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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  July 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> incredible. a loaded stolen gun found inside a baby's diaper bag at a local daycare. >> and a local six year old lo losing his senses. born definite now losing his >> fox 29 news in hd to you by x finity the future of awesome. >> right now at 10:00, chilling new details about the murder of a young woman found in a duffle bug in kensington. police say this 22 year old man
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who lived in the same rooming house as the victim beat and strangled her. >> how dare him just take her life. for what? >> tonight how friends are remembering laura. >> first though we begin with this developing story. arrest of the suspect in the killing of a recent art institute graduate. good evening i'm iain page. >> i'm luce is he noland. investigators say jeremiah jackson has confessed to the crime. fox 29's chris o'connell is live at police headquarters. chris, what have you learned? >> reporter: lucy, we're learning more about laura tonight. she had graduated recently from the art institute of philadelphia with a degree in fashion marketing. she was set to start new job next week. but tonight, a memorial service is now being planned for the 23 year old with a promising life ahead. >> in shock. i'm in shock. i don't believe somebody kill laura.
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>> reporter: laura's friends at the tabernacle of the holy spirit in northeast philadelphia remember a bright, happy and shy 23 year old starting to live on her own. but just one week after moving into this mantua boarding house, laura was killed in the very room she rented. police say, 22 year old jeremiah jackson who rented a room just next to hers confessed to the killing. >> laura was a very very sweet person. very humble. very shy. she barely spoke. i mean it was hard. i mean we were her closest friends but it was hard for us to even get a word out of her. report roar wednesday night police detectives were scenery moving evidence from the home. a source tells fox 29 inside this bag the alleged murder weapon. a fire extinguisher. believed to have been used in brutal beating. >> we believe there was a struggle inside the building as she was strangled. report roar fox 29 has learned despite being known to police jackson worked as a security
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guard for allied barton security at temple medical centers episcopal hospital. but we've learned he had just been suspended from his job just three weeks ago. police believe jackson may have been planning to rob laura. she was strangled and stuffed into a dufflebag in her body was found in an empty lot in kensington. >> i feel so for her and her family, you know, her life is gone. she just graduated out of college. she had so much to live for. >> reporter: friends say laura was planning to move from the home because of concerns with jackson. >> the type of person she is. you fell in love with her the first day you met her, and we're going to miss a people who really cared for others. >> reporter: memorial service is now planned for laura on friday night at her church in northeast philadelphia. she's being buried in the dominican republic. as for jackson, he's being held here on murder charges at police headquarters.
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iain? >> all right, chris, thank you. gunfire sends two teenagers to the hospital and shuts down activities at a busy summertime wreck center tonight. it happened out in philadelphia's west oak lane neighborhood. fox 29's shawnette wilson joins us live outside of einstein hospital where the victims are being treated to night. shawnette? >> reporter: iain torque night an 18 year old shot in the groin is in critical condition. a 19 year old shot in the thigh is in stable. both of them here at einstein tonight. they were shot on a playground crowded with young people. >> there was blood, you know, from the outside leading on into the gym. so they wouldn't let nobody go inside. >> reporter: rutledge arrived at this rec center in west oak lane to find her 13 year old daughter's cheerleading practice canceled because two men opened fire on the basketball court police say shooting two teens. >> it was like wild. somebody could have been killed. >> it happened just before 5:00 at the 1600 block of east walnut lane. police say 11 shots were fired into a crowd of about 30 teens
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and young adults playing basketball. you can see the court is connected to a playground where lots of young children were also playing at the time. >> it's really sad. >> phylicia moore coached on the field here for nine years. she's relieved that more kids were not hurt. >> very scary. very scary and you have footba football -- this is the season where it's football and cheerleading. to be out here as a parent, i mean, devastating for any parent. we're concerned about our children. >> reporter: meanwhile police say they found shell casings from two semi auto mat tick gu guns. >> we know that the police responded to this neighborhood for a large fight earlier today. whether or not that fight is related to the shooting it's unknown at this time. >> reporter: and back here live, police have only a vague description of those suspects who they say took off on foot. in the meantime, they're review surveillance video from cameras in that area. lucy? >> all right. shawnette. happening now a walk and a vigil to remember a mom and her three children killed along the
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boulevard. fox 29 at second and roosevelt boulevard tonight. dozens of people turning out to remember 27 year old tamara banks and her three children ages four, two and seven months. all four died one year ago today when a car lost control and crashed into them. police say the driver of the car was in an illegal street race. two people still face homicide charges. >> a bold crime in south jersey thieves hit up two popular gyms and take off with people's stuff as they work out. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live in mt. laurel tonight. sabina? >> reporter: tonight, gym goers are on high alert. they're taking extra steps to keep their valuables safe. >> everyone just trying to make them better themselves at the gym. it's a gym. you go there to work out get healthy not rob people. >> reporter: this couple have been working out at planet fitness in mt. laurel sips they were high schoolers. he's learned the hard way to be careful with his belongings.
