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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  July 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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all over the malaysia air incident. how a mommy meant to honor crash victims erupted in violent chaos. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 5:00. >> happening now, fallout from the crisis in the middle east reaches a whole new level. airlines across the us and europe are now grounding all flights to israel tonight. all of this unfolding after a rocket landed into the apartment in tel-aviv today. meanwhile the war between israel and hamas rages on with casualties on both sides. >> i luce is he noland. >> i'm iain page. >> faa telling us airlines they're not allow to fly to tel-aviv it's affecting flights at philadelphia international airport where chris o'connell joins you live tonight. chris? >> reporter: iain, lucy, good evening. escalating violence in the middle east now expect affecting travelers here in philadelphia. the faa cancels all flights to
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tel-aviv, israel at least for the next 24 hours. we just spoke with a couple of those passengers minutes ago. the impact here one inbound, one outbound flight here at philadelphia international airport. tonight u.s. airways flight 796 from philadelphia to tel-aviv has canceled. a flight that was due to take off about 9:00 o'clock tonight and inbound flight 7977 scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning at 5:20 also canceled. delta airlines, united airlines also saying earlier its suspending its service indefinitely. now, all of this coming just hours after a rocket landed its about a mile away from international airport. i've flown into tel-aviv myself. it is only about 50 miles from the gaza strip. well within range of rockets fired from militant group hamas. more than 2,000 rockets have been fired at israel in recent
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weeks. >> faa makes these decisions when they feel it's warranted again for the safety of united states citizens. and they -- in response to the recent attack at ben good recent airport and the vicinity of ben good recent airport after consultation with us operators felt today it was important to issue this notice which is in effect for up to 24 hours and they will provide additional guidance to the updated instructions to the aircraft operators no later than 24 hours from when it went into effect. >> reporter: now many travelers who are arriving on other flights from around the country arriving here in philadelphia being told their flight is now canceled. i just spoke with a couple from cleveland. they'll be here for another 24 hours. the faa says this is just for 24 hours as of tomorrow they will revisit lifting these restrictions. but right now, two flights affected here at philadelphia international airport. iain? >> all right, chris, thank you. we will of course continue
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to follow this developing story for you on our website throughout the night. we'll post the latest updates right on the home page. >> a big mess in mercer county, new jersey. sky fox over i-95 northbound at princeton pike in lawrenceville. there's a lot of backed up what you're looking at at a crash between a tractor trailer carrying a backhoe and two cars. it happened under that overpass just before 2:30 this afternoon. one person was taken to the hospital. now, engineers have been called to look at the overpass to make sure it's safe. and all of that traffic right there, man, you can expect delays in this area for quite some time. and we are following a developing story out of montgomery county tonight. skyfox in upper merion where police say what started as a burglary turns out into a whole lot more. a suspect is nabbed after terrorizing his victim goes off on the run. police are still trying to put together the pieces of what exactly happened there while the victims and the neighbors are trying to find a way to feel safe again. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us live outside the upper merion
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police department tonight. scary stuff, dave. >> reporter: no doubt, lucy. a wild scene out here this morning. police say what started as a burglary quickly escalated into a gun point, home invasion robbery then a kidnapping, a police chase and finally a person taken into custody. that suspect is here at upper merion police headquarters tonight but as yet he hasn't been charged while they still try to unravel what this is all about. it was just after 8:00 thursday morning police respond to do this home just off the schuylkill expressway in upper merion for the report of a home invasion. >> the female victim is tied up, and the male victim is taken against his will out of the house to get more money from an atm machine. >> reporter: police say the suspect took the homeowner to a nearby wawa to withdraw cash from an atm. then was chased by police as he dumped the get away car with the victim inside and unharmed. suspect fled up an embankment
