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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  June 17, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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incredible video from nebraska, twin tornadoes, ripping through an area, leaving a path of destruction, and death, in their wake. one town is wiped out. witnesses describe the terrifying scene. and smoke pores from what is left of the delaware home after a deadly fire, one building collapsed and another in danger of tumbling down, we are live at the scene. i'm truly stunned by the the way this state is reacting. >> bear watch, the same black bear spotted again roaming through south jersey neighborhoods why neighbors say the state is putting people in danger. her fight for survival captured hearts around the country and now a year after her double lung transplant young sarah murnaghan gets a major milestone. good for her. >> so nice when we have a nice update to report. good morning. thanks so much for joining us. good morning to you chris murphy. >> good morning. our crew are covering that deadly fire in wilmington to rising concerns about a black
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bear, inside of south jersey just how many times it has been spotted. steve keeley is object that for us. >> we will get to that. let's start with the weather. that is another big story of the day, sue. >> you can feel the difference walking outside, so much more humid then it was, what kind of number, well, we've got the the actually we had a nine yesterday. today we will go with the seven. sunny skies. it feels like summer. it will be humid. we have an air quality alert in effect. muggy morning with bus stop buddy. couple more days of school for a lot of kids, i know philadelphia public schools, their last day for students is thursday. so, just a few more days left, kids. temperatures in the 60's and 70's on this muggy morning. i hope your school is air conditioned. air quality alert in effect for today because of the air pollution, well, our showers are pretty much dried up in the philadelphia area. so now we will just talk about the heat and through can see the blazing sunshine, it is up, west southeasterly winds at 7 miles an hour. 81 percent relative humidity
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and it is 73 degrees already. we are heading to 91. hot and humid. tonight another muggy night with lows in the 70's. so get used to it, kacie because we have changes coming in time for the weekend. >> changes coming. >> all right. >> thank you, sue. we have some changes on the the roadway. we have an accident cleared from paulsboro paradise road near crown point out of your way this morning. moorestown route 38 at mount laurel road. we have an accident there. not too much slow down, although on 38 itself majors in new jersey looking good as well. in wilmington this is where jenny joyce is, this fire from overnight the investigation closing maryland avenue from beach street up to van buren, chris and karen. >> thanks, kacie. we have an investigation into the deadly house fire in wilmington. lets take a look at video taken from sky fox over the scene, late last night, a pretty big house fire there. we have jennifer joyce on the ground covering this story for us this morning.
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>> jennifer, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the fire chief hero owe good morning, chris. fire chief here in wilmington tells us that they are in the calling this a suspicious fire. the fire marshall is on the scene investigating trying to determine exactly what happened, we know that one man died and two women were badly burn, fire crews will remain on the scene for the next couple of hours, just to fully excavate this building. they have not been able to get to the victim's body because of the deep ruble. this fast moving fire started around 10:30 last night, on the 100 block of bird street. it quickly moved to two alarms with the partial collapse. the fire marshall is on the scene at this point and we don't know again how this fire started but fire chief reiterates the the fire happened first and then the home collapsed. witness we talked to reports hearing and feeling an explosion, however, officials are not confirming at this point that an explosion took place. six properties in the area are without power, as officials continue to investigate at this point. we don't have the ages of any
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of the victims nor do we have their identity, we do not know the relationship of anyone at the home at the time of this fire. karen and chris. >> we want you to pay attention real quickly. take a look at this, one, two tornadoes. this is not only deadly but it is rare. this is in northeast, nebraska. a five-year old child died, in this. nineteen people were hurt. twisters touched down yesterday afternoon in the city of hillger a hundred mile north west of omaha. half of the town has been destroyed in the community of only 350 people. >> started to yell, and shingles started to blow through my yard. and then everything just lifted off and the heater smash over me and my buddy. >> the national weather service says that the tornadoes were just about a mile apart. damage so severe that the national guard has been called out to help out.
