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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  June 11, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> entire first grade class broad to the hospital after one student bridges in bags of heroin. the question this morning, where the six year olds found the dangerous drug. >> not again.
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only the second to the last day of school, teenager opens fire inside his high school. killing one person, before turning the gun on himself. a fellow student described the alleged shooter. plus: thank you very much, but obviously we came up short. >> shocking upset in congress. house majority leader de feed dollars in his primary, mack being history this morning. >> another blanket of fog this morning. weather authority tracking wet wet their could impact your drive. the fog just contributing to all of that humidity out there. caitlin, what, 84% humidity? >> and going by percentage, not a scientific thing. gentlemen very humid out there. we have the muggy, hazy weather us all morning long, also showers, storms, moving into the western suburbs, we get right to t5 on scale of one to ten, temperatures at least going to be cooler later today t won't be raining all day. but, with these unsettled
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days, comes the risk for rain at any time, like we saw late last night. the heavy showers. bus stop buddy, he has umbrella ready to go. got hat on too. and the rain jacket. not a bad idea. still seeing some left over puddles from last night's rain, if you live in lancaster, berks county, starting to see rain heavy in pockets moving through. lightning still showing up on ultimate doppler so could be early wake-up call for the kids. lancaster about to see some of the real heavy rain and lightning that's correct tends down to dublin, maryland, moving eastward, so anyone in lancaster, berks county, still on notice, because it hasn't weakened yet. 78 degrees for the high temperature, foggy, humid start with some pop up showers and storms later. tonight we see low of 68 degrees. that's a look at your foxcast, your seven day still ahead, caste? >> thank you, caitlin. some accidents sticking with us, some accidents clearing out of the way this morning. so if we go to 422, right at route 29, that's where your first accident is going to be. but that did clear out of the way, that was involving a deer this morning, so vehicle and deer, hatfield township,
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bethlehem pike at north broad street. another accident cleared out of the way. but this one sticking with us, an accident with the hazmat situation, route 50, out in mays landing closed at south county boulevard. you can take south cologne avenue to get around that. we also have situation in philadelphia, right on mascher street, i'm sure chris has more on that coming up right now. >> let's get to that right now. police on the scene of person barricaded inside a home in philadelphia's west kensington neighborhood, as kacie just said, this is near the intersection of north mascher and west huntington streets, officers aren't releasing much information at this point. but we do know the situation started around 4:00 this morning, so just about two hours ago, we have a crew on the way to the scene, we'll keep you updated. meantime police in camden searching for the gunman who shot 21 year old overnight. south tenth street, sheridan avenue, around 1:00 in the morning, police say the victim shot in the stomach. no word yet on his condition. also, police are looking hard to figure out how a local first grader got her hand on what they think is heroin. it all happened at the barry
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elementary school in west philadelphia. police say this little six year old girl brought 11 bundles of heroin to school. her entire class had to be taken to the hospital nor possible drug exposure. investigators trying to figure out how this little girl got that drug in the first place. >> we do not frisk students first graders when they come into school. the student probably had it somewhere concealed. but they didn't know what it was. >> man behind bars trying to kill a bensalem police officer. matthew miller walked to a police van last night, you can see in the video, charged with stabbing 38 year old officer michael on a stop, saw miller after he escaped from a work release program. miller fought with the officer then stabbed him in the stomach, police say, his vest
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saved his life. >> trick driver charged in the crash that seriously injured comedian tracy morgan has court hearing. >> out to steve keeley because he's in mt. laurel with the latest on all of this, good morning, steve. >> we got the fog so thick, because we have such a breeze it, feels like rain hitting you in the face and coating your windshield. that's one road hazard that we will tell but now, but the key hazard to this case is dousing driving. new jersey turnpike, could be the road to national change, because this case is getting so much attention, because it involves such a well loved it. v star. now, and their first filing on monday, police already said that the 35 year old truck driver for wal-mart, kevin roper, not slept in more than 24 hours before the crash. >> now the latest indication we've learned from those close to this case is that the focus will be on roper's long commute, from his georgia home, to where ever it was he
