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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 4a  FOX  June 17, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT

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it is 4:00 in the morning and we have breaking news a fire overnight in delaware leaves at least one person dead and several others were injured, we are live with the latest on the investigation. and deadly destruction, extremely where twin tornadoes nearly wipe on you a community in the map. sue serio, good morning. >> good morning. it is a, humid morning, much more uncomfortable morning, or uncomfortable, yeah, this is the theme for the next couple of days. get ready for heat and humidity and perhaps our first 90 degrees of the the year, chris. american victory despite,
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the the odds u.s.a. defeats the team that knocked out of the past two world cups and plus an amazing game winning goal. how much fun. >> it is fun, guy comes off the bench, big world stage good day. it is tuesday, june 17th, already. good morning chris murphy. >> good morning to you, we want you to, sue was mentioned the 90's, tweet us songs from the 90's. we will be playing them all morning long. >> interesting. was that the decade who featured who let the dogs out. >> probably was. >> okay, good. >> yeah. i am going to go with um bob. >> is that the hanson brothers. >> yes, i remember when they were called hanson back then. >> so looking forward to those memories and crank up the air conditioning, you will need it today. lets take a look first of all at ultimate doppler radar. not a lot of what you are seeing on here is making it to the ground. we have got green on here because we have moisture in the air, we will see some pop
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up thunderstorms last night, early this morning, a complex of storm systems i should say moving through wisconsin, headed towards chicago, and nebraska, really getting hit with that and future cast though shows nothing much in the way for rain for to us day, we will see that steamy sunshine and we will get those dew point levels up but tomorrow is the the day we will see afternoon thunderstorms. we will talk about that in a bit. walking outside right now it is warmer then yesterday. it is 74 degrees. relative humidity 76 percent. sunrise time is still 5:32 which is where it will stay until the first day of summer on saturday. 74 degrees right now in philadelphia. it is 71 in pottstown. seventy-three in wilmington. 67 degrees up in the mountains. milder monday for sure, and just as predict we made it to a high of 88 degrees with the
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average high of 83. we will hit 90 today. here's your count down to summer, first day of the season is official, on saturday, and it happens in the morning in case were you wondering. the summer solstice is at 6:51 a.m. and longest day of the the year with, 15 hearst of daylight, wow. so for today as we break it down in the fox cast, about 75 degrees by 8:00 o'clock with sunny skies. we will feel humidity. eighty-five by lunchtime. we hud top off at 88, 89 degrees, too darn hot, already, kacie. >> i have so many 90's songs, i was like a kid in the candy store. thanks, sue. looking at your majors things look fine this morning. we will talk construction. we have no accidents or incidents to look out for this cleared out. southbound side of 202 on ramp to 29 that cleared out yesterday morning so that is out of the way. southbound side of 202 this is still with us, off ramp from route 29 closed until
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july 14th. we will update you on that, guys. we have this breaking news to begin with this morning a late night fire in wilmington has claim one life and has others that are injured. lets get out to jenny joyce live with the very latest, good morning, jenny. >> reporter: good morning, karen. medical examiner came to this site of the fire after a body was pulled from the collapsed building inside here. we do not have an identity of the man who died. we know two women were transported to area hospitals we do not know their conditions and a fire fighter suffered minor injuries. this fast moving fire broke out 10:30 on the 400 block of maryland avenue here in wilmington. it quickly moved to two alarms with the partial collapse, two people were rescued with injuries, one taken to crozer-chester medical center, the second was taken to christiana hospital, a third person was found dead inside the home. we have talk to the witness who described what he heard and saw.
