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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  July 9, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at >> pounding rain, high winds, all across the east coast, at least five deaths reported around the country. and while here at home, power is still out for thousands. >> four house. >> four houses, four houses on fire. >> devour row homes in southwest philadelphia, killing four young children, the exact time line that city leaders say proof that firefighters did all they could to save the victims in a time lynn manner. >> a 91 year old man, leaving the bank, thieves target him. what police say happens next that will make your blood boil. >> it was supposed to be a done-deal. but the cigarette tax is now
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stalled. could be going up in smoke. the philadelphia school district may have to wait months before knowing if it will get help to plug a $90 million financial hole. good morning, everyone, i'm dawn timmeney, glad to be with you on this wednesday morning. >> yes, i'm kerrey barrett. just after 6:00 at this point, a lot of news to get to this morning from the damage left behind from those fast storms last night to the new 911 calls that are release from the that devastating fire in southwest philadelphia. steve keeley, sabina, on your top store thinks morning. >> but let's start with your weather on the one's with sue serio, sue, are we looking at our seconds heatwave of the summer do you think? >> it could happen today. it will be close, dawn, forecasting high of 90 degrees. so if we get to 89, no dice for the heatwave, but will still be warm, humid, it will be warm summer day, not as hot as yesterday. when we got to 95 still humid today with showers, storms, this time during the daytime.
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yesterday we waited until nighttime. so that's why we're going with a lower number than yesterday. still, muggy out there with bus stop buddy temperatures in the 60s, 70s, only t-shirt this morning, you will need your sunscreen for part of the day but i think we might add the umbrella to the send many, for bus stop buddy, see rain around this morning, a lot of it really light, south jersey you can see from this picture that the sun is breaking through a loft clouds, west southwest wind at 5 miles an hour, 84% relative humidity, and the sunrise just happened at 5:41. so it was steamy and stormy, with 95 degrees, as we mentioned, the average hi, 87 for this time of july. ninety today with pop up shower or thunderstorm possible this afternoon. i would say miami tie after 2:00 when you are most likely to see a shower. tonight down to 71 degrees. that cakes care of your
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wednesday with traffic. >> so much going on this morning, like we said, we do have everyone there and everywhere, checking on what's going on, downed pole, downed wires in cherry hill, covered bridge road closed between oxford avenue and antetam load. lots of dark intersections, lancaster avenue entire stretch between county line road up to railroad avenue. aside from that not too much going on, 76, 95, 476 here in pennsylvania, turnpike likes okay into new jersey and delaware, they check out, too. guys? >> time lapse video of what the weather changes look like through the night. >> let's head out now to fox 29's steve keeley with a look at some of the damage in evesham, new jersey, and drivers may have a lot of the detouring to do this morning, steve? >> here from viewers that haven't been able to be views today, because their power is out among the tens of thousands on both sides of the river, who still waiting for their electricity to be back on since they got knocked
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outment look behind us, even the ladies out for morning exercise, are being detoured. look at all of the cars coming up green we road here trying to go from the route 70 area, cherry hill, up to route 73, and so you can see, even neighborhood like this, heavy de pours, from everywhere, and you can see, just to the left of us, as well, you see blue suv. even though people lived here, go up and down greentree road, confused how to get out of their own neighborhood which is kind of interesting. we spin back around, see the whole route of this, police officer up, by a branch down across the road, what we've learned is that pse&g guy here earlier reeled up what appeared to be the power line that was down. he had a hard hat on. he knew what he was doing. and we thought they could get this road reopened somehow. for some reason, it is still down, even though it looks like the electricity line was reeled up maybe cable tv line. because there are lines that feed off the main line to these houses to the right. and we thought that was the problem here. but maybe there is a bigger issue, than road will stay
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closed little longer. the cars you see in the distance up there, dawn, kerrey, route 73. you can see them speeding by, as we have that zoom in on our lens, that gives you a sense of where we, are and that tells you how many commuters are on their way to philadelphia and being detoured by situations like this all around town as you heard kacie just mention in her traffic round up. >> severe thunderstorms ripped apart four homes. there is widespread damage. look at some of this video. officers searching through the night for survivors, the national weather service has investigators to determine if it was a tornado that touched down, tragedy striking at summer camp in maryland where children were scrambling to make it inside during a storm. high winds, knock down a tree, killing a boy, and injuring six other children. >> officials say when the tree fell, on their way to nearby
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shelter. >> following a developing story for this morning, in philadelphia's olney section, police investigating triple stabbing, happened just after 12:30 on the 200 block of west albania street. the victims, 24 year old woman, 22 year old woman,. >> thirty-two year old man all taken to the hospital. still no word on their conditions. >> philadelphia police need your help in tracking down thief who robbed an elderly man in fishtown. check it out, surveillance video of the suspect at the wells fargo bank at frankford and girard last week. police followed 91 year old man, out of the bank, and attack him from behind. they say the suspect stole the victim's money out of his pocket, through him to the grounds, 91 year old man, fortunately he was not seriously hurt. anyone with information, on this man, seen in this video, is asked to please give police a call. >> time line released by philadelphia fire officials shows a quick response to fatal fire on gesner street. >> this after claims from residents, that firefighters did not act fast enough.
