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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  June 10, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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water. and then... >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. >> broke no more. how much money do bill and hillary clinton make per speech, start guessing? forty-five minute speech what do you think they make. q, what are you up to. >> i will tell but a phone application that will make your kids pay attention to you. don't miss this one. >> yes. >> i need that. >> yes. >> desperate. >> what does a man look like who ran seven marathons, in seven days, on seven continents, and i mean consecutive days. >> tired. >> he looks horrible. >> he is extremely healthy looking. >> can we answer the question why. >> why would you do that. >> he wasn't being chased. >> okay. >> meet him in a second. straight up at 7:00. we have some weather and traffic.
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we have weather issues this morning, the fog and the thunderstorms and pockets of heavy rain moving through. we have a 520 day. later than we will see breaks of sunshine. that means more pop up thunderstorms in the the afternoon. otherwise here's buddy, bright yellow rain coat. you want to be able to see him through the fog. it is 60's and 70's your muggy temperatures this morning. have the rain gear with you. here is a look at thunderstorms moving through new castle county. we have lost some lightening, there is still some in northeastern maryland as we zoom in closer to wilmington pockets of heavier rain. delaware county we are seeing heavier rain around chester and it has moved out of the other portions of chester county but up in kacie's home town, it is still raining. our flood advisory was lifted so we have 71 degrees right new but watch out for flash flooding in the areas that have heavy rain. visibility, only a mile and a half at philly international. less than that in wilmington,
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pottstown, trenton, allentown all socked in with pretty dense fog. 84 degrees is our high isolated thunderstorms and the unsettled weather continues tonight with fog forming again, kacie, after midnight so get ready for a repeat of today, tomorrow morning. >> you give me a good weekend and i won't say a word about today or tomorrow. >> i will just do that. >> northbound side of 95 at girard avenue. that whole interchange has construction going on all the way up to allegheny avenue and southbound, on the 19th. it last for four years. we will keep you updated on that. 422 at 363, lots of volume eastbound. not too much westbound right new but again fog, rain. this is what you are up against. ease falls, it is causing an accident this morning i should say. lincoln drive at kelly drive. look out for that one. heading out in wilmington smith bridge road atmontshanon road we have down pole and down wires there, mike and
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sue. horrible news at 7:02 on this tuesday. the united states defense officials say five nato services members killed in southern afghanistan were americans. they were killed in an apparent friendly fire incident, a senior official in afghanistan says the troops came under attack by the taliban, and called in for air support. they were killed mistakenly by a nato air strike. this brings total of nato soldiers killed so far this year in afghanistan to 36. how about this a shark attack, shuts down, some delaware beaches. for the night. in fact it is still closed right now. it happened at the cape henl o penn state park in sussex county. the the the 16 year-old boy was standing he says about 5 feet of water yesterday afternoon when he says that something grabbed his left arm. the teen says that he saw a shark swim away, he felt a
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fin, he was taken to the bv medical certainty and treated for cuts and gashes. beaches should reopen at 9:00 o'clock when life guards and scientists will be monitoring the water for shark activity. they think they can open up at 9:00 o'clock again. >> shallow water, just 5 feet of water. >> yes. meanwhile back in delaware progress in the work to get the i495 bridge reopened to traffic is a bean occur cozies live in wilmington with the very latest and new is there a nine -- 911 call. >> reporter: yes, lot of questions arriving over this 911 call about what dell dot knew about the safety concerns over this bridge before the emergency closure last week. now, right now, no word when the bridge will reopen. e media briefing scheduled this afternoon may give us a better idea. officials are expected to talk about progress so far on determining just what caused
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four columns to tilt on this 1 mile stretch of i495. dell dot expects to finish clearing soil that had exacted beneath columns today. in the middle of all this we are learning about a driver calling 911 more than a in before dell dot closed the bridge. he reportedly tells 911 operator he called dell dot several times to report a foot height difference between the center median on the bridge. he was so concerned because he wasn't hearing back from dell dot that he felt he needed to call 911. we don't know what if any action dell dot took. news reports say they did get in touch with them but we haven't heard about any action they may have taken, see, tell dot initiated this closure. at this press conference dell dot officials have big questions to answer not least of which what action they took after that 911 call, back to you. >> my goodness, that story is not going away.
