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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  June 15, 2014 10:00pm-10:37pm EDT

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>> coming up next a father's day block party erupts in gunfire. why police had to open fire themselves. plus a dog falls 14 floors and survives. how it happened in the first place. your news starts in 60
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fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of aweso awesome. ♪ >> right now at 10:00 an innocent man punched in the face. police say the attack completely unprovoke. >> extremely disappointing how the world has changed since i've known it. >> only on fox, why the victim tells us it could have been a lot worse. plus, regional rails are up and running but that doesn't mean the union problems are over. while there still could be another strike. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 10:00. >> we begin tonight with breaking news. good evening, everyone, i'm chris o'connell. >> i'm dawn timmeney.
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a plane headed to germany makes an expect landing at philadelphia international airport. dave kinchen is live at the airport. what exactly happened here? >> reporter: very scary situation. flight -- laton is a flight had an indicator that went off denoting some kind of landing gear problem according to sources at philadelphia police. that plane is back in the air now heading to germany but hit to turn around and come back to phl because of the problem. let's go to an image now from flight a website that tracks flight patterns and you can see that the air bus a340 circled across our five county area an area including chester county for about 45 minutes sources tell us that the pilot had to burn fuel before making the landing back at phl where crews went to take a look at this apparent landing gear problem. again, the plane was head dodger ma and knee left phl. there was some kind of a problem
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with the landing gear. a light went on and then they circled around the area for about 45 minutes before landing here so that they could get that problem addressed. no injuries here at the airport. airport officials say they never received any kind of a report of an emergency requiring a specific diversion, but that flight is back headed to germany right now. guys, back to you. >> all right, dave, thanks. also, tonight, breaking, crews rescue a man from the schuylkill river. police say he jumped in the water near 30th street at market. it's not clear why he went in. crews pulled him out just after 9:00 o'clock tonight. his condition is unknown. >> we're learning more about the six people killed in a fast-moving fire in essex county. firefighters say flames broke out a a single family home and spread to another one around for clock this morning. both homes were destroyed. a woman who showed up at the scene says her 15 year old grandson and his mother are among the victims.
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she says they were from georgia and were visiting family. >> any fatal scene is sad and a tragedy. this one with six victims is, you know, it's immense tragedy for the families involved here and the residents in this enabled. >> authorities say everyone in the second home did escape safely. the fire is under investigation tonight. >> happening now, septa engineers and electricians are forced back to work. trains began operating again early this morning. the strike only lasting one day after president obama stepped in. it has commuters breathing a sigh of relief tonight. fox 29's drew dickman caught up with them at suburban station. >> gives us some more time to try to hopefully negotiate. >> reporter: u.s. congressman bob brady applauds the move by president barack obama to create a presidential emergency board comprised of three people experienced in labor disputes to help mediate contract stale
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mates between septa and blet and ibew local 98. >> it was going to arbitration. they're completely independent and they can look at the books and be able to go to septa think we're wrong or go to the union we think you're wrong. here's what we think is right they got to make that decision. >> reporter: governor corbett asked the president for helpless than 24 hours after regional rail workers walked off the job saturday morning. a spokesperson for septa issued this statement regarding the move by president obama. "we are pleased for our riders based on the fact that workers are back on the job and the regional rail service has been restored". >> the vice-president of blet says they agreed to binding arbitration six weeks ago and yesterday's shut down could have been avoided altogether. bew general chairman blamed the one day work stoppage on negotiating tactics by septa and governor corbett. the unions have been working without contracts for years because of sticking points and back pay and pensions. >> i actually talked to couple of the conductors i feel kind of
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bad for them because they're working without a contract and it seems like an awfully long time they can't seem to resolve that. >> reporter: riders hope the president appointed board will help fix that. >> i hope it ends with everyone being happy. everyone comes to the table sitting down and making a deal and everyone is happy. >> reporter: that was drew dickman reporting. emergency board will report back to the president by july 14th. the board's term expires in mi mid -- in february so if it's not resolved by then, another strike is possible. >> switching now to your weather authority forecast. beautiful weather for father's day. this is live look right now outside in old city philadelphia. but things are about to change. meteorologist caitlin roth is here and caitlin, we are really going to start heating up. that's right. we really bypassed the hot weather so far this spring. it's been a nice spring that's about to change some real warm weather starts to move in over the next couple of days. right now beautiful evening. such a nice father's day. we had sunshine. we had the warm weather. but it was very comfortable.
