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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  June 16, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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>> children always have to be on the alert. >> a warning to children and parents in a local neighborhood. someone may be trying to lure away children. the similar clues in two different incidents that have investigators on alert. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> and first at 6:00 breaking news in south philadelphia. all of it connected to the shooting of a 13 year old boy. skyfox is live over the 2,000 block of mountain street where two men are barricaded inside a home there. police say the men are armed. police also say they shot the 13 year old. that shooting taking place on the two thus sand block of hamburger street about a half a mile away. skyfox over that seen a short time ago. you can see police and ambulance there. police say the child was shot twice. once in the arm and once in the back side. he is in stable condition right now at chop. we have crew on the way and we will bring you the latest information as soon as we get
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it. now to delaware county neighborhood on edge. right now, the search is on for a man who appears to be trying to lure young girls and tonight employees are warning parents and young people to be extra careful thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. >> i'm dawn timmeney. let's get straight out to fox twin's dave schratwieser live in upper darby with the story. dave? >> reporter: dawn, because these two incidents happened within a mile of each other, and near a local middle school, police have alerted parents and children to be on the look out for a suspect in a dark-colored newer model car. tonight police tell us they're hoping to prevent a crime. >> children always have to be on the alert. that's the warning from police in upper darby after two suspicious incidents where police believe a man in newer model dark hiv colored car may have been trying to lure young girls within blocks of their middle school. >> any time you get these types of things with children, you have to do a full court press. >> it's scary.
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john lives right at the intersection where a 12 year old girl says she spotted a dark-colored forward for taurus or mercury milan following her as she walked to school one late last month. mark has a 13 year old sister. >> is he goes to school one block away. you figure what could happen in that one block? i guess a lot could happen in that one block. >> reporter: superintendent chitwood says late last week, a 12 year old girl walking near shade land and state road spotted a car circling the block three times. when the man stopped in what she described was a black ford taurus owe or mercury milan with key pad on the door frame. >> our goal is to try and identify who this individual is so that we can check him out. >> both of the girls went to drexel hill middle school. due to the similarities in the two cases, an attempted luring in a bordering township, he's got a warning for children if they face a situation like this. notify the closest adult that you can come to and have police come and respond right away.
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>> i'll walk her to school every day. yeah. not around here. i never envisioned anything like that. >> we don't have a crime at this point in time. our goal is not to have a crime. >> reporter: now neither of the two girls were injured in these incidents. police are looking at that third luring attempt in another town to see if it might be connected, again, if you see anything suspicious, in your neighborhood, you should call police right away. dawn? >> dave, thank you. and turning to a story happening now in burlington county. tonight this man is accused of killing his own mother. police found herbert rolette's mom in their browns mills home last night. now, there are still a lot of questions to be answered at this hour. fox 29's bruce gordon has the story for us from burlington county. >> reporter: here on the 100 block of washington here in the presidential lakes neighborhood, the browns mills section of pemberton township by all accounts a peaceful, quite little community. that is until last night. pemberton township police tell us they received a phone call
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around 5:40 p.m. yesterday from a 44 year old herbert raoul let telling them homicide occurred at the home we are told he shares with his mother. authorities arrived to find 71 year old maryann raoul let dead on the living room floor. that's say hear bert was the only person home at the time of the killing other than his mother. he's been charged now with her murder. an autopsy has been ordered to determine her exact cause of death. authorities looking now for motive and neighbors, well, they are understandably stunned. >> your own mother. i got three kids. i would, you know, kind of shocking and i was really shocked to hear that something like that happened around here. >> i grew up out here and i thought it's safe for kids. it was safe for me. and i know the area. and i love it but it doesn't make it any better to live here. >> when stuff like this is happening, it's time to go. >> i think so, yeah. i think it is. >> reporter: herbert was scheduled to have his initial court appearance in mt. holly this afternoon. that did not happen. he is currently jailed on
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$500,000 bail. >> in browns mills, bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> turning now to your fox 29 weather authority. here's life lock at center city tonight after what seemed to be a bit of slow start the summer like temperatures that we usually associate with june, well, they are finally arriving. let's send it over to chief meteorologist scott williams. we're looking at some of the warmest air so far this year on the way to our area. 87 degrees right now. so still pretty warm. those winds have been out of the southwest at 9 miles per hour. so that wind direction over the next several days will pump in that humidity. right now, it's comfortable. only at 35%. so a pretty nice sunset will be on tap at about 8:32 this evening across the area. we'll look at several temperatures you can see mid 80s in allentown. 87 right now in reading. a little cooler down the shore thanks to that afternoon sea breeze but take look to the south. this is the air mass that will eventually head toward our area. it's 92 in st. louis right now.
