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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  July 29, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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witnesses say the adults with her seemed out of it. what do you do? now the search is on to find them. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 5:00. >> breaking tonight at 5:00 mazing rescue in bucks county. skyfox is over route 413 near i-95 southbound just a short time ago that's where a trash truck rolled on to a mini van and things looked pretty grim until you see firefighters pulling a young man from the wreckage. and he seems to be finery patting firefighters on the back as he's loaded on to stretcher. here's life look at that stretch of interstate right now. the scene is being cleared and a lot of people know doubt thankful this was not much worse. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy nolan. let's get straight to fox's sabina kuriakose live near the scene right now. sabina, amazing pictures. >> reporter: absolutely. this incredible rescue happened just before 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. let's take look at the scene.
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you can see traffic is getting by. but the overturned trash truck remains at the scene. you can just make out the tip of it there. now, police say the driver lost control and crossed the median crushing a silver mini van. three people were trapped insi inside. that is when bristol township firefighters stepped in. take look at this amazing video of the rescue. two firefighters pull a 17 yeared boy from the wreckage of the mini van. they carry him to a stretcher. he is so grateful for their help he pats a firefighter on the back. he even hugs another one who is standing by the stretcher. now police gave us an update on the accident a short time ago. >> a truck that lost control for the reasons undetermined at this point came across the medial strip, truck the vehicle on the other side. there was three occupants in the vehicle. all three occupants appear to be not life threatening. there's no fatalities and the three occupants of the vehicle are at the hospital being check out. the driver of the truck is over
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there. he appears to be fine. >> reporter: and back here live, now this investigation into exactly what caused that trash truck driver to lose control continues. three people in that mini van were rush to the hospital. they are expected to be okay. again, police saying that they are just so happy and honestly they're thanking god that nobody was killed or seriously injured in this accident. meantime that driver remains unseen. he's being questioned right now. lucy back to you. >> thank you very much, sabina. you are on a septa subway car and you see a toddler in a stroller. adults with her seem out of it. you don't know if they're on drugs, sick or just plane exhausted. so what do you do? that was a dilemma facing passenger on the market frankford line sun day morning ton night septa police are looking for the adults and that toddler to make sure they're all okay. a passenger sent fox 29 this video. our bruce gordon has spent the day looking for answers live in the newsroom right now. bruce, this video really is disturbing. >> reporter: it sure is lucy. according to the woman who shot
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it the pictures tell only part of the story. she says it was clear the man and woman with this small child were in no condition to care for her. the woman who shot the video asked us not to use her name or show her face. we agreed. because we think the story is more important than her identi identity. >> i just felt like i had to get on video. someone needs to see this much this is so sad. like this is awful. >> reporter: amateur videographer says she got on the market frankford line at the girard stop around 8:30 sunday morning and immediately noticed the couple and the toddler with them. we blurred their faces because they have not been charged with any crime. she says the man seemed to be wearing hospital bracelets and that sweat was dripping from his beard. >> he had an entire puddle underneath him. >> he was perspiring profusely. yeah, like bad. >> reporter: the woman was leaning against a see ralline by. >> her eyes were rolling in the back of her head. her hands are just like falling all over the place. >> reporter: didn't like tired to you. there's a difference between tired and impaired.
