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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  June 17, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> breaking next life wires come crashing down and flames on a local highway. where hotel guests had to evacuate. >> and a teen is told he can't take his dmv photo unless he take off
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>> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome. right now at 10:00, exploding wine bottles. if you have this in your home, get rid of it. what may be causing this prosecco to blow. >> a made of honor accused of ripping off a bride on her wedding day. police say she swiped the rings and honeymoon money. >> we begin with breaking news in camden county. dangerous scene on cherry hill highway. skyfox over route 70 where live wires came down across all six lanes tonight. >> good evening and thanks for joining us i'm iain page. >> route 70 is closed in both directions near cuthbert road.
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fox 29's dave kinchen is live near the scene with the very latest for us. dave? >> reporter: still a very active scene out here. i'll step out of the way. we actually do have some good news. parts of eastbound route 70 have opened. some of the lanes have opened up. we've seen some cars coming our way, but westbound a different story. it is still blocked. traffic is being redirected to cuthbert of the now you can see another view from skyfox just how large this whole thing is. a lot of emergency vehicles responding to these live wires dealing with this situation creating a lot of headaches tonight. >> wires puffed smoke into the air as they lay down across a shut down stretch of route 70 in cherry hill. traffic backed up as police redirect drivers trying to get around the mess -- >> the lights start flashing. alarms going off. everybody had to evacuate pretty much. >> dozens of guests at the crown plaza hotel forced outside on a warm night with the main power
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system down. >> the electricity is out. kids had to walk down 10 flights of stairs. that was a bit much. >> there isn't much to do except watch the fires burn. it's like fireworks. >> i'm sure it's going to be quite sometime before they restore this. >> reporter: and those lights just came on at the hotel. in fact, we learned from pse&g that 2700 customers were without power with this whole thing but the power has been restored. we still don't know the exact cause of this situation. we don't know if it was related to weather or relate to do any construction in the area. all of those details we're still trying to discover. right back to you guys, dawn? >> thanks so much, dave. happening now it is the hottest day of the year so far. but tomorrow it will be even hotter and stormy. let's get right over to chief meteorologist scott williams. we are in the 90s today and tomorrow warmer? yes, that's right. today the high was 93 degrees. tomorrow is going to be even hotter than that. we were 10 degrees above
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average. the hottest day so far this year. and the heat advisory goes into effect tomorrow from noon until 7:00 o'clock for the heart of the area. we're looking at feels like temperatures approaching the upper 90s. so becoming dangerous. right now it's 83 degrees. dew points above 60. it still feels like the mid and upper 80s across the area but look at future temperatures. by midnight we're talking 81 degrees in philadelphia. and then watch what happens tomorrow morning at 7:00 o'clo 7:00 o'clock. already approaching near 80 degrees. by lunch time, yeah, we'll be in the 90-degree range and temperatures will get even hotter than that tomorrow afternoon. so overnight, increasing humidity. the first half of the day tomorrow a muggy start. a rapid rise in temperatures and that heat advisory kicks in the second half of the day. coming up we'll track the threat for some strong to potentially severe storms as well. >> all right. scott, thank you. developing to night, sadness after a freak accident turns deadly in delaware. skyfox over the scene on
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route 13 in wilmington manor after a chain reaction crash sends an suv flying into a man on lawnmower. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live along route 13 with the accident tonight with new information. sabina? >> reporter: iain tonight we know two people were killed in this freak accident. both of them young men in their 20s and a co-worker of one of the men says the entire wilmington university campus is shaken. flowers placed amidst the debris of a bizarre accident that killed two people and shocked wilmington university's campus. a toppled utility pole and deep skid mark remain at the spot where a jeep cherokee jump the curb and struck a man on riding mower just after 1:30 tuesday afternoon. >> every day he would come in had a smile on his face. i never seen him angry. >> reporter: brenda gallagher serves lunch in the cafeteria.
