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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  July 15, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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we have been using the hash tag today, fox 29 fears. because this is, national shark awareness day. now lot of people air frayed of sharks including somebody we work with, there is jessica kline, lovely jessica kline, one of our producers. she's afraid of sharks. i mean inordinately afraid of sharks. the just don't go in the water then, jessica. why? my fear is late on set in my life, i used to love to fly in little airplanes, stuff like that. but when i go to the airport, i can get on a plane about that size. you get much smaller than that particular plane. >> yes. >> i get that close ter phobia feeling. >> all those kansas city flights are little will planes. >> it has been tough. >> you remember for some planes that are so small you have to dip down like this to get in the tube. >> i don't like those either.
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>> i have had to get off airplanes. >> really. >> i believe it. >> take different flights. >> i'm afraid of roller coaster and ghosts. >> i love roller coaster. >> i don't like scary movies. that is not fun. she's a liar. that girl in the readies a liar. she is not having fun. she's about to throw up her lunch. she's a liar. >> i like going upside down on the loop. >> i like these things, but the sheer drop there is no need for that. there is no need for that. >> there is not a need. >> no. >> it is not a desire, want or need. >> folks over at great adventure, new jersey have that big thing, that goes like this, that roller coaster and then that thing that drops in the middle of it. >> kacie will be on the ground. >> i'll take a instagram video. >> sue, you have no fear of anything. >> just one thing i'm afraid of, ready to see a picture.
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>> strangers from around the the world, date him, yes. >> i'm frayed of you. >> that is just ridiculous. >> do you see your body lack wage. >> about to fall out of the chair, leaning all the way back. >> i preten i'm in the because i'm trying to be brave. >> you are afraid of me. >> you sit right next to me every day. >> i had no idea. >> there is nothing i can do about that, except quit. you know what, instead of fighting with your children to get them to do things, around the house, there is one parenting expert that i found, that says go ahead and trick them. just lie to them to get them to do things. >> this is a family life coach at as long as you are not blatantly lying tour kids it is okay to dup them. it is called redirects. the most parents do this to stop the temper tantrums, but there is a major difference between bribing or lying to your kids and just tricking
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them into doing something good for them. basically, you don't want them to feel deceived. this is like sneaking spinach into the brownies. so you are tricking them because you are in the telling them their spinach and brownies but they are getting their nutrients. >> our good friend meredith who used to work here, she puts vegetables into the pancakes. >> yes, beat pancakes. >> kids love them. they are getting their vitamins and having some fun. >> it is in the necessarily telling them the whole truth but something that is good for them. >> as we have talk about on the show many times, we kind of lie to our children from the time they come out of the womb, is there a story about a guy, double chin thing. >> summertime. >> and the pillow, all of the money shows up. >> yes. >> there is a bunny delivers stuff. >> keep going, keep going. >> we just lie and lie and lee
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and then about 11 years of age they realize they have been lied to for 11 years and that is why they don't trust us as teenagers good and then they go into therapy. >> and then they are put in jail. >> forever. >> it is all coming back. >> everyone has been guilty of over sharing on facebook. >> well, yeah. >> i do put a lot of pictures of my granddaughter up on facebook and instagram, do people get annoyed by that. >> no, there is a line, some things better left for private and not posted for the whole world to see. not saying do you it but lets bring jen fred in on this one. >> you are active on social media but you know where the line is, right. >> yeah, i try not to embarras my children. remember i'm aware that whatever i put on facebook or instagram both kids will have access to sooner rather
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than later. you talked about meredith cassidy who you see a producer. you talk about over sharing and i love it. she's like these rotten children won't go to bed, so i'm blah, blah, blah. >> then she would take a picture of when they are sleeping and then they're finally sleeping. >> the other thing you see a lot when they are poddy training it is like so and so, dropped some kids off at the pool, and blah, blah, blah, blah. in one needs to know about junior's dodo's. >> and, i'm at the point where turf ask my daughter before i put a picture on. she's 17. >> yes. >> a lot of people will share their whole pregnancy from first month all the way through to the ninth month, side picks, showing how you get bigger and bigger and bigger. do we need to see a lot of that. >> it is fine. >> you are not the first person whoever got pregnant.