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>> it was a explosion that shook our whole apartment and we looked out the the window trying to find out what was going on and we thought a truck or some large vehicle had hit the other side of the building off the ramp. it was that big. then we saw the smoke and came outside and tried to go in the front and there was so much ruble i ran around the the back and i tried to pull the man out and could not get him out. >> reporter: fire was placed under control within an hour, fire crews remain on the scene, now more than five hours later. you heard witness say he heard an explosion and official investigation into how this fire started, it is now underway, karen and chris. >> jenny, thanks. sky fox over the scene of the multiple car crash in newark, delaware late last evening on i-95 southbound right here near delaware avenue. two people had to be transported from that scene, at least one was seriously
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injured. we don't know what cause that had crash. police are looking for a man who shot a 13 year-old boy over a stolen bike monday afternoon in south philadelphia. investigators say the shooter and another man barricaded themselves in the 2,000 block of mountain street. after shooting the boy two blocks over at 20th and morris birth was hit in the shoulder and back side as gunman fired in the car he was in. major crimes detective witnessed the shooting and followed the shooter over to the mountain street house but when swat finally got there, they also found the home owner. scene shook up the whole city block. >> my husband called me and told me to stay in the hallway. >> police cover the front and back and they declared this a barricade because we had an active shooter inside of this property. >> police continued to search for that gunman and accomplice. detectives are considering the home owner as a person of interest. the boy is in stable condition at chop. a new jersey man has been charged with killing his 71
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year old mother after he called police to report it. authorities found maryann, dead in herald pemberton township home. investigators say her 44 year-old son herbert, was the only person home at the time. he is in jail on half million-dollar bail. this is a developing story happening right now, two tornadoes have ripped through a tiny town in northeast nebraska killing a five-year old child and injuring at least 19 people. twisters touched down yesterday in the city of hillger a hundred miles northwest of omaha. more than half was destroyed in a community of only 350 people. >> started yelling and then i watched everything just go flying and everything lifted off and the heater smashed over me and my buddy. >> the national weather service says tornadoes were about a mile apart. the damage is so severe the national guard has been called
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into help. 4:07. coming up a bear keeps turning up in the south jersey community, why wild life officials plan to let it role. recall just keep coming for general motors, auto makers calling and recalling another 3 million cars, what you need to know before you another 3 million cars, what you need to know before you hiiiii. hi. sorry, we're closed. what? i need help with my deposit. the bank has rules. it's really quick. i can't hear you.
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i promise, i'm gonna be really quick. i don't under...i can't hear you through the glass. i'! you'll be quick. that's what you just said? yes. i'm sorry, i can't hear you. we're closed. you know what? okay, that's... hey...sir? i just...okay. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. that's why td bank has the longest hours and even stays open an extra ten minutes for when you run late. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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get ready to sweat, today is the day that we will probably reach 90 degrees.
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now look at what we have here on ultimate doppler, some pop up showers as we look at the t.v. end of this loop, in parts of the new jersey, it is just that unsettled and weak disturbances coming through. so if you see a stray shower don't be surprised but it will not last very long. for last couple hours we have had thunderstorms down the washington d.c. area and this storm system caused all of the destruction that you just heard about in the midwest. what does our future cast have in store? hazy sunshine throughout the the day and not a lot of the mess in the midwest holding together and making its way here. we will be okay for today but cannot rule out pop up shower or then are storm it is tomorrow afternoon, hazy sunshine throughout the the day on wednesday but late in the day pop up showers and thunderstorms you just never know when they will pop up and how intense they will be, but this is all because of the build up of heat and humidity. we will have two days in a row, and even on thursday
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morning we could see some thunderstorms rolling through this area with the cold front and that will take temperatures out of the 90's after that. temperatures muggy, 74 in the city. sixty-seven in mount pocono. 69 degrees in wrightstown. seventy-one lancaster. seventy-two in dover. looking at future temperatures computer models have it at 83 in philadelphia by ten. when do we reach 90? by 1:00 in the afternoon. models have us going up to 91 or 92 for today but it will be steamy and we have to take care not to over exert yourself in this kind of of heat. sunny skies. hot and humid with a high of 81. tonight we're down to 73. it will be another muggy night with the stray shower also a possibility with weather like this. that is your weather authority, for tuesday, and the weather authority forecast, i should say. >> hey, how are you doing.