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>> no. >> reporter: this was not tired? >> no. they were wacked on something. i just don know what it was. like i mean it was just so disturbing and, you know, i was looking around at everyone to see if like i was the only one feeling this way and everyone was looking at them, too. >> reporter: sometime before the eighth street stop a fellow passenger flagged down a septa worker to alert transit police but another passenger warned the couple and they got off at eighth street. avoiding cops waiting one station ahead. septa police chief thomasness stelle. >> you have seen the video what's your sense of what's going on with those two adults? well they're certainly not functioning normally. >> reporter: he says the woman in particular seemed impaired. notice she has trouble grabbing the handrail as they leave the station. the chief says it's not clear whether the couple was high or sick or just tired. he's flood someone called authorities. >> it could be any number of things that are legitimate reasons. let us evaluate it. we have officers trained to do that and we'll get help for the
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person regardless of what the circumstance is. >> reporter: as for our videographer -- >> you have second thoughts about not doing more? >> yeah. because it's just so sad. like that little girl can't do anything. she's a baby. >> reporter: both the man and the woman appeared to be in their 20s. they had dark hair. the toddler curly reddish brown hair again the man was bearded. the couple spoke english but seemed at least to understand spanish. septa police want to find the trio to offer social service help if it's needed. iain? >> bruce, thank you. happening now a community in mourning remembers the children killed in last week's carjacking crash. 10 year old thomas reid, seven year old terrence moore and 15 year old key era williams died when carjack vehicle hop add sidewalk and plowed into them. a vigil in their honor is about to get underway. meanwhile bail has been denied for the two men charged in the crime. police say they have two video taped confessions from them. fox 29's chris o'connell is live at the scene of the tragedy tonight. chris? >> reporter: iain, as the judge denied bail for the two suspects in this deadly
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carjacking, early this morning, tonight a vigil honoring the three victims, those children, who died on this very intersection starts in about an hour. it's been four days now since that horrible carjacking here on the corner of germantown and allegheny avenue. you see the memorial continues to grow with stuffed animals, candles, messages of prayer for the family who lost three children, their mother still remains in critical condition. those three victims 15 year old key era williams, 10 year old thomas reid and seven year old terrence moore all of them mowed down here on the corner last friday while selling fruit to raise money for their church. now, police say the two suspects carjacked a local realtor sexually assaulted her before crashing here into the family, and devastating this community. including complete strangers who are showing up touched by this loss. >> i don't have any children, so
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i love the kids and i was touched by it. i don't know the family but i feel as though it was my deed to come out and just drop something off just to, you know, clear my mind right now. >> reporter: we bring you back out here live. we did just get update. the mother of those three children has made some progress at temple university hospital. but we are also told she is still unaware of the death of her three young children. the funeral for those children has also been scheduled for monday. as for those suspects we're told by prison officials those two suspects are now segregated from other inmates concerned for their safety, iain. >> all right, chris, thank you. and new developments to night on the car that went into the delaware river in the penn's landing area of philadelphia. we have surveillance video from our own security cameras right who are at fox 29 news showing the black vehicle going down market street just before it plunges into the river yesterday evening. sky fox over penn's landing as people frantically worked to
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rescue the driver. did he not survive. but tonight we're learning more about the driver and what may have led up to that incident. fox 29's thalia perez joins us live at penn's landing and thalia, you spoke with that victim's aunt today. >> reporter: that's right, iain, and in fact we are live from the pedestrian walkway. this is the pedestrian walkway where witnesses say mark ollivierre row's car flu over before it punched into the delaware river yesterday. we spoke with his i wasn't at his home. it's a difficult time for the family who are left with many unanswered questions. >> i said, please, mark, be careful and take care of yours. said i love you aunt. i said i love you, too, that was it. >> behind tears tina tells us that was the very last time she spoke to her 25 year old nephew mark. he was at the wheel monday when he slammed into a wall and plunged into the delaware river
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at penn's landing. the deadly crash happened around 6:00 p.m. >> he went right across the pedestrian ramp. thank god there was no function going on. >> witnesses two good samaritans tried to save him but couldn't he was pulled out of the water by rescue crews. >> i just froze because i never seen nothing happen like that at all, you know, it's something scary. >> surveillance cameras outside our studios caught him heading east along market street shortly before the crash. and just minutes after he rear ended a vehicle, at fourth and arch and fled the scene. she wants to remember the good times that she will cherish in these photos. >> that he was just -- he was funny. he was a good nephew. he was so handsome. and he made everybody smile. >> reporter: i'm told that mark lost his grandmother in january who he was very close
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to. this while police say that the accident investigation is still underway. we'll send it back to you. >> all right. thank you very much, thalia. tonight the pentagon says the russians are spending big actually sending big sophisticated weapons to the separatists in ukraine who want the eastern part of the country to succeed and join are you sham it comes as two more people die holes have been blown into the streets of a reasonable neighborhood right near an apartment building and many more are afraid more civilians could die as this continues. president obama announced today the u.s. is slapping a new round of economic sanctions on russia saying there is little proof kremlin wants to end the violence in ukraine. >> russia continues on its current path the cost on russia will continue to grow. the president says he is aiming to penalize russia for continued support of pro russian rebel. russia denies charges that it's supplying heavy weapon to the separatists and firing over its border in the i was crepe yann territory.