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>> i had my iphone stolen at the wmca gym while playing basketball report roar police are investigate a rash of gym burglars happening 15 minutes apart. investigators say between 5:00 o'clock and 5:45 tuesday evening, somebody forced the locks off several planet fitness locker and stole $470 in cash and credit cards. >> that's a pretty busy time for the gym. i'm surprised. >> something you hear about every once in awhile but never expect it so close to somewhere you go every day. >> reporter: 15 minute later, at 6:00 o'clock, the same day, the la fitness a mile up route 38 was hit. same mo with cash and credit cards totaling $350 stolen. he's heard of people bringing lock cutters to the gym. police aren't saying what was used in these incidents. >> they bring them in there like duffle bags and when no one is in the gym they can just cut right through a lock and get right into the locker. >> it's unfortunate but just trying to get workout.
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it happens. you got to be careful. >> reporter: and police are not saying whether they believe both incidents are related. that's the very latest here in mt. laurel. lucy back to you. >> in warminster police want to track down a man peek tag woman in a dressing room. here's the guy they want to find. police say he spent five hours in the juniors section avenue kohl's store on the 900 block of west street road on monday. he apparently had his mobile phone in hand and at one point he went into the dressing room and police say he piqued under a door while a woman was trying on clothes. well she caught him. she confronted him and he said he was looking for his wife. then he took off. if you recognize him, call police. >> police are on the hunt tonight for a teenaged terror in camden county. cops say a 13 or 14 year old boy tried to break into a man's home. it happened monday on the 300 block of south park drive in collingswood. when the resident heard a noise he opened the front door and came face to face with the teen. police say the teen tried to get in and the homeowner fought back
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but the teen assaulted the man and then ran off. neighbors say it's normally a safe neighborhood. >> we are going to live in fear. we don't leave anything out. you lock your cars at night and keep your house locked and i tell him all the time, you know, lock the garage. lock everything up. >> if you've got any information on who this teen boy is, police want to you give them call. >> sky fox over a mess in philadelphia's brewery town neighborhood. that's where a train jumped the tracks this afternoon near 33rd street and girard avenue. thankfully, police say nobody is hurt. no word yet, though, on what caused that accident. a local father faces weapons charges after daycare work consider found add loaded stolen gun inside diaper bag. workers at the camden daycare say the 9-millimeter handgun was in an 11 month old baby's bag. police say it was loaded with hollow point rounds and reported stolen in philadelphia. police say the child's father rakeem williams has a prior drug conviction.
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>> rakeem williams charged with being in possession of that is a certain persons which means he's a convicted felon. prohibited from owning a firearm in the first place let alone a stolen firearm with hollow point bullets. >> williams is at the camden county jail with bail set at $50,000. president obama is hitting russia with new sanctions over the escalating crisis in ukrai ukraine. the pentagon says despite previous sanctions, up to 12,000 russian forces are back on the ukraine/russia border and weapons are being funnel to do pro russia forces. the new u.s. sanctions target russian banks, energy and defense firms as well as russian officials. >> we're therefore designating selected sectors of the russian economy as eligible for sanctions. we're freeze the assets of several russian defense companies and we are blocking new financing of some of russia's most important banks and energy companies. european union leaders are talking about imposing their own sanctions on moscow.