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>> 6:05. police are looking for a man shot a 13 year-old boy who was all over a stolen bike in south philadelphia. investigators say shooter and another guy barricaded themselves in the home in the 2,000 block of mountain street yesterday afternoon. after shooting that child a few blocks away. boy was struck in the shoulder and back side as gunman fired into a car in which he was riding. major crimes detective just happened to be out there at the scene and witnessed the whole thing, followed shooter over to the mountain street home but when swat moved in on that property they found a home owner there detective are considering the home owner a person of interest, the boy is in stable condition at this children's hospital. new jersey man is charged with killing his 71 year-old mother and police are trying to figure out why he did it. investigators say 44 year-old herbert woollet called them to report her murder sunday night. authorities arrived at their home to find maryann dead on the living room floor. investigators say he was the the only person home at the time. an autopsy has been ordered to
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determine the cause of her death. he is now in jail on half million-dollar bail. 6:07. happening right now in burlington county, people would like to have a bear, gone and it keeps alluding capture. >> fox 29's steve keeley is live in mount laurel this morning, good morning steve. >> reporter: we're at the police department but right across the the street is a natural habitat for a black bear. this is like most of mount laurel, beautiful setting and you have what is a natural wild life habitat with houses real close. that is why this bear is close just like last years bear. the problem around here in south jersey is no official with the tranquilizer gun or big trap is humanely hunting for a bear to do a little bear immigration on it. they are leaving the bear alone and looking for left overs and trash cans and getting too close for uncomfort for local leaders and residents who want to see traps and wild life authorities responding to all have of the sight goes we have had in the past week near schools and backyard and dart
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nothing driveways. here in mount laurel first bear sighting 9:00 o'clock yesterday morning. they had kids all stay inside school, which is tough, in the stage of the school year when it gets this hot out. we could see kids all lock up again today because you this bear was cited again last night here, chris and karen. >> still ahead her dad in trouble but in one around the house. one teen turned to social media, how a post on facebook saved her dad's life. that principal make gooding on his tiehl with students spending the night out front of his school on the lawn. yes is happy he lost the bet.
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a stormy weekend brought flood to go parts of iowa and minute so the a major flooding in the streets and homes were as a result of high water levels from the iowa's rock river. it crested at 24 feet, 11 feet above flood stage. river is expected to recede by tomorrow. and such violent weather, south dakota problem there is the rain. they have had severe flooding. people there are dealing with all kind of street closures have after torrential downpours, flooded out the road. storm crews or out today to try to clean up the trees and the power lines. they have sue falls, we have sue serio.
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that was buy of sue city. >> okay. >> let's get on, with the weather. we have a dew point map. we have not looked at dew pointness a long time. it is dew point di behind the camera there. we're in the mid to upper 60's and dew points a measure of moisture. once you get into that 60's range we're in the sticky, uncomfortable, once we see them in the 70's then the humidity becomes oppressive. that is what the dew point does it measures moisture in the air. air quality alert, already today because of the heat and humidity we are expecting. ultimate doppler no more rain in our area at all and, watching that midwest, complex of thunderstorms, it looks like they will stay out there but possibility of more severe weather, in nebraska, today. so, it is summery heat, southeasterly wind thanks to high pressure in control and
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that will take to us 90 degrees probably for the the first time, in 2014. temperatures, right now 73 in philadelphia, these are actual temperatures. 66 degrees in allentown. seventy-one at the shore. these are temperatures that are as much as maybe 15 degrees warmer then they were yesterday. the heat is on. ninety-one today. ninety-three tomorrow. possibility of afternoon thunderstorms. more storms in the forecast for thursday, still muggy, up to 88 degrees. we will dry out on friday, and temperatures are not too bad over weekend but it does look like we will have have unsettled weather for first day of summer on saturday and on sunday as well but kacie, you know, we have a few days to work on that forecast. >> we will work out the problems, thanks sue serio. i want you to net is one big slow down on the map and 95 south, 6:13 it will be slow. we have four minute delay from woodhaven down to the vine. seventy-six looks good, turnpike, 42, turnpike in new
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jersey, northeast extension they all check out. everything looks good heading out to 476, roadways are clear, sun coming up there so things looking good if you are heading out, guys. >> still ahead, stuck in quite a precarious position, two homeowners, get to work, to help free this little guy,
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topping our world news this morning u.s. troops could be heading overseas to iraq. president obama notified congress up to 275 american troops could be deployed, to provide, support and security for u.s. personnel at the american embassy in baghdad. this is baghdad as struggling to keep insurgent at bay. secretary of state john kerry says u.s. could deploy armed drones to iraq. >> they may well be one of the options that are important to stem the tied and stop the movement of people moving around in open convoys and trucks and terrorizing people. >> in a rare move the u.s. is reaching out to iran to discuss ways that the two countries can stop militant in iraq. >> meanwhile army says, it has started an investigation into the disappearance and captured of sergeant bowe bergdahl but two star general in charge of the investigation says he will not interview bergdahl, until the men and with men helping
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him, recover from his five years in captivity give the okay. questions continue about why he left his army base before he was captured by the taliban. bergdahl's former team leader is giving his opinion on what is going on. >> they need to know his intent as to whether they can charge him with decision or not. i, myself, think it ace bound andly clear what happened and what his intent was. his intent was never to return back, the letters that he allegedly wrote while in captivity kind of paint a clear picture of exactly what he was thinking. >> bergdahl was released to the u.s. military, on may 31st, as you can see, in this video and he went in the waiting helicopter. he returned to texas this week. in arizona a wild fire in the area is about 25 percent contained but some residents' vac waited last night just as a precaution. fire is 8 acres in size and burning near a path that was also on fire just weeks ago.
