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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  June 13, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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5:00 o'clock in the morning and new for you police are looking into a arson at a bucks county apartment complex, 30 people forced from their homes. we will have the the the latest on the investigation. also new an off-duty police officer involve in the pretty serious crash, how many cars were involved in this. a strange animal spotted, in the south jersey town, what it is and why officials think it may be something else entirely. >> good day, everybody. it is a friday june 13th. >> friday the 13th. >> so we are asking people about their superstitions and you have been treating. did you see john's? >> i saw john. he said always wear my lucky shirt when i go bet the ponies but shirt has in the been too lucky. do you know what i tweeted back. >> ditch it? >> sharing your superstitions use hash tag fox 29 superstition and also, sue serio, it is a full moon.
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>> it is strawberry moon. >> yes, strawberry season. full moons got their names back in the day when there wasn't electricity and you had to use light of the moon to harvest. i read up on it. happy friday, hopefully it is a happy friday for you even with all this going on, all that rain and, of course, fact that it is friday the 13th. a lot of superstitions that i will be tweeting throughout the morning. we have a lot of rain but most of the metro area is drying out a little bit. now, as they say drying out it will still be humid, it will be drippy, as we look at montgomery county, parts of the chester county we have heavy rain there, up in allentown we are getting heavy rain, it is easing up in philadelphia but it was a rain soak 75 for the the high yesterday, such a glummy day and today, temperatures range from 71 in philadelphia to 65
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in mount pocono. it is 70 in dover. sixty-eight in atlantic city. sixty-nine in lancaster. fog is a problem again and we will see it get worse before better, half mile visibility in wilmington, .8 of a mile in dover, two and a half miles in mount pocono, half mile in atlantic city. here is break down of your day, we will have 70 degrees by 8:00 ape lingering showers we will get a break in the action as we do almost every day. showers are possible, we might get a few breaks of sunshine but that increases chance of strong then are storms this afternoon because it makes air that much more unsettled. we have 82 degrees for a high later on today and then on to the weekend and seven day forecast is coming up, hi kacie. >> thanks very much. >> as we head out to new jersey, ac expressway, 295, new jersey turnpike having is looking like this to morning. we have fog and rainwater on
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the roadway. eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike approaching bensalem you can see delays. we have an accident blocking left lane this morning. south white hall southbound side of the northeast extension, exit number 56, left lane block for an accident there, karen and chris. happening right now, american solder sergeant bow bergdahl who has been recovering in germany after five years in taliban captivity is new back in the united states. 's arrived this morning in his new home in san antonio, texas where he will continue his treatment at the brook army medical center. doctors say he will in the be rush back in the public spotlight. bergdahl is expect to be reunitedded with his family in texas. breaking news overnight a philadelphia police officer has been involve in the multi vehicle accident happened late last night in hunting park. three cars were involve in the accident at sixth and erie, officials tell us that the officer was off-duty at the time. there is no word what led to the crash or if anybody was badly injured.