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fox 29's sabina live in southwest philadelphia with the latest on this, sabina? >> around the corner from the scene of the deadly fire, that, after protests broke out after community members allege firefighters took too long to get to the scene of the fire. now, officials released time line. here is what the records row veal, 2:44 a.m. last saturday, initial call for the fire came in by 2:47, they new houses were on fire. they got to the scene by 2:49. fire commissioner said there was no delay in response time. city officials say facts show firefighters responded heroically and according to protocol. four children died in the fire, over 40 displaced. concern over the time it took fire crews to arrive at the
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scene mounted, three people were arrested in those protests, city officials say that those protests happened after rumors were spread, false rumors, about the response time, again, saying, that firefighters were here as quickly as possible within about three minutes, here at the scene. and they're hoping that by releasing this time line they can calm concern in the community. that's the latest from here in south philadelphia, back to you guys. >> sack even, a thank you. crucial funding for the philadelphia school district could go up in smoke. state senate passed the budget sent by the house, but they amended the cigarette tax portion of it. that amendment would end the tax planned to fund the city's cash strapped schools after five years. so now the amendment heads back to the house for approval before going to governor corbett. the problem is the house is on summer break. so they won't vote until fall. and philadelphia's school superintendent william hite released a statement regarding this quote saying with schools scheduled to open in less than two months, crucial we secure
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the needed funding. he goes on to say, there is no timetable for house consideration on this amended bill, nor any final passage. we implore the house and senate to come to agreement immediately on cigarette tax legislation, that does not include a sunset provision. and, still ahead: dramatic and terrifying rescue, teenager falling into churning water. his friends feel he's dead, but how they manage to pull him to safety next. >> more than just tough to look at. people living near this mess say it really smells. they reached out to fox 29. how we're
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it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> most of the damage we had from the strong thunderstorms were the result of the high win. so lots of tree branches down it morning, it may slow you down, as you're driving out of your neighborhood, especially, if you liver in the suburbs shall where there tend to be more trees. so, we've got 62-mile per hour wind gust recorded in camden, new jersey, last night. >> northbound wood, delaware county, pa, 06 miles per hour, philadelphia airport, we recorded 59-mile per hour wind gust, in allentown, mid 50's, 51-mile per hour gust in wilmington, delaware. boy was it allowed storm, stormy night, it was a dark and stormy night, yes. well, now we just have few left over showers, and they are on their way out of here out of delaware, and out of south jersey. temperatures, still muggy out
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there, still pretty warm. 73 degrees in philadelphia. mid 60s up in the poconos, 72 in atlantic city. calm winds now, the wind have died down a lot since those thunderstorms, but still coming out of the southwest. >> can't rule out shower or two, 72 degrees, your surf temp. your air temperature will be in the mid 80s, on the beach, and southerly wind at ten to 15 miles per hour. so at least have little bit after breeze out there. 90 degrees today. eighty-eight tomorrow. looks like drying out by tomorrow. maybe lidge erring shower or two. but friday, saturday, sunday, we've got dry day saturday, and friday, sunday is when we have a chance every late day thunderstorms. so, the weekend may be a little less than perfect, kacie, but mostly pretty good. >> friday, saturday look good. if we do talk about some of the issues this morning, malfunctioning traffic lights, downed polls, downed wires, downed trees, malfunctioning traffic light in claymont, philadelphia pike, completely
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shutdown, governor prince boulevard to manor avenue. there is damage there to the traffic light at so many follow avenue. take manor avenue, jump back on, just one of many incidents, we'll talk more about this coming up. kerrey? my husband is ripped up, i mean, pouring blood. >> do you look at all of that damage? happy cat, house cap. couple trapped inside their bedroom by this thing. they were so squared, i shouldn't laugh, they called 911. what they say happened just [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home.