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across the expressway before being nabbed by police. >> we believe that this was a burglary initially when the actor goes inside the house he does find a weapon in the house. a shotgun. and he hears people upstairs. when they come downstairs and there's a confrontation he pulls the weapon and now escalates this into a home invasion robbery. >> reporter: police also believe the suspect took septa to the area and for some reason decided to break into this home. >> why he targeted this house or these people we're still trying to determine that. >> i know he's a stock broker. i know he's not married. so it mut have been -- my pope it must have been someone who new him. >> reporter: neighbors back at the scene of the crime watched as detectives removed evidence. they tried to understand how a violent home invasion would happen right in their backyard. >> i certainly feel for them having to go through this. >> i'm not ready to start living my live in fear. i am ready to do is be reasonably vigilant. >> i'm concerned, and we certainly don't want this in our
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neighborhood. >> reporter: now, no one was injured in this incident. again, the suspect is here the upper merion police headquarte headquarters. we hope to have an update at 6:00. iain. >> dave, thank you. tonight police are interviewing a man and a woman involved in a sex assault near logan circle in center too it happened early this afternoon on 19th street. police say both the victim and suspect are homeless. they believe the man forced himself on her. no charges have been filed as of yet. >> turning to your fox 29 weather authority, it looks like a live right now the center city tonight. can you feel the changes already because the heat and the humidity are on the rise and things are only going up from here. chief meteorologist scott williams with us now. all right, scott. how is it looking? you know lucy, we're talking about july like temperatures across our area this evening. 86 but the humidity at 48%. so it feels a degree hotter in the philadelphia area but look at those winds out of the south 15 miles per hour pumping in more of that moisture more of the humidity.
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87 in wrightstown right now. 86 in reading. but you factor in that humidity, how it actually feels, we have upper 80s in trenton. it feels like 91 right now in reading. 90 is the current feels like temperature in allentown. if you're stepping out to citizens bank park it's going to be a warm evening for baseball. 85 degrees by first pitch. those winds will stay out of the southwest at 10 pumping in that moisture. coming up we'll talk about the hottest day this week as well as some showers even some thunderstorms. lucy? >> all right. talk to you then, scott. you can stay up to date on the heat and humidity any pop-up storms that are possible by going to and clicking the weather tab at the top home page. you'll find a link to scott's for confident by the numbers. >> man and woman in are critical condition after being shot several times in philadelphia's oxford circle. police say a 43 year old woman was shot nine times and a 55 year old man shot three times. they were found laying on the ground in the 6500 block of
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castor avenue just before midnight. police say the shots were fired from point blank range. they found a gun about a half a mile away from the scene. they are still looking for the shooter. >> no charges filed yet in the potentially deadly situation in the parking lot of wal*mart at franklin mills mall. shoppers spot add six week old baby left alone in an suv around 6:30 last night. they called police. but the boy's mother returned to the car before they arrived. ems did check the baby in the parking lot and brought him to saint christopher's hospital. he is now back with his father. >> a west philadelphia woman and her boyfriend are in big trouble after the woman' excision year old daughter brought to heroin to school. prosecutors charged marie hunter and christopher white were it endangering wealth fair of a child and charged white with possession of marijuana. police say hunter's daughter brought the heroin to barry elementary school on the 5800 block of race street last month. the incident, however, did not hurt anyone. >> now the latest on the crash of malaysian airlines flight m
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mh17. tempers running high and fists flying in the ukrainian parliament. scuffles broke out after one lawmakers blamed ukrainian authorities for failing to adopt a cease fire in eastern ukraine. the fights started right after a moment of silence to remember the victims of the downed malaysian airlines flight. and just in now on that crash u.s. officials say intelligence suggests the plane was shot down by separatists with no evidence of direct involvement from russia. investigators today finally gained access to the site of the downed jetliner. pro russian rebels have given investigators access to the site for the first time since the plane went down last thursday. they've also turned over the plane's black boxes. at the crash site near the russian border ukrainians attend add memorial service in honor of the victims. a train carrying the remains of the victims arrived in ukraine second largest city today and the bodies will eventually be taken to the netherlands.
