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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  June 16, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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>> so to be our my tv husband as we do the delicious foods there. we have been asking townsend us pictures from what you did this weekend. weather was so beautiful. it was fathers day. what did you do. >> fathers day started off with t ball and this is aaron, out in the field. well, check this out. >> it is christmas. >> way to show off picture. this was christmastime and these are my kids. >> okay. >> okay. >> i just wanted to show jack my son to point out, we had pictures. he is on a t ball team. out there on the field with her pink glove. they let every kid hit every inning. she was last. she was last hitter on have the last inning of the last game of the season and she got the hit the walk off home run. >> what did you get for fathers day. >> nothing. >> this has come up a couple time. >> not even a hug. >> that is a problem. >> i am filling in for mike. kacie, sue and i were talking
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about how we thought, i think quincy was weighing in as well, just a homemade fathers day card is a cool gift. we are talking about how corny those store bought cards would be. they didn't take a hint. i didn't get a homemade card. it was an oversight. i think my son's class did card and teachers forgot to put it back home in his backpack. >> better late than never. the kid gave me a behind august saint happy fathers day. >> we have so many different traditions. one of the traditions in my house my husband goes on a retreat for fathers day. he used to go with his dad and with his brothers. i had all of the boys. it was may him. so it was just complete mayhem. we did our very first sleep over as a family. we had all of the kids came. she put us up there. >> let me get this straight, so for fathers day the father of your children ditched the
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kids. >> he comes back for fathers day. >> all right. >> and he went to this, i know a lot of you had your last games. you all cheered it out. >> yes, last baseball game, and last baseball game and soccer game. this is my middle dude, maclin. >> is what trophy for. >> soccer. >> his vicar if trophy. he is the kid on the field he runs around. that was his big contributions. he is in the necessarily the the best. >> best running around trophy i ever saw. >> you went to see rain. >> yes, but before that on saturday. that is my friend emilie. she had a party for her birthday. she invited her wise women friend over. perfect weather as you will recall. she set a table up in her backyard for tea that was just exquisite. we had scones, finger sandwiches and roses. >> this is straight out of martha stewart living. >> it is so beautiful. >> and pictures don't capture
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because we had fresh lemons and problem nate and we all sat in the yard. it was magical. i was honored to be part of the emily's birth the day on saturday. it was one of those days where it was just perfect. >> weather could not have been more perfect. >> what did she say when she got to you. >> we talk about how we had become friend, which was back in our radio days when we both worked in bala cynwyd in radio and how much we work at night. there weren't that many people in the building and it really bonded us. >> we were both single back then. >> q, you have some pictures from over the the weekend. >> well, go ahead, sue we want to hear more from sue. >> this is father on have my children, informed my thought you were going to talk about saturday. >> yes, that was at the the rain, beatles tribute concert.
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>> yes. >> the academy of the music. we saw viewers there. hi everybody. that is my daughter hoist taller than me now. >> nia is doing something today. >> it is her last full day of of being a junior in high school. she has two exams this week. she's a senior. >> she's taking senior picture. >> on this friday. >> as a junior they are taking. >> she won't be a junior any more by friday. >> well, that is true. >> doesn't time fly it is stunning. >> now you can ask q. >> hi cue sorry about that. >> you guys have away better weekends then i do. >> sue does. >> i saw your pictures on instagram, q you have an amazing time. so this weekend, of course, with my boys. to the right that is kobe. to the lefties jordan. he takes after his mother. he is, a pain sometimes. >> that smile, tongue out. >> you can't stay mad at him.