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she said the man on the mower was a maintenance worker who ate at her station every day since last summer. university officials have not committed with jiminez flores was an employee. >> i was leaving to pick my daughter up for work and i seen the accident happened. >> reporter: this was the scene from overhead. the mangled lawnmower, the jeep with front end smashed in. police say the suv hit two other vehicles before jumping a concrete barrier going over the grass and then striking the mower. the jeep's driver 25 year old derek win was also killed. one other person had only minor injuries. >> very strange and our heart goes out to the families of anyone who was involved in this. i mean it's just something we could never have anticipated. >> reporter: wilmington university says its campus is grateful to the first responders who quickly arrived to help. folks person laurie beck says the school feels lucky no students were walking in the area when the accident happened. >> i'm devastated because it's someone you see every day. it's someone that you talk to so you could just see his smile every day you should take as a gift from god because you never
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know when it could end or something tragic could happen. >> reporter: state police are investigating whether the driver of the suv suffered a medical condition that may have led to this accident. dawn? >> is a beep in a, thank you. we are following breaking news for you tonight out of nigeria. a powerful explosion hits a venue where people were gathering to watch the world cup. fox 29's shawnette wilson is live in our newsroom tonight. shawnette, what can you tell us so far. >> reporter: dawn, several people are reported dead and at least 15 others are critically hurt. now, here's what we can tell you. a suicide bomber detonate add tricycle taxi packed with explosives. it was driven into the area zune after the brazil mexico match started. there was no immediate claim for the blast, but witnesses were blaming boca haram fighters responsible for holding hostage 250 schoolgirls kidnapped two months ago. nigeria's military has promised increased security but has not had success in stopping the stream of attacks.
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by the extremists. poke quo haram leader threatened to sell the girls into slavery unless the government greece to exchange them for extremists. >> prior to this explosion, poke company haram fighters targeted football viewing centers and sports bars. two explosion in recent weeks killed at least 40 people in two northern cities. dawn? >> thank you shawnette. sky fox over a fire in montgomery county. the fire breaking out inside a home on the 600 block of northfield lane. that's in lower salford. it started around 7:00 o'clock this evening and it took about an hour for firefighters to get the flames under control. fortunately no one was hurt and firefighters are working to make sure that all those hot spots are out tonight. still no word yet on how that fire started. a man is in the hospital after jumping into a quarry. sky fox flew over the 3400 block of saint peters road in elvers elverson, chester county. police say the man was with his girlfriend when he jumped. he was flown to the hospital. we're told he suffered a spinal
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jr. no word yet on his condition. >> a man is killed in three others including a firefighter are injured in a fast-moving fire in wilmington. flames spread on the 100 block of bird street late last night. two women managed to get out but suffered significant burns. the building collapsed with a man inside. the medical examiner's office is working to identify that victim and notify his family. a firefighter also suffered minor injuries. the delaware state fire marshal is helping with the fire investigation. >> now to a major development tonight in the deadly benghazi attack against americans. the pentagon says one of the militants responsible for it is now in u.s. custody. military officials say special operations forces apprehended akmed abu khattala in libya. he's the first person captured and facing charges for that 2012 attack. president obama hopes it sends a strong message to terrorists. >> when americans are attacked,
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no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice. >> republicans are preceese pressing the administration to fully interrogate khattala before he's turned over to the american justice system. u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans were killed after the u.s. consulate came under siege burning to the ground. and more u.s. troops are heading to iraq as violence is escalating there tonight. officials say 275 u.s. troops are being deployed. about 160 of them will help the embassy security and the rest will be forwarded to station outside of iraq. 10 people are killed and dozens wounded in another car bomb in baghdad. asthma will he is a men have allegedly executed four dozen sunny prisoners during a siege on the facility. the president plans to discuss the situation in iraq with house and senate leaders at the white house tomorrow. >> help is on the way for a small nebraska town nearly wiped
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out by rare twin tornadoes. the national weather service now says as many as four twisters touched down monday in and around pilger. a five year old little girl an 75 year old died during the storm. the twisters damaged dozens of homes and businesses. the sheriff there says the tornadoes destroyed nearly 50 to 75% of the town. pilger's school is damaged beyond repair. the town's 350 residents have all had to evacuate. >> i've never seen a tornado at all in my life and i grew up in northeast nebraska. it wasn't a wish but i got to see something today i wish i never would have seen. >> those tornadoes were part of a storm system that brought severe weather to many midwestern states more than a dozen people were hurt across that region. ♪ >> a man driving down highway spots a baby crawling out of a ditch on to the road. what her parents say they were doing as their little girl crawled a quarter of a mile away from home. this teen passed his driving test but was not loud to take a picture of his license until he
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took off his make up. why the dmv insists he's got to look more like a boy. >> plus a made of honor accused of stealing from the bride on her wedding day. police say she swiped the rings and cash for the honeymoon. the slip up that got her busted coming up. >> exploding bottles of wine. it's so dangerous consumers are being told to toss out the wine immediately. what might be causing a certain brand of prosecco to blow.