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>> 91 degrees, my gosh. >> thanks very much. >> this is a look at 476 right now, things looking just fine on your majors things look good there but norristown high speed line we board on the i am bound platform to radnor station weekdays 9:30 to 2:30 until the first of august. aside from that this is the only incident to look out for no accidents. we will let you when there are some. hopefully not today. happening right now in burlington county residents want a bear out of there. it just alluding capture. fox 29's steve keeley is on bear watch live from mount laurel this morning. >> reporter: we got drenched by a strong weak disturbance, anyway, that bear is getting drenched too and probably good feeling for him. we are in mount laurel police headquarters which strangely enough is closest bear has within spotted as late as 9:00 o'clock last night. they updated their web site and union mill road is next
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big intersection here which is another major road that intersects with mount laurel road and that bear is close. maybe coming to turn himself here to the courthouse because he is a wanted man or woman. no one got close to see what sex it is. lets go to video because that bear seems to be making his way towards philadelphia, for rest of the morning commuters, going up route 73 because it started out with spot nothing winslow township and then next section up waterford, going up route 73, continuing to evesham over the weekend and that is the mount laurel. so seen here in mount laurel twice yesterday 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. because he was spotted close to school, the kids still in school, school officials here in mount laurel, smartly kept the the kids indoors in the morning and because the bear was last spotted, close to here at 9:00 last night the schools may keep the kids
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indoors again, especially, a weak disturbance to keep drenching everybody in mount laurel. it is cooling off that bear likely somewhere. he may be sleeping, maybe going to the next time, moorestown a lot of the resident and mayor of the evesham randy brown who is the kicking coach for baltimore ravens. you will see him in his ravens hat. he is upset and town folks are upset because they want that bear to be tried to captured so nobody hits tonight their car and nothing bad happens with the bear and people. >> i'm truly stunned by the way this state is reacting. we have called them thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. we knew location of the bear. we have asked them to do it. they said no we will justin to monitor situation. >> we don't go out to get them. if the bear is just being a bear, acting usual, not doing anything agrees i have. >> reporter: here's the
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problem, dep admits is there more bears in new jersey then they have staff. they cannot chase all of the bears because you they are spotted every where. they are telling people to relax, keep away, don't feed it, don't attract tit inn awe will be find. they are as scared as us, as we are of them good that makes sense with this weak disturbance you broke out umbrella which is rare for you. did it come down pretty hard. >> reporter: yeah, look i got a sport coat on, casual story, it will be 90 degrees. didn't have the rain gear with me. we both just got drenched. it was rather strong weak disturbance is what i was trying to say. these things move on. hopefully thinks last umbrella hit. >> thanks, steve. at 4:16 residents in one montgomery county neighborhood are on edge right now. here's is what going on. a brawl between a rival motorcycle gang takes place
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right in the community. this happened saturday at ridge view terrace mobile home park. neighbors say a dozen members of the philadelphia based wheels of soul motorcycle club held a barbecue off ridge pike. they had signs welcoming members. then authorities say 30 rivals of the pagan club showed up. the leader of the wheels of soul was viciously beaten. he and another man had to be rushed to the hospital. neighbors really are kind of concern here. >> i have no problem with bikers. we do good things. if you are in a residential neighborhood don't advertise and take off your colors. come be normal people and have a picnic. >> police say victim fired two shots in the ground to get away and the pagan's took off. authorities say that is because victims are not cooperating. families from one of our local communities right now on alert after several reports of the man trying to lure young girls in their car. dave schratwieser has what you
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need to know. >> reporter: upper darby police are on the a alert for driver of the newer model dark colored car thane investigators say has been sighted in two potential child luring incidents within blocks of each other near a local middle school. >> our goal, it is to try to identify who this individual is so we can check him out. >> reporter: superintendent chitwood says late last week a 12 year-old girl walking near shadeland and state road spotted a car circling the block three times. the driver stopped in what she described as a black ford taurus or mercury milan when key pad on the door frame. >> anytime we get these types of things with children you have to do a full court press on it. you have to. you have to find out who they are and what it is about. >> reporter: there was another incident involving a 12 year-old girl walking near erie street in the drexel hill section. >> the operator of the vehicle rolled the window down and asked the yuck girl if she needed a ride.
