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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  June 17, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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right now. >> but we begin with your fox 29 weather authority. thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney. a live look at center city while illustrates why it was uncomfortable to be outside today. a of us sweating through the warmest temperatures we've felt in a long time. >> chief meteorologist scott williams is outside in old city on this very warm night. first time in while we've seen the 90s, scott. it's the first time this year, good evening, iain and dawn. of course, 93 degrees that was the high temperature today. the first time we've been at or above 90 degrees since september of last year. so here live inned city, of course, it is hazy, hot and humid. folks are out and about but, of course, that heat, it is creeping up. let's talk about the temperatu temperatures for today. 93 degrees. that was the high. 10 degrees above where we should be for this time of year. and right now it's still pretty hot. into, that's the current item
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which are, but dew points are above 60. so any time dew points above 60 degrees, it's going to feel a little more uncomfort stepping outdoors. 91 degrees currently in atlantic city as well as dover. we have 90 currently in reading. upper 80s in allentown and you factor in the humidity, how the actually feels, look at dover. 98 degrees is the feels like temperature there right now. feels like 92 in reading. 91 currently in lancaster. but for tomorrow, parts of the region under a heat advisory kicking in at noon until 7:00 with feels like temperatures approaching 100 degrees. find out how long this heat will last, plus the threat for some thunderstorms coming up. >> all right. thank you, scott. you can follow the temperatures on by clicking the weather tab at the top of our home page. you will fine the latest forecast information and live radar images. >> a downed utility pole, tire marks an crumbled lawnmower the aftermath of a freak accident in involving several vehicles and
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that mower. skyfox over the scene near route 13 in wilmington manor, delaware. tonight two people are in critical condition. >> and fox 29's sabina kuriakose is streaming live in wilmington manor for us tonight. sabina? >> reporter: guys, this bizarre accident happened just a short distance from where we're standing at the entrance to wilmington university's campus. the scene is clear now. here's chopper video from just after it happened. around 1:40 this afternoon stay police say a jeep cherokee was heading north on route 13 when it suddenly struck two other cars, then it jumped the curb on to a grassy area just by the university's main entrance. a man was ride ago lawnmower on that grass. he was struck by the jeep. you can see by the video the lawnmower was totally mangled. the jeep's front end was crumpled in but the man on the lower and the driver of the jeep were rushed to the hospital in critical condition where they remain. the drivers of the two other cars that were involved are okay. the accident also took out a light pole. now wilmington university tells
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us they're shocked by this tragedy and their heart goes out to the victims. >> obviously, the university is sad, completely saddened by this tragedy. there's no reason anything like this should happen on a beautiful day but it does. it's an accident, and just warning to people to watch what they're doing and be conscious around them all the time. >> reporter: now, the university says they're looking into whether the victim thon riding mower works for the campus, but people around here say it appears may have been a maintenance worker that does work for the university. of course the university is still looking into that right now state police still investigating this accident. that's the very latest. back to you. >> sabina, thank you. captured on surveillance video, terrifying moments for an employees at a store in philadelphia's oxford circle section. a robbery last week at the foot action in the roosevelt mall on cottman avenue. the robber forcing the employees at gun point to give him cash and he didn't stop there. >> tonight the search is on to find that man. fox 29's dave schratwieser is
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live at northeast detectives tonight with more on this story. dave. >> reporter: dawn, police tonight still searching for that suspect heavily armed suspect at this point. but they continue at this point to look for more clues that might lead them there. this daring robbery took place just a few hundred feet away from a police substation right in the heart of the roosevelt mall. police have stepped up foot paroles at the roosevelt mall off cottman after a gun toting suspect was caught on tape as pulled off a daring daylight robbery at this foot action and made off with thousands of dollars in merchandise and cash. >> he got more clothing than cash. >> i look around everywhere i go. you never know. you got to be careful. >> lots of shoppers use that is mall there's a police substation here and plenty of security. that didn't stop the suspect. he started waving that big gun around just after 7:00 o'clock with customers still in the store. >> he had that much heart to do
