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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  September 5, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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no man put a hand up a women's dress ever looking for a library card. >> i loved her. she was not frayed to dish it out in a man's world. joan rivers dead at 81 years old. we are looking back at her extraordinary life filled with laughter and sorrow. >> back here at home while eagles get ready to storm the field, annex birdies getting ready to head to the courtroom why irving fryar will appear before a judge. days after hearing about a possible security breach at home depot, governmental officials say hackers targeted the obama care web site as well, why they say you're probably safe. a pennsylvania veteran making sure kids get across the street on the way to school but safety isn't his own goal, what he wants you to think about this morning. >> good day, everyone on this friday morning september 5th 2014. >> most kid back in school this week. some start next monday. if your kids are on the way
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back we'd like to see photos. send them using hash tag fox 29 back to school. we will show them throughout the show. meanwhile we have a lot of news to cover, reporters covering big stories, dawn timmeney live outside helium comedy club in center city where late comedian joan rivers performed. she will talk about her death, of course, and steve keeley in burlington county where annex eagle is due in court today, but first we will head over to caitlin roth with your weather on the one's. we have a lot of fog behind keeley. >> we have live pictures in mount holly area, there is some dense fog out there. it is in pockets but it does include the airport. this is near rancocas park, i believe, is that right, camille? rancocas road, that is right rancocas road in mount holly, dense fog. you can see halo around streetlight and headlights, that is all you can see visibility less than a half a mile in spots and that includes here in philadelphia live shot at the airport right
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behind us. planes getting off fine but low ceilings could delay you. make sure you call ahead if you have a flight out this morning. 73 degrees. humid. still out there. we are still seeing fog collect without a breeze. thankfully our visibility is rising at least slightly in philadelphia we are up to a mile and a half but be careful heading out on the roads. by the time we hit sunrise we will see fog purpose off. seventy-three in philadelphia. seventy-four wilmington. seventy-two millville. yesterday we hit 87. average is 82 for early september. weak get there plus some over next couple of days. 88 degrees. another warm one with mainly sunshine after we burn off this fog. isolated showers and thunderstorm possible this evening. otherwise we will fall to a low of 74, better chance have of thunderstorms on saturday coming up in ten minutes in your seven day forecast. >> still following some accidents in overbrook, lets go with that with the traffic authority after 6:00 a.m. north 59th street at up land way that accident involves a truck hitting a pole and
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overturning. police keeping traffic on the scene. we will use alternate lancaster avenue. i-95 northbound to 191 there is a tire in the roadway. be careful there. that will cause vet down as people navigate around this tire. twenty-first at edmonds avenue there is a report of an accident there. >> my sex life is so, mohammed ali has been on the his back more than i have been in the last couple of months. great joke, think about it. >> i love the fact that she crack up sometimes at her own jokes. she could hardly get them out because she was laughing so hard. we are remembering joan rivers, fearlessly funny comedian making fans laugh for more than 50 years. >> all of those jokes were truly hers. such in her voice. this morning people from coast to coast really, from shore to shore remembering joan rivers. >> she was legendary, trail blazer, she died after complication from his a minor surgery.