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>> reporter: john lives at hughy and edmond. he has a 13 year-old sister and these reports have him very concerned. >> walk her to school every day, yeah, not around here. i never envisioned anything like that. >> reporter: mark plans to talk to his little sister about the incident and urge her to be careful. chitwood says now is a good time to talk to children. >> i just got to step up to make sure she's always with somebody. >> keep ongoing, notify the closest adult you can come to and have police come respond right away. >> reporter: dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. president obama has notified congress that hundreds of the u.s. troops are now headed to iraq. troops will provide support and security for u.s. personnel and u.s. embassy in baghdad. this move comes as baghdad stops a rampant inn surgeon sent in an isis. john kerry explains why the u.s. is getting involved.
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>> they are clearly not just focused there but they are focused on trying to do harm to europe, america and other people and that is why we believe it is so important for us to be engaged and leading an effort to deal with this. >> the the white house insists that the u.s. is not spending combat troops nor is it thrust continuing america into a new iraq war. general motors has announced a recall of more than 3 million cars due to the ignition problems this will cover 2,000 through 2014 model vehicles. those switch can run out of the run position. issue is blamed for 13 deaths and 54 car crashes. the company has also recalled 166,000 cars and trucks due to a series of or problems which brings the total recall to 44 this year. >> in arizona a wild fire in sedonna is a quarter contain but a lot of people were evacuated just as a precaution, this fire is
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8 acres burning near a path, just a few weeks ago, fire fighters say in structures are in danger. crews are investigating a claim that the down power line may have spark a fire. from that fire to one in california, an update all evacuation orders have been lifted after fire fighters made good headway in the smokey hundred tane wild fire in bakers field this fire broke out friday and destroyed three homes. thousands forced to plea the area. the fire burn through four square miles of trees and brush. officials say it is half contain. 4:21 is your time. lets do weather on the one's on a day that will see 90's for the first time. >> it is late, by this time of the june we would have at least 190-degree day and it still has not happened just yet but that is our forecast. lets get to the weather changes we expect. warm and muggy, spotty showers are around and especially to the south of philadelphia. so we do expect a lot of
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unshine. it is a summer preview with 90-degree heat and air quality alert is in effect because once humidity gets high then we have trouble breathing if we have a lung condition or you know these are days thaw need to check on the elderly as well. for in middle of the week we have a heat advisory possible once we get well above 90 and pop up thunderstorms are always in the weather picture too. that is your weather authority forecast and here's kacie mcdonnell. >> going to the southbound side of the northeast extension it is not showing up but this is causing a delay. right lane blocked approaching 276, disabled vehicle not an accident this morning. as we check on the roadways it is not updating but this is 476, we will check on delaware route one at dover toll plaza. that looks great. all majors look good. back to sue for just a minute here check this out, sue a meteorologist reacts like a pro when something very
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terrifying happens live on like a pro when something very terrifying happens live on aithe wonder of summer is that
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i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $329 a month. phillies play game two of the series with the braves tonight in atlanta phillies are looking for two straight wins after beating braves last night in 13 innings, phillies broke a one-one tie with five runs in the 13th. ryan howard drove in the go ahead run in the 13th. he has scored only run of the
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game for nine innings with the second inning home run. phillies went on to win six-one. for a look at the rest of the night in sports here's shredder. good morning, i'm tom sredenschek, united states playing first world cup match, taking on ghana. dempsey of the united states with the goal, it is one to nothing u.s.a. with the game tied at one off corner kick thinks john brooks who becomes the first american substitute to score a goal in world cup competition. they will play portugal on sunday. major league baseball lost one of the greatest hitters and ambassadors. tone gay win lost his battle at age of 54n his 20 seasons tone gay win had 3,100 hits, won eight batting titles and went to the all-star game 18 times a machining his survivors is tony gwynn junior, an outfielder with the phillies. rally day on monday for los angeles kings at staples center. after winning their second stanley cup in three years
