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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  July 8, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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and grief. >> a smelly eye sore in one philadelphia neighborhood has residents of residents saying enough is enough. who is going to clean up this mess. fox 29 working to get results. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 5:00. >> first at 5:00 breaking right now, calls for help. just seconds after a fire ripped through a southwest philadelphia home, taking four lives. as protesters demand answers with emotions at the boiling point and investigators search for clues while a community mourns the horrific loss. good evening and thanks for joining us. i iain page. >> i'm lucy nolan. 911 calls could help try and figure out what happened and we have live team coverage. fox 29's dave schratwieser live in southwest philadelphia where protesters are gathering for a second day. but we begin with shawnette wilson live at fire department headquarters in spring garden where investigators just played those 911 calls for the very first time. shawnette? lucy, fire commissioner
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sawyer gave out a map of the route taken to get to the fire as well as some of those 911 calls. he's additional the first crews arrived on scene a minute after that first call. as we take look at video from the tragic scene from that fire, on saturday morning, here's what we learned in a press conference. the first call came in at 2:44 saturday morning. a couch was on fire. we're told one minute and eight seconds later, that call was dispatched. a second 911 call came in 25 seconds later stating four houses were on fire. fire commissioner sawyer notes the third call from crews on the scene requesting an upgrade for morey sources. let's listen to that call. >> upgrade... >> reporter: again, that was the third 911 call you heard from crews on the scene calling in to request additional
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resources to battle what tendon out to be a fatal fire. also, on this press conference they discussed there was a man who tried to fight this fire before crews were even called. it is unclear how long the person tried to do that before the fire department was actually notified. that is still under investigation along with the cause of this fire but commissioner sawyer saying hoping to quell concerns in this community this evening that firefighters did their best. he said they are heroes sometimes the community expects them to be super heroes. they have suffered a loss as well he says again first crews on scene a minute after that first call. iain? >> shawnette, thank you. church leaders from across the region have been calling pastors in southwest philadelphia asking how to help ease the tension in a grieving neighborhood. >> and we've been responding as best as we could to provide comfort to let the family members know they don't have to bear this burden alone. we are there for them and with them and praying with them and praying for them.
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>> fox 29's dave schratwieser continues our team coverage tonight. he joins us live now in the neighborhood where the fire destroyed the homes and of course dave lot of people there questioning how long it took firefighters to respond. >> reporter: no doubt about that, iain. but all quiet out here tonight. protests erupted last night and arrests were made torque night the police department civil affairs unit is out here to keep things under control. extra police officers are nearby but residents in this neighborhood still have lots of questions about the police department's -- excuse me the fire department's response time. >> debate rages on on gesner street over the fire department's response time to saturday's three harm fire that left four children dead, dozens homeless and a neighborhood up in arms. >> we're talking about when they first got here. how long did it take for them to get here? >> climbing up the ladder,
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climbing up the roof. >> marcus awoke to hear firework going off on the block early saturday morning. he look out the window. >> the fireworks stopped. then i heard some popping cracking sounds. i looked out my window and seen the couch on fire across the street. >> he called 911 his estimate on the fire company's response time -- >> how long do you think before a truck got here. 20 minutes. >> dominic drummond says his cousin called 911 too his personal recollection of the response time -- >> 20 minutes they finally got here. got out the -- 15 minutes. >> in stark contrast what the fire depth says the first call in at 2:44 a.m. at 2:46 a verbal dispatch was made about a couch fire. at 2:47 a second fire call reporting four houses on fire an crew on the way. at 2:49 ladder four was on scene at 2:50 engine 40 was on scene. >> the national standard is 5.5 minutes. they made it win the national standard coming from another fire. >> monday night neighbors
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protested outside the local firehouse some arrests were made. many affected here are liberian immigrants. tuesday, a liberian official urged calm. >> we understand the grief but we have to respect the law. >> reporter: now the fire commissioner again making a point today disputing any information at all out out street here about the response time by the fire department. he says his men acted bravely that night fighting the fire and tried to rescue everyone. coming up at 6:00 more on those threats against firefighters police are now investigating. that's coming up at 6:00. >> iain. >> dave, thank you. a lot of developments in this story today. fire officials say the first ladder truck was on scene within three minutes. four children died in that fire. of course left 10 families homeless it's still not clear how the fire started. if you'd like to help the victims you can drop off donations at christ international baptist church. >> our weather authority is top of severe storms and it looks like we might have a bulls eye on our area. you are looking live at the center city skyline. clear skies a little hazy right
