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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  July 19, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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live from center city in philadelphia. this is "fox 29 news" at 6:00. first at 6:00 a child fighting for his life after falling two stories from a window in philadelphia's cobbs creek neighborhood tonight that boy is in critical condition. good evening, everybody, i'm joyce evans, as a neighborhood recovers from the shock, questions are being raised about how something like this could happen. let's go straight out to fox 29's dave kinchen live at children's hospital of philadelphia tonight. dave, what have you learned? >> reporter: joyce, there are certainly a loft questions here. philadelphia police are calling this an unusual incident and right now that boy is here at the children's hospital of philadelphia in critical condition trying to
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recover from injuries to his face and his head. police tape marks the home, 5400 block of malcolm street, cobbs creek, where police say a four year old boy fell out of second floor bedroom window this morning. critically injuring himself, hurting his face, and head. >> well, we heard screams and stuff. >> reporter: lena dunkin said she was horrified by the boy's condition after seeing emt taking him away from the scene. >> orange, just like his legs were just like, you know, like he was wasn't moving or anything. >> i was surprised and i'm sorry to hear about that. >> reporter: not yet clear about how the boy fell from the window, neighbors say the parents have at least two other kids in the house, and they say they usually keep to themselves unlike many on the block. >> we pretty much tight neighborhood around here, we like to watch out for the kids. so that was an isolated incident as far as i'm concerned. >> reporter: i did speak with the family member at the house, as he was headed here
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to the hospital. he did not want to talk about the incident. in the meantime, the philadelphia special victims aoun sit investigating the case, joyce? thank you, dave. developing now, new details surrounding the malaysia air flight that was shot down by a missile. the eyes of the worlds are on russia, as international inspector's ask for complete access to the place where the plane crashed killing ought 298 people on boards, but so far the quest to get those answers facing some challenges. fox's jennifer griffin has the latest details. >> reporter: international monitors at the site of the plane crash call the situation on the ground tense, as they try to piece together exactly what caused a malaysian airliner headed from amsterdam to kuala lumpur to plunge from the sky. but investigators say they are getting more access in the rebel head area saturday while crew ann's president presence to get answers.
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>> ukrainian government orders is doing all that's possible to investigate this terrorist act. >> us intelligence says the plane was brought down by a surface to air missile above eastern ukraine, and many believe russia supplied the weapons to separatists, international concern growing that the crash site and evidence have not been properly secured. >> the news of the day what is being around the site, being treated properly, has really created a shock. >> and passenger's families are begging for answers a they grieve including grandfather of u.s. citizen quinn luke and seansman you. >> just hope that none of the children -- go before you, and now it has happened. >> as delegation from malaysia arrives in ukraine, the transport minister defends the flight's path, saying the
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pilot followed a busy major airway at an altitude that was deemed safe by local air traffic control. in washington, jennifer griffin, fox news. breaking news tonight, in the middle east of continuing violence going on there. israeli troops have reportedly uncovered more than a dozen cross-border tunnels. this as they and militants in gaza move into a second day of fierce grand battlement israeli officials say that they've bulldozed those tunnels into the gaza strip that they say militants had been using in their attacks. the palestinian death toll now stands at more than 330 people with many women and children among those killed. we'll have a brand new update from the gaza strip just a little later in our newscast, stay tuned for that. and, our coverage on both of these international stories continues on line, head to for the latest updates from the middle east and on the malaysian's plane crash investigation.