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still pretty mild outside right now. center city philadelphia coming in at 78 degrees. this is live shot from right outside our old market studios. maining seeing temperatures in the 70s. some of us have cooled quickly. 64 in pottstown. 68 in allentown. 66 in millville. some of us hanging on to the 70s and i think we all fall down into the low to mid 60s by tomorrow morning. clear skies overhead tonight and we'll be greeted with sunshine early monday morning. as i said temperatures will start off in the 60s. comfortable for your monday and while it will still ab very nice day it will start to feel warm especially north and west as think core of very hot air starts to move in. mid to upper 80s by tomorrow afternoon. certainly still going to be cooler down the shore. 65 in the city tonight. 60 in the suburbs under clear skies. much more on this warmup is still ahead. dawn and chris. >> all right. thank you, caitlin. remembering entertainment icon casey kasem. the radio legend died this morning at 82. he was surrounded by his loved ones. he was born kamal kasem in 1932 to lebanese immigrants he grew
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up in detroit and wanted to be baseball player but once he hit the air waves as a sportscaster in high school his path in radio was charted. he got his first dj job on the armed forces radio in korea. although not everyone was in love with his voice. >> his voice was unique. i might add in the early years he was turned down by many program directors because they thought he didn't have radio voice. because he didn't have that base see sound. as they say. from his time period, but he proved them wrong, didn't he? >> he sure did. it was 1970 that casey kasem introduced the nation to american top 40 and he stayed with that program until 2009. he was also the voice of the cartoon character shaggy in scooby do. casey kasem had an extraordinary career. to see a slide slow show of his life and work go to you'll find a link on our home page g now a developing story out of north philadelphia where gunfire breaks out near a father's day block party.
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two people are shot and rushed to the hospital and it appears both men may have been shot by police. the bullets started flying with little children all around. >> and tonight a girlfriend of one of the men who was shot is talking exclusively to fox 29. sabina cure company companies is live alt headquarters. sabina what is she saying about this shooting? >> reporter: chris, she says her boyfriend and her boyfriend's brother were actually running from the sound of gunfire when it appears they were shot at about by police. for its part the department says its investigation in the preliminary stages and they're trying to piece together what happened. >> police say just before 3:30 sunday afternoon, two men were shooting at each other when an officer pulled up to the scene. the officer fired his weapon and may have struck one or both of the men. it happened along the 3200 block of north randolph street. companion of the two men was not hurt. >> it wasn't a very happy father's day. drinking, chilling with the kids
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and this happened. >> reporter: lebron says her boyfriend and children's father 33 year old jose de jesus was one of the men injured. she says he was shot eight times but is expected to be okay. >> next -- >> lebron says he was walk wig his brother and companion when the brothers heard gunfire and started running. she claims they were not armed weren't running from the sound of gunfire when they were shot. >> is there any possibility that they were shooting, firing weapons first? no. they didn't have no weapons. they didn't tell me nothing about that. the cops shoot them. they was walking. and when they heard the -- the shooting, they start running to a house. and then the cops started shooting them. because they was running to save their life. >> internal affairs is investigating and police say they're interviewing any
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possible witnesses who may have seen what happened. they say they'll talk with anyone who comes forward with information. >> i don't know why they had should be shooting him. >> de jesus brother is in stable condition. he was shot once in the arm. again, police are stressing this is investigation is very very preliminary and they're still trying to figure out exactly what happened and where the gunfire came from and who was hurt. back to you guys. >> sabina, thanks. a shooting in philadelphia's olney section sends a man to the hospital. it happened this afternoon at the intersection of second and ham employees. the victim took himself to the hospital and is in stable condition. there's no word on a motive and there have been no arrests. >> a horrifying and random attack and it's all caught on camera. coming up an innocent man punched in the face. only on fox why that victim says it could have been much worse. >> plus, a woman turns her own husband in to police. she accuses him of inappropriate behavior with a minor. but it's what she does
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afterwards that has some people shaking their heads. also, ahead, the red cross is there in our time of need, but now they need us. the high-tech ways the red cross is trying to recruit more volunteers. >> and the special olympics getting underway. thousands kick off the games with a spectacular opening ceremony. hear the one uni
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>> if you're is the beach strong rip currents create dangerous conditions for swimmers down at the jersey shore. lifeguards rescued three men this weekend in ocean county after they were caught in a
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powerful under current. other jersey shore towns are reporting similar water rescues there. have been no serious injuries. authorities warn beach goers to be very careful when heading out into the ocean. >> well the special olympic games are about to get under way. a welcoming ceremony taking place at the pre done shall in newark today. athletes from all over the country poured into the arena. 3500 athletes will be taking part in a week long event. participating in 16 different sports. now the games officially start tomorrow. they were all kicked off with tremendous opening ceremonies and fox's ryan, was there and brings us some of the highlights tonight. >> from the palmetto state south carolina. >> reporter: they've come from every corner of the country. athletes from all 50 states, converging on new jersey to compete in 16 different sports. >> let's just say this group is pretty excited. >> it's awesome.