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now but that's ranging and rather dramatically of course the question is when? our chief meteorologist scott williams is tracking it all. scott, how is it shaping up. lucy, we have the heat. we have the humidity. showers and thunderstorms already developing toward the western central part of the state. so just a matter of a couple of hours before we start to see some impacts in our viewing area. but you can see it's quiet for now around the philadelphia area. earlier this afternoon we had a severe thunderstorm warning briefly for sections of montgomery, bucks county moving into mercer county. but you can see that cell has weakened considerably no longer any severe thunderstorm warnings for our area. but take a look off to the west. this is a nasty line of showers and thunderstorms. we'll put a tracker on it you can see as it continues moving to the east toward 7:30 approaching the nation's capit capitol. if it holds together moving in after 8:00 o'clock toward the philadelphia area. but it's had a history of damaging winds and look at all of the lightning over 700 lightning strikes with that
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system as that line continues to head in our direction. 94 degrees so it is hot and you can see a severe thunderstorm watch has been posted really for the heart of our area. i-95, north and west. once again the main threat damaging winds as well as hail. more on the timing of this system coming up. >> all right. talk to you then, scott. whenever severe weather hits you can track conditions in your neighborhood. just go to and click the weather tab. >> skyfox over a scary scene in buck county. two people were hurt in a skydiving accident in perkasie. they were tandem skydiving when they are chute apparently failed to open properly. the two came down in a field near an elementary school. both were flown to hospitals for treatment. new developments to night in the collapse of two houses in philadelphia's cobbs creek neighborhood. skyfox over the 6,000 block of spruce street as demolition crews took down what remained of the homes today. why they collapsed is still under investigation. but officials believe a wall between the homes gave way.
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one of the homeowners two dogs were inside when it happened. but both did eventually make it out and they're just fine. something else she desperately wanted to save an urn with her husband's remains and she and her son did get that urn back before today's demolition. >> it means a l it means the world. you know what i mean? like i said i didn't care nothing but but getting this box. >> more for daniel's sake. i made piece with my husband passing away a long time ago. he hasn't ever quiet. so, you know, for him, it's great. >> chapman's father passed away when he was just nine years old. the red cross says it's helping three families affected by the collapse. police are investigating a deadly shooting in a bucks county home. one person is dead and two others wounded. it happened on winder drive in bristol township and police say a 24 year old man's body was found inside one of the other two victims went to neighbor's house and called for help. detectives found some shell
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casings but no weapon and have a lot of unanswered questions. >> eye at this point we're classifying this as possible home invasion. so there may be an outside suspect that was involved. >> no word on a motive. one of the wounded victims is in critical condition. the other is listed as serious. swimming pool vandalized in montgomery county is back open tonight. police say broken glass was thrown into two community pools on the 800 block of wyckle road in towamenson township. a traffic cone and a reflectors toed in as well. the manager of the pools found that all while opening up on saturday morning. crews had to drain the water, pull the glass out and clean the filters. the search for those responsible continues tonight. >> in national news, president obama is asking congress foreclose to $4 billion. he says he's trying to address the influx of people from central america illegally crossing our borders. and he says most of them are children. fox's wendell goler reports from the white house.
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>> reporter: faced with tens of thousands of central american children turning up on the southwest border often without their parents, the president wants congress to approve more than $3.5 billion to cope with them mr. obama wants to build more facilities to house the children and families after california residents turned bus loads away this past weekend. he wants to beef up the border patrol and he wants more immigration judges and lawyers to shorten the time for court cases so that illegal immigrants can be processed more quickly. >> what we're seeking is, an end result that allows for the more efficient application and enforcement of that law. >> spokesman for house speaker john boehner says he'll consider the request though it doesn't include boehner's call to send national guard troops to the border. others accuse mr. obama of not addressing the root cause of the crisis. >> what is disappointin disappos apparently the president's given up on any effort to effect the kinds of reforms that he knows
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and his administrations know are necessary to prevent this surge of unoccupied children from continuing and getting even worse. >> reporter: now united nations officials are pushing for the my grants to be treated as refugees from an armed conflict. the armed conflict is the outer of control crime in combat mal lark honduras and el salvador not the usual condition for refugee status. white house car careful not to call them refugee. that could give them a legal status determined by a judge. at the white house wendell goler fox news. >> instead of taking the same pill every day, what if you had a prescription just once. >> not just once, you know, every week or once every month or every year. how about every 16 years? still ahead the new type of birth control doctors could prescribe in the future. and summer vacation takes a terrifying turn for one man out enjoying sun and fun and the ocean. how four teenagers came to his rescue and saved his life.