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happening now, the body is uncovered in the jersey shore there. officials say that it washed up around 7:30 this morning in the area not far from where man went missing friday afternoon. a fisherman found the body near island beach state park, in ocean county. they are not sure yet if the body is that of 25 year old man who disappeared around noon yesterday while he was swimming in that area. two police officers are hurt during a traffic stop when an s.u.v. rearended them. it happened friday night, in ocean county, new jersey. the officers had stopped a car along route nine in pine beach. that is when an s.u.v. drifted off the road and hit one of the police cars. the officers and two people from the suv were taken to the hospital. one of the cops has broken ribs. all of the other injuries were minor. no charges have been filed. a fire breaks out in philadelphia's port richmond neighborhood, firefighters
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were called to the 3300 block of amber street, this is around 4:30 this morning. it was under control a short time later. firefighters say the property is vacant. the cause of that fire is under investigation. and now to your fox 29 weather authority. a live look at center city tonight on a beautiful dry saturday that wasn't very sunny, but it wasn't too hot or muggy either. but i think things are probably going to be changing before too long. let's check in with meteorologist, caitlin roth. for the latest? >> great weather we've had over the past few days, not necessarily caring over to the weekends. a lot of clouds, bit more humid, trains action g to chance for rain later tonight into tomorrow satellite and radar combined with a lot of clouds, some showers rolled through the shore points earlier today. that is from coastal storm system that will stay off shore, but won't make for some very nice beach weather. also, showers move in across central sections of the state,
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may reach us later tonight. just little bit of very light rain north of atlantic city, up along long beach island, eastern ocean county, just drizzly, cloudy, not terrible down the shore, but really not able to get a suntan out there. 78 degrees right now in center city philadelphia you can see the thick layer of cloud cover, sunshine earlier today it, helped temperatures reach the high temperature around the low 80s. right now, 78 in philadelphia, 76 in pottstown, 71 mount pocono, 75 millville, and 73 down in wildwood. so little cool, too, but the moisture heist returned. certainly feels muggier than the past couple of days. notice fox future cast spinning some more showers on shore. we've got persistent on shore flow, tonight into early tomorrow morning, not going to be beach day again tomorrow, but it won't be a wash out. kind of half and half here. tonight's forecast back home in philadelphia, 67 the overnight low in the city, 58 little cooler in the suburbs, mostly cloudy, with just slight chance of showers, late, more rain in the forecast for tomorrow. i'll have all of that still ahead. joyce? >> all right, thank you,
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caitlin. and follow the weather any time you want all weekends long by going to, click on the weather tab at the home of the home page for the latest forecast information and live radar images. and, you have a chance to help a very special little boy this weekend. meet henry. he's just like any other six year old. except he can't see or hear. a syndrome is taking away his senses. but his mom says it won't slow him down. his inspirational story and how you can help that's coming up next. a man tells his story how he battled crime in philadelphia. but as soon as he got hurt on the job, he says, the city turned its back on him. we'll tell you why this former police offer says he needs help and he needs it fast. fox 29 investigation still to come. and the grandmother catches an alleged burglar in the act, it sent him running. he apparently didn't put up much of a fight with her. how she scared him off and soon. that is coming up next.
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welcome back everybody. more than 500 bags of heroin and $1,400 uncovered during a traffic stop in delaware. happened friday along north dupont avenue or highway, i should say. police say 20 year old sean williams, a passenger in the vehicle, tried to escape. but he was caught. he faces several charges including drug possession. williams is behind bars still tonight.
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a backgrounds check can cost you a job, especially if you have been arrested before. well, today, a huge helping hand was offered in southwest philadelphia, to clean the records of dozens of people to help more of them get hired. >> cost me two big jobs that pay very well. employer background checks uncover kevin arrested for that happened so long ago, and it shouldn't stop you from moving forward because you made a few mistakes when you were younger. >> and he hasn't been able to find work since. he and dozens more came to myers rec center hoping to change that forever. >> any time we can help a member out in the community, even if it is just one person, we're very happy to do so. >> philadelphia city councilman, ms. johnson pulled together employers, educators, social and career counselor, to help. but first, attorneys from the paris eras owes agents volunteering their time and
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legal expertise to get criminal records removed from the backgrounds of people like kevin who were never convicted. >> a lot of time people get arrested. they don't know if they're found not guilty capable of being thrown out. that's still on their record. employers can see that when they do their backgrounds check. our job to clean records of people not found guilty of anything. hopefully gets more people working help people help themselves, better themselves going forward. >> i'm trying to see if i can take care of that so i can move forward, make a little bit more money, take care of my family. >> kevin says it can take from six to nine months to destroy old criminal arrest records. and that the barister will file the petitions, argue it before a (and be sure their backgrounds check shows no arrest. their way, they say, of giving back to the community. >> well, community comes
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together today to support victims of this fire, destroyed nine homes on the 6500 block of gasner street, earlier this month. many artists came out to put on a concert there t began just few hours ago. that's where we find fox 29's sabina live in southwest philadelphia tonight. sabina? >> reporter: that concert is well underway, just blocks from where the fire happened. they want victims to know the community still cares. two weeks after a fire destroyed her home and killed four young neighbors, lilly rodriguez is gathering her belongings and look to go leave this place for good. but some things must be left behind. >> memories that you'll never be able to bring back. >> next-door a memorial still marks the home where four year old twin girls perished in the july 5th fire. four year old patrick, and three year old tasha, were also killed. the fire sparked protests within the local immigrant
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community, angered over the response. saturday the community came together again there is time to stand in solidarity with the victims, a benefit concert to raise awareness and donations. >> the concert was certainly let the citizens here know and the city at large know that people are here, that the problem still exists, and we're still struggling together to do what we can to help them. >> liberian artists sang on 66th street in the shadow of the burned out homes. organizers want to bring attention back to the affected area where this home was damaged, she watched the concert from a nearby porch. >> i'm going to be here for the children, because i watched them grow up and everything. so my support is with that family. so that's why i'm here. >> i really found out how much i'm loved with all of the help that i've been receiving. and it is like amazing.
