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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  July 29, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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relief for a philadelphia community as two men are arrested but the mourning continues. how three children will be remembered. >> also this morning a puzzling accident has investigators scratching their heads this morning. how did a car end up in the delaware river. >> and firefighters trying to get a hand on a fire in northern california as that state suffers through its third year of drought. did a drone prevent firefighters from doing their job? >> give me a break.
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if somebody is looking at somebody else, it's not enough to get sucker punched and hospitalized. >> oh, things get out of hand at a wawa. why this father allegedly punched another customer right in the face. this one has everyone talking. it is tuesday july 29, 2014. >> covering a lot of stories this morning. top stories live in north philadelphia, that's where neighbors are relieved that there's been an arrest in a deadly hit and run that killed three kids and left their mother in the hospital. a lot more on that this morning. and things got a little heated at a local wawa. first we're heading over to sue serio. >> it is the highest that we go in rating today, it is 10 out of 10 today. sunny and dry and cool for july. you're welcome. clear and cooler today.
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bus stop buddy by the pool but with this cool start, he probably won't be taking a dip until later on. you'll notice muggy the dog is not there. it is not humid anymore. he was here yesterday but not today. yesterday at this time we were recovering from those sunday night thunderstorms. but this morning it couldn't be more lovely. sunrise just happened at 5:57. so it's 58 degrees in pottstown, 54 in allentown, 60 in wilmington, delaware. millville has 58 degrees and 61 in atlantic city and these are temperatures anywhere from 6 to 12 degrees maybe 14 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. 80 degrees our high today. sunny skies and winds out of the west. tonight we're down to 64, mostly clear, pretty nice night. i'm liking this, kacie. >> i'm digging it. i'm picking up what you're putting down, sue serio. we all love it.
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newark, old baltimore pike completely shut down. that's an accident there. downed pole. this has been with us for about an hour now. talking construction, the eastbound side of the ben franklin bridge, same thing goes for the bridgeport construction between the toll plaza and ninth street one lane blocked until september 1st. >> this morning two men charged in connection with a deadly car jacking that killed three children last week. >> steve keeley following the latest developments of this story. he's live in north philadelphia at the scene of that tragedy. steve, good morning. >> reporter: well, 6:00 a.m. now and 6:00 p.m., 12 hours from now, tonight this place will be packed with people in prayer. a vigil planned with perfect weather sue just promised. this major intersection will likely shut down to honor three little kids killed while raising money for their church here on
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friday. and pray for their mother's recovery, at least physically and the car jack victim' horrendous ordeal of rape, robbery and car jacking herself. the city owns this lot here, and all those who come hearsay they're going to make moves to put a permanent memorial park on this corner to honor the memory of the three little kids killed here. a funeral for the three set tentatively for monday. a full physical recovery may be possible to attend the funeral, but no way anyone can recover emotionally from what she saw and it was those images of those children hitting the hood that the lawyer for one of these accused guys made him finally come forward sunday and seal the case for prosecutors and police. >> unbelievable. developing right now, a 58-year-old man is in the
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hospital after being stabbed in what police says appears to be a domestic dispute. this happened 6100 block in west columbia avenue. the victim was stabbed multiple times. when police got there, they took the man away in cuffs. a woman was also aled away from the scene. >> police say that 70-year-old arlene web was last seen monday at her home at the 500 block of north 34th street. if you have any information, contact police. meanwhile at 6:05, police say an overprotective dad is to blame for an attack at an upper darby wawa. >> jennifer, it sounds like the guy was just looking at the guy's daughter, right? >> or maybe not even. the victim was actually saying according to police, i wasn't looking at anybody. so this dad parentally he thinks a grown man is checking out his daughter so he uses his fist to check out the situation.
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we have surveillance of the dad and his daughter. this is them walking into the wawa. according to police, the man became enraged when he claimed to see a fellow customer checking out his daughter. dad pulled out his fist and sucker punched the customer. the victim is now hospitalized with a concussion. they've been getting information from witnesses who were at the wawa at the time of the assault. if you recognize the man in the red shirt call upper darby police. police want to talk to the man as well as his daughter to sort out the details. >> meantime the search is on this morning for the driver in this hit and run that happened outside a wawa in gloucester township, new jersey. police say a dark chevy avalanche pulled into a spot at the store last friday.