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she was 81 years old. >> celebrity taking to social media whoopi goldberg tweeting my friend joan rivers passed away. once again to quote billy crystal, there are no word, bon voyage, joan. bet milder, joan rivers has died what a saddened to go a brilliant, tragic comic life. many fans have been placing flowers around the hollywood walk of fame star. >> i think it is fair to say there was only one joan rivers and never will there be another. >> rivers first gain national attention in 1965 when she appeared on the tonight show starring johnny carson. she would eventually become carson's permanent guest host before they had a falling out. rivers daughter melissa rivers said in part it is with great sadness i announce death of my mother's greatest joey in life was to make people laugh, although that is difficult to do right now i know her final wish would be that we will return to laughing soon. >> rivers, had ties to
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philadelphia, and influence comedians all across the area. >> dawn timmeney live in center city looking at that part of the story live outside helium comedy club, hi dawn. >> reporter: good morning, chris and kerry. local comedians are remembering joan rivers as we all are, reminiscing about the times that they met her, sharing stories but what a lot of people may in the know is that joan rivers spent an awful lot of time at qvc shopping network in west chester, pennsylvania. that is right, joan rivers worked at qvc for some 24 years selling her own line of costume jewelry, clothing and accessories. she was here a couple times a month. joan did it in a way only joan rivers could getaway with adding humor to her sales pitches and some were wild, pushing it to the limit. we have talk to the qvc host jane trace hi told us that what people didn't know about joan because she was so funny and always making wise cracks
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is she had a heart of goal. she would give you shirt off of her back. joan rivers had been through a lot and she didn't forget that. but she was always, moving forward, she was always working. joan rivers was last at qvc two weeks ago and chris and kerry, jane tracie said she with come in with her dog, she would make everybody laugh and she loved to dance. but coming up at 6:30, we will toll you what the two local comedians performing at helium club have to say about their encounters with joan rivers, and the one common theme i will tell you is that she had a huge heart. that she was a really nice lady in the just a funny laid. >> looking forward to that dawn, thanks very much. at 6:06. we have breaking news. a ten year-old boy who was struck by a car in northeast philadelphia has died overnight. the sad news.
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this happened near long shore and loretta avenues last night. police say the the driver remained at the scene. the child was rush to st. christopher's hospital where he was later pronounced dead. six clear see owe seven. former philadelphia eagles receive are irving fryar will be in court and will return whether he will accept a plea deal in connection with a mortgage scheme that involved him and his mom. steve keeley live at the courthouse in mount holly, steve, good morning. >> reporter: legal experts out here in burlington county say he had in choice but to accept it since they have so much evident against him and his mother. that is really extra sad part of this story. he is back in his hometown of mount holly where he first made headlines as a high school football star at rancocas valley high school and then off to the the nfl. number one overall draft choice but he will make this very sad head line here today at burlington county courthouse as he and his seven three-year old mother are expect to receive plea bargains that will come with
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five years for fryar and three years for his in mother, both indicted for taking part in the mortgage scam to get 700 you this dollars from five different banks by simultaneously applying for five different mortgages on just one house, hers. leners gave them the loans not knowing the others were also giving them, too at the same time since they were being processed yet so none on the credit reports and the banks all gave them the money. guy who master minded this pleaded guilty, cooperated. he only got 20 months. that has got mrs. fryar's mother lawyer so upset, that she will end up doing several months of that three-year term and he says even that is tote thely unacceptable. she just sign where she was told to sign but irving fryar likely knew what was going on and how sad is it that his mother standing side by side with him in the courthouse today chris and kerry will also have to go to prison at age 73. >> sad is definitely the word for both of them, steve, thanks. delaware governor jack markell was on good day talking about his plan to help
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disadvantaged kids but a tweet about that plan was not exactly good pr. the the picture that had governor's office apologizing, the the picture that had governor's office apologizing, yeah.
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tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home.
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internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. welcome back everyone at 6:11 a.m. happy friday. weekend is here. for some kids it is last week even of summer. the rest of us maybe first
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weekend of the school year or just another weekend. either way it is here and we are looking at a hotter, much nicer weekend. we have got some fog to contend with. visability are rising at the the airport. we started at a half mile last hour. now up to 2 miles. otherwise pockets of dense fog, including where we just saw, with steve keeley in mount holly, very dense out there. be careful. we have fog early thanks to the humid air that moved in overnight. it is hot, humid today and already warm. seventy-three in philadelphia right now. fox future cast showing fog burns off quickly. mostly sunny skies today. but then showers and thunderstorms expected to pop up north and west this afternoon. they will swing through, should be brief but preview of some showers and thunderstorms expect gannon saturday. eighty-eight. warm with the thunderstorm. hot with have a noon showers and thunderstorms on saturday. that is a cold front coming through. that will bring much cooler more comfortable conditions outside, by sunday. 79 degrees for the high temperature. it looks nice for the eagles
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game. cloudy and cool first part of the week with warmer weather later on in the next week. that is your seven day forecast, still in overbrook, north 59th street and upland way. accident involves a vehicle hitting a pole and overturning. that is our big accident of the morning so far. police are directing traffic. use alternate lancaster avenue or woodbine avenue. i-95 northbound off ramp to 141 there is a tire in the roadway. be cautious there. in chester 21st at edmond avenue there is a report of
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my ifness, people every where, of course, mourning the loss of comedian joan rivers, this morning. in fact, in new york a pile of flowers growing outside of her upper eastside home. >> we are live there with more on this teresa, the news came out yesterday, that she had, in fact, passed, i'm guessing that memorial behind you is growing. >> reporter: it is growing, good morning chris and kerry. many expected this news because she had been sick for a week but we were all shocked. there was a sadness in the air. people immediately began coming here to her upper east side memorial apartment laying flowers, cards. some say we love you joan. others say you will make me laugh forever. people have been coming in this morning. we are seeing similar scenes outside mt. sinai hospital in east who are problem but comedy clubs in manhattan where she had been performing quite often especially in the last couple weeks.