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7:05. new video shows aftermath moments after that tractor trailer slammed in the party limousine carrying actor/comedian tracie morgan. you can see the limb on on its side surrounded by, busted glass and visibly distraught bystanders. one person was killed and tracie remains in critical but stable condition. the wal-mart truck driver charged with causing the crash is out on bail. this turnpike crash has put the spot line on the, sleep deprived truck drivers. it is a big problem in this country, chris, you have more on this story. >> we have been looking at this, ken rottweiler is ready to look at this into as well. state police say that kevin roper, driver accused in that crash may have been up, for more than 24 hours straight before crashing into morgan's limo/bus. chris o'connell talked to truck drivers about driving while tired. many say they personally dealt
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with rack have of sleep. one driver spoke candidly over what he sees is happening out there on the roads. how do you stay awake. >> sometimes you don't. sometimes you pull over. you know, you are pushing yourself past that limit that you know you are in longer safe. >> reporter: some truck drivers believe safety is more important. one driver says he stops driving when he gets tired. kevin roper is scheduled for his first court appearance on wednesday. but guys, who hasn't gotten behind the wheel drowsy especially on this shift. >> whole different story. >> you think you are fine and then hitting the ties by the road and start to get droughty yes. >> thanks, chris. lets get backup to another part of the news room. that is where karen hepp is standing by with more headlines. >> busy night. home invasion that happened 1:45 this morning in the logan section a woman really rattled. police were called out to the 13 hundred block of west olney. police say there was a woman tied up for two hours while her apartment was ransacked.
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they say that the thieves got away with the woman's gun. she was not physically injured. former eagles player irving fryar has been offered a plea deal in connection with the mortgage fraud case this will send him to state prison for five years. he abe his mom are accused of obtaining loans without disclosing other loans to banks, they have pleaded not guilty, early this year to charges against them. a plea deal for his mom just means probation for her. they got until august to accept that deal. and south jersey trucking company is preparing to shut down, meaning 1500 workers will get out of the job. we are already getting treats. tough time, it was tipped off that new century transportation would be filing for bankruptcy. they are based in new jersey and burlington county, guys, back to you. >> all right, thank you. this donald sterling guy won't go away. the the drama between big d, don sterling, and nba has taken another weird turn.
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sterling now says he won't, sell. instead he will sue. he is suing the nba for $1 billion. he is upset the league won't drop a life time ban for him participating in their organization at all. punishment was put in place after tapes have of sterling making racist comments were leaked. microsoft, ceo steve ballmer is attempting to purchase the clippers for $2 billion. hillary clinton says the former first family was dead broke, saddled with legal bills when they left the white house the first time. >> broke. >> yeah, hillary made this revelation as she starts on her book tour, for her memoirs, called hard choices. in the year 2,000, the clinton's filed senate financial disclose another forms and it shows her assets between $781,000.02 million-dollar but that same form shows that the clinton's had debt between 2.310.6 million in legal fees,
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to several firms. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but you in debt. we had no money when we got there and, we struggled, to, you know, piece together resources for mortgages for houses, for chelsea's education. it was not easy. bill had work really hard. it has been amazing to me. he has worked very hard. >> clinton's were able to pay off their debt in 2004 after earning millions in speaking engagements. >> in fact, i went to the web site and you can hire bill clinton to speak at your, you know, gathering. >> for how much. >> forty-five minute speech will cost you half a million. >> you have to pay airfare and everything else. >> oh, yeah. >> $750,000 for a trip to thailand i think it was to give a quick speech to a firm. >> i guess they are not in debt anymore. >> no. >> how much do you think you would get for a 45 minute speech. >> $0. >> maybe a life safer.