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fire fighters say no structures are right now in danger. crews are investigating a claim that a down power line sparked that fire. another fire, this one in california, they are letting people go back to their homes, all evacuation orders lifted after fire fighters made serious headway on the wild fire burning near bakers field and broke out on friday forcing thousands toss flee the area. officials say the fire burned through about four square miles of trees and brush as of last evening, this morning, it is half contained. >> can you believe it was 20 years ago, i remember when i was, 20 years ago today, everybody was talking about a white slow speed broncho chase, millions watched this unfold live on television, as it sinks its way through los angeles freeway system. man at the wheel aj cowlings, man in the center was o.j. simpson in the back seat. news helicopters followed their slow progression as dozens of police cars just trailed behind. police were pursuing sim on in
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connection with the death of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and waiter ron goldman. simpson was found not guilty in their murders. he is currently serving time for kidnapping and armed robbery in an unrelated case. 6:20. little girl from west virginia and she used facebook to save her dad's life. vance family was on their porch when lightening struck a nearby tree. tree came down, pins the dad gregory beneath heavy tree limbs. they didn't have have cell phone signals in that area so ten year-old posted a video on facebook begging for an ambulance. they know the situation could have been much worse. >> if she would have been there a little bit longer and maybe it would have hit her. the pain of burying one of my children i could not bear that but i can handle this. >> the daddies expected to make a full recovery. she was just glad to have her dad home for fathers day. finally something to smile about here. a year after undergoing an adult double lung transplant
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sarah murnaghan is back at home and breathing on her own. >> just so stunning. take a look, sarah celebrating her dad's birthday. the here's what is amazing she helps them, together they blow out candles on the cake. at just ten years old you may remember sarah had a double lung adult transplant. well, she's battling cystic fibrosis is. a judge's order allowed her to be put on adult waiting list despite her young age. this is first time in teners were she has been able to breathe on her own. we love that. good day coming up in 40 minutes. >> have have you check your facebook account yet this morning. you may want to rethink clicking on than icon what you may see that could ruin your day. >> oh, no, i have already check. and also did you see this, team u.s.a., with all kind of of excitement worldwide with last night's win in the world cup but there is one company that had a celebration tweet that sparked outrage on line, the picture, delta airlines used that forced them to make
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an apology. >> time right now 6:21. the lets do weather on the one's, sue, sun has been up for 50 minutes, already 73 degrees. >> yes, you can feel the difference out there. it was a comfortable morning yesterday, muggy morning today and right, temperatures are in the lower 70's, by lunchtime they will be in the mid to maybe even upper 80's and later on today, as early as 1:00 in the afternoon we should reach 90's for first time this year. 91 degrees will be your high temperature at sunset at 8:32. it will be humid as well. if you have been holding out until now, kacie today is the day you have to turn on that ac. >> crank that ac, baby. >> if you want to sleep through the night, that ac. southbound side of 202 this construction sticking with us until july 14th. off ramp to 29 is shut down. 202 in the looking bad. we will talk burr accidents [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home.