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my understanding is the gotham comedy club is one that she performed on just wednesday night, the night before she fell ill. just to recap for your viewers, joan rivers was having a very simple throat procedure at a clinic here in hand health and human hat on's upper east side and something went terribly wrong. she went in cardiac arrest. she was brought to the local hospital where she was placed on life support and that is where she remain until she passed away yesterday afternoon. immediately, her presence, her passing was felt, and reaction started to pour in all over the place. she was surrounded wye her daughter, melissa whom many fans of joan rivers know quite well as well as her grandson cooper. this was a woman truly larger than life. we are hearing time and again her sensibility really just seemed to put the world in perspective for all of us, loud us to laugh at things that we would not yoke about ourselves. she was the the one to say it is okay.
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tributes like the one behind me are a testament to that. >> initially we all necessity she had a ton of plastic surgery. she made that part of her routine. we thought, okay, an outpatient procedure type thing might have been plastic surgery but evidently it wasn't that, but nonetheless, this is still investigated by the state about what actually happened at that clinic, right. >> reporter: your first point we were hearing from friend just last week her voice was getting much more racepy then it had been and she was taking care of her instrument. this was routine thing that she did and she needed some type of procedure. we don't know if it was a check up, biopsy, we just don't know but her voice was degrading. so she wanted to get it fixed. it is what allows her to transmit her genius, right. that happened late last week. we found that out. we are hearing that the clinic is under investigation by the state. they will look into her death but they are up on all of their licenses. apparently this is a place that is well known, very
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clean, has not had problems in the past but still as a precautionary measure they are looking into it. new back to you. >> therese, live for news new york city, therese, thank you. the obama care web site was hack by cyber attackers. the white house is confirming that hackers broke into in july but breach was only discovered a week ago. the department of health and human services says that part of the site did not have a firewall installed on it. fortunately the department of home land security says no personal information was compromised and hackers gained access to the test server which had in consumer information. however, cyber criminals did install mal wear software that could have been used to launch an attack on other web sites. a pennsylvania veteran wants to make sure kid get safely across the the street on their way to school. >> yes, combining safety with a message. six three-year old lewis austin showed up at a lancaster school in late august. he began walking children
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safely across the street after noticing there was a crossing gar. vietnam veteran and chaplain for count may reen core league had just left, still in uniform and shown up at school every day since, in uniform, safely escorting the kids. >> first day of school on monday. funeral service, i said i will be in uniform. that will work good. children will know a serviceman close by. >> the school district says it the is grateful for what this man is doing, he says he hopes the national attention will help other veterans, find jobs. we wish him the best. 6:20. "good day philadelphia" begins in about 40 minutes. it is our last day of showing off our new anchor, alex holley, of course, showing her around town as well. >> mike, you have been showing her around town. one of the best thing to show is the link. what a great place to watch the game. >> i thought i should take her to the game. her parents are in town. we will go to the game sunday
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geeps jacksonville jaguars in that place right there the link. we thought we would come out here to xfinity live. this is kind of a landmark you need to check out every now and then. we will be stationed here right by pbr on their path the ohio. you know where this is. look at this... we should say hello to you. if you are the first two people outside for this what is your name. >> tom callahan. >> where do you live. >> we live in pennsylvania. >> no, no. >> it is my wife, dorothy. >> hi dorothy. >> good morning. >> thanks for coming out. >> it is great, we just love it. >> we have no prize for you being the the first people here. >> first one at the party, i love that. >> you are the the guy that comes first and stays all night. >> that is for sure me. >> all right, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> try to get out here before 10:00 o'clock this morning a little eagles pep rail.