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>> in north jersey, bear gets into a home. >> the surprising sound from the kitchen that alerted the homeowner to the intruder. and federal investigators say they now know what caused the paulsboro train derailment that sent toxic gas into a local community. what new report says railroad company did wrong weeks before the accident. >> and pot infused candy and granola bars? coming up we take you inside one of the first legal marijuana shops and you may not believe what else we found behind those closed doors. >> later cab driver notice as customer carrying what looks like a body wrapped in a sheet. it turns out it was a body wrapped in sheet. police now believe they've got this bizarre story figured out. colleen? >> wow. desean jackson already sees major difference in washington, d.c. and it might have something to do with you. what he has to sybo the fans coming up in sports. scott? >> colleen, right now refreshing forecast across our area. coming up, when to expect more heat, humidity as well as
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♪ >> one person is recovering after fumes fill a room inside a building on pennsylvania campus. that person is expected to be okay. it happened this morning inside a building at 36th and spruce streets. police say the incident was isolated to just one room. it's not exactly clear yet what caused the fumes. >> police say a bump on septa trolley gets a woman punched and robbed. take a look at this video released by police. you can see a guy with backpack standing near the trolley door. well video shows a woman right there bumping him as she gets off on the 4700 block of
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baltimore avenue in philadelphia's cedar park neighborhood. now, watch as the man throws a cup at her. follows her off and hits her. investigators say he also stole her headphones. witnesses and other passengers gathered to help and the woman had to get stitches on her lip and police are now searching for the man who punched her. >> a four year old is now in stable condition in atlantic city hospital after the coast guard airlifted him off cruise ship. that cruise liner was in the atlantic about 100 miles southeast of the city yesterday. the norwegian break away reported the boy had fallen from his bunk and injured his head. the ship changed course an coast guard crew hoisted the boy and his mother aboard a helicopter. they were flown to atlantic care regional medical center. >> it has taken more than year and a half but tonight the national traps mr. takes safety board is finally released its final report on the paulsboro train derailment. the tanker cars derailed on a bridge on november 30th, 2012, and released vinyl chloride it's a toxic gas in the air. fox 29's dawn timmeney is live
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in the newsroom with details on the roar. dawn report roar the ntsb found plenty of blame to go around. federal investigators are faulting conrail for the derailment and local officials for their response to the resulting toxic gas release. four tanker cars tumbled into the mantua creek in paulsboro where the train had crossed a pivotal bridge designed to swing open for boat traffic. one tank ruptured and leaked vinyl chloride. 700 were evacuated 30 sent to area hospitals. ntsb faulting conrail in its report for allowing the train to cross the bridge despite locks not being in place, and the company's insufficient training to inn spec locks like the one that failed in the accident. federal investigators also said local emergency responders were unprepared for this kind of situation. paulsboro mayor saying today, they did the best they can. >> i can't put the blame on the volunteer fire department. they are what they are, volunteer, and some, you know,
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we do train for some things, but that wasn't -- that was not on the agenda. >> the ntsb found the bridge had mal if you knowed 23 times in the year precedin preceding the derailment and 11 times the month before. conrail said it regretted the incident. conrail will evaluate the ntsb findings and will implement all appropriate measures. lucy? >> all right. dawn. a story about the power of you tonight. last night here at 5:00 we told you about a north philly daycare center hit by vandals and burglars. since our story aired donations have been come into the lighthouse daycare and community center. criminals spent the entire weekend looting and trashing it. they raided the fridge, stole computers even took the beloved classroom pets. well police are still searching for those people, meanwhile, the daycare is saying thank you for your donations. as of now, though, they don't have the ability to safely keep any new pets but they still need classroom supplies and a better