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plus a young couple's dream house ruined by a raw sewage spill. they're left with a huge bill and a big battle with a giant utility company. fox 29 investigates. bruce? >> reporter: we are making a clean sweep of illegal trash dumping in this southwest philadelphia neighborhood. fox 29 getting results. my live report coming up in just a minute. >> and ruben amaro is not happy with his phillies baseball team and neither are we. but he hints at changes that'
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>> fox 29 news is getting results tonight in the elmwood section of philadelphia. people living there say someone is dumping trash near their homes and it's not just creating an eye sore it's creating quite a disgusting smell, too. fox 29's bruce gordon is helping them breathe a little easier tonight and joins us live in elmwood at getting results. bruce? >> reporter: iain, what do you get when you add illegal trash dumping to 90-degree temperatures? well you get a smelly mess that's what. now, add fox 29 to the equation and that smelly mess, well, it just disappears. you go to bed at night you come out in the morning and this thing has grown. >> more stuff put here. >> reporter: eileen strobel was clear this was the work of short dumpers and they've been at it since last october. turning this block into a mountain of yard waist and old carpet. front steps and food containers. even burned football shoulder pads? >> kids are out here playing, and they're always saying about the smell. i mean of time you come down the street it smells. >> reporter: ah the smell
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michael are you pohle lives across the street his grandmother and his own children. >> disgusting. i got two little kids, you know, we're out here, they can't even play out here because it stinks so bad. >> reporter: eileen took this photo a couple of weeks ago in the medical examiner's office was called out to remove the contents of this old suitcase from the putrid pile. >> parts of either an animals bodies i have no idea. >> reporter: short thereafter two new mystery packages were dumped. coolers wrapped in plastic and covered with flies. eileen says she complained -- >> we have gone down to city hall and made reports. we've had city services here and they said they would take care of it but nobody is doing anything. it just keeps growing. >> reporter: so i called my friends over at the streets department. >> we're trying to figure out if we can get this out of here. it's stinging up the whole neighborhood as you might imagine. and just 2.5 hours later, a front end loader and 18 wheeler arrived on here. on no time at all they turned
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the mountain into a mole hill then made it disappear altogether. michael's grandmother signalled her approval of the end of odor as for eileen she was was thrilled. >> call you and get you out here and get it done. i appreciate it. thanks. >> reporter: you can actually take a deep breath now. >> i can and it smells great. so much better. >> reporter: if you're a philadelphia neighborhood has been targeted by illegal dumpers, you can call the city's streets department directly. things get bogged down, give fox 29 a call. you'll get results. iain? >> all right, bruce, as always, nice work. fox 29 wants to help you get results. if you have an issue, just visit our website and click on the get results tab. >> skyfox over a scary ordeal for a couple of jet skiers rescue boat and eddystone delaware county pulled them to shore today but it's what led up to this point that pretty amazing. one of their jet skis stopped working out on the water so the men got on the jet ski that still ran and went to get tools. but when they went back out on the water, the working jet ski
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stopped working. the two men swam to chester island where they had to spend the night. before one swam for help this morning. >> the philadelphia police department gets a helping hand. a check for $45,000 was presen presented today to the philadelphia police foundation. it will help train officers promoted to sergeant police commissioner charles ramsay says he knows first hand how this can help. >> you are promoted and you put on a white shirt with stripes and, you know, go to the district go get them. you know and that was pretty much it. nothing really to prepare you and there's a better way and that better way is through education and training. >> the training includes the latest techniques in lauans for many operations, leadership skills and legal aspects of policing. the check was presented by motorola solutions. >> a lot brewing in the weather authority. another hot and humid day as temperatures soar into the 90s. fox 29 in fairmount park near the river today and look at