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♪ >> all out brawl outside of a courthouse. it's connected to a murder case. the laugh witnesses say started the whole thing coming up. >> it's an odd couple but a man shows up at the famous kennedy compound looking for jfk and katie perry. how he managed to get inside and enjoy a meal before being hauled off to jail. >> and a house fire blamed on a spider. the homeowner saw one in his laundry room but what he did next led to all of this damage. plus, meet henry. he's just like any six year old boy. except henry can't see or hear. a syndrome is taking away his senses but his mom says it won't slow him down. his inspirational story just ahead. scott? >> iain, drier air continues to move in across our area. coming up we'll talk about lowering humidity and that weekend preview.
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>> the family of 33 year old michael wing throw saw them and called police. officers say the body was found in a wooded area in dover. >> and intensive search goes on in camden house as authorities hunt for clues in a cold case mystery. skyfox over the scene again today on the thee hundred block of erie street. the fbism, police and firefighters all searching for human remains. we're told investigators are looking for a body connected to a decade old killing and they began their search here yesterday. a man is accused of breaking into the kennedy compound in massachusetts to 53 year old was in court today and he's now
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having a mental health evaluation. >> police say he was looking for want he did once inside has the kennedy family on high alert tonight. fox's crystal haines reports. >> reporter: he was an unexpected house guest. >> he just simply said he was there to see katie perry and jfk and he had a gift for katie perry. >> reporter: police say 53 year old james lacroix made himself at home tuesday night wearing a captain america t-shirt. he entered the vacation home of teddy kennedy, jr., through an unlocked door. sat on the couch and even read a book. it was kennedy, injury's teenaged son that first discovered him. >> ted kennedy the third was there earlier. the son thought it was a friend of the family or a friend of the father. engaged in conversation. the man was not threatening in any way. >> reporter: according to court documents ted kennedy the third offered lacroix a drink and they ate together. the 16 year old told police lacroix said he was a friend of his father and mentione mentionl
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in congress his father had worked on. when kennedy, jr., called the house later to check on his son, he discovered lacroix was there and called police. lacroix left the house in handcuffs. charged with breaking and entering. >> you have to understand, kennedy family. they're several visitors you know, the family is quite large. the family, they're all down the compound for the summertime, and it's not unusual to have individuals head hang around the house. he thought it was an associate of the family. >> reporter: lacroix has some do you meaned history of mental illness. he was arrested and charged in last year for violating and abuse prevention order protec protecting his estrange the wi wife. >> i do seem symptoms of psychosis and i'm recommending hospitalization. >> arraignment was postponed while he undergoes a mental health visit as cape cod and the islands mental health center. he will be back in court next month. in massachusetts, i'm crystal haines, fox news.
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>> they talked about it in the piece it's hard to think about someone being in it. but the house is 10,000 square feet. people are in and out of there. >> huge place. >> you can under the teenaged boy thinking it's one of dad's many friends that dropped by and say hi so you have some tort lean knee with him. >> and looking for katie perry. >> that was the tip off. princeton university professor is facing theft charges accused of stealing of all things dozens of lawn signings. police say they arrested john mull fifty two yesterday he's free tonight with a court date in the offing. police found the signs in the professor's garage. so why would anyone take those signs? according to the daily prince tone yann, the business owner says they started disappearing those signs after a traffic incident he had with a professor. however, malvesies he didn't steal anything. those signs were just lying around and he considered them litter. >> president obama will be in wilmington tomorrow. he's speaking in front of the shut down i495 bridge to announce a new initiative to help our nation's infrastructu
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infrastructure. meantime, things are moving smoothly with the repairs on the bridge. deldot says crews finished construction on 32 new underground support columns today. they are continuing work on towers that will lift the bridge deck back into alignment and if all goes well deldot hopes to eventually open the southbound lanes a few weeks before labor day. the bridge has been closed since june 2nd after an inspection showed four columns supporting the bridge were tilting. >> tonight lap dances remain tax free in philadelphia and city leaders are not happy about it. a judge has shot down the city's bid to tax that particular activity. critics of the proposal call it a naked money grab. fox 29's bruce gordon has reaction from both sides. >> reporter: it's attacks dispute that would knock your socks off, hers, too, if she were wearing any. the court ruling has fans of gentlemen's clubs cheering. >> that's ridiculous. already paying ridiculous amount of money any way. >> reporter: just to get in? >> yeah.