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the driver never got out but while backing up hit a white mini cooper and then took off. if you have any information, you're asked to call police. >> 6:07 right now. there is still no word on what the motive was on a deadly chain of events. >> what started as a hit and run and ended with a driver dead in the delaware river. a man in his 30s left the scene of the accident. about a mile away eyewitnesss say they watched as the black volkswagen sped down the ramp towards penns landing. they say the driver hit the wall before it flipped and hit the water. >> what was going through his mind? flying down market street through the ramp and went through the gate and hit wall and right in the water. it's crazy. >> two men who live nearby jumped into the river to try and save that driver but it was too late. he was under water for about a full 20 minutes. the man died at jefferson university hospital. every ever wanted to tell
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your coworkers how you really feel about them? the website that promises to let you do that anonymously. >> the workout that's going to get your rear in gear. >> reporter: absolutely. you see the pull-up bar? it's real deal, navy seal workout right here in the art museum. good day philadelphia is going to wake you
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good morning and welcome
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back. fire officials in northern california say a private drone recording images nearly hindered relief efforts. authorities ordered the person manning that drone to stop because of the danger of planing running into it as those planes are trying to make water drops. >> it has been several years of drought. >> in fact the u.s. drought monitor has labelled this an exceptional drought. >> three years, that's a long time. >> we had our rain. we had our share on sunday night. in some cases it was several inches of rain in a very short period of time. we've recovered from that, hopefully. and now it is high and dry for us as well. the cold front we have is parked offshore.
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it may come back later on in the week and make things a little unsettled for the weekend. but for today, it is cool out there. 54 degrees in mountain pocono and in allentown it's 58. down in millville, new jersey. 66 degrees in wildwood. here in philadelphia it's 64. we had a decent monday. the average high 87. we'll be lower than that for our high temperature today. some folks may not make it to 80. a 10 today, a 10 tomorrow and on thursday 84 degrees by then. friday is when we may see some precipitation popping up in the afternoon and that's the case for saturday and sunday as well. we'll call it an uncertain forecast for the weekend, whether that frontal system decides to come back and visit us or not. we also have sunshine in the forecast saturday and sunday as well. no more excessive heat or humidity in the seven-day forecast. kacie? >> not too bad. looking at all your majors, still everything looking good. right around 6:13 this morning.
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taking a look at one incident, a disabled vehicle northbound side of 95 at wood haven. 2 left lanes blocked that's going to be with us for a while. >> 6:13. stealing from kids. thieves hitting a local day care swiping food and toys and that's not all. swiping food and toys and that's not all. what else
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have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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6:15 right now. a team of dutch and australian police had hoped to be at the site of the malaysian airlines crash. but they're having issues. they're say the fighting has kept them away. they had plan to search for
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remaining victims and gathering evidence. but the delay is causing tempers to flare among them. >> we are sick and tired of being interrupted by gun fights despite the fact that we have agreed that there should be a ceasefire. >> ukrainian officials say data from the flight's black boxes show that the plane suffered, quote, massive explosive decompression after it was hit by fragments from a missile. california governor jerry brown addressing the current u.s. immigration crisis while visiting mexico. >> he's in mexico's president. he criticized the state of texas to deploy national guard troops.
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>> it's still unclear whether the u.s. government will come up with a response to the crisis before summer recess. >> if you live in delaware and got a post card in the mail about unclaimed property, officials want you to ignore it. the cards were sent in several states, including delaware. the post cards tell you to call a toll-free number and provide personal information. if you believe you have unclaimed property, by the way, contact the state. >> it's 6:17 right now. not feeling the love for your coworkers? the internet has got you covered. >> you can complain about your colleagues online and anonymously. isn't that what people already do? >> a little bit. >> however, the site is just you can write any message at all and the recipient will have no idea who it came from.
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>> give me a break. good grief. 6:18. becoming a navy seal takes hard work. the training program will push you beyond your limits to make sure you're worthy to serve with one of the world's best fighting forces. >> good morning, jen. >> good morning. it's called seal team physical training incorporated. they're based out of richmond, virginia. but they're starting a new group right here in philadelphia. the navy seal talking right there, he was a navy seal for ten years. and while he says that this is pretty darn close to what he experienced, he does say that this doesn't exactly match up. good morning to you , sir. >> good morning. >> this is as close as you can get without being a navy seal physical train zblg this is an outdoor fitness class for men and woman.