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there was a fire in the bucks county apartment building investigated as arson this broke out at bensalem court apartments on the 800 block of cedar avenue. fire officials say fire was contained to the boiler room but smoke was a problem. several apartments had smoke damage. nobody was hurt. red cross is helping 30 people. police are looking for a person who shot a woman with the pellet gun in north philadelphia it happened overnight at north broad and wingohocking, police tell us that the with man was at a gas station when she was hit. she was taken to temple hospital with a possible grazed wound. in northeast fail this woman was shot inside a home on the 2200 block of north seventh street. it happened at 9:00 o'clock. forty-eight year-old victim was shot the once in the hand and once in the stomach. sheep was also taken to temple in critical condition. happening today first drilling equipment is making its way to 495 in delaware to begin work on that closed bridge. materials to construct new
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underground support columns should be arriving soon. the bridge has been close since june 2nd. southbound lanes are expect to reopen labor day and northbound lanes a couple weeks after. an inspection showed four columns supporting the bridge were tilting. septa officials are preparing for another mediation session this morning hoping to avoid a strike with one of their unions but transportation authority says it is still preparing for a worst case scenario. if they do strike regional rail services would be suspended and that would impact about 60,000 riders. if the unions do not strike septa will give a wage hulk for hundreds of workers on sunday. what are contingency plans. wife that on my fox police are looking for a man and woman responsible for shooting and robbery outside a northeast fill gun club. sabina kuriakose live there with the latest, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they were two gun owners spending time in the range
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shooting off their weapons, this is delaware valley sport center in northeast philadelphia, as they left, two victims were approached, man and woman both with guns. suspects held them up at gunpoint demanded their wallets, cell phones and their weapons. seven guns in all, from revolvers to semiautomatics. male suspect shot one of the victims point blank in the groin, that victim a 67 year-old man is in critical condition, police say he lost blood. police say they are armed with at least nine weapons between them and willing to pull trigger as they did last night. on wednesday a gunshot was rob in the similar incident. police are looking now whether those in the incident are related. >> there is a possibility that we had a similar robbery outside of the gun shop, downtown in center city. that is preliminary information. detectives will coordinate and that investigation from last night to determine if in fact
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these were the same perpetrators or the same method of operation and the same description but it is an investigation in progress at this time. >> reporter: the the gun shop in center city was robbed last week. this happened last night. they have surveillance video of both instances. they are looking over them to find any leads and they are hoping to get these guys off the streets, back to you. sabina kuriakose, thanks very much. a malvern music teacher is behind bars this morning accused of sexually assaulting three, six year-old students. only six. police allege 44 this guy anton fauxman inappropriately touched young students during prime piano lessons, while the owner says fauxman had been a teacher there for five years. he learn of the allegations last week and then immediately notified police. >> i was told about the allegations last thursday in the morning and i immediately
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contacted boro police when i found out. my heart goes out to the alleged victims. there is nothing more horrible in my mind then this. >> big question, of course is now are there more victims and here is why. he and his wife also own their own music school out of their phoenixville home. wife had no comment. fauxman is being held on $300,000 bail. we have a pennsauken man who says an unusually dangerous creature has invaded their area it is called a fischer cat. township officials are not so sure if that is what they saw. buzz started last week when woman posted this generic internet picture on the pennsauken township. it is a credits between a cat and fox but with the attitude of the wolverine. animal control received a frantic voice mall two days later but no name was left so the mystery intensified. >> i don't believe there is a fischer cat in the area it is
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likely they are seeing a gun hog or river otter and hearing call of the fox. >> officials say this critter is making a come back in new jersey but they are not sure if it is this far south. former secretary of state hillary clinton will be in philadelphia today. clinton will be signing copies of her new memoirs hard choices at the free library of philadelphia as part of her ongoing book tour. in it clinton offers anecdote about her time overseas and importance of building relationship with foreign leaders. this will focus on her time as second of state. she has written other books. today's book signing kicks off at 11:30 this morning. sue serio. >> yeah, that is me. >> i'm think of the strawberry moon with that beautiful color. >> i wanted something bright and it has been so glummy every single day this week. we went with whatever this color is. we're working on it this
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morning. another bad hair day. copious amounts of of hair spray needed because of all this mess. there is much more to come because once this big lump of rain is out of here we have a cold front out to the west moving through later on in the day and that will touch off more thunderstorms. here's a round up of the rain. we will look down into new jersey around woolwich township there and gloucester you are about to get some rain. philadelphia it has eased up, heavier rain in pottstown, upper providence, upper hanover and lehigh valley towards allentown. rain starting to move into the jersey shore. not even a morning walk in the beach in most places, half mile visibility in will mink ton, dover and in atlantic city and retuesdayed visibility elsewhere. foggy morning as well. we are used to it but things will be changing for the better, hopefully you think so. four today but ten tomorrow and ten on sunday with sunshine and most importantly low humidity both days of the
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weekend. we will get sticky gannon monday and temperatures going up to the mid 80's, upper 80's close to 90 on tuesday. maybe reaching 90 on wednesday, either of those days could see our first 9-degree temperature in 2014 and chance of then are storms an thursday as we get into really summery weather and closer to the first day of summer, kacie. we are going to take a look at your accidents and majors this morning. heading out to the eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike approaching bensalem big slow down eastbound and westbound left lane will be block at the scene, south white hall southbound side of the northeast extension approaching lehigh valley we have left lane blocked there for an accident, aside from that expect normal delays and you will have pretty big slow downs this morning. also an will 28 year-old chester county man reaches a
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milestone, his 500 donation to the red cross blood center, his dedication to help others [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home.