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>> too cute. >> so this weekend my niece, graduated from eighth grade. she lives in the d.c. area. my whole family went down to d.c. to celebrate with her. then i went to the phillies game. what do you want to do for fathers day. i said what i would like to do is i would like to sleep at least eight hours each day, perhaps friday into saturday and saturday into sunday. she let me do that. one of my boys said i have some ticket to the phillies game and we went to the phillies game. i saw so many viewers of the show, hello to everyone i saw as well. phillies lost. but weather was perfect. >> yes, you got a cool hats. >> what was up with the hats. >> it was 60's, retro 60's weekend. everyone got fathers day hats of old school phillies hats. >> it looks like the day jim bun go through through the perfect game on fathers day 1964. >> yes. >> another thing because it was fathers day weekend i took
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a picture, my wife had to go shopping. >> i know it business father. but this is me and my boys. >> you are doing what daddy's do. >> were you holding her purse. >> well, no, i was than the holding a purse but i was holding the kids, too long. >> that counts as your 35 minutes spending time with the children. >> difficult over. >> this is before we went to d.c. she had to look perfect before we went to d.c. so i drove back and forth. as we well know, chris sometimes when our wife's drives, things get heck particular. >> to not go there there chris moviey, no i want to stay married. >> q has been talking about father hood in the last hour. is there interesting stuff about the work environment how it influenced a man's idea of father hood n this new study that appears in the journal of business and psychology, it found that american men switched between four images
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of themselves as fathers. >> okay. >> here are images. provider, role model, partner, and virtue. work determines flexibility and determined which image they should spend more energy on. we are self policing our mind. if you have a high stressed job like q, you may find it difficult to spend time being a nurturer, does that make sense. >> sure. if you have a low stress job and home a lot or maybe you work from home then you would probably have more nurturing time. >> it can be instruments full. i see new a lot of ways. >> i think it varies. it depend on your mood, where are you in your station of life and how your day is going. but you have to step back and say oh, god i didn't react to that very well. i need to to more nurturing. kids are very forgiving too. you kind of over step in one way. >> they live in the moment. >> they do. >> you are just revising,
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revising. >> hopefully not doing too much long term, permanent damage. >> not too badly. >> you do the best you can. >> that is true. >> major policy shift. we have to talk about breast feed ago lot on the show. they have decideond facebook to change their policy because they have gotten backlash from the critics about their former policy. they were taking pictures off. >> so a section in the policy now states in part that breast-feeding is natural and beautiful. kotsay past breast-feeding pictures had been removed because of complaints from other users, so facebook quietly change its policy about three weeks ago. now we are catching up on. that not quo quiet after all. >> women say breast fans feeding is not that decent. >> will not post any picture of me breast feeding. >> i am still breast-feeding my youngest child but he will be cut off i think in three weeks. >> i agree it is not indecent but it is your choice to post it. i don't think would i make that choice either.
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it is private. >> my boss woes go crazy no breast-feeding pictures. i know would you not like that. this is fascinating to me. it business having babies and how many you have and how that effects your happiness with your partner in your relationship. sue is smart one. she just stopped at one. researchers say, it is the second one that screws it all up and makes moms unhappy and specifically with their relationship with their partner as well. this is 538. reporting a 65 percent of women report being less happy after having a second child. >> interesting. >> i heard earlier that post partum is trigger with the second child not typically the first. is that along those lines. >> i nose a lot have of friends and women who had post partum with the first child. >> i'm in my 17th year of it. >> yes. >> they found woman not happy with the relationships after their second child. you just don't have as many to care for the kids let alone your partner and you miss that
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dynamic. >> other component is they say never have a child to fix a damaged relationship. that just exacerbates the existing problems. >> do you see that at all. we always talk about it because we are early morning people. we are juggling, frantic, in time for anything, kids, partner. you try really hard. i personally never feel like i'm doing it right, but i'm trying though. i'm doing my best you are doing great. >> well, we're trying. >> what else ills going on what about jet blue. >> did you hear about this. >> yes. >> we know how horrible it is to travel with kids. you always feel guilt bye everybody around you. how about this like my kid has to go to the bathroom. welshing it has jet blue apologizing for this. >> mommies named jennifer devereaux and she said disgruntled flight attendant refused to let her daughter go to the bathroom while plane was sitting on the tarmac. owe what happens is the child ended up going in her seat.
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despite the mother pleading with the flight attendant please, we have to go, deaf low says the flight attend be at yelled at her, reported her to the pilot asking that she be removed from the plane. i think the mother would have been fine with that because babied had to go to the bathroom. she was allowed to stay on board. it was a sad situation. >> that kind of stuff doesn't really matter to me but i did want an apology will for my family because we felt like we were mistreated. >> jet blue has reached out to devereaux and her family. here's what they are offering and $5,000 to the charity of her choice. >> but by doing that they admit some sort of wrongdoing there. i mean it is north filing situation. what cow do when your kid has got to go and they are sitting on the tarmac. >> whole thing is they want to have this on time average they are trying to comply with. as soon as they can't back away from the gate unless everybody is seated and buckled up.
