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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  June 11, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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kaboom, way out west, but moving east. we'll get some thunder boomers today. >> another shooting at a school. and,. >> three more hits, and jimmy rollins will be the phillies king of hits. >> we got to dress up for fathers day. >> yes, and, you know, maybe a lot of guys out there may not know how to dress. ladies, we have your solution, pitbull, shane, will teach you some summer fashions coming up. we could all use that. and kkk wednesday. karen, caitlin, kacie, on a wednesday. >> and chris.
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>> well, we have this weather to deal with. >> i know. >> some in chester count. >> i i know, and coming off all of the rain, over two and a half inches fell at the airport, now more rain coming on through, just as we go through the morning commute. so, problems a bound this morning. weather by the numbers, a five, even though we have the morning rain, and the fog, we will see some breaks, through the rest of the day, and temperatures are at least cooler despite the fact it is so humid. bus stop buddy, umbrella, rain jacket, hat. you need it all. if you get caught in one of the downpours, you know you almost need more than that. we have some fog around this morning, too, making it little difficult to see on the roadways, good news, the rain moving into chester county, eventually into lehigh, northampton county, weakening, not seeing any lightning there. but we are down south of washington, a ton of lightning at that, if you are in southern delaware, anywhere across the delmar have, possibly watching us, about to see some real strong boomers there. the rain itself just barely east of about hazleton through reading, then weakening as it heads through western chester county. your foxcast for today,
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morning showers, the fog, and staying pretty hazy, humid through the day pop up thunderstorms later on, 68 for the low temperature, chance of some showers lingering through tonight. so, busy morning kacie, some more wet weather, may cause some accidents out there. >> all right, caitlin, thanks very much. already do have accidents this morning, we check out the fog, though, down in delaware, right around ocean city maryland, fenwick islands, delaware route one, right at route 54. so a loft fun down there, at those shore points, if you are headed out. north mascher street at west huntingdon street. incident we've been following all morning, barricade situation. still a loft police on the scene there in mays landing, route ooh, completely shutdown at south county boulevard, south cologne avenue the alternate. also a hazmat situation in addition to accident involving two dump trucks. karen, mike? >> all right, school shooting, again there is time near port lan oregon, leaves two teens dead including gunman, marks the 74th school shooting in this country since sandy hook, up in connecticut. >> we get right out to chris murphy in the news room with
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this one. , shot 14 year old freshman named i am eel yo hoffman. gunman also shot angled 50 year old physical education teacher. police found the suspect slumped on a toilet, in a bathroom. think say he had likely killed himself. now, cell phone video from inside this school, which is right outside of portland, oregon, along the columbia river george, captured the tense situation once the police arrived. >> hands up, hands up, everything okay in here? you'll be safe. keep your hands on your back, not in your pockets, everyone will be safe. >> then how about this? during the evacuation of the school, authorities combed the campus. they found another student with a gun, and that student was taken into custody. that will weapon and arrest
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were evidently not related to the shooting it self. karen, mike? >> just ridiculous. another person with a gun on the campus. 7:03. >> so as we mention, this is 74th school shooting, in this country, just since sandy hook massacre, back in december of 2012. so based on 180 day school year, on average it, means we would have one shooting every single week. well, yesterday, the president voiced his concern about this recent rash of shootings across our country. >> country has to do sole soul searching about this, this is becoming the norm. and we take it for granted. in ways that as parent are terrifying to me. >> out of those 74 shootings, three of them you may remember happened right here in philadelphia, earl this year. >> this year, right? yes, and this headline in the u.s.a. says it all. gun violence off the charts. it really is.
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we've had, what, four shoot togs report? just this week, right? up in canada, we had one in vegas, portland, oregon, seattle. >> routine, a time when we would stay on with our coverage, cover the whole morning, but have been happening so frequently -- >> barely gets a mention. >> appauling. >> ridiculous. >> 7:05, barricade situation happening right now in west kensington, looks like maybe this thing is finally resolved. >> let's get right out taught scene. czar eastbound -- sabina at the scene, sack even, a what happened? >> reporter: karen, police calling this a hostage situation. it is now over. they say everybody got out safely. they are still holding the scene here, at huntington and mascher while police get a search warrant, swat teams took 20 year old man in custody just after 6:00 this morning. cops say he barricaded himself inside his home here along the 2500 block of mascher street. after a neighborhood altercation, in which the suspect, allegedly, pistol whipped 28 year old neighbor. that happened just about 3:00 this morning, police
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responding to that incident, and then the man refused to leave his home. police say he was armed, with two guns, inside the house, with a 20 year old cuss win her five kids, ages two-12 years old, they were let out safely. when they came out the cousin told police that another relative was still inside. so police of course very winds, knowing that the suspect was armed. >> a woman, in her 20's, and her five children, exited the property. and she made us aware that the suspect was still inside the property, and that the suspect was armed, with two weapons. we were also told by that family member, who came out, the female, that the 20 year old suspect, 73 year old grandfather, was also in the house. the 20 year old and the 73 year old grandfather both reside in the house. so we were concerned for the 73 year old grandfather's safety, since we new he had an armed suspect inside the property. so, we called swat. we called hostage negotiators. we called all of the telephone numbers, the cell phones, land
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lines from the property, we got no response, our negotiators used bullhorn, and finally, we talked to the suspect, into coming out of the property. >> back here live, again, police say that 73 year old grandfather is okay. he was evaluated by medics. they found him unharmed. again, police are still holding the scene, waiting for search warrant so they can actually go inside the howls, and recover those two guns. they're saying that the suspect will be charged with aggravated assault, but again, everybody got out okay. suspect in custody. back to you. >> all right, clock 07. police are working hard to find out how a local first grader got her hands on heroin. >> barry elementary school, west philadelphia, six year olds brought 11 bundles of heroin to school. her entire class was taken over to the hospital to be check out for possible drug exposure. investigators trying to figure out how this little girl got that heroin in the first
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place. >> that's a bad show-and-tell day. 7:07. happening today, this morning, the truck driver charged in that deadly crash that seriously injured comedian and actor tracy morgan. hearing should begin in a few hours. >> we get out to steve keeley on this once steve, you cover all of these kinds of cases. interesting thing in new jersey of course is that we can have cameras there, and see what happened. >> yo, so when the hearing gets underway at 3:00. not only see and hear this hearing, but we're also, according to this those close to the case, going to get answer to the key question, which may not be how long the driver had been on the road with the wal-mart truck, but how long he had been driving first on his way to work. and to the place where he first got in to the wal-mart truck. because those close to the case now say that 35 year old truck driver, kevin roper's long commute, from his home in george, a to the wal-mart truck, long before he ever began driving it, now the focus of this investigation, and the key to this case. so, in court today, we may
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learn what state roper started driving the wal-mart truck in, and how far and long his commute was just to get to it in the first place. wal-mart itself was asked yesterday, would not say anything about how long his commute was. so, the long commute combined with what may be a long shifted drive after that, may be how police came up doing the addition, with that court filing, we first heard on monday, minus any details when they wrote that rope her not slept in more than 24 hours before the crash. and, because it happened involving a tv star, and again, here in new jersey, the first state in the country to make drowsy driving and falling asleep behind the wheel a crime, that's why we're getting so much attention. >> driving a car is like driving a weapon, to be driving a highway at a speed, so yes, if if you are not in the best condition, it is the same as drunk driving, they've done studies, they've proved t so when something like this happens, what bridges back my memory is that driver needs to go to jail.
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he killed somebody. >> how do you stay awake when behind the me? >> you don't. you get rest before you go behind the wheel. no remedy. >> while treats attributed to the truck driver, now reported as his account have, him both remorseful, also claiming he's being made a scapegoat, saying i can't express how horrible i feel, but adding because a famous person was involved, all of the bad press about finding the scapegoat is happening right now, writing i was never charged at the scene of the accident, because once again, i was not guilty of any crime, not until all the tv cameras came. so, mike, karen, he denies the police court filing he had not slept in 24 hours, and said he didn't say that to any police officer, or any media member, after the accident, or ever since. he doesn't know where that came from. we will probably get that answer in court today. >> so we talked about it monday with our attorney, ken rotweiler. we did bring up he went home.