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♪ >> more video tonight of a bear wandering around in burlington county. debbie, says she took this
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footage as the bear was looking around in her backyard. many residents want the bear gone and state wildlife officials say there's nothing they can do unless it poses a serious threat to someone. they say the bear is not being aggressive right now and the bear is being tracked based on all of the recent sightings. >> a man walks into a northeast philadelphia shoe store preten pretending to be a customer. moments later he pulls a large gun on store workers as fox 29's dave schratwieser reports the suspect's weapon really has police worried tonight. >> reporter: police have he had stepped up foot patrols at the rows fifty three mall off cottman avenue after a gun toting suspect was caught on tape as he pulled off a daring daylight robbery at this foot action store and made off with thousands of dollars in merchandise and cash. >> he made out more with clothing than he did cash. >> i look around everywhere i government you never know. you got that be careful. >> reporter: lots of shoppers use this mall. there's a police substation here and plenty of security. but that didn't stop the suspe
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suspect. he started waving that big gun around just after 7:00 o'clock with customers still in the store. >> he had that much heart to do that across from police station, no telling what they would have done if a cop would have walked in. >> now i'm a little scared. i'm happy i'm with my mom. >> reporter: sources tell fox 29 the suspect had been shopping for almost 20 minutes ordering size 13 sneakers and having a store employee pick out lots of clothing supposedly for his son's graduation. then he announced the robbery and threatened to blow an employee's head off. >> large caliber gun, semi automatic, it's silver, it's huge. and we're a little concerned about that. >> reporter: suspect had a female employee empty the cash registers. then locked workers in a back room piling items in front of the door so they couldn't esca escape. then the suspect could be seen picking up half a dozen bags of merchandise and calmly walking out. thankful nobody got hurt. >> reporter: foot act has a security guard posted in the store but customers are
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concerned. >> i hope they catch him. >> reporter: dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. ♪ >> and breaking news overseas right now. malaysian's government says a boat carrying 97 people has capsized off its coast. 66 people are currently missing. government officials say the men, women and children on board were from inn dough knee yeas and likely trying to reach malaysia illegally. >> philadelphia district attorney seth williams will hold a press conference tomorrow morning. he'll make a announcement on the controversial sting that snared four area legislators an former traffic court judge. this is the controversial case that exploded in bold headlines earlier in the year when it was revealed that attorney general kathleen cane declined to prosecute the legislators and former judge despite recordings of them allegedly taking cash and gifts. cane argued the investigation was racially tainted and poorly done. some eventually turned the entire case over to philadelphia da williams who will speak publicly about it in the morni
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morning. >> and crews clean up the apartment of a man accused of sending ricin laced letters hatboro residents of nicholas hellman being scowered today. he was arrested back in march for allegedly sending a ricin laced card to the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend. he's now facing many charges including attempted murder. local public safety officials are coordinating the decontamination process. it includes cleaning and testing all items in the apartment. >> this treatment basically decomposes the ricin which is a protein made by plants and it's toxic. decomposes it to harmless chemicals that eventually will evaporate. >> authorities say they were tipped off about the alleged crime by hellman's co-worker. the company helping in the clean up evident has also been used in the aftermath of the world trade center tragedy, hurricane katrina and super storm sandy. >> with time running out to set a budget for the fall philadelphia school district
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officials today renewed their plea for nearly a hundred million dollars in additional funding from the city, state and their own teachers just to open up the schools. bruce gordon has the latest on a budget crisis that gross more and more dire with each passing day. >> reporter: with final grades already in on this last week of the school year, parkway center city high school isn't exact al beehive of activity. but take look around and you'll get an idea of the new normal for philadelphia schools. the building is 90 years old. it's cold in the winter. blisterly hot come june. there's one full-time school police officer. one guidance counselor for nearly 600 kids and one part-time nurse. they are short textbooks and lost three teachers to layoffs this school year. pushing average class sizes above 30 kids. karen dunkley spent seven years at school district headquarters before becoming parkway's principal this year. >> that isn't what you expected, worse than what you expected in terms of the conditions under which you have to operate?