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they have that in mare mind. other component is i don't know about what you think about this jet blue aside it just seems to me that these flight attendants are not as friendly as they used to be. they are all kinds obsessed. >> they are stressed out too. >> is that it. >> it is. i think they are getting pressure, to be on time and to follow the rules and there are so many regulations and all. it doesn't excuse needness but we are only hearing that one side of the story always good to have a common sense police as we say. >> do you remember your single days, karen, getting hit on. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. >> i love this what is this new number. >> if someone is hitting on you, overly aggressive, mike jerrick, a lesson at the same time. i think thinks funny and it goes all over college campuses. they are calling this the feminist phone number. they have come up with a campaign to do an intervention to the creeps out there to deal with unwanted advances.
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>> when approached by a man who won't take no for an answer you hand out the phone number, and in response when it unwanted suiter calls or text. instead of saying no, no, no, he can hear what we hear from feminist author bell hooks apply. and, profits from the service go to the reproductive health non-profit. so, the thing that we probably could use in that story is some of the quotes, that would you hear. >> yes, tastefully and not abrasive way. >> yes. >> and enlighten on perhaps more respectful ways to deal with women. >> yes. >> did you ever give out, get bad phone numbers and they give you this. >> no. >> did you ever give a wrong phone number sue. >> yes. >> short answer. >> you have made it up off the fly. >> i have done that. >> and then walk out quickly. >> you just walk away and
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there is no big fight everybody is happeny we love beyonce on the show. she has wonderful music. is there an actress. i like when people put a spin on something. she puts a new spin on beyonce's biggest hits. they are dramatic readings of the some of the great works of the tune of beyonce. how about like the song irreplaceable. >> ♪ to the left, everything you own is in a box. to the, to the left, in the closet, that is my stuff, ohio. if i bought it, please don't touch. keep talk ago this mess, that is fine but could you do more walk and talk the at the same time. it is my name that is on that jazz. so rehave move your bags and let me call you a cab. standing in the front yard telling me how i'm such a pool, i'll never find another man like you. you got the me twisted.
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you must not know about me. you must not know about me. i could have another new a minute. >> this is funny. and, we don't know how, queen b what she thought about this one. >> i think it is fascinating to see, how, it does lend itself to a mono log but with the proper actress that these lyrics are kind of interest nothing this different way. >> you could take almost any pop culture song though and do that. >> you in must not about me good right. >> that is great. >> okay, weather mono log. >> well, my log, thinks the tail of the 90's because by tomorrow we could be there. we're predicting 90 degrees for tomorrow. eighty-eight for today. not too humid. humidity back tomorrow and wednesday. those two are days where we will be in the 90's and thinks first time in 2015. this leads us to the first day of summer when is on saturday.
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friday looks good we could have unsettled weather moving in. we have gone about a month with fantastic weekend. it has really been since may that we have had any rain on any weekend day. >> now if you can do that, it is fine. >> they happened over the weekend. proceeds benefit the food truck local non-profit which provides healthy food options for everyone including the under privileged. >> we are so hungry, quincy, what do they have and what were the winners. >> we have the first winner, best dessert for the vandi's we have john pierre have of this truck. we have carly, our french translator. so carly, say in french, i would like a crepe. >> a rapist a place that makes crepes, so, it is a crepe
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factory almost. >> yes. >> god bless you. >> and, spectacular on wheels. >> a delicious taste. >> yes. >> tell me the selection is okay. >> what do you guys have have here. >> these are our winning features, okay. we have the strawberry banana with nutella. we have the smore when is nutel a, graham cracker and twist with peanut buller. these are the two that made us winners. >> where are you located where can people find you. >> we are in bucks county between new hope, newtown and doylestown. so we are mostly in this area and coming up on philadelphia first for a event, and the food truck. >> and this is homemade, french stuff. >> everything is made from
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scratch. we make our batter in the truck. we cook everything in the truck. we have fresh product. it allows us to have contact with the farmers, and so we have access to very fresh ingredients you guys won best dessert can i taste one? thinks your wife. how are you doing. >> good, how are you doing. >> i have right here. >> that is smore cream. >> let's taste that one. >> steve, i'm doing this for you. you have another truck. >> how are you doing. >> good how are you. >> that is okay. what did you guys win for. >> we won for the vandi's. >> what is your specialty. >> our specialty we specialize in barbecue. right here we have a dish, which is barbecue beef brisket. we put a homemade rub on it.