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sredenschek. united states playing first world cup match monday night taking on ghana. thirty seconds in the game dempsey of the united states with the goal, it is one to nothing u.s.a. with the game tied at one off the corner kick this is john brooks, becoming the first american substitute to score a goal in worlds cup competition. united states wins two-one. they will play portugal sunday. baseball lost one of the greatest hitters on monday. tony gwynn lost his battle with cancer at the age of 54. in his 20 seasons, tone gay win had 3100 hits, won eight batting titles and went to the all-star game 18 times among his survivors is his son tone gay win junior an outfielder with the phillies. rally day on monday for los angeles kings at the staples center. after winning their second stanley cup in three years on friday night. playoff mvp justin williams with the trophy and without the the beard. dustin brown the the captain doing the honors with the stanley cup. phillies continue tonight. eagles open up a three day mandatory camp this morning.
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that is sports in a minute. every now and again you might spot wild life in your neighborhood or backyard. >> i have seen on my drive, i have seen some deer, beavers, maybe a fox, apparently not unusual, but how about a bear. they come outside and see a kuala. >> it is australia. >> so they had to remove a portion of the fence, he runs off right there southern australian suburb, so, you see them in their neck of the woods pretty often. >> if that was, in wayne. >> yes, exactly. >> entirely different story. might be our lead story. still ahead a 12 year-old fighting a rare disease gets a surprise of his life and it wasn't just a party what was waiting for him outside that made his day. jennifer joyce good morning to you. >> good morning, chris. fire officials say it was a fire that led to a collapse of the two story home here in
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downtown wilmington, one man dead, two women badly burn, a full report coming up
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breaking news overnight in delaware, one person dead and two others are in the hospital after a late night fire in wilmington. we're live at the scene with the very latest. a five-year old child is dead and at least 19 other people are hurt after two massive tornadoes sweep
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through nebraska and destroy half a town. we have latest pictures from the scene this morning. i'm truly stunned by the way this state is reacting. we have called them thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. we knew location of the bear. we have asked them to do it. they have said no. >> one bear, dozens of sight goes and a lot of questions in new jersey, why the state has said they will not get involved just yet. we will get to the bear sighting in a minute in a live report from steve keeley but at 6:31 we want to do weather on the one's with sue serio because we will hit 91 degrees. >> if you live in a bear neighborhood with the swimming pool, bears wear fur coat. they might want to take a dip. be on the alert, don't go near the bear. you will hear steve keeley talking about that. bus stop buddy is waiting for the the school bus. there are still kids going to school this week. for philly public schools last day is thursday. we have a muggy morning.
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you'll need shades. if you are outside today some sun screen. temperatures in the 60's and 70's, right now we will give you that seven out of ten this morning. it should be a seven there. we have air quality alert in effect for the rest of the day, just, stagnant air, heat, humidity, really uncomfortable and in the good if you have issues with your lungs. ultimate doppler no rain, we have had showers earlier this morning but sun has dried all that up, 73 degrees with 81 percent relative humidity. we have 91 for a high with sunny skies and maybe a pop up shower or thunderstorm but it is more likely tomorrow then today. seventy-three tonight. another muggy one. that is it, feels like summer, a little bit early. kacie, how are the roads. >> well, here there and every where. moorestown route 38 we have an accident right at mount laurel road so just use caution there. down in wilmington we did bring you that fire activity
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near maryland avenue closed beach street to van buren. i'm sure we will get out to jenny gist for an update. looking at your majors only problems is 95 south, 22 minutes from woodhaven down to the vine, that is an extra ten minutes, chris. we want to get back to the weather because it is a developing story where two tornadoes ripped through north east nebraska killing a five-year old child ape injuring at least 19 people. look at this video. you can see side by side, twisters touched down yesterday in the city of a hundred miles northwest of omaha. more than half of the town has been destroyed in a community of only 350 people. fast moving fire in wilmington delaware claims one life and leaves several people injured. fox 29's jennifer joyce is live at scene in wilmington gathering new fur for us, jennifer, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. wilmington fire chief is not ready to call this a suspicious fire at this point. fire marshall is trying to
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determine what happened. we know one man died and two adult woman were badly burn. lets look live at sky fox over the scene, fire crews will remain on the scene for a couple of hours. to fully excavate because they have not been able to get to the body because of the deep ruble this fast moving fire started 10:30 last night in the 100 block of bird street and then moved to two alarms with the partial collapse. fire marshall again is on the scene, at this point we don't know how fire started but fire chief reiterate this fire happened first and then homes collapse. witness we have talk to reportedded hearing and seeing an explosion but officials are not confirming that an explosion took place. >> it was an explosion that shook our whole apartment and we look outside the window trying to find out what is going on. we thought a truck or some large vehicle had hit the other side of the building off of the ramp. it was that big.
