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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  July 17, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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look at this new billboard on the bus stop there. that's lose i and yain. they bring you the news at 5, 6 and 10 here on fox 29. but this is the best bus billboard ever. here's sue. here's casey. and our new person on good day philadelphia, alex, will be here september 1. but the best thing about this -- hey, dominic, you still back there? come out here. he's waiting for the bus. what's the best thing about this new billion billboard do you think. >> it's the bottom half. i'm the only one that can see. alex will be here on september 1. your new -- co-host. >> nice. that's good. we can see the top half. > have a great day. okay, carry, sue, casey. i'm coming up. it's the best billboard ever. it sure is.
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where is he. >> he's coming up. > look at us today. we're all in pink. not planned. coincidental. i think he'll be breathless when he gets back. he'll be running up the stairs in the coming moments. so it's thursday, july 17, 2014. let's get started. if you're in the market for a new car, toyota has a new minivan and it has a new interesting feature. we'll tell you how the car company is talking to their kids in the backseat without yelling. should your boss have a say in when you take a bathroom break and for how long? that's what's happening in one chicago office. workers pretty upset. we'll talk about it. i know women like to talk, but there are some situations when men have to more to say. when the sevens are most talkative. when is that? >> coming up. thanks for coming in. it's nice to be back.
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there's that annual contest is happening again, if you have a really cute kid you take a picture of them and you can win a contest. those people are coming in again. we'll tell you where to have the pictures taken. more importantly it is a benefit for the children's hospital. why don't you use the hashtag of fox 29 babies and send in pictures of you as a baby. well, here's a baby picture. i'm sitting on my dad's lap. don't you think that would be -- that's me, yeah. i brought in my first communion picture today. >> i have my first communion picture, also. there it is. is that you in the cowboy hat? it's coming up. we're going to show it, aren't we. >> no, we're not. we have casey. >> no, my brother analysis tear at the beach. oh, my goodness.
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that's first communion. >> yes. very cute. anyway, get going to the little cupboard or wherever you keep your baby pictures and show us what you looked like as a baby. again, the hashtag is fox 29 babies. very good. have you ever been told to act your age? every day. >> there seems to be a cutoff when it comes to like the clothing you're supposed to be wearing, what you can wear, what you're not supposed to wear. that's way too inappropriate for your age. >> well, it can be embarrassing. we found this survey and we linked it to the story about the 40 year old cheerleader. the oldest cheerleader in america now. isn't she a cheerleader for the new orleans saints. >> there's also another one for the been also who is also 40. i don't think that's too old. she looks great. here's one ideal with, when i get invited out to a nightclub, i don't want to be that guy. when is it too old to go to a
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nightclub? so the survey we found says you should stop clubbing at age 37. that's a little l late. if you go clubs there's 50 year old people. you have a ways to go, casey. >> guys like me. what's your name? aren't you that traffic girl? i went to school with your dad. (laughter). > when i was outside a little while ago, i ran into a guy with an for example also jersey. the survey says you should stop wearing football jerseys, unless your you're going to the game, same age, 37. > that makes sense. you could wear a jersey around. why is that inappropriate? i
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get the sense that your husband billy wears jerseys. >> mostly on game day. here's another one. i still see dudes skateboarding like down walnut street where i live. >> like 40 year olds. >> 40 year olds easily. > really. but this survey says you should stop skateboarding at age 46. i think it should be 17, 18. >> that's kind of what i thought, 0s. at 6 you begin to look -- whatever. here's the deal, now at the end of text messages i have a mode cans. >> i've never put a happy face? because you're never happy. i put a heart. you should stop using amode cans by the age of 26. parents love the amode cans. >> my dad uses them all the time. my mother would have no idea
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what an amode can was. if you told her it was a symboloh my mother is still using an april cas. i'm not texting her. where does your motheractually e me right now. are you still arguing? you told me one time you didn't really like your'uyf age 48. what about janet dick son. courtney cox. we have to bring in jenny, she
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says you should stop high fiving some people do the fist pump p. some people do the booty shake. i don't understand why that is a big problem. here's another thing i have to say in erms of the clubbing and the skate boargd and all that other stuff, i will say i agree with all of that until about five years ago i saw three 70 year old dudes skim boarding. they loved it. they were good at it. they took lessons. why is snowboarding less cool -- i think a guy on a skateboard, that's pretty cool. you wouldn't feel bad about a 70 year old on a -- i feel like there's a gap period until 26 until you get so old that it's cool that you're doing it again. thank you.