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it sits overnight 14 hours and topped with our signature coal sleigh and made from scratch barbecue sauce. >> fabulous. >> let me get a taste of that. taste that, how is that? >> delicious. >> amazing. >> we have two more trucks from the vandis. >> i don't know, i'll bring some in a second. >> do you know what i love about you. you are a kid at heart. you started with dessert first. >> always, you have to. that cole slaw you know turf get a cole slaw. >> bring in the barbecue. i have been eyeing that all morning long. >> it is really good cause. >> thank you. >> we make it ourselves. >> i can't wait. >> what a phenomenon. >> it is growing too, every year it is really growing. >> let's talk about some police officers from texas,
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big fans there. >> okay. >> they sang the version of dark horse. lets take a look. >> ♪ >> that is pretty funny. >> rest evenberg police department. they have four and a half million views. >> well, i'll say do you think there are some people who think they have some problem with the municipal budget cameras being used for this purpose. i don't mean to be debbie downer. >> all right. >> so, still ahead, let's bring it backup. because we're always talking about soccer and world cup. we wanted to check out the men. we have a treat for you. >> yes. >> we will good day it up. we will show you some of the best looking men who are
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playing the game right now, people catching our eyes.
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team u.s.a. will be taking on ghana tonight in the crucial world cup opener. ghana knocked america out of the last two world cups. they are playing portugal and german any this first round. >> i didn't know you were so into soccer. you love just you are glued to the set. >> a little bit true. >> a little bit true. >> does it have to do with the guys. >> we will show you hottest, best athletes in the world. we will start with the one we all know david beck ham prime example but he is not alone. lets get to the new names. >> so thinks 26 year-old jonathan deguzman, netherlands mid fielder. >> yes, nice. his parents are probably more arawe of this. 22-year old oscar, that is it, and look at that face. >> he is from brazil, host country, mid fielder and you
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see he doesn't need a last name. he is just oscar. >> we have 27 year-old graham z ubi, mid fielder for team u.s.a. fan. i was watching at 6:00 o'clock, glued today. >> is he the hottest of the three. >> it depend on your taste. >> there is another one. >> not to be out done the fourth is robin, he is a forward, from the netherland. >> that is two for netherlands. >> how about one more. >> he is taken though. he business shek ira. >> yes. >> that is the father of her child. >> yes, we always see pictures of him. we will be showing you 29 year-old. >> it goodies. >> it goodies. >> look at this guy. >> this is the first guy i have heard of. >> right. >> yes. >> jen did a segment where she
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showed me ronaldo without his shirt on. >> she was great. >> much thanks to jen fredrick. >> of course. >> this is part two of the education for all of you on, the world of soccer. >> flip sign of that coin is the the national canoli am day. >> not one of those eight players, eats canoli. >> they to but they burn it off. >> real quickly dan ricoto is our financial guy here and little will bit earlier and he said best canoli is chipolee's canolis in collinswood. they are only opened friday and saturday. husband and wife from cecily. >> here's someone who will disagree with you, his name is angelo. >> angelo lutes, wait until you meet him, chris, you are in for a treat. look at that canoli. >> yes. >> we will be out there in a second, angelo.