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93 in dallas and 104 degrees currently in phoenix, arizona. the other concern over the next several days will be the air quality. tomorrow it will be in the code are a ranch category making it unhealthy for sensitive groups. so you'll want to limit your outdoor exposure he is special physical you have asthma, upper respiratory disorders during the heat of the day. coming up, we'll talk about how hot it will get and how long it will last coming up. >> all right, scott, thank you. >> you can follow temperatures and your rain chances all week on our website just click the weather tab at the top of the home page for the latest forecast information and life radar images. >> and now to developing and increasingly volatile situation in iraq. tonight president obama is considering a series of options to confront the chaos there. the white house now considering sending in special forces. but the president has made it clear there will be no combat troops. secretary of state john kerry has put drone strikes and direct
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cooperation with iran on the table. the violence in iraq is moving closer to the border of baghdad as islamic militants seize more and more territory. now the united states says it is open to consulting with iran's government to try to stabilize the region. some lawmakers are pushing back saying any military action should be quick or not at all. >> closer to home now surveillance video and a story you saw first on fox. the video shows a group of teens hanging outside the aronimink trolley stop in drexel hill last night. authorities say the group was plotting a surprise attack on a 58 year old man as part of that so-called knock out game. police say the teens used their cell phones to record the heinous prank. the victim says he was minding his business when it happened. the upper darby police are working to catch the suspect. >> this was planned. there was no reason for this type of attack. they're lucky they didn't kill the guy. >> superintendent michael chitwood says one of the suspects even posted the video on facebook.
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he said that could be a major help in that investigation. >> the start of the work week went off without a hitch for tens of thousands of commuters fortunately. regional rail ran as scheduled today. engineers and electricians were on strike for about 24 hours on saturday leaving those people who rely on regional rails searching for ways to get arou around. president obama put an end to the work stoppage by appointing an emergency board to mediate the contract dispute between septa and the unions. a recommendation will be issued by mid july. >> a series of construction project cos make live difficult for drivers this week. here's a live look from our fox 29 traffic cameras of the blue route in springfield, delaware county. penndot will do some repaving work there wednesday. there's also some repaving work being done along 95 this week between philadelphia and delaware. but that road work isn't the only bit of construction that could cause headaches for drivers along i-95. there's also the girard avenue project. penndot also plans to begin the long awaited construction tonight.
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$211 million project will rebuild and improve the highway between girard and allegheny. it's the second largest construction contract in penndot history. last week bad weather postponed the start of the work. it will affect traffic patterns in that area. >> another bare sighting in burlington county this morning has residents there keeping an eye out. employees say someone saw the bear in the area of mt. laurel road and hainesport road around 9:30 this morning. police are monitoring the animal's movements based on sightings. field day activities for nearby hillside elementary school did go as planned but parents were on guard saying everyone is keeping their eyes appealed for that big bear. we have an update tonight on story we have been following for more than a year now. >> remember sarah murnaghan she made world headlines while getting a controversial lung transplant in philadelphia. she hit a huge milestone. what she's now doing for the first time in years. >> and atlantic city plans to throw a more inclusive party this summer. how they'll try to at tract lgbt
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tourists and why they say it's so important. tom. >> eagles getting ready for a mandatory mini camp tomorrow and coming up the most important work for this team's 2014 defense. we'll talk about it in sports. >> coming up in weather get ready for 99-degree heat as we countdown to summer. of course it's about five days away. it's going to feel like a little earlier. details next. >> and coming up tonight at 10:00 the wild world of septa caught on tape the bizarre behavior, unique style and the scuffles all posted online. think you've seen it all? just wait until you see this tonight at 10:00. >> and we're continuing to follow breaking news in south philadelphia. skyfox over the 2,000 block of mountain street just a short timing a much that's where child was shot and two men are barricaded inside a home there. we are working to get more information and as soon as we get it, we will bring it to you.
