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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  June 13, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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of commuters stranded. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> and first at sick your weather authority. a live look at ultimate doppler radar. one round of storms moved through the region just about an hour ago. and brace yourself a second round is on the way. thanks for joining us i'm dawn timmeney. i'm iain page. let's get right over touchy choi. >> good evening iain and dawn. we're not out of the clear just yet. round one is moving into central and southern sections of new jersey so little bit of a break right now for the philadelphia area as well as north and west. there's another little batch of showers trying to move back into northern berks county as well lancaster counties. but zooming in right now, you can see down the atlantic city expressway, moving into central sections of atlantic county, some moderate showers and thunderstorms also toward southern sections of cumberland county in particular toward the fortescue area watching out for some very heavy rainfall right
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now as indicated by the red on the radar. so here's the first line. here's the second line and here's the culprit that cold front. it's still toward the western part of the state. so out ahead of it will stay muggy and we also have to watch for the second line to push toward the philadelphia area over the next several hours. also, we have a flash flood watch for the entire area through late tonight for the threat of ponding on the roadways with any of the heavy rain showers that appear. so that's the primary threat. winds the secondary threat and then also we could see some small hail. so if you're stepping outdoors for your friday evening plans, have the umbrellas handy. the lull in the action now will return later on this evening. scattered showers and thunderstorms around 9:00, 10:00 o'clock and then some leftover activity by 11:00. but the good news, all of this, it will be moving out just some time for father's day weekend. details and that complete forecast coming up.
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>> all right. scott, thanks. your weather authority is always online. just head to our website for the forecast any time you'd like and a look at current radar all you have to do is click on the weather tab. >> well police say they're a dangerous duo. a man and woman wanted for robbery an shoot tag popular gunshop and police believe it's not the first time they've struck. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at central detectives, and dave, police want these guys off the streets. >> reporter: no doubt about it, dawn. in the past hour, swat teams and detectives have been looking through the streets of philadelphia for these suspects. they're hoping to make some arrests before these stolen weapons hit the streets. >> making sure that we're aware of our surroundings. >> reporter: marvin are you char son has been coming to the gun range to practice shooting for while now. he's watching his back these days when he comes and goes after this bonnie and clyde duo stole then guns in toes days they can from customers leaving gun ranges.
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>> we're always paying attention whose around us whenever we go and come out. >> this is surveillance video of the bandits in action wednesday night as they robbed a customer leaving the gun range on percy street in spraining garden. police now believe they're the same suspects who robbed two men of seven guns in the northeast thursday night. >> these two suspects are armed with nine weapons from revolve verse to semi-automatic weapons all different calibers. >> the suspects robbed a bagful of guns during the hold up outside the delaware valley sports center just before 9:00. and escaped in dark colored car with tinted windows. they shot a 67 year old man even after he turned over his gun. >> i pray for his family. i hope that he recuperates report roar police now have this surveillance video of the dee mail suspect as she got out of the get away car and came inside the gun range right before the rob bro wednesday night. you can clearly see her face. minutes later, the same woman was taking part in the armed robbery right outside.