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>> reporter: the one thing we talked about off camera, and you hear it all the time, is that this type of training is all about leadership and team building. >> yeah. you're not alone on this planet, you're not on loan in this class. if we work together we can move mountains. it's all about teamwork. if somebody saved your life would you care if they're fast or slow? >> that's good. that's very good? >> tall or short, black or white. it's amazing what we can do if we work together. >> reporter: so what you'll do is every routine is different, every day is different. you're going to use all different kind of apparatus. >> i think if you keep fitness fun you're more likely to stick with it. every day it's something different in a different place with a different instructor, you're paddling boats, climbing ropes, and we have 15-year-olds to 82-year-olds in this class. >> reporter: so this is just beginning for us this morning? >> we're just getting started here. >> reporter: i'm a little nervous. thank you for your service.
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>> thank you for the privilege. >> reporter: seriously, this is just the beginning. we're going doing this nonsense, i mean serious physical training all morning long. >> mike just walked in the studio and i think you put it pretty well there, this is how people get hurt, right? we'll check back. >> what a great workout. i admire people who get up early. when i'm walking in, there are people running by me. >> i know. >> they went to bed at a decent hour. >> that's true. in fact dr. mike is going to be here talking about if you run how many years you can put on to your life. the big story, two men under arrest. they got them for stealing that car and killing three kids. it's the story of the country. the community came together to get these men behind bars. district attorney seth will yaments and our police commissioner charles ramsey both going to be in the studio just after 7:00 to talk about this. and parents frustrated that
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a scholarship their son was supposed to get isn't here yet. so they called us here at fox to get some results. what we found out about the money and why the student still is waiting to see that scholarship money. because school is about to start. and the school that the kid is going to want the money. so where did the scholarship money go? >> hi. i was looking ahead. we're also going to talk about president obama already getting emotional about his daughter leaving for college that's not going to happen until 2016. >> are you getting emotional about your daughter ready to go off to college? >> oh, no. we've lost her. >> it is not going to be pretty. that's not until next year. >> oh, no. sorry i brought it up. >> i brought it up. understood mostly clear, breezy,
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lower humidity. i need to goe clear my head. it's going to be a beautiful day. sunny and dry. below average temperatures for july 29th. we are normally at 87 degrees. a lot of times we're in the 90s this time of year. we may have trouble making it to 80 later on today. for the rest of mid week we'll stick with that low humidity weather pattern. but what about the weekend? i promise to keep the emotions in check today. >> it's okay. when my parents moved me into villa nova, my mom said she cried the whole way home. she's my best friend and that's how you and nia are. she loves you. >> an accident here, a vehicle into a pole there, crews on the scene of that accident and the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, two miles past valley
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the eagles held their first open training camp yesterday and the fans saw a little extra.
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a scuffle before teammates broke it up. >> we were just playing ball. like i was saying, emotions got going and one thing led to another we come back and practice again. it's football. like i was saying, emotions get going and things happen, but we're all just working to get better. >> no trades for the phillies yet but they did lose another game to new york. scouts are taking notes looking for players taking notes and aj burnett could have been one of those players. he used to be part of the phillies system and the phillies go on and lose to the mets 7-1. again, not a good game for burnet. that's sports in a minute and i'm howard eskin. >> other news now. first the nypd got in trouble when a man died after he was put in a choke hold, and now this.
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a pregnant woman says police did the same to her. what she was allegedly doing that had police using force. >> and steve keeley live in north philadelphia where police made two arrests in a deadly hit and run. steve? >> reporter: kerry, i'm going to ask you chris and all the viewers to look at these pictures. these are the two boys killed. this was a recent picture of them. they were selling poland spring water and you can see the skid marks leading to that scarred tree and below the tree a very sad sight. an unopened bottle of poland spring the same size. one of them
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>> it's 6:30. the community comes together to help police catch two men wanted in a deadly car jacking. >> a customer at a local wawa didn't count on a trip to the hospital when he stopped by for a hoagie. why a father allegedly got some upset with him. >> they spent the weekend in here. they went through every single room, took what they wanted to. >> and a day care ransacked. thieves taking everything from food to toys. and that's not all. what else they took that's leaving little preschoolers heart broken. >> what a bunch of jerks.