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>> reporter: the cause of the fire is still under investigation. survivors staying with family, friends, picking up the pieces, joyce. >> uplifting spirits, thank you so much, sabina. pennsylvania minister who was ousted from the church after he officiated his son's same sex marriage, and then reinstated, says the church is trying to kick him out again. reverend frank shaeffer was defrocked in 2007 for refusing to uphold the church's ban on clergy performing same sex ceremonies. last month his credentials were restored. meantime, chef is her moving this week to work at a diocese in california. little boy born deaf and is now losing his site, but he's not letting his rare condition stop him from having a fun and full life. karen hepp has henry's story and how you can help.
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>> circumstances year old henry loves action heroes, and jack his best friends. >> just like any other kid. he just can't see and hear. he can do anything. he could climb. >> he reads brail and is flew net asl, american sign language. like every kid, he proudly shows off his toys and his room, and his garden, he is engaging and funny and sweet. he also has a very rare condition called usher. and his world is changing. his mom new shortly after birth he was deaf. but just last year his vision started to go, too, very quickly. >> i want to give you an example whatever henry's world is like. we all have our complete vision with the peripheral. these goggles, this is his world, they put black construction inside, and you see that little tiny pencil hole right there. that's just about all the vision he has right through the center. >> this child -- >> the vision lost, that's the hardest for mom, it is the other shoe to drop. the hearing came early, but
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the second tough diagnosis is tough. >> he was a little tiny boy, baby, the vision lost, you know,'s been seeing for five years, and then he starts to lose it. that was devastating. >> likely it will get worse, making changes, tent like co-can coon on the bed, light hurts henry's eyes, so he wears hats, sunglasses outdoors. henry does have sounds now, thanks to coke lee air implants. even that was tough choice. >> it wasn't until we got the definitive that there was something up with his eyes that we had to go forward with the implants. that in itself is controversial. because there is plenty of successful folks who don't have the calling inning, not a route we wanted to go for henry. we wanted him to have more. >> henry has all kind of energy, as he bounces off to
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school. he's got to grab a cane these days, but the way he bound out the door, not too much is falling this -- slowing this kid down. >> i just want him to be happy and do something awesome with his life. a deaf/blind kid doing anything he wants? that's awesome. >> karen hepp reporting there. a family is holding a fundraiser for research into usher syndrome help hendley see and hear. it happens tomorrow in medford, new jersey, for more information, head to our website and still to come tonight, gram ma fights back. >> this woman caught alleged burglar in the act, and jumped into action. what she did that sent that suspect running. and later, a local grand ma proving age is no obstacle. she's climbing onto this plane and getting ready to jump out of it. a life-long dream comes true later in the show.