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then we saw the smoke and came outside, tried to go in the front and there was so much ruble i ran around the back and tried to pull the man out and could not get him out. >> it is unconfirmed there was an explosion. with the amount and intensity of the fire it is possible you heard an explosion in the back draft of the fire, windows blowing out and building collapsing itself. what we do know is there was fire first and then loud bang that most people did hear. >> witnesses tell us that the family of one of the women who was badly burn has been out here on the scene. we know both women were heading to crozer-chester medical center for treatment but we don't know their conditions. we do not know age or identity of the man died in this fire, chris, back to you. >> as we get more information pass it along. warning out of delaware county from parents this morning. there are reports of the man trying to lure young girls into his car. upper darby police say there are reports of the newer model
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dark colored car in two potential incidents. they occurred within blocks near a local middle school. late last week a 12 year-old girl said she saw a car circling at shadelane and state road and last in there was a similar incident in drexel hill. that girl said she was asked if she needed a ride. happening in burlington county residents want a bear gone and it just seems to keep roaming the same area. fox 29's steve keeley is on bear watch yet again in mount laurel, good morning again steve. >> we have town number six, county number two, and we could see day number ten for this bear. two sight goes yesterday in mount laurel, no sight goes just yet. he may have made his way to moorestown but there are woods every where around here. even across the the street from the police department, closest sighting not too far from here which means not too far from the a lot of local schools, like police headquarters. as you can see our video they have no problem finding this
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bear on video almost every day here since last week. the problem they do have is state environmental protection department saying it is not in the protective custody business admitting there is more bears in new jersey than staffers in the dep so they do not have have manpower to go after all this bear power. >> i'm truly stunned by the way this state is reacting. we have called them thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. we knew location of the bear. we have asked them to do it. they said no, we will continue to monitor the situation. >> we don't go out to get them. if the bear is just being a bear, he is acting usual not doing anything aggressive. >> think that someone should interview and relocate the bear humanely. >> i think it is more curiosity, then cause for a panic, and these are things that have happened, unfortunately, more frequently than not in recent years. i think it could be attributed to bears looking for food or
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people leaving stuff outside and people that might live here forest lines. >> reporter: the problem there is that to daze is trash day, for a lot of people here in mount laurel, combined with one of the last school days in the school year. so the kids who are kept all locked up, no outdoor recess or gym class yesterday because this bear was so close by they spent today's first day in the 90's lock up in their hot classrooms not allowed to go outside because who knows where the bear is right now. because it has in the been spotted maybe kids will be outside but everybody who is apparent doesn't want their kid outside until they find out where this bear is and who knows he could be spotted any minute now because they seem to make themselves men fit is american one bear every morning around this time. we will let you know if we hear anything from the police here. >> these black bears too they will mark or claw, trees as a sign of other black bears, interesting if they see markings in the local forest, thank you.
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6:38. next one long night for a local principal, he spent the night outside in front of the elementary school, why he says he is so happy he lost this bet that landed him there in the tent. is there anything you would want to learn from the internet. >> could you explain a bit about this face. >> facebook, okay. >> i don't mean to be a friend. >> exactly how i feel. facebook, you tube, e-mail it can all be foreign to an older generation teens you are teaching seniors how to use an generation teens you are teaching seni[ mom ] to use an when the nest gets too quiet...
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it's time to find some real harmony, with nature. [ family screams ] elmo! [ wolf, kids howling ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirps ] [ people screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. [ female announcer ] turn your visit into a getaway. busch gardens and water country usa summer packages from just $60 per person per night. [ mom ] we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens.