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that across from police station no telling he would have done if a cop would have walked in. >> now i'm a little scared. i'm happy i'm with my mom. >> reporter: sources tell fox 29 the suspect had been shopping for almost 20 minutes ordering size 13 sneakers and having a store employee pick out lots of clothing supposedly for his son's graduation. then he announced the robbery and threatened to blow an employeeings head off. >> some large caliber gun, semi-automatic. it's silver. it's huge. and we're little concerned about that much suspect had female employee empty the cash registers then locked workers in a back room piling items in front of the door so they couldn't escape. then the suspect could be seen picking up half a dozen bags of merchandise and calmly walking out. >> so thankful nobody got hurt. >> reporter: foot action has security guard posted in the store. but customers are concerned. >> i hope they catch him. >> reporter: now, none of the employees were injured. they managed to break out of that locked room and call
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police. if you want to get another look at the suspect, you can go to our web page at if you recognize this guy, you should call northeast detectives. dawn? >> all right pretty frightening. thank you, dave we're following two developing stories top world headlines tonight. major development in the deadly benghazi attack made against americans. the pentagon now says one of the militants responsible for that attack is in u.s. custody military officials say special operations forces apprehended ahmed abu katala in libya he is now on the way to the united states and he is the first person captured in connection with the deadly 2012 attack. u.s. ambassador chris stevens three other americans were killed after the u.s. consulate came under siege. meanwhile more us troops are heading to iraq with islamic militants now in control of a large part of that country. the united states is ram morning up its presence in the area as the militants continue their march toward the capitol. several war ships are already in the region and 275 american
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troops will work to secure the u. embassy in baghdad. iraqi are fleeing cities or taking up arms to try to fight back. >> the ever growing budget crisis at the philadelphia school district is reaching the boiling point. on thursday, city council is expected to recess for the summer and there's no indication that council will give the district a pouring of the extra funding school officials insist they need to open the buildings this fall. our bruce gore didn't live in the news rom tonight with the dollars in question weren't they represent. bruce? >> reporter: the dollar figure is 96 million in additional funding requested of council, the state and the teachers union. the minimum says the school district to offer bare bones education to some 200,000 school kids. graduation practice is about to get underway at parkway center city. a magnet high school where 80 of 81 seniors are college bound. the other headed tore the military. track record is remarkable.
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given the surroundings. this building is 90 years old, each winter it's too hot or too cold. each june it's humid. there is one full-time police officer here. one guidance counselor for nearly 600 students and one part-time nurse. they are short of textbooks and lost three teachers to layoff this year pushing average class sizes beyond 30 students. karen dunkley is the fir year principal at parkway. >> the buildings are unsafe. you need enough adults to supervise children and you need enough adults to actually build relationships. >> reporter: they're not there right now. >> absolutely we do not have enough adults in the building. >> reporter: few blocks away school diss truck officials were joined by principles and education activists renewing their call for additional funding. they say kids have sacrificed enough. now says school reform chairman bill green. >> -- it is time for everyone else, the city, the state, the pft to sacrifice.
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>> reporter: superintendent dr. william hite on tuesday sent letter to governor could be, mayor nutter and city council president darrell clark pleading for app additional $96 million simply quote to maintain the status quo which is wholly inadequate without the funding more layoffs. >> cuts that will tie the hands of teachers and administrators, cuts that will drop more families out of our city. >> reporter: but none of that 96 million is assured. meaning schools like parkway center city may be forceed to even more with even less. >> certainly we can do better. because this is definitely not good enough. >> reporter: in a statement in response to height's plea for additional funding council clark suggest the city has done all kit do to help and described the district's budge crisis as quote self inflicted. and neither the teachers union nor harrisburg sounded any more optimistic about adding funding. today un. >> in the a good situation. thank you, bruce. sure. >> veterans will go to the front of the line at a new jersey hospital. cooper university health care in
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camden announcing today that it is create add priority program for men and women who have served in the armed forces. the program will provide veterans with same day service for primary care visits. the hospital says veterans wait 43 days on average for these visits at veterans administration facilities in the area veterans of course liking this idea a lot. >> cooper has opened the door and they have said the word well at a whole new level. >> as part of the program veterans will also get valet parking. the va has come under fire after a government audit revealed very long wait times for some vets who needed treatment right away. the phoenix office is investigated allegations of the wait time may have led to deaths in an arizona hospital. >> police officers across new jersey will soon be carrying something extra. >> that's right. ahead today's big announcement about a nasal spray that can save someone who is dying of a heroin overdose. why the governor says the time