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>> a lot of the moms are over sharing about what they are doing with their day, what they are watching on television. it is 9:00 o'clock i'm going for a walk. it is 10:15 i will go to pannera and get a coffee. it is 3:45. i know so many people will hate me after this chat, by the the way. >> real quickly here. >> i will go there. it is like enough. we don't care about your batch already thing. we don't care about all of the other stuff. >> now, is it okay to show naked pictures of your children, my parents would take picture of us, you know, in the basinnet, in the bathtub. >> you had one yesterday, jessica. >> do you need one every week. >> you just can't help it, you are so cute. >> in our guest bathrooms for the bathroom when you come to my house you use, mike, you used it when you came over, we have a name picture of brody and landry in the bathroom and
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i feel like that is okay because only if you are in my home, in the bathroom, like not pizza guy but someone i have invited there can you see that. i worry about, because pizza guy i invite him in the kitchen. >> no. >> sure. >> i worry about some of these children again later on in life like sue's talking about like nia seeing what their parents have posted, and being freaked out about that. >> you shouldn't show the pea pea of any of that stuff. >> jen, thanks. every parent has that moment when they look at their baby and you kind of wish he or she would stay small, a little cute little baby. >> stop growing you are so cute. >> they all talk and they don't hate you. >> that is right, just stay young. >> then they grow out of their clothes. they go through clothes like no tomorrow. >> yes. >> how about instead of you going to the store every other week to get new clothes you
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simply hire somebody to do your clothes shopping for you. >> sound good to me. first web site is called box upon a time, sign up for a becomes of clothing to be delivered straight tour doorstep just fill out a form and check off colors and patterns thaw like and don't like. if you don't like collette you can exchange the box. this cost anywhere from 40 to $95 a month and can be used until your child turns three years old. >> you are not picking out clothes they will pick it out for you. >> sample. >> women do this with make up. it is called birch box. they will send you samples every month. it is not a bad thing. you can also hire people to shop for your kids, toys, web site is call citrus and with this service your child will receive four or more toys. they range from 19 to 29 bucks a month. >> that is fun. >> but is this laziness on our part, too busy. >> no, it is being spontaneous
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and opening up a box. >> every month. >> you don't know what you will get. >> it is coming from strangers. >> if you don't like it, you ship it back and they will send you more junky like going to the store across the street and pick out stuff for my granddaughter. >> i love it, lolly-pop, locally. >> it is cute. >> locally jolly. >> okay. >> good goalie miss molly. >> locally, something like that, seventh and walnut. >> summertime, it is a good time to clean out your, closet,. >> they compiled a list of clothes that men should just get rid of. >> here we go, guys, time to clean out your closet. get rid of any ty die material, never put that on anymore. oversized jackets like from the 80's with the shoulder pads. >> don't wear those. >> and i still see it, squared towed shoes that were the rage about ten years ago that aaron murray your boyfriend still wears. >> if there is a square toe it is front but the whole foot,
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yes. >> like a box. >> that was very in the early 2,000, of course, just like mom jeans, dads do have jeans that are too high wasted. >> yes, acid washed. >> do you have any items in your closet. >> no, but i do see jumpers, people should get rid of jumpers. >> well this right here, i don't want to see you with your kids, and you have like funny things on your t-shirts. >> like the diamonds. >> and the shirt that has the big like eagle on the back, an affliction. >> black t-shirts. >> yes, stop it. >> they're done. >> yes. >> stop it. >> don't wear cartoon t-shirts anymore. >> yes. >> white v neck, cost you five bucks. >> am i too old to wear a hoodie. >> yes, yes.