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he wasn't charged at the scene, but they find out there is a celebrity involved, they went and pick him up. we'll watch what happens today in that hearing. 7:11 now. national headlines, what a political upset, one of the most powerful republicans in this country. >> this is such a stunner. house majority leader eric kantor beaten in the primary by virtual unknown, a tea party candidate. we get down to washington, dc right now, doug luzader there, what a stunner! >> well, this is a head scratcher. you know, in any election, there are some races you watch very, very closely, and some that you don't pay that much attention to, because you think it is casino after no-brainer. this was one of those races. it wasn't even supposed to be close, and it ended up being a stunning upset. >> obviously we came up short. >> can't err wouldn't consider what he said in a concession speech, few would blame him. his race was even competitive.
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>> it is disappointing, sure. but i believe in this country. i believe there is opportunity around the next corner, for all of us. >> but kantor was defeated by a fellow republican. david brats, economics professor who, with very little money, became giant killer overnight. and did so decisively, this race wasn't even close. and, in a heavily republican district, brad is now favored to win the seat come november. >> this is the happiest moment, obviously, of my life. and i owe it all to you. >> eric kantor was second in line to house speaker john boehner, many thought he was likely candidate to become speaker himself one day. but, he also failed withering criticism from the right, from tea party backed groups who say his stands on immigration reform being far too lenient. democrats hoping to win control of the house in november, wasted no time. almost immediately, sending
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out a fundraising e-mail, based on kantor's lost. and nancy pelosi, who hopes to regain the speaker's chair, showed her party re-take the house said: as far as the mid-term elections are concerned, it is a whole new ballgame. >> a whole new ballgame. now, this is not done deal yet for brat, has to go onto win the general election in november. yes, safe republican district, but obviously one that can throw curve ball or two. democrat that he's going to be facing interestingly enough is also a professor at randolph making college just like brat how about that? makes for awkward faculty lounge moments. >> so true. so, we got to get to know this guy. his name is brad, not brat? >> i believe so. you know, i have to confess some ignorance on there is i wasn't really following this race all that close. >> i no. >> out of no where. but, listen, this guy is going to be a legend, well; allege end overnight.
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so however it is pronounced. >> his wife is kilbasi. is that any indication? no, just end earth the race in january. i would say the democrats are thrilled about this, as you mentioned, because a loft time these tea party candidates get in the primary but can't win a general election. >> the only caveat to that, one thing the democrats may need to be concerned about, the turn out. turn out was phenominal yesterday. >> listen, shows the republican establishment is real any some trouble here. >> civil war going on in the gop. all right, doug, see you tomorrow. clock 14. bunch our top local headlines now, the son of lewis katz, drew katz, says just ten days after his dad died he's selling his interest in the inquirer. drew katz seen here at his farther's memorial service, announced late yesterday, that
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because of the turmoil surrounding his dad's death, he is selling his interest to inquirer co-owner. in a statement he denied denies any tension. and he wrote he believes the paper will be in excellent hands. lewis katz cats as you know bought the inquirer along with gerry lenfest days before he died in the plane crash. >> delaware transportation officials they held press conference yesterday to casino of give us a better idea how long it will take to reopen the christina river bridge. jenn fred following the development, jen? >> reporter: we new it would be a long hall, now we know the span over the christina river will be closed the entire summer. you heard me right. it will be closed the entire summer. that will information coming from delaware's transportation chief, officials say, the southbound lanes might be open by labor day. bridge shutdown last week after emergency inspection showed it simply wasn't safe. state officials say they're
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doing everything to fix it, as quickly, and as efficiently, as humanly possible. >> i want to tell you right now, that the expertise, the equipment, and the material, to get this frig reopened, on their way to delaware right now. >> and, it will not be cheap. the project is expected to cost at least $20 million. state officials say, 90,000 vehicles use that bridge every day, all kind of people will be impacted by. >> this so, guys, it will be now, until at least labor day. >> labor day. >> labor day it will be closed. >> oh, man. all right, jen, thanks for that. clock 16. time for a look at this weather. what is this coming in? >> some rain. >> okay? >> lightning and thunder, too? common, this is a boomer. >> luckily, what a lot of the thunderstorms that we saw in the central part of the state,
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we zoom that out, hi, i'm going step back. all right, we are seeing a lot of the rain weaken as it moves through pa. the difference we have another complex system showers and storms crossing the chesapeake, has a lot of lightning attached to t that's where we'll start. heavy complex of showers, thunder storms, a lot of rain, see some ponding flashflooding possible with this complex, antoine of lightning, dangerous storm system about to cross the delmar v so if you're in southern delaware or any of the delaware beaches and watching us within the next 30, 45 minutes, you will be satisfying and hearing this. one cell north of dover. very small, inbetween smyrna and dover right now, but that is putting down some heavy rain in spots. it doesn't take much rain to cause some issues like we saw yesterday evening. further toward the north, just light rain moving through portions of chester county right now, will head toward delaware county within the next 30 minutes. further towards the north do, have some isolated downpours, mainly, along 476, excuse me, 81, just north every reading right there. but if you're on 476, you'll
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be seeing the rain soon. rain will eventually make its way into philadelphia, probably within the next hour or two. fox future cast shows, that, yes, these two areas kind of merge together. the stronger stuff definitely toward the south, that's where the lightning threat remains. but we should all see some rain between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. then by 10:00 things start to fizzle out. even though the rain may stop by noon, still cloudy, still humid, hazy, and just nasty type of day out there. so, certainly not good hair day, for sure. into the evening, maybe some clearing, but the chance for showers, does remain, as we go into tonight. unsettled weather pattern which began monday will continue, through today, tomorrow, and friday, meaning you have to be on guard for any of the rain at any point. seventy in philadelphia right now, 68 bolt town, along with the weather err, the fog with us all morning long, visibilities lowest underneath the rain, up in the higher elevations or down along the coals. so use caution if you are just about to head outdoors. let's talk this morning, a lot to talk about over the next couple of days, showers, storms, continue on thursday, heavy rain possible again on friday. actually pretty likely, on
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friday. the good news that front will push through late friday night, we clear out in time for the weekend, fathers day itself looks beautiful. high of 85 and sunny with low humidity, all weekend long. so your seven day forecast, how are we doing on the roads, caste? >> little bit of everything going on, broad street, 59 at broad street. we had the on and off ramps shutdown for flooding last night around 5:00, 6:00. different scene today. little further there. at least the roads are dry, things moving along, as we head out to mays landing dump truck accident here route 50 shutdown at south county boulevard. south cologne avenue is the alternate. also a hazmat situation. sticking with us for awhile, just cleared, north mascher, police activity there. fan we take a look everywhere, lots and lots of delays, not too bad in new jersey, though, 42 north isn't even that bad if you are headed out this morning. >> okay, well, just days away from the, i mean, summer. >> kids getting out of school this week and next. >> true. i think summer actually the
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21st, 22nd, 23rd? caitlin will know. how do you make sure your kids avoid the dreaded brain drain? this is something that happens over the summer. you need to give them fun activities to keep them thinking this summer. you don't want to keep them stupid june, july, august. >> stuff that's not like homework, not boring things. >> hey, closing in on new philly franchise record, so why is jimmy rollins still, to do this day, 14 years into his career here, still find him their favorite? >> i got my head bobble. >> you
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and appreciate chefs at the culinary institute of america. come discover your favorite part of new york. plan your summer vacation at there's something for everyone. >> last night, jimmy rollins moved to within three hits, tike mid shades, despite his long give at this, success, make with the phillies, it
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still seems a lot of fans just can't warm up to the shortstop. he's my favorite player, why isn't he yours? so our question, why, why, colleen, why, sandy, from the movie grease? >> i know, and i would say i wish i had an answer for you. this is casino of curious, but the the thing; it is really tough to get excited about anything right now. >> i think that sort of plaza part of it right now. because the teams playing so listlessly right now, like you want to get behind jimmy rollins. and i understand there are a lot of people that don't like jimmy because they say that he doesn't hustle, and he's all about himself. but come on, mine, they saw it as a sport where it is based on individual act, individual records. >> what did you think about what pete rose had to say. >> criticizing jimmy rollins after the record -- >> i thought it was hilarious, because that's exactly what pete rose d he played for the record. and i mean it has been that way since the beginning of baseball. you look at baseball cards.