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friday night. justin williams with the conn smith smith trophy and dustin brown doing the honors with the stanley cup. phillies continue their series in atlanta tonight and eagles have have their three day mandatory series tonight. all right. of course, we all remember sarah american hand, who made national headlines getting a controversial lung transplant in philadelphia she just reached a big milestone. what she's now doing for the the first time in years. straight
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at least one person is dead after a fire rips through a home in delaware causing a building to collapse. we are live with the latest. plus police are searching for a gunman who shot a young boy in south philadelphia, what authorities say the shooting was over. taste of summer just days before, we will feel heat, temperatures heading in the 90's, when will we feel relief? sue serio has weather on the one's. a local principal spending the night on the lawn of his elementary school, why he says he he is so happy he lost a bet that landed him in the tent. >> good day, it is tuesday, june 17th 2014. tweet us your favorite 90's songs. hash tag is interesting here the hash tag is hash tag fox.
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>> kacie says, i will put it out there. and just copy. >> thank you, chris murphy. >> so one joe any september of 1990 had blaze of glory, do you remember that song. >> i do, blaze is something we can segway into the heat thingy today. lets start off with the air quality alert in effect for the entire region. the is what an air quality alert. it means air pollution concentrations are at an unhealthy level. if you have issues with breathing we all breathe but if you have issues andty, you may have some problems today. so just take it easy. ultimate doppler those pop up showers we are talking about a small disturbance coming through almost like they disappear as quickly as they arrive. you see some very widely scattered showers down in southern delaware and then parts of the new jersey across the river right here in philadelphia we have got a
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little bit of rain. not much. it will in the last. we will still get unshine and we will get 90 degrees later on today. is there a very complex, strong area of thunderstorms ranging from nebraska all the way over to wisconsin. we will keep an eye on. that we don't expect it to make it here today. we do expect that sunshine and we expect that 90 degrees and pop up then are storms are more likely tomorrow then today. muggy 74. 76 percent relative humidity. southeasterly breeze at seven. sunrise at 5:32. zero seven in wrightstown and reading. 68 degrees in allentown. seventy-two down in dover walking out the door right now. milder monday yesterday. we did get as predicted to 88 degrees but today is day we expect to make it to 90. now we are counting down to the first day of summer and we have only four days to go until saturday and eke knock, not the equinox but the summer
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solstice at 6:51. gives us the longest day of the the year, 15 hours of daylight. breaking down the the day-to-day 77 degrees by 8:00. eighty-five by lunchtime we should top off at least 91 degrees. maybe 92. >> wow. >> just don't tell mike jerrick. southbound side of northeast extension, right lane block at the scene. the just a disabled vehicle no accident this morning. rich machine street is closed cambria street to lehigh avenue. construction there until december. thompson street or belgrade both good options. as far as everything goes lots of green so a good tuesday morning so far, guys. meantime fire fighters in wilmington delaware are investigating a late night fire that left one person dead and injured several others. jennifer joyce live from wilmington, this is a pretty bad fire, jennifer. >> reporter: this is a deadly fire with at least two others injured and fire fighter also
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suffered minor injuries. we talk to the witness who heard and felt an explosion just before the fire broke back. he ran to the home to rescue the man inside the first floor of the home but the fire was just too hot and could not get to that man. this fast moving fire started 10:30 last night on the 100 block of bird street. it moved to two alarms with the partial collapse two women were rescued one was taken to crozer-chester medical center, second taken to christiana hospital, a third person was later found dead inside the home. >> right new we're searching the property, we have brought in heavy equipment so we can continue to search the property. we have found the one victim but we have to go through the entire collapse. >> it was so hot, bright. having was real bright. he just kept asking repetitively for help and i tried to grab his hands but the walls, the way the wall