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geese. they know exactly how to cool off. very smart guys. you know, right now, chief meteorologist scott williams who is a brilliant guy is watching our ultimate doppler and there's a lot going on behind me. >> that's right. lucy, we have new information the storm prediction center has just placed our area under a city thunderstorm watch until 11:00 o'clock tonight. so that means conditions are definitely favorable for some damaging winds as well as some large hail. we have the heat. we have the humidity. we also have the source. we have a cold front that's approaching our area. so you can see all of the region we have that threat for severe weather. look at ultimate doppler. it is lit up especially toward the western and central part of the state right now. watching this nasty line of showers and thunderstorms. it's had history of severe thunderstorm warnings. you can see those boxes in yellow toward the central part of the state. we'll zoom in little closer and put a tracker on the system. you can see moving toward washington, d.c. by close to 7:30. if it holds together, not really approaching the philadelphia
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area until after 8:00 o'clock. so we have some time before the system moves in. so here's the timing. now through 7:00 that line is gathering some strength. it continues to approach from the west. from 7:00 until 9:00 o'clock it starts to move into the north and western suburbs. the philadelphia area, the i-95 corridor during this time frame and then from 9:00 until 11:00 the storms weaken a bit but move into south jersey and central and southern sections of delaware. so you can see as we watch the clock, that line approaches our area and things could get a little nasty later on this evening. more on the system coming up. >> scott, thank you. >> the diamond falls out of one woman's ring while she's shopping in the mall. the good news a worker found it and returned the gem. it's what she did before she return it that may not make a lot of sense. >> and a young couple takes on a giant utility company after a raw sewage ruined their brand new dream home. fox 29 investigates straight ahead.
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♪ >> there's a big -- >> we're running the red light. we're running the red light. >> those are the calls to 911 as a group of people band together to stop an erratic driver on utah road. 31 year old john mitchell was swerving and out of traffic
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along enter state 84 when other drivers tried to box him in and at one point police say one man got out of his vehicle and smashed mitchell's window. clearly, never a good idea. cops say he sped off and even knocked someone down. police caught up with him a short distance away. no word on any charges against mitchell or the man who smashed out his window. >> a ride in california remains closed tonight after leaving riders stranded and hurt. officials say nearly two dozen people were stuck on the ninja ride at six flags magic mountain in vallencia last night. four people suffered minor injuries. the state agency investigating says an entire tree fell on to the coaster's tracks causing the front car to go off the tracks. others in the park got scared and decided to go home. >> stuff happens on rides maybe it might help on the ride i'm on. >> i stressed out to get on any other rides. we decided to leave and i'm really happy we left. because that could have been me.
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>> officials say they were all stranded for about three hours. the park's website advertises that ninja swoops through the trees at up to 55 miles per ho hour. and portland oregon a woman faces domestic violence charges much police say sherri franklin poured scolding grease on her boyfriend while he was sleeping on july 4th. 54 year old herman jackson is in fair condition with burns to his face, his chest and his hands. detectives still aren't sure why that happened. >> it is a reunion 25 years in the making. a stolen high school ring is finally back in the hands of the rightful and incredibly grateful owner. margie elders work in her michigan high school's cafeteria just so she could save enough money to buy that ring, 1959 class ring, and she was one of the few in her family to actually graduate from high school. so it was incredibly precious. but years later, someone stole that rink from her home. fast forward to this year, and a guy with a metal detector dug it up in a nearby park. his aunt posted the find on
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facebook and within minutes, people connected her to margie elders. >> there was no mistake. it was mine. hit to be mine. i just couldn't believe it after 25 years and i had given up on it. i didn't think i'd ever see it again. >> she got it back. elders says she's keeping it in a very safe place and she still has no idea who took it in the first place. a bear breaks into a home and one teen steps into action to protect her family. >> and she did it with two shot guns. why her mother says she couldn't be more proud. ♪ >> this man just finished a game of racquetball at the gym when he collapsed and died. at least he sure look like he did. and it's what happened next that has him stunned he's still around. >> coming up a raw sewage spill leaves a young couple with thousands in repair bills and a grotesque mess. >> for sewage to just be flowing through the house it's pretty devastating. >> the couple's battling with a giant utility company to try and
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you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. so why are we so obsessed with turbo? because there's nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta.