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more than half of the 298 victims were dutch citizens. >> a local cardiologist collecting from the dead. >> he has been taking pacemakers from bodies and sending them out of the country to save lives. those there are rules against this, why he says he will not stop still to come. >> plus, white flags flying on new york's brooklyn bridge. police are trying to figure out who replaced the american flags with the ones you see here. the message this could be sending. >> children from around the world who have endured unimagable loss are coming that our area. how the lessons they'll learn this week could keep you safe in the decades to come. howard? >> and there have been trades in baseball but not by the philli phillies. cliff lee wouldn't be a player the phillies would talk about in trade and lee comments on what he thinks of all the trade talks. that's coming up in sports. >> coming up in weather, today it's hot and humid but it's not even the hottest day of the week. coming up we'll talk about when to expect oppressive heat as well as humidity next.
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>> police were called to home in bucks county after a man heard noises and found bullet holes in his wall. it happened after 10:00 last night at an apartment complex off bays water drive. police think no foul play was involved. the bullets may have been from someone cleaning a gun who set it off by mistake. >> high stake heist of atlantic city definitely not oceans 11 but two men did make off close to $200,000 and you know it
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police are now on the hunt for the armed robbers who yesterday hit caesars casino. they say the two masked men armed with a gun took off in car with two plastic boxes stuffed with cash. the robbery comes a mid hard times for atlantic city. so far this year four casinos have either closed or announced plans to close. a judge has granted bail to an 89 year old nazi war crime suspect who has been in the hospital while awaiting extradition to germany. johan breyer of philadelphia can now await the out come of his extradition fight at home after he gets out of the hospital. his lawyers say his health has been deteriorating after his arrest last month. breyer admits servin serving as auschwitz guard but denies killing anyone. >> the corruption trial for jp miranda remains on track a court hearing today made certain all sides are on the same page of this high profile case. miranda is a first term state representative from north phil philly. prosecutors charged him with three felony corruption counts. his sister faces the same
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charges. prosecutors say miranda funneled money to his sister after she was barred from working in the district office. he was the focus of a fox 29 investigation which found he had a ghost worker on his staff. his trial is scheduled for early next year. delaware's largest residential water supplier has shut down a well near new castle after detecting high levels of a toxic chemical. state public health regulators have posted a notice of high levels of a chemical called per flor roll octane full foe 98 in the wilmington supply well. manufacturers use this chemical to make non stick non stain coatings. the well's owner says the chemical has not contaminated the drinking water. they are children who share a common bond they've all lost someone they love because of terrorism. >> and they've come from all over the world to our area for a week of camp at bryn mawr. fox 29's karen hepp joins us live in our newsroom, karen, the children who lost someone in the 9/11 attacks actually came up with this idea?
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exactly. the group is named tuesday's children. in the year since that tragedy, they have seen so many more children being affected by terrorism in other places all around the world and they wanted to help. knowing they all have a common bond. >> my father was killed in the war. >> matt and this girl couldn't live further apart they share a common bond they both lost their dads due to terrorism. here in brain mauer these children of loss come together to talk and to learn just plane have fun. in any language they know pain but now they also know friendship and understanding. >> everyone has a common bond everyone has lost a loved one but they can emphasize more and you're able to speak to them and trust them because they know what you're going through. >> reporter: rebecca carson lost her grandfather in ireland's troubles the absence has shattered her life and
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colored everything that came after but here she feels like she can finally exhale. >> i was kind of like to let it all out and i handle it that w way. >> this is her fifth year. she keeps coming back because these friends understand what those back home in bun notice heiress cannot what it's like to lose a father. >> with them i have everything in common but this one thing. i come here and i have nothing in common except this whole side of my life that i have no one tolls share it with. >> reporter: they share through talks. >> what do we do? >> and electives like drama. >> ♪ >> reporter: and music. any way to explore and grow and heal. >> it's really an incredible experience. tuesday' children doesn't try to med dell in current conflicts purposely picking teens at least two years after an event. but in hour volatile world sometimes crisis arise. teachable moments. >> we're not here to escalate. we're never going to solve those problems. but we can start the kids tal
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talking. we have many children on two sides of an issue and to get them speaking is the wonderful wonderful success in my mind. >> reporter: there are 72 campers this year and maybe some of them will go home and become agents of change in their own countries. this is the seventh year for the program. lucy? >> what a great program. thank you very much, karen. you know, we have seen a lot of photos and videos of bears over the past few months. this might be the best. camera captures bare going through the family's trash in long valley, new jersey. when all of a sudden a car alarm goes off and in the neighborhood right there. to say the least it scares the bear he bolts up the tree takes a good look at the surroundings. he was just looking for picnic basket. eventually he does make his way down. the homeowners say he took one more look around the yard before going back into the safety of the woods. it's much harder to get down a tree than it is up. >> for bears and humans. (laughter).