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security system. to help head to and look under our news tab. >> five pennsylvania congressmen are asking college sports going body to cancel penalties against penn state. those sanctions were imposed after the injury san sex abuse scandal. they include temporary ban on post season play, temporary reduction in scholarships. the cancellation of 112 wins and a $60 million fine. the lawmakers which include four republicans and one democrat have release add letter they sent to the ncaa's president they cite an april state court ruling that was critical of the sanctions. no comment from the ncaa tonig tonight. >> what a scare for a new jersey woman when she a wakes to find a bear in her home. she lives in sussex county and says she woke up to this morning and the bear was rummaging through her kitchen cabinets. police say the bear tour through a screen on the home on grand view drive, climbed through a window apparently decided it was thirsty actually turned on the kitchen zinc which eventually flooded the countertops and
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floors. police say the woman screamed and scared off the bear wildlife officials set up a trap at the the house just in case the bear comes back. on to your fox 29 weather authority now. i guess we're at the start of a very mild evening and going to be hard to improve on this for a lot of people. here's choi cho. >> iain, feeling more like fall than late july across our area. temperatures pretty comfortable as well only in the 70s right now. mid 70s. we should be looking at temperatures in the upper 80s this time of year and look at the humidity. it's comfortable at 46%. winds out of the west at about 8 miles per hour. so certainly an unseasonably cool day across our area. satellite and radar showing dry conditions. we have a few passing clouds across the area. but skies will clear once we lose that daytime heating. what little we saw today. look at the temperatures in the pocono mountains. only in the 60s. 64 degrees so you need a light jacket or sweater there. upper 60s in lancaster, looking at mid 70s in dover as well as
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wildwood. take look at some of the cooler readings off to our west. only 67 in pittsburgh. 70 degrees right now in syracuse new york. so it's going to be a nice and comfortable tuesday night. coming up we'll have the timing of when warmer temperatures will be on the increase as well as showers and some thunderstorms with the seven day coming up. >> scott, thank you. surveillance video shows thieves targeting an elderly woman at a local fast food joint. what police say the pickpockets took and it was more than just cash. >> and police in texas say a fight between a husband and wife ended with the man ramming his car into their home. she's in the hospital tonight. why police say she refused to let him in the house in the first place. plus research that macon firm what you already new. men and women's brains are wired differently. >> what. how this plays out in every day life. that's coming up. day life. that's coming up. ♪
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box! now at h.h. gregg, you can save up to 25% off store-wide.
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plus, get another 5% off instantly with your h.h. gregg card. get this whirlpool stainless steel three door refrigerator now only $1499. or a samsung 55" smart tv for just $788. for these amazing deals, and the boxes they come in, hurry to h.h. gregg, and fill your home with happy. >> more video tonight from that rare tornado that slammed revere massachusetts. the twister hit as a line of severe thunderstorms swept across suffolk county yesterday. it's the only tornado ever recorded in this area. we reported yesterday
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meteorologists clocked the twister as a powerful ef2. the strong winds damaged more than 100 homes. >> it was really strong, strong winds. i really didn't even have a chance to get nervous. i mean, just happened all of a sudden and, you know, just a matter of seconds. a matter of seconds. >> no reports of any serious injuries. officials in the area say the cleanup efforts could last for weeks. whale watchers got way more than they bargained for. more than 100 passengers off the tour boat spent the night in the middle of the ocean. the coast guard rescued them this morning. officials say the propeller of the boat got caught in a lobster trap rope. the tour company tried to fix the problem over and over again but calling in the coast guard. for pass injuries help couldn't come soon enough. >> accidents happen and things like that, but reaction was very slow. it seems like ages before...
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>> boston harbor cruises says each passenger will get a full refund for their ticket, $100 gift card and another $500 for their troubles. no one is hurt. >> in texas authorities say a fight between hunter and wife goes way too far ton night the wife is in the hospital and the husband is in jail. accused of driving a car into their house. this happened early this morning. police say the couple were arguing through a window after the man arrived home late and the woman wouldn't let him inside. that's when police say the man drove his car into the home's bathroom where the woman was at the time. she was pinned under the car and had to be flown to the hospital with serious injuries to her lower body. the man was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. >> in washington, d.c., national security adviser susan rice faces down a heckler while speaking about the israel hamas conflict. >> yet again to work -- >> the truth is, israel is killing innocent people in gaza.