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. >> classic line from the godfather, national can old i day, treat around for centuries, what's canoli mean in it means tiny tube, karen? never new, going out to chris, hankering for this all morning long, hi, chris. >> guys, national can old i day. who better to talk about that than angelo lutz from kitchen cafe. >> hey, good morning, everyone, how are you? >> i never new about this, until i saw tom hagen in the
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godfather, showed a clip of, famous line. >> you never want to lever these things here. >> national can old i day. didn't know nothing about it until our pr people told bus it, contacted you, we're here. >> you're here from collingswood. >> collingswood, new jersey, cafe. >> what are we making? pretty simple, right, the ingredients. >> simple to make, italian household the can ellie is what an apple pie is to a traditional american households. you start out with some rig cota cheese. >> we used to use something, but a lot of people can't buy it, so get riccota, drain it overnight to get the water out. mix in the powdered shoeing glare not regular granulate in the. >> powder, confectioner sugar. put in little bit of vanilla extract, mix it up at the end, throw in some chocolate chips, stir it up, canoli cream. and, you know, then would you go, you can very hard to
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process to make this very hard. what you do, go to the local supermarket, and in the italian section, most notably next to the aisle, finds shells, phenominal, pick them up, you got your cream, ready to stuff. >> now, the big thing is you cannot get one that's pre-stuffed. you go to a bakery -- >> go to a bakery, pre stuffed it will get soggy, mushada as we say in it alien. it means mush, nothing, forget about it. >> mushada. you don't want that, folks, mushada. get this, now, you got to stuff. >> okay. >> so to stuff this? >> you do it with a spoon or with a pastry -- put this in your hands, hold your shell. >> grab one side. go to the other side. >> do real old school. >> okay. >> just take the rigotta, start filling it like.
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that will if you don't have pastry bag at home, how you will do it. stuff them like this. and then you can go, you know, kick it up a notch. some with pistachio, little dip here, little melted here, then there is your canoli. >> it was all over, italian, gave them the canoli. met it un tikely death. >> sue, karen, phenominal. >> oh, shook them up. >> very upset she is italian. she should be out there. >> that's right. >> thank you very much. happy canoli day. >> thank you. >> thank you. manga. >> that was fun. so, you see how warm it is get being outside. but, still, this is
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summertime, people are going to be outside, and the hidden cash craze now hitting new york city, with the man behind it, calling it a social experiment for good. >> we've been telling you the story, been doing it out in california, now come east coast. virtual scavenger hunt, started out in call i. now moved on, because of twitter. money hungry followers, check on line for clues, about where they can finds envelopes full of cash. >> what we're doing, putting 50-dollar bill with silver dollar, so whether you're, you know, it is a precious metals, or you believe more in our paper currency, where ever you fall, you will be happen that i we put them together in one envelope. we are doing 40 of these envelopes. >> rich guy, behind the twitter account says he tried to do this number of years ago, about six years ago in new york city, face it, almost created a riot in union square. so some of the other locations where they've been doing this, unfortunately not philadelphia yet, but been in chicago, houston, and mexico city. well, you know, i can see the riot, even with social
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media, don't you think there will be more people that will be -- >> looked pretty civilized there, though, that video interest this past weekend? >> up there in new york city and doing good job with that one. >> well, the weather was good. it all comes back to the weather. >> it does. still ahead, favorite movie of the year. frozen. doesn't this girl look just like the character? she lives in florida favorite place, disney. eighteen year old has become overnight sensation, because of this instagram post, how she plans to use her disney looks to help her career. she plans to use her disney looks to all the chicken. in your grocery store is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment...
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and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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you know the value of a healthy improvement. and so does gateway health. that's why we're so excited to welcome university of pennsylvania health system to our network of care. for a medicare advantage plan that gives you all the healthcare coverage, quality and choice you need, call 1-877-gateway. medicare assured from gateway health, a better way.
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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>> ♪ >> the movie so good. you probably saw it, as well. like every kid in america has seen t so much fun. everyone singing the song. and we're talking about it because there is a teenager who has become an overnight sensation. so she looks so much like else a. >> we hear this every day in our house. this teen really popular because she looks so much like the popular princess, so take a look for yourself. this is 18 year old anna fate carlton, side by side, of course, he will lsa. teen posted it this picture on instagram. gone viralment look at the eyes, yes, so many people responded that anna started making public appearances and performing at kids birthday parties, she must be raking it in. anna says the experience has been positive, but it is also a little overwhelming. >> you know what can be really creepy, and say horrible
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things. so, i don't know, you'll get hate and happiness everywhere, it is casino of just comes along with it. >> so let me get this straight. anna is the elsa look alike? >> ha-ha. >> and then, it is her sister who is playing anna, because isn't that the other princess? >> yes. >> pretty interesting. >> uncanny, the appearance. >> there go. >> now, did you see this in theatres with the kids? i saw with my daughter i think the day it came out. it is okay. i never thought it would take off like this. >> well, because you are not a kid. >> or maybe, ya. >> and you're not a girl. >> thank you. i didn't want to say it, but that's it. such -- >> truth. >> mine have between it twice now. the boys love it. and on demands. >> and no secret that the frozen epidemic has overcome the world. the obsession is real, and if you need help, chris murphy, there is a group for. that will look.