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>> i think the conditions under which we have to operate are really intolerable. >> reporter: school superintendent william hite sent letter tuesday begging for $96 million in additional funding simply quote to maintain the status quo which is wholly inadequate. >> stop acting like these are other peoples's children. >> amen. >> these are our children. (applause). >> reporter: hite was joined in a news conference by school reform commission chairman bill green. who said school kids have already sacrificed enough. the city, state and teachers union must step up to the plate. >> we have to guinness team the resources to transform our schools which will transform our city. >> reporter: but with none of that money certain the schools teeter along. back at parkway, 81 seniors are practicing for graduation. 80 are preparing for college. one for the military. but their principal says they deserved a better education than the one they got. >> i'm wondering why we don't see this outcry that says equity
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and access and excellence now. >> reporter: we said those butch clocks were running out. city council is expected to recess for the summer after this thursday's meeting with no indication they're prepared to add any extra money to the pot n a written statement responding to hite's request for more funding council president clark said the council members have already done plenty to fund the schools and called the district's budget crisis quote self inflicted. in the newsroom, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. >> celebration in camden tonight where lights are being turned on at a park. the park has baseball fields, basketball courts a bike path and a playground. officials say the lights were improve its use and tonight's event featured live music, face painting and refreshments. neighborhood police officers were also on hand to meet and celebrate with some of the residents. >> let's get you over to scott williams now for a look at your steamy wednesday forecast. yeah, you know, iain, temperatures are going to warm rapidly as we move over the next
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12 hours. you can see overnight upper 70s by 1:00 a.m. and by 7:00 a.m., 77 degrees. what about 84 degrees by 10:00 o'clock tomorrow and then at lunch time, until 7:00, yes, we have that heat advisory that kicks in feels like temperatures will be in the upper 90s. so limit your outdoor exposure. we'll also flirt with record territory. the record high for philadelphia tomorrow 96 degrees. the forecast is 95. and several other locations at jeopardy. coming up we'll have the timing of the threat for this system to impact our area late tomorrow evening with the potential of some strong and severe storms. >> all right. thank you, scott. a pennsylvania police officer is off the streets to night after he's caught on tape punching a woman at a gay pride festival. what the officer says he was trying to do when it all went down. >> and a student who stripped on stage during his high school graduation says it wasn't a prank. the very serious reason he claims he lost his clothes in
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front of a crowd. >> plus a 911 dispatcher takes a call about an injured child and quickly realizes it's her own five year old son. how she handled what she's five year old son. how s[ male announcer ]e's tv's come a long way.
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>> cell phone video catches a pittsburgh police officer grabbing a woman by the the hair and punching her. it happened at city's gay pride festival this weekend. now the officer claims he was trying to break up a fight.
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the woman he hit reportedly fought back kicking him in the groin. she is now facing charges for assault and resisting arrest. the officer is on desk duty while that incident is under investigation. >> was eight prank? north carolina student who stripped on stage during his high school graduation says it wasn't. quinton murphy says the decision to drop his clothing was actually his way of protesting the plight of veterans suffering from ptsd. murphy says his uncle and grandfather who are both veterans were mistreated and he now has a message for anyone who may have been offended by his strip act. >> i'm sorry. i deeply apologize if you guys took it the wrong way. we do not have the best va hospital. i've been with my uncle and grand dad and seen how poor things are. these are men that have served. >> despite his family's approval the school has banned murphy from school property.