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>> nigerian leaders, school girls being head by the group boca harem, will soon be rescued. nigeria's national council of
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states says sex your at this forces know where those girls are located. now the question of course is how to rescue them, without endangering their lives. the council says, that it hopes to have good news very soon. president obama is heading to texas today, where he will meet with governor rick perry, about the immigration crisis on the southern border. governor terry is among those who blame the obama administration for the border crisis. the president has asked congress for more than $3 billion in emergency funding, to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors, crossing into the united states, from central america. >> crews investigating the death of a georgia toddler inside after hot suv returning to the scene with the suspect's car, accused of i tently leaving the two year old inside. he says, it was an accident. police trying to calculate just how fast the temperatures inside would have risen with the windows tightly sealed, and the engine off. investigators parked his car
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in the same spot as that june day, they started a test at 9:22 in the morning, then the testing continued through 12:42 p.m. three hours and 20 minutes. that is when authorities say surveillance cameras caught harris dropping off a box of light bulbs, inside of the car, with his son still in the back seat. >> the bat over the $2 billion sale of los angeles clippers continues he gave fiery testimony yesterday saying he does not have altzheimer's disease, and his wife's lawyer to stand up and be a man, sterling is challenging his wife saying she does not have the right to sell the team after he was caught making racist comments. >> georgia man nearly dice, but thanks to incredible set of circumstances, questioning thinking by witnesses, essay life this morning. county cool had i just finished game of raquetball at his gym when he suddenly
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collapsed and his heart stopped. two personal trainers, with the right training started cpr. paramedics arriving within seconds because an ambulance just happened to be outside of the jim. one of the medics was a medic and just trained to do what she was taught to do. >> fox 29 getting results in southwest philadelphia. >> people living in a neighborhood there say somebody's dumping trash near their homes and it stinks. dumping has been a problem in this particular neighborhood since last october the whole block smells. one neighbor telling us there was suitcase what she believes were animal parts that were dumped there. it is a problem, especially, for families with kids.
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>> deaths cussing. i got two little kids. out here, can't even play out here, it stinks so bad. >> neighbors say that they couldn't get any results, for city so fox 29 stepped in bruce gordon to be specific. called the streets department, about two and half hours later look at that, the car gang wheeled away. turning mountain into mole hill. >> this neighborhood is now breathing easier. >> he gets results. >> he does. when he arrives, neighbor rejoice. >> they do. and the smell goes away. >> right. >> i want to talk it the street department right now. there is a section of seventh street between walnut and market, it is incredibly bumpy. and i spill my coffee in the morning. >> trying to get results here, mike? >> yes. >> good luck. >> maybe not as critical as this situation? good day philadelphia, show starts in 40 minutes. coming up the biggest etiquette fopaux, many of us are guilty. new he had quit rules out there in 2014. what's the number one thing
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you should never do at the dinner table? the number one thing. and the worse way to break up with someone in well, what you are probably doing that you need to change, okay? and local woman gets a call saying she owes thousands of dollars to the irs. turns out, it is a scam. never get ahold of them much less them calling you. bunch of tips how not to be a victim of this guy making calls, saying he works for the irs. i think he's living in the 202 area code in d.c., which kinds of makes you think, oh, it could be. >> scary. >> is it elbows on the dinner table? >> no, no, we have moved beyond elbows. in 2014? >> apparently. >> you don't want to be slapping anything on the table >> okay, watch "good day" live. and we'll take a look at our weather this morning. we expected another 09 degrees day today. this time it won't be well above 90 like yesterday's 95. it will be a close call. so, if we make it to 90, it will be the second heatwave of
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the year. and of july, for that matter. mid 70s, as you walk out the door, and those storms really didn't cool us off very much. still humid. mid 80s, and sticky by lunchtime, isolated storms popping up any time this afternoon with a high temperature around 90 degrees. kacie, could be heatwave number two. >> i can dig it, as long as mike jerrick don't make an ice sculpture and make caitlin and i sit on it for an hour. upper providence township, upper providence road, 252, at rose tree road. do have malfunctionings traffic light there. a loft incidents this morning, we will get to downed trees,
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>> brewers jumping out to early lead thanks to grand-slam in the early evening, but the phils fighting right back. chase utley, dominick brown, leading the charge until phillies nine to seven win, game three of their four game series is tonight. for a look at the rest of the night in sports, here's howard eskin. this is fox 29's sports in
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one minute. good morning, i'm howard eskin. the new york yankees became hot team and had the winningest pitcher in baseball. going to cleveland. he was the winningest. that's tanaka. >> not good night tonight. that's nick swiss err with the homerun. cleveland beats the yankees, and tanaka. not good world cup for brazil in the semies. let's go to brazil, the host citiment germany in red. already up four-nil in the first half. >> twenty-nine minutes into the game, go in, beat brazil, seven; and those sixers playing another summer league game. to orlando, how about noel? with the steel. now he played 24 minutes. he tweaked his ankle. however, he scored, and okay, the sixers win it 92 to 71. that really is sports in a minute. you have got it all. i'm howard eskin. got it all, all right.