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>> i threw throughout my hoodies. >> thanks, q. >> he business to get in the tank with the sharks again. >> i like what he is wearing now. >> wet suit. >> i could use a wet suit to wear around town. >> i'll have what she's having, do you remember that scene. >> rob reiner's mother. that is meg ryan and billy chrisal in when harry met sally, iconic scene where she fakes the orgasm in the diner. >> diner. >> yes, i know that movie is 25 years old. >> it hit theaters in july 1989 and it is still an iconic romantic comedy direct as you said by rob reiner, starring meg ryan and billy crystal. it explored whether men and women can be just friends. it was a box office smash bringing home more than 90 million-dollar just in this country. >> i think that was ju >> this one held up overtime.
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>> i loved this movie. >> i watch it anytime it was on. >> for many years it was in my top five films. it is a great question can men and with men just be friends. i have a very good friend whose name is lisa creedo she runs the whole thing the e entertainment television. when that movie came out we were best friend, in question about it and there was never any sexual tension. >> still friends now. >> except one time... >> so she comes in it was going to happen. >> and. >> and said you're my friend. >> yes. >> okay. >> let's move on. we all fear, wedding miss haps when they take a pictures of collapse in the river. lets hope nothing like this happens in the wedding if you you are getting married very soon.
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sue what happened. >> this is called most disastrous wedding picture ever, washington resident and grooms men tyler foster, kick a bridesmaid in the head by mistake because he was showing off, he was doing a jump. we will show new a second. there it is, bam, so yeah, it looks like he might have rip his pants too. >> the pants are rip. >> the photo has been viewed 6 million times on line. she's okay, he didn't get permanent brain damage. >> kicked her right in the face. >> this looks like a destination wedding like my daughter jill. >> that would have been a cool picture. >> yes, athletic grooms men. >> yeah good picture wouldn't have been seen around the world had he not kick her in the face. if you want see your pictures around the world kick a bridesmaid in the face today. >> tackle her, do something different. >> change it up. >> yeah. >> and we will show your picture on tv. lets get to the weather because we have another day, where things willnd up with
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thunderstorms. we have fog out there right now, lot of haze, moisture in the air, we will get to a high of 87 degrees and then boom, more thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. the rain lingering into tomorrow morning and then improvement begins. sunshine comes out tomorrow afternoon and then thursday and friday look ideal. low humidity. temperatures in the low to mid 80's, we will have 210, both thursday and friday. now question is what about the weekend? now it looks like we will have a stalled frontal system in the area warm front trying to move in and it went get here so we are looking iffy for saturday and sunday. we need another day to nail down this weekend forecast. right now it looks like 82 degrees on saturday. eighty-two on sunday. slight chance of thunderstorms both days. monday's high 84 degrees. again thursday and friday the best weather days of the week
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and that is your seven day forecast from the weather authority ready. >> are you stretching. ever. >> on fox 29 "good day philadelphia". >> please i want to you meet, let me move you. our new co host, she's finally arrived, hi, jolie good to see you. >> we are about to go on tv in a matter of second, three, two, one. okay. you are about to meet our new co host here. look who else is here, it is caleb, good day, that is caleb. she's such a fan of american idol we wanted to have her come n you watched the show every week. >> yes. >> who won. >> caleb. >> that is him. >> yes. >> we have been hanging out backstage, we have been hanging already. >> she's very prepared, she has her cards like tv people
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have. where do you live. >> i live in pennsylvania. i have heard of that state. i live in pennsylvania as well. do you have a town thaw live in. >> havertown. >> are you sure of that. >> yes. >> do you go to school yet no. >> okay. questions will get much harder. welcome to philadelphia, good to see you, man. >> do you all remember when this happened on american idol, when you won, watch. >> the winner of american idol, season 13 is... caleb johnson. >> now, it has been months, when you see that, how do you feel. >> you know, it is just such a surreal step back in that moment of time. that moment happened so quick
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and so fast i didn't have a lot of time to sit and rel niche that moment were getting to watch it back and it has been just like wow. >> how has your life change. >> it has just been completely immersed in music now. it is a gift are blessing to be able to wake up every day and be able to sing and be involved in music and all this awesome goodness. >> jolie, did you want him to win or were you rooting for the young lady. >> i didn't know, because both of them were really good, do you sing. do you have a favorite song that you sing. >> well, i like a lot have songs but i don't know what ones. >> if you think of one maybe we will have you singamerican i, here we go. >> now, did this become a single. >> which one. >> can you hear.