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in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month. >> the fourth of july definitely filled with fireworks at a local rite aid but not the right kind. a robber targeted the store on city line avenue. here's what a surveillance camera caught. help catch him and end up with a $5,000 reward. if you know anything call police. >> tonight's fox 29 investigates a young couple takes on a giant utility company after raw sewage ruins their brand new dream
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house. and leaves them stuck with thousands in repair bills and a terrible mess. so who did they call? fox 29's jeff cole. >> last spring jonathan saul and fiance' danielle brought a brand new home in barrington, new jersey torque start their life together. >> they had to tear up the flooring. >> reporter: they had just moved in when they say the state's big utility company pse&g punctured their sewer line sending raw sewage into 21st floor rooms and the basement. >> the water was mostly in this corner right here. >> reporter: the couple was left with more than $15,000 in repair bills. >> we really put lot of time and effort into this, and money and for sewage just to be flowing through the house it's pretty devastating. >> where i'm standing is where our sewer line is. >> reporter: saul's builder says, he showed pse&g exactly where he had put in the sewer
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line and pointed out the sewer clean outs the line runs betwe between. >> this green pipe here is the clean out. and the straight line is the sewer which would be about 3-foot off of that corner. >> reporter: pse&g told saul the builder gave incorrect information regarding the location of the sewer line. builder charles kojesx. i says nonsense. >> pretty much a straight line at a straight line. you know we have our sewer run in straight line, and they crossed it twice and the second time they crossed it they clipped it. white pipe is our existing sewer line. >> reporter: homeowner and the builder took pictures. they showed the lines colliding and indicate pse&g mark the gas line 3 feet from the sewer line. not over 6 feet away as the company claimed in an evident male. pse&g flags do show the gas line cutting across the path of the sewer line. for month, saul battl battled wh pse&g before being told the
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incident did not occur due to negligence caused by pse&g, therefore, we are unable to cover your loss. >> seems like there's nothing i can do i'm at the mercy of the claims department at pse&g. remember, the company told saul it would not cover his loss but after fox 29 started asking questions and saul continued to press the case, pse&g sent a team out to look into the situation. once there, they refused to meet with saul while fox 29 was present and only came back after we agreed to leave so saul could try to get some answers. >> they came out here but they said, you know, we're still not sure if we're at fault, and we're still investigating. >> reporter: more than two months after the sewer line burst saul says nothing had changed. collectors started demanding payment of the sewage clean up bills and the builder stopped repair work on the ruined bath and laundry rooms which saul has
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never been able to use. finally, after first saying it would not cover saul's loss, pse&g offered him a settlement of $8,300. leaving saul to pay nearly $7,000. >> i was shocked at low it was. i'm thought it would be at least comparable. i feel like i was completely taken advantage of it's really -- i think it's really unfair. >> reporter: pse&g would not talk to us on camera but told saul it's settlement covers all usual and customary charges. fox 29 asked pse&g why it had changed its mind from first stating it would not cover the loss to offering an 8,300-dollar settlement. in statement the utility wrote it received additional information about the location of the sewer line from an independent adjuster it sent to the scene. the company says, its offer was based and what it thinks is the full value of the loss. >> pse&g is playing hard ball who are. >> reporter: gary, is president of the camden county
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bar association and he finds pse&g's conduct very troubling. >> the fact that they're coming back to the homeowners with a partial offer offends me. it's a disgrace. >> reporter: homeowners saul thinks so, too. he's rejected pse&g's entire $8,300 settlement offer and made a claim with his homeowner's insurance carrier in an attempt to get that entire $15,000 bill covered. he expects his insurance rates to go up. jeff cole, fox 29 news. >> we have breaking news in north philadelphia. two people are hurt after a crash. one was rushed to saint christopher's children's hospital and another temple. sky fox over the scene at eighth and lehigh right. right now we don't know how serious those people are hurt. but we do know four cars are involved. we'll bring you more information as it comes in. instead of taking the same p.m. every gay, what if you had a prescription just once? >> not once every week, not
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months nor year. weaver talking every 16 years. sounds incredible, doesn't it? >> still ahead, it's a new type of birth control that doctors could prescribe in the future. and summer vacation takes a terrifying turn for one man out enjoying some fun in the sun and the ocean. how four teenagers came to his rescue and saved his life. >> the phone rings, you answer it. the voice on the other end claims to be from theism rs and says, you owe thousands. >> everything was going to be taken away from me. my kids, my house, everything. my life. everything that i've built. >> an important warning tonight. what you need to listen for so you're not scammed. >> scott? >> iain, right now 3d storm views showing clouds developing to our west. a line of showers and thunderstorms bubbling up as well. thunderstorms bubbling up as well. so brian at citizens saidn one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing!