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has come for a change. >> and is there danger lurking in your wine rack? bottles of this type of wine have been pulled off of pennsylvania shelves. why the state says you should throw your bottle away right now. howard? >> the offense for the eagles will be a big part of this team again this season. nick foles talks about a question that many still have with his being the quarterback and a joke of a rule by the players association. that's coming up in sports. >> and coming up tonight at 10:00 o'clock, a pregnant woman suffers severe chest pains and doctors quickly discover a large aneurysm threatening her life and her baby's. the extraordinary efforts to save them both tonight a
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>> new video tonight of a bear wandering around burlington county. a viewer says she took it as the bear was roaming in her backya backyard. some neighbors are worried but wildlife officials say there's nothing they can do unless it poses a serious threat to someone. although the bear is being
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tracked. >> tolls the pennsylvania turnpike are going up for the seventh straight year. da-da the turnpike commission approved a 5% increase that will take effect in january. that increase will be applied evenly to cash and e-z pass tolls. the new rates will push up the cost of the common toll for e-z pass drivers to dollar and 9 cents that same toll price will rise to $1.70 for drivers who pay cash. warning for wine fans tonight. beware exploding bottles. if you've got this bottle of pro second today the pennsylvania liquor control board wants to you throw it away right now. there have been several reports of full bottles of this wine randomly exploding. the fine wine and good spirit stores and officials don't want if you try to return the bottle to the store but you can get a full refund. no word on what's causing the bottles to explode. >> police across new jersey will be trained to administer a drug that can quickly reverse heroin overdoses. governor chris christy's is
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expanding a pilot program that allows officers in every county as well as state troopers to administer far cam. officers in ocean and monmouth counties started routinely carrying the drug earlier this year. it's delivered through the nose and can reverse an overdose that would likely otherwise be dead deadly. >> we have the ability to prevent this type of tragedy and help save lives. we need to be involved in doing it. >> officials in new jersey credit narc a.m. with helping to save 40 lives since april. >> a west philadelphia play ground gets some new life thanks to group of volunteers. the pennsylvania municipal league a group of mares and leaders from all over the state joined together with the philadelphia parks and recreation department to revitalize the claiborne and louis playground at 38th and popular streets. allentown mayor ed palowski said it's important to give back. >> as as lecked official we're working with our own communities.
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were wanted to give back to another community. there's nothing actually when you build one of these parks to see the joy in the kids faces after they come and see their new park. >> pennsylvania municipal league has helped revitalize parks and playgrounds in four other cities including pittsburgh and state college. and turning back to your fox 29 weather authority. it's a hot one now and it's going to get even hotter out there. >> it really is. something happened today that hasn't happened all year. 90 degrees or better. the high temperature made it up to 93 degrees. that's 10 degrees above where we should be for this time of year. but the record high for today's date, back in 1957, it was even hotter. 98 degrees. sun will set this evening a little after 8:30. 92 degrees right now. hazy, hot and humid. the actual heat index the exact same as the air temperature so not that oppressive but the same time tomorrow we'll have a heat advisory in effect for parts of the are a. so stepping outdoors by 7:00 o'clock, we're looking
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attain degrees. mid 80s by 9:00 so those temperatures will stay pretty warm. by 11:00 o'clock, 80 degrees it will be muggy for the overnight. temperatures in the upper 80s and low 90s. 91 degrees right now in atlantic city. as well as dover. we have 90 in wilmington as well as trenton. 90 degrees right now in readin . you factor in the humidity, it feels like 98 degrees right now in dover. it feel like 94 in wilmington. feeling like 93 in millville and 94 down the shore in atlantic city at airport. the heat advisory kicks in tomorrow afternoon and continues through 7:00 o'clock fo former . county. suburbs north and west in chester, bucks county. for tonight. hot and humid that air quality alert still in effect. so just be mindful of that. for tomorrow, the heat advisory there could be a few strong thunderstorms late tomorrow evening into the overnight time