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>> no, that is it is only love that is a cover wrong. >> so what happened to jean a don't call me general. we are doing the idol tour here in philadelphia we have been playing out all over the country. we are doing a show tonight at the mann performing arts center and you know, it is blast. >> it is outdoor arena. >> i did not know that. >> yeah. >> do you have a question for him. >> what is your favorite color >> i would have to say, black. >> okay. >> okay. >> do you have another one. >> what is your favorite food. >> persian food. >> prison food. >> persian, i love persian food. >> yeah. move. >> peewee big adventure. >> yes, the whole top ten
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here. >> the whole top ten is here. it is an absolute blast. it will be awesome. >> how much longer is the tour >> we have 35 more dates, 18 shows in 24 days good are you tired. >> well, yeah you just got to do it. >> it is so much fun. >> it is like nothing. >> after the tourist over is what the plan for you. >> after the tour i have a record coming out august 12th and i'm super stoked, proud of it, it will be released august 12th. i will be doing some promotional stuff with that on the tour and doing some songs and breaking out and doing my own tour with the record. so awesome. i can't wait for people to hear it. >> are you going to the show at the mann you are a big american idol show. >> i didn't buy tickets yet. >> that is going to be, tough i'm sorry. i might go and tell but it. >> yes. >> you know what. >> you know what, i think, oh, my goodness, i got some
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tickets for you. >> thank you. >> is there two in there. >> two tickets. >> yeah, you have two. >> thank you so much. >> you will have so much fun. >> she's so cute, are you single. >> what do you mean like sipping will in music or single like relationship. >> yes, i'm single. >> okay, i have a place for you. don't listen to this. there is a beach in our area, supposedly perfect for singles for meeting single. >> single beach. >> yes. >> in fact, i got two of them in our area, i will tell you where they are. >> no, no nudity. >> okay, cool. >> no, no nudity. >> okay, cool. >> i'll tell you wherth
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weove this kitchen! >> no, no nudity. >> okay, cwhat's next? >> i'll tell you wherth great! do you have measurent yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price.
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woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. hi sue, hi kacie. hey, again, everybody calm down because this is a temporary studio. i miss looking at fourth and mark. >> we're getting our studio re-did. >> that is nighttime anchor spot. >> right. >> they just switched the the cameras here. >> we are at children's table. >> the card table.
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>> i will put this head line up and not really tell but it. >> yes. >> okay. >> okay. >> we got it. >> okay. >> where did it happen. >> delaware. >> is it delaware. >> yes, newark. >> yes. >> because it says delaware right there. >> you you are good. >> remind me not to go there, today, until they clean up. >> okay. >> if you are looking for summer loving, not on top of the fast food restaurant or a nice restaurant like chipotle. >> how about the beach. >> so they put out a survey of the best beaches, to go if you are single and want to mingle. >> i, whatever you are about to say list. >> yes, crawling with single humans. >> they are going in the ocean is there not enough places for
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them. >> right on the street. >> like bacteria. >> this is where white briar, forh tey go over to the princeton, and mingle, but delaware, lets get back to delaware where they are having sex on roof of restaurant. >> dewey beach, only a mile long and three blocks wide but people hang out at north beach, a bar right on the bay and they even have their own signature drink, called the dewey devil. >> yes. >> star birdies another popular spot to make your own bloody marry's and i'm telling you, it is dewey, and it is happening, if you are single. >> dewey, we do. >> here's another one, out in the hamptons all the what the to the township tip of miami, venice beach, i used to live there, myrtle beach where our little friend alex holy. >> she's single. >> our new co host, she's single, she's absolutely single she says, and south pad re island from galveston texas.