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>> their fools to even think they can get away with anything now days. cameras are everywhere. >> these individuals are not only armed and dangerous, but now they're heavily armed. >> reporter: now what they may meet are swat teams as you see right here who have just returned from being out on the streets of philadelphia looking for those suspects. they have been joined by the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearm in the state attorney general's office gun task force. continuing to look for those suspects tonight. the victim who was shot last night remains in critical condition. he was shot one time in the groin. dawn. >> thank you, dave. a couple of crooks storm bucks county tow become company shop this morning. it's pretty terrifying surveillance video. take look. police say the suspect held up the smoking joe's tobacco store on trenton avenue in morri morrisville. fortunately no one was hurt but they did take some cash. police say they made off in a gold ford taurus. >> federal investigators say the pilots in last in's deadly plane crash in massachusetts may not have done a pre flight check. the national transportation
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safety board also says there may have been a problem with the system that protects the plane from wind. if that system were on the plane would not be able to take off. and pilots wouldn't know there's an issue without -- with it without doing a pre flight check. seven people died in that crash including lewis casts. >> happening now, the possibility of a septa strike is looming. fox 29's dave kinchen live in center city tonight. dave, this will only affect regional rail but impact tens of thousands of people. >> reporter: absolutely. thely about 130,000 riders use the septa regional rail lines every day to get in and out of the city, and throughout the area. and both sides are taking a break right now. they will pick up negotiations at 8:00 o'clock tonight but the whole city is watching this very closely. >> they shut that off. they'll be just making everybody really pissed off especially people who have kids and stuff. >> reporter: rachel mcdaniel
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among the tens of thousands commuters relying on septa's regional lines to get them between the city of philadelphia and the suburbs. strike from two unions represe representing electricians and engineers would hurt. >> the regional line is a few minutes away from where i'm staying now. and it makes it really convenient instead of having to jump on bus to bus to bus. report roar the brotherhood of locate como tiff train men and the international brother brotherhood of electrical workers represents hundreds of employees and they are sparring with septa after working without contracts for the last few years. all sides are now in mediation and have until 12:01 saturday morning to get a deal or union officials say they will strike. that will shut down the regional lines. mc danielles doesn't even want to think about it. >> if they go on strike again, i'm going to be extremely piss pissed. >> reporter: yeah arc lot of people feel that way. septa officials say they have contingency plan in place in case of a strike. essentially, it means market frankford line, broad street
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line and several trains and trollies throughout the region will be prepared to take on more people if they do shut down the regional lines. but that still means there could be lot of back ups in place. also the corbett administration governor corbett's administration reaching out to all parties as well to try and make sure some kind of a deal is reached to avoid any kind of a strike. iain? >> all right. dave, thank you. some of the first equipment to fix the i495 bridge is now on sight. delaware governor jack markell and the estate transportation secretary touring the site today. the bridge has been closed since june 2nd. last week an inspection showed four columns supporting the bridge were tilting. the southbound lanes expected to reopen around labor day and the northbound lanes shortly thereafter. >> a drunk drive with long history of getting behind the wheel while under the influence was sentence today to prison to are that a crash that left a female motorcyclist in peaces. the sentence was no surprise. what was surprising was his
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victim's reaction. bruce gordon has been covering this story since the crash last july and spent today at the delaware county courthouse in medial bruce, this is an incredible story of forgiveness. >> reporter: the absolutely i is. the judge sentenced james duggan to four-point if you have to nine years in prison plus a year of probation for a case in which he plead guilty to aggravated assault by vehicle while dui it was his tenth duis uism cass. doug begun was out on bail from number nine tether of this incident. his victim says all is forgiven. >> everything has been difficult. >> reporter: almost year after a dui crash that almost killed her 32 year old kyla' singer game to court to see the man responsible center to prison she was in the angry and did not gloat. >> it's not something he did on purpose. i forgive him. it was hard for his family and my family and we need to move forward. >> drunk james duggan pulled out of a bar last july right in front of possinger's motorcycle.
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the impact through her over his vehicle and on to her back. she broke everything. witness thought she was dead and were it not for her helmet she probably would have been. kyla endured months of rehab and therapy that continue to this day. she's undergone three surgeries with a fourth likely. her body still filled with opinions, rods and screws that ache when the weather changes. >> you think about it. sometimes two seconds, sometimes it's two minutes. sometimes it's all day. >> it never leaves your mind? >> no. no. you definitely they about it every day. >> reporter: in a victim impact statement read in court kyla admonished duggan for drinking and driving. but ended this way. i'm sorry that you are in this situation with me but i hope that no matter what we can make the best of whatever happens. afterward kyla reached out to duggan's mother to comfort her. >> they're healing, too. they have to deal with their son now starting the regimen punishment for this and for me it's over. >> reporter: in his own statement duggan admitted a long-time drinking problem and tearfully apologized to kyla and