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there's no place like it in the world. my favorite place is long island. it's an endless beach, from long beach, to montauk, to long island sound. with incredible fishing, teddy roosevelt's home, and the first port in the u.s. come discover your favorite part of new york. ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ plan your summer vacation at there's something for everyone.
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good morning. the middle east is changing and it has change a lot this week. is there a crisis in iraq and islamic extremist continue their march towards baghdad this morning. here in the u.s. president obama is considering a number of military options to help iraqi soldiers.
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iraq's government has asked u.s. for more military aid, including air strikes, but white house spokesmen jay carney says that these options do not include ground troops. >> we are not contemplating ground troops. i want to be clear about that. the the president was answering a question specifically about air strikes and he made clear that we are considering our options as part of the overall effort to support iraq and part of the overall assistance that we provide and can provide iraq in this fight but we are in the contemplating ground troops. >> u.s. officials say three plane loads of americans have been evacuated from a major base north of baghdad because of the violence. iran is stepping into help iraq. iran's government has sent military forces to help iraqi soldiers. although iran and iraq have
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often been in at odds iranian officials say they to in the want a take over have have of its neighbor. police are looking for gunman who killed one priest and injured another at a roman catholic church in arizona priests were attack late wednesday night. investigators say they are in the the sure how many attackers were involved or if robbery was a motive. they have recovered the car just a few blocks away. they are checking for clues. the surviving priest is in the hospital in critical condition. police say despite his injuries, he managed somehow to administer last rights, to his fellow clergy men, right after the attack. in florida, yeah, it had to be florida, a courtroom outburst earn a man a little extra jail time. >> i will see you guys in with a lawyer, and a lawsuit too. >> and you can go bleep too good i think he might need anger management. >> christopher cologne appeared in fort lauderdale for bond court after his arrest for violating two
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domestic violence injunctions. judge ordered cologne to be held without bond because of a previous case, he started cursing, threatening the judge with a lawsuit. judge found cologne in contempt and ordered him to jail for 364 days. it must be, not a year. >> throw book at him. >> take a look at your health headlines, this is encouraging, there is a new report that shows that more teens are making better choices when it comes to risky behavior. according to the report, rates of smoking, drug and alcohol use are all down. teen rates for smoking has dropped to 15 percent which is lowest level since survey because again 1991. fight ago monk teens has fallen. the rates of teens engaging in sexual activity held steady at a third, 34 percent. chester county man honored by local red cross for helping others and giving a part of himself. >> our bruce gordon has a
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story of self fessness and dedication. >> incredible what you have done for hospital patients throughout the the region. >> reporter: paul olson says he was embarrassed by at tension, lavish on him but not every day folks at red cross blood donation center see is within make their 500 visit. >> in the 30 plus years involved thinks the greatest milestones i have ever seen. >> reporter: paul began donating blood platelets 60 years ago and began a regular routine. every other sunday right have after church he and his wife drive from devon into fail for two hour process of donating platelets. >> i'm able to do this. i will do it as long as god lets me do it. >> reporter: paul lost a couple friends to cancer as a kid, platelets are vital for cancer treatments and help in dealing with rare blood disorder. he doesn't mind the process. >> it is easy for me to do it,
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it is nothing. >> reporter: he rarely misses an appointment enduring the brutal snowstorms of last winter. >> i grew up in minnesota, there is no bad weather. >> reporter: among those on hand, doctor matthew goldstein who repaired paul's heart a while back when the electricity began to short circuit. condition made it i am possible to donate plate let. >> his only goal, it is to be able to continue to help other people so he asked me to help him so he could do that. >> reporter: red cross say plate let donations, fall off during the summer months, winter too for that matter so regular donors like paul help keep their supplies up. he is a walking public surface announcement. >> i encourage all of my friends it is a worthwhile thing to do to allow people in need for plate let and whole blood. >> reporter: olson donates platelets in part because he can do so every two weeks. donating whole blood requires eight weeks. eight two-year old says donating makes him feel
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healthier. he walks regularly, gets exercise and after this big event he plans to go mow the lawn, weather permitting. in the news room bruce gordon fox 29. weather permitting, he said. we had so much rain. we have sue serio taking a look at woodlock in the pocono mountains and people are saying enough. >> it is true, we do feel that complaining because we complain so much about the snow in the winter but lets get use to it. weather is something we complain about. that is what we do. if you are sick of it, it is fine because we have had rain every single day this week, including today. we will see more later on. in between we may have peaks have of sunshine right around lunchtime we will have storms popping up later in the day. we will give you timing in a bit. we will get to a high of 83 degrees. sun will set around 8:30.