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also, he will not be getting his diploma for a few months. >> a star from the jersey shore is arrested accused of fighting outside a tanning salon. mike the situation sorrentino charged with simple assault. police say he got into some kind of confrontation outside the boca salon around two clock in middletown township. and his family actually owns the tanning salon. the situation posted $500 bail and was released. he is set to star in a reality series this summer that will center around the family's tanning salon. exploding wine bottles. it is so dangerous consumers are being told to toss out the wine right away. what might be causing a certain brand of prosecco to blow. >> and a man driving down a highway spot as baby crawling out of a ditch on to the road. what her parents say they were doing as their little girl crawled a quarter of a mile away from home. >> aneurysm threatens the lives of a pregnant woman and her
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unborn child. the extraordinary measures doctors took to save both of them. you'll meet the miracle mom
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♪ >> guy steals a wallet from popular old city bar, then goes on a shopping spree. police are looking for the man in this surveillance video. they say he was in mack's tavern on the 200 block of market street back on june 8th and took a man's wallet then police say he used the victim's credit card at wawa, target and wal*mart. so far there are no suspects. >> a warning for wine drinkers tonight. exploding bottles forced dozens of cases prosecco off the shelves all over pennsylvania. >> and fox 29's drew dickman tells us what to look out for in our liquor cabinets. >> reporter: the prosecco has only been on the shelf since the beginning of the month. now these bottles are being recalled because they're spontaneously exploding before wine drinkers even pop the cork. the whole thing goes poof like this. these bottles of 2013 selections prosecco brut uncould being the
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celebration early. >> the only bottles this would happen to is champagne prosecco. things that have bubbles in it. which cause lot of pressure. >> reporter: the wine school of philadelphia director keith wallace says he's only read about this happening in history books. >> this is shocking because the last time i heard about this was in the 1800's. >> reporter: the pennsylvania liquor control board took the italian sparkling wine off the shelves and 180 stores across the state. a spokesperson says the cork pops and the glass shatters were they explode. so far there are only reports of bursting bottles and fine wine and good spirits stores they don't want to take any chances. >> it's not just dangerous. that can be life threatening. i mean this is shards of glass coming at you at, you know, 50 miles an hour. >> reporter: the board says they're looking into why the bubbly keeps bursting. wallace says storage temperature could be just one every the reasons the bottles that retail for 12.99 are breaking. >> they put a little too much pressure into that bottle, and then the glass is just weak
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enough that puppy can explode. >> reporter: if you have one of these bottles at home the liquor control board is asking you to throw it away immediately and not bring it back to the store where you purchased it. however, they are issuing full refunds. reporting in center city, drew dickman, fox 29 news. >> you can find a link showing a list of all the stores that sold the wine on our website just go to the scene on tv section of >> a one year old georgia girl is safe tonight after a good samaritan stopped to save her. he was driving along a busy hoy way when he looked over and saw her crawling out of a ditch. brian colins said he was so shocked he stopped his truck in the middle of the road. he says the little girl was crying and crawling towards traffic. collins and other drivers called 911. deputees say the 15 month old was a quarter of mile away from home. they believe she crawled through the woods and then fell down a 10-foot embankment near the highway. >> from snake bites to inn second bites, allergic reactions to traffic -- to traffic
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accident. it could have been just an awful situation. the little girl's father showed up and told deputees he'd been looking for her along with other family members. deputees arrested pickens for child cruelty and wreck less conduct. investigators say the pickens and his wife told deputees the girl's older siblings were supposed to be watching her while they did yard work. >> it has been an exciting day two at the 2014 special olympic games in new jersey. athletes competed today for medals in track and field and swimming. fox's sharon crowley spoke to some of the competitors about what this means to them. >> reporter: and now we're here at princeton university where swimming and track and field took place just more exciting competition. new jersey special olympics athletes 17 year old jacqueline fuentes pulled far away from the pack to take home a gold medal for track and field. she learned about the games just a few years ago, and has been competing ever since. like so many of these athletes, the games have changed how she feels about herself.