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i'm looking forward to it. i don't know what to expect. it's awesome tonight. >> reporter: tonight's opening ceremony featuring the parade of delegations, musical entertainment and celebrities like jane lynch of fox's hit show glee and stephanie mcmahon the wwe whose gotten to know many of her athletes. >> their dedication, their passion, the way that they encourage one another. i mean it's truly inspirational and it inspires all of us. >> these games are about more than sports. they're about building confidence and skills and really connecting us as a community. >> reporter: 2014 marks the third annual special olympics usa games and along with the competition, a core message could be felt throughout tonight's opening ceremonies. >> we want to get the massage across our athletes should be welcomed and accepted in all the communities around the country in jobs, on the playing fields, in their communities, they want the same hopes and dreams that we have and i always tell them dream big. >> these games is really about the transform ma tiff power of
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the sports throughout their lives our athletes here know and you can't and you shouldn't try this and special olympics gives them that chance we say yes, and the athletes come out and they just blossom. >> you guys going to win this thing this week. >> i think we will. i think we'll go undefeated. who knows? >> athletic competition all gets started bright and early monday morning at the athletes will take the field in s 16 different sports. sports like baseball, flag football, even power lifting, throughout the state of new jersey and of course we wish all of them the best of luck. in newark, new jersey, ryan, fox news. >> i love it. cinderella story. our coverage of the special olympics continues tomorrow live on "good day philadelphia" plus we have extended coverage on you can watch our athlete profile any time. >> get ready for traffic delays and road changes on major interstate in philadelphia. construction starts tomorrow night along northbound i-95 between girard and allegheny
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avenues. wet weather delayed the multi-million dollars project which was supposed to start last week. penndot says rainy conditions delayed the start of plans to paint new traffic lines that begin tomorrow work will continue tomorrow on the i-495 bridge in delaware. equipment arrived last week and more is expected on site tomorrow. the bridge has been closed since june 2nd and an inspection showed four columns sporting the bridge were tilting much the southbound lanes are expected to reopen around labor day. the northbound lanes shortly thereafter. >> the summer months mean a much greater need for blood donation. our red cross is trying to provide another need, voluntee volunteers. fox 29's joyce evans shows us what why the roles are thinning the high tech way the road cross is working to increase the number of volunteers.
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>> we had a house fire earlier this morning. >> reporter: tom, working the bridge. >> nobody was injured but all of them need a place to stay. >> reporter: he and the team scrambled to get red cross volunteers out there to help. >> i've been with the red cross since 1999. >> reporter: because it's not rocket science says this retired aerospace engineer. it's simply people helping people in times of tragedy. >> you knew you weren't going to cure. you were going to help a little bit. >> reporter: the little bit that money can't buy. humanity in the worst of times. now at 85, tom no longer hikes his way through rubble or remote areas. >> i'm slowing down a lot. i like to volunteer in the office now. >> reporter: now down to one day a week. >> bye-bye. >> reporter: determined to volunteer as long as he can. >> reporter: while he trains new worker bees like laura. >> i really wanted to participate and do something. >> reporter: she's been doing
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a little bit of everything in just seven months here. >> the need for volunteers is enormous. >> reporter: especially during the summer months. >> when hurricane season starts, we need even more volunteers. >> reporter: you may not think so when you consider the astounding number of volunteers the local red cross officials say they used to have listed on their roles. but they say, a recent checklist found most of those 13,000 were either slowing down, one timers or volunteers who had not responded in years. >> we've got volunteer voluntee. >> reporter: they're looking to expand the role through team red cross. >> take pictures and photos and videos. >> reporter: and through the first group of so-called digital volunteers who will work from home. >> wherever the disaster is, these digital volunteers use social media to get out reliable
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accurate information. >> reporter: you don't have to be computer whiz. a disaster zone traveler or have a ton of spare time to offer help. >> anything that you can do, trust me, the red cross can use you. >> i do photographer. >> reporter: recent college grad laura is volunteering more while looking at week. she's accomplishing both. >> it's a great way for me to get experience doing something i enjoy and kind of having that in my background a little bit. >> reporter: card well hughes says volunteering is tough economic time is the fastest way to network your way to a job. >> you get to learn new skills and showcase the skills you have and most importantly meet new people. >> it's a bonus but not the reason this young woman is here. >> being able to give back to your community no matter what you have going on in your life. it's a hum link and satisfying experience and you know, you hope in the end that people do pay it forward.