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so, with that sunshine coming it could help fire up actually those thunderstorms later on in the day, kacie. >> a pretty bad accident out on 202, southbound at 401 blocking left lane and traffic diverted on to the 401 ramp. we will head out, vehicle over here in the median and left lane and they are diverting traffic up here. northbound side looks just fine. don't mess with chris christie, bridge jam seemed to upset him but what had him running back on stage coming up in the trend. [ male announcer ] tv's come a long way.
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so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex!
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s and p was down dropping .7, dow jones fell 109, nasdaq down 34. president of the one hedge fund thinks they got too complacent after a strong one in the stock and says pull back is in the surprising. expedia is latest to embrace currency, travelers can use bit coin to pay for bookings but this is being restrict to a trial site in the united states, the announce. comes months after a turbulent few months for bit coin which has been hit by security concerns. here's another perk with amazon $99 prime? on line retailer is launching a streaming services call prime music, members will get
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access to more than 1 million songs at in extra cost, it is another free bye to the free shipping plan ahead of the expect unveiling of the first smart phone, next week, so boy they are challenging the big guy apple and others on many different levels. speaking of the big guys facebook is rolling out a new feature tarring you with more personalized ads. starting in the next few weeks facebook will mine your history and your app activity to determine which adds pop up, currently facebook learns about users interest through activities done on their face back page, and what they put on their profile. i think i'm going to get out on have facebook all together. star bucks might be mess popular coffee chain in the world but now you they are expanding it brand. >> star books has opened it first restaurant in los angeles. eatery will serve baked treats to burgers and sandwiches, even alcohol, your favorite
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star bucks coffee, obviously is still available. >> you you and i had a czar bucks sandwich the other day and it was quite good. harrison ford hurt on the set while filming a scene on the millennium falcon. how he was injury in the spaceship. george hw bush celebrates another birthday by jumping out of the plane on his 90th, he comes in a little rough, we will tell you more.
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>> reporter: two men robbed of their guns in this north philadelphia gun range, in all robbers got away with nine weapons from semiautomatics. now police think this incident may be connect to the gun shop robbery two days ago, karen. new this morning sergeant bowe bergdahl is back on american soil where doctors are keeping him until he is reunited with his family. construction set to begin on the 495 bridge when officials expect it will reopen. it is friday, the 13th, 2014. it is raining, it is friday the the 13th and we have a full moon. >> it has been a long week, hard one. you can share your thoughts how to have a good morning. we are talking about superstitions, if you have one use that hash tag fox 29 superstition and we will share on television. >> so, sue. >> my mother always said don't sing at the dinner table.