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and for a lap dance. >> reporter: first hand knowledge of the subject matter? >> yes. (laughter). >> reporter: have you ever gone to one of these establishments, do you have any first hand knowledge of the subject? >> oh, yes. i have. >> reporter: you wouldn't want to pay an extra tax for lap dance i'm guessing? >> no. >> reporter: unamerican? >> yes, unamerican. >> reporter: here's the basic story. the city wants to charge a separate amusement tax for lap dances at strip clubs. that's on top of the tax already built into the cover charge you pay when you walk in the door. city solicitor shelly smith explains it -- amusement taxes taxes amusement. lap dancing a separate a us moo many once the person gets inside the club. >> reporter: the city hit philly strip clubs for a bill. 900,000 bucks per club for attacks and penalty and interest they never knew they owed. the clubs took their dispute to the city's tax review board and won. the city appealed.
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now a common pleas court judge pored cold water on the city's plan. no second tax. george, represents two of the clubs. >> it's clear the city is absolutely desperate to try to raise revenue. i understand that. i think everybody understands that. but if there's a lesson to be learned, the lesson is, you can't just start making up new taxes as you go along. >> reporter: traditionally, so far as i'm told, the lap dance ends when the music stops. this legal fight could go on for a whole lot of songs. the city has the right to appeal this court ruling to the state's commonwealth court. so far shelly smith has not said whether the city will do so. in the newsroom i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> let's get you over to chief meteorologist scott williams for your thursday morning forecast. nice start to your thursday. we're talking temperatures in the upper 50s for the suburb. in the city 64 degrees. clear skies, pleasant conditions, and low humidity. so it's going to be a nice start
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maybe walk the dog or if you're grabbing that newspaper looking pretty good early tomorrow morning. as we take a look at the satellite and radar here's that cold front that brought us all of the wet weather, severe weather. the humidity it's moving out to sea. drier air is moving in behind that system and look at the comfortable temperatures. it's 60 already in the pocono mountains. upper 60s in millville. 67 degrees right now in lancaster. it's all about the dew point the measure of moisture in the atmosphere. how it actually feels and any time it's in the 50 to 55-degree category it's going to feel pretty pleasant. take look at the current dew points root now in the low 50s for the philadelphia area. mid and upper 50s area wide. so recapping tonight, no concerns. fair skies, low humidity. open up those windows and let some fresh air in. overnight looking pretty good and then tomorrow, a lot of sunshine. dry, pleasant not as hot. but will it last? details about the weekend forecast lucy coming up. >> that is the question. talk to you then thank you very
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much, scott. >> all out brawl breaks out near a courthouse. the laugh that witnesses say started it all. plus, the local mom of a boy with autism says she's being forced out of her home because of her son. why time is quickly running out for this family. >> plus lays is taking potato chips to a whole new level. it's launching coffee flavored chips much this unusual snack food won't have the kick you into the expect.
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♪ >> no, no, no. >> fight breaks out after an arraignment in a murder case in california. two men are facing murder charges of a 20 year old after a shootout occurred on saturday. during the arraignment, one of the suspects family members started laughing. once outside a fight broke out. two women were arrested during the brawl. >> stuck in a waterfall with hypothermia setting in. >> police say he was trapped in the water for over an hour. >> talking about a teenager and this whole thing happened in washington state. by the time paramedics arrived they say the cold water was taking a toll on the 19 year old. rescuers tied ropes at the teen got a harness around it and lifted him out much police say he was treated for hypothermia and minor injuries at a nearby hospital. eviction from a building that housed funeral home led to
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quite the discovery. the fort worth texas landlord found eight bodies left behind but the former tenant says he has a perfect explanation. police say quoting here, multiple unattended deceased persons were discover on the premises. investigators spent hours at the scene and now they're trying to find any family members of the eight. the owner says this is all a big misunderstanding. >> our landlord was trying to put us out the funeral home. so while he was trying to put us out the funeral home he discovered a body was inside the funeral home so he called the police. one thing led to another. this is funeral home. that's where dead bodies when you come in you'll see dead bodies. >> the johnson said the funeral home did properly care for the bodies. no word yet if police plan to have any charges filed by prosecutors. the alleged prostitute accused of killing a google executive tells judge she didn't do it. why her attorneys argue she had plenty of reason to keep him alive. >> a house fire blamed on a
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spider. the homeowner saw one in his laundry room. he tried to kill it and as you can see something went very wrong. >> and a local mom with a boy with autism is being forced to move because of her son. why she says she's quickly move because of her son. why she says she's quickly ruthe wonder of summer is that
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i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment.