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no more. florida couple says that they had to dial 911 because their cat, their house cat, attack them. >> listen to the 911 call they had to make. >> for me and my husband. had him lock up in the bathroom all day. i let her out. she waist okay. she saw my husband, she freak. i let her out of the bedroom, now in our living room, we're lock in our bedroomment my husband is ripped up, i mean, pouring blood. >> i guess that cat didn't look being locked in the bathroom? the pictures show the scratches on the husband's arms and legs, animal control did take the cat out of the home, i should say, and the cat is now in a ten day car and tee. >> bizarre. >> coming up next, what one bartender says the cameras captured this guy doing inside after local bar. it is 6:27. it is a story you'll see only on ♪
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>> storms popped up quickly leaving behind a mess up and down the east coast. we're live as crews try to get the power back on for thousands of people still in the dark this morning. >> yes, it will be a tough morning. and community calling for answers after fire claims four young lives. this morning, newly-released 911 calls may hold the key. the exact time line from the moment the flames errupted.
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plus: are you really angry? >> actually see the person do that made me really angry. >> this woman says in a matter every minutes the man in this surveillance video turned her into a victim. only on fox, she hopes this video will serve as a warning. good morning, it is 6:31, on this wednesday morning. it is already hot, humid, sticky out there. >> i know. >> storms at the very least, would have brought some relief? >> i felt like it was a little bit cooler with we walked out the door. i think now if you walk out it is pretty stifling outside, sue. >> yes, the muggies did not go away. we still have humid air hanging around, even though we did have a lot of weather drama last night. so, bus stop buddy ready for a day at the pool. but he will have to keep his eye on the sky today. still mug think morning, we will see some sunshine through the clouds, temps in the 60s, and 70s, wacking out the door. there you see, muggy the fateful dog there. so, yes, you will need some sunscreen today. but there is a time when you might need the umbrella.
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weather by the numbers today, we go with a seven now, going to be warm summer day, not quite as hot as yesterday was. ninety-five was the high yesterday. still humid, with showers and thunderstorms, you see some showers around this morning. still, lingering in atlantic county and cape may county in new jersey, that's it for now, but it is unsettled enough that we could see some more pop ups later on in the day. maybe not as severe as yesterday. pop up thunderstorms not out of the question for today. >> good news, thanks, very much, for right now, we have a lot to get to. chestnut hill east suspended service on septa regional rail, wire problems this morning, chestnut hill wets good alternate. claymont, philadelphia pike, completely shun down.