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more debate in washington d.c. this morning over that controversial deal that led to sergeant booste bergdahl's release. let's get to dog luzader. what happened overnight. >> reporter: half million-dollar, 45 minutes, i will talk to you for about a minute and a half right now, i'm just trying to do the math right now. either way, i should do okay on this. members of the house of representatives, in the meantime, met with white house officials, yesterday to get a believing on the bergdahl prisoner swap. administration is having a tough time winning over critics from either side of the aisle. while bowe bergdahl recovers from the military hospital in germany, members of the congress fume on capitol hill. heading in to a closed door briefing by white house official that is did little to persuade those that think the president violated the law and endangered national security when he agreed to trade five
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taliban detainees for bergdahl. >> i had a briefing, and there was nothing classified about it. it is a lot of what you see in the media it was the administration trying to explain away a terrible deal and they are having a hard time to go that. >> reporter: five taliban leaders are in qatar where they are supposed to remain away from the battle field for at least a year. >> they wanting to to the malls and watch movies, you know, i think it is a good opportunity for them to watch a different world then when they had seen in afghanistan. i authenticity don't living the life of riley will change their fun. al belief about taliban and the virtues and what is wrong with the united states. so, i think whether they're in doha or afghanistan, they will still be doing everything that they can to harm the united states. >> reporter: all of this may further complicate the president's goal to close the detention center at guantanamo.
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his first official order as president back in 2009, with you still unfulfilled. still ahead in this debate the senate had hearings on this, next big administration figure we will hear from is secretary of defense chuck hagel who is due to explain to congress the terms of this deal, tomorrow. mike and sue and kacie back to you. >> just one investigation after the other, instead of legalitying. all right, doug, we will see you again tomorrow. 7:13. a warning for woman out there. >> that is because we're the ones that carry the purses. >> that is right. >> that is the problem. police in new jersey are looking for a woman they say is targeting shoppers. >> so steve, it is that classic you put your purse in the shopping cart and walk away for a little bit, is that right. >> reporter: yeah, mike, no seinfeld male purse from you, which is good. look, we have brought at ray wegmans carts. but they have places to stick things or stick purses, wallets and everything else.
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but the classic is putting it where the kids are sitting. if you don't have the kid with you, i showed the viewers. thinks where i stick my wallet which is a black berry holder that i converted into a wallet because i don't feel like paying for a wallet and i put it there i don't leave it out of side. it is very handy. at least it is underneath the cart a little bit. how about that, ladies are shopping the shelves, they are turning around, turning their backs to the cart, sometimes going around the corner to the other aisle and this other lady is coming here taking things out of their shopping carts while they do it. it is usually their credit cards. here she is. we have her on surveillance doing lots of shopping herself immediately afterwards, with the stolen cards, and it is right next door. this is a target. it is right next door to the wegmans. she goes in there within a minute and she goes right to whatever she's buying, real expensive stuff, don't come out with a lot you see. she's making a quick getaway. so before the people even get to the check out at wegmans she's in her suv and taking off. but look at her t-shirt. she's buying, not new clothes,
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obviously, because side by side pictures show her on two different days, in that last week in may, so she's wearing the same outfit. that is bold, brazen, and stupid or d, all of the a above. she's coming here looking the same way every time and three times that we know of between may 21st and may 29th. >> i leave my purse in the front where the kids are sitting and then i'll leave the cart and go walk over and get the milk and get back to the cart and put it in the cart. >> i put it here too but i really try and watch it. >> i don't need anything else, unnecessarily, happening to me. i got enough going on. >> best thing to do is to keep your credit cards as close to you as possible. i know people keep them in the a wallet or purse but you cannot leave your purse unattended even for a few seconds. if you put your purse in the car make sure the purse is sipped closed because that will protect so what but you really need to make sure they are not accessible to anybody but you.
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>> reporter: since our first report on this and last night's 10:00 o'clock news we have obtained a third surveillance picture and that is this woman's car which also stands out. it is a tiehl blue mitsubishi out lander police believe and there is in front plate, which tells you she may be over from philadelphia, and coming over the bridges, to do this, and she also has, that silver, roof rack, on top of her car. so the other war which this woman taking your wallet is she can steel your entire identity, your driver's license near your credit cards and if that is not enough what is worse than getting to the check out counter. you philadelphian hour filling one of these cards up with groceries. your ice cream is melting. you don't have any money or credit cards to pay for this stuff. >> who is on her shirt, we have blurred out her shirt, there is a face on the shirt. >> reporter: we didn't blur it out. we tried to get as good a surveillance picture as i can. it is either bob marley or bob dylan or that guy from cuba that people like to wear, and i'm embarrassing myself by not knowing the history of that.