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so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month. ♪ >> delaware county child with autism has behavioral issues and because of it his mom says the family is getting kicked out of their home. and now she's trying make the best of a very tough situation. >> fox' karen hepp sat down with her to talk about the struggle she's facing. ♪ >> reporter: eight year old nicholas is a beautiful child. he was an angel baby who was grown no a striking young boy. >> good day he giggles. he laughs. he likes to play with his ball and then he can go from that to hitting you in the face. ♪ >> reporter: his bedroom tells one story.
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he has outbursts and can be very violent his door has been a frequent target and kicked a hole clear through. >> he can't talk. he's in that verbal. he gets frustrated and he's really impatient. he was waiting for his food. he'll have a complete melt down. >> reporter: melt downs are loud. police have been called numerous times. building management has sent one notice after another complaints of excessive noise, stomping, banging, slamming doors, all likely true. now the final notice. christine's lease isn't being renewed much she's got to pack up her family and get out in matter of weeks. she understands the why. but it doesn't make it any easier. her child is neff going to be quiet. her dream is a simple one. >> try to find like maybe like a single place so they won't hear the noise. you know what i mean won't hear the complaints and stuff like that. >> reporter: karen hepp, fox 29 news. >> police arrest a woman they say stole wallets and credit cards from purses at a wegmans in mt. laurel. the suspect is 49 year old
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barbara sanborn of magnolia. officers who pulled her over during a traffic stop in deptford recognized her. investigators cezanne born stole wallets and credit cards from customers who left their carts unattended while they shopped. the happened three separate times at the wegmans on centerton road. she's in burlington county jail with bail set at their thousand dollars. >> faa is investigating why a small plane crashed in north jersey. investigators say the plane was trying to land at an airport in somerset county. shortly after 10:00 a.m. but as it approach the runway, it came up short and crashed in a yard nearby. you can see debris scattered around the wreckage. police say the 73 year old pilot was the only one on board. he's now at the hospital in fair condition tonight. >> funeral services were held today for the four children and their parents murdered last week in texas. six white caskets adorned with flowers carried from houston church. ron lee haskill charged with killing his ex-wife's sister and brother-in-law along with four of their children. a 15 year old was the only
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survivor. >> she says she is not guilty. that plea today from the woman prosecutors call a prostitute who killed a google executive. as fox's claudia cohen tell us defense attorneys argue she had ever reason to keep the man alive. >> reporter: the alleged high price prostitute accused of giving a fatal dose of heroin to a gook gel executive appeared in court today. 26 year old alex tickle man pleading not guilty. the judge refusing to reduce her $1.5 million bail. police say tickle man did not help 51 year old forest heys or call 911 after he fell unconscious after she administered heroin to him on his yacht. they say surveillance footage from the boat those the woman gathering her belonging casually stepping over hayes body to finish a glass of wine and cleaning up a bit before leaving the yacht on november 23 are. hayes was found the neck day. defense attorneys say tickle man
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had no reason to kill hayes. she every reason to couldn't the relationship given how much money hayes was paying her. >> there was no intent to harm or injure much less kill mr. hayes. why would she? he was a lucrative source of kin. >> reporter: the case has prompted police to re-examine the overdose death of her former boyfriendly. an autopsy listed the death as an accidental overdose. >> the fact that she was involved in prior heroin overdose with a lover is highly relevant to this case. it shows knowledge of the dangers of heroin. >> reporter: prosecutors here in california say they are still reviewing the case. and that they may file additional more serious charges against alex tickle man. in santa cruz, claudia company want fox news. >> they're afraid of spiders and there's afraid of spiders. >> yeah. >> seattle man saw spider in his laundry room and tried killing it with a can of spray paint and
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a light. you see what happened. the wall instantly caught fire causing serious damage to his house. even though that spider may be dead the rental home will cost more than $60,000 to repair. fortunately nobody was hurt. >> i keep going back to charlotte's web and i keep thinking all spiders are charlotte i try and usher them out the door in plastic cup. that might be better than torching -- >> better for the spider, too. exactly. >> talk about a diamond in the rough. goodwill workers are left speechless when they find this rock in a donation bin. how this mystery ring is changing lives. and neighbors are raising a stink about his pet pig but its openers say they won't let it go. why they claim their kids need the swine in their home. >> his name is wilbur. lions and tigers and bears i'm in the going to say oh my making wild fag statements why people are paying big money for
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>> in japan designers are showing the wild side in their newest fashions. they are auctioning off jeans torn and ripped by animals like lions and tigers and bears.