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was in the way i could not fully get to him so i kept trying to get him to crawl closer to me and flame got so hot i had to get out of there. >> reporter: the fire was placed under control within an hour fire crews remained on the scene more than five hours later. as you her the fire chief say there is a chance more victims could be inside this home. fire chief also tells us that the fire remains under investigation, karen and chris. >> keep us posted, jennifer. sky fox over the scene in the new washing, delaware that happened last night on i-95 southbound near delaware avenue. two people were taken from the scene and one person was seriously hurt. in word what caused the crash. police are looking for a man shot a 13 year old boy on monday afternoon in south philadelphia. investigators say shooter and another man barricaded themselves in the home mountain 2,000 block of mountain street. after the shooting at 20th and
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morris. boy was hit in the shoulder inn back side. gunman fired in the car he was riding in. major crimes detective witnessed the shooting and followed shooter over to that mountain street home. when swat moved in they found the homeowners. detective are considering him a person of interest, boy is in stable condition at chop. new jersey governor chris christie is expected to make an announcement about expanding an anti overdose expansion. with the expansion police in every county and also state troopers will be trained to administer a drug called narcan that reverses effects of heroin overdosees. officers in ocean and monmouth counties have been allowed to administer drugs since april. lets update tracie minister again, he is evidently improving. spokesperson says morgan was upgraded to fair condition. this is following the crash that left him badly injured and another person dead. morgan suffered broken ribs and a broken leg in this
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crash, it was june 7th on the new jersey turnpike. it has been a year since under going that controversial adult double lung transplant but young sarah american hand is back at home and breathing on her own. >> lets look the at sarah, celebrating her father's birthday. she helped him blow out can also on her cake. that is good to see. at just ten year-old czar and went a double lung transplant while battling cystic fibrosis. judge's order allowed her to be put on a adult organ donor waiting list. thinks the the first time in ten years sarah has been able to breathe on her own and to blow out the candles what a milestone for sarah murnaghan, she change part of the rules, a real trail blazer. >> a nationwide story. wild storm knocks out cell phone service and traps this man under a tree. how his quick thinking the ten year-old used social media to save his life straight
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ahead. coming up is in nevada was crowned u.s.a. but there is controversial bye her residency and recent mistake she made didn't help. what she forgot but she was quizzed about her own home
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welcome back. this will be fun. atlantic city would i like to have lgbt tourist and officials are serious and creative about attracting them. >> what are they doing? there will be a series of
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events to attract gay tourist, including a three day beach party, weekend, networking event and a spoof of the miss america pageant. the mayor will also dedicate a gay friendly beach in atlantic city. atlantic city is trying to broaden its appeal beyond gambling restaurant shops and spas and other attractions. interesting to go see how that plays out. >> we have a great gay tourist campaign here in philadelphia to get your history straight and that is one of the great tourism cap pains for the city of philadelphia. >> she's so brilliant. she necessary a lot of stuff. she knows now that we told her there is an air quality alert in effect for today good thank you sue, thank you. >> these are the days where nobody has to tell me twice not to over exert myself but that is the situation especially if you have issues, with your lungs or older people as well, make sure you check on people. this is time of the year when that happens and people forget
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to turn on their air conditioning and it could be dangerous situation. air quality alert is in effect. we are expecting our first 90-degree temperature today, well, it is latest we have ever reach 90 was about 11 years ago june 23rd of 2003 was last time on record that we reached the latest time we reached on record that we reached 90 degrees. lets check that fox cast and break down your day because we will still be in the 80's by lunchtime, upper 70's by eight, mid 80's by noon and then our high temperature is somewhere around 91 degrees today. that would be the first time since 2014 but i predict, kacie, the first of many, really going out on a limb there. >> how about all of the travel times they are all in the green so everything looks good as you get ready to head out at 4:42. we will talk about patco, until late july you'll have one line of tracks closed over
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ben franklin bridge so expect ongoing delays if your heading out, chris. >> 4:42 is the time on your tuesday morning and police are looking for a man who robbed a fast food restaurant while climbing through drive through window. climbing through drive through window. more