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stop the killing! >> rice was speaking at the national press club when the protester interrupt the her. he snuck in and was sitting in the back row of the room reserve for the media. u.s. and international officials have tried to stop the violence in gaza calling for a cease fire but those efforts have been unsuccessful. if you're anything like me at all, and you don't like ru running, you might like the results of a new study. >> researchers now say you don't have very much at all for it to make a difference. but first, candy. granola bars just about anything you can think of infused with weed. rather unbelievable and fox 29 takes you inside one of the first legal pot shops. that's next and coming up later... >> what in the world is that and how can that get you six pack abs? i'll tell you how you too can try and i say
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>> police need your help catching thieves. she was standing in line to burger king on welsh road in pennypack neighborhood of philadelphia when they stole her purse. you're watching it here. police think a woman and two men did it by bumping into her then taking her purse. the woman says it had almost $200 in cash and her id. if you recognize any of these people, please call police. >> some call it the great sperm. the legalization of marijuana in some form spread to more than 20 states. in new jersey is one of them and pennsylvania may be headed that
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way. >> legal pot may not look at all like you're thinking and not everyone agrees this is a good thing. fox 29's rise company went to colorado to see what this is all about. ♪ >> reporter: you macon fuse this place with an art gallery. john mccoy originally from upper darby thought he may have wanted into an apple store. look little closer. you'll see they're not selling smart phones. >> wow! never thought i'd see the day. >> reporter: that day was january 1st when recreational marijuana in colorado became legal for anyone 21 and over. since then, the pot industry has been smoking. >> i'm about to take you into one of the first recreational pot shops in denver. ♪ >> reporter: this is the 3d cannibus center one of more than 340 marijuana dispensary that is have popped up in denver alone. after flashing my id i was welcomed by billy a bud tender.
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a pot connoisseur, if you will. >> there's smells and flavors. >> he's not talking wine but we'd. >> high grade marijuana each with a different name -- >> we call it the presidential k u.s. h. >> and a different effect on the body. it's a call owens kush this will be a very is he day tiff high for the body. definitely a late afternoon early evening high. >> have you been here before. >> reporter: customers range from ball cap bartender that is teachers and politicians. >> as the cannibus educator i take everybody by the hand from the connoisseur that's been smoking for 30, 40 years to the person that's just decided that try the were you there's no risk now and they want to see what the talk is about. >> reporter: and that's just the beginning. much of what is sold here is edible marijuana. pot infused granola bars, truffles, cookies. even red swedish fish all with doses of thc the active
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ingredient in cannibus. >> going into one of our grow rooms here much this is our showroom. >> reporter: shops are required to grow 75% of what they sell in grow houses like these. >> our whole industrial area here in denver i'd say more than 70% of those buildings are occupied by legal cannibus growth. >> reporter: so what is legal pot done for colorado? some say the social and economic implications are staggering. in the last six months, according to denver police, violent and property crimes are down 10%. there's a run on real estate and increase in jobs. then there's the estimated 30 to $50 million a year in tax revenue. most of that going to fund local schools. >> we have more money for schools. we have more jobs. we have reduced crime. where are we? we're in a better place than we were before it was legal. >> reporter: diane torn bock consider runs a marijuana website devoted to women. she moved here from
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collingswood, new jersey, four months ago. she says the restrictive marijuana laws back east forced the move. >> if you regulate the system in a way that understands that it's a market that needs to be answered to, it will work. >> reporter: but some say it's not working. >> i think that you should as state you should try very very slowly. >> gina car bone with smart colorado is sending a warning to other states considering what colorado has already done. >> there's a big difference between decriminalization, legalization and full on commercialization. in colorado we unfortunately have done all three. report roar the group says legalization is sending the wrong message to kids. she says colorado has the highest pot use among teens. the children's hospital in denver has already reported six children who became seriously ill after ingesting edible marijuana. >> right now, to have, you know, a piece of candy that's a bite sized piece of candy that has 10 servings of marijuana in it, i mean it's sending people to the
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er. >> reporter: but for most in colorado, this is the new normal. and for john mccoy it's about time. >> i think we're heading towards legalization in most of the country and for people like us we don't do alcohol. you know, we think this is a much safer thing. >> reporter: but whether or not this will be what new jersey and pennsylvania look like in the future remains to be seen. in denver, colorado, chris o'connell, fox 29 news. >> of course, legalized recreational pot is a highly controversial subject. we've covered many a study that shows the effects of marijuana on developing brains can be harmful. and of course our brains continue to develop into our 20's. >> pennsylvania state senator dale lynn leach got back from colorado himself and is leading the charge to legalize medical marijuana in the keystone state. senator leach supports the legalization of regulation of marijuana for medical use. he says it would be good for