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i mean, it was all about you flipped it over on the back, and it has everything there. all of the stats, all of the records. and i don't think that that's a problem with jimmy rollins, what is to stay here and break the records. i know guys great in the phillies history, mike schmidt, but, you know, it should and good thing. it should and happy time. but just tough to get excited about the team right now. >> chase, he has about 700 hits less than jim. >> i right. >> what's that about? >> because chase utley has that sort of like i hate to say this but blue collar mentality, like he really works hard, and he works hard all the time. and he never, never short changes. and he does, but those times that he doesn't hustle, people dwell on, and i don't agree with it at all. i love jimmy roll gluiness couple of times he doesn't hustle. >> i know, unbelievable. >> so, we are going have jimmy and chase, the keystone combo, by the end of the year? >> well, that's a great question. >> he says jimmy -- once i get
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to that record, i might go. >> and that's sort of been his thing the whole time. if he can break that record, if he can break couple of phillies records, then he will be okay with walking away and going to another franchise and maybe winning another world series. >> here we go. >> june the 26th is the draft. >> yes. >> the 76ers will have 76 different draft parties around the delaware part i, june 26. >> how about that? >> no, it looks like -- >> are you going to all 76? >> i'm going to every single one, starting tonight t looks like the sixers want to do anything they can to get cleveland pick, the number one pick, and who do they want so desperately? >> andrew wiggins. >> wiggins. >> i know, and i know that you're not totally on board with andrew wiggins. i heard this. little birdie told me. >> but i casino of like that mb dude. >> they like wiggins, started the the hashtag. just give them what they want. >> but mb, they don't need him. he wouldn't fit great in their
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system because they already have know. >> i wouldn't he play? >> that's the thing, i mean -- >> andrew bynum? >> well, you don't want to take that chance. but andrew wiggins, this is a guy that could fit into their system, i don't think they need to trade to get him. i actually think that he'll still be there. i think cleveland wants him. >> they want him? >> they need a center. so they -- >> wiggins will be left for us? >> but i don't think they need to trade to get him. i think they can hole off. they are in a good position, number three, can blame everybody else. >> adorable. >> look at her shoes? >> see? >> thanks, colleen. >> 7:27. still ahead, still looking for the perfect fathers day gift? i bet you are. how about botox right in his face? >> they're calling brotook tox. hey, dad, here is a syringe right to your face. >> brotox, manually, like quince. >> i okay, quincy tough. he's an old man. he knows how to dress.
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>> yes, i don't need any brotox, but i do need brofashion. we have it coming up. duke winston will talk fathers day up next. hiiiii. hi. sorry, we're closed. what? i need help with my deposit. the bank has rules. it's really quick. i can't hear you. i promise, i'm gonna be really quick. i don't under...i can't hear you through the glass. i'! you'll be quick. that's what you just said? yes. i'm sorry, i can't hear you. we're closed. you know what? okay, that's...
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>> looks like fort lauderdale with some fog, but all in the summer like mood. we have the humidity, the warmth, also, some showers, thunderstorms. today is a five, on scale of one to ten, temperatures will at least be cooler later this afternoon, but the humidity sticks around, so dot chances for some rain. bus stop buddy behind me here. he is shroud in the fog. if you can see him, he has his umbrella, rain jacket on, phillies cap, too. they play again tonight. while we may see dish delay due to rain, get the game in no problem. fast moving storms. we've had fast moving storms all morning, ultimate doppler shows one weakening complex of showers, starting to push through philadelphia right now. >> this has really weakened, which is a good thing, not seeing any more lightning. but we are down south, complex that should move probably just through sussex county delaware in our area, but has a loft lightning, some heavy rain,
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too. here is the thing about today. any time we go through the afternoon, you can have chance for pop up shower or storm. some of which could be really heavy. like we saw yesterday afternoon. otherwise, 78 for the high temperature, with the morning fog. that will give way to more fog later tonight. sixty-eight for the low temperature, with chance for some showers. more rain for the rest of the week, we'll have that in your seven day coming up. meantime, here's case. >> i thanks very much, caitlin. all right, we check out what's going on all of the majors, have a lot to look out for this morning. pretty bad dump truck accident, we head out to mace land being, pretty big slow down headed out on the ben franklin bridge. route 50 closed at south county boulevard. you can take south cologne avenue to get around. >> this also, hazmat situation this morning, so not good situation, not what you want to be up against, anticipate some delays here, as well, eastbound side of the ben franklin bridge as you approach sixth street and broadway, left shoulder blocked at the scene. looking at the majors, you have the slow down on 95, slow down on 76, little southbound on the boulevard, did have accident earlier. pretty slow if you are headed
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northbound, on 476, and here is a look at all of your majors, lots of delays to look out for, guys. >> hey, thank you. it is clock 32. >> we have the story we've been talking about, one year old little child, little boy, from central pennsylvania, is in the hospital after getting ahold of one of the grownups e-cigarettes, this just happened in york, the boys parents say they called 911 modally. they were horrified after realizing their child had swallowed this fluid. it is used in the e-cigarettes. doctors say, each e-cigarette bottle has enough nicotine to equal five packs of cigarettes, and drinking it is so harmful, more harmful than even bleach or lie sole. police spoke with the child's family, they did not file any charges. >> and there is isn't the only close call for a child. we've also been telling but a philadelphia elementary student who somehow got ahold of heroin and took it to school. situations like these are obviously terrifying for the parents. and caregivers. this morning we brought in pediatrician, doctor judy larkin. good to see you again, doctor.
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first off, did we get it right? what exactly is that fluid in a e-cigarette? >> so the e-cigarette liquid is nicotine. concentrations vary because there is not good regulation on these things yet. also has solvent in it, and flavoring. so these things taste good. so when awe child has access to them, and they taste good, they're going to drink it. >> seeing more and more of these cases, i mean, poison control is getting flooded with kids that are now getting their hands on this, more popular, the e cigarettes are becoming. >> i think the big thing for people to know is that these have to be kept away from kids. >> lock up? >> they have to be locked up. they have to be in child proof containers. and i think parents needs to be aware that there are problems with these things. also, the first thing people need to do, if their child gets into any every these things is poison control. probably, even before i would call 911, i would call poison control, and, you know, then 911, sometimes there are things you should do at home.
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>> what's the standard procedure now if you have young kids? >> caps? >> there are some things, there are things that do you not want to throw up, right, this can he cause more problems if you bring them back up. so really the first thing to do is to call poison control. >> what's the number, the jingle has? do you know what the jingle is? >> i don't know the ginning. >> i but it is very sees i, 18002221222. and that's universal throughout the country. >> is that right? >> poison control, call them first. >> i'll be darn. so, can you take the cap off those things? i mean, a kid shouldn't be popping on it. >> a lot of teens things are now coming, as refill recall canisters. so there is, you know, a bottle of liquid. and ideally, yes, they all should have childproof caps on them. but there is not really regulation on these things yet. so that's the problem. >> now, we all know heroin is horrible for any of us.
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but then there is -- this kid had little blue packets of heroin, apparently some open. >> little boy, little girl, chewing on it, actually. so, with anything that's a powder, obviously, a powder can be ingested it, can be inhaled it, can be, you know, touched on the skin, and i think if they new what this powder really was, so again, poison control, you know, good resource, and obviously the school did the right thing. >> but that was un direction. >> but heroin could kill them. >> oh, yes, heroin does kill. >> i mean there could be death. >> so a take home message that our kids may be exposed to things that are very unsafe. >> give that phone number again poison control. >> (800)222-1222. >> that's exactly the number of the song ♪ >> put that on your frig at home. i will be doing that at my house. >> next time doctor could you sing it for us?