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i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers.
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>> a man in georgia is alive thanks to quick thinking trainers at his gym. he had just finished a game of racquetball when all of a sudden he collapsed, his heart had stopped.
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but he was surrounded by the exact right circumstance to survive. two personal trainers and a bystander heard the commotion and rushed over. they grabbed a defebrillator and shocked his heart. then administered cpr. paramedic arrived win seconds because one just happened to be right outside the gym. he says when he woke up at the hospital, this doctor told him how lucky he was. >> i acted -- they acted so quickly. i can't find any damage and he says, that's -- he said i can't tell you how important it was for them to get on you like they did. >> one of the personal trainers is a marine and she says she was just doing what she was trained to do. topping your health news tonight, a possible new way to detect alzheimer's. scientists are looking at a blood test that may be able to tell who will get alzheimer's disease. british researchers are looking at a set of 10 proteins in the blood that may predict the onset of alzheimer's. they use blood samples from more than 1100 people.
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all were analyzed for 26 proteins previously linked with alzheimer's. a second analysis look at people with mild cognitive impairment to see if they developed alzheimer's win a year their test had an 87% accuracy rating. research is needed before the test shows up in doctor's offices. >> if you're someone who gets constant headaches, chewing gum may be to blame. doctors have noticed link between chewing gum and headaches among patients. it can even lead to other problems in the joints and muscles. experts say talk to your physician if you think it could be creating an issue for you. >> to your money now, instead of paying for your medication every month what if you could just take one pill every 16 years? the bill and melinda gates foundation is fund agnew proje project. developer on a working on a birth control chip that would last 16 years. doctors would put that device under the skin and control it by wi-fi that would let you activate or deactivate it with a remote. researchers plan to tift as early as next year.
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the remote controlled contraception could hit the market in 218. >> all right. so a bear breaks into a home and one teen basically channels her inner rambo to protect her family. >> she did it with her two shot guns. why her mother says she couldn't be more proud. >> the diamond falls out of one woman's ring while she's shopping at the mall. the good news, a worker found it and returned the gem. but it's what she did before she returned it that may not make a lot of sense. >> and the phillies, they need to make changes to their baseball team and the general manager ruben amaro says he has plenty of options. manager ruben amaro says he has plenty of options. you won't believe what he said
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veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here!
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ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in.
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>> summer kay vision took a terrifying turn for one man enjoying the water a group of teenagers race to do his rescue. the teen thought a man might be in trouble so they swam on and did find him unconscious? >> so they flipped him over got him on his paddle board quickly pushed his board to shore where friends helped him get him on the dock. began cpr and called 911. >> it wasn't really like think first kind of thing. you need to do this right now. >> it's good to know we were able to help. obviously we wish we could have done more but we did everything we could. >> the teenagers learned cpr in school. quick thinking by a teenager in park cun tee colorado may have saved her and her family from a bear. as fox's john bowman shows us this teen is pretty handy with a shotgun. >> all i heard was just like
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just like crazy just like everything was being thrown, hit, messed with, rattled around. it was insane, and i was like either someone is in the garage someone is trying to break in or it's a animal. >> let's go with option three. her dogs leaping through the bare made opening in the door. >> i was like something broke in. >> reporter: that's when rose new grizzly rose came running with pair of shot guns. >> i stepped out and went like this and it came out and i just shot him and he went up and i shot him again and i shot him again. then i grab this gun really quick. and i thought he was going going and going and iran and ran and runnion i got down that thick this and shot him three more times. >> reporter: mom is super proud of her annie oakley style daughter. >> what i'm proud about she's a competitive shooter. she is 15. we believe in firearm. this could have been a very bad situation if she wasn't trained and very comfortable with guns. and very happy it turn out the