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>> (movie clip). >> ♪ >> thinks any has a lot to answer for. >> i can't take it any more. >> we're here with you. >> with you ♪ with you >> ♪ let it go ♪ >> frozen, oh! >> that's really cute. that's really clever. >> see, that's what happens to you if you on zest over that move. >> i if you listen to this like we just did, no surprise it is so good, and had such lasting effect, because it is
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really well done. eleven to be remembered for decades. >> i call it the little mermaid of this generation. >> slutly. >> we all know the little mermaid songs. >> i think -- >> some of the best music. >> right. >> just love it. >> like pharrell, happen. >> i quincy harris, sir, your kids are a bit young, yes, to enjoy frozen? at this point? >> no, we actually went to go see frozen. >> ya? and what did jordan think? >> he thought it was cool. it was colors, it was wintertime. he loved it. >> kobe is too young, two months olds. >> ya, too young. but you know what they both like? >> what? >> food. >> we have send i award winners, we'll talk to them in a second.
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>> why would karen hepp ditch us on the anchor desk. >> this is easy, foot's outside, we have this year's vendy awards. >> we don't know where karen -- >> hey, karen? how are you? >> karen?
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>> you guys, second year in a row. >> real excited, thrilled, humble, been voted people's choice again. we do batter fried which is con chin cheese cakes. this year, we wanted to showcase and highlight the versatility of wisconsin cheese considered. our offering, the classic cheese kurd, beautiful white and yellow kurd, made with 100% coy's milk, goats milk, and debuting in philadelphia, for the first time, the canadian dish that is hand cut fries, scratch made gravy, wisconsin white cheddar cut kurds, chopped bacon. >> can we try some? >> absolutely. >> we're out of fishtown do, a lot of major events in philadelphia, new jersey, dc area. new york area. >> okay, this is what we'll do. still making -- making them
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with love. this is what i will do. come back and try some, karen help will try some, as well. going down to the -- we like to said world cup of the vendi. they actually won, the actual, the v emt i cup, the actual world cup of the vendi. how are you doing. >> great. how are you doing. >> what do you specialize in? >> was it like apple pie, you know, sweet poe tate snow. >> yes, apple, sweet poe te'o pie, all of the sweet pies, and savory. so shepherd's chicken pot pie, anything goes in a pie because everything is bet their pie. >> how long have you been in existence? >> been doing this in philadelphia since january. and we did couple of festivals last year. >> hold on. you have only been doing this six months? >> yes, couple of months ago carving ice between fishtown for business, and we got a lot of love. >> wow. >> okay. >> now, what is this right here? >> you have the shepherd's pie there with more okay and side
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of salad and horseradish. >> so, do you do like little dipping? >> yes, slutly, because they're yum toy dip. >> now, where can we find you us. >> in fishtown, frandford and girard, every friday and saturday night until 3:00 in the morning or so. >> now, we have karen, i don't know where karen is. we have some cheese curds, oh, my gosh, we have some -- this is billy curds? >> business con sin goat. >> this is good. >> you come here. what's your name? >> wanda. >> do you eat beats? >> yes. >> would you like some pie? >> dip in, dip in. >> how is that? >> oh, i love it. >> to die for? >> okay, so, guys, thank you. the vendy cup. i'm just standing out here eating, wish were you here. >> we've been dying, the three of us, my god, cheese curds,. >> don't let them leave yet.