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come to mcdonald's and play peel. play. olé olé. you could win exciting soccer trips, soccer themed prizes, and instant win prizes. ♪ ba da ba ba ba michigan residents are shaking their heads in disbelief after a brazen robber rips off a busy mcdonald's. cashier wrapped in disbelief
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as suspect squeezed through the drive through window. once inside he grabbed the cash register's draw and made off with the money, frightening scene happened in front of the restaurant workers and manager. witnesses say man was arm with the automatic handgun and very aggressive. police are asking for public's help in catching that suspect. a west virginia good uses face back to help save her father's life. he was sitting on the porch when lighten struck a nearby tree and pinned father beneath heavy tree limbs. they could not get a cell phone signal so ten year-old, posted a video on facebook asking for an ambulance. fans know this whole thing could have been a lot worse. >> if she had been there longer and able to hear her i could not bear that but i could handle this. >> he is expect to make a full recovery and briana was glad to have her home for fathers day. new york teen has open the
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world's first sneaker pawn shop. sixteen year-old chase reid used his collection of 45 mint condition basketball sneakers to stock shelves at his brand new store in harlem. his dad troy says he bought mess of the son's high priced kicks but nerd to teach his son some financial responsibility anytime chase asked to bureau money his dad took his shoes until his son repaid the loan. >> we would get home late that night and he would say dad, i wanting to out, can i bureau $50. i look at him like he is crazy. and, i was like, yeah. >> that is how the idea for sneaker pawn was born. store has only but opened for months. family says people have been coming into pawn their sneakers for everything from school books to storage fees, cell phones and even rent. >> that is a huge success. is there a michigan lottery win shore might just have broken superstition surrounding friday the 13th
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because that lucky person or group won 66 million-dollar on friday n1 knows who won all that money just yet but news is buzzing in around the city. store own their sold winning ticket is hopeful that the lucky win will bring more customers to his place. >> i believe we will get a good something here like barbecue, free hot dogs and hamburgers for customers just to celebrate. >> the store owners will getty commission for selling that winning ticket. >> elementary school students reached a huge goal and now they are reeping the rewar. >> our shawnette wilson explains. >> reporter: this looks like a night of camping for fun but for michael nerve i it is a pay off for winning a big challenge. >> we had a reading contest and we made it our goal so then he would camp out. >> we have to read books. >> unaudible. >> these students at kennedy elementary school in berlin township love to read. in fact they have read 3500
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books all together, just this month alone, and in tern, their principal let them pick their reward. >> i'm pretty nervous. >> reporter: nervous because this is where he will spend a night on the tent he pitched the lawn in the school. >> thinks first time i have ever camped outside by myself. >> i would be scared. >> why? >> because a bear might attack us. >> reporter: students came out to wish him luck and being a good sport he read to them. >> how do you do. tell me, what is new you. >> reporter: principal murphy says he has been hosting challenging like this all year with one goal in mine to get kids leading and to love doing it. >> i wanted to do things that they never saw before and really motivated them to read. >> reporter: principal murphy video taped himself reading books and posted them on line for kids to see were bedtime n west berlin, shawnette wilson fox 29 news. >> what a cool guy. 4:49. i will head out to the special
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olympics games taking place in new jersey later this morning. competition has started. we have 3500 athletes taking part in this one. yesterday they were showing off their strengths in baseball, tennis and basketball, big crowds out there, ewing township, some coaches say it is serious competition not just about the final scores. >> it just joins the community together as a whole. i know when people watch and they witness what it is they want to be part of it, it is amazing brings smiles to the face. competitions are staged all over new jersey and we will be live in the princeton area, doing track and field and it should be fun. staying in new jersey american 102 million-dollar in federal grants have been given out to 11 states to protect against another hurricane sandy, big portion of the money will go to new jersey which has most approved projects right the now, the 13 projects including restoration of beaches, salt harshes and delaware and pennsylvania will be getting that grant money.