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way it did. >> reporter: even line backing brother hayden likes how little sis handled the incident. >> she's over achiever i guess you could say. softball, shooting, riding horses want not. she just loved it out here. she's a cool cat. >> reporter: rose usually hits what she's aiming at this is not quiet as big as a bear. let's see how she does. >> it was scary. >> reporter: shooting from the time she was was 10 rows is a in a meet this week glenn if i wouldn't have had my gun i don't know what i would have done. >> reporter: fox's john bowman told us rose hill has become new legend in her colorado communi community. >> she's a cool cat as her brother said. tennessee mall worker getting a lot of attention for her hones honesty. she found an expensive diamond at a store and return it. barbara wood, says she was working at the mall when a distraught customer reported that she lost a diamond from herring and not just any diamond it was more than 3.5 carats worth about $40,000. just before heading home for the day she spotted it but not
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convinced it was a real deal, instead of calling the lady she decided to head to the jeweler first and, you know, get an appraisal. >> she was just -- she just broke out in tears. she was just so excited and relieved. it was a happy ending. >> a lot of folks have been asking why she decided to get it appraised first. the worker says she feels good she was able to give the ring back to the woman especially since it was a gift from the woman's husband. >> good ending to that. >> absolutely. >> all right. >> and what about this weather another hot day out there today. >> the ingredients of fuel so do speak and we have a front that's moving our way. severe thunderstorm watch until 11:00 o'clock tonight. the main threat will be damaging winds as well as some hail. you can see the entire area highlighted in yellow. so keep an eye to the sky later on this evening the window roughly from 7:00 o'clock until 11:00 o'clock tonight. so as we look at that hour by hour forecast, you can see we're
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watching the skies temperatures stay in the low 90s still by 7:00. we're looking at mid 80s by 9:00 o'clock with those showers and thunderstorms moving from west to east across the area. nothing currently severe but look at ultimate doppler. it's lit up like a christmas tree toward the central part of the state. we're watching the green, the red, very heavy rainfall and also a lot of lightning associated with this so if you hear thunder you can be struck by lightning right now within this box we're looking at over 500 lightning strikes. we'll put a tracker on this system. you can see toward 7:30, moving toward the nation's capitol. if it holds together not really arriving toward the philadelphia area until after 9:00 o'clock. but already, starting to see some airport delays in new york city as well as the philadelphia international airport. because of the showers and thunderstorms headed this way. so let's do the timing from now until 7:00. watching that line of approach from the west. for roughly 7:00 until
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9:00 entering the north and western suburbs. approaching philadelphia as well as the i-95 corridor between that window and then from 9:00 until 11:00 the activity weakens a bit as it moves into south jersey and sections of delaware. so most of the severe weather will likely be north and west of the philadelphia area. we'll put a timer on this as we watch out things play out by six, 7:00 o'clock starting to move toward the pocono mountains as well as the western suburbs with that line mainly producing damaging winds. by 8:00 o'clock, continuing to inch toward the philadelphia area from 8:00 until 9:00 right on top of the philadelphia area. the i-95 corridor. then it weaken as it moves into south jersey. diminishing as we move toward the 11:00 o'clock time frame. during the day tomorrow, we'll find more showers and thunderstorms developing mainly during the second half of the day. it's not going to be a complete wash out. but you can see scattered showers in south jersey sections of delaware as well as the pocono mountains but this system will bring some heat relief.