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>> i'm more friendly to people and i'm not as shy. i'm more outspoken and open now. >> reporter: princeton university is helping to host the special olympics 2014 u.s. a games here this week in new jersey. athletes competed on the ivy league campus in track and field and swimming. nicole is a special olympi olyms athlete from hawaii who swam her way to gold. >> how do you feel? i'm feeling really good about it. >> reporter: what keeps her moving so fast? >> my perseverance. i never give up. >> reporter: susanna brown made ithica, new york, proud. >> my coach told me i need to be proud of myself and give myself more confidence than what i do. >> reporter: 21 year old keith fisher from piscataway new jersey didn't let the heat outside slow him down. he credits the special olympics with building his confidence on and off the track. >> it's helping me open up about myself more. i'm not as shy any more as i used to be. >> reporter: the games
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indicator to athletes with intellectual disabilities. more than the thrill of competition, the games are an opportunity for those who can often feel isolated to feel like they belong. >> i made a lot of friends. meeting new people that i compete with. >> i love it. everybody is so kind and nice to each one -- each other. >> it's unified and it's like another word for togetherness. so that's good. >> reporter: very good indeed. more than 3500 athletes are competing this week and their friends and family are here to cheer them on for a very exciting week of competition. sharon crowley, fox news. >> and we will be there for all the action at this year's special olympic usa games you can track all of it, too, by going to our website we have set up a link right there on our home page. >> this team passed -- teen passed his driving test but wasn't loud to take a picture for his license while he was wearing make up. why the dmv insists he's got to
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look more like boy. >> amazon is planning to make big announcement tomorrow but there's a lot of buzz about it tonight. the internet giant's plan to launch a smart phone want you'll need to do to get one. >> and for five grand will hook you up with someone who looks just like your ex. why the popular dating website believes a lot of peopl
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♪ talk about be trail. mod made of honor accused of stealing the bride's purse, wedding rings and the honeymoon cash on her wedding day. eden boswell of west virginia and her husband elvis appeared in court after the bride's missing valuables were found in their truck. >> the made of honor boswell the defendant stole her purse and took it to her truck where her husband elvis boswell was waiting. they accidentally locked themselves out of the truck. >> if convicted the so-called made of dishonor and her husband could end up spending up to 39 months in jail. in your money tonight a highly anticipated product launch amazon is expected to unveil its new smart phone
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tomorrow. the device could be exclusive to at&t. no one knows any details about the phone. some analysts believe it could be 3d. not known the price tag but some industry insiders say like the kindle amazon may sell at cost and working on making its money on the traffic flowing to the website. >> a popular dating website is going high tech to help clients find the one but i have to tell you it's not cheap. is now using facial recognition software. the idea is to help users find a date based on what their ex looks likes. yes, and that's because dating experts believe that most people have a type. the cost for this new service $5,000. the company says included in that is a six month membership and help from a dating coach. >> well, imagine someone at the dmv telling you you have to remove your makeup before having your photo taken. a teen boy from south carolina says that's exactly what happened to him. 16 year old chase culpeper says
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he does not conform to anyone gender. he prefers male pronounce but wears girls clothing and makeup. he says it's his way of expressing himself but when he took his driving test back in march at anderson south carolina he passed. but he says the dmv says he has to remove the makeup. >> she told us i cannot wear a disguise because according to them makeup was a disguise. and that i did not look like a boy should. south carolina dmv policy states that people cannot be photographed if it appears they're trying to alter their appearance. chase says he's still trying to figure out who he really is. >> a 911 dispatcher takes a call about a seriously injured five year old little boy and soon figures out it's her own son. how she says she got through the most stressful few moments of her life. plus she's being called a miracle mom. a pregnant woman suffers severe chest pain and doctors quickly discover a large aneurysm.