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>> that is because she didn't want to you sing. >> then she said because you'll marry a chrissy man. >> and then there is that. >> has anybody ever heard that before. >> how did that work out for you. >> billy is a nice guy, he is not a crazy man. >> you don't to have live with him. but then again he has to live with me. we have a good time, together. here's a look at our weather today. we will start off with bus stop buddy, happy at the boss stop. i don't know y foggy morning. scattered showers around. temps in the 60's and 70's. have the rain gear once again. today is a four out of ten with some sun later today. lighter rain this morning. it is still humid. we have fog around and pop up thunderstorms, some could be pretty strong this afternoon. flash flood watch just issued, until 7:45 this morning for chester, montgomery and berks county and parts of the lancaster county where we are seeing heavy rain moving
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through. as we zoom in we can see some of that rain moving through, northern part of the montgomery county and lehigh valley. you could run into some big time puddles there rain soak 75 degrees yesterday, should have been at 82. we will be right around there today though, little warmer thanks to the warm front that came through yesterday. that was the cause of yesterday's rain. 70 degrees in philadelphia reduced visibility every where, a phillies game tonight, the cubs are in town but we could get some rain delays with thunderstorms possible late in the day, and 80 degrees when the the game begins at 7:05. here is your high today 83, a few peaks of sunshine but scattered showers and late day thunderstorms and then tonight we are down to 66 degrees, but tonight is when we finally clears out and get ready for the weekend miss kacie. >> we did have a down tree in for the washington northbound side of 309 before susquehanna road has been cleared from the right lane.
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nothing to worry about there. we have more accidents, lawrence township southbound side of i-95 at 206, two lanes block there right around ewing, new jersey. south white hall southbound side of the northeast extension approaching lehigh valley we have left lane block at exit number 56, karen and chris. 5:33. american solder sergeant bowe bergdahl is back on u.s. soil. bergdahl has been recovering in germany after five years in taliban captivity. 's arrived in his new home in san antonio texas earlier this morning. he will continue at brook army medical center. doctors say he will in the be rush back in the public spotlight. bergdahl is expect to be reunited with his family in texas. we are following a developing story police are looking foreman and woman responsible for shooting and robbery outside a northeast philadelphia gun club. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live there with the latest, good morning. >> well, police say these robbers are considered very armed and very dangerous.
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man they shot is in critical condition. it happen just after 8:30 last night here at the delaware valley sports center, a gun shop and range in northeast philadelphia two men a 67 year-old and 68 year-old had finished up at the gun range they were spending time firing off their weapons. as they were leaving they were approached by a man and woman brandishing guns. suspect demanded cash, cell phones and victim weapons, seven guns in all. they got all that and for some reason one of the suspects the man shot the the 67 year-old victim point blank in the groin. he is in critical condition. the suspect then fled in the dark car with heavily tinted windows. >> he made sure while following the suspect, these individuals are not only armed and dangerous but now they are armed heavily and they stole an additional seven guns in addition to the two they used to commit the robbery. this is a pretty heinous crime
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and we have some really heavily armed individuals out there that are willing to shoot. >> reporter: those guns include everything from revolvers, to semiautomatics. police are investigating whether this robbery and shooting is connect to the similar incident that happened in center city at a gun shop on wednesday. this is of course happening last night. there are similar incident with suspects. right new they are looking over surveillance video looking for any leads, chris and karen back to you. >> okay, sabina keep us posted on the lead part, thanks very much. first drilling equipment made its way to 495 in delaware to begin work on that closed bridge. it will start today. materials to construct new support columns should also be arriving soon. bridge was closed on june 2nd but southbound lanes are expected to reopen by labor day and north bound lanes shortly thereafter. last week inspections showed four columns supporting the bridge were tilting. developing overnight a philadelphia police officer
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was involved in the the multi vehicle crash, this happened late last night in hunting park. three cars were involve in the accident at sixth and erie. officials tell us that the officer was off-duty at the time. there is in word what led to the crash or if anyone was very seriously hurt. authorities are investigating an overnight fire at a bucks county apartment building as arson. this broke out 9:30 last night at bensalem court apartments on the 800 block of cedar avenue. officials tell us that the fire was contain to the boiler room but several apartment had smoke damage, in one was hurt and the red cross is helping 27 displaced residents and red paw a partner with the red cross is also helping a number of displaced pets. police are searching for person shot a woman with the pellet gun in north philadelphia, this happened overnight at north broad and wingohocking streets. police say would the man was at the gas station luk oil when she was struck. she was rush to temple hospital with the possible grazed wound. no arrest. in northeast philadelphia