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>> sure. >> thank you, doc. 7:36. still ahead, helping create iconic shows like scandal, we love scandal. and graze anatomy. now, her commencement address, there she; getting national attention, why she was telling college graduates give up on your dreams, quit dreaming. but first, the cost of yo-yo dieting. and women, man, you're really -- start guessing right now. how much money do you think you'll spend on fad diets before say -- >> oh, every single one. >> seventy years of age? >> before 70. >> yes, start at 20, end at 70.
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>> lover the tweet this morning that i'm surrounded by beautiful women this morning. i agree. >> new dating app helping
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women weed out the creeps on line. >> picture of me. >> yes? >> it is called wild fire. men are only allowed to join the slight, if they're recommended by a female member. >> that's a good idea, that's the best way to meet somebody, a recommendation. >> women can invite the guys, anonymously, through facebook, or. pavement. the app expected to launch sometime next month. good idea. >> that's a wonderful idea. >> what do you think that far? >> i think it is good idea, i'm for the dating apps on the phone, i think they're great. >> do you? >> you never used a keating -- dating nope your life. >> no. >> no. >> here is something we all try as women, we all struggle. skinny, beautiful, as kacie is, all of the different diets, you jump to juicing, every fad that comes out there. >> right in. infomercials, i'm calling them on the phone, two for one deal. >> the guy yesterday, when did you think of the ice chips diet? >> ice drips? drinking more water. which i don't do.
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but it is shaved -- >> that one is free. >> he wrote a book about it, and selling light hotcakes. >> anyway, talking about yo-yo dieting. how much money do you think the average woman in america spends over her life-like 20 to 70 years of age on yo-yo die nets. >> i said 20,000. you just said i was way off in the commercial. >> according to a new british study, women will try 15 different weight loss plans over 30 years, and spend almost $177,000. >> oh? >> now, that's diet and exercise plans. that breaks down to about $5,800 a year, 50 bucks a week, they're spending their money on everything from gym memberships to special food and new clothing. >> so more from your 20 years of age to 50 years of age, or 30 year span. >> more money -- >> even like the blueprint diet, where they ship you the juices, that's like $300. like for weeding, i have to dump it weight real quick.
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>> i need this for the next seven days, $300. what? just drink water. >> kind of new store, i think it is on walnut st., quincy can tell us where, duke and winston is? >> at 1822 chestnut. correct? >> yep. >> now, what's the one thing guys lack in their wardrobe? >> accessories. >> accessories? you have lot of accessories here? have absolutely, we have ties, bo ties, hats, scarfs. >> can we talk summer fashion accessories, day fashion, coming1 underline
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>> if you are headed out, prepare for the showers, seeing lightning delaware, still complex of thunderstorms across the chesapeake, making its way into portions of sussex county, delaware beaches in the next 30, 45 minutes, as well as maryland beaches, this is strong cluster every storms right there. we had strong cluster of storms again up in pa, has weak ends significantly. light showers now across parts of chester county, will move into delco, probably pretty quickly. some light rain as we continue northwards, berks county in through lehigh valley. all start to see these rain showers. luckily in philadelphia, by the time it reaches us i would
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say around 9:00 a.m., should be fairly light, just rain, lightning threat will extends all the way down toward southern delaware, so if you are in that part of our area, that's where you can see the real stronger storms, otherwise just some rain. but, mid-morning, probably see the rain move out. but it stays casino of hazy, cloudy, foggy, just yucky really type of day. in through the rest of the evening, some clearing, maybe some late day sunshine, but it is still that weather pattern we've been dealing with all week long. chance for showers, thunderstorms, just any time. when they do come down, can be pretty heavy. temperatures right now mainly upper 60s to low 70s, very humid, so we didn't cool off much overnight. visibility lowest down the shore, or under the showers, off toward our north and west, "shorecast" for today, not exactly beach day. a loft fog along the coast right now tax will give way to some showers later on this afternoon, temperatures in the low 70s, surf temp 67 low rip countries being of uv index lower. because don't really have much sunshine. seven day forecast, 78 today. at least little cooler. 80s return tomorrow.
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we have the chance for showers, thunderstorms, thursday, and friday, after friday night, we should be in the clear for what looks like a beautiful weekend forecast, 82 saturday, eight a sunday. looks much nicer. caste? >> at least we have the weekends, always have the weekends. >> always have the weekends is right, caitlin. looking at 76, right at gladwynn, right now, a lot of volume out there this morning, most of the accidents have cleared, but as far as all of your majors go, you have a lot of extra volume, pretty much everywhere, 295 and the new jersey turnpike look just fine, but 76, 476, nine, a very labored today. >> this time of year so many graduations, people always come out, try have the message, inspire all of the kids. >> yes. >> so very famous woman, shaundra, creator every grace and add any, scandal, the commencement speaker at dartmouth, her alma matter. >> oh, fans. >> i so instead of going out there, giving the follow your dream, she decided to be honest with the graduates. take a look.
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>> if you know what you are dream, or paralyzed because you don't know what your passion; you don't matter, just keep moving forward. just keep doing something. seize the opportunity, hoping to try something new. set your vision of the perfect job, perfect life, perfect is poor, and dreams are not real. just do. so you think oh, i wish i could travel, want to go to bancock, go, go. you don't have a job? get one. any job. don't sit at home waiting for the perfect opportunity. who are you, the prince? no, go to job, get to work. do something until you can do something else. >> oh, i like it. >> she also said that in order to do it all, you have to make sacrifices, and hash tags on twitter don't really mean anything. >> thank you. >> you have to get out there and do it. there are the do efforts, and the viewers. there is the drivers, and the
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passengers. i have a friend, she has big dreams. she has been dreaming for 20 years. >> yep. >> but never ends up doing anything. just dreams. >> i know people like that and the parents keep pumping money into that, i'm going do. >> this just do something. >> she hasn't found herself yet. >> not doing anybody a five over. knuckle down, dot hard work, and live it. >> ya. okay, so would you call this store duke and winston preppy? >> i think it is a little preppy, in a good way. >> yes, that is good thing, i think. hi, q. >> hey, how are you goose doing? we're driving here, me and shane. you guys have moved location, here at 1822 chestnut. new location. >> yep. just moved about a month ago. from northern liberties, and our grand opening is tonight. >> okay, and your dog, duke, there is duke. >> duke is a do err. we're going to common inside. you know, talking fathers day fashion. we're talking man fashion, because a lot of men, sometimes they don't know
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thousand dress right, don't know how to. >> absolutely. >> ya, man, been in clothing line for about four years now doing mostly t-shirts. but we found that guys don't really have a lot of accessories, so we started to add a lot to the line. >> now you guys have added some -- >> ties, bo ties, hats, you know, bo ties specially been doing real well. just brought those in last week, been really killing them. >> you have more accessories that we have to check out. accessories, they can really take it out to another level? >> oh, whole other level, absolutely. >> we have some hats right here. >> yes, for fathers day, you know, we have a lot of stuff, you know, really good for dads. you know, stuff that was really casual, kind of preppy, also. but, you know, our hats, our ties, our bo ties, and also have these cool flasks we brought in from snyder and branson, for phillies fans, and a lot of needle point, and watches, put some juice, juice in there.
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>> all right, mike, bringing something back to the stadium. >> juice for the game. >> all right. what do these guys have on? >> so, you know, some of our new t's for the spring. >> this is lucky. royal male shirts. i take a lot of old british designs, like put them on t-shirts for the summer. ii i think all have been doing real well. this is a very nautical shirt doing for lots of years in different colors. an anchor with duke and winston logo on there, does really well. i have them in a ton of colors, one of our best seller. >> so, tonight you guys having big party? >> grand opening, specking few hundred people there is space will be kinds of crazy. but we're launching the line finally. >> okay, so we will have a party tonight. i can't wait.