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zookeepers wrap the denim around the toys and the animals do the rest. eighths big success with peaces selling for as much as $1,200. proceeds go to the zoo and the conservation group the world wildlife fund. >> in your money tonight the staggering cost of having an affair you might want to think twice before you stray. could it hit your wallet hard. average affair will cost you 2,000 -- buck. surveillance have i look at hotel bills and dinner, drinks and gifts and came out to average $444 a month. the site also found that the average affair lasts for about six months. netflix quietly stopped dvd deliveries on saturdays. netflix spokesperson says it actually stopped in june it's a move the company says could save about 10% a year on shipping costs. the company spokesman says this doesn't mean the end of netflix dvd service. did the vd side of the company will continue as long as it remains profitable.
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>> coffee lovers have we got something now for you. lace is about to start selling coffee flavored potato chips. they're called capuchin in a crisps which is very hard to say plural. they'll go on sale later this in part of lays annual do us a flavor contest. the new flavors you wonder? there's cheddar bacon mack and cheese, mango salsa and what sob bee ginger. the win are in becomes permanent chip. cappucino chips will not contain caffeine. >> goodwill shop in virginia is counting its blessings. >> boy, is it. a and in muss donation turned into small fortune much here what happened. someone dropped off a few items for donation including three carrat diamond ring. the ring's appraisal more than $8,000. it went up for bid on goodwill's auction and it sold for more than $11.5000. the person who found the gem was stunned that it was real. >> it was in a big sip lock
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bagful of jewelry. wouldn't that be nice if it was real much this is crazy. i was wild. i was like oh, my gosh. >> crazy wild and real. goodwill says every penny raised from the ring will go to programs helping people with dissables. this is henry. he's just like any six year old boy except henry can't see or hear. a syndrome is taking away his senses but it's not slowing him down. his inspirational story is next. >> neighbors say this family pet has got to go. but its owners are arguing he's par of the family why they say they're kids need their pet pig. >> and lucy, right now beautiful weather. it feels pretty comfortable as well. humidity at 40%. temperatures in the mid and upper 70s. how long will this nice weather last? plus we'll preview that
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hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. >> by the power -- >> sent city get a big honor mayor nutter tonight all for his contribution to the city of philadelphia's rep pie teague food and wine magazine named him one of the best new chefs of 2014. calling philadelphia one of
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country's most exciting new restaurant cities. prestigious honor chosen by the food and wine editors. the mayor says his favorite meal at fork is their duck dish. >> little boy was born deaf is now also losing his sight. >> but he is not letting his rare condition stop him from having a full, if you live. karen hepp has henry's story and how you can help. ♪ >> reporter: six year old henry loves super heroes. >> great job team report roar action figures and mind craft. the cat is his buddy and brother jack his best friend. >> he's just like any other kid. he just can't see and hear. he can do anything. >> reporter: he reads braille season fluent in sal american sign language. like every kid he proudly shows off his toys and his room and his garden. he is engaging and funny and sweet. he also has a very rare condition called usher and his world is changing. his mom new shortly after birth he was deaf but just last year at the age of five his vision
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started to go, too. very quickly. >> i want to give you an example of what hen row's world is live. we have have complete vision with peripherals. this his world they put back construction paper inside you see that pencil hole right there that's just about all the vision he has right through the center. >> this child -- >> the vision loss that's the hardest for mom it's the other shoe to drop the lack of hearing came early. but the second tough diagnosis is a rough one. >> we hit the ground running witrunning s.l. he was a little tiny baby. the vision loss -- he's been seeing for five years and he starts to lose it. that was devastating. >> and likely it will get worse. a lot worse. the family rapidly makes adjust manies contrasting colors on the chair rail of the season. tent light cocoon on the bed. he wears hats and sunglasses outdoors.