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so karen mentioned she will be out there for the special olympic games. it will be warm. make sure your guys stay hydrated, lots of sun block, sue. >> stay in air conditioning as much as possible because of the air quality alert that we have in effect. by tomorrow we are dealing with the heat advisory which is more intense but air pollution concentrations as they say are just not healthy today. at least they won't be by the time they reach that 90 degrees for first time in 2014. watching pop up showers in new jersey and a few in southern delaware this morning. they seem to be moving out of philadelphia at the moment leaving almost as quickly as they appear and that should be it for most of the day to take once sun comes out, we will start to see that temperature rise. we've got storms moving in the chicago area, wisconsin getting storms as well, we don't think that complex will make its way here to take. we are anticipate ago lot of
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heat and humidity. seventy-four in the city. seventy-two in wildwood. sixty-seven in the mountains. 70 degrees, all right in reading. when we start off in the 70's we know, when we start off in the 70's it will be hot and humid the rest of the day. twenty-four hour temperature change. we are between ten, 15, 20 degrees warmer then we were yesterday at this time when we talk about how comfortable it was. 84 degrees in philadelphia. eighty in mount pocono. eighty-one down in dover delaware by 8:00 in the morning. one is when we expect to reach 90 degrees and we will top off at 91 by the end of the day to day. we're thinking 93 tomorrow and then late day showers and thunderstorms lingering into thursday. thursday is still steamy and there are storms around with 88 degrees by then. on friday sunny and try 83 degrees and that may be the only non-unsettled day in the
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seven day forecast because we might be losing our streak of perfect weekends. there is a chance of thunderstorms but also an equal chance of sunshine. >> perfect. >> thanks very much, sue. we are checking on this fire. this is where jenny is. maryland avenue closed between beach street and van buren street for that investigation. southbound side of the northeast extension slow at the scene approaching 276, right lane block, a disabled vehicle, chris. >> we will roll this because we can all relate, things surprised you during a live broadcast, oh, watch the reaction, what made her kind of freak out during the middle of the forecast straight
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so excited to have music back on this song this time by ace abase was number one billboard hit in 1994 from yes, march 12th through april 15th. >> so we're playing 90's music and songs and we want your favorite suggestions because we are hitting the 90's. it could be 91 or 92 says sue serio. use that fox twenty90's. so let us know what you would like to us play. as there is a few visitors in texas to watch sea turtles
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take their first steps towards the ocean. texas park rangers at the national sea shore hosted the first sea turtle hatch link release of the year, to this date, about hundred turtle nests have been found on that texas coast. they are so tiny you can barely see them move. 4:57. oklahoma city meteorologist could not contain her emotion when the earth started to shake. it happened during her weather forecast. >> southerly winds will be with us. wow. oh, my gosh. i'm so sorry, this is live on air. that was way bigger than what we just saw earlier. that was well over 4.0 magnitude i can tell thaw much right now. let me finish this forecast and then forgive me that scared me that is how powerful that was. wednesday and thursday we have risk of severe weather. >> so, that was danielle doser, she handled it well. >> they had three earthquakes
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during the course have that one morning. the she's talking about the other one. >> with the after shock that was very large. >> yes. >> still ahead a bear controversy is brewing in south jersey pitting local officials and residents against state game officials why state game officials say bear is better left alone. if you are sitting on your couch or bed get up and walk around new reason why doctors say being inactive is bad for
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