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people with certain medical conditions and generate some tax revenue. leach made his case on good day this morning while philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsay was also in the studio. he's on the other side of the issue. >> starting to find now in states that have legalized it that it's very difficult to control. the edible version is being put in gummy bears, being put in brownies. kids are getting a hold of. >> we want to tightly regulated mark. we want to make sure kids aren't getting. we want to make sure when you get it you know what you're doing so it's done in save and responsible manner. >> medical marijuana is currently legal in 20 states including new jersey. you've heard some of the stereotypes, right? women never forget. men we don't listen. we also have an edge when it comes to math. that's what they say. >> this is true. never forgetting a bad thing or good thing. it depend on the circumstance, right? still to come the new brain science that backs all of this up. also, a popular dating site
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turns the tables. the trick it admits to playing on users looking for love. >> and coming up at sick a local mayor recently admitted she's never been to prom but today someone put together quite the production to make things right. scott? >> iain, comfortable weather right now but the question is >> iain, comfortable weather right now but the question is how long will it last? thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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>> another day and another plane makes an emergency landing on florida beach. police say everyone inside and on the ground are fine this time. they say the single engine cessna was having engine trouble forcing it down. on sunday, another plane crash landed on a beach hitting a man and his daughter who were walking on the sand in venice. the 36 year old man died at the scene. his nine year old daughter died later. >> in your health news tonight, why you may want to put on your running shoes and get moving. new study finds running for even a few minutes a day may cut your risk of death because of cardiovascular disease. the study was done over 15 years by the american college of cardiology and with the help of 55,000 adults who took part in it.
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researchers say the group of runners lowered their risk of death by nearly 30% compared to non runners and the best part the benefits were the same no matter how long, how far or how fast the runners went. >> now that i like. i can run 30 seconds and be good to go. you'd be good. >> we all know that men and women are very different. i didn't know that. >> yeah. here's a possible reason. the turns out our brains are really quite different. wow! researchers in austria studied more than 31,000 men and women over the age of 50 and they found that women they dot best on memory tests. they just never forget while men we tend to excel at math. >> ain't that the truth. not feeling your best? you know what, your makeup might be why. colleen wolfe you and i need to take notes on this one average woman absorbs about 5 pounds of makeup into her skin every year according to experts. 5 pounds. and a lot of those cosmetics contain toxic heavy metals. doctors say those metals can have serious impact on your
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health. >> they can affect our nervous systems. they can cause fatigue. they can cause headaches, derma tights, problems with row product. >> some women are looking to dump all that metal by detox feig their faces they swear by itly. how it's done and what it costs tonight the 10. >> how long does i take to makea first impression. less than second. >> the parts of your face are most important in making a good one. cab driver notice as customer carrying what looks like a body wrapped in a sheet and it turns out it was a body wrapped in sheet. police now believe they have got this bizarre story figured out. >> colleen. >> that's good. this guy hasn't been gone long but desean jackson already sees the benefits avenue new team. hear what the wide receiver has to say about the difference hear what the wide receiver has to say about the difference between th
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box! now at h.h. gregg, you can save up to 25% off store-wide. plus, get another 5% off instantly with your h.h. gregg card. get this whirlpool stainless steel three door refrigerator now only $1499. or a samsung 55" smart tv for just $788. for these amazing deals, and the boxes they come in, hurry to h.h. gregg, and fill your home with happy.
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thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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>> alabama man recovering after falling 50 feet inside a cave. the 18 year old reportedly slipped and tumbled down the cave last night. it took rescue crews while to get to him. they had to walk quarter of a mile to get to the cave. and then hike another quarter of a mile inside the cave. so three hours later, the teen was rescued. police have not released details on his injuries. >> check out these pictures fresh from the islands of hawaii you're looking at the state's most active volcano erupting at the hawaii volcano national park. all inspiring this erupt happened after piece of crater walls collapsed into the volcano's surrounding lava lake and you can kind of see a large
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splatter ejecting from the pitt followed by a cloud of ash. no injuries nor property damage. you can see how geologically young these islands are. they are still building. >> two michigan men accused of using a taxi to help dumb app 21 year old woman's body. the taxi driver says she thought something was up when she saw her fair coming towards the cab with what looked like a body wrapped in sheet. police say it turns out it was a body wrapped in a sheet. investigators say she called her boss much the cab company owner then 911 instead of helping her he helped dump the body. investigators believe the customer and the owner of the cab company new each other. >> i'm glad that the driver was a good person and turned them in. and i really appreciate that. >> the victim's family believes the woman died of a drug overdose. the cab driver is not in trouble but the customer and taxi company own are in are facing numerous charges. more evidence beyonce' could soon become a single lady.