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>> an utah man tried to burglarize a house in cotton wood heights only to be stopped by a grandmother on a mission. fox's caroline conally has the story. >> a grant mother of 11, candy, is used to giving orders around the house. >> go over there and play, walk over there. >> it is a habe hate even she
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admits she sometimes can't help. >> i like to get involved. make sure things are right. make sure things are safe. >> that's why this afternoon, it surprise nod one when she left her post at home to take watch of the neighborhood after spotting a suspicious man, walking down her street. >> i thought this doesn't look right. >> so when he left, she decided to hop in her van. >> my granny mini-van. >> and follow him around the neighborhood. >> typical. >> the ride only took her down the street to where david had left his garage door open. >> i think it is pretty heroic that she did that. >> as she pulled up, she said she saw the man take off, caring with him durant's bucket of tools. a stash he didn't get far with. >> i just pull down my window and i said you put those back right now. >> that's all it took. >> he hurried, he picked them back up. he was going to leave them there. he put them back to the garage. >> police arrested 32 year old
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ian shaw just few blocks away. now believes this wasn't his first theft. >> it looks like he's pounds over a hundred roughly 125 items. >> they say records show shaw has been stealing and pawning off items since may. but police say it, seems, he finally picked the wrong neighborhood. >> just need to be part of making it right sometimes. >> for a grandmother of 11, has made a habit out of making sure everyone is following the rules. >> my family said, mom, you don't need to do. that will yes, i do. >> fox's caroline conally reporting for us tonight. now, closer to home, three state legislators are honored for their support of music, education. state senator shirley kitchen, state representative, and philadelphia councilwoman, cindy back, all received awards at a luncheon there in wynnefield today. they've all taken steps to ensure there is music and performing arts, education, for at risk inner city kids
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and families. this is in north philadelphia they're talking about. many others who support the arts were honored, as well. well, meet ace. he is a pitbull. tonight, he's being hailed a hero. how he got a deaf teenager out after very dangerous situation. that's still ahead tonight. but first, a former phillie cop says he's spiraling down into poverty because he was hurt on the job. why he said the city turn his back on him. fox is investigating. >> sunshine today, but the clouds outside, help keep things on the cool side. eighty-one the high here in philadelphia. normal of 87. that heat returns in the seven day forecast, we'll show if you that s
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>> malaysian air flight shot down by a missile. inspectors trying to piece together what happened before the plane plunged from the sky thursday killing all 298 people on board investigators call the situation tense at the crash site in eastern ukraine, but say they are being allowed access. the site is located in an area controlled by pro russian
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separatists. us intelligence says the plane was brought down by a surface to air missile tonight some members of the international community accusing russia of supplying the weapons to separatists in ukraine. russia has denied responsibility. >> israel ill defense force in hamas continued to exchange fire, hundreds dead, many of them civilians. reporting from the israeli gaza border. >> today marks the bloodiest day yet, in the current conflict. one israeli soldier and one officer were killed. twelve other soldiers were wounded, during a fire fight with militants who using a tunnel infiltrated the border gaza. at least one of the militants was also killed. meanwhile, israel keeping up the pressure on hamas and militants in gaza, more air strikes throughout the day, palestinians say the intensity
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has increased, israeli military since it began, hit 2350 targets. the conflict has displaced thousands of palestinians, has warned residents in targeted areas to evacuate. hamas has discouraged them from doing so, as of now about 50,000 palestinians are in un shelters. more than 330 palestinians have been killed, many, women and children. israeli forces on the grounds say they have encountered relatively little resistance in gas, a so far they've discovered at least 13-inch infiltration tunnels, in the process of being destroyed. on the diplomatic front, palestinian president, says turkey now endorsing the egyptian cease-fire initiative, lab as catching to cutter, meeting will with government officials as well as exiled hamas leadership in an effort to win support for the egyptian cease-fire.
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along the israel gaza border, fox news. >> our coverage on both of these international stories continues on line, head to for the latest updates, from the middle east and in the plane crash investigation. happening now, firefighters working to put out fast moving wild fires in washington state. winds are causing the fire to grow and push into new directions in the town northeast of seattle. lightning started the fire on thursday so far 100 homes have been destroyed, more than 300 acres burned. this is just one of 50 fires burning in that state. forks 29 investigation tonight. philadelphia police officer says that he swore to the city to protect. and even belonged to the union, but both have abandoned him in his time of need. herbert spellman says he got hurt on the job and cannot work, but the city pension board doesn't see it that way.