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>> yes. >> i one time slept in the trash can all night. >> i told you they are going out in the streets, i told you where? >> in avalon. >> no galveston, texas. >> yes, south padre island. >> what a life. >> start now. >> fascinating these people getting it on top of the restaurant. >> okay, all right. >> quincy is with the sharks. >> yes, i'm with the sharks, swam with the sharks earlier, i will feed the sharks, and with these fish, correct. >> correct. >> coming up next.
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if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even...
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more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price.
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is that correct in that water. >> oh, boy. >> i have a fin. >> oh, no. >> you know, national shark awareness day. and so we, i told you earlier this is the show, could you pep me put this on? >> sure thing. >> the shark outfit i got from the costume shop. >> okay? >> earlier i told but a woman we work with, stick your hand up, jessica kline, one of our producers, now, she works on the show, out in the news room right now. and they distracted us so she's not watching the show. shoe is out at the desk. she has, what i believe, is a fear of sharks. >> you said the words and she just trembles. >> oh, just freaks out. so i'll put on this shark, so it looks like some casino of bear outfit. >> well, do you have a fin on the back. >> yes. >> caste? >> thanks. now, this is like an eagle head or something. hi, do i look like a shark at all? >> yes. >> all right? >> yes, you look great.
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wait, wait. >> tuck in his link they will. >> my what? >> your head strap. yes. >> so now i'm going to go out in the news room, and try to scare the pants off her. >> oh! >> don't trip over that wire. >> oh, somebody better help him. >> oh, my gosh. (shark music). >> oh, my god. i hate sharks. i hate sharks. >> i don't -- i don't know, like he just must not sleep at night and think of these things. >> well, now, she's terrified. i don't know if she will be coming back to us. >> i wonder if the shark hates quincey? >> i think he'll make sure they're full. because quincy about to feed
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the sharks over at adventure aquarium, right? >> yes, i am. i am liz, the senior biologist here. how are you, liz? >> we're feeding the hammer heads. >> we are feeding the great hammer heads. >> what do great hammer s eat? >> they eat variety of different fish. right now feeding them mackerel, also on his menu, he'll eat skate, he loves squid. >> now, poor people like jessica kline our producer at fox dad day -- good day, if they're scared of these hammer heads, or scared of sharks, what do you suggest? >> in my experience, i can tell you that sharks will not eat if they're not hungry. they will not eat something they don't
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>> now, where is he? where he? >> he's coming around here. >> okay. >> so yup. there he goes. >> so listen, i'll try to perfect how to feed a shark. we here at the aquarium, like this is the vip section. everyone just can't come to feed the sharks? >> they're in shark week, august 9th through the 17th, they'll have opportunity to common top of the shark exhibit, which we were just in to watch our shark eat. >> okay. back to you in the studio.
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>> okay, better to see you, my dear, you can feed the sharks, too. just make arrangements ahead of time. now, coming up, thousands of people will gather for dinner at an undisclosed location next month. they don't even know where they're going for dinner, but they're planning on dinner, we'll tell you how to be a part of it next.
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skyline again, still very hazy, line of moisture in the air, thunderstorms possible, later on. now, philadelphia's getting in the spirit for a massive pop up picnic. it is called dinner on blanc, section of the city blanketed in white. they call did a pop up picnic. the demands to take part is
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even greater than before. >> this year no different. let's see if we can find out where it is going to be with mike and kacie outside. >> they won't tell us. >> i know they won't tell us, every year they won't tell us. so, hi, that the tanya, good to see you, emilio, good to see you. >> good to be back. >> bruno brothers. >> this is third year we'll do this, first year as i remember it was logan circle, right? >> right. >> then the pop up dinner last year, was along, what, jfk boulevard on the way to 30th street station? so where is it this year? >> you will find out august 21. >> august 21. so, explain to us, again, what this is, and why it is, and how it works? >> so it is a celebration of public space, community in the city of philadelphia, everyone bridges their tables, their chairs, and their food. >> we have to bring all of it? >> do you have bring everything except the bruno brothers is offering cheese platters, that you can pick up at the secret location, and also doing full meals, that you order ahead of time.