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another woman was shot twice in the home on the 2200 block of north seventh street. this is just after nine, a 48 year-old victim shot once in the haines and stomach. she was rushed to temple hospital and she is in critical condition. another accident harrison ford is hurt in an accident involving the millennium falcon how spaceship took the actor to the hospital. chris christie stormed off stage that he shared with jimmy fallon. the song that got him, back. and
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[bell rings] [prof. burke] at farmers,we believe what you don't know can hurt you. like what if you didn't know to get coverage for uninsured drivers? [robot] uh oh. [prof. burke] talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪
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septa officials are preparing another mediation session this morning in. we are hoping it goes well because there could be a strike if it does not with some of their employees. the septa officials say that they are still preparing for a worst case scenario they just need to be ready. if the workers do strike this weekend regional rail services will be suspended and it won't run. that could impact about 60,000 of new riders. if the unions do not strike septa will put a wage hike for hundreds of workers in to effect on sunday. is what former first lady, hillary rodham clinton will be in center city philadelphia clinton will be signing copies of her new memoirs hard choices at the free library of philadelphia this book will be about her time as secretary of the state. as part of her book tour the event begins at 11:30 this
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morning. big turnout expect there. we will get a break on this day. we have morning rain. we will get evening rain. do you think we will be okay at 11:00 for people heading over to the book signing, sue serio. >> i think there will be a smidge of sunshine in some places but just have that umbrella with you. the just in case situation. we will have rain around today. you can see a whole bunch around and as we pull back where there is more on the way, all that moisture streaming from the south east in the wake of the warm front that caused yesterday's rain. we will go through radar and you can see anyplace where you see yellow orr range that is where rain is falling heavily and that is moving up to the north. is there an area around delaware river between philadelphia and camden county and as we head up towards allentown and parts of the lehigh valley and montgomery and bucks you are getting out of the pockets of heavy rain that came through philadelphia rain is moving into the shore. future cast around ten or
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11:00 there is sunshine but right after 12:00 noon then are storms start firing up and they will be with us for the the rest of the the day. then, it clears out, and by saturday it is 80 degrees, not too humid, it is a ten. sunday is a ten with temperatures in the mid 80's. we will stay dry with sunshine, although on monday we will get more humid and then starts to get really summery with hot temperatures in the 80's to around 90 both tuesday and wednesday of next week, steamy, kacie, steamy. >> you can tell today southbound side of 202 at 401 we have an accident that was blocking left lane. we will head out to the scene, left lane but it has cleared out of the way this morning so smooth sailing on 202. lawrence township southbound side of 95 at 206, this accident sticking with us and it is taking out two lanes. your dog could be sick and might not even know it new high tech smart collar that
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will let you know when your pet isn't feeling up to
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san antonio spurs are one win away. they took a commanding three games to one lead with the series last night, with the heat last night in miami. leonard from san diego state university scored 20-point as spurs easily took care of my aim 107-86, in game four of the finals.
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lebron james led heat with 28 points in the loss but he was only player to score more than 12 points. for a look at the rest of the the night in sports here's mr. howard eskin. good morning i'm howard eskin. phillies completed sweep of the san diego padres, and two players had unlikely big hits. let's go to the ballpark. one of those players was read brig inac, pinch hitter for kyle kendrick w that double he makes it four-two phillies. seventh inning, john mayberry started for ryan hour. he had three hits and three run home run. phillies go up seven- two. ryne sandberg brings in kenny giles but only for the last out. the last out was not the what the first batter, because he gives up a home run to his first batter but phillies took on to win it seven-three. biggest sport world wide, the world cup, underway yesterday, to brazil, host country. this is brazil.
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the penalty kick, they are down one to nothing, they even up winning three-one over croatia, that is sports in the minute and i'm still howardes skin. >> yep, he still is. >> actor harrison ford is recovered after being injured on the set in london. he was hurt in his angle of the door of the millennium falcon. that is character's very famous spaceship, he had been filming scenes for episode seven, disney says filming will continue while ford gets better. in the trend, this morning, yeah, new jersey governor chris christie, did you see this? busting a move on late night television? this was so much fun. one thing on video is governor has really slim down. >> he looks great good he said he slow jammed the news. he knew wow do something. he was tweeting out something. he didn't know what was in store. he was a dancing fool, kacie mcdonnell. >> this is fun, case he does
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evolution of dance all the time. he did evolution of dad dance light of the the fathers day coming up. jimmy fallon team up with governor chris christie and this is what we got.