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malfunctioning traffic light. so, governor prince boulevard, to manor avenue, the stretch of the closure, take manor avenue to governor prince boulevard as your alternate. evesham township where steve is this morning, downed tree, greentree road closed brandywine to con stove a drive. marlton pike the alternate. guys? >> very good, happening right now, crews around the region, cleaning up after those storms left down trees and power outages behind thousands of them. >> real mess out there. we head out now to fox 29's steve keeley, who has a look at some of the damage. you have moved to cherry hill, steve? >> reporter: i got a quick update on kacie as last report. greentree road just reopened minutes ago. that's why we just left there. we were only four minute drive, this is where we started our day right here. i tweeted it out, my first picture of the day, we had power line down here, this is the other spot kacie has.mentioning, barkley farm development. you can see the burn mark in the ground. the good news the fire was out, kind of burned itself out. but, the reason this whole development has orange cones all around it, and all of these roads are closed is they
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are still treating this as live wire, because pse&g has not been able to get out of here yet. unfortunately for these people, a lot stuck in the development right now because you got live wire that was burning on fire this morning, that could kill somebody if they were walking their dog say in the dark, and happened to come across this. in some sense, actually good that this thing started burning, because it alerted everybody that something was wrong here, in fact, as we spin around 180 degrees, we were on route 70 on the way to greentree road when we smelled something burning. that's how we just happened to find this this morning. and that was about 3:30, 4:00 when we were on our way to greentree road. so that gives you a sense of what you are seeing all around the philadelphia area. and part of route 70 from where we are, all the way down to elsburg, and you know, king highway, everything was pitch black, so they had a power outage for a long stretch of route 70 to start the morning overnight. and that was good news if they got the power back on looks like in this area. so still a lot of work for all every these crews on both sides of the river, even fire
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department and a loft utility crews, and tree trimming companies, all of that other stuff, they all have to get together. power lines down, power company usually needs the tree company with them, and the tree company can't start the work until the power guys get here and hey you can cut these trees down without the fear of being electrocuted. so that's why it is kind of like a one, two, stand step today, between the tree crews and the power crews, they got to work together as a good solid team to get the job done. hard to get two teams together when they are both so busy everywhere around the philadelphia after a storm like we had last night. >> all right, steve, thank you. well, it took philadelphia firefighters just minutes to respond to saturday's deadly fire, on gesner street. >> officials released a time line after angry residents claim that firefighters did not get to the scene fast enough. fox 29's sabina live in southwest philadelphia, where tensions are still running high. sabina? >> reporter: yes, that's right, guys. now, yesterday, fire officials released a gps map, and 911
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call, as city leaders went to quayle, rumors of slow response time. >> fire commissioner derrick saw err said his firefighters responded as quickly as possible, to the gesner street fire saturday morning that killed three, four year olds, and infant, and adamant there was no delay. here's what 911 calls revealed. 2:44 saturday morning the first call to 911 is made. two minutes later a verbal dispatch is made about a couch fire on house porch. one minute after that a second 911 call with a caller saying four houses are now on fire comes in. at 2:49, ladder four was on scene preparing for rescue cues, one minute later pipeline 40 equipped with water was on scene. third 911 call from firefighter request even more help. >> upgrade to a box, please, yes, gesner, couple of house it is looks like. >> there was no delay. there was none of that, as you
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heard other people say that war not coming, none that far you. >> her of this, emergency, to up great it. >> reporter: emergency response has been mounting all week, officials hope by disclosing the records from the response, they can give community members an accurate account whatever took place, three people were arrested, during the protest against four children killed in that fire. back here live, you can see, you mentioned continuing tension, well, that patrol car has been out here all morning long, outside this firehouse, that sits just around the corner from where that fire happened. obviously, tensions still continuing, but officials hoping that by releasing that time line, and giving out the facts, they hope that that concern will be alleviated. back to you guys. >> all right, thanks, sack even a victims are part of close-knit liberian community, and yesterday the liberian ambassador to the u.s.,
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jeremy, a toured the damage on the 6500 block of gesner street. he says he wants to find out exactly how this tragedy started in the first place. he also met with family members, still shock over the death of those four young children. emergency just started school, imagine, i mean, he is three weeks old. he don't know nothing. he didn't even get to drink milk. >> obviously heart breaking, the ambassador says he will be meeting with city administrators today to figure outweighs to help the neighborhood recover in the wake of that deadly tragedy. >> happening today, a state representative charged with political corruption is expected in court after miss ago pretrial hearing yesterday. the district attorney's office says state representative miranda failed to show, so a warrant was issued for his arrest. prosecutors accuse him of funneling state money to his sister also charge in the this case. indictment came after fox 29 investigation revealed there
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was a ghost show worker on his staff. >> next, friends watch helplessly as teenager falls into a dangerous whirlpool of water. how their persistence saved him from drowning. >> store employee finds a three and a half karat diamond worth $40,000 on the floor. what she said she had to do before she turned it into. you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo.