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>> all right. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. heat and storms are headed our way. here's chief meteorologist scott williams. yeah, iain, it feel more like july stepping outdoors today. of course we've been getting a break from all of the oppressive heat and humidity but it's building across our area. 87 in wrightstown right now. 86 in reading. as well as allentown. but we talk about the dew points. the measure of moisture cher in the atmosphere above 60 it starts to feel sticky. upper 60s to around 70 oppressive. dew points right now in reading at 70 degrees. we have upper 60s in wrightstown as well as allentown. so you can see the humidity and it's starting to feel little more uncomfortable stepping outdoors. by 7:00 o'clock, low 80s it will stay warm as we move throughout the evening, but coming up the timing of storms as well as the hottest day, lucy, expected later this week. >> oh, joy. thank you very much, scott. a train collides with a semi truck setting off a huge explosion. the whole thing you see it caught on tape. what police say the truck driver did wrong right before the cra
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crash. plus obesity, heart disease, cancer a long list of reasons not to eat junk food and now we can add one more. the permanent damage unhealthy food can do to one of your senses and we're in the talking about your taste buds. >> and later, with marijuana now legal for recreational use in washington state, people can't seem to get enough. why growers say they won't be able to keep up demand for months to come. ♪
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>> semi truck driver has quite a tale to tell tonight after a fiery crash with a train on a kentucky highway. surveillance video shows the collision as the train slams into the semi ought full speed. horrible enough, but the truck's trailer was loaded with charcoal lighter fluid. it burst into a fire ball. investigators say the truck driver missed a turn and drove the big rig across the tracks. the driver is in the hospital tonight in table condition and nobody else is hurt. >> tonight the new york police department is trying to figure out who replaced a american flags with two white flags on the top of the brooklyn bridge. white flags were flapping in the wind this morning. images surfaced on social media
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soon thereafter counter terrorism officers took down the flags. white flags of course are used as military symbols for surrender. >> minnesota teen hailed a hero after he saved his neighbors trapped inside a burning home. row card dough martinez noticed his house on fire. the 16 year old ran across the street climbed the balcony and found two men trapped on the second floor. martinez managed to get one man out. he went back for the other but heavy smoke stopped him. firefighters who arrived and saved the second man. >> there could be fire anywhere. the floor boards could break and all of this but i'm just -- i thought that there's a person inside, and i can do my best to try to save him. >> he did great. authorities have ruled the fire arson and they're now questioning a person of intere interest. a ka* korean billionaire who owned a ferry that capsized hundreds of people is found dead in a plum field. authorities say the man went on the run shortly after the ferry sank in south korea.