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6:31 this morning. weather on the 1's. we walked out this morning to a lovely change. >> nice and cool out there. >> the humidity went away. we really have been fortunate this summer. and maybe that was a reward for the yucky winter we had to live through. where any time we get into the 90s, we've only had two heat waves so far and we have not had an extended period of heat and humidity beyond three days. so here we are again. it was humid on sunday, storms sunday night and it's pretty nice out here now. temps in the 50s and 60s to get started. clear and it is cooler this morning than it was yesterday at this time. so when we pick a number every day, it's always a happy time when we go into double digits. sunny and dry and cool for july. 64 degrees, sun is up, nor northwesterlies at 7 miles an hour. temperatures in the 50s this
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morning. it's as much as 12 to 14 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. so 80 degrees is our high today, sunny skies, much cooler than average for this time of year. 64 degrees tonight. how long can we keep this going? we'll let you no he in the seven-day forecast just ahead. >> thank you very much. a lot to get to this morning. we're going to start with this accident in newark. this has been with us for about 2 and a half hours. you've got a pretty bad accident, also a downed pole at the scene. you can take route 40, great alternate this morning. heading out to the northbound side of 95, not a huge delay, but right at woodhaven you have a disabled vehicle moved to the shoulder. if we look everywhere, you can see 95 south is the problem, about five extra minutes there there. >> this morning, two men charged in connection with a deadly car jacking that killed through children last week. >> steve keeley following the
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developments of this story. >> i've talked to one of the police officers at 10 after 2 this morning and they've been moved out of headquarters after being formally charged that means arraigned in legal terms. no bail and sent off. and this is probably where their last moments of freedom will be remembered most right here at the corner of allegheny and germantown. this spot that started with a single cross friday may soon see a permanent immovable marker. the city owns what had been this vacant land with a fence around it, and the city council president says he's going to get a memorial park put here to honor the three kids killed. as the mother continues to try to fight back from her wounds. have many wonder if she'll be
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able to go to her own children's funeral now set for monday. paid for by charles barkley and life-long philadelphian. you heard the news that the family couldn't afford to bury the kids and like many others got the news of this as it spread well beyond this corner, all around the world, which brought many witnesses to come forward and finally even one of the car jackers himself. >> what he comprehends is three kids are dead and he cannot get that mental image of that girl out of his head. and he's trying to do everything he can to try and make it better. and cooperating with police is the first step. he's 19, he graduated high school, and again, he was supposed to go in the marine in a couple of months. for all intents and purposes
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this is so aberrational, this is what happens. you get into a car and nobody intend for anybody to get killed. nobody intends for three children to get run down. unfortunately sometimes you get in a car, you cannot control what happens. and the law is going to hold you responsible for it. >> we have these guys, which are killers, off the street. we don't have to worry about them going around killing no one else and justice will be served to the full extent and making that the family is very happy about that. >> reporter: well, for the older of the two, cornelius crawford, now 24, long before he was in trouble as an aadult. he started serious crime at just 14 with 0 charges already in his past. paroled twice recently the last time just in october freed back on the streets back here. prosecutors charged to grab that woman while she was driving, rape her and crash and kill the three kids all within movements that changed a whole lot of lives forever. you can see this is a busy
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corner. likely not so busy during the evening rush 12 hours from now when a vigil is planned by family, friends and a whole city at 6:00 p.m. tonight. >> all right steve, thank you. >> meantime, police say an overprotective father is to blame for an attack at an upper darby wawa. >> what happened? >> reporter: we can tell you that upper darby police are still looking for this dad who threw the punch. let's show you this image that we have of the man in a red shirt and his daughter. this is as they were walking into the 69 street wawa. according to upper darby police the man became enraged when he
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claimed to see a fellow customer checking out his teenaged daughter and dad pulled out his fists sucker punching the customer knocking him to the ground. the victim is a 47-year-old man who suffered a possible concussion and remains hospitalized. police say the father's violent reaction was too much. >> it's excessive. give me a break if somebody is looking at somebody else, it's not enough to get sucker punched and hospitalized. i could see if there was, you know, an assault or a threat or something like that. but just to be looking. and then to leave the store in such a big hurry. they exit they didn't identify themselves, they just ran out of the store and exited quickly. >> reporter: and we talked to people in the area who said they understand that if the stairing was excessive, they know why the dad would be annoyed, however it does not warrant the violence. if you recognize the man in the surveillance picture, pictured here in the red shirt, you are
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urged to call upper darby police. >> all right, jennifer. let's take a look at this picture now. it looks like a real prescription bottle, right? it's actually a gag gift given to moms at a blogger conference. it's a lot of controversy. the unexpected company behind this stunt. >> this is the kind of pediatrician that new parents dream of. pediatrician that new parents dream of. how he was how can i avoid maintenance fees?