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reported for work that day, and began driving that truck, and that is what police and prosecutors are focusing on now, and because this is the state with so much media, and because it is the first state in the country to make drowsy driving a crime, you're going see push now maybe make that a national issue, national crime, as well. >> all right, steve, thanks, a lot more on that one this morning. 6:06. there has been school shooting right near portland, oregon, has left two teens dead including the gunman there is has been the 74th school shooting in the this country just since sandy hook. >> police say shooter shot with a rifle, after he killed a freshman, emile yo hoffman, happened just as classes were beginning out at reynolds high school. police say the gunman also shot and injured ooh years owed fist ed teacher, police found the suspect slumped on toilet in a bathroom, likely had killed himself. >> it is emotional. i mean, you see it happen all
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across the united state but boy really hits home. >> the country has to do some soul searching about this. this is becoming the norm. and we take it for granted. in ways that, as a parent, are terrifying to me. >> during the evacuation of the school. authorities found another student with a gun, who was taken into custody. that weapon and that arrest not even related to the shooting. >> 6:07 the time. the son of the late lewis katz is selling his interest in the inquirer, drew cats seen here, at his father's memorial service, announced late yesterday, that because of the turmoil surrounding his father's death, he is selling his interest to inquirer co-owner gerry lenfest. in a statement, katz denied there was tension between him and lenfest, and wrote he believes the paper will be in excellent hands. lewis katz bought the inquirer along with gerry lenfest just days before he died and the plane crash in massachusetts. still ahead: stuck on a speeding elevator, with no way
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to stop it. the video that will make you cringe. and, i saw clinch on my arm, huge shark. >> bitten by a shark at a delaware beach. a teen relives the experience and what authorities say may a teen relives the experience and w[ male announcer ]y may tv's come a long way. from color. to the remote. to flat screens. now it's taking a quantum leap. introducing fios quantum tv. record up to 12 shows at the same time.
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flashflooding caused headache on broadway in
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southern camden, water level reared more than a foot in this area. many turned away, some made it through, but one driver got stranded. >> foyer truck came, water passed my door. >> drivers in camden also had hard time dealing with flooding, as well as browning road, in pennsauken. >> steve keeley talking about some of the fog out there. caitlin, we had little bit of rain already in chester county, southern chester county? >> that's right, karen, weaver some storms moving in from the west, western suburbs already starting to see the rain, this is coming off of the deluge that occurred yesterday afternoon, and evening, and south philadelphia, through camden, gloucester, into parts of south jersey. totals over two and a half inches, newark, delaware, vick letter ville, also south jersey, just along 42 before you hit the atlantic city
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expressway, you guys over an inch and a half, buena vista township near atlantic city. rye now western suburbs, heavy rain, still some lightning showing up on ultimate doppler. lost the lightening down by lebanon, lancaster, that area, but western chester county you're also on notice, west calm, reading, you guys will start to see the rain move through pretty quickly. lightning showing up, 81, pottsville might start to see the lightning soon. this is expected to weaken, but will bring some rain to just about anyone west of philadelphia, by 9:00 a.m., still some showers, around the philadelphia area. they casino of fade away. as we get to this evening, just cloudy, humid, and probably just staying pretty muggy all the way in through tonight. very unsettled. temperatures right now, are around 70 degrees, in philadelphia. the visibility, lowest along the coast, less than mile and a half at times, as well. as underneath those showers. phillies forecast for tonight: maybe dodging some raindrops, otherwise, humid with the first pitch temperature of 75.