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threatening her life and the baby's. the extraordinary efforts to save them coming up next. scott? >> iain, even hotter conditions on the way. but find out w
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>> terrifying realization for a 911 dispatcher in virginia as she takes a call about her own son. the woman answered an emergency call about a five year old little boy that had been run over by a lawnmower. it turns out her son had run up behind the mower of a relative that he was driving and he was accidentally hit. listen to the woman's voice as she takes the emergency call. >> we got 668 en route and i'm on my way, that's my son. >> i knew there was an urgency in her voice. i said oh my gosh, it's jaden. >> the little boy lost two toes in the accident. but he is expected to make a full recovery. >> new mom is is incredibly lucky to be alive. she began having severe chest pains. >> the reason study everyone involved in her care. fox 29's karen hepp has this miracle mom's remarkable story.
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>> reporter: it still seems like dream. 35 year old a deed today tracy eight months pregnant with two year old savannah at home. her back started hurting. >> it wasn't sharp pain. it was just pressing. >> she called her husband ken. as the pain moved to the front of her chest, she dialed 911. >> the last thing i remember is emergency people coming and that's it. i don't remember anything else. >> reporter: at the emergency room, doctors started running tests trying to find out if something was wrong with the baby or a did it at a. an obstetrician ordered kt scan to look for blood clots. healthy, active, no symptoms until that day was in grave danger. her aorta the main blood vessel feeding blood from her heart to the rest of her body was not only bulging it was ripping apart. >> that's when everything started moving quick. going from one nurse to about 12 people in there. >> reporter: the doctor
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immediately sent scans to heart surgeon dr. omar will he tooth on his cell phone. >> that's the aneurysm there. that was very scary. >> reporter: doctors knew she didn't have much time. so they airlifted her to another hospital where two surgical teams were gathering. one to deliver the baby. the other to try and save her. >> everyone knowing exactly what needs to be done and to do it right the first time. there's no miss steps in this one. absolutely no miss steps. >> reporter: she would would be in surgery foreclose to nine hours. high-risk obstetrician dr. john horton's team went first. >> when they put a mom under full sleep anesthesia, that medication is now running towards baby. and so i need to get the baby as efficiently as possible. >> as soon as mom went to sleep, literally, literally more than 30 seconds the baby was out and screaming. >> then doctor will he tooth's took over. she was his most complicated
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case in 30 years. the tear in her aorta stretched nearly a foot long. he opened her chest, drained the blood pooling around her heart then placed her on a heart lung bypass cooling down her body and with his wife still on the table, ken held they are baby for the first time. >> she'll be our joyous occasion and now you still -- your mind goes right back to she's going to make it. the whole night was up and down. >> she made it and the next day woke up in the icu where they brought her arabella. >> it was a great feeling to know that the baby was alive. >> what a great feeling to be able to save a mom's life and to ensure that that baby will be in the arms of her mom for the rest of her life. >> she's expected to make full recovery. doctors are trying to figure out what caused her aorta to bulge and then tear. they think she might have had spike in her blood pressure. that's a condition called i clam
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see ya. i'm karen hepp, fox 29 news. >> happy ending there. yeah. good story. >> let's check in with scott williams and we are getting steamy here. >> yeah, hazy, hot and humid. iain, 10 degrees above average. 93 degrees our first 90-degree plus day of 2014, and get this, it's going to be even hotter come tomorrow. let's talk about what to expect for the overnight staying warm, the humidity continues to increase, so muggy for your start. wednesday morning we're looking at temperatures rising rapidly. we'll probably hit 90 degrees by lunch time across the area. and as we move toward the second half of the day, from noon until 7:00 o'clock we have that heat advisory and then some evening and overnight thunderstorms in the forecast. temperatures right now, still pretty warm. 84 in reading. 83 right now in allentown. this is our typical high temperature for this time of year. 83 right now in the philadelphia area. so still pretty warm as we roll the clock future temperatures
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showing by 7:00 a.m. upper 70s across the board and then look at the clock. by 1:00 hitting 90 degrees likely along the i-95 corridor and then etages gets even warmer low to mid 90s expected for highs. but feels like temperatures when you factor in that humidity will be in the upper 90s much that's why we have that heat advisory from noon until 7:00. so drink a lot of water. stay hydrated. limit your outdoor expose insures. check on the elderly as well as young children. as we focus in on our satellite and radar, look at the storms gathering in sections of the planes. it will take some time to get here. but the storm prediction center has issued a slight risk for severe weather mainly far north and west into the lehigh valley as well as the pocono mountains. so rolling the clock, we'll look for sunshine, clouds, hazy, hot and humid by nine, 10:00 o'clock watching for a few scattered showers and thunderstorms moving in during the overnight then thursday it look like we'll start with steamy conditions,
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scattered showers and storms likely as we move throughout the day on thursday, but that system will put an end to the heat. 70s and 60s for lows tonight. tomorrow, 95 degrees and once again we'll watch out for some of those evening showers and thunderstorms. and then as we move toward thursday high of 87 degrees. not as hot with that passage of the front moving in to your thursday, friday, 84 degrees. and then the weekend upper 70s to right around 80 but it look like you'll need to keep the rain gear handy. >> all right. another steamy day. >> summer is almost here. all right. >> thank you, scott. >> by the temperature it is he here. all right. span the globe tonight in sports. from japan to brazil. and it was a hot night at the phillies game tonight and the and it was a hot night at the phillies game tonight and the phthe wonder of summer is that
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i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter.