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day we promised yet is here. hopefully you enjoyed the 88 degrees and low humidity yesterday because it is already mug toy day. you can feel the change out there. we've got air quality alert in effect for today, uncomfortable, and could be dangerous if you have had issues with your lungs, be careful and don't over exert yourself. perfect day to go to the shore. temperatures in the mid 70's with that beautiful sea breeze out of the south at ten. 66 degrees surf temperature. low rip current risk we had rain earlier but that pulled
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off shore, but dried up due to the sunshine. severe storm warnings out around chicago area this morning with more, midwest, severe weather. high pressure system is responsible for bringing in winds out of the southwest and as we look ahead in our future cast, you can see, by 4:00 this afternoon it is still sunny, steamy, 4:00 in the morning tomorrow for the fox 29 morning news it should be dry but we are in the afternoon that pop up showers and thunderstorms begin after we get in the lower 90's once again. so anytime after 2:00 you can see pop ups in the afternoon through thursday morning, it looks like most of that will be out of here but then, it is thursday midday, that a line of very strong thunderstorms could be moving through with the cold front and some of this weather could be very severe on thursday according to the computer models there we will keep an eye on that and be with you through it
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all. 73 degrees in philadelphia 63 in mount pocono. sixty-nine in reading. it is so much warmer, as much as 15 degrees warmer then it was yesterday, at this time. win direction is shifting over to the southwest and that is why we are getting humid air in here and we expect 91 today, 93 tomorrow, upper 80's before a cold front comes through in thursday, it is much more comfortable on friday, but unsettled weather returns just in time for the weekend. even though we expect temperatures in the upper 70's, first day of summer, and sunday there is a slight chance of storms both days, at least so far, kacie. >> it will be out before we know it. >> we do have a disable vehicle on the eastbound side of 76 east of montgomery drive. it is still causing a delay, little gaper delay, heading westbound 76 is jam once you get past route one. going to bear delaware route 40 at ricky boulevard an
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accident reported. we will get back to you, chris? general motors announced a recall of 3 million cars, due to what else, ignition problems. it covers 2,000 through 2014 model vehicles. the switch can inadvertently run out of the run position. the issue is being blamed for 13 deaths and 54 car crashes. the company is also recalling cars and trucks due to a series of other problems. this brings the auto maker's total recall to 44 this year, 44 different recalls, man. michigan residents are shaking their head in disbelief after a brazen robber rips off a busy mcdonald's. cashier watched as the us peck squeezed through the drive through window, once he was in, he grabbed the register drawer and made off with the money. frightening scene happened right in front of the worker and manager. witnesses say man was arm with the automatic hand gun and very aggressive. police are asking for public's help there to catch that
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suspect in the detroit area. residents in one montgomery county neighborhood closer to home are on edge after a brawl between rival gangs takes place right in their community. it happened saturday at ridge view terrace mobile home park. neighbors say a dozen members of the philadelphia based wheels of soul motorcycle club, at the barbecue, up ridge pike. they even had a sign welcoming members. but then 30 rivals of the pagan's club showed up. leaders of the wheels of soul was viciously beaten. he and another member were rush to the hospital. neighbors, of course, are concerned. >> i'm a biker. i have no problem with biker. bikers good are people. if you are in a residential neighborhood don't advertise and take off your colors. just come be normal people and have a picnic. >> police say victim fired two shots in the ground, that is which they took off. authorities say that is because the victims are not
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cooperating. 6:47 is the time. elementary school students in new jersey reached their reading goal so last night the they got to reap their reward. our shawnette wilson explains why it has their principal a little will nervous. >> reporter: this looks like a night of camping but for michael murphy, it is a pays off for students. >> we have had a reading contest and we made it out so he was going to camp out. >> we had to read a lot of books. >> unaudible. >> reporter: these students at john f kennedy elementary school in berlin township love to read. in fact, they have read 3500 books all together, just this month alone. and in turn their principal let them pick their rewar. >> i'm nervous, i will in the lie. >> reporter: because this is where he will spend a night in the tent he pitch. >> this is first time i have ever slept outside or camped outside. >> i would be scared. >> reporter: why? >> because a bear might attack
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us. >> reporter: students came out to wish him luck and being a good sport he read to them. >> tell me, tell me is what new. >> reporter: principal murphy has been hosting challenging like this all year with one goal in mind to get kids reading and to love doing it. >> i wanted to do things they never saw before and really motivate them to read. >> reporter: principal murphy also videotaped himself reading books out here and posted them than line for kids to see before bedtime n west berlin, shawnette wilson fox 29 news good sport. competition is underway for 2014 special olympic games taking place in new jersey. 3500 athletes are participating, they showed off their strengths in baseball, tennis and basketball yesterday. those games are held in front of the big crowds. competitions are being staged throughout different parts of the state of the new jersey. we will bring you reports through saturday when it all comes to an end, with that
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said we will have jen fred out there today and karen hepp is heading to princeton. topping tmz headlines a report of the remake of the popular movie father of the the bride. according to the web site, the sequel will focus on maddie played by kieran caulkin. he is engaged and marrying a man. it goes on to say martin's character needs some, well, convincing about the marriage. word have the sequel is news to martin who reportedly tweeted so exited to read i'm doing father of the bride three since i have not seen the script or been offered the role. >> ♪ amazing grace >> keith urban and nicole kidman home land of australia, performed a serenade of amazing grace. the heart warming video was
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posted on line by the hospital they were visiting. the couple is in australia to prepare for keith's upcoming tour. long island home featured in the 80's movie the money pities back on the mark. asking price for three story mansion, well, today it is worth 12.5 million-dollar, it includes four full bedroom suites with walk in closet, pool host, and guest house and millions of renovations. back in 2002, 5-acre estate sold for nearly three million-dollar. fun movie with tom hanks. well, canadian film maker documented a group of teen mentors as they introduce several seniors to the wonders of the worldwide web. >> how many people have used a computer. >> well, we have some teenage volunteers who are willing to teach you how to use the internet. >> i think i feel old.