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>> q, will the cute man standing right behind you, will he be there, green shirt man? >> right, right. ryan, can you take your shirt off? >> oh, no, will he be there? >> that's my lawyer. >> oh. what do you do for a living? >> lawyer. >> oh, you are a lawyer? >> are you sing snell. >> absolutely. >> could we take off the in the take off the hat. >> data married woman? >> hey. >> maybe we should go to the party tonight? caitlin? >> say hello to karen hepp. >> hello karen. >> show her something. >> i can't do that now. >> show a muscle. show a muscle. karen, all for you. i don't know if you will be married after tonight's party, but hopefully you can get your husband this shirt? >> i will send caitlin to get the t-shirt. >> karen, the t-shirt? >> coming up, days away from summer break, kids. how do you make sure your children avoid the dreaded
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brain drain? the fun activities to keep them singing this summer so they doesn't become bumm is die september. >> first, who are the horse chippers? now, i want you to start guessing again. would it be people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's he is 60s? >> sometimes you have families, sometimes young, have no money.
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♪ come have fun at sesame place with everyone's favorite furry friends. enjoy rides where you can splash... and whirl. and, play in the all-new cookie's monster land. with 5 exciting rides, a monster clubhouse and more! get unlimited visits and more with a season pass for six payments of $18.
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♪ meet me at sesame place!
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>> preston and steve, welcome to the program. which age group are the worse tippers? twenty's, 30's -- >> probably the 20's, i'm guessing. >> exactly right, 20 to 34, worse tippers. less than 15%. >> i think i know why. because of the unemployment rate, with that particular age group right now. a lot of people, a lot of the people in that age group living at home, don't have a
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lot of money. so, the chances are they may not be generous in the tipping category. >> my guess, i'm more on. >> i know my mom, she would feel bad, we just make train wreck of the table. >> whole mess. >> yes. >> well, you know, now i'm big proponent of tipping and tipping well. because people rely on that, that additional money, their salary, if you were positive pick a reason this younger age demon, or just it is suggested they're not as appreciative of people servers, because that would be wrong. but if they simply don't have the funds, then you can -- >> i think, preston, what do you think? >> i would agree, yes. same thing. if i get good certain advice, worth good tip. poor service, nothing wrong with it. >> dustin -- >> twenty i do. i have to say something about steve morrison. went to lunch california pizza kitchen, few weeks bag, steve
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patsies for the meal, very cool. i literally saw the server start dancing after looked after steve pulled it out. went into the back room into the kitchen, and screamed. i'm not making this up. >> awe. >> and he does that all the time. steve is a huge tipper, even for bad service. >> yes, but i always think that person, who works that hard to do that, i have to -- i sort of compensate for the morons, you know, they've had to deal with throughout the day who stiff them, working hard, and my wife was a server for many years. >> i think if you have ever waited tables you always want to over tip. you know how hard it is. >> you appreciate it, exactly. hard work. usually 300%. >> on the josh front, headline in usa today that says there are more job openings right now since 007. great news. guys, thank you. have a great day.
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>> too, guys, see you next week you. >> got it, hey, june the 11th, 2014. this is "good day philadlephia". a hazy humid start to the morning, tracking some rain, and some strong thunderstorms, in different parts of our area. straight up. we will show you ultimate doppler, what to expect for the rest of the day, as unsettled pattern continues. steve? week earned crash that injured tracy morgan, coming back in the heads lines with first court appearance from the truck driver, you will recall, police, said he hadn't slept in 24 hours, ben then his employer wal-mart said he was within federal safety regular laces, what jobs? well, we have learned that the focus of the investigation is his long commute apparently to the work and to the truck that he drove for wal-mart. >> yes, that plays out, meantime, botox foremen. let's calm it brotox. is this just a gimmick? the surprising number of men
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getting botox now compared to just a decade ago. karen? >> wedding wednesday, on the big day, it is all about the dresses, so what do you do with your dress when the wed something over? hour your child could benefit from t we don't mean by wearing it again a lot of times styles change. may not want to wear your mom's dress necessarily. cool idea. >> top five things people are doing with that wedding dress in this day and age. i was in somebody's house one time and the wedding dress was in a frame on a wall. freak i. >> you want to remember it, you want it preservedder. >> day? >> when my livened dollars. >> no, whether it began, sorry. >> good morning. >> colorful. not great weather starting off, heavy rain last night, and now rain in pockets across the area today. a lot of this has weak ends,
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though, over the past hour or two, that's what's good. what's bad is there is still lightning headed through southern delaware, strong wind gusts, too, so watching us down in sussex county or delaware beaches, heads up. it is coming for you. otherwise, just got the rain moving through the delaware valley right now. that is five on scale of one to ten, could be worse, but definately could be better. at least little cooler today. butts stop buddy has the umbrella, rain jacket and hat. probably a lot of puddles at the bus stop. sixty-seven in philadelphia. cooling down bit. but it is going to be pretty humid. casino of cloudy throughout the rest of the day. pop up showers, thunderstorms, possible into tonight. we will see low temperature of 68 degrees. much better for the weekends, that forecast still ahead. caste? >> all morning long, mays landing route ooh closed, dump truck accident there, also, hazmat situation, you can take south cologne avenue, great alternate, for you guys this morning, if you are headed out on the ben franklin bridge,
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approaching six street, left shoulder blocked, for an accident, so then the vine will be slow, as well. looking everywhere, you have the slow down on 95, on 76, new jersey if you are headed northbound on 42 little slow go. but 295 and the turnpike, are behaving this morning, karen, mike? >> thank you. >> happening today, that truck driver charged in the deadly crash that also seriously injured comedian tracy morgan has court hearing this afternoon. >> yes, steve keel any mt. laurel, new jersey, with the story, steve? >> well, mike, all morning we've had l fog, the mist and the lingering large puddles still on the roads from last night's heavy rain, causing driving hazards this morning, the big road danger of drowsy drivers will once again be an issue, that will put the story in the headlines, and the discussion and debate today. as the truck driver charged in the tracy morgan weekend crash makes first court appearance today here in new jersey where cameras are allowed in courtrooms to help add to all of the media coverage, and the already much publicized crash in case. and, in their first filing,
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you will recall, as reporting monday, police already said that the 35 year old driver, kevin roper, had not slept in more than 24 hours, before the crash. they did not say how they new, that but we'll likely finds out how they new that in court today or figure that out. latest indication, roper's long column youth from his georgia home where ever it was that he reported to work at wal-mart and began driving that truck, and that's now what police and prosecutors have focused on. and so, because this crash happened here in new jersey, which is the first state in the country, to make drowsy driving a serious crime, like drunk driving, back in 2003, wall makers like the state senate president say this crash is a clear example why they took up that action. >> driving a car like driving a weapon, highway speed, so yes, if you are not going to be in the best condition it is the same, they've proved it,
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so when something like this happens, what bridges back my memory is to me that driver need to go to jail. he killed somebody. >> how do you stay awake behind the wheel? >> you get rest before go behind the wheel. no remedy but rest. >> well, we may be hearing from the truck driver today, out on bail, and free to talk to the press, and he apparently thought he was free to talk on social media about this, because on twitter, we got some comments, contribute today him, and it began with my prayers go out to all the families affected, and he also said that he was both remorseful but also claims he is being made scapegoat. said he can't express how horrible he feels but adds because famous person involved, all the bad press, and about finding scapegoat; why he is focused right now by the police and prosecutors, he said he was never charged at the scene of the accident, because once again, he is not guilty of any crime not until
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the tv cameras came, denies what they said in the filing, he hadn't slept in 24 hours, he said i didn't once say that to any law enforcement official or any media member after the crash or since. >> why would he say that, i hadn't slept in 24 hours, out of his mouth? thank you, steve. before we move on, can i say this? people responding to the tipping story we just did that was great. and, i bar tend, and easily, the worse tippers in the city of philadelphia are nova kids. >> oh, my god. >> they run up big bar tabs, those nova kids. >> 1 dollar for 35-dollar tab. just kidding. she went to november a. >> i am a good tipper. >> you? >> 20%, babe. >> i we shall see. >> so how about those spurs? >> how about them?