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>> there are a few places, we don't have the thunder and lightning we had last night. i guess that's good thing. let's take a look at ultimate doppler, just where the rain; we some into southern delaware, where the rain is pulled off the coast. in southern new jersey, if you are in those wildwood days, or looks like rain might have stopped in wildwood, but stone harbor, avalon, atlantic city, still getting little bit of light rain this morning, 73 degrees, in philadelphia right now. and as we've been saying all morning, it is not really any less muggy than it was yesterday at this time even with the storms that came through. we'll eventually get drier air in here, but not today. 64 degrees in lancaster, and mount pocono, 72 degrees in atlantic city, and you can see, from the wind map here, that the winds are still coming out of the southwest. and that's where the humidity is. so, at the shore today, i think it will be a southerly breeze, built of sea breeze for you, but temperatures in the mid 80s, on the beach,
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keep an eye on the sky for pop up shower or thunderstorm. if you hear thunder, just need to vacate that beach immediately. a moderate risk of rip currents, and a very high uv index of nine. so, the seven day forecast, is 90 degrees for today, 88 for tomorrow, and i think tomorrow will be a dry day. friday definitely will be with high of 87 and the mid to upper 80s saturday, sunday, by late in the day on sunday, we could see few pop up thunderstorms. so, there it is. seven day forecast, from the weather authority, hey, caste? >> hey, sue, thanks very much. we are going to talk about a loft things that you need to look out for this morning, a lot of which are downed polls, downed wires, downed trees, i think we're having some map issues right now, but steve keeley out in cherry hill this morning, as far as majors go, everything looks all right. already have some disruptions on mass transit. we'll get to that coming up. >> thank you, kacie. dramatic rescue in california,
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take a look at this, teenager falls into the avalon cove soon unconscious in that churning water two men jump in, one able to pull him out, perform cpr to revive him. teen is now lucky in the hospital recovering. >> i thought this is his only chance. next thing you new, my feet left the rocks. and in i went. and i grabbed him. >> zero said he learned cpr about 20 years ago, good thing did he. >> rather bold move inside after popular center city bar, around the fourth every july, now the woman who says that she is the victim is speaking exclusively to fox 29. drew dickman has her story. >> watch as they walk into the bar, 3:30 afternoon on the fourth of july. man peers around the closed bar, then patiently waits for the woman to head down the stairs. that's when bartender jenny
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williams said he strikes, lunging over the counter, and taking what she says is her iphone. he then strolls out the front door before ripping his hat off while running down the street. >> made me really angry, to actually see the person do that made me really angry. >> williams said she filed a police report and central detectives now investigating. she said she was upstairs grabbing a drink menu when her cell got snatched. >> i was gone not very long, five minutes, not even. >> it was taken two days before her wedding anniversary, on it, priceless photos and important information. >> now i know it is probably smart to back up your phone, weekly, but i would do it every couple of months, unfortunately, i lost some things that i can't get back. >> management says they feel terrible for williams. described as hard worker trying to put herself through school. moving forward they plan to increase security measures. >> we'll put like a red rope at the bottom of the stairs, keep the back door locked. >> williams realizes she may never get her cell phone back. but she is coming forward to help others. >> i just want to get that
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guy's face out there, just warn others, maybe someone recognizes him, and it scares him enough to maybe stop doing what he is doing. >> robbery being -- rally being head today, in protest of the closing of showboat casino. brighton park at ac at 5:30 tonight. reports say ceasar's entertainment corporation which owns showboat is willing to sell the casino hotel if they get a good price. new jersey authorities are investigating a window company for fraud. the operator of dream house windows is charged with passing bad checks, and theft by deception. >> allegedly took deposits worth thousands of dollars for home improvement, which authorities say he never it, they say he wrote bad checks to employees, and to suppliers.