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anything involves eagles we will have it. we will see you at 7:00. >> tell callahan's it is 5:00 p.m. somewhere. >> that is right. >> all right, buddy. >> roll out the barrel. >> lets do weather on the one's. hey, caitlin, it will be perfect weather for sunday's game. >> we now how uncomfortable it cap be sitting at the link when it is 90 and humid. that is miserable. we will see a change occurring right on time, back to some more tolerable conditions. big story of the morning is fog especially up and down i-95. visability slowly rising, we will continue to see them rise as we head past sunrise but just about to head out, be careful, dense, fog in some spots and in parts of the burlington county, new jersey, ocean county, in one of the more remote spots you will encounter. that fog starts us off with a warm, humid morning and afternoon. eighty-three by noon. eighty-eight later today with the chance of the thunderstorm.
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that is your friday planning forecast. lets get back to the roads where we are in overbrook. it is our big accident of the morning. north 59th street at up land way. accident involves a truck hitting a pole and overturning. police are directing traffic. we may still see delays because we have to use alternate lancaster avenue. also on i-95 north bound between 420 and 291 east bartram avenue is there construction with two left lanes block as the morning commute continues to pick up that will stack up easily. i-95 north bound between 420 and 291. in chester 21st at edgemont avenue, reports of an
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see what you missed by going to bed so early. >> 8:30 was time for kick off here. >> life was going on and i was asleep. >> nfl season kicking off at seattle with the defending champs taking on the green bay packers. >> seattle dominated this game winning 36-16. marshawn lynch ran for 110 yards and two touchdowns, russell wilson threw for 191 yards and a pair of touchdowns. now for more of the day in sport, here's howard eskin.
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good morning i'm howard eskin. fans will believe this eagles season can be a good one. the it is all about the super bowl. it starts sunday with the eagles. biggest favorite with the nfl they are ten and a half over jacksonville. chip kelly is the reason eagles are doing what they do. you need players to dot right thing but you need coach to create that mentality. turnovers the ultimate killer for a quarterback. why do chip kelly quarterback in the throw int's. >> we would bench them if they throw more than two. no, i have been really fortunate that the guys i have had an opportunity to coach really understood what we were trying to get accomplish and they understood value and we talk about the turn over question is we spend a lot of time on that and sometimes throwing the ball away is more valuable then trying to force tonight there and understanding and managing the game. browns wide receiver josh gordon suspended for the the year. gordon has a new job, working for a car dealership. good luck as an ambassador and
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salesman. that is sports in a minute. in moving to politics and social media colliding yet again, this time delaware governor apologizing for a tweet that wasn't exactly pg.