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her family. apology accepted. >> i think it's an easy choice. when you are upset and angrier about things, you aren't well. you don't carry yours well. you don't think logically and rationally and it's selfless. i think it's really really selfless. i'm fine. i'm going to be okay. i think i'm going to be okay. >> reporter: kyla walking with her dad there. he actually taught her how to ride a motorcycle. she hasn't been on bike since the crash but this father's day weekend she says she just might once again climb aboard as a passenger with dad. iain. >> bruce, thank you. great story of forgiveness. developing story out of the white house tonight. president obama says he will not send u.s. troops to iraq despite on going violence in the count country. the s will not conduct any military action at all until iraq's government develops a plan to handle islam tick extremists. insurgents have taken over several cities but the intelligence experts say it's unlikely baghdad will fall. >> texting while driving already
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going to cost you 50 bucks in delaware. >> lawmakers say that's not enough to keep people off their phone. so how much it will cost you to fork over for texting and driving if one state senator gets his way. plus a college student saves his neighbor's life. he's not done being a good guy. what this local hero planed to when he sees his neighbor again. >> colleen. >> and after sweeping the padres the phils open zeros again the cubs but ruben amaro, jr., doesn't sound too confident. hear why coming up in sports. scott. >> colleen, coming up in weather, ultimate doppler is lit up tracking scattered showers and storms. fond out when you can finally give the umbrellas ♪ they lived. ♪
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they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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i think that about wraps it up. so... great, i'll send a follow up email. i don't - there's nothing much to follow up on so i... well, we...we should regroup we just regrouped - this is the regrouping. (laughing) cool, i'll ping you later. you're pinging me now, what do you wanna ping about? next steps? there are no next steps. we just - we just solved them. huh....alright. ♪
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♪ >> get busted using your cell phone while driving in delaware and it could hit you hard in the wallet. lawmakers are trying to raise the fine for first time offenders. if the bill passes it would go from 50 dollars to 75. caught again, it will cost you $200. the bill is now headed to the
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senate. sometimes the people living right next door to you can end up being more than just neighbor. that was the case in marlton this past weekend when a college student across the street saved another man's life. fox 29's drew dickman spoke to the neighborhood all about that drama rescue. >> first responders say the victim would not ab live today if not for the awareness and quick actions of this neighbor. having tim's family asked for privacy but do say they want their neighbor's heroism to be recognized. >> he's laying in the shade. i thought he was taking a break. it was kind of hot outside. >> jarod thought odd his neighbor stopped mowing his lawn last sunday morning. so the drexel student took a break from washing his car and walked across the street to check him out. >> i go to tap on him and all i his eyes are wide open, blood shot and he wasn't breathing. >> his neighbor dave had begun into cardiac arrest. and collapsed near the fence in the front yard. >> reaction just kicked in. and i was like i knew had to call 911. i knew what my job was.
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i knew i had to, you know, do cpr. i knew i had to do mouth to mouth and everything like that. it wasn't even thinking. just all reaction. >> reporter: evesham fire rescue deputy chief lives around the corner and was the initial first responder to join ja jaros live saving everything. >> jarod zahir row. everyone in the neighborhood is happy very jarod was home, was willing to get involved and in this case made difference. >> we're told dave's wife was at church that morning. so jarod spotting his neighbor's bright orange shirt in the grass was likely the difference between life and death. >> i don't know what i would have did in that situation to tell you the truth. i hope i would have did the same they know but i don't know. i don't know if i would have froze or whatever so it was unbelievable what he did. >> he hasn't spoken to his neighbor since. but plans on seeing him soon. >> i will just go up there and hug him. just, you know, thank the lord that he was -- he was stubborn and fought through everything even no, you know, we weren't
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too sure what the out come was going to be. >> the victim is still in the hospital this evening and is doing better but his family concedes it could be a long road ahead. there is talk about formally hahn energy all of the heroes that saved his life at the next council meeting in july. dawn? >> all right, great story. thanks, drew. back to your weather authority forecast. more rain and storms this evening. but the good news is, it's all heading out of town for the weekend. chief meteorologist scott williams is here with the full weather authority forecast. scott. >> dawn, we still have about six more hours of the unsettled pattern as we watch a cold front slowly approach our area later on this evening. but until then, you can see ultimate doppler right now showing you that we're watching round one. it's weakening as it moves through central and southern sections of new jersey right now. with a few scattered showers and some downpours right now. you can see in central and northern sections of atlantic county also as we move into southern sections of cumberland county right now looking at a