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>> labron latest. >> blew member off on the home court. but in philadelphia, we didn't see this but seven major cities around america, there was a commercial, a native american tribe paid for a commercial that aired last night. it is part of the latest plea to get the nfl to change the name of the washington redskins. here's some of it. ♪ >> i'm jim thorpe. mother, father, son, daughter, chief. apache, pueblo ... unser of the, struggling --
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>> so the idea, using all of these words, what i get out of it, trying to drive home the point that there are lots of words you could use to describe native americans, which are not considered racist, or offensive. >> it may be about time. seeing that certainly at the high school level, that there has been these big changes, maybe time for the nnl to act. >> he said he won't change the name of the team, it won't happen. >> also an economic thing. but i tell you what, mr. sterling, if you change the name, think of all of the jerseys that you would sell. >> right. >> everybody would have to get new jerseys, new mugs. still be making money. >> well, words are important, how you define yourself important, so do you have take a look at what our words mean. maybe changes coming to words in the dictionary. >> new dirk sean area out. we're all on zested when twitter, some of us have, come out with their owner have sean after dictionary. you know what the first word
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is? adorkable. it describesser what action what's her name, new girl. new slang word. all part, set to be enters into the collins english dictionary. >> so showing the picture, zoe de channel, owe from the new girl show, so as soon as she came out, all of the ads, all told her un-dork-able. caught on wild fire. it blew up. people really seem to like t that's why it beat out some of the other words that they'll be enter in. what are some of the other words, caste? >> here is a look at the other ones. selfie, which means a farmer selfie, can't say i ever heard of that, a waist clogging sewage system. >> i think i have one of those in new intestines. >> self plan tore recall, fayborehood. i think some of these are farfetched. >> no make up self me?
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>> sill. >> i and fatb. rg just casino of fun. >> i bunch of other ones, too. >> stupid. >> still ahead, schools almost out, right, kids, you know that, how do you keep these kids from getting summer stupid? called brain drain. lay around, getting stupid. we have waste to solve that problem, caste? >> and later, what made me lose it yesterday's meeting? this is bad. this is blackmail by my boss. this is not nice. i am giggling like a five year old, i'm crying. >> what would make you want -- to go crazy like this? because she heard somebody's going to be on good day, and he likes to drink -- >> delinquent stealing milk. >> knocking off convenience store. >> who is it? store. >> whothe world of fashion is split in two.
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you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx. >> hazy, humid, showers around, too. fox future cast, showing some of these showers, we will start to make it into our area later today.
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probably by about noon. and, we have got some rain, even earlier this morning, from western parts of the area, they've been moving across parts of delaware, there we got it, right there, western sussex county, where you're seeing lightning, heavier downpours affecting our southern viewing area. these storms across the chesapeake brink ago lot of rain, some heavy lightning toward our south. further toward the north, that's where, we're not seeing as heavy of rain, but still raining, and we've got some showers moving into portions of northern montgomery county crossing northeast extension, as well as down into delaware county not nearly as heavy and no lightning associated with it, but, we still have some rain. that extends up the northeast extension into the lehigh valley, all of us will start to see the rain, and here in the city probably within the next 30 minutes or so. fox future cast shows the bands of some heavier showers toward our south, some lighter rain toward our north, making its way through, between 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. so that first round every rain will go by, and then just kind of cloudy, humid through the rest of the day, but pop up
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showers, storms, likely again later this afternoon. it has been so unsettled over the past few days, today's no exception. if you do see one of those showers hater on, won't take much until you get a good downpour, feel how wet it is outside. sixty-seven in philadelphia, 70 in reading, 71 in wilmington, and 70 in dover. visibilities are lowest either along the coast, where weaver the east wind bringing in the fog, or underneath some of the showers, although, they are rising, once the rain has passed in places like lancaster, and berks county. seventy-eight today. little cooler. humid with thunderstorm. chance for thunderstorms still likely thursday, then again into friday. luckily, though, we do start to clear out for the weekend, and it is fathers day weekends, it is also maybe the first weekend for your kids out of school. much, much nicer, and drier, a lot less humid with some sunshine, temperatures mid 80s, then see the more humid weather return, that will be next monday and tuesday, when we'll have the chance for storms, so one final look at ultimate doppler showing the showers moving through right now. kacie, has the rain been
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affecting the commute? >> you know what, caitlin, really not that bad. but seeing a lot of accidents this morning, if we head out to mays landing this accident still with us this morning, route 50 shutdown, dump truck accident there, hazmat situation closed at south county boulevard. you can take south cologne avenue, great alternate there. out to 76, eastbound side between route one and montgomery drive. two left lanes completely block there. you can see that delay. if you are headed eastbound, you can see that delay, if you are headed westbound, we head out there, you can see, that is little bit hazy. but the roadways dry. this is the eastbound side, heading toward city avenue. going to the eastbound side of the ben franklin bridge, a loft even problems today. approaching six street and broadway, left shoulder, is going to be blocked there. and we'll take a look at all of the majors, everything looks all right except if you are headed out in pennsylvania, new jersey looks just fine, but again, 76 really jammed right around the boulevard, 95, a little delayed, but again 295 the turnpike looks good. forty-two north the only delay ridden roadway in new jersey. thanks, kacie.
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>> high. >> hi, fathers day, let's see, we have thursday, friday, yikes. it is this sunday. so how about give dad a serene full of botox so he can jam into his face. >> new trends, apparently, called brotox, catching on, chris purr if i. >> some dermatologists say they're seeing more men in their offices want to go look their best, men, like women, are conscious of their appearance, especially as we get older. botox is popular enough that it would make a great fathers day gift or men who are leer bye needles or finding surgery bit taboo, might challenge the manhood it, might just the nudge they need. >> just part of the hole anti-aging people are living longer lives. >> it creates a line, appears, dow look angry. and at the same time i also want to look younger than i am. >> i can do that.
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>> some men who swear by botox says it gives them competitive edge in the worlds. >> has jumped more than 258% over the past decade. according to study in the journal cosmetic dermatology. by the way, botox injections foremen can run on average about 25% higher than women, simply because we need more units evidently because our musculature is thicker. >> i never new that. >> more costly foremen? >> it is. >> four headlines for women, 100, 300. foremen, 200 to 450. these lines, guy you just heard from there, talking about these lines, no, these are the 11's they call us, makes us look more serious as we age, the cost of that, for women, 200, to 400, foremen, 300 to 600 per treatment. >> what's that every five, six months? >> why are you looking at me
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for? >> i think it will turn about for women with men, because we may more for dry declining, get the haircut, more for something. >> always paying for dinner. >> that's true. >> writer promoting her new book about parenting, talks to group of kids, at the playground. she asks them about what they're always, what they always wanted to say to their dads, so now, watch this, now, during this little man taj, the kids started with dad you're my hero because. >> can open a beer with my teeth. >> thousand throw a ball like a girl with no arms. >> for showing me it is okay for a girl to cry. >> every time we share that song. >> for teaching me the password to mom's iphone. >> not yours. >> for all of that fun we had that time in the bathtub.
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>> for stretching the 52nd rule into five days. i now have the immune system after cockroach. >> for letting me watch the video. >> that's funny, that is fun. >> i down side, they were fed those lines. >> it was a set up. really, so clever, i like the one with the broken arm. >> also, remember, as we look ahead to fathers day, tell us why the dad in your life, your own, your children, your father, is so special to you. doesn't have to be fancy. you can just send it any which way. use you can up load it on u report or tweet it, use the hashtag. >> learn something about women every day. even my advanced stage. i had no idea women were so concerned about the pores in their skin. on their face. >> yes. >> almost half of women are upset with the size of their pores. i didn't know were you going through this every day. why most women would give up alcohol, even facebook, and twitter, just to have smaller pores. >> by the way, how to you get a smaller poor? >> we will learn.