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why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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it looks good out there already. if you haven't walked outside yet, it's a lot cooler this morning than it was yesterday. we're going to start with a look at your beach weather today and temperatures will be a little cooler on the beach as well. we have northwesterly winds at 10 miles per hour and a 73 degree ocean water temperature. lower current risk and an 8 for a uv index. nice day on the beach. the cold front that came through yesterday is parked offshore. and it's going to stay parked there and eventually it looks like it has a good chance of coming back to visit us. but not for a couple of days. so the weather pattern we start today will be with us for a couple of days, probably through most of thursday. high pressure in control. it's really not until it merges with another high pressure system and that front comes back that we get some unsettled
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weather unfortunately just in time for the weekend. but let's talk about the temperature trend over the past seven days. got hot on wednesday, got hot again on sunday, but no extended period of heat and humidity because we get these cold fronts to cool us off. yesterday we got up to 84 degrees, reet now thanks to clear skies many temperatures are in the 50s. 64 degrees wildwood and in philadelphia. at the moment and the due points are nice and low. they're all below 60s. dew points in the 50s means a nice dry day. pleasant to invigorating with our dew points this morning. current winds out of the northeast, most of them, and that makes for a nice day as well. 80 degrees today, 80 tomorrow, 10 on thursday. is we could have a chance of thunderstorms and showers friday, saturday and sunday. but a chance of some sunshine as well. i'm trying to spin that one for
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the weekend. we'll see. it's still a little early. we'll keep an eye on it as the week goes along. >> sue serio your weekend track record is impeccable so it will be okay. >> burlington salem road, you've got a vehicle into a pole. if you're heading out to the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike past valley forge, debris in the left line. aside from that the rest of your majors do check out. >> it is 6:43. a day care and community center in north philadelphia closed after their building is vandalized and some beloved pets are missle. fox 29's joyce evans takes a look at the damage that the crooks left behind. >> we've had break-ins before but nothing to this extent. >> reporter: they used bolt cutters to get through several chained and locked fences, then this window. >> they spent the weekend in here. opened every single room, every
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single door and took everything they wanted to. >> reporter: they took the kids' computers but not all of them. they took the preschoolers food from the locked cup boards, the freezers, even the vending machines. >> we have 266 preschool children who we feed every day breakfast, lunch and snack. >> they took all but one of the class pets. >> when you explain to a four-year-old why their pet is missing, how do you do that in a way that's not going to make them feel afraid to come to school the next day. >> reporter: lighthouse is philadelphia's oldest nonprofit community center and for the first time he can remember people from preschoolers, job seekers around second and lehigh were greeted by a closed sign instead of services. >> it's sad. makes me want to cry. why you want to steal something from kids? this is for people who have no
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income, really. >> families with kids in tow stopped by after volunteers helped clean up the mess, but glass and recovered ruined goods from a can you bey hole outside on the grounds strewn with hypodermic needles. >> they're going to come in my raid combroe is missing or my children's artwork from this corner is missing. >> they even took the kids's first aid kids. police are investigating and the lighthouse center is expected to reopen in the morning. but replacing what was stolen or damaged is going to be tough for them since most of what they had was donated. >> 6:45. a family outside portland oregon has launched a search for a missing mother. she was last seen at a gas station on friday. her credit card and cell phone have not been used since her disappearance. but her husband says she would never intentionally leave her
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two sons. a pregnant woman claims a police officer put her in a choke hold right outside of a brooklyn home and then arrested her and it all started over a barbecue. >> this is actually the second recent incident involving new york city officers using choke holds on suspects. these incidents are sparking outrage in the city. the mayor back from vacation is addressing this growing issue. in the most recent incident, the woman, seven months pregnant, was arrested for disorderly conduct. police say she refused to stop barbecuing in front of her home. it is illegal. her husband is under arrest for obstructing government business. >> i was so shocked. they just grab us and hold me and what is the problem. >> we are certainly focusing on something that the officers have been telling us in their
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surveys. they want more training. >> in the last two years, the civilian complaint review board says there have been 100 allegations of police choke holds in the city and only nine of them have apparently led to punishment. >> a nationwide man hunt for a california fugitive ends with the suspect dead and three officers wounded. in new york city police officers cornered him at a store. the suspect was heavily armed. officials say none of the officers' injuries is considered life threatening. some participants in a female blogger conference are taking issue with a gag gift. >> what do you think of this? the toddler gear and toy company bright star handed out these prescription pill bottles at the blog her conference. they're filled with candy. a couple of critics say it's inappropriate because