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(laughter) bridge the gap. i hate you. in terms of the texting, my dad was just here last week and he turned 72 while he was here and five years ago he belongs to like the model airplane club and the model boat club -- > boy. >> and all the great amazing stuff that those people do and i said to one of his buddies, i said do you text and my dad was that iso fencive that you would ask my friend. i'm like because he's 80, dad. a lot of 80 year olds don't text. so the 80 year olds they ghetto fended if you even assume that they don't text. which i think is weird. > i get that. >> my mom is turning 80 next month and p i ever get a text from her, i will faint. >> i will think somebody stole her telephone. thanks ' a lot. at what age should be being on television. >> imagine if one day your boss told you that you can only spend
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six minutes in a day in the ba a reality that they're starting to monitor their bathroom time at work. here's the thing, the company's water safer, maybe that's why they're timing the bathroom breaks. 120 hours of production were lost in one month because of bathroom time outside of their designated break periods. i guess they have specific s hours or minutes that they're allowed to go in and attend to business, if you will. this is how they monitor you. >> short card system. they spent money to install them and anybody who spends more than six minutes a day in the john during work time is going to get punished. however they also adopted a reward system. if you spend less than six you get some are the some of price. do you get rollover minutes? if i only use one minute today, do i get a couple extra minutes tomorrow? you spent an hour in
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there, shaving your legs and pumping. >> carry, you're breast feeding so you're pumping every now and then so she has to take a break. >> every three hours or so. so you could not work for this company in chicago. i would be punished. you'll get percs at the end of the month, you'll have a horrible -- what do they call that, infection? bladder infection. a little bit of buildup. we should move on. remember the days when dad turned around while driving, don't make me pull over. yelling at you. tried to hit you. toyota is now making it easier for dads and moms to keep their eyes on the road wile addressing the backseat issues. this is the 2015 toyota situaten a, the minivan, with an intercom. you speak through a microphone installed in the vehicle and a
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lot of times he got the another buds in, they can't hear you anyway. toyota says it's an important safety feature but you no longer have to turnaround to get their attention. they should be watching their movies or listening to the music. lay the hammer down. they could work it out where you could have an interrupt into their head phones. >> right. don't make me pull over. now the threat would be don't make me turn off your movie. i'll turn off that movie. i'll take your cellphone. quit hitting each other. stop looking at me. my brother is looking at me. he's touching me. more women really -- are women really more talkative than men? well, here's the thing, researchers at northwestern university, when went in search of the answer there and casey has the results. i have the findings right here. women were more talkative in small groups while men talked more in larger social settings.
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researchers nearly 80 participants in two different settings and a device called the social ohio meter. you like to talk in small groups. >> we do. men talk in bigger groups. that added a lot to us. northern. >> i can't even read. northern is in boston, isn't it? >> somewhere in the northeast. there's one thing that we learned from jennifer frederick because she talks. she just hasn't stopped talking all day. she says she doesn't talk when she gets romantic with her husband. that's about the only time she's quiet is during -- >> that's because he's put a sock in her mouth. i'm just teasing. i'm teasing, jenny, i love you.