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>> patients and word of encourage. , the teen mentors explained, you tube, facebook and skype, learning new things can be difficult but, as you know, it can be rewarding. >> to the same program. >> hello. >> as you can tell, the seniors have learn a lot. documentary is called cyber seniors to discover old friend there. good day starts in ten minutes. you heard sue say we will hit 90, 91 degrees for a high today. for the first time all year we are in the 90's. so we are celebrating we want to know what you missed about the 1990's. a song how about a fashion statement. use the the hash tag fox twenty90s, and look at screen to see how we are spelling it,
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twenty is spelled out. in 1993, phillies were in the world series that year and all of the guys had mulets on that team including lenny dykstra. it noise secret that many people have a certain type when it comes to dating. one web site is taking advantage of that using facial recognition software to find people who look like your ex? how much you'll to have pay to find your perfect match straight ahead, all right sue good morning. >> i was going to look up the year of achey breaky heart because that was a the ultimate mu let, business in the front party in the back. >> his daughter continued with the good fashion taste. >> yes, she's making strides, even to this day. i don't know how much more she can take off they. lets look the at planner for today. it is a muggy start, with temperatures in the 70's, and then by lunchtime we're already well in the 80's, so yesterday we got up to 88 degrees for a high temperature. we will be close to that by
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noon and sometime between lunchtime and the evening drive we will reach our high temperature somewhere around 91 degrees. our sunset time is 8:32. enjoy these longest days of the year, leading up to the first day of summer, kacie. >> thanks very much, sue. if we go out to bear delaware route 40 at ricky boulevard one accident there. lower gwynedd 309 at north bethlehem pike another accident. we will talk burr delays and see within on the southbound side o
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dream come true. a 12 year-old carson waterworthies living with a rare form of cystic fibrosis. it is a genetic illness with in cure and doctors say carson may only live into his 30's, but, his parents say, his passion for the lake and fishing, keeps him and his mind off his illness, last year he asked the the make a wish foundation, but his policy prevented a gift at the time but more than a year later group change his policy and carson was surprised with that boat and was revealed during a block party. >> we had to do that. >> oh, my gosh. >> carson, specifically, of my three children likes fishing more than basically breathing. >> he was given a brand new, 165 boat which outdoor
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enthusiast in the family say is like a hot rod for those enjoying the lake g for carson. next up on good day team u.s.a. sparked excitement worldwide in the world cup of one company's celebration tweet, sparked outrage on line, the picture, delta airlines used, that forced an apology. we will get into that. finding your new significant other based on the look of your x1 web site is unveiling a new option but it will cost you all coming up
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leaving a wake of destruction behind, one town, nearly completely wiped off of the map, witnesses describe the terrifying scene as communities, only begin to assess the damage right now, and on the look out for a black bear, school kids, forced to stay inside as a massive animal roams, south jersey, neighbors and police want it caught, why state and wild life officials say, no. and goal, team u.s.a. captures heart of the nation getting a win right out of the gate against ghana in the world cup, politicians, celebrities, millions worldwide cheering on the red, white and blue. quincy harris, good morning. >> has new facial


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