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>> okay, now you announce it how many minutes before the event starts? >> people are thread there. we never make announcement. >> how does it work then? >> when you register, you pick departure point, you have table host, they communicate with you for the month before the event. then you meet on that day and you're led there. >> where is it going to be this year? >> you'll find out. >> where is it going to be? >> are there spots still available in. >> yes. >> so you definately want to get on the wait list. emails will be going out, and registration for phase three opens tomorrow. >> specially i am a de bruno brothers brat. brat to the t. i am their all the time. i love it. what do you have going on for this year's? >> well, we have two different cheese platters that you can purchase. we have our french cheese platter, which is going to be loaded one some of the french cheeses, triple cream, and the french, alongside that you're going to get the some notice,
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you know, jams, and something to go along, and then we do around the world, there will be a mixture, from the united states great, and then from spain, casino of a goat cheese, cheap milk cheese from italy, one of my favorite cheeses, then we have, you know, everything to compliment those, as well. >> it will be great. so, you're supposed to wear white. >> yes, all white, head to tow. >> what if i don't show up in white? >> we can't let you in, you're out. >> what website do i go to to get like get registered to get started? >> philadelphia -- >> we'll link it to when can i start doing that? >> you can get on the wait list today. >> today? >> yes. >> right now? >> yes, right now. >> where is it going to be this year? >> ewing ' find out. >> cheers. >> cheers, thank you. >> such a beautiful event. i love it. and when is it going to be? >> august 21st. >> so, save the date, jen. save, sue?
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>> calm down. >> i'm going to lob it over to jen now. hey, jen, i love you. get it? >> i do. guess what? you don't have to wear white here. you can keep it real. have some fun. e cool kids are going to beat those kids over there. we'll talk about why you need to be visiting villanova. you
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>> you know i'm a big fan of team tennis in i travel the country. >> philadelphia freedom, it is philadelphia freedoms with a s, hosting first tennis home match. jen is getting ready for it, cute he is little tennis outfit i've ever seen. >> thank you very much. we're getting to know taylor, one of the players here all year. good morning, again. >> said what do you like about me as a human? please tell the people of philadelphia? >> i just she meshes normal trash talking and song lyrics together. she seemlessly does it, is very impressive, i want that skill, as well. >> well, you are a player, you cost a lot. so by the way, so taylor and i are going to go -- we're going to go against your coach, right? we are going to crush you. top seed, first every all,
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what do you like about taylor. >> oh, she is so down to earth, amazing tennis player, but even nicer human being. a pleasure to get to know her over the last week or so. >> i know you are not allowed to say there is but i'm loud to say this. tell me, team tennis here is awesome, because you can be lite tennis lessons. but some of the people, andy rad i can, we love him, bus he's kind of like on the this way with his career, and taylor, kind o like on the superstar on the way up, right? so real cool to be able to see a player like this, obviously, if here tonight, major, major players. >> specially with taylor here, she has just reached the third round french open, and how often in villanova do you have coming in, number one in the world, multiple grand-slam champ. so it is really special to be up close and personal see all of these players. >> are you ready to be beaten on your own court? >> not real. >> i now, you play a loft
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doubles, right? what's the key to doubles? like how are we going to win? you stay back there, i'll take care of it up here. >> by the way, forgive me, your first name? allison is one of the interns here, but apparently plays tennis all the time. i smell a ringer, all right? >> all right. >> so we will play little doubles tennis. you have your racket -- i mean, your mike. >> you're going to serve. you're going to do it big. >> okay, here i go. and just pretends that's what i am ' talking about. this is the best doubles i've ever played. >> told you! >> do you think i should try a more serious serve? all right, here we go. >> she's trying this serve. >> all right, we have one minute left. >> we do? >> coming live from villanova. taylor townsend. reporting. >> all right, here i go.
