why does the fifth of sixth kids begging for attention. that is how i ended up with a tv job. i don't ever remember being bullied by then. i never had one fight with my siblings, either when we are little or adults. >> not bickering. >> but if anybody was doing it, it was me against my sister joann. we were go down to the basement and play and she would like to set up restaurant and she would be a chef, waitress and all that. there was plastic food she would put on the plate. >> i had that, yes. >> well, she would prep it all, ready to go and i would
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come in and go, that is horrible and throw it all over the floor. she would go crying. >> that is terrible. >> it was like snoopy where they would fool charlie brown into kicking the the football. she with do it over and over again. we promised not to do it again. set up the restaurant. i promise. throw it all over the place. >> it could be worse one thing at school and you are supposed to be able to come home and be in a loving environment and deal with your own siblings. they are around all the time. >> you don't have any siblings. >> i am only child. >> i got bullied in school. >> a little bit. >> for being short and my feet. >> here we go. >> she wears clown shoes her feet are so big. >> you are birthday party bullying me right the now. >> that joke is getting old anyway. >> but they did bully you. >> everybody would talk about the fact that my feet were so
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big because i'm short. short people are supposed to have have small feet. >> no, i have the feet of a tall person. >> we have a very sweet director because they didn't call for a shot of your feet. >> thank goodness. >> camera can't get back far enough. >> is that the reason. >> okay. >> wonderful full. >> lets get out to another little person, jen is at the art museum today. >> i'm getting ready to go on the name bike ride. i'm just kidding. i'm getting super fit. we have stuff that will help you with that tummy. >> yes. >> in frenchfries. >> maybe just one. >> she said one. our dad's a plumber.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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no. >> craze any love in beyonce. >> yes, we saw jeremy roenick, a former, well, hockey player, he uses it.
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i have seen football players using it. now you can use. >> now jen and trying to figure that out. >> it is not that hard to figure out. we had a little moment in the car. i think i might do this three times a week. i do a lot of work out. >> three times a week, 30 minutes. >> this is the thing, 99 bucks. >> it gets you a whole set and dvd. >> other thing you said is so i'm home, i have got the kids, i don't want to do facebook anymore. >> yes. >> we all do it. >> yes, go on the fitness and we have seven videos. one for pregnant woman. we have an athlete one. we have low impact, high impact, anything you want. >> you said in 60 days, i cannot eat frenchfries every day. >> no. >> but every once in a while tighten up your diet, three times a week, 60 days new body. >> i can travel witt, do at
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home. >> yes. >> my booty looks good but it could look better. >> so, maybe find a countertop flex your top. straight legs. a push resistance. keep your abs strong. >> how does my booty look. >> it looks better already. >> okay, a lung, we love this. okay; cross your leg behind an inside lung. >> do it. >> got it. >> she's a pro. >> i'm watching you on the thing and then doing this. >> yes. >> usually a minute on one site and switch and do the other side. standing abs don't need to get on the floor. one hand behind your head, soft knee, anchor your heel, come up, medium level. that is pretty cool. >> you can do a work out.
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>> and 1100 calories. >> maryland rate. >> they change their life with this. >> yes. >> their life. >> their bodies and their life. >> so mike and i said they will do it too. i don't know how long. >> we don't have the bands, but we are trying over here. >> let's give them a have move. >> we should give them the lunging thing, they have done before. >> here we go, reverse lung, chest up, yes. so now you have legs and core. >> okay. >> ale your balance. >> mike, while you are watching bold and beautiful every afternoon you can do this. alex, while you're watching sports center. >> i could be working out. >> yes. >> i finally got to use this space usefulfully. >> i don't know,. >> liam is so upset that he can't be with hope.