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caste? >> thank you, caitlin. already, talking about some of the things you need to look out for this morning, hazmat situation, an accident out in mays landing, route 50, completely shutdown at south county boulevard. you can take south cologne avenue. get around that no problem. north mascher street, chris murphy brought this, crews headed to the scene at west hunt inning ton street. barricade situation. crews on the scene. a lot of police activity. headed down through delaware, right around the rehoboth beach area, route one at delaware route 1a. a lot of fog out there this morning, and it will be all up and down the maryland delaware shore lines this morning, guys? >> thanks, kacie. coming up toddler sent to the hospital after ingesting the liquid inside one of those e-cigarettes watch police say will now happen to that child's parents.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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>> swimming in 5 feet of water, he had to break free. >> i saw something clench on my arm. there was huge shark. i punched it in the mouth. he didn't let go. i put my thumb in his mouth, he let go. >> he survived with just laceration to his arm. he's expected to take a few weeks to fully heal. meanwhile, he says he'll eventually get back into the
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water. >> stunning upset, house majority leader eric kantor loses the republican primary, in virginia, to a much little known economic professor, can't or second most powerful person in the whole house of representatives. popular conservative seen by many as possible successor to john boehner, as the speaker. >> it is disappointing, sure. but, i believe in this country. i believe there is opportunity around the next corner, for all of us. kantor's lost to dave, political movies, with little money, marks huge victory for the tea party movement. >> the reason we won this campaign, there is this one -- >> facing off against the democrats, jack, also a college professor, this november. panic at the lincoln tunnel yesterday after police dispatchers received a call
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about a sniper, but nothing suspicious was found at the end of this massive police search. the chaos happened on the new jersey side of the tunnel. dozen of officers from several departments were called to the scene, and in hoboken, wehocking. self ram streets shutdown while police searched another emergency cam, light rail service nearby, and police finished their massive search just after 8:00 last night, the investigation on the ongoing threat here continues. there is a one year old child, from pennsylvania, central pennsylvania, in the hospital after get august hold of one of those popular e-cigarettes. >> this was in york. the child's parents say they called 911 immediately after realizing the child had swallowed the fluid use in the those e-cigarettesment doctors say, each e-cigarette bottle has enough nicotine to equal five packs of cigarettes. , drinking it could be more harmful than drinking even lie sole. >> nicotine in a extreme form is used as a pesticide.
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it is not something that's child safe. >> police spoke with that child's family, they did not file any charges, and they're calling this an accident. the boy's mother says they're going to get rid of all forms of nicotine in that house. we will be talking with a doctor about that a little later this morning. >> first, 6:19, let's turn to international headlines. majority of the crew members of the deadly ferry boat accident have entered not guilty pleas in south korea yesterday only 11 of the 15 crew members could enter pleas because of time constraints. remaining defendants will return to court next week. inside and outside the courtroom, the crew faced hostile crowds, all of the crew have been charged with negligence. three of them, including the captain, are charged with homicide. more than 300 passengers are dead or missing after the ship sang in april. now, to some terrifying video of out of control elevator in chile. before we show it to you, we want to tell you the man in this video did survive. >> let's look at the security camera video, shows the 31 year old, jose, climbing into
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this apartment building elevator. gets in. everything fine. doors closed. moments later they open again, then starts shooting all the way up to the roof. he starts to panic, saying stop, stop, stop. does not stop until he crashes to the very top floor, 31 floors, 15 seconds, slams into the roof. he is hurt. he's in serious condition, has got head and some leg injuries. they're investigating what went wrong. >> wow. okay, top that? >> remind me of charlie and the chocolate factory. >> really? >> the glass emel straight or goes shooting out of the roof. of course it has a happy ending. >> serious condition. hey, good day, just about 40 minutes away. the cost of yo-yo dieting, and women are really shelling out specially more than the guys. you may not believe just how much money you will spends in your lifetime on fad diets. start guessing. and this:
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>> lesson one, i guess; ditch the dream and be a do err. >> well, she has helped create iconic shows like grays anatomy, now her commencement address is getting national attention. why she is telling college graduates to ditch their dreams. >> get outta here. give up your dreams? >> she said forget it. quit dreaming and start doing. >> be realistic? >> how about that? >> huh. >> hi, caitlin. >> good morning. >> you still have your dreams intact, don't you? to one day and ballerina? >> well, yes. >> i mean, i don't know if i have the ballet moves, it is more of like some odd break dancing. >> what's that big thing out to our west? there is a lot of lightning. >> i know, those would be showers and storms two, areas now mike as we have got a lot of rain moving in from the west, so we start off with ultimate doppler looking at lancaster, berks county where you are starting to see some heavy rain. >> this area, appears, to be weakening. but this area does not. this is down just south of
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washington, from prince frederick, valley lee becomes to cross the chesapeake bay, delmar have seeing heavy showers, storms, present plenty of lightning, could affect delaware within in the ex 45 minutes. another look at the rain, that will be soon moving into reading, west bradford, chester county, even up through parts of schuylkill county, seeing the rain now, too. and can't rule out some of the lightning. seven day forecast, well, it is wet weather that's going to continue all week long. at least through the rest of the work week. thunderstorm chances through friday, we clear out for the weekends, fathers day itself looking beautiful, sunny, warm, high temperature of 85 degrees. that's a look at your seven day forecast, we will keep you updated on the rain, kacie, keep me updated on the problems out there. >> always problems. happy wednesday. north mascher street at west huntington street. police activity, the barricade situation that we're following this morning, more on that coming up a little later. but the southbound side of the boulevard headed out big delays approaching ridge avenue and kelly drive. involving three vehicles. right and center lanes will be block there, so you can't see
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the accident, but you can see how much volume there is, if you are going to be nelson: when i started high school in jersey city making it to the finish line seemed like a distant dream. mr. cunningham: i know how hard nelson works
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running track and he works just as hard in my honors class. nelson: i thought i wasn't good at history but mr. cunningham, he makes it come alive. now i'm heading to college-- and my teachers helped make that happen. mr. cunningham: we're not just teachers, we're mentors, and helping all our students realize their dreams is the best part of the job.
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>> purse two games to one lead in is her sees with the heat last night in miami, the spurs took game three, thanks in large parts to incredible shooting performance in the first half. san antonio in fact made 19 of the first 21 shots, and their 11 to 92 blow out over the heat.
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labron james scored 22 points and the loss for miami, but he also had seven turnovers. game four tomorrow night, down in miami, now for a look at the rest of the night in sports, here's howard eskin. >> phillies begin long stretch without a day off, obviously just looking for a win, phillies have 21 games in the next 20 days, started when a win last night. going to the ballpark. and marilyn bird had the game of the year for himself, a three run homer, in the fourth inning, breaks a one-one tie, he had four rbi's on the night, milestone, papelbon, after loading up the bases in the ninth, gets the safer, his 300 of his career, not easy way 300, but said it was difficult for another reason. >> for me, it was a little bit tougher, not just because i hadn't felt those emotions in a while, seem like month or so, i hadn't been able to go
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through all of those emotions of pressure, game-type situations, so i think that was hard for me tonight. >> and the phillies signed number one pick aaron nola, will send him to single a clearwater. that will happen today. that's sports in a minute, i'm howard eskin. this is not food poisoning, something else unusual. a backyard barbeque lands a woman in a hospital because every something she eats. >> i never heard of this. karen enjoying chicken, when something wasn't right. she new what she swallowed wasn't chicken, didn't know what it was, so she was sent to the emergency room. there it is. take a look at that. it was wire from a grill brush that lodge in the her throat. >> the pain was radiating down, and every time i would swallow, of course it, got worse. >> experts say the best way to chen your grill is with a wooden paddle. it starts off straight, but as you use it, heat from the
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grill will char it, and turn into to into custom scraper. i never heard of that before. >> me either. >> i have one of those wire brushes. >> i use mine all the time. still ahead, cash box at a yard sale stolen. but the local teen is working so hard to raise money for the community, and says it will not get her down. why she is f