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>> sixty two folks over mountain street a short time ago. you can see all the police activity there. investigators say two men are barricaded inside a home there. investigators say the men ran inside after shooting a 13 year old boy on the 2,000 block of hamburger street a half mile away. that boy is in the hospital in stable condition. a man cued of driving drunk crash nothing a police vehicle and hurting an officer is under arrest tonight. police in hamilton township, new jersey, say 41 year old david mc cavity turned himself in. he's accused in the crash that happened on on route 4 back in late may april. here's a look at the damage done to the vehicle. the officer inside was seriously hurt. but survived. mc cavity is charged with assault by auto, dui and reckless driving. >> 11 states will share more than $102 million in federal
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grants to protect residents from future storms like hurricane sandy. and one of the largest portions of money will be going to new jersey which has the most approved projects right now. those 13 projects include restoration of beaches, salt marchs and urban areas. delaware and pennsylvania will also get some of that grant money. >> atlantic city wants lgbt tourists and officials are getting zero yuks about attracting them. ac says this will be a part of its growth strategy. series of events to attract gay tourists including a three-day beach party weekend networking events and a drag spoof of the miss america pageant. the mayor will also dedicate a gay friendly beach in atlantic city. atlantic city has trying to broaden it's appeal beyond a gambling by emphasizing restaurants, shops and nightclubs, spas and other attractions. >> it was the sick little girl and the fight to get her potentially live-saving treatment that grabbed headlines around the world. >> tonight an update on sarah murnaghan we cannot be happier
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to report. just 10 year old, little sarah underwent two double lung transplants while battling cystic fibrosis. a judge's order allowed her to get on an adult organ donor waiting list despite her young age and after a long road to recovery, sarah who now 11 is back at home and her family says she had her breathing tube removed which means she is now breathing on her own for the first time in years. she looks so much better when you look at the pictures, too. >> she does. >> competition is underway for the 2014 special olympic games taking place in new jersey. >> some 3500 athletes are participating and today competitors showed their strength in baseball, tennis and basketball in ewing township. but the games are not only about the final score. it's also about giving people who often feel left out due to a disability a chance to be part of a team. >> just joins the community together as whole, and i know when people watch special olympics and they witness what it is, they just want that be part of it. it's amazing.
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>> the competition goes on until saturday. we will continue to bring you reports from venues throughout the state of new jersey. >> and turning now to your fox 29 winter -- winter weather, what am i think? winter weath weather. >> i was just about to say what a glorious day it was. summer. >> summer. right? yeah. we're talking temperatures 90-degrees or better over the next several days. so not feeling like winter at all. it's going to be scorching across our area. 87 right now. but it's more of a dry heat today. look at the humidity. it's at 35%. so it's warm but comfortable. the sun will set this evening shortly after 8:30. look at the high temperature today. 2 degrees off from 90. it still hasn't hit 90 degrees yet this year but that is going to change later this week. as we look at the temperatures across the area, still warm in philadelphia with 87. 87 as well in reading. mid 80s in allentown. but it's a little cooler thanks to that sea breeze down the shore temperatures are in the upper 70s.