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and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $329 a month. >> figure this out. the phillies lose two of three to the chicago cubs at home and then they come back and win the first two on the road against the braves. hard to explain. and maybe mike schmidt should do more work with the phillies hitters. let me explain. let's go to atlanta. all right. it's hot there. verdict this at citizens bank park. a little midst to cool -- mist to cool the fans off. first inning. one on. ryan howard worked with mike schmidt in the batting cage
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before the game. he's hit two homeruns since. maybe there's a story there. phillies up to two to nothing here in the fourth inning. pass balls dominic brown scores much that's the runs the phillies needed and they beat the braves kyle kendrick gets the win. phillies win five-two. the new york yankees best player this 84 is pitcher. japanese pitcher, 155 million they paid for him tour seven years. and this guy coming from japan can pitch. 10 strikeouts, six innings. leads the major leagues in wins with 11. yankees beat toronto who were in first place. >> hottest team is kansas city. kansas city in the dark uniforms here great catch. lorenzo cane this is their ninth straight win. they beat detroit at detroit. now in first place and they win 11-four. imagine that kansas city in first place. all right. another day of practice for the eagles, and it was smoking hot. they have two more days of this mini camp before the players go on vacation until the last week of july. that's when training camp
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begins. all right. the offense will be the most look at part of this time going into the season. nick foles is the starting quarterback from day one, we know that, and i hear the questions about jeremy maclin and will he be okay coming back from a torn acl? he did tell me he thinks he's actually faster now than he was before. and people should not worry about his previous injury. >> we got plays i've had to kind of stretch out and run out, you know, and kind of dig a little bit and i made though plays. plays i got to jump and catch the ball. the next step is actually getting tackled. once you get past that i'll be at 12 months any way. i mean it's healed. >> all right. we span the globe tonight. we are still in round one of the world cup. and a goalkeeper battle between mexico and brazil. let's go to the host country brazil. look at kobe bryant chilling in brazil. that's nice. the goalkeeper in white -- in blue actually plays for mexico is griller mow ocho.
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brazil and mexico play to nil-nil tie so tonight we showed i was japanese pitcher, a mexican goalkeeper and the game in brazil with kobe bryant. you can beat that. (laughter). >> you can't get that anywhere else. >> all over the world. >> got it all howard. >> spanning the globe. >> thanks for watching. the fox morning news comes your way at 4:00 a.m. the fox morning news comes your way at 4:00 a.m. >> tmwhat's with the suit?
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oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> so some people who went to a metal concert got a bonus. they got pig blood thrown at them. >> they happened to worship satan also. >> erika pitched this story to me. i said how do you know so much? she pulls up her phone from a show similar to this. >> it's fun. it's fun. >> how do we end up hiring devil worshippers? >> kanye west, he just trashed annie leibovitz? she was supposed to shoot the photo for their wedding. she pulled out the day before. >> first annie leibovitz and then jay-z and beyonce didn't show up. something happened in this that made it spiral. >> and rob left too. >> over pictures. >> over pictures.


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