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were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. it would mean that nobody wants me, everything i ever tried to do in life didn't
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work, nobody cared, i have been totally for got even. >> joan rivers, showing a more sensitive side, and telling the world what she fears most, being for the gotten, this morning we are looking back at the life of the woman who will be hard to forget. filling so many lives with laughter. >> yes, she did. former eagle irving fryar heading to court, why he will take a plea deal to save his mom from going to prison. big news for big pat, we told but this horse a few months ago. pat was blind and was going to be put down but his luck has turn around. good day, everyone. it is friday. we made it. tgif, september 5th, 2014. >> most kids back to school this week or next. if yours are we'd like to see their photos. use the hash tag fox 29 back to school. >> 6:31 is the time. lets do weather on the one's with caitlin. >> good morning, everyone. lets get straight to it. we have some fog this morning. warm, humid. another summer-like afternoon expect. mainly sunny skies we will see fog burning off quickly. this afternoon 88 degrees the
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high with an afternoon or evening thunderstorm. there is a chance of the shower or thunderstorm early. we should clear out with the low of 74. that is your fox cast still in overbrook with the traffic authority north 59th street at upland way.&3 we have an accident there. this accident involves a pole and overturning. police are directing traffic but use alternate lancaster avenue. also in camden ben franklin bridge westbound between mid spain an fifth street construction with two lanes block. don't you think men really like intelligence more when it comes down to it. >> will we go back to that are you kidding me. >> it is sure. >> no man has ever put his hand up a woman's dress to give her a library card. >> remembering joan rivers, the fearlessly funny comedian bursting on the national spot light with her appearances on the tonight show with johnny carson and really what launched her career. they presidentially had a falling out when she got her own show but she eventually
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did crash male dominated world ovulate night talk shows with the show, of course, on fox. >> people from around the world are mourning the looks of joan rivers. >> legendary comedian, trail blazer, died yesterday after complication from his a minor surgery. we are still getting more information about what that was but her daughter melissa and her grandson cooper was by her side. joan rivers was 81. so many celebrities taking to social media. sarah silver man tweeting my hearties torn in half i was in the done. rose ann barr tweeting ribp, hail, hail a genius has vacated this realm. joan rivers has died. kathy griffin posted a photo of the two saying a ledgend, friend, mentor, icon and wildly funny. one of a kind, rest in peace. >> her legacy in philadelphia may not be etched in stone, necessarily. >> no, but it is marked by so many of her visits here and her influence on comedian all across the area. dawn timmeney live outside
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helium comedy club with more on that this morning, dawn. >> reporter: good morning, kerry and chris. a lot of local comedians are remembering joan rivers influence on comedy this morning, including two featured comedians performing here at the helium comedy club. now, joan rivers was known for her humor. she was within of a kind as you mentioned and it kept her career going strong for more than 50 years. there was no one like her. brad trackman from mount laurel a local comedian remembers getting the call of his career, a last minute cancellation, had the local comedian opening up for joan rivers in a new york comedy club. he tells us he remembers exactly what joan rivers said to him when he met her. >> pleasure to meet you. listen, thank you for doing this. no relationship jokes. no jewish jokes. no jokes about clinton. >> doesn't matter how long her
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career was. she defied ages and sexism and she was all while being an incredible mother. >> that was comedian heather mcdonald who said she owes her career to joan rivers who work with her at the the e network a lot have of female comedians say rivers blazed the trail with a style all of her own and she managed to keep it going, reinventing herself all along the way. chris and kerry, you mentioned her local connections. she performed at the atlantic city casinos. her daughter, melissa that she worked with at the e network was graduate have the university of pennsylvania. she work at qvc for some 24 years selling costume line of jewelry, fashion and accessories. so she was very well men there. she would come to west chest they are a couple times a month and she was last there just two weeks ago. you may find this interesting, she also had, 2 million followers on twitter. >> wow. >> at 81 years old.
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>> pretty incredible. >> her birthday is the same as yours and mine, dawn timmeney, general rivers, and chris murphy. >> june 8th. >> how about that. >> gemini for sure. former eagle, philadelphia eagle, irving fryar, is expect in court today. >> yes, at this point we will learn when will accept a plea deal in connection with the mortgage fraud scheme that involved him and his mom. fox 29's steve keeley live at the courthouse with the preview. >> reporter: thinks irving fryar's hometown mount holly, and he followed in the footsteps of the nfl hall of famer four time super bowl winner franco harris with the steelers team in the 70's. fryar began making headlines at rancocas valley high school and then on to be the the number one overall draft pick in 84 out of nebraska. long, lucrative pro career with the patriot, dolphins, eagles and washington but now back at his hometown in age 51. he will make a very sad head line at the courthouse.