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i know that's not how it goes down -- goes down -- >> chances are you're wearing the wrong shoe size. a third of men and women buy shoes that don't fit. this reminds me of a chris rock joke. according to research at the college of podiatry, the average shoe size is up two sizes. inside retailers like nordstrom and cole hand say that they're selling larger sizes more than ever. if you wear the wrong shoe size it can hurt your feet and can cause serious problems like bunions. if you haven't had your foot sized in a year, you should probably do that. you like a certain look of a shoe so you'll stick your shoe in there even though it's two sizes too small and the pump
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stick s out over the shoe. like cinderella, you want the glass slipper and you're going to force your foot into that thing. i have a question, are you ever embarrassed, say you have a size 10 or 11, do you not want to admit that to the salesperson? >> some people do. i wear an eleven. i was a 10 until i had a baby and then i went up in a shoe size. >> you can go up in a shoe size. >> i went down. after you had a baby? >> no, i didn't have a baby. you want to know why it works, because your ligaments are loosening to fit the baby out of your pelvis so everything begins to loosens. even sometimes your teeth get loose. the chemical and the who are monday that is spread throughout your body will cause that, loosening up, if you will. everything is getting real big.
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it's a beautiful thing. thank you, mrs. science. once again it was a vocal eos at the media theater. i thought i'd take a picture of my view -- i got to stand on the stage. we didn't eliminate anybody. everyone was so nervous the first week. young people -- there's so much talent in our area it is really fun, so next wednesday, you do dining under the stars in media. all the restaurants have their tables outside. then you come over to the media theater 7:00 and you watch the show. it's really fun. every wednesday? >> every wednesday, 7:00. look at how gorgeous it is in at atlant)h city. you see the camera shaking just a little, that's the refreshing breeze we got when the humidity went away so we gave it a ten today and a ten is in store for tomorrow. nine on sat only because of a few extra clouds, but it looks pretty decent on saturday and
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now the forecast is improving for sunday. it looks like the rain may hold off until nighttime. and then the humidity comes back next week. this contest has gotten big. mills of people have entered this contest put on by the lays potato chip people. and it's called do us a flavor. you were asked to create a new flavor of chip. the four finalists -- they're down to the final four. let me tell you what they are. was a.m. i ginger, cappuccino tasting chip, mango salsa and there's one i want to try, cheddar bacon mack and cheese. well a local woman created the was a.m. i ginger flavor and she is joining us this morning -- first of all, congratulations. you live in deptford, new jersey? >> yes. > great to have you. we normally wouldn't do like a
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commercial for a potato chip company, but we thought we'd break the code here and go ahead and do a commercial for lays because they're playing for the satellite time because we have a local person. i want you to win. how did you create it? thank you, me, too. what is the price and how did you come up with the idea for was and i ginger? >> you have on go online and submit as many entries as you wanted. i came up with the was saab i ginger. it was inspired by my grandmother who was japanese and was making cushily since i was a little l girl. when i got older, i tried it and i fell in love and i found ginger and the two together was just amazing. how did you make it? did you make it in your kitchen? did you smash up was and i? how did you experiment?
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>> well, i always when i have sue situate and then i take the shaved ginger and put it in my mouth at the same time. the combination of those flavors is what i wanted in the chips. pardon all the noise we're about to make. i have hers right here. carry tried the wasabi ginger. give us a report. >> it's really good. it's spicy, but not too spicy, right? it's not too bad, i think. i want to trio owe we're not rooting for this. we're movement bacon mack and cheese. what are you going to do? i know there were 14 million submissions so the fact that you're down to the fiem four is pretty amazing. people can vote through october 18, i think it is. if you win, it's a million bucks? i know.
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yeah, it's a million bucks if i win so get out there and vote. if i get that million, i i have three beautiful little girls at home. so that's three college tuitions. three little gross up to be three beautiful brides, so that's three big weddings. > are you married. >> me? > yes. >> yes, i am. > by the way, i apologize to the other three people. i didn't know the other three people were there. i love you, too. we just have to root for our local women. >> yeah, we love you. thank you. > i did try the cappuccino. >> that's good. > we're rooting for ginger. a million bucks, that's kind of cool. coming up, it's fox thursday and we're talking summer safety for our furry friends. the top five pet emergency that will send your pet right to the
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the top five pet emergency that will sendall the chicken to the in your grocery store is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment...