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>> a seven year old bringing heroin into a school is just craze. >> i entire first grade class ends up in the hospital after police say one of the students brought heroin to class. what parents can expect when their kids go to school today. >> driver charged in the deadly new jersey turnpike crash is due in court this morning. why the driver believes he is being unfairly targeted. >> good news, i495 bridge will reopen. bad news it, won't happen until labor day. why officials will need the entire summer to fix the problems with the bridge. >> long summer getting down the shore, for that reason. >> for a loft people trying to escape the heat. volatile weather system, good morning, everybody, caitlin, actually some of these storms that could be even potentially heavy coming into our neck of the woods. >> exactly, karen's right. we have an area, two areas, actually now, some showers, some thunderstorms moving n we'll show you the radar,
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today weather by the numbers a five, casino every inbetween, moments where it is okay temperatures cooler today, areas of drenching downpours, never fun. bus stop buddy umbrella in hand, rain jacket on, hat, too. we still have some puddles left over from yesterday's drenching downpours, and now we've got more thunderstorms toward our west. here it is, showing up on ultimate doppler, lancaster county, berks county, seeing heavy rain, next step parts of chester county although losing lightning at that band of storms weakening. what's not weakening band of some heavy thunderstorms just south of washington, about to cross the chesapeake, so delmarva, and for anyone watching in southern delaware, within the next 30 minutes, you will start to see the rain and lightning. seventy-six, really just seeing the rain right now, although i wouldn't rule out some isolated lightning. for today, have this early morning fog, and some rain, otherwise, it is just cloudy, humid, and that type of weather pattern, where the rain can just pop up at any time. we'll see the same scenario
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going into tonight low of 68 degrees, that's a look at your foxcast, now, here's cast. >> i a lot going on this morning, pretty busy morning in the traffic department. southbound side of the roosevelt boulevard right at ridge avenue kelly drive, accident involving three vehicles, right and center lane will be block, so you can see a lot of volume here. can't necessarily see the accident this morning, but the southbound side is going to be very slow. north mascher street, right at west huntington street, you have that barricade situation. so, a loft police activity there at that scene. more on that coming up. quickly a book at the majors, 95 south starting to be a little bit slow. there you can see the boulevard, slow down, because of the accident. seventy-six, a little slow eastbound, around the conshohocken curve, chris? >> kacie just made mention of this, our developing story, at 6:33, police on the scene of person barricaded inside home, in philadelphia's west kensington neighborhood, this is near the intersection as kacie said of north mascher, and west huntington street. officers aren't releasing much information at this point. but we do know the situation started around 4:00 this
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morning. >> also happening today, truck driver charged in deadly crash that also seriously injured comedian tracy morgan, due in court. >> steve keeley now live in mt. laurel, new jersey there is morning, with a preview of that. steve, good morning. >> taking the new jersey turnpike, scheduled for 3:00 this afternoon, and the key question, in this case, and it may come up in the hearing today, may not be how long that truck driver had been on the road with his wal-mart truck, but how long he had been driving first on way to work on his commute, from the where he first got in his wal-mart truck in george a kevin roper's lengthy commute from his house, in georgia, to the wal-mart truck before he even began driving it, is really the focus now of the investigation. and really the key to the case. so, in court today, we may learn what state roper started
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driving that truck in, and how far and how long his commute was just to get there in the first place. and so his long commute combined with what may have been a long shifted drive after that, may be how the police came up with that court filing we first saw on monday, minus any details when they wrote that rope her not slept in more than 24 hours before the crash. and because the crash involved a tv star, and again, happened in the first state in the entire country to make drowsy driving a crime, and falling a slope behind the wheel a crime, well, that is why this is going to get so much focus today. >> driving such a serious situation in this nation. tracy morgan, wow there is guy driving all night long. we need to do something. yes, we ned to do something. we need to ensure, and should and national law on this issue. >> in this industry, no longer paid, like some try to make more money, but like i said,
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you can't cheat. no way. right now, i drive north dakota they know exactly where your truck is and when it is moving. you can drive for 11, work for 14, then you are required by law to take ten hour break. do you have take the ten hour break. you can't cheat that. and i do think all wal-mart trucks do have electronic logging. >> widely reported this morning the first indications wife of anything said publicly from the driver, kevin roper, and it was on his twitter account, and among the tweets, he said, if by accident occurs with no media spotlight, issued few tickets. the excuse of me being up 24 hours is complete bs. so he said he is being made a scapegoat and denied he hadn't slept in more than a day, so setting up his defense already on twitter. >> interesting. see how that plays out in court. >> 6:36. terrifying home invasion.