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294 were killed in that accident back in april. most of the victims were high school students. investigators found the ferry was often severely overloaded. the captain of the ship and several crew members have been charged with murder. the billionaire was also wanted by police. >> yet another legal battle involving president obama's health care law. today two federal appeals courts issued contradictory rulings on a key financing issue. a core panel in washington d.c. ruled financial aid is only available in states that have set up their own insurance exchanges but in virginia, another appeals panel came to the opposite conclusion. the white house says policyholders will get keep getting financial aid as the administration tries to sort all of this out in the courts. all righty. barbie just join the girl scouts new doll is going on sale this week. >> why one group says this is a bad idea. and sends the wrong message to kids. it may sound too good to be true. good food that's good for you in four minutes or less? the fast
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food spot that won't make you feel guilty about what you eat. >> isn't that called salad? >> local cardiologist is collecting pacemakers from the dead and sending them out of the country to save lives. so he can get in trouble. why he says he won't stop d
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>> world leaders are calling for international investigation into last week's malaysia airlines crash in eastern ukraine. a missile shot down the plane
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thursday. and the questions remain who exactly was involved? meanwhile, pro russian rebels finally turned over the plane's black boxes to malaysian air investigator. >> some say the crash site has been tampered with too much and accurate readings may be impossible to detect. fox's amy kellogg has the let test. >> reporter: president obama visiting the dutch embassy in washington dc signing the condolence book for victims mh mh17. >> we would work with them to make sure that love ones are recovered, that a proper investigation is conducted and that ultimately justice is done. >> this comes as more officials are gaining access to the crash site in ukraine. although there have been some issues with pro russian gunmen blocking the way since thursday. >> russia did say today it will use its influence over the separatists to get them to fully cooperate and we intend to hold the rugs to that. >> reporter: malaysian transportation officials getting on site tuesday joining osce
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monitors but there have been in reports that the analysis of the scene lacks leadership and certain areas may have been tampered with. >> the other day when we were at the cockpit section when we were leaving we did see workers using diesel powered saw to get closer look at the fuselage. >> a team in interpoll has started identifying the victims as the remains are brought into eastern ukraine. but experts say the lack of continuity at the actual site may make it impossible to do a proper forensic analysis of the crash. >> bits of the plane, bodies, property from the bodies, property from the plane, were being picked up willie nilly. we don't know where the bodies had been. >> reporter: the plane's black boxes have been handed over to malaysian authorities and will be decrypted that week at a facility in great britain n london, amy kellogg, fox news. >> a seventh date death being linked to last year's building collapse that killed shoppers and workers inside a salvation army. the family of a 59 year old truck driver says he died three
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weeks after being pulled from the rubble. the lawsuit filed today says the trauma worsened his pre-existing heart disease and asthma. two contractors demolishing a building next door are charged with involuntary manslaughter for ignoring safe practices before a huge brick wall crashed down on the salvation army. >> tonight story of how one country's trash is saving lives in another halfway around the world. now, this particular garbage is expired medical products even used heart devices. yeah, there are rules against it but a local cardiologist shows our joyce evans why he feels the need far ought out waves the risk of collecting from the dead and recycling to the poor. >> i can't believe what i have here. >> most people rummage around their garage looking for old stuff to sell or throw out. not dr. daniel nevell. >> these each cost $20. >> sticky pads for defebrillators and thousands more he says for this tissue sealing device. >> for heel who are infected.
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>> but they like everything else in here are marked expired. 2014. 4/14 is last month. >> some older. the fda says can't use them. >> it's just a packaging that's expired truly. >> can't sell them. it goes on and on. >> but his heart can't trash them. >> they can be used. >> but not in this country. so this lehigh valley cardiologist sends recently expired hospital equipment, supplies, even some medicine to foreign places in desperate ne need. i don't think they expire date really matters. >> a kit like this, could this safe somebody's life? yes. >> he's been at this for decad decades. but sending these used devices to his homeland india, well, that's something else. raising eyebrows. criticism. along with praise and large donations. >> 600 devices. >> implanted pacemakers and defibrillators retrieved from patients who have expired. but their heart devices have n
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not. >> this is what i'm going to do. >> he says a lot of these get buried still ticking away while poor patients in india could never even afford the seven to $28,000.1 of these can cost. >> too much is being given, much is expected. as simple as that. >> no different from donating organs he says. the recycled devices are signed over by families of the departed. they come through some doctors even money is donated through this website for non-profit cardiac clinic he set up in his father's name in india. >> it's hope to the hopeless. >> the devices get to him mostly by way of funeral homes. >> check for it. >> the doctor has to check for how much juice is left. 7.8 to 9.3 years. for a pacemaker at least six years. defebrillator at least three years. >> contamination? he says all the working pats are tightly encased connecting leads and sutures removed. sutures out.
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so infection is out. if i do see blood here, i would use inject bleach into that so that the blood would come off with the bleach. >> plain household bleaching products. but that's not end of the story. >> they're bagged up ready for delivery. but, again, it's illegal to ship these out of country. so they're transported in suitcases of people traveling to india. if you tell me you're going to bombay, i'll take -- i say can you carry devices for me? >> sometimes they make it through customs. sometimes they don't. but those that do are delivered to one of the doctor's colleagues there. no shortage of patients willing to take these used devices that come with no guarantees. 70% is pretty decent and for somebody who is dying, it's 100% toss up. >> it may say skirting the law a bit, but he says the need is far greater than any legal or medical risk. how can somebody who is dying in the get this device.