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as we move toward the latter part of the week. not so much today. 95 degrees. that was the high temperature. 5 degrees away from the record set back in 1993 of 100 degrees. so upper 80s, low 90s across the area. and look at the dew points. above 60. any time it's above 60 degrees, that dew point the measure of moisture in the at months fee it's going start to feel oppress si it feels like 96 in philadelphia. feels like 97 in wilmington. and it feels like 99 degrees right now in dover. the low temperature for tonight, 74 degrees. we're looking at 90 tomorrow. scattered showers and storms. but not as humid as we move into your thursday as well as friday and then for the upcoming weekend, the humidity increases and sunday there could be a pop up shower or storm. better chances monday and temperatures stay in the mid to upper 80s. iain. >> all right, scott thanks. >> we're following breaking news for you right now. skyfox is over the scene in moorestown, new jersey, there are some trees and wires down on east main street in moorestown
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and that's got the road shut down in both directions. it's closed between martre avenue and stan wick road. no word on when it will reopen or why that tree went down in the first place. >> how war eskin looking and chronically how the phillies have gone down and how they can pick themselves back up. >> you got three years? >> is that the plan? three-year plan? >> no. their two years away from being two years away from being two years away. >> the phillies play game two of the four-game series at milwaukee coming off win last night. ruben amaro had a meeting with the team last night and i was told pretty much all ruben said the team has to play better. boy, that's a shock. today on wip ruben sounded dilusional about his baseball team. >> we got a lot of talent on our club, um, i think that other teams know it. we got players in the case if we get to the point where we -- some of these players off our club there's going to be opportunities to do that, because there's some talented
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players here who have value. these are conversations that will continue from now and started even months ago. continue all the way through the end of this month and then beyond that. >> i'm little can't fused here. he says they have value and options. jimmy rollins and chase it hal no trade clauses. cliff lee is hurt and a partial no trade. dom brown and ben revere can't play. and ryan howard and jonathan papelbon make too much money. am i missing something? ruben talks about one possible move at first base. my gosh. we'll talk about that at 6:00. >> last night a couple of interesting double plays. let's go to cleveland and take a look. this is a good one. jacoby elsberry hits it to the cleveland first baseman what a nice play. tags first. gets the runner out at the plate. the catcher made nice play right there, too. and this is really a good double play. good pop up, right? on on first has no clue where the ball is. why didn't he have a clue? a
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pop up to third. because derek jeter even in his final year kind of snook kerred him a little bit faking that the ball was there. he was dead meat. still no word on two big free agents in the nba reporters trying to act like sherlock holmes with this stuff. lebron james scheduled to be at kids nike camp tomorrow he's going to the world cup final in brazil. sounds like nothing until next week. now, according to reports and again they're all over the place, who knows whether they are right, as far as carmelo annal knee, one report has him going to the knicks. another said he's going to the bulls. let me just tell you something about players most of them. it's about the money. and the 96 can pay him more. >> stage four of tour de france concluded. the same leader jeremy marcel kit tell now he wins the stage four but the overall leader wears the yellow jersey and that's vincenzo neeblely. this is after stage four. watch sunday i want you to watch sunday. after stage three. now, he's on the stage. he's on the podium.
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two wonderful young ladies there one gets a kiss. one gives a kiss. and the other -- are you kidding me? are you kidding me? throw a little peck out l just little bit. what is she doing to the poor guy? >> maybe she don like him. (laughter). >> still. maybe she thought i can't believe of all people he's the one i've got to be up here. >> you don't know the back story. >> you don't know the ba story. >> we'll look into that howard. we have another half hour full of news straight ahead right now your weather authority look at that doppler right there tracking storms heading our way. when you can expect the rain, the storms and whatever it is in your neighborhood at 6:00. >> investigators release the 911 calls made seconds after a deadly fire in southwest philadelphia. while a community mourns the loss of four young lives. protesters are demanding answe answers. we are live with team coverage. fox 29 news at six starts right after this.
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>> live from send city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> first tonight new developments in a deadly row home fire in southwest philadelphia. >> four houses? >> four houses. four houses are on fire! >> four houses on fire. >> yes. >> all right. >> four houses on fire. >> a just released 911 call made shortly after names broke out on
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the 6500 block of gesner street early saturday morning. that fire killed four children and left dozens of people homeless. thank you for joining us at 6:00. lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. tonight the physical fire department continues to defend its response to that deadly fire even as the community demands answers. we have team coverage of this developing story for you tonig tonight. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live in southwest philadelphia where neighbors are grieving, but we begin with fox 29's shawnette wilson live in city's spring garden neighborhood where firefighters say they did everything they could to battle the flames. shawnette? >> reporter: well iain in addition to 911 calls from residents, we were also able to hear a call from crews on the scene requesting additional resources. officials insist that firefighters were there on that scene when they were supposed to be. >> they were on scene one minute after the ladder -- the ladder arrived on scene. >> fire commissioner says


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