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victim speaking only to fox. first brought you the story breaking news on the fox 29 morning news. sixty-eight year old victim who says someone broke into her home, you can see the terrible bruising on her arms, where she was tied up. because the suspects had gone through her apartment in olney. she says the intruders used a dumpster to climb over security fence, then smash through one of the windows and broke in. she said they ransacked the place. they got a which with only $10. also, a registered handgun. the victim asked we didn't show her face. >> wanted money which i had none. didn't have any money at all in the house. >> police dusted for fingerprints, all they consideration looking for surveillance video, so far no leads. >> the i459 bridge, over the christina river, will remain closed all summer. that word coming yesterday, from delaware's transportation chief, the southbound lanes will reopen by labor day, northbound lanes few weeks later the the bridge will shut down last week after an emergency inspection showed it was not safe to cross. police are working hard to
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figure out how local first grader got her hands on what they think was heroin. this all was at the barry elementary school in west philadelphia. police say the six year old, brought 11 bundles of heroin to school, her entire class was brought to the hospital, just to be check for possible drug exposure. charges against one or both of the parents of this child are pending. representatives of the philadelphia school district, and the school reform commission, will testify at city council hearing today, later this morning. >> yes, about money and borrowing, discussing bill to authorize borrowing, to support a one-time grant to the school district. so, this grant, would give the city money for the schools for this year, and also, some money for next year. >> still ahead, surveillance video of robbery is not anything new. but, what one worker did during this robbery sure is, how one employee kept working during a holdup. and ... ♪ ... laughing out
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loud watching this. dubbed from his flight twice, passenger left literally all boy himself inside las vegas airport overnight. watch how he keeps himself busy. [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. my favorite place is long island. it's an endless beach, from long beach, to montauk, to long island sound. with incredible fishing, teddy roosevelt's home, and the first port in the u.s. come discover your favorite part of new york. ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ plan your summer vacation
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at there's something for everyone.
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>> saturday institute will debut new pavilion. 5300 square foot, 50,000 square foot wing, is home to four bran new exhibits, including your brain and circus, science under the big top. saturday's ribbon cutting franklin institute will offer free admission to the first 500 visitors. this is a big deal. this is total science geek t looks amazing, so we'll go out there, have some fun, caitlin? >> thanks, from one science geek to another right here, here to give you the forecast, a lot of rain coming on through. not necessarily everywhere, but mainly western suburbs, and delaware, now been put on notice, some heavy showers, thunderstorms pushing through. all right, good news, the line in pa is weakening, not seeing lightning showing up on ultimate doppler, but anywhere across lancaster county now showers starting to move into western chester county, so west chester, you're about to see some rain, downingtown, coatesville, you're about to see some rain. heavier pockets are moving toward reading, are also moving through pottsville,
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although not necessarily seeing too much lightning. down toward our south, though, weaver some heavy showers, about to cross the delmarva, which we'll show in you just a bit. temperatures in the 60s to the low seven's, visibility is very low, because we have the fog. now, it is lower the rain is falling toward our west, but also, just due to the on shore flow, across the coast, down to 2-mile visibility and that's going to cause some travel problems. you have the rain from last night, the rain that's moving through, the fog, a lot of issues before you hit the roads this morning. seven dates forecast for today, humid, thunderstorms, 78, slightly cooler, but 80s return tomorrow, we have chance of thunderstorms again on thursday, the best chance for widespread rain will be friday. heavy at times the cold front finally clears the area n its wake, looking at beautiful weather over the weekends, then the humidity will return, that will be monday into tuesday, so, an unsettled week will at least give way to a much better weekend. ultimate doppler real quick will show you some of the heavier showers, these are