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not legally but ethically. >> while there are few studies in follow up he says letter after letter after letter are enough for him. >> for some people happiness is making money. for some people happiness is giving back. do your best. god does the rest. simple as that. >> joyce evans, fox 29 news. >> interesting story. >> you know man making enormous difference worldwide. absolutely. >> well you know there's a long list of reasons not to eat junk food. now we can add one more. >> tell me about it. all right. permanent damage unhealthy food can do to one of your senses although i still kind of like cheetos. speaking of junk food you want fries with that. a truck dumps french fries all over ahoy way. coming up at 6:00 -- >> a day the this park is no day at the park. goose poop has entered the place almost i'll have the story straight ahead.
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>> coming up your weather authority is tracking hottest day this week were you showers and thunderstorms to boot. de
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very special purple heart for wisconsin middle school girl stabbed 19 times. two of her classmates stabbed her after they -- veteran anonymously sent the purple heart to the girl and wrote in the card the only heart i could find, be strong. the 12 year old incredibly survived that attack and she continues her recovery. >> look now at your health news tonight. a new warning about the dangers of eating too much junk food. junk food has long been linked to obesity knew study shows it could also destroy your sense of smell. researchers at florida state university finding that a high fat diet is link totter major structural and functional chan changes in the nasal system. the scientists will now investigate high sugar diet would have the same affect. speaking of fast food new fast food place in new york city
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that will not make you feel guilty about what you eat. >> that's right because it's healthy fast food. healthy owners of reunited the menu with the help of a nutrition. they make your food to order. they use special techniques. they've learned over the years to make the meal in about four minutes. >> we didn't want to just be another restaurant claiming healthy as marketing word we wanted to have substance we went to define what a complete nutritious meal would be. >> owners stuck to four food prince to ensure each item is on the menu is balanced and nutritious and clean. clean is good and pure. the restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. i would have thought it would have been lot of money. fine dining behind this. three to $12 dish. not bad. >> after flying to the moon, performing open heart surgery barbie is going to try something new more, the girl scouts.
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>> with marijuana legal for recreational use in washington state, people can't seem to get enough. why growers say they won't be able to keep up demand for months. howard? >> former nfl head coach tony dungy talks about the openly gay player that is coming into the nfl. he got himself in a little hot
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>> remember that may seem like you just watched caleb johnson within the all on the 13th season of american idol but it's time to do it all again. idol auditions are underway stopping in long island tomorrow and good day will be there live starting at 7:00 tomorrow morning. >> love the auditions.
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>> what day for britain's prince george. future monarch is one year old today. and these official photographs were taken earlier this week. his parents took him to a butterfly exhibition at london's natural history museum. prince george is third in line to the thrown behind grandpa prince charles and his father prince william. >> fast food joint the supermarket maybe even your school calf tear you can find french fries. now find a utah highway. check out the semi truck rolling over losing its load of french fries. police say the accident happened as the truck driver tried to swerve away from a car that had just pulled on to the highway. luckily no one was seriously hurt. how about some ketchup with those fries? the world's largest bottle is up for sale and the warehouse beneath it. it's a landmark illinois. the for sale sign has residents nervous the icon could soon go away. >> we've gotten calls and e-mails and our facebook page is lit up with people up in arms and we're look wait a minute.