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he and his seven three-year old mother expect to take plea bargains that will come with a five-year prison sentence for fryar and three-year sentence for mom. both indicted for taking part in the mortgage scam to get $700,000 in home equity loans from 25 banks on one house. lenders gave them money not knowing others were also lending them money at the the same time. mortgage broke shore master minded this scam with five others too pleaded guilty early on, greed to cooperate and got only 20 months. lawyer for fryar's mother says even though she may likely only even up doing several months in prison, that is still, unacceptable since she only did what she was told to do when it came to signing all of those forms, she and her son charged with lying on a lot of those forms and applications, saying that she had a high paying job at irving fryar's church right around the corner from here where he is now pastor. lawyer says she lost her house and now will lose her freedom at age 73 as she and her son get to show up here
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side by side at 9:00 this morning. irving fryar not following now in the footsteps of franco harris who ended up in canton at football hall of fame, fryar likely will end up in a new jersey state prison. very sad. >> what a fall from grace. >> no kidding. >> thanks, steve. >> 6:38. so did you catch delaware governor jack markell on "good day philadelphia" yesterday. >> of course. >> he joined our team out there on rodney square. well, moments after that appearance things got weird. >> governor sent out a tweet about his initiative and very unfortunate mistake evidently happened. the tweet announcing a plan to help disadvantage kids, the picture had nothing to do with education. there it is. it showed a with man dressed up in what appeared to be bondage gear. governor's office quickly deleted the post and issued an apology and an explanation. it said picture that was supposed to link to the tweet was inadvertently altered and random inappropriate picture of the woman appear. governor's office added that
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it wish the accidental link, had been, a cat video. >> sometimes the links are miss appropriated, you ever put out a link and it takes you to something else thaw weren't intend to go view. not necessarily something like that. >> in the something like that but it does happen. >> a change of face for iconic boardwalk attraction, damage by hurricane sandy, the future foresee seaside heights carousal. when it comes to drones everyone has an opinion even those in the animal kingdom what this ram does when a drone invades his personal what this ram does when a drone it makes me happy to go on the computer.
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i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide.
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at 6:42. we have breaking news. you are looking live at 59th street in up land in the overbrook section of philadelphia. where there is an overturn car. police say it crashed just about 5:00 o'clock this morning. it hit several parked cars before flipping in the woods. thankfully in one was hurt. we will continue to follow this story and bring you updates as they come in. meanwhile 6:42. time for our weather. >> weather and we will give you an update on that accident too. we have been following, telling but for the past couple of hours at this point. all right. lets start off with weather. fog is an issue for a lot of you east of the river into new jersey. we will get to wrightstown visibility down to zero. burlington county, places like marlton, mount holly. we are seeing dense fog,
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collect in spots and that does extend back towards i-95, trenton down to a half mile visibility. philadelphia was down to a half mile and now slowly rising. it will burn off once we hit sunrise but it is thick. take your time out there this morning. seventy-three in philadelphia. seventy-four wilmington. it is humid. we saw muggy air moving in overnight and that is responsible for forming this fog this morning. fox future cast starting off with sunshine, once we burn off this fog and later this afternoon we will see showers and thunderstorms. it lies isolated. it is possible this evening. and then they should drift off as we head into the overnight but a preview of the then are storms we are expecting to see saturday. saturday starts off sunny, hot and humid, really feeling like sum they are week. by 8:00 o'clock showers and thunderstorms along a cold front are likely and squeak through and behind it we will see cooler, much more refreshing air moving in. 88 degrees today, warm with the late day thunderstorm, hot and humid, 92 on saturday, temperatures well above average for first temple home
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game. by sunday with the first eagles home game much cooler feeling like football weather only 79 for a high and nice breeze. clouds, cooler. temperatures in the 70's through tuesday and slight warm up with the chance for rain both wednesday and thursday. that is your seven day forecast new back to the accident scene in overbrook, north 59th street at up land way, that is what we have been telling but, the accident involved a vehicle hitting a pole and overturning and that vehicle looks destroyed from our picture out there right now. it looks like it flipped over, and it is buried in trees. very bad accident. police are directing traffic. you will to have use alternate land cats ter avenue or woodbine avenue to get around that scene. unless west oak lane 66th after new between 16th and 15th street is there an accident that has all lanes block, cannot access it. police are on the scene with tow trucks so until then that you will to have use alternate cheltenham avenue, chris. a beloved boardwalk attraction is staying right where it is.