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so now the intern gets t ready for there is allison? now i'm feeling myself a little. >> again, my girl, okay, watch this. >> i'm sorry. >> you try. >> oh! >> hey, thanks, jen. i'm going to go tonight. >> all right. philadelphia freedoms, team tennis, that's tonight, villanova. hey, weird al aliening witch is promoting husband new cd by releasing eight new videos in just eight days. >> cool. >> and the very first of those videos is none other than a parody of pharrell's big hit, happy. it is called tacky.
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>> ♪ >> and mark black, video has been released by nerdits. com. >> that's fun. >> i it's all right. >> all right, you know, this john legend guy, i mention him almost every day, he's married to chrissy teeing and. oh, ho. chrissy was once fired from a modeling job. >> what? >> the shocking reason why she says she was let
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake.
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get a free quote at >> that's a jeaned condo. kind of like a ship down in atlantic city! come on out on the balcony. i got one woman to do it in old sit. >> i yes. >> okay, great. >> sorry. >> that's okayment look at this picture i found on the paper. look at taylor swift. she is really -- dang. >> whew. >> she long and lean. >> okay. so, if you're not really long and lean, sometimes you get bounced as a sports i will state dollars -- >> even if you are really
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tall. sometimes it happens. >> could you possibly be fired from a modeling job if you put during interview that earlier in her modeling career, she was actually fired from forever 21 because she was too fate. she said she was excused from the job. >> well, she showed them. marted right back in there, and got on sports illustrated. >> yes, i think she just was. >> reason why she stands withing john legend, that's john's wife. >> they're married. >> right? >> thank you, sue. >> prince william's crown is getting some un wanted attention, plane this in. >> well, actually talking about his thinning hair. we all know he is going bald. he has acknowledged it, from the daily mail website, photo on the left the cover of vanity fair. principal's hear liar looks noticeably thinner. so they put a little extra hair perhaps. >> photo shopped. >> they made it red. >> suggesting even the royals get the same treatment as
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everybody else. folks admit today some re touching, but says, no hair was added. probably little bit. >> looks like it. >> didn't want to fill in completely. >> none of those old infomercials on late at night, was it a can every spray hair? >> yes. >> ron, didn't he sell it. >> i date add guy once, the neck line was so straight, my mom used to say it is shaved on hair. >> shaved on hair? >> i mean, sprayed on hair. >> sprayed on? yes, you fill in the gaps with a spray? >> sure. >> aero sole? >> then don't notice the bald spot. >> well, we're learning new details about christina aguilara's baby shower over the weekends, but we are wishing we did not know some of those details actually. >> really? >> christina pregnant with her second child, and her shower was held at her home sunday. remember all of the cute dick ration cents, graphic cake, cake so graphic, we can't show you. the cake supposedly featured a
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woman giving birth on a rug. >> ewe boss. it even showed the crowning, the baby's head,g out -- >> dyo go to a website cake wrecks. com, you can see cake,. >> i wonder what buddy said when he got that call. the cake, again, it is the baby's head coming out of the who ha said push, push, push. push christina push. now, down the street there used to be a cake store where they made cakes in the shape of male genitalia, and boobs. lindsey lohan is turning her life around and change her zip code. where is she moving? >> according to radar on line will plan a make to move to london permanently. >> this video from when lohan left rehab last year, after several trips to rehab, lohan said she ready to focus on acting and using a gigas an
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opportunity to turn over a new leave. >> i have an idea for her? >> yes? >> grab justin bieber and take him with you. >> with you, really. >> and just the two of you stay in london. i always kind of liked london. i would consider living in london. >> for her it might and good place to start. >> yes. >> again and maybe, you know, bill up some credentials for acting instead of all of the other stuff she's been doing. >> okay, you all have a great day. i suggest that you watch the 5:00 o'clock news here on fox 29 because the weather's going to get if-ee around 3:00, 3:30, scott williams will be on it. >> he's all over t see you tomorrow morning starting at 4:00 a.m. for the fox 29 morning news. [ horns honking ]
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