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and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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> welcome back, it is 9:23. it is fox thursday and this thursday we're going to tell you how to keep your furry friends safe in the summer. she's outside with warnings for people in the summertime. even though we have a comfortable day right now we have a lot of summer to go. hetter is here. we wouldn't want to prevent heat stroke this time of year and the top signs are panting excessively and then drooling excessively because they're panting so p much they can't swallow. i do that, too, actually. >> who doesn't. dogs cool off by panting. they don't sweat. he's wearing a cool vest. the cool thing with this is you just add water on it. with the power of evaporation it cools them off. > if you have a dog that you think might have heat stroke,
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you don't want to throw cold water on hem, it cools them down too fast. you want to use warm body, put it on the parts of the body that don't have a lot of hair on them. that's my top emergency. > okay. this is a big i. >> my second one are bee stings. we'll have dogs that come in that have a big swole own face and they have hives. because they've maybe chewed on a bee or something like that so what i recommend using is something like an antihistamine. something like benadryl. call your vet to get the dose, though, because it is weight dependent. you have to be careful with that dosage. the other one i see all the time is summer skin allergies. we have dogs that have itchy skin, they're swelling and they're very, very uncomfortable. at homo owe really doings shouldn't smell that much when they do, you might have be having a skin algae issue. i love this. h is called flash plus and it's
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a shampoo that does everything it needs to to help doings with skin allergies. it qualms the skin. it's very shooting. it moisture rises and treats skin. you leave it for five to ten minutes before you rinse it off, otherwise the medicine doesn't get to the skin. > you have to make sure they don't like on it. >> it's actually pretty safe. the barbeque is fool of dangers for the doggies. >> believe it or not. my top emergency surgery is removing corncobs out of the dogs. they steal those gross looking corn cobs right off the plate and it looks like it's die jees table, buts ' not. it gets stuck in the intestines cht the only way to get it out is surgery. at home, if you notice they've just eaten it, you can try some hydro peroxide. > they can drink that. >> just a couple of table spoons. it will get them to vomit up the corncob. i has to be very soon after they
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ate it. if it's been in there too long, the only one that can get it out is me with the surgery. sometimes we're so upset we can't think of what to do. it's by the red cross. it's a red cross first aid app and you can get it on i tunes. it's like # 9 cents. my favorite things about it is a hospital locater that finds hospitals accredited by the american animal hospital association. when you call up, they're going to know what's your dog's heart rate, what's the respiratory rate. this app shows you how to calculate. that a lot of good treatments. american, american animal hospital associations. this dog looks so happy in that vest. really comfortable. we need to get one for humans. i agree. > we'll see you next time. thank you for having us. > how about that vest, isn't that great? and that app from the red cross is awesome.