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jen, thanks very much. i will get you one of those band. i like that idea. >> it seems like it would be a lot harder to do. >> so we need to get to a lot of things here in the 9:00 o'clock hour because did you realize that if you eat a bowl of sugar or a bowl of cereals every morning that by the end of one year you will have consumed 10-pound of sugar. >> 10 pounds. >> yes. >> all kind of cereals they have all kind of frosted flakes you can see sugar. >> sugar is already on there. >> yes. >> but then we will talk about this. >> first time father enlist help of his new born son to propose to his girl friend. >> some folks are calling this the cutest proposal ever. >> well, just hours after giving birth the to a healthy baby boy an australian woman gets another surprise of the life time the other man in her
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life popped the question, baby connan has a dad with this a adorable little onesy. wonder if he had time to put it on. will you marry my daddy. how could you say into that. >> what was he trying to kill her, she's just gone through having a baby and now she will get this big surprise. >> so nice. >> i guess it is cute. >> you know my mom max seen would have gone what has happened to our society people are getting married after they have babies and stuff. >> she's in longer with us to see that. >> lets take a break. we will see some weather and traffic and we will have a big extravaganza, planned for 9:00 o'clock hour. woman, opening door: hey, hon. hey! hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! no.
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could have gotten me one. i did. add some spice to your day with dunkin's spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. grab one today. america runs on dunkin'. start your morning spicy -- hurry in today for a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich.
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the the temperatures are on the comfortable side this morning as we take a look at 63 degrees in allentown pottstown. 69 degrees in philadelphia 56 up in mount pocono. 63 degrees in trenton. down in millville it is 69. seventy-two in wildwood. seventy-two in dover. breezes are picking up out there we have 13 miles an hour winds and wind are out of the northeast ape that means an on shore flow and that means cloud cover. you are not seeing much sunshine this morning. 13 miles an hour wind in millville, 15 miles an hour in wildwood. that is where we are right now here's that southern storm spreading clouds in the viewing area but most of the rain has gone as far north as ocean city maryland and sneak nothing to southern delaware. few showers around atlantic county this morning. will we will keep an eye on ultimate doppler and future cast shows spotty showers on and off throughout the day. mostly to the south but possible here in the city as well. the rain gear nearby just in case. we have temperatures that are
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in the 70's until thursday, we are in the 80's and then comfortable again just in time for the weekend. that is your weather authority forecast, the seven day and lets check traffic at 8:54 on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound between bensalem and willow grove an accident that involved three vehicles. that has been all moved to the shoulder. off ramp to the vine street expressway is there an accident with the the left lane block. in upper gwynned dekalb pike and route 202 parkway reports of an accident there as well, alex? good thanks, sue. still ahead it is rattling lot of people this morning, did shady mccoy tip only 20 cents? what the waiter admits to us next. ♪
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♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls.
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hey everybody, coming up at 9:00 o'clock. favorite part of the show because you never know what might happen. >> lot at the new studio. we are still taking your comments and recommendations on what it should look like. now, what was somebody's problem they had a problem with the blue thing back there. >> they said i need to move over. >> yes. >> so you won't be in the way. >> yes. >> should i drop the chair. >> height chair. >> that is better. >> all right. >> but, i'm still kind of of liking it. >> i'm loving it. >> i think it is bright, beautiful , cheerful. >> we are working on our graphics too. some people are saying, yellow not my favorite color. we will maybe adjust color. somebody mentioned this big machine for sitting next to you there is nothing in it.
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so we can put a fox, i think i have a solution. on the computers can you get a shot of this. if you flip up your computer we put the fox 29. >> a giant head in it. >> yes. >> can you get a bigger head. >> just leave that up, how does that look. >> do you like that over there. >> yes. >> they are zooming in now. >> my gosh. >> take it down. >> a lot of mike. >> can you put alex in there. that would be cute, cuter then my big fat face. >> there i am, hello. >> sue, lets look what you are looking like. >> you are beautiful, sorry. >> there is sue, nobody wants to look at that. >> it looks great. >> look at you. >> beautiful. >> we will figure that out, we will figure that out in a matter of hours, at least by sometime next year. >> what are we