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the new york post reportedly she's secretly shopping for a new apartment without jay-z. she checked out of her penn house last month. the price tag $22 million. one source told the paper quote she was very quite as if she was looking on the sly. not surprisingly no official response from beyonce' or jay-z. >> the dating site ok cupid comes clean about messing around with users love lives. the site's co-founder just adm admitted to manipulating profiles in a mass psychological experiment. the dating website reportedly removed texts from user's profile hid people's photos and told some users they were exceptionally good for each other when they weren't a match. why did they do it? the company says it wanted that see what would happen. >> what? >> the company's website the co-founder writes guess what, everybody if you use the internet you're the subject of hundreds of experiments at any given time on every site. that's how web sites work. >> i mean he's not even saying
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sorry. we did it. so what? that's what he's saying. get over it he's basically saying. >> i'm not okay with that cupid. i'm with you on that. we've all heard first impressions count. >> a new study shows how little time you have to make a good o one. ree searchers from the uk university says it's all based on looks all it takes is a quick glance at a face. just one-tenth of a second. one-tenth of a second and study participants formed social judgments in that fraction of that second. according to the data, the look of the mouth is linked to approach ability. tanned skin equals masculinity my dermatologist would argue on that point and people associate a strong jaw line with aggression. interesting stuff. yeah. >> another question for you. are you fit and tough enough to hang out with a navy seal during a workout. i don't think i am any more. >> our jennaphr frederick decided to find out for herself. >> go! >> okay. it's the navy seal workout. it's coming here to philadelph
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philadelphia. because john is here. you guys are based in richmond have a but this is something you're bringing all around the country. >> seal team physical training outdoor fitness class for men and women. it brings people together. they make friends they have fun. they get in the best shape of their life. >> we were watching what you guys were doing. and variety is key when we talk about this workout. so we watched you guys go up the art museum steps with kayaks because you can't just climb by yourself. we watched you guys out on the water. you may them paddle around in a circle. what was that about. >> trying to guest the left side of the body, the right side of the body and mix it up. they go across the river, flip the boats, climb ropes, go over walls, through windows all kinds of adventure. you keep fitness fun you'll stick with it. >> war the age. 15 year olds to 80 year ol olds. >> you're here in philadelphia 'cause you love our park system. incredible. >> it's a play ground. this is perfect place for our program. i'll tell you you could spend a year and never do the same thing twice. >> thank you very much. awesome, thanks for having me.
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jennaphr frederick fox 29 news. >> you want to try that. i would. that's the type of workout i like. it's a variety. i get bored quick. >> i don't think you get bored doing that. not at all. >> it's outside and the weather was nice. >> yes. >> for exercising outdoors. >> might get bored with this weather. >> no, this is lovely. >> we are going to experience the next several days with temperatures staying below average. in fact the highs today only in the 70s. 75 degrees right now and it's late july. i mean it feels more like fall stepping outdoors. the humidity pretty comfortable at 46%. we have have a few passing clouds around but dry conditions expected for your tuesday evening out perhaps you'll take that jog or even throw something on the grill. looking pretty good for that. the satellite and radar right now showing those passing clouds but once again it is dry because the air mass is simply drier moving in. look at the temperatures right now in the pocono mountains. only in the 60s. 64 degrees right now. 74 in atlantic city. we're looking at upper 60s in
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lancaster. so you might want to think about grabbing a little light jacket or sweater if you're stepping outdoors this evening. what about temperatures tomorrow morning? we're looking at 60s as well as more 50s around the area. especially north and west. temperatures by 6am allentown, 56 degrees. what about 54 in lancaster. so really unheard of for this time of year, and tomorrow pretty similar to today by the afternoon temperatures upper 70s to right around 80 degrees in the trenton area. so the pattern is rolly locked in. we're looking at a trough in sections of the east. a ridge out west so most of the heat is to our south and west. we'll continue to find temperatures below average but they will start to increase a bit as we head toward the latter part of the week and the upcoming weekend but look at the the high today. only 76 degrees. we should be in the upper 80s for this time of year. and look at the record high. 98 degrees set back in 2002. ultimate doppler it's dry and quiet across our area. here's the front well to the