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>> yes, seaside heights town council struck a deal to keep carousal on the boardwalk. >> the ride survives super storm sandy and boardwalk fire but company that owns it announced in the summer they would put it up for auction to make room for new rides. town and casino pier reportedly swapping oceanfront property in exchange for control of that carousal. this was hand built by the way in 1910 right here in philadelphia. 6:45 the time in gloucester county swedesboro council approved a settlement with the liquor store own's cues of discriminate ago begins black customers. at agreement ensure that king's liquor will be closed until a new owner takes over later this month. boro council approved the resolution on wednesday on wednesday we told you last week king's liquor was closed following several complaints of racial bias against the owner mario, and that the owner had been working to transfer his liquor license. all students in the school district of philadelphia can now get a breakfast and a
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lunch for free. the school district says it is part of the new meal program meant to ease financial burden for all families. there is no paperwork involved for anyone and it will erase stigma associated with that program. the school district superintendent william hite says it will also provide as many students as possible with access to healthy, nutritious meals. last year more than 27 million meals were served to kids in the advertise trick. updating a story we first brought because income july. we told you about a blind draft horse almost certainly headed for slaughter. big pat was blind and he was under wait when rescued by large animals catchers society over the summer. they teamed up with penn vet at new bolton center. pat's left eye was too far gone but the dogs made an incision in his right cornea, broke up cataracts inside there and then, sucked out all of the debris. >> it is awesome to see him so happy, in good weight, his wound have healed.
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he is visual. >> i found rescue animals recognize when they are in the hand of angels and they tend to forgive their past and warm up to new people and they are just all heart. >> pat is ready for retirement living so he is heading out to michigan with his adopted family and couple other horses there to keep him company. hollywood mourning the loss of legendary comedian joan rivers. >> rivers died at mt. sinai hospital in new york yesterday surrounded by familiar willly ape close friends. she was hospitalized after going into cardiac arrest following a routine procedure at mount cyanide medical center last week. new york state health department is investigating the circumstances. we will hear that medical center was, you know, licensed, clean, and well known. rivers was 81 years old. an artist is turning the celebrity nude photos leaked by hackers into an art exhibit at a gallery in florida. i'm sure stars like that. they will be part of the artist controversial no delete show which includes his
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collection of celebrity images that he found on google: spokesperson for gallery says images will be life sized and unaltered. >> it is rude. i thought anybody using those photos, could get in quite a bit of legal trouble. >> wait and see if it happens, right. >> congratulations to actress scarlet johann son and her fiance she delivered her daughter. little girl's name is rose. she's engage, not rose to a french journalist. >> one dad in new york has create aid special video about his daughter's walk to school. >> kevin brady is his name and he started taking photos of his daughter's two and a half block walk to school while in kindergarten. now two years later he has used photos to create a time lapse video showing how much she has grown. it is 1380 photos make a video. >> that is one dedicated dad, right. "good day philadelphia" starts in ten minutes. it is our last day taking show
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on the road to show our new anchor alex holley all around town today she's live, with mike in, south philadelphia at xfinity live getting ready for the big eagles game. good morning. >> we figured we would take her to the epi center of all sports in philadelphia and that would be xfinity live. >> i guess this is a big sports town. >> have you heard. >> i think so. >> we are surrounded by our stadiums in south philadelphia, by the way, that huge monitor behind us, it is on a 15, 16, second delay so you won't be seeing what i'm talking about but chris and kerry, your heads are gigantic and, yeah, yeah. >> good day xfinity style there. >> i'm receding too so my forehead is enlarger you could put a giant billboard on your forehead. >> don't they call it a five hood, i'm just saying. >> the only one among the four of us that has a normal sized forehead is alex.