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fox 29 jeff cole investigation. >> form from a distance, 50 year old herbert spellman has the body of pro-football player, broad shoulders, on 6-foot frame weighing 300 pounds. but to see him walk is to witness a man who appears to be in bone grinding pain. >> what kind of pain are you feeling right now? >> back, neck, nerve damage, knees, you name it, it is painful. >> spellman is a former phillie cop. >> i love protecting and serving and helping people. that will was my nature. >> who wore the uniform for 20 years. before he says a crash had his patrol vehicle back in 2006 earned dollars his career. >> that rearend err, knocked unconscious, and as a result that far i'm in terrible pain. >> spellman says his pain is so severe, he cannot return to work. he wants the city to grant him full pension and cover his
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medical benefits. but the city does not believe he's injured. in fact, he's been denied full pension benefits related to his injury continually, both in front of the pension board and in court. medical records given by spellman show in july of 2006, just a month after his crash, doctor jay brickman found his tram a was directly related to the injuries sustained in the accident. in march of 2007 doctor glickman writes his final diagnosis is that spellman's disabilities are a direct result of the accident. through years later doctor jean, treating spellman for neck and back pain, reports he's totally disable from full duty police work. >> they looked they say you have a permanent injury, several discs messed up, you have nerve damage. and there is no way you can
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return back to work. >> spelt man, who fox 291st spoke with earlier in the year, walks with an obvious limp and with the help of a cane. he says other than several years of workmen's comp payments which end in the 2012, he's been without an income. he says his wife supports his family, but it is not enough to keep his home out of foreclosure. >> i attempted to got back to work and got injured even more, as a result that far i lost my income now, without anything. >> here's a big reason why. in september of 2009, doctor arnold burr man, drexel university professor of orthopedic surgery, found that spellman's injuries were now fully resolved. and that he may work as a police officer full time without restrictions. >> let me just talk to you from the city's perspective. he needs to go back to work, pension money is taxpayer money. we can't give him this. >> i know my body not lying,
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i'm in pain all the time. >> the city boards of pensions denied him disability benefits, and did it again a year later. fox 29 called the pension board. but it was the mayor's spokesperson who returned our call to say spellman had access to due process. the police officer's union said it couldn't talk. it said to do so would be a violation of medical privacy. as for spellman, he regrets ever becoming a philly cop. >> i became a police officer to better myself. you know, to provide for my family. and now, i know it, seems like i made the wrong choice here. >> jeff cole, "fox 29 news". >> teen falls asleep without his hearing aid. then the house around him calves fire the the situation looks pretty dire until ace the pitbull came to the rescue, how he saved the day. that's coming up. and paralyzed this young boy on his right side.
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he's not let that stop him from playing the support he absolutely loved. he's learned to play baseball completely left handed. his plans for the future even more
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in indianna a dog saves a hearing-impaired teen's life. the boy was down for a nap with his hearing aid out, when a fire started inside his home. fox's eric levy explains what the dog did that saved the day. >> this isn't just a story about the bonds between a boy and his dog. >> he comes in my room a lot. he likes to play with me. then he also plays out in the backyard, sometimes, too. >> because in nick's eyes, his pitbull ace is a here he -- hero. >> he saved my love. >> down a nap, and took out his hearing aid, so he didn't hear the smoke alarms beeping. ace did, though. and new he had to get nick's attention. >> gave calm if my room. started licking my fails. then i woke up. because i thought he wanted to go out back or something. >> it was much more urgent. >> so we got outside. i grabbed a couple of things,
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like my hearing aid, a phone, and then him. >> he was texting his mother, who was at work. mom, there is smoke in the house. his mom said what? call me and get out. nick said to his mom: i ran outside. it is coming from the garage and the whole house is covered in smoke. get out, mom said. fire department is on the way. nick said: the house is on fire. >> could you see our house from the highway. so when i drove by it on the highway it was a little worse because i could see the fire. >> almost nothing left of their home. but their lives were spared. all thanks to a sharp minded pitbull. >> he lovers his family. if it wasn't for him, i could have lost my little boy. >> in eric levy, fox news. well, imagine trying to play the sport that you love using just one side of your body. >> this little leaguer has done it and he's out playing a lot of his teammates. the tough road to get here, and what he wants to do next. plus the local grandmom who is
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proving age is no obstacle, climbing into this plane, and getting ready to jump out of t a life lock dream that's coming true, that's after the break. caitlin? >> joyce, despite all the clouds, generally rain free day. we have showers off to the west, showers off shore, what it means for the rain chances for the weekend coming up
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in millville, new jersey, a 5k run and 1 mile walk is held in honor of a fallen police officer. the superhero scholarship run was put on by the millville police department in honor of officer christopher reeves. >> he is just a good guy, you know, unfortunately, you know, you lose people like that, and but you make sure you never forget them. that's what this is part of, never forgetting who he was and what he stood for. >> he served on the force for 18 years. he was killed in a 2012 car crash while he was on duty. the money raised will go toward a scholarship for millville senior high school graduates next year. well, here's more proof that a physical disability is no match for shear will and determination. a stroke left a little boy in new york state paralyzed on the right side of his body,
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but that's not stopping him from playing the sport that he loves. here's fox's stacey delcat. >> reporter: the first baseman of little league team the clarkston stars has a special technique on the field. >> when i play, i like catch my left, take my glove off, then throw with my left. it was hard when i started doing it, but it got pretty east. >> i using the same hands to catch and throw has proven effective for 12 year old dillan olson of rockland county, but the move was born out of necessity. >> when he was a year, we found out that he had a stroke, and they kind of narrowed it down to either in while he was still in the womb or right after birth. >> the stroke left dillon partially paralyzed on his right side. but didn't stop him from becoming a sports fanatic, exceeding expectations on and off the field. >> the non-skill i can see he plays baseball with one hand, but other than that, you know, he does everything that every other normal 12 year old kid would do. he does most things even better. his nickname is the vacuole.