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down south of us, than has a lot of lightning which i'm concerned about crossing the chesapeake, and then eventually into the delmarva. so saulsbury, anyone in southern delaware, watch out, we are seeing heavy rain and lightning coming on soon. >> southbound side of the boulevard, ridge avenue, kelly drive, that exit right there, it was an accident involving three vehicles, right and center lane block. still residual volume, 76, pretty big delay just normal traffic this morning. can't see anything head down in delaware, ocean city maryland, all of the beaches, dewey rehoboth beach, dewey, still delaware, so a loft fog out there this morning, guys? >> surveillance cameras caught gunman robbing a paws a -- pappa john's pizza in roxborough, what's particularly interesting about this, the bottom, worker, there all at the 6,000 block of ridge avenue. so, the gunman is demanding money. but the worker he is like probably trying to ignore it all, i'll just keeping making
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the pulse, a suspect gets away about $50. 6:45. organization that gives back to the community, members, finds itself right now asking for some help. >> they say thieves stole their cash donation box. fox 29's jennifer joyce, has more. >> everything is arranged by size and gender. >> racks of clothing, stacks of food, angels of god clothing clause net pitman, new jersey has spent the last five years giving back to roughly 8,000 people. >> they stayed open, they've helped so many families. >> thank you guys. >> this week, the non-profit needs your help. >> the table was set upright here, then also the cash boxes, right on it. >> seventeen year old founder caitlin, says during last weekends' answer all yard sale fundraiser. >> very crowded. >> cash box filled with several hundred dollars was stolen? people dropping off donations, have been sorting them. >> money raised was going to pay from back to school clothing and supplies for local children.
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and operating costs. >> it was heart braking. >> bethany mccord was among many who donated. >> yes. >> she says the organization helped her family of five when she and her husband were out of work. >> it felt good to me that i gave back. >> angels of god now gearing up for make up yard sale this saturday. word spread quickly about the weekend theft on facebook and in the last now days angels of god has received mountains of dough nations for this weekend's yard sale in hopes of recooping all of the money lost. >> several of the items we had last week, real exciting. >> pitman high school senior never went to police, instead, she keeps a smile on her face and forgiveness in her heart. >> i was definitely very disappointed at first, but after reflecting on it little bit, i realized that maybe who ever took it needed it more than we did. and just trying to be forgiving in that sense. >> says years ago, her family's house burned down, and the community came through in a big way. now they are focused on giving back and looking forward.
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>> i feel like everything kind of happens for a reason, and hopefully the sale there is weaken, will make up for what we lost, and maybe even make more than what we had made last weekend. >> in pitman, new jersey, jennifer joyce, "fox 29 news". soy the do-over will be this saturday 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the angels of god headquarters in pitman, new jersey, so for nor information come to our website >> how about this? olympic swimming champion who severed her spine in a atv accident on friday now on the road to recovery. amy vandiken sent out these instagram picks from her hospital bed. the gold medalist was thrown from her atv after hitting a curb in arizona her husband, tom ruin, said she is entertaining everyone. a bitter feud between casey kasem's family over how to hand the american top ten host quality of life continues this morning, kasem is in the
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hospital, in critical condition. now, his daughter reportedly began end of life measures because she said feeding, hydrating, medicating her father is causing him pain. but kasem's wife is fight to go keep him alive. >> no one, i repeat, no one has the right to take somebody else's life. only god can take your life. in anybody takes that life one moment before god takes you, then god help them. >> kasem's wife went on to say she believes his daughter wants to speed up his death so she can get part of his estate. his estimated worth, karen, about $80 million by all accounts. 6:48 the time. big announce from the former member of destiny's child. >> some congratulations, pregnant with first child, just recently got married, been the subject of some