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>> reporter: while our local red cross says it's not in any danger of cutting back any emergency services, they could use more daytime responders. multi link gap volunteers, spiritual counselors and mental and physical disability therapists. joyce evans fox 29 news. >> a tiny pooch falls out of a high rise building. coming up, the tiny dog survives the 14-story fall but find out how it happened in the first place. >> plus a man takes off with a steam roller and it's all caught on video.
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>> a man in new york caught on surveillance camera rah stealing a steam roller. police say he's facing grand larson knee charges once they track him down. the $20,000 piece of equipment was taken from a parking lot in the bronx. this happened back in april. police are hoping someone will recognize the thief and give them a call. taking a look at national headlines. while working a possible dui a sheriff's depth pew to tee in dallas texas is almost mode down and incident is captured on dash cam last sunday morning much the sheriff notice add suspected drunk driver at a dead stop in the fast lane. he calls for backup. deputy raves to help out as they were preparing to awaken the stopped driver, a chevy cobalt driving 100 miles an hour rides the concrete barrier and almost hits the deputy. >> if that sergeant and that
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deputy had not reactioned in the way they did i'm afraid to say we'd be planning a funeral right now. >> i can't understand how the guy didn't hit us or the truck. i can't figure it out. >> the officers were not injured. they were able to go and arrest both drivers. the results of a field sobriety test showed they were inn tock indicated. >> a texas high schoolteacher cuecued of an up appropriate relationship with a student is out of jail and his bail is posted by the same person who got him locked up. his wife. courtney weeks saw inappropriate twitter messages between her husband thomas and a student. she was so upset she took the phone to the police department. the history teacher was then arrested on child seduction charges. she tries to explain why she bailed him out. >> people make mistake. i knew he was under the influence at the time. i really don't know -- i can't even describe my feelings and i know i'm being judged for that by people in the community, but,
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you know, i can't say that i didn't love him still. >> weeks says she has removed her children from their home and also says she notified authorities of another educator to look into but says that person has not yet been arrest arrested. innocent man punched in the face. still ahead police say this horrible crime happened just for kicks. but why the victim tells us he knows it's not personal. >> and it was a fantastic father's day forecast. 82 was the high temperature here in philadelphia. the normal is 83. first 90-degree day of the year and a mini heat wave headed our way. your seven day forecast is next.
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>> take look at this shocking video. a man minding his own business is punched in the face and it's all caught on video with a cell phone. it is video you'll only see on fox. it happened at delaware county trolley stop. >> police search for the person responsible, our dave kinchen speaks with the victim of this horrible attack.
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>> reporter: vicious sucker punch caught on camera. a man sit tag drexel hill trolley stop is cold cocked in the face and can't believe it. >> it's a real shame that something like this could take place. >> reporter: victim does not want to be identified, but says he wants his story told. he says he was just minding his own business at the trolley stop last week when about six teens came up to him. >> it's a feeling to me i knew it wasn't personal. i know i i don't do anything anybody. >> reporter: it shows the attacker standing around for several seconds. you hear chatter before the punch. >> it could have been worse because they did had the me with glasses on it they could have sent my glasses no my eyes. i take anxiety medicine and it was quite a set back. >> reporter: upper darby police are calling the incident a knock out game where people are punched out of the blue while someone else records it. police also believe one of the suspects posted the video on facebook for the world to see. that's the part especially bothers the victim.