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just relax, okay. don't -- don't get the pitch forks out just yet. everything is good for now. just relax. >> okay. the mayor says he wants to work with the sellers to try to make sure the bottle is protect but he admits the city has little leverage. >> basic supply and demand problem in washington state. the demand for recreational pot is huge, the supply not so much. and with word of that pot shortage out, recreational users are lining up at dispensaries to get their fix. recreational pot is just now legalized in washington and sellers say they're having trouble meeting demand because they haven't had enough time to grow a decent supply. >> supply has been a little bit minimum because they've been slow rolling out. when he legitimized this industry has to be by the book. >> distributors say the delays and shortages will continue for weeks if not months as growers play catch up. from being astronaut to a
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surgeon even a presidential candidate there doesn't seem to be barbie cannot do. some people are taking issue with barbie becoming a girl scout. the director of a group called campaign for a commercial free childhood, claims the barbie doll sexual lies young girls and goes against the girl scouts mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character. mattel and the girl scouts disagree. the new barbie comes with a girl scouts badge. >> after a brutal winter this summer winter feels great. a lot of folks are out soaking up the sun maybe forgetting sunscreen. one new jersey woman says this is a mistake you just can't afford to make. tara miller is fighting for her life right now and says you need to hear her story. she discovered something odd behind her ear and suddenly everything changed. >> then i went to the doctor who order add ct and it came back as a something suspicious. they did a biopsy and that came back as melanoma. >> this cancer is strong, quick,
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devastating and i don't think people realize what a fight you have on your hands when you have this form of cancer. >> tara says what she found behind her ear never made her think of skin cancer or melanoma it just didn't fit what she knew about the disease that's why tara believes her story can save lives and she is telling it right here tonight on fox 29 news at 10:00. she really is an inspiring young woman who has been through so much. >> yeah, good to hear her story. it just reminds you did need to wear that sunscreen. >> do you. >> scott williams will tell us as well. we go back to the fox 29 weather authority. all that heat and humidity. don't forget the sunscreen. >> spf30 applied every two hours you can burnly easily this time of year. >> even with the haze. >> exactly and the clouds. you always need that sunscreen. let's talk about the heat as well as the humidity. it is building across our area. 86 degrees right now. you factor in the humidity it feels a degree hotter, 87 degrees. but, you know, it is july.
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it is summer. and it certainly felt like it today those winds out of the south at about 15 miles per hour pumping in that moisture. the low this morning, 70. that is spot on for where we shall be this time of year. of the afternoon high of 881-degree above average. but take look several years ago 2,011 the record high for today's date was 103 degrees. so it could be worse. especially this time of year. 79 in wildwood getting some breaks from the heat with that sea breeze. 80 atlantic city. but move a little farther inland, 86 in reading as well as pottstown. and, of course, the dew point the measure of moisture earlier in the weekend it was around 50, 55 feeling pleasant but it's increasing into the mid 60s around 70 degrees that's when it starts to feel oppressive. so look at the current dew point temperatures right now. 70 in reading. so feeling oppressive when you step outdoors upper 60s even in allentown. so you want that drier air wait a couple more days. as we talk about how it actually
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feels as we roll the clock ahead tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, it's going to feel like 102 degrees in wilmington. feel like 97 in reading as well as philadelphia. so tomorrow will be the hottest day of the week. the heat will peek tomorrow afternoon. as we look at the satellite and radar winds coming in out of the south and west. pumping in that moisture and humidity. showers and storms to our south. there's a frontal boundary moving through sections of the great lakes. that will pick up some moisture by tomorrow afternoon and evening to give us some showers and storms. so quiet for overnight tomorrow morning. mild, muggy. a mixture of sun and clouds. we'll stay dry to kick off the day but look at the clock as we advance it to around 5:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and evening. north and west watching out for some pocks of showers and storms. some of those storms could be a little gusty. we'll keep you posted on that. but right now our area not under a slight risk for severe weather come tomorrow. by 7:00 o'clock most of the coverage still north and west. eight, 9:00 o'clock moving toward the philadelphia area as
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well as sections of south jersey as well as delaware. then a few lingering showers early on thursday. but drier air will be moving in behind that front. so for tonight, partly cloudy, mild and mug goo. then tomorrow, the hottest day of the week. those storms fire late in the afternoon and evening. a leftover shower thursday but behind that front we get a wind shift and that humidity will start to drop so it will ab brief deal with the heat across our area. 70 for the low in the city tonight. mid 60s in the suburbs. 93 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. hot and humid once again those afternoon evening showers and storms. forecast by the numbers tomorrow, we'll give it a seven. early showers on thursday, 83 degrees for the high temperature. so about a 10-degree temperature drop. that will be nice and feeling better as we move into friday as well as most of the upcoming weekend. sunday into monday, things turn a little unsettled. >> all right. it's not bad. we got a 10 on friday. you get your one day of 90.