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the other concern, for your tuesday, we're looking at a code orange. air quality alert. unhealthy for sensitive groups. so limit your outdoor exposure if you suffer from asthma, upper respiratory disorders. you can see those counties highlighted here that includes all of the state of new jersey, all of the state of delaware, the north and western suburbs moving into chester county, montgomery county as well as bucks county. once again that air quality alert for tomorrow. for tonight, it stays warm. there could be a spotty shower to the west. tomorrow it's a summer preview. 90-degree heat with that air quality alert. by the middle of the week even hotter. we could be talking about a heat advisory for feels like temperatures approaching 100 degrees. the satellite and radar showing a weak front to the west. but the big story this high pressure will act as heat pump pumping in that moisture with winds out of the south and west. so ultimate doppler dry for us but to the western part of the state a few scattered showers and storms and take look at the
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severe weather this afternoon moving through sections of the planes multiple reports of tornadoes in nebraska, moving into northern and western parts of iowa. rolling the clock ahead to tonight, by 11:70 degrees in philadelphia. once again, watching out for the spotty showers to the west and then tomorrow morning it starts off warm. by 8am, we're looking at temperature in the low 80s for wilmington. 78 degrees in philadelphia. and then by 3:00 o'clock, yes, 90 degrees in philadelphia as well as trenton and there could be a spotty shower popping up during the afternoon heat tomorrow just keep that in mind. 70 degrees the low temperature for tonight. then for tomorrow, hot, humid, 91 degrees. that will be the high temperature. forecast by the numbers. we'll give tomorrow a seven. hazy, hot, humid. and also, that threat for the air quality alert. with the code orange. as we move ahead, wednesday even hotter. 93 degrees and it will feel like the upper 90s on wednesday. so that will be the core of the
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heat. 87 on thursday. and then a little cooler. more seasonable if you will by friday and also the upcoming weekend. right now, the weekend looks a little unsettled. >> iain has been waiting months for to you say there's a 90 in the forecast. >> exactly. >> yes, i have. >> wet weather is not golf weather. >> it is. >> as long as there's no snow. exactly. >> baseball, major league baseball tonight mourning the loss of one of its great. reflections on the career of tony gwynn coming up. eagles get ready for a mandatory mini camp this week, one word seems to have been mandatory with this team's defense. what tha
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♪ >> cole ham him gets the start for the phillies tonight. they begin an important three game series in atlanta after the division leading braves the phillies go to st. louis for four games with the cardinals and this could be a very defining week for the phillies. a disastrous road trip could make the phillies decisions on their future a lot clearer. the baseball world lost one of its all-time greats today. tony gwynn died of cancer. gwynn was only 54 years old. for 20 seasons he was most feared hitters in all of baseball. staggering eight batting titles. 3,141 hits. hits. among his survives his son tone know gwynn, your, placed on the beer receive many list this
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afternoon. jimmy rollins tweeted today "a sad day for baseball and everyone that had the opportunity to meet tony gwynn. he was always willing to help out ". >> the eagles with the day off today before beginning a mandatory three day mini camp tomorrow. after thursday, players are off until training camp starts in late july. lost in the shuffle of last season's 10 within nfc title season with a defense that turned things around in a hurry. the month of september the eagles gave up almost 35 points a game. that defense got better quick and got overlooked as they eagles offense stole the second half show. defensive coordinator bill davis on the 2014 defense saying brains are as important as braun. >> the higher the football iq of the individual and collectively as team the better it is for everybody. the better the communication is, the better the handle to pressure and high pressure situations, the better we stay on the same page at the end of
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day 11 men playing as one and playing fast is how you play great defense. >> from eagles football to the world cup football. germany and portugal all germa germany. more importantly all item mass mueller the hat trick. the three goal performance as germany beats portugal the final today four to nil and the united states just underway against ghana. one minute in and clint dem seat united states with the early goal. 32 seconds in. the united states up on ghana one to nil. we can't say nothing, it's nil. >> that's right. >> one-nil. >> got it. >> thank you. >> we have one last check on that breaking news we've been following for you all night. skyfox over the two thus sand block of mountain street just short time ago. you can see all the police activity right there. >> investigators say two men are barricaded inside a house there. police say the men ran inside after shooting a 13 year old boy on the 2,000 block of hamburger street. that boy is in the hospital in stable condition. we'll have update tonight on the
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fox 29 news at 10. check our website in the meantime. stick around. inside edition is coming up next.
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no peace for casey kasem. >> reports of a new family feud erupting. will his children be invited to the funeral? then, the newly crowned miss usa, could she lose her crown? >> what's the cap of the of nevada? >> oh, agh! . >> what she's saying today. and he killed six people. and now embrace of the two dads. and then neighbor verses neighbor over shrubbery, it ended in death. >> shot in the head. plus, they were born con jon joined twins. >> it was like we were hugging. >> all the time. >> born joined at the


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