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>> not leaving. back to you guys in the studio. >> flatten their tires! >> that's pathetic how hungry we r hey, we start dollars at 4:00. >> so two improve impersonators getting lots of u tomb views for their cover. i love this song. >> your favorite song. >> let's hear what they did. >> ♪ ♪
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>> enough to do to sing it, and to rap, and oh, man. they're tal ended. that's so clever, so much fun. >> i just love the good voices, too. >> and they're having a blast. >> ♪ >> and, elmo, casey kasem never did that. >> that's too much fun. will the 50 is the time, another family of the kardashian family -- family continues to shock us, what else? the jaw dropping dress kendall jenner wore last night to awards show in canada. we'll show it to you
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winding up to win. just couple every minutes away. let's talk about kendall jenner, wig fans as the much music video awards in toronto on sunday. the 18 year old wore a flour lent gown with two slits. >> wow. >> revealing her pelvic bones. the embellished long sleeve gown designed by falsto. she is my favorite of the cards ash yan, but quite address. >> kardashian typically don't want to draw attention to themselves. can't imagine why she would wear that. >> which coattails, her famous father from the olypians, or her sisters in law, or former sisters in law now. >> they're her sisters.
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>> we know chris murphy he doesn't keep up with the cashed ash yan. >> how long has that show been on? >> eighteen, she's pretty much knows nothing else than having her life -- >> she is now modeling, which is why she wears those kind of outfits, dresses, why we are seeing her, so her lane is kind of fashion. she is like, you know,. oh, good. now we have more news. but this one is about the innocent child. one of the most talked about babies in pop culture, who didn't ask to be born into this, she's very cute, her name is northwest, of course, and she is going to be one, oh, she is one yesterday, my goodness, e on line reporting the family had low key weaken for fathers day, birthday celebrations, but the cards ash yan clan, of course they'll throw a big bash. they have a something for doing, that see if her first day party is anything like her parents wedding. >> i've seen the hitchcock film north by northwest. >> i think that might have run through their mounds.
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>> is that cary grant? >> yes. >> another baby in the news. another baby we love, because we love mom, kelly clarkson, something to sing about. she is celebrating the birth of her new little girl with her husband brandon. she announced the arrival of her daughter o twit they are weekends, the baby's name is river rose blackstock. she says the babe english cute. >> i think it is cute. i think it is cute. >> yes. >> so the baby came on june 12th, i love we're just finding out about it now, family reportedly on cloud nine, she three it, our kelly clarkson, known for hits like stronger, anacine you've been gone, just married black stock, you remember the pictures from last year. who i believe is the stepson of reba mcintyre. >> interesting. >> yes. >> how about that? >> queen of one of the queens every country music. >> angelina jolie is getting a fancy new title from a role. >> oh? >> queen elizabeth has made angelina jolie an honorary dame. well, there is nothing like a dame. the honor was given to the actress to recognize her work as an activist, raising global
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awareness of violence against women, but you can't officially call her dame, angelina, because she not british citizen. she got that, like honorary agree, i guess, from an university. >> like the judy den. -- >> call her dane beauty judd she is is a british citizen. >> sir elton john. >> yes. >> sir john. >> sir john paul, george, ringo. you just saw rain. >> oh, we saw the beatles, academy of music, fantastic. it was good. >> how about jay-z celebrating fathers day with hess daughter blew ivy. beyonce shared this black and white picture with her 13 million followers on instagram yesterday. caring two year old daughter on his shoulder, the caption simply red happy fathers day. happy gathers fathers day to all of the cats out there on the day after. >> we had so many wonderful pictures. thanks for sending them in. we love when you share the conversation with us on facebook, twitter, all of us will be back here to do the whole thing again.
9:58 am
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and, play in the all-new cookie's monster land. with 5 exciting rides, a monster clubhouse and more! get unlimited visits and more with a season pass for six payments of $18. ♪ meet me at sesame place!
10:00 am
live from new york city, it's "wendy williams." today, honey boo-boo and mama june stop by for some good old-fashioned girl talk and to dish about the upcoming season of their show. plus, is ben affleck's gambling ruining his marriage to jennifer garner. radaronline gives wendy the inside scoop. plus, all the latest juicy "hot topics." now, here's wendy! ♪


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