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you know what i'm talking about. that famous image you see, cuban liberation front leader from the old days. let's do some sports. >> yeah. >> hey, this just in, the phillies did not lose last night. have of course, they didn't have a game. the l.a. kings are one win away from winning their second stanley cup, in three years. does this make you just want to say no. look at this jeff carter and mike richards scoring goals, leading the kings to a three to nothing win over the rangers up in new york city, three straight. the the kings now lead the series, three games to none. >> the once that got away in a city that doesn't --
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>> i'll give you a positive. we hate the rangers. >> well, there is that but in a hockey crazy city like philadelphia, we have not won it since 75 and the kings got two in three years. >> it is just not our sports year. >> no. >> year? >> football season. >> yeah. >> i tried. >> all right. meanwhile, we've got to weather challenges this morning. >> sure you do. one is the the fog and the other one is the rain. so we're not seeing rain every where but it is widespread and so is the fog. it is getting worse in some places. you see visibility, goose eggs up there in mount pocono, only a mile in allentown and in trenton, and at philly international it is improving a little bit with 2 miles visibility but half mile in pottstown. reduced visibility in so many places, all this moisture in the air, hardly in the wind, reducing visibility. so is the the rain, you will see lightening moving through
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delaware a little while ago and we will zoom in closer and show you where heavier rain is, cedar crest manor, pennsville as heavy rain moves from delaware, into the bay in new jersey. aston, pennsylvania getting heavy rain. so is upper chichester and conn cover. we will move up further, phoenixville, we've got some rain. pretty steady. we will see rain that developed in southern delaware around seaford and salisbury maryland. this is how it goes. it pops up. these showers. then they move through the the area and in some cases we have had flash flooding yesterday, we could have some today. 71 degrees in philadelphia 73 in dover, 62 in mount pocono, 69 degrees in lancaster where we had a flood advisory in effect earlier today. phillies forecast for tonight, yes, they do play tonight and they will play padres if they get the game in. if one of those thunderstorms
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pops up. 79 degrees when the game begins. coming down from that high of 84 today. we have wednesday, thursday, and friday, unsettled weather all the way through with chance of sunshine but also chance of pop up showers and thunderstorms. by saturday and sunday once again we will clear out nicely. we will have low humidity both days of the weekend but you just got to live through this unsettled weather time. if your kids have t ball or little league or softball games it will be a challenge to get those in tonight too. another challenge, kacie. >> is there always a challenge. >> yeah good challenging. >> a lot of challenges on the roadway thinks 676 after city avenue. fog on the roadway. only good news it is not pouring town rain but sue said north and west it will be pouring down rain. east falls one accident there lincoln drive at kelly drive a tow truck requested at that scene. pretty bad accident. in wilmington overnight smith bridge road atmontshanon you have a down pole at the scene. 35 miles an hour heading out on the betsy ross bridge. take it the slow on your
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bridge these morning. you will have a lot of delays as awe approach those bridges because of. that so 95 south, as you saw in the shot jam right around city avenue. route one the boulevard, 476 north. and 42 north as you head toward 295, very, very slow this morning. okay, still ahead on this program i know you are still trying to pay off your student loans so what do you think of the president's idea, helping you pay back those mounting student loans without breaking the bank. it is a promise of the new bill by the president, exactly what it means for you, ahead.