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south. much of the nation pretty quiet as well as dry with that high pressure really in control of the weather pattern. so for tonight, dry, quiet, comfortable. open up those windows let fresh air in. wednesday morning we're looking at a lot of sunshine across the area. dry conditions through the middle of the week. and there could be a pop up shower arriving by thursday and then especially on friday. but for tonight, 50s and 60s across the area. we'll call it fair skies and then what about your wednesday? more sunshine. temperatures top out in the low 80s. mostly sunny. a few passing clouds but it stays pretty comfortable with that low humidity. we'll give tomorrow a 10. we'll give thursday a 10. a tad warmer but still below average. 85 for the high temperature and as we move toward friday once again a better chance for a pop up shower or thunderstorm and look at the first weekend of august. we're looking at temperatures only in the low 80s better chances for some rainfall as we move into your saturday and then on sunday, monday, tuesday you
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can see those temperatures back to really where we should be for this time of year in the upper 80s to near 90 degrees. >> okay. good. i'll be happy about that. >> did you have a jacket this morning. >> he probably did. >> i did have a light jacket. >> really? >> that was on top of his sweater and his thermals. but anyhow -- >> colleen wolfe. >> hello gang. the eagles they had the day off. they were probably wearing flip-flops today. not wind breakers or anything like that. but they practiced yesterday in front of 15,000 people at the linc yesterday and that's a good thing considering there's already been two fights in three practices they need this time off. you know what that's all part of training camp, right? battling and exchanging a few shots here and there. and checking in all the way from washington, d.c. is desean jackson he seems to be really enjoying his team with the redskins. does he remember the snowball and all the good times here? well, he hasn't, you know, been down there for more than five minutes. but as you'll hear, from this interview, with csn washington
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he's notice add big difference in d.c. >> you can this redskins nation. ick see the smile on your face much it's a little different. can you surprise it. it is different. they're very supportive. they're open. being out here to the field i've been hearing season thing but they're good things. philly sometimes things got little negative and they booed their own players. but here, you know, you don't really get that. >> well, who knew desean was so sensitive? i mean i'm sure eagles fans will give him a nice welcome september 21st when the eagles play the redskins at home. all right. one of the eagles new yesterday additions on defense is safety malcolm jenkins. jenkins brings a lot not in terms of his skill set but leadership, too. he can play corner and safety which gives him and defense flexibility with his matchups and one of the things jenkins likes about this particular defense the coaches keep an open dialogue with the players. >> i've been with some guys who
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are really stubborn and don't want to hear anything, you know, they want to do it the way they know it. um, so to have staff that's willing to list season to you, take suggestions, and if they don't take your suggestions give you a reason why and talk through it it helps me learn defenses and helps everybody else build up together, um, as far as their input into the defense. >> so that's good thing. i think he's going to be great addition for the eagles this year and of course the phillies they play the mets tonight with cole hamels on the mound. hopefully he'll get support again. >> colleen, thank you miraculous rescue in bucks county. a young man pulled from a vehicle after he was struck by a truck. tense rescue that ends with hugs. >> plus, a prom do over. local mayor admits she missed out on major milestone of childhood, but that all changed today. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right after this. ♪
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>> happening now at sick community comes together still reeling from an unthinkable tragedy. a vigil is just now getting underway in honor of the three children killed in the carjac carjacking that has infuriated people across the nation. a judge has denied bail to the two men now charged in their murders and police say they have their confessions on tape. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. let's get right out to chris o'connell he's live in north philadelphia tonight where the vigil is happening. chris? >> reporter: iain, lucy, some of the family members of those three children killed on this very intersection on friday with
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that deadly carjacking just arrived to a prayer vigil in honor of threes victims as well as their mother. take look behind me. several hundred people arriving to an outpouring of support for them here the corner of germantown and allegheny avenue where this horrible carjacking ended on friday. today it is packed with community members, of course, the victims 15 year old key era williams, 10 year old thomas reid and seven year old terrence moore, their mother was also h hit. she is still listed in critical condition. emotions running very high at the site today where the family was hit here on the corner trying to sell fruit to raise money for their church. now the memorial here in honor of those victims has been greg ever since. the story gripping this entire neighbor. >> there was children involved. they were out doing honest thing, you k


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