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rumors, looking for baby bump. confirmed it with picture on instagram. big sneakers next to tiny sneakers with the caption ill abe strutting like my daddy. married manager tim weatherspoon. last month in a secret ceremony costa rica. cute. >> new season of fox hit show, so you think you can dance, continues tonight with round three of auditions right here in philadelphia. there were also be two special guest judges on tonight's episode. so you can be sure watch here at 8:00 on fox 29. should be great. so most of us likely endured the pain every trying to get through a busy airport, so frustrating, so one guy trapped overnight in a airport, out there in vegas. and essay loan. >> happy for us he captured this all on videoment take a
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look. >> ♪ living alone ♪ i think of all of the friends i've known ♪ when i die ... ♪ nobody's home. ♪ all by myself ♪ >> pretty funny. the guy richard, put this together, obviously, had nothing but time on his hand, he used a roll of luggage tape, with a tall pole, also used, hey, this guy, seriously, a moving walkway, and the escalator to create action shots, all very creative. >> you can catch a cab, go to a casino, and hopefully won
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cab fare. >> and also you can gamble at the airports in -- airport in last vague, the slot machines. >> you can't do craps, can't do the blackjack thing. >> talk about being cheap. tons of response to this one, you guys don't have the air-conditioning on yet. i'm so cheap i play the nickel slots. that's my limit. i might move up to the quarter slots. >> you don't have blue hair yet. >> okay, hey, good day starts in ten minutes, coming up. how what? >> how do you weed out the creeps in how do we weed out creeps? one new site promises to do just that for you. how it is making sure they never end up signing up and meeting you. >> ♪ >> oh, get ready. he is returning to us here at good day philadelphia. ya, jessie mccartney will be in our studios sometime before
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10:00 o'clock. >> saw him in atlantic sit. >> i oh, we it, we were poolside with him. the girls will be streaming. how about case mcdonnell yesterday in the meeting when she saw he was coming? >> we'll be rolling that tape number of times this morning. >> total reaction to just no idea. ahh h. >> yes, jesse will be here. >> a lot of squealing go do you think we'll have young ladies out in front of this building? >> how does he look poolside? >> he looked good. >> ya? >> the speedo, out standing. >> the and-ager? >> what we have to look forward to. >> jesse, don't derailed by rain on your way n don't worry. you have to come. even though we do have unsettled weather moving through. ultimate doppler showing a lot of rain moving through the western suburbs, we casino of lost the lightning with it, but still seeing rain move through, west chester, parts of berks county, and then eventually into the lehigh valley. now, we are also seeing some heavier showers, this is a little bit further south, as we take a trip down into delaware, there, some showers, new castle county, just west of dover. so you guys are about to
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get -- see some rain yourselves. and then there is this batch, watching, ton of lightning, south of washington. prince frederick, prince frederick, seeing heavy rain, lightning becomes to cross the chesapeake affect the delmar v nothing severe, not quite yet, we don't expect it to be severe. do have a lot of rain, a lot of lightning out there. temperatures very mild, with the humidity in the 60s, 70s, we have some dense fog in spots. your seven day forecast, 78 for today, heavy showers, storms, thursday, through friday, and clearing out through the weekend, caste? >> thank you, right out to this pretty bad accident, mays landing, learning more about it, two dump trucks involved in this one. route 50 closed at south county boulevard, south cologne avenue the alternate. county boulevard, south cologne avenue the ahey,nate. i lost my debit card.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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>> pup up attack, goes on attack, as wind hits his past at 40 miles per hour, force is similar to dogs, sticking his head out after car window. okay, that's the cutest video. still, not terrifying, still ahead on good day, still looking for the perfect fathers day gift? how about a cosmetic proceed shnewer yes, brotox trend. first, she helped create icon
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innings show, how her commencement address is getting national attention, why she is telling college graduates, to ditch their dreams. coming up on good day philadelphia.
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kaboom, way out west, but moving east. we'll get some thunder boomers today. >> another shooting at a school. and,. >> three more hits, and jimmy rollins will be the phillies king of hits. >> we got to dress up for fathers day. >> yes, and, you know, maybe a lot of guys out there may not know how to dress. ladies, we have your solution, pitbull, shane, will teach you some summer fashions coming up. we could all use that. and kkk wednesday. karen, caitlin, kacie, on a wednesday. a


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