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>> ask the bartender for a beer? but first, an unexpected recommendation for women who are expecting a baby. coming up why the fda now wants pregnant women to eat more, more what? more what? certain type of
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>> eat more fish. >> interesting, they've belling telling us not to each too much fish, would be bid mercury. now fda, epa, advising pregnant woman, also women nursing, to eat two, three serving of seafood a week. until now, they've ben telling women, don't eat too much. avoid fish, because of a fear of mercury. health officials recommend, eat stuff that's smaller, that's your salmon, shrimp, till open ya. avoid things that are big. swords fish, tile fish, sort of tune, a pretty big fish, inbetween-ish. >> tuna! >> tuna, hmm. well, children today, have tough qualifications for their babysitters.
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you need proof, take this, for instance, story we found, little girl's both no her babysitter ended up getting posted on line. see what she wrote. thank four babysitting me. you like you but you said you don't like my barbie so you are fired. we can still talk on the phone and befriend, but if you make fun of barbie again ill punch you. cousin me a. >> wow. fired her babysitter. you don't like my barbie, you're out. hey, you know what? listen to. >> this he was -- he has worked with stars like justin timberlake, ferrell, sole owning, for goodness sake, now one music producer, really connect the, has big message for local radio stations. his name you'll meet him. he'll debate q, quincy harris, after the break. he said lyrics are too negative for our children. >> you are talking about this yesterday. said we should get him in, now he's in.
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all right, school ending up for the year, maybe your kids are out of school, will be soon, most certainly. how do you make sure they don't regress, go backward, get the summer brain drain? easy and free cool laid your kids will like to keep learning even when school is out.
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>> karen is in today in pink, you have your bright red. so i'm thinking, i've seen that dress before, kacie. >> uh-huh. >> and you've been working for us for two years, ouch never pulled this dress out. this is the infamous fiat dress. >> it is. >> the infamous. >> there you are. >> oh, there it is. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, what a great shot.
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>> look at the hair. >> i know, right? >> it is like straight, string i -- >> how it all began, i used to watch these fiat commercials. >> this is the dress that captivated mike jerrick's attention. >> small is her better. >> smaller is better. >> what would make you drag this dress out. >> yes, why today? >> i think tony luke is bringing food in. >> no, jesse mccartney is going to be on the show, in about a half hour will show up. >> so we sit in the meetings, we look at the run down, we look at the show, all the sudden, looks up -- >> no, car send in the middle of talking and i'm doing whatever, drinking my water, i look at the screen, i throw it down ugh. is there a problem? >> he better not be disappointing. so let's get to traffic and weather together, and he'll hooker. >> before we get to the good stuff, we start off with the forecast. today, we're giving it a five. off to casino of rainy foggy start. bus stop buddy with the umbrella, the hat, and the
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rain jacket. temperatures pretty muggy in the 60s and the 70s. sixty-seven right now here in the city. wind out of the eason shore flow keeping things very foggy along the coast. for today, it will be a little cooler, temperatures, probably only into the mid 70s, that fog giving way to showers, pop up thunderstorm, could happen later on today. and into tonight, 68 degrees, have chance of showers, with the fog forming late. and probably going to see that un un settled weather continue into tomorrow and then friday hopefully no delays when we see jesse come in to see her in the fiat dress. >> this is like a movie wait to go happen. i can't even. i can't right now. so let's talk about the eastbound side of 76 between route one and montgomery drive. two left lanes block there at the scene. you can obviously see big delays. you have got a vehicles over here, you casino of can't see it over this bridge right here, but one lane of traffic going to be squeaking by the scene, just some stuck traffic there. big delays if you are headed out. another problem on 76, the
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westbound off ram top route 202, and if we talk about mays landing route 50, completely shutdown at south county boulevard. south cologne avenue the alternate for that, hazmat situation, as well as dump truck accident there. >> breaking news out of north philadelphia. two people are in the hospital, after a fire on the 1700 block of north 21st street. the fire started around 7:00 this morning. and a man, and a woman, inside the home, were injured. no word on what started the fire, of course, just still at the scene there. investigation will probably begin little later on today. >> almost 8:33. >> jessie mccartney coming, so excited about, that also excited about tony luke, as well. now, it is not even 8:40
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yet. and i bet you you've made number of mistakes that will affect you for the rest of the day. if you want to have a better start to your day, health experts say there are five bad habits that we all have that we break before 10:00 o'clock in the morning. >> exam be? >> hit the grounds running, instead of jumping out of bed, you know how some people, the alarm goes off, you bound out of bed. you are supposed to lay there little bit, warm up your back muscles by pulling your knees into your chest, stretching in the bed buff leap out and hurt your specially small of your back. >> oh, like ripping off the ban aids, sometimes, you have to fling off the covers. mistake. another mistake we make. you keep window shades down when you are getting ready for work. obviously you want to do that so people don't see you if you are getting change and coming out of the shower. the problem is if you put the shades up, the more like you get into the eyeballs, better for your brain, better to start your day.
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>> so tomorrow i'm telling my neighbors right now, a warning. i get up, i sleep naked, i fling over the shades. >> not before you stretch your legs. >> i'll stretch then walk over to my window and take my -- >> well, this, do you this every day, mike jerrick, get your latte on the way to work, save your treat until the afternoon. that's about noon, no, about 10:00 o'clock our time. about the afternoon. have your latte on the way to work instead of later in the day is the mistake. >> so, i should not be -- don't get the latte first thing in the morning? >> or the other way around. what happens is we hold off, we wait. the mistake is we wait until too late in the afternoon, what we should be doing having it in the morning. go ahead, have the treat. >> oh, so you should get it. >> so work it off? >> okay. >> i don't know what the hell i'm doing. excuse my language. hey, have your latte on the way to work instead of later. that makes sense. when else would you have a latte? first thing in the morning. hey, setting your alarm clock to include the snooze button.
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oh, oh. intermittent sleeping throws off your body schedule. so don't hit snooze about five times? >> dow that. i don't know who else does. that will just one of the best things in life. >> yes. >> maybe you can get back into your dreams, oh, let me get to the good part. >> i've been having some bad dreams, though. >> probably all every those hotdogs. >> being chased this. >> getting chased. >> who is chasing you? >> and i'm make. naked all the time in my dreams. like down market street. geez. exercise the first thing after waking up. that will never happen. you need to eat first to jump start your metabolism. so get up, get little bite to eat. then work out. i know so many people that get up and they run before they eat. >> get the orange juice or something dose to spike the blood sugar, heavy weight work or something, and think you're going to pass out, a problem we have, trainers, make sure you eat something. >> and to eat something healthy, like this. mac and cheese stuffed jalapino poppers.
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>> sure. >> well, that sound absolutely delicious, but maybe franken food? tony luke, jr.?
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>> kids are about to get out of school. how are we going to keep them busy this summer, steve? >> i have no money, no time, no plans. we actually have free summer camp for you. look at the stuff we have on the table for you this morning. common household items that become science project, and toys, and learning experiments, courtesy of what's called make your camp.
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take a look at the video. virtual free summer camp. happens every day july 7th through august 15th. it does require that your kid has a google plus account. that requires them to be about 13 years old. so most of the things on here geared for someone in their early teens, things like virtual field trips, discussion groups, different project, experiments. so, if your kid is a little younger than that, they can also sign up with the help of maybe mom, dad's account, but three every single day keeps the brain nice and active during the course of the summer. we talk about repetition during the course of the summer. real when talking about learning, and kind of keeping the brain engaged you want to to be somebody that you can do every day. so something as simple as maybe tracking the daily temperature, with your kid, every day, casino of helps them keep active, make sure games encourage thinking skills, kind of fun way to play and learn over the summer. of course, we talk about reading during the summer, but, here is the bottom line,
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you know, while some kids will love to sit down with a good book, many kids will think, you know what? schools out. i don't want to sit down at quiet time and read. instead of formally read nag book, consider this: read always in all ways. so, things like starting out in the morning while your reading the paper maybe they read the comics, maybe read advertisements, or billboards, or street signs, when in the car together. helps to keep that brain accurate, active, without necessarily sitting down for formal lesson. i found what's so neat about school the social aspect of learning, so be sure to invite other kids, other parents, families, into the mix this summer, jam session with the kids from the school bands, or vocabulary game or something that recovers being social and learning simultaneously, to help keep those kids brains nice and active and prevent the summer educational slide. link to make your camp right now on your station website i wish were you my dad!