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he plays first base, then he is called a vacuum because he sucks everything up you throw at him. the kid doesn't miss a ball. he is just that good. >> never satisfied with good enough, dillon is constantly striving to get stronger. >> he just wrapped up an intensive therapeutic day camp at the teachers college of columbia university where he had to keep his left arm in a sling to force himself to use his right. in just three weeks, he learned to bounce a basketball with his right hand. >> he's motivated. he takes ownership for, you know, his impairment, and really focused on minimizing them and getting function. >> one more. >> but dillon's focus goes beyond improving his own game. what he really wants is to help others. >> i want to prove that to all of the lit kids, that need like motivation, that you can do whatever you want. just put your mind to it. >> look at that. stacey delcat reporting for
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us. up next for dillon, well, he is entering the seventh grade and tryouts for soccer and basketball. and one day he hopes to coach sports himself. go dillon. >> all right, well, an entire family goes sky diving. and the leader of the pack, yep, 86 year old grant mother, this is irene. look at her. had no fear before her mission in williamstown, new jersey, today. she tells us that she was thrilled, had been looking forward to the jump for quite sometime. after that exhilarating jump, words every encouragement for others. >> that's what i like to hear! >> everybody should do it, wow. >> well, i don't know about that, irene. everyone made it safely to the grounds. her grandchildren said she pretty adventurous. do you think? and she lives her life with no regrets. and they have absolutely no idea what she might do next.
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okay, onto your fox 29 weather authority. it is just that great? >> that is awesome. >> and great day for sky diving. >> well, 86 year old can do it, right? >> when are you doing it? >> exactly. probably happening this week for anyone paying attention, but it was pretty nice day. not too bad. we didn't have the sunshine of yesterday. but, still, overall, not too hot. no rain. so, you know, we can't ask for too much. it wasn't that bad out there, joyce. down the shore, though, they were battling a loft clouds, even couple of showers. we'll start you off with your weather headlines, you can see the thick clouds in the background, not producing any rain, not quite yet. your weather headlines saying clouds, even some showers are possible zero pogs later tonight. see the same thing tomorrow. better chance every rainy think tomorrow. the sun does return on monday t remains fairly comfortable, although, i noticed that humidity creeping back in this afternoon. it will keep creeping as we head into mid week. specially tuesday, wednesday, that's when the heat returns, temperatures expected to climb
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into the 90's, at least wednesday, maybe tuesday, too. but probably won't get a three-day heatwave out of. that will right now visible satellite showing a loft clouds around, we had filtered sunshine early, otherwise, sandwiched between two areas of showers, one well off shore. that's a storm system that moved through the southeast over the past couple of days, luckily, move due eels, but spinning some showers along our shore points, then trough moving through the central part of the state also bringing some rain, that could get into our area later tonight. few sprinkles that was down along eastern atlantic, ocean county, now moving out. but the chance for rain returns by early tomorrow morning. eighty-one the high temperature in philadelphia, the normal, 87, so those clouds kept us cooler, with temperatures, pretty far below normal. well below normal, off towards the north as we go area by area here. sixty-six in lehighton, that's it for temperature right now, 17 mount pocono, 78, that's in allentown, many of us below 80 degrees at this hour. seventy-seven in warminster, 76 chester, 78 in philadelphia. seventy-four in ocean city, 74
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in cape may, bit of breeds, casino of cool night down the shore. fox future cast shows we've got the clouds around, basically all night. on shore flow, and that system, off shore, is going to spin some showers in by early tomorrow morning. not talking about heavy rain. but we're talking about enough to make it maybe more of an indoor day going to the movies, playing mini golf or just staying inside with the board games down the shore. otherwise we'll see on and off showers spin in through parts of new jersey maybe as far north as philadelphia, not big deal with the rain, but won't be totally rain free into tomorrow afternoon. make breaks every sunday shine late in the day, we start to clear out. overnight tonight, 67 in the city. fifty-eight in the suburbs, cloudy, chance of the shower, close to 08 degrees, again, tomorrow. but on the cool side, thanks to all of the clouds. the beach forecast, we've got the low uv index thanks to the cloud cover. but with that east-northeast winds at ten to 15 miles per hour it will make the 70s feel pretty cool specially when the rain is falling. seven day forecast, we do warm things up after 8 degrees for the high on sunday, 86 with the sun back monday, heat, humidity, mid week.