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>> i love it. one of my dogs, my rot we'll ergot stung by a bee on her lip earlier this season and it was huge and she had to go on a big series of antibiotics and antihistamine. they snap at them. i don'tw kno if every dog does this, but my dog jumps and tries to eat them. > coming up, area restaurants are competing this weekend in the dog days of summer cook off, but first we're going to taste the dog days of summer cook off, but first we're going to taste what they're
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at it is so nice outside, 20 area restaurants competing this weekend kacie in the third annual dog days of summer, cook off. >> with mike and kerry outside
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right now with the area contestants. >> i will tell you this why they call it dog days of um iser, it is hot dog contest who has best hot dog in the delaware valley. are you and where are you from. >> my name is elijah mulligan. >> where is that. >> deep south philly, 19th and ritner. >> my name is randolph keith from the cocoa banana at fourth and south. >> been there many times. >> i'm keith from hot digty 600 block of south street. >> i go back your place all the time, hot digty dogs. >> basic concept the best hot dogs in the delaware valley. >> yes, we will decide this at day? how many different restaurants. >> twenty different restaurant and food trucks. >> what time does it start. >> vip start at 12 and goes to 4:00. general admission is at 1:00. >> general admission is at one. >> as simple as that who makes the best hot dog in the delaware valley. >> we have a great restaurants and great south street staples like cocoa banana, bridget foye, schmidts and we have other restaurant around the
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city, alexfina. >> so let's give you some examples, they are exotic looking dogs just not a regular hot dog with a >> yes. >> we have charred onions, pepper bacon, pickled blueberries and a black olive sauce what do you put together for cocoa banana. >> well, i put together a jalapeno cheddar corn dog. >> which one is yours. >> the one right there with the mozerella on top. what says summer better than acorn dog. >> hey, kerry, come over here. >> what did you do. >> right now we've got this one. >> yes, we've got a spicy korean hot dog with mango, a spicy, mayo, scallions and rice. >> what is your opinion, what should you put on a hot dog, ketchup or mustard. >> mustard. >> mustard. >> mustard. >> but we have one here, ketchup, corn dog with ketchup. >> well, i have never had acorn dog. i actually haven't eaten a hot
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dog in like 15 years. >> is this against your religion. >> no good what is in that. >> jalapeno, cheddar cheese. >> what are hot dogs really made of. >> it is an all beef one so all beef. >> because off the floor. >> chefs at this event making their own hot dogs great ingredients. >> what is this one down here. >> that is elijah's. >> crispy hot dog, a little per tate owe starch. >> you put it on the bun right here. >> yes good what is the best, breath to use. >> one of my favorite breads is a potato roll, new england style. >> so what do you think of the corn dog. >> this is my first ever corn dog i have never had them were it the is yummy. >> corn dog virgin. >> indeed give me time and place. >> it is this summer, the 19th, noon to 4:00 you need your ticket at the web site or buy them at the the door there. we cannot wait to see everybody. it is a family event.
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second and lombard. so south district. >> second and lombard. >> if you have not been to south street in a while great reason to come back. one of the most vibrant places in the city right now. >> south street, south street. >> okay. >> turkey dogs too. >> we will see you out there saturday. >> sue and kacie good hot dogs are the best. >> coming up, search is on for america's most photogenic baby does your baby have what it takes? here's a baby picture from our own chris murphy. >> look at how cute he is. >> coming up next.
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it is kind of like air has been scrubbed clean. >> could it be more beautiful, the sky is as clear as could be. >> nice. >> you have done a nice job for today. >> if only it were my doing but only if i take the blame when it is bad weather. >> all right. >> anyway, be honest have have you ever watched a diaper, or baby food commercial and thought my kids is cute enough to be on tv? now is your chance. >> absolutely national search for america's most photogenic baby is coming to our area and it is for a good cause, mike and kerry still outside, tell us all bit. >> hey, ann is here from manayunk, hi, how are you. >> what are the kids name. >> this is aubrey and she's seven. >> hi aubrey. >> this is adellea, she's two.
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>> is what up, how are you doing. >> hi. >> hi. >> that guy on the end is the photographer. >> right, mike. >> is what your name. >> mike. >> so we do this every year. it is photogenic baby contest, so these, two prizes what did they win. >> well, she got judge's choice in 2011, and she's aged out. >> what are the age groups. >> we go from infant to six years old, and they have four categories, beautiful, precious, fashionable and comical. >> what did she win. >> she won judge's choice for one year-old last year. >> okay, aubrey. >> she was overall winner in 2011. >> right to the top. >> so what are you looking for? >> well, there are four different categories mostly personality, personality, personality but there are four different categories, beautiful, fashionable. >> and you used to see kids
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posing and these very fast positions. the new thing is, a natural funny faces, cute personality, you know, like this, right. >> yes, exactly. >> well, you know, we do photo shoot, we don't do it, we just snap away, and that is the trend, so we're looking for kids for our kids to work with. >> well let's give you the details. >> hey, good to see you. >> hi. >> septa. >> well, when is the event. >> it runs this saturday and sunday from 10:00a in m to 6:00 p.m. and it is being held at the crown plaza at king of prussia mall and it is a new menu and it is being held at franklin mills mall but this year crown plaza. >> kop. >> yes. >> what do i need to bring besides my kid. >> there is an entry fee of $35 per category and all money benefits children's hospital of philadelphia.