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that was governor's first late night talk show appearance, since bridge gate. >> it was so much fun. >> classic. >> the bridge is closed one was funny. fathers day sunday, all week we have been asking to send us videos, what makes your father, husband the best dad ever in send those video using hash tag fox 29, send them to twitter, instagram or my fox and use the you report page. we will show them later in the show. >> we love that. we have another famous dad back in the news. >> he is still doing this
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former president george hw bush, checking the item off bucket list for third time at least he kept his prom toys sky dive. >> yes, he has done it before, he said i'm still doing it at 90 and look there, crash landing, coming into the ken maine area and some of the people were pretty concerned. >> yeah, he got tangled up, underneath during the landing. spokesperson for the the former president says hey he is feeling fine. he is in the wheelchair, as he lives with parkinson's disease. first time he jumped was during world war two when his plane was shot down. >> i had a good friend of the family who flew para soupers in world war two and he told me from texas christopher, never jumped out of a good airp. >> sue serio, all this day because of the weather ceilings and all that.
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>> that is correct, it is not a perfect day for that. you have to wait for tomorrow or sunday which should be perfect days because we have had ten's in store. you think what a workweek it has been. very wet workweek. we have looked at rainfall totals for every day this week so far and biggie was tuesday when we got a record 2.5 inches of rain in philadelphia hardly anything on wednesday. a quarter inch on thursday. so total so far this week is not that impressive 3.23 inches but we have more rain falling this morning. we may end up with a 5-inch rainy week by the time all is said and done. 07 degrees walking out the door with showers and areas of fog. peaks of sunshine through the middle of the day to day and warmer then yesterday when we got in the in mid 70's. we should top off at 83 but it should be a messy evening rush hour because of those pop up thunderstorms. >> messy morning commute. >> this is 76 at spring gar
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even street right now, this is horrendous conditions this morning. we are seeing accidents out there, 202 we saw accidents, turnpike, 76 is not the best roadway to travel. take your time and get out early, chris. when your dog gets sick do you know it. >> the new color that promises to have your dog tell you how he feels [ male announcer ] tv's come a long way. from color. to the remote. to flat screens. now it's taking a quantum leap. introducing fios quantum tv. record up to 12 shows at the same time so everyone can watch what they want. store up to 200 hours of entertainment in hd so you can binge watch your favorite shows. pause, rewind and play live tv on all your tv's.
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we want to know how over dogs are feeling and is there an app for that. >> it is called pet pace a smart collar that allows the dog to tell the owner how it is doing 24 hours a day. it uses an sensor to track all of the dogs vital information, such as its temperature, pulse, and rest celebration, that information, then is sent wirelessly to the vet. >> we can pick up earlier on things like osteoarthritis or potentially things that can cause pain in the animal, congestive heart failure. >> pet pace also monitoring the dog's daily activity, including running, walking, and just lying still or any type of illness that can cause fever in a patient. kind of cool. dozens of local students suspendedded for their senior prank involving about a lunes? why one student says she has no regrets. sabina kuriakose is live in northeast philadelphia this morning, sabina, good morning to you. gun owners rob of the
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weapons as they are leaving rain, one victim critically injured police say suspects are on the loose, they are injured police say suspects are on the loose, they are so brian at citizens saidro
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6:00 am
suspects this morning. after five years of being held captive u.s. armored sergeant bowe bergdahl is back in the u.s. this morning. what is next for the the freed sergeant. get a contingency plan ready, that is word from septa officials as they try to avoid a strike on the regional rails. wet end to the week after days of rain, what does that mean for your weekend? your weather authority has the answer. i have lived in portland oregon and this is what it is like for portland oregon for four or five straight months. >> can you imagine. >> tgif that is you why are here, it is always sunny in philadelphia we have in the seen that at all. it has been a dread full weekend. everybody talking about that. we have the blame somebody else day, sue serio so we will blame you but i think you have some changes. >> don't blame sue, blame mother nature. i'm just the messenger. >> the famous don't blame the


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