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henry does have sound now thanks to cochlear implants but even that was a tough choice. >> it wasn't until we got the definitive there was something up with his eyes that we had to go forward with the cochlear implant. >> that in itself is controversial because there's plenty of successful deaf brian folks that don't have any access to sound. it's not route we want the to go for hen roo. were wanted him to have more. >> reporter: henry as all kinds of energy as he bounces off to school. he's got to grab cane these days but the way he bounds out the door not too much is slowing this kid down. >> i just want him to be happy and do something awesome with his life. definite blind kid doing neglect he wants, that's awesome. completely awesome. the family is holding a big family fundraiser for research and to usher syndrome. help henry see and hear is this sunday in medford. for more information very easy go to our website
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what is so neat about henry it seem like this is a boy that doesn't see obstacles he just see as future. >> exactly good for him. >> inspiring. wish him all the best. >> florida couple is fighting their homeowners association over their family pet. it's a pig named wilbur. the homeowners association wants it gone. they're pig is therapy animal for their children. they say he provides emotional support to their boys who both have special needs but the homeowners association says residents are only loud to keep common household pets, not pigs. this dispute is apparently been going on for the past six mont months. >> you know, pigs are a lot mr. common as pets these days, and they're super smart. scott william, how goes the weather because it was great today? yeah, you know, lucy, stepping outdoors for the dinner break, across our area looked pretty this evening much the humidity is down and yeah the clouds and also the showers. they are moving out. as we look at the satellite and radar, this is that pesky front
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that brought us all the severe weather the last several days it's out in the open waters and now we have the drier air moving in to the philadelphia area. showers and thunderstorms you can see back toward the four corners all moving into the panhandle of texas and oklahoma. so that's where the severe weather is and will stay over the neck several days. 83 degrees was the high temperature today. that's below where we should be for this time of year which is in the upper 80s. we'll take the break from the heat as well as the humidity over the next several days. it's in the upper 60s root now in millville. we have 72 degrees in wilmingt wilmington. 68 in allentown. look at the pocono mountains already down to 60 degrees. so it's going to be pretty cool and crisp but especially the farther north and west you head. but take a lock at some of the temperatures around the great lakes. 62 right now in detroit. it's 63 in dayton, ohio. we have 64 right now in pittsburgh so some of that drier and cooler air will continue to head in our direction during the overnight as well as during the
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day tomorrow. so looking at the clock tonight, we're dry. we're quiet. open up those windows. let in some fresh air. thursday morning, sunshine, wall to wall across our area. high pressure will be in control. not anticipating any rainfall during the day tomorrow. friday looking pretty good as well. to kick off the upcoming weeke weekend. so speaking of the next several days headed into the weekend what about the pocono mountains for tomorrow, 74 degrees for the high temperature. we're looking at 76 on friday. 78 as we move into saturday so saturday starting to warm up a bit in the pocono mountains. what about down the shore? water temperatures in the mid 60s. temperatures topping out near 80 degrees. it could stay dry as we move into most of the upcoming weekend. so for the philadelphia area, and surrounding suburbs we're talking upper 50s in the burbs. 64 degrees in the city. so just refreshin refreshing brf fresh air after all the heat and humidity. for tomorrow, 83 degrees for the
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high temperature. so similar to today. sunshine across the area. beautiful get outdoors enjoy it. have your lunch outdoors tomorrow if you're stepping out. as we take a lock at that seven day forecast, tomorrow forecast by the numbers we'll give 810. 83 for the high temperature. once again that's below where we should be for this time of year. in fact, below average temperatures for the and tire seven day forecast. we're not looking at any major heat waves. no 90 degrees temperatures right now in the seven day forecast and as we take a look at the upcoming weekend right now, things looking pretty good. saturday, 84 degrees for the high temperature. sunday a few more clouds. some sunshine. we might have a pop up shower late sunday but better chances for rainfall and a little more humidity as we move into the middle part of next week. but you know a lot of smiles. i was outside in old city. >> people guessing you pats on the back. yeah, thumbs up. >> i could have used that weather last week i went to bush
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kills falls glorious and beautiful in the pocono mountains but it was like walking into a steam room much this week will be perfect. >> howard -- how are the dew points treating you. >> the dew points are right, they're in the 50's. >> it's becoming a new craze and it's not the dew point much it's the photo bomb in australia it involves nba players as good as nick foles played last season for the eagles, some still question. for the eagles, some still question. i gotwhat's with the suit?