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>> this is a competition among cities around america, when iill they announce winners. and vote for your favorite. >> we will link that to my fox to get your kids out there. let's say aubrey is at the event. stand up, as a photographer how will you work with her. >> hold this. >> what would you say to her. >> if this was the camera. >> put to it your mouth. >> how old are you, i would talk to her. then i will just snap and go. i will say, can you sit down, can you turn around. they just do their thing. >> can you dance. >> yes, there you go. >> unaudible. >> it is difficult. it is very challenging but the thing we do is, we have patients. we have parents talk to them, randparents talk to them, and
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shot of this face, um. >> she's aged out. >> she has aged out. >> you are too old, kid. >> i can relate. >> all right, sue and kacie. >> i don't know how they decide, they are all so cute. >> yes, so jen is out at monster trucks. will you drive one of those things. >> yes, but before i drive one of those monster trucks lets do it, baby. we will take me down to my ride, i hope you can see me, let's go, let's do this, go. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in
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pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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okay. >> welcome back. >> you will meet a guy by the name of doug danger, i wish that was my name. jen says he is ready to show his stuff and show off, in mapel grove at the race way there. >> out there in berks county this morning, need for speed, right. >> yeah, can you guys see me, can you tell i'm driving. doug was motorcycle guy at 8:35 if you now you can see me, right. >> we can see you good we can see you. >> yes. >> so, does this truck have a
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name. >> local one. >> okay, here we go. >> oh, no. >> and i'm driving. can i go faster. >> motor >> yes. >> unaudible. >> can i do a spin around. >> all right. >> seriously, so, you know what, i do have to pick up my kid for some tennis lessons. >> we will make good time in this. >> here's what we want to know, number one, this thing is kind of nice, smooth. >> it is smooth, right. >> i don't know, can i drive it around a little bit, can i drive it backwards. >> i will put it in reverse. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, here's what i want to know you guys need to know
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this i will parallel park this thing. twelve and under. move out of the way. and 12 and under get in free. i will do it one more time. i'm live on tv, hi, guys. by the way get a shot of the guy in the black shirt, he hates me. >> i don't know, jen you tore him up, pretty good this morning. >> i think he thought i was, do you see that guy, he wanted to make out with me or something. >> that is what happens when you get in the monster truck. >> now, no one is watching. >> yes. >> doughnuts, doughnuts. >> hop the fence. >> this is going to be a crazy show, 28th year. kids are free, on a saturday afternoon show. >> you hush up. >> you're pushing it. >> you can go away and i will do some tricky tricks. >> so this weekend, you can
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find out more information about how to get there. >> saturday at 1:00 o'clock and 7:30. >> 1:00 and 7:30. >> thanks for letting me drive. >> thanks for coming out, we will make you a monster truck driver. >> find out more at my fox we want you to go down the shore because that is where jen is going to be. jen, starting at 7:00 o'clock why don't you meet her in stone harbor at that bread and cheese covert at 96th street between second and third. we will see you down there she will go to island sports. >> it is right across the street from uncle bill's, water sports and they have cool junk thaw can rent. >> okay good excellent. >> next up. >> most parents would be upset if their son or daughter drop out of school but not everyone. >> but one dad found out his son was quitting high school he decided to, well, look at the glass half full, let's say, dad bought himself a consolation prize, a boat he a apparently named tuition,
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since he will be saving thousands of dollars since his kid dropped out and not going to college. >> that is a yacht. >> you have to make the best of the bad situation. >> is that an appropriate lesson for all of the kids out there. >> no good so i watched a little bit of the espy's and i had to go out. how did drake do as a host of the show. we will play a little bit of it and you be the judge. >> we will see it, kicks in, removing the patient's a pen dixon but first lets see is what in the kitchen, guys. >> okay, are you the surgeon. >> i'm not the the surgeon. >> he is. >> now that was a pretty good bit. as you know rapper drake was the host and they did a bunch on these little skits. he got in a physical confrontation, a physical confrontation with chris brown in the nightclub over rihanna.