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nothing too unbearable. wednesday first look real hot. now talking low 90s with some humidity, nothing out of the ordinary. then temperatures back to the 80s by thursday. so shouldn't be too brutal come mid week. >> mid july. not bad at all. >> let's head over to colleen for some sports. >> hey, joyce, phillies, they get set for one with the braves in atlanta and one of the starters, women, he might not be making it back to philadelphia. we'll tell but that, plus, can tiger regroup? for rounds three of the british open? that's coming up next in
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>> good weather forces the first time in 154 years history, delay. tiger woods hoping for better rounds on 16. he drills the nice birds i put here but would litter have
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trouble on the front nine. shoots one over today to go three over for the open. but ricky, with great day out, there on 11, he burries the long birdie put to go 11 under. so moving on the up the liter board. the story, rory mcelroy, looks dicey through the first 13 hoped, finishes strong with two eagles in the last three holes. the approach on 16, which he would eagle, then again on 18, to stay well ahead on the leader board. so, here's a look at the leader board. through three round of the open championship, two americans in the top three, mcelroy, obviously, holding strong. the top there, with a six stroke lead, over ricky fail or. fail or now ten under and tide for third, sergio garcia and dustin johnson. six straight losses to the braves. that is what the phillies are trying to avoid tonight with the help of cole hamels and if the phils can give him some run support, he might finally get his fourth win of the season.
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don't hold your breath, though. as for last night's starter, a.j. burnett, fox sports one is reporting the phillies and orioles are in preliminary trade talks for a deal that would send burnette to baltimore, although, last night's outing didn't help his trade value too much. the first family of football. it is passing along some tips to help the young players of the game. rj peyton and eli running the passing academy every year in louisianna. >> this year temple's quarterback pj walk her a chance to attend. and he is hoping the benefits pay off this coming season. >> i want him to be around the manning, see what it is like to really and pro. >> and for four days, he did. mechanics, leadership, had a better play the position. the message he came back with, keep things simple. >> don't do a lot of different rounds. just do small things, one at a time. just do three routes, master the routes. so that's what i do, took it to my head, i can't wait to
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come back to school and start doing. not lining you are going to forget how to throw. it is just going to be like, all right, now you got that down pack. move on it the next one. >> hopes the experience will pay off this season. remember, matt works with eli mangan the giants during the 2012 season. >> the biggest thing with eli, he wasn't a yell err, he wasn't a scream, but he found a way to get around him to play at their best f that meant having hundred watch somebody, if that meant spending little extra time on the field or in the film room. he just wanted to win. he wands afraid to take the blame when things didn't go well, take the credit when things went well. i think that's that's why everyone wanted to play for him. >> one other thing they talked about at the manning passing ac a.m. any, peyton's infamous audibles. >> the fact, very important, because then sometimes we don't see the coverages, as well as everyone thinks. so you might want to master, you might want to master so they can start rotating. >> so will matt rule have a problem if he does that at
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tell be? >> as long as it works. if it stops work, you got to stop. we'll say hey, keep doing it. >> so pj walker working on becoming little more vocal. so we might hear the famous audibles we always here peyton manning yelling. let's see, might hear this year on temple side lines. >> thank you, colleen. be sure join us tonight on the "fox 29 news" at 10:00. amazing dash cam video, he was pulled over for speeding and when the cops approached his car he took off. but he's not trying to escape. why the office here pulled him over is being hailed a hero. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. we'll see you tonight
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- >> so here's the evidence.
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charlie sheen goes to a taco bell late at night and is slurring his speech. >> not very cool, man. >> how are you? > his shirt is ripped. >> you know how they are. >> hillary clinton is out in new york city. coming out of the daly show with jon stewart. really good question. which song would she choose for her campaign? >> "stand by your man"? >> i think she should go with it bull. >> we have the friends out. lisa


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