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frame and then it stays a little sticker as we move into the latter part of the week with thunderstorm chances in the offing. for tomorrow, the main threat is well to the west of our area, primarily for some gusty winds, there could be some hail and also heavy downpours. satellite and radar right now showing you this area of high pressure. it's a heat pump. we have the clockwise pinned winds. so winds coming in out of the south and west pumping in that moisture as well as humidity and as we roll the clock through the day tomorrow, pretty dry but then late tomorrow evening we're looking at the threat for a few pop up showers and storms and it looks like most of the activity is not really going to arrive until we move into the wednesday overnight, thursday early morning time frame. here's 2:00 a.m. watching for some of those scattered showers and thunderstorms moving through the area which, again, some of them could be severe. then staying a little unsettled throughout the day on thursday. here's thursday at 2:00 p.m. as a front pulls through the area. you can see scattered showers and thunderstorms. but diminishing as we move into
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your thursday late afternoon and evening. so for tonight, partly cloudy, warm and muggy. 74 degrees for the low temperature. in the city. for tomorrow, 95 degrees. hazy, hot and humid. feels like temperatures in the upper 90s and then you can see as we move into friday and the weekend, cooler but, yes, unsettled. (laughter). >> still early. >> yeah. >> the 3h's rolling in there. >> hazy, hot and humid. >> i love that. >> all right. mirror upset today in the world cup and there's still in round one. and for those that worry about nick foles in one area, you really shouldn't be concerned. nick foles in one area, you really shouldn't be concerned. hear from nick foles coming up
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>> breaking news right now in chester county. skyfox live over elbertson where a man jumped no a quarry. police say the 39 year old was with his girlfriend when he jumped. he apparently suffered a spinal injury and has been flown at the hospital. howard? >> all right. two more days of practice for those eagles and it was hot today. before they peak for five weeks and that would be the start of training camp the end of july. now this week it's called mini camp. different than the ota's the last few weeks. the difference the players can have a meeting with the coaches after practice. that is a player's association rule. here's another ridiculous rule the coaches you see standing there are not permitted on the
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field with the players until a certain time. now the -- don't ask me why. the coaches can only be on the field for that certain time while they practice. yes, that's joke, too. but the offense is something that's not a joke and again big part of this team and we know the season for nick foles, we know this is his starting quarterback but there are some that still question his arm strength. >> i don't think you have to have an arm that can throw the ball 100 yards. i think that you obviously have to be able to throw a football and be able to spin it in all different climates, but, you know, it's really all about timing and understanding where to go with the ball. there's lot of guys that have great arms that aren't playing because it takes more than that. you have to understand defenses. you have to understand timing and how to move in the pocket. there's lot more things everybody talks about arm strength. you have to have an arm that can throw accurately. >> nick has great command of what we're doing offensively to kind of -- you can just see it there's a lot more confidence in
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how he's playing and now it's just matter of refining the little things. >> phillies pitcher cliff lee through off a bullpen mound today for the first time since his injury on may 18th. he through 20 pitches close to the max for him in terms of strength. phillies play again tonight in atlanta after an extra inning win last night. >> the world cup lasts forever. still round one. to brazil. belgium in red. belgium is a big favorite. 80th minuteth of this game drace will score. belgium wins. i was worried about belgium there, too. they win two to one. i was concerned because -- >> yeah, right. >> i was happy for belgium. >> i'm glad. >> i'm happy that we're in the 90s and we'll there there for another day. >> this is your type of weather. yes, it is. it can be dangerous. there's a heat advisory that kicks in tomorrow afternoon and evening. feels like temperatures approaching 100 degrees. >> wow! that does it for us here tonight at 6:00 o'clock.
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>> have great night everybody. inside edition is up next. thanks for watching. inside edition is up next. thanks for watching. ♪ baand frustrating. e tough. but now, there's a better way. introducing the first-ever raid defense system. it attacks the bugs you see. controls the bugs you don't see... and prevents... by keeping bugs out.
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it's time to find some real harmony, with nature. [ family screams ] elmo! [ wolf, kids howling ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirps ] [ people screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. [ female announcer ] stay late for nightly fireworks and get unlimited visits for just $10 a month. [ mom ] we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens.
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team usa mania. >> national frenzy. >> usa. >> then the potty mouth mayor. >> this is a big --[ bleep ] day. >> can you believe the mayor of l.a. accused in front of a crowd. >> way to go. >> tv's dr. oz goes to washington. he gets a grilling. >> i don't get why you need to say this stuff. you know it's not true. >> there is the other --oh, gosh. >> two headed monster. >> that is crazy. >> then, drone wars. he flew his drone over a public beach. did it invade her privacy?


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