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prescription drug misuse is a serious issue. a man who underwent a ground-breaking face transplant is on the cover of gq. >> he had complex surgery in 2012. he received teeth, a jaw, and even a tongue from a donor. he says he is now happy to be studied by doctors for the rest of his life. doctors are using his case to study future reconstructive courageries. 6:48 the time. the situation agrees to take anger management classes. >> yes. the former jersey star was ordered to take these classes to resolve simple assault charges. what happened, you may ask? well, he was charged after police say he got into a fight with his brother at the family tanning salon a little bit earlier this month. maybe they were complaining over who was darker. if he completes the anger management, the charges could be
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down graded. >> justin bieber making headlines this time for something good. he was honored at the young hollywood awards in los angeles on sunday. he received the champ of charity award for honoring the more than 200 wishes he has granted for the children's charity. >> and an olympic gold medalist isn't eating wheaties to stay strong. he dives into chicken and asparagus and mak and cheese. we're not sure if he has dessert, but he has to consume enough calories to keep up with his exercise. >> if you're going to be a man at night, you're going to be a man in the morning. you should have cereal. it's good fiber. i was doing that this morning before i came in. i had some rice chex. we heard about facebook doing some experiments with
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people's news feeds, manipulating us, right? how would you react if i told you that the dating website ok cupid said yesterday we did it too. just like facebook. manipulating you. how they messed up some love connections on purpose. and here's an idea for an interesting date. how would you like to go to the world -- well, the east coast's largest rock climbing gym. it's right here in philadelphia and q is going to be climbing the ladder of success today. have you ever rock climbed? >> no. >> i did. >> i'm saving that for my next life. >> i did in colorado. i was scared to death. >> an actual rock. >> never doing this again. but it's safer in a gym. you're all hooked up an everything. >> and q. will be safety first, i'm sure. >> sure. >> if you're going to go outside
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today, go have at it. it is going to be gorgeous all day long. in the sixes in the city to start, in the burbs the temperature in the 50s. the sunday is all the way up. no rain in the forecast, high of 80 degrees today. mid 70s by lunchtime. sunset time is 8:17. it is still july, plenty of summer left. but this one, kacie, somebody said it on twitter, it feels a little bit like fall. >> i know. it's like football weather. thank you sue. looking at all the majors, we starting to have some slow-downs out there. they're making fun of me. 95 south starting to become a little bit jammed, but breaking
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what a beautiful sunday rise. thanks for being with us on this tuesday. as any parent knows, babies can be a bit messy and fussy. but one pediatrician has figured out a way to give kids shots and make them laugh at the same time. take a look at this. >> the doctor was playing around
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with the baby. that video has received more than 600,000 views on youtube. for good reason. this little guy couldn't wait to meet his parents. they were on the way to the hospital for delivery, but he wasn't going to wait to get to the hospital to make his debut. his father parked his car on the side of the hey way. >> she pushed and he popped right out and landed in my hands. inside the car. >> as soon as i seen him in my husband's arms, he put him in my arms and he just kept crying the whole time. it was, that's all that i wanted to hear was him crying. >> as you just heard, his parents are happy that the boy is healthy. a puzzling accident has investigators scratching their heads this morning. how did a car end up in the delaware river? and firefighters are trying to get a handle on a fire in
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northern california as the state suffers through its third year of drought. did a drone prevent firefighters from doing their job. kael take a look at that coming up next on good day with mike jerrick.
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. even more shocking, more horrifying details about last friday's hit and run that killed three children. two men have been arrested, but the mourning for these children continues. and whoa whoa at the wawa. things get out of hand at the local wawa. why a father allegedly punched another customer right in the face. and his last start tonight as a philly. will coal hamil be a dodger by friday? >> ok cupid, or should i stay ok stupid -- come to found out ok cupid has been lying to us all
7:00 am
the time. trying to match us up when there's no match at all. >> hi everybody. >> good morning. >> we love the fact that you're watching us this morning. >> thanks for being with us. >> you know the number already. >> it's a 10 today. >> yes. and if you walk outside, you will probably agree, or maybe request an 11. but it's sunny and dry and cool for july. no negatives at all about today's weather. we can think of one, anyway. so there's bus stop buddy. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s. it should be warm enough to take a little dip. no dog so no muggies at all today. 64 degrees, northwesterlies at 6 miles an hour. we will be approaching