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we got a 10 for friday as we head into the weekend. we're good. >> everybody is happy. even howard eskin. >> what temperature is unsettl unsettled? >> howard it depends who you're talking to. to me it's unsettled at 90 and 48. >> i got the answer. good, thank you. >> little baseball. phillies go at it again tonight against the san francisco giants. now, there are many trades going on around major league baseball but nothing from the phillies yet. the phillies did bring up darren rough from the minor leagues to replace an injured john mayber mayberry. one player the phillies would love to trade would be ryan howard. but nobody wants that $25 million a year and two more years at that number. howard is hitting .222 and i was toll the phillies front office has had brief conversations about releasing howard. maybe after the season but the manager keeps that happy talk. >> i feel -- i still have faith in him with his swing he's doing. he is making some better conta contact.
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one swing of the bat can change a game. that's what i'm waiting for. >> cliff lee came back off the disable list last night starting for the fir since may 18th but it was not a good outing. cliff lee was not anything like cliff lee. he gave up six runs in five plus innings. allowed 12 hits. cliff lee would be player the phillies would trade even with his partial no trade in his contract. but he doesn't think about that kind of stuff. >> our job as players is to go out there and compete and try to win, and that's -- it's really that simple to me. i'm not going to get caught up in trades and all the speculation. i'm a phillie and i want this team to win and i'll do everything i can to help that happen. that's really it. >> all right. honesty may not always be the best policy. former head coach and now nbc football analyst tony dungy made comments about michael sam he's the player if you don't know who it is came out and admitted he was openly gay. so dungy made comments that many
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would have also made. dungy told the tampa tribune i wouldn't have taken him not because i don't think michael sam should have a chance to play, but i wouldn't want to deal with all of it. but today, he back pedaled just little bit and said, i do not believe michael sam's sexual orientation will be a distract. i do, however, believe that the media attention that comes with it and that's not good and that would be a distraction. the first comment from dungy i thought was really what most football people believe are afraid to say. obviously, the pressure dungy got from his initial comment in the tampa tribune forced homes backtrack. i like most people don't really care whether an openly gay player plays in the nfl. but michael sam coming on a team will create a major distract. that will come from the media. that's why every other team passed on him. st. louis took sam at the end of the last round because he played in that area and there may have been pressure to have him drafted in the nfl.
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talking to most football people i was told he really does not have the skills as a player to play in the nfl. the reality, too much distraction for a player that many don't even think will make it. sad but true. and it's tough and tony dungy is one of the most honest good people you'll find in the world not just in football. he said what he thought and then he had to pack pedal because all the pressure he got. >> um-hmm. >> all right. thank you very much, howard. >> and we have another half hour full of news straight ahead at 6:00. israel hamas conflict stretches even further with all flights into tel-aviv from the us and most of europe grounded. we'rlive for this hitter 86 fallout. >> and the mess at a local park that has humans crying foul but it's not the flock of geese but what they're leaving behind that has people so upset. our bruce gordon may have solved the problem. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right the problem. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right after this. hiiiii.
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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> we are on top of a developing story out of montgomery county right now. skyfox in upper merion where police say what started as burglary turned into a whole lot more. but they nabbed their man and they say he terrorized his victims than ran. police are trying to put together the pieces of exactly
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what happened. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us live outside the upper merion police department. dave, any charges yet? >> reporter: iain new york city charges yet but we've now been told by chief tom noland out here he expects the suspect to be arraigned and long list of charges around 7:30 tonight in the meantime detectives are still trying to figure out why this suspect targeted this couple. >> i would concerned. we certainly don't want this in our neighborhood. >> reporter: suzanne baxter lives cite right across the street from the scene of tuesday morning's home invasion in upper merion it started with neighbor being tied up, her boyfriend being abducted at gun point and finally a suspect in custody after a police chase. >> at least they let him go and they weren't so frightened as to want to use something beyond intimidation. >> reporter: police responded to the home off the schuylkill expressway in upper merion just after 8:00 for the report of a home invasion. >> femal


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