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>> yeah, okay. >> that is the joke, last thing we want is chris brown, his supposed nemesis, to perform the surgery. it was kind of fun. >> i'm glad you explained that good yeah, sure. best way to do that, i blew this was to set that up ahead of time and then role the tape. >> look at drake as blake griffin. >> it is extremely confused about my face, i kind of look like a black guy that jumped in to a pit of cheetos and just laid there for ten days and then popped up. >> yes. >> that is drake not being drake, do you you see. >> i don't know. >> that is good. >> that is probably where i wanting to. >> i'm not sure you will have a career on this. >> espn commentator. >> i like it, lot, i think
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that will be great. up my street cred what do you think donald sterling message was. >> not all people are equal and i agree with it. i'm glad this is being filmed. >> you guys have to watch a lot of sports to get the joke. >> son of the actress tatum o'neill and beyond mcenroe, he is in jail. >> yes. >> kind of. >> yes, guess what he was >> kind of. >> yes, guess what he was busted for after the
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all right. it is 9:54. >> you know what, kerry, when we first went out a year ago that sean pen was going to start dating cherless theron some people went, um-hmm. >> well, he has dated a a string of woman, he was with
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scarlet johann son. >> madonna. >> so a lot of people thought this wouldn't work. they are getting married. us weekly says they are getting married this sum inner south africa. >> the native country, oscar winning pair have been dating for eight months. the report claims that they want to adopt a baby together. theron has one adopted son and penn has two adult children with ex-wife actress robin wright. >> robin wright. >> i think of my daughter jessica who knows robin. >> are they tight. >> well, not anymore. >> welshing now this little girl, lived on our block when i was raising my girls in los angeles. >> danica. >> we had the same dentist. >> get out of here. >> yes. >> what do you think of her teeth. >> very straight. >> she was on the wonder years, now she will be a wife. >> she has not aged at all. danica mckeller said she is engaged but she's engage to
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scott. >> yes, scott. >> to you know who he is. >> oh, yeah. >> and, they plan to get married, rather later this year. if you are not familiar it has been a big year for danica because she competed on dancing with the stars and promoting fall release of the wonder years dvd collection. by the way second marriage for both of them. >> she's also a math wizard and has written two or three math books. >> if i'm not mistaken she might have her doctorate in mathematics. >> she's doctor mckeller. now the son of act actress tatem o'neill. >> she was age ten. >> ten. >> yes, and of course tennis champion john mcenroe, they are no longer together, of course, busted on drug drug deal and reportedly had cocaine prescription pills on him. he was arraigned yesterday and released without bail. o'neill, of course, is also famously, battled a drug addiction. >> i don't know if this is
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necessarily surprising but it is sad. >> tatem. >> yes, all right. this is a throw back thursday, of course, we have put up old pictures of ourselves. we have found one that the rock posted a little while ago. >> a fanny pack. >> maybe he tweeted this out on friday. anyway dwayne johnson tweeted this picture of himself, with the fanny pack, and jeans taken to a new level. >> that is just horrifying. >> yes, kid and play hair due there too. >> he is bald now. >> he shaves it. >> he is still good looking. >> i will go shave right now myself, my entire body, and we will see
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today lee an rimes and eddie
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cibrian are here. plus, wendy checks another life goal off her fabu-list. plus, more juicy hot topics. now here's wendy! >> wendy: oh, good! hey, everybody, welcome to the show. thank you for with


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