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♪ >> all right. the baseball all star game is history and there was plenty of history. the last all star game for derek jeter that's history. he had two hits but there's a little bit of a controversy about the first hit. did the opposing pitcher make it easier. the answer from adam wayne white is, yes. he did. but so what? it became derek jeter's all star game. that's the way it will remembered. the fans were effect from. the opposing pitcher was even applauding. he helped him out but wayne white afterwards came out and he said basically did he groove the pitch right down the middle for jeter. the second one was down the middle. jeter doubled. wayne white after going back and forth admitted he did make it easier. i have no problem with that because the game is really meaningless. but not for the 22 year old mvp mike trout. >> the way he carries himself on and off the field, how he
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respects the game, always hustling, doesn't matter what the score is, you know, if they're down, you know, 10 runs he's always running the ball out, um, that's how i want to play. >> that's the way he does play. i know fans are ready for a little football. nine days. you'll have some football eagles begin training camp. yesterday from a golf tournament in tahoe and we'd all like to be i spoke with former eagle and now espn analyst herman edwards with most teams and the eagles inn clued it always comes down at the quarterback. >> the thing that comes to mind when i scenic foles play, this is critical, he doesn't lose games because of his ability to turn the ball over. he doesn't turn it over. he's very accurate down the field. he holds the ball a little long sometimes. i think you'll see more development. he'll get the ball out of his hand a little bit quicker going to that second and third read. that's just maturity. the new craze is becoming everybody has a craze these days. it's becoming the motto bomb. it's becoming now a craze in
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live television not always a good thing. but see if you recognize the trophy and the players. let's go to australia. >> oh, my god, larry -- yeah. >> had he heel problem as well. >> before i will the you go just going to relive the moment a few moments ago when you -- the trophy. you have to go back to the office and have look at this pictures. very good. >> i'm highly embarrassed about that now. i apologize. i had no idea. i thought it was another couple doing their thing. >> the big guy was pat me mills who plays for the san antonio spurs much he's from australia and that reporter who i can't understand any way -- accent is a little heavy. >> he didn't recommend the enormous gold statue apparently. >> i don't think he realized what the nba trophy is. live television it's great.
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>> i tell was. >> video bomb. >> all right. >> thanks for watching. the fox 29 morning news comes your way at 4:00 a.m. g2 hours of news and infotainment all starts with tmz followed by inside edition, dish nation and chasing new jersey. what else could you want? >> photo bomb. >> photo bomb. >> photo bomb. >> photo bomb. ♪ you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that.
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well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent more on car insurance. if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even... more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price.
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warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> here's the evidence. charlie sheen goes to a taco bell late at night and is slurring his speech. >> you're cool, man. >> how are you? >> at that moment his shirt is ripped. charlie's been through something. >> maybe he's holding one of his kids. oh, wait, he wasn't holding one of his kids atlanta had ip hop their ghetto cat it is a trophy reunion. really honestly the most craziest thing i've ever heard show period in life. >> in life, wow. this is not an oversell. >> >> hilla c