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pretty good downpour right now. a lull in the action for most. however, we'll watch another line of slow-moving thunderstorms and a few more hours. ponding on the road could be a problem and we still have that flash flood watch in effect through the overnight. leftover showers staying mild. but then as we move into the upcoming weekend clearing skies and, yes, a lower relative humidity value so a pretty nice father's day weekend is on tap. so as we take look at the satellite and radar, here's that second line that we're watching toward the central and western part of the state. it should be arriving toward the philadelphia area as we move toward the 10:00 o'clock hour. but as we take look you can see the counties highlighted in green, that includes philadelphia, delaware county, interior south jersey, lehigh and wes pocono mountains much ts the primary threat out of the cells developing this afternoon and evening. we'll watch out for gusty winds and there is a small threat for some hail. but as we time everything out,
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by 7:00 o'clock, we'll be watching toward lancaster and berks county for another line of some scattered showers messing through. but then you can see by eight, 9:00 o'clock still watching that second line approach the area by 10:00 o'clock right on top of the i-95 corridor moving into burlington, camden as well as gloucester counties. then after midnight, things are looking much better across our area. as we head into saturday. 86 degrees. that was the high temperature for today. the normal this time of year in the low 80s. the record it was 95 back on today's date in 1956. low 70s right now in millville as well as wildwood. we're looking at 73 degrees currently in allentown. 70 right now in the pocono mountains. so for the early evening time frame, still watching for the unsettled pattern, scattered showers and storms if you're headed to a restaurant grab the rain gear. you'll need it clearing late. 81 degrees. that will be the high temperature as we move into your saturday. so looking pretty good. low humidity as well. that seven day weather authority
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forecast showing you 84 degrees for the high temperature on sunday. so father's day looking good and then early next week, the humidity returns and look at those temperatures upper 80s to near 90 by wednesday with scattered showers and storms. down the shore don't forget the sunscreen. but looking pretty good. a little breezy for saturday. water temperatures climbing into the upper 60s as well. and the pocono mountains, what about 71 degrees. low humidity. dry conditions on saturday. and upper 70s on sunday. get outdoors and enjoy. >> sunday looks lick a win are in. yeah. >> yeah, it does. >> it's father's day. >> it has to, right. >> hockey news, guys. the flyers finally reach a decision on the future of kimmo timonen. and the phillies on three game winning streak but that doesn't get a ringing endorsement from the general manager. hear what he had to say com
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♪ >> the phillies go for four straight wins tonight when they open series again the national league worse chicago cubs. but the cubs haven't been terrible lately they've begun bad but not terrible winning six of that are last didn't but they also have the worst road record in all of baseball. with just 11 within the road. it could be perfect typing for the phillies to put together a straining of wins. right? well, what's ruben
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amaro, jr., think? >> i believe in our players but if they keep playing at the same rate they were playing, they play look they played the last three or four games that would be different but if they keep playing at the rate they were playing, you know, earlier in the, you know, last week and a couple of weeks prior, then my confidence would be low. >> not a vote of confidence there. all right. kim hoe timonen will return for another year. the 39 year old flyers defenseman was considering retirement but after a few weeks he decided to go back to the flyers for another season. the team signed him to one-year deal reportedly worth $2 million plus incentives. next year will mark system testimony mow then' 16th season in the league. >> well he did it again. martin keimer in complete command at the u.s. open at pine hurst. now keimer shot a five under 65 yesterday. and shot a five under 65 again today. his score of 10 under is a u.s.
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open record through two rounds. brendan todd is sitting in second. sick strokes back at minus four. and a major upset today in brazil. spain and the netherlands in the world cup a rematch of the 2010 finals. only this time the dutch dominate the spaniards. a five-one crushing makes for the worst loss ever for a defending world cup champion team. in the good. >> sweet revenge there for them. >> exactly. >> good game, though, today. >> ruben amaro looked look he was sweating a little bit when he was talking about the fate of the phillies. >> if i was ruben, i would be sweating as well. talking about the fate of his team. >> not good. >> you might be right. >> all right, colleen. thank you. >> that does it for us here tonight at 6:00 o'clock. >> and well see you right back here at 10:00. have a great night. [ male announcer ] for a limited time verizon fios
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100% fiber-optic fast internet and phone that make you small business ready. that's powerful. cliff hanger. the terrified teen hanging on for dear life. so who does she call? mom, from 1500 miles away. then, bad taste? donald trump on the attack. over this sign. >> it's a very high quality, very beautiful sign. plus, was astalker? did the p.o.w.'s father stalk these beautiful twin sisters? >> the shocking allegations on this same day the p.o.w. arrives in america. and, j-lo's world cup malfunction. it won't go up all the way. plus, governor chris


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