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>> no. >> it is true. >> the big headed people so get out here. we will be out here until 10:00 o'clock. believe it or not they are serving beer already. >> yes. >> if that is not in reason. we will have cheerleaders, guests, all kind of stuff. you have to come now to get a good spot. >> correct me if i'm wrong, mike that is kind of venue where if you have tickets to the game a lot of times you miss the game because it is so darn fun inside the xfinity zone. >> you know why he is bringing that up, because he and i, have done. that should we go over. let's have one more beer here. we end up missing the game. >> phillies are out of here. we will just stay here. be here at 7:00. we will be here until 10:00 o'clock getting held i for big game. >> fun time. >> awesome. >> i feel for you, alex. my gosh. >> what does that mean. >> i'm just saying she has a tough day ahead of her, that
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is all. >> yes. >> on monday, we are in our new studio and you will be here the rest of my life, which isn't that long. >> it is a long time. >> all right. >> another great, great bright spot is seriously this weather. it could not be more perfect timing for the big season opener. >> i know, you and mike jerrick ride the bull at xfinity live. >> it wasn't there that we rode the bull. >> okay. >> what is wrong with you. >> what is wrong with chris murphy. >> we have some fog for the drive-in. it is dense in some spots. sunny and warm by noon 83. eighty-eight with a chance of a thunderstorm today, it is warm today, hot tomorrow but by kick off time eagles forecast game day sunday at
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1:00, 75 cool breeze sun and cloud much more refreshing change. this will come through after a cold front on saturday night. if it is too hot for you don't worry relief on the way as early as sunday. still in over back with the traffic authority north 59th street at up land way, we have live video, cameras on the scene of the accident, that car flipped and mangled as it, moved into the trees. it involves a vehicle hitting a reported seven parked cars and then hitting a pole and overturning. that explains why it is so destroyed. police are directing traffic, up can see vehicles moving there but use alternate, either lancaster avenue or wide bine avenue n west oak lane cutler avenue between north 16th and 15th street there is an accident with all lanes block. police are on the scene and tow truck is cleaning up vehicles
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hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling... awwwwww scram! i'm crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. peas charty get town down. [laughter] ♪ borf a liver tute face stummy wag ♪ pow pam sha-beeps stella nerf berms. saxa-nay nay? badumps a head. temexiss gurrin. juppa left. fluppa jown! brone a brood. what? catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity.
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in the pocono mountains, nice and quiet there, we are looking at fern wood at 6:55. there has been chatter and concerns about the rise of drones but humans are not the only ones bug by them taking over the skies this ram was just minding his own business in new zealand when this drone wondered into its space. what did he do? he helped butted it. and then when drones owner came looking for it, the ram showed the owner how he felt about him too. he got in a little tuesday will but neither drone own are
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or the ram was injured. >> sense of relief in southern california this morning, deadlial bine a cobra on the loose, has been captured, it has been moving around, a thousand oaks neighborhood since monday, animal control officers spent hours, each day searching for it, it is a bit that can kill within an hour. the snake even bit a dog. finally spotted yesterday afternoon in someone's backyard hiding under a pile of lumber. officials put tonight a wooden box and put it in an animal shelter. officials believe it escaped from captivity even though it is illegal to own one in the state of california. last day of the shows on the road, we have been introducing our new anchor alex holly to people all over and new we are ending the week, where else, south philadelphia, in preparation for big eagles game right there, come on down to xfinity live for a morning full of fun, just stay tune right here to fox 29 head down there to say hello to mike sue and alex holley we will be right back with good day philadelphia
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woman, opening door: hey, hon. hey! hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here?
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no! no. could have gotten me one. i did. add some spice to your day with dunkin's spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. grab one today. america runs on dunkin'. start your morning spicy -- hurry in today for a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich.
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okay. start driving. fly eagles fly, on the road to victory. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> yeah. >> it is finally here. game is sunday. >> it sounded like all men in that chant. >> mostly men. >> we will get some women too. cheerleaders already here. swoop, thanks for the ride. it is alex's first time at xfinity live and it is her first eagles game on sunday. we will get to the game. >> i'm guessing you will there been too, swoop. >> he is speechless about all that. >> hi. >> wow. >> hello, ladies. >> this should be good trying to get out of this vehicle. >> thanks for the ride, swoop. >> here we go, go eagles, go