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>> our concern is there are others out there where he never did work on people's homes. >> anyone who may believe they may be a victim of dream house windows urged to contact the camden county prosecutor's office. >> ex-con that gained national attention because of his hot mugshot was back in court and he got a little bit of bad news. during a court hearing the state of california agreed turn jeremy meeks over to federal prosecutors. m hence eeks facing felony charges, during gang sweep last month. he gained some note or eye at this for his looks when a mugshot of him, this mugshot, went viral. dubbed the hot convict, the photo posted on the stockton police department's facebook, got tens of thousands of likes, shares, and comments. >> and topping today's entertainment news, new video from what angelina jolie calls her darkest days. video was recorded in the late 90s obtained by the national
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enquirer and shot by the oscar win's one time alleged drug dealer. he claims he shot this 16 minute video with her consent after she called to her home in manhattan to supply her with cocaine and heroin. >> back in new short story by jk rolling, written on potter moore. com. it takes place at the world cup finale where the group is still treated like massive celebrities, all of these years later. harry is in your a with the ministry of magic, but what exactly he does is still kept a secret. ron co-owns easily wizard wheezes, with his brother, and hermine is the deputy head of the department of magical law enforcement. stay tuned. well, thrill seekers have finally had their chance to ride the world's tallest and fastest drop ride. >> the drops of doom, six flags great adventure in jackson, new jersey, drops
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riders 41 stories in less than ten seconds. check it out. >> (laughing). >> oh, my. >> it's going to drop. oh, boy. oh, no. >> oh! >> (screams). >> wow! oh, man! >> oh, man that was incredible. that was great. >> wow, yes. >> bet mower than a few of those people had to clean their drawers after that. >> twice as tall as the statue of liberty on clear day, ride kearse actually see all the way to philadelphia, see the skyline, 52 miles away. >> crazy. >> great adventure, they
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called me yesterday, said, do you want to ride that. >> and? >> we're going to do it. >> when in. >> i think next week. >> you are going to do it percenty? >> yes. >> kerry is going with you. >> i would love to. >> i can't wait really. >> me too. >> good day philadelphia starts in ten minutes, kids already driving you craze think summer? well, we may have the solution. all thanks to two rival basketball coaches in the city of philadelphia. all girls basketball camp. i'll tell you where it is, how much it is, et cetera. and we have the best time to hit your favorite stores. to get the best deals. the exact days, and the exact time of day where the stores mark down their merchandise, so let's say, you want to shop at wal-mart? i'll tell you which day, what time exactly to go there, to get the best deals. that's pretty detailed research there that we've done >> what time do they open? >> 7:00 a.m. >> oh,. >> but on the weekend, that's sleeping in for us.
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>> i know it. >> you don't want to know what i look like at wal-mart at 6:00 a.m. worse than there is baby. let's look at the weather this morning. it is left over showers, some of them in southern new jersey, but it is still muggy. >> this afternoon some sun, humid, pop up showers here, there, maybe thunderstorm or two. we don't expect the widespread winds damage that we had yesterday. but, can't rule out thunderstorm. we say it every day. and, storms fade thursday, and then warm and dry on friday. >> we'll take it, a lot to get to upper providence township, providence road, rose tree road, malfunctionings track light. downed pole, downed wires, bryn mawr, route 320 sproul road completely shutdown, south to mill road. we get you around, that a lot
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south to mill road. we get you around, that a lot more where this came from.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at
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>> ♪ >> sue serio has more coming up in the forecast. drivers in wisconsin, experience slow moving hawes area. several turtles making their way across the road in search of nesting grounds. wildlife experts say they're looking for the perfect to lay their eggs, and burr at this up. i had seen them out in the middle of gravel road laying their eggs on gravel road. just saw one this weekend,.
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>> steer clear from the turtles. tennessee mall worker getting an awful lot of attention. here is why. she found expensive diamond at her store, and she went the extra mile, to return it. barbara, says, she was working at the mall, when an upset customer report that she had lost a diamond, from her ring, and not just any diamond. it was over three and a half karats. and worth $40,000. >> so the worker spotted it, not sure if it was the real deal, so took it to a jeweler before calling the owner. >> she was just -- she just broke out in tears, just so, so excited and relieved. it was a happy ending. >> have i happy ending. worker said she crawled around on the floor all day looking for that diamond. she took what she found to an
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appraise err because at first she wasn't sure if it was a rhinestone or sequin, to something sold in the store, she feels good she was able to give the ring back specially since it was a gift from the woman's husband. and good day philadelphia is coming up next. and, coming up, a new jersey tune age err bullied over her body, takes a stand, how she is turning a nasty comment into
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>> it was a dark and stormy night, yes, dark and stormy night. yes, those storms rolled in, hard and fast. bringing pounding rain, high winds, lightning, thunder, across the east coast, at least five deaths reported around the country, while here at home, power still out for thousands of people this morning. power lines are down, some still hot be careful. >> first calls for help as flares devour row homes in southwest philadelphia, you know the stormy by now killing four children. the exact time line has been released now by fire and police officials. could they have saved lives? whether the check comes, do you split the check, do you add up your


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