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steve, steve, thanks. >> you got it. >> oh, growing up, i just sat in the backyard, like under a tree. >> drink out of the spigot? >> yep. right out of the garden hose. >> it is a wedding wednesday. >> well, how about that? real quickly, oh, never mine. virtual camp? still sitting in their house? hot? hi, jen. >> hi, it is wedding wednesday. >> (laughing). >> beautiful. >> thank you. >> beautiful. >> here is the thing, let's walk down the aisle. what in the world am i supposed to do with this dress? we have fee things, surprising things, you might want to do with this dress, get ready to get crafty. ladies? please start singing my song. ladies? please stall the chickensong. in your grocery store
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is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. that's rated 6th out of 7 in customer satisfaction? umm, i don't like it. [ male announcer ] we showed people a survey that stacked fios up against comcast. i'm with comcast right now. [ man #1 ] in the muckety muck. in the muckety muck down here. are you happy with next to last?
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. >> we started something new called wedding wednesday, but it is june, a month for weddings. maybe we'll do this all summer. so, here is something, jen. how many times have you opened up the trunk, people have trunks all over the delaware valley, and inside it is a yellowwean wedding dress
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laying there like a dead bod. >> i discusting. that's why i keep my yellowing wedding dress in the hall closet in case there is a party, damp giroux, on a thursday night. >> clearly. >> leer with this beautiful nicole miller bridal salon in manayunk. >> welcome. >> and this is the situation. and hey, ladies, you know this, that brides are so happy for their wedding day, but it is then what do we do with these gowns the next day, mike mentioned it, do you have finds quality preservation service. >> this is traditional route. you want to think about there could be an opportunity for your daughter or future daughter in law to wear your dress down their aisle. and say i do. >> okay, so preservation is one thing, the next thing could you do, could you sell the gown. >> sure. e bail -- ebay, for the bride that wants that instant gratification after the wedding. they said i do. they loved it. and they felt wonderful in their gown. but why not make a few extra dollars for your future and
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sell your gown. >> i love that you also found you can sell it for a breast cancer site. >> brides, against breast cancer, is an organization that is traveling across the us. and the funds actually go toward breast cancer relieve. >> real cool. >> you can donate it, military families always looking for gowns, that's amazing. now, vanna. an is over there. you can alter the dress? >> why snot snow the ultimate cocktail anniversary dress, jen? >> this remind you do you have stay lean, right? you have to be able to get in that dress. >> constant reminder of how you look and felton your wedding day. >> and it is cool. you say, some of your women are doing this. >> absolutely. >> cool. >> this is what i love. first, talk about the shadow box. >> yes. >> in that shadow box, a woman basically made that, that's elements from your bouquet, and your dress? >> and my gown, ex abilitily. papertiny offered to take he will from the my bridal gown and my bouquet and made this beautiful arrangement that's constant daily reminder of my
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special day. >> i love it. then your sister is in the picture next-door. and she looks beautiful. by the way i would love for people to try to figure out which one you are. kidding. but your mom had her gown, sister's gown made into? >> bassinet. see the skirt in my sister's dress, notice, my nephew's bass inch eight, which will be bassinet for years to come, danielle, pete, married nine years ago, than is a constant reminder of the beauty of her gown. >> you also say like you have the buttons, there the ring, some of the lays, even the lays here. you say you can save the gown, maybe daughter or daughter in law, doesn't wear the hot get up. but they can have pieces add intoed their own gown? >> elements. >> pretty cool. now, the other thing that we have, you guys, handle emergencies, right? by emergencies we mean wedding day emergencies? >> better believe it. >> okay, so coming up at will the 45, mike, karen, kacie, want people to tweet us, what are your wedding day emergencies? tell us about your most
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outrageous ones, kind of like wedding day emergency kit. we'll tell you what you absolutely need to have to prevent any wedding day emergencies. now that i'm married, can i go to the shorter dress for the next hour? >> do you have. >> okay, so there will be a costume change. >> sure. >> i like the bassinet idea. i like making christening little outfits for the babies, you know, for baptism. >> that's what we used for. >> i would like to make one into a a phillies uniform. >> oh, good idea. >> all right, let's talk about the guys. i need a new tux keyed owe, i have a little event tomorrow night. i hate wears tuxes, because they're un comfortment so you're supposed to go out out to look your bet at your wedding. design her creative idea ' foremen who don't like to be bothered with the penguins suits, tuxedo. you know what you are look at right there? maybe the most comfy wedding tux ever, designer with lou lou will you lemon, yoga pants people, called the today tux.
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todd tux, made of light wait soft shell that's stretch. >> i i think really cool. i was prepared to be so afraid it would be titan like the lulu lemon pants for women. >> is it too casual for you? >> i think it might be too casual for an event, but not as a tears. >> also has a t on under it. maybe if he had abut on up underneath it? >> or maybe a vest? >> wonder what a tuxedo shirt would look like? i don't know. but another great thing in case you spill stuff on it, it is breathable, water repellent, champagne repellent, wrinkle resistant. i don't know how many brides would let their, you know, groom walk down the aisle so casual, but i love it. still ahead. >> placing and meeting on the internet safer.
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>> still seeing lightning south of philadelphia, light showers, breaking up north and west, of the city. so, we are expecting that rain to continue, basically, through, there we go, thanks, through the rest of the morning, 67 here in philadelphia, 66 in pottstown, 70 in dover. so, temperatures right now, very mild, also, very muggy, but once we see the rain move through, maybe those temperatures rising little bit. that being said, it is still cooler today. temperatures in the mid 70s, with some on and zero and on and off showers. heavy rain possible, which would looks like the most widespreads of the rain
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friday. good news, clears out for the weekends, less humid, dry, beautiful surgeon sunny and nice for fathers day. that's a look at your seven day forecast. >> already, accident on 76, if you are are headed out eastbound at route one, montgomery drive blocking two lanes, has cleared us out of the way, taking out two lanes right herement as you can see, a lot off volume on 76, travel time if you are headed westbound, 37 minutes, vine, to the blue route. opposite direction 44 minutes, 95, really not that bad. forty-two north a little bit stop and go. karen? >> thank you, kacie. you don't need a special occasion to hire a professional photographer. coming up: why more and more families are paying to remember some of those simple every day moments. so brian at citizens said
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>> jessica watches us every mourn, said her son turns one today. happy birthday shout out on the show. >> so cute. >> little superhero. hey, welcome everybody. i just got a tweet from a woman named mary. she wants to know if jessie mccartney is in the building yet, because she waiting outside. no, he's not here yet. hang right there. he'll walk right by you. hey, today is wednesday, june the 11th, 2014. >> what made me go completely nuts in the meeting yesterday? look at me go, man. >> i guess it means jessie mccartney is on the show tomorrow? >> sweating. >> and then look at you twirling your hair, like a five year old. >> i think that's the cutest part. you get to figure out what everyone's thing; then you start to twirl your hair, aim he so nervous. >> so i haven't seen him yet. he should be walking up our steps at fourth and market, any second. so jesse, is here. he has a new cd, right? >> it is a super cd, i think
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new single out, second part of his technicolor. >> in technicolor, yes. >> that's what it is called. >> plus, speaking of that, the fact our music has on our children, what are your kids listening to? big, big, big time producer. he has a message for radio stations, the change he says needs to happen right now. >> here comes jen. >> flying, maybe your teeth are too yellow, these are some of the real life wedding day emergencies. and, guess what, the doctor is in the house, that's right, doctor jen will fix these things, i've got a prescription for your wedding, what ails you, on your wedding day? we'll help you out. >> the pepto, i was certainly choke that down on my wedding day. oh. hey, speaking every weddings, birthdays, all of the stuff we've been talking about for the last 06 seconds, hire photographers, right? but now, people are hiring professional photographers for any occasion. like the kids birthday


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