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>> extremely disappointing about how the world has changed since i've known it. >> reporter: dave kinchen, fox 29 news. >> a dog in florida falls 100 feet and survives it. his own are in were visiting a friend when a dog fell 14 stories. the opening was made by construction crews working on the condemn it took firefighters three hours to get suzie out of the vent. her owner says she miraculously suffered only a few minor injuries. >> turning now to your weather authority forecast. it was the pefect day for a run. thousands of people took part in the 12th annual gary papa run at the art museum today. it benefits prostate cancer awareness and education in honor of the late sports caster each near 200,000 men in the u.s. are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 27,000 will die from it. looking ahead things are heating up weather wise. it was another great weekend. >> it was. >> big stretch of those lately.
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>> five weekends in row. we deserved after going through this past spring when it rained every single day. >> it felt cool with the breeze. it was ideal. tomorrow looks great. hot weather is right around the corner. >> you knew it would be. >> these days like today will be fewer and further between as we start to get into the summer months. summer officially beginning next weekend but we went through the ringer this week with all of that water. five days of rain. one of which broke a record. that was last tuesday. we saw over 2.5-inches of rain from downpours all of that including the final round of rain friday evening added up to throw .76-inches not exactly needed here in philadelphia. certainly could use it in other parts of the country but that's what we saw. a got chance to dry out this weekend. here come the warmth. this is late because we will see our first 90-degree temperature this week that looks like a safe bet. maybe a chance tomorrow, but i think certainly by tuesday one of later times this happened in fact the record for the latest 90-degree temperature ever in
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philadelphia that was back in 2003. it occurred on june 23rd. doesn't look like we'll break that record that's a test to how cool and comfortable the spring has been. we haven't seen any spells of major heat at least just not quite yet. right now it's quiet as we take a view of ultimate doppler across the eastern half of the country. a few clouds flying by here in the delaware valley plenty of sunshine today. we've got clear skies as we head into tonight. the high temperature was 82 in philly earlier today. 83 the normal. the record high 100 set back in 1994. sunset still past 8:30 and as we get into this weekend we'll have the longest day of the year first day of summer on saturday. it's only 78 in philadelphia. 64 in pottstown. 69 in trenton. 66 in millville. 71 in atlantic city. some of us cooling off quicker than others. but it will still be very comfortable as we go into the overnight hours. fox future cast clear skies, we still got a nice air mass in place allowing us to cool down tomorrow morning with a lot of sunshine heat things up fairly quickly. monday itself looks pretty dry. we do have chance for showers
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monday night. this is at 9:00 o'clock. a couple of showers that we might see earlier in the evening across central pa could make it into our area. but it doesn't look like anything too strong. no big deal. as we head into tuesday a lot of sunshine again. humidity increasing we'll have to chance for showers again tuesday night. doesn't really look like a storm chance that holds off until the middle part of the week. to are tonight 65 in the city. 60 in the suburbs much that's still very comfortable. it will be a nice morning. and i think dew points still stay low tomorrow it's warm, 88 for the high. we might get close to that 90-degree mark. light southwest wind but not too humid at least not quite yet. seven day forecast shows that humidity returns with the 90s. none on tuesday. with that chance of a shower late. 94 wednesday it's going to be very uncomfortable with the thunderstorms late in the day. thursday we hit 90 again another chance of showers and thunderstorms and it really doesn't cool off until again next weekend. 87 and still humid on friday. so if you've been able to not have to put the air on that much
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i think you'll have to cave for this week. temperatures in the mid 80s as we head towards next weekend which does look like a pretty nice weekend. shore cast for tomorrow, it's going to be the place to be as we head through the rest of the week. still a sea breeze and cooler with temperature in the 70s much surf in the 60s. that rip current risk down to low. high uv index of nine southwesterly winds. again, we really have been lucky so far this spring with the heat. some people do enjoy the heat for those of us -- >> i'm still getting over the winter. >> right. >> it was a cold snowy winter the pattern has not changed. it was a cool and wet spring. >> yeah. >> summer looks like it will start off hot, though. >> yeah and humid. >> i've noticed there's not a lot of mosquitoes so far this spring. not yet fingers crossed it's been so cool. we'll see. >> i like it hot. i like that forecast. you'll like this week for sure. >> thanks caitlin that will do it for us tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00. >> keep it right who are for sports sunday. ♪
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>> today was the 50 year anniversary avenue big phillies moment on father's day. we'll take look back. >> and eagles linebacker connor barwin will join us in the studio and we will go over a lot of things that includes a big event he has coming up and


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