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truck driver accused of causing the crash that killed one man and critically injured a number of people, including actor tracie morgan, may not have slept for more than 24 hours before the accident. my goodness. that is according to a criminal complaint. wal-mart driver kevin roper, is freed on bail after being charged with death by auto and assault by auto. is driving while drowsy the same as driving under the
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influence of drugs and alcohol? should it be treated the same way in the eyes of the law. lets bring in the our fox 29 legal analyst attorney ken rottweiler and chaka johnson is here. let's start with you, ken, how do you prove that the guy, well, was malicious knowing he had not slept in almost 24 hours. i mean how do you prove that he purposely went out there and was driving while drowsy. >> you don't to have prove that he was malicious, mike. let me tell you about the story about maggie mcdonald which is a new jersey law. maggie mcdonald was 20 years old and driving on the new jersey highway. a car came across three lanes, hit her head on and killed her instantly. it was found that driver was up more than 24 hours. he was up more than 30 hours. when they took the to court because of the existing law in new jersey he was find $200 for that death. that mother was outraged and went on a campaign and in 2003
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they passed maggie's law in new jersey which says if you are up over 24 hours and driving a motor vehicle and it causes a death you are guilty of a felony and can be convicted of felony. that is the problem this driver will in new jersey. my prediction is he will be convicted under maggie's law for being up over 30 hours, driving a motor vehicle and killing someone. >> this case closed, shocka. >> no, good morning to you mike and ken. issue is proving that this driver was up the len of time that they are alleging. under new jersey statute that drives, without having slept for 24 hours proceeding his driving is considered to be under the same statute of dui that level of impairment. that is how it will be analyzed. they will have an issue proving this gentlemen didn't drive. under the federal motor carrier safety administration, is there also laws governing how much time he was supposed to be off-duty, prior to taking the wheel of that motor
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carrier. >> so ken, how will this play out. >> i think it will play out he will be quick under maggie's law. there isn't any question bit. shocka is right. they have onto prove he was up over 24 hours. is what coming up now is that there is this thought he was up over 24 hours and i'm sure they have done an investigation because that is what is being said by the middlesex county prosecutor's office f they can prove he was up over 24 hours under the law it is clear. more interesting thing is and you suggested when what is wal-mart's culpability here f wal-mart knew one of their drivers was on the road being up over 24 hours and they put him on the road any waste, then wal-mart has criminal liability here. that is the the more interesting thing. these companies push their drivers to complete their task and to stay on the road and stay on the road for long periods of time. it will be interesting if the prosecution goes out to
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wal-mart if wal-mart can be proven that wal-mart was. >> pushing him. >> but they were knowledgeable. they don't have to be outwardly pushing him but if they were knowledgeable he was on the road for more than the 14 hours on the time that is allowed under the law, they will have a problem. >> so did he add myth this, ken, the driver or the logs. >> i don't know whether the prosecutor's office has got the testimony from him through an interview. they may have. they may have talk to him and he may have admitted that i was up over 24 hours. >> the reason we're talking about this we have all gotten drowsy while driving. is this as bad as drunk driving? i mean. >> i can tell you there has been a study by both harvard and stanford university. i was researching this this morning. their studies show drowsy driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. you may have found that impossible. it has to to with something with the brain and how 30 ter receive distances. you know yourself, mike when you are on the road and you get drowsy your perception is
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completely off. >> it can come on, at a moment's notice but should we now be pulled off the road. >> if you feel it coming on. the issue, because the issue as far as drowsy driving laws and some states call it fatigue laws. i think issue is lay person generally cannot feel it coming on until it is too late. that is why there is an analysis that you have to have slept within the last 24 hours taking the wheel. other than that the lay person wouldn't be responsible for your physical driving to driving which is sitting down in the sedentary environment. you are coming off a shift. sometimes you have work overtime. this is the first time your body is relaxing when you get behind the the wheel. >> then you fall asleep. >> mike, in pennsylvania because a lot of people ask me this we have the same type of law in pennsylvania. drowsy driving you can be convicted of a felony. >> i lost that for all reason your mike went out. >> thanks very much. >> it is terrifying for any
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parents to think about, what happens when you need emergency care for your child we have one of the best hospitals right here, see where chop, children's hospital of philadelphia, where it ranked
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we have a day, where we need the umbrella and you need to allow a lot of extra time. so as you go outside, be aware of both of those. you don't want to be rushing on a take like today where you may even count are fog, bus stop buddy is ready to go, i believe, yes, you can hardly see him with all that fog around so keep that in mind 60's and 70's very muggy out there today and there are areas of showers and thunderstorms around this morning. so with all that going on, plus the chance of some sunshine today we will go with a five out of ten in weather by the numbers today. pop up thunderstorms are likely this afternoon and we have seen some moving through this morning. you will see areas of rain moving out of delco towards philadelphia, we will zoom into new castle county delaware and we will see heavy rain around middletown right
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now, townsend getting lighter rain in upper darby there is some rain. marple in delco, netter providence all those places getting heavier rain. it is lighter in pottstown and if you are in jim thorpe, they just had a big old thunderstorm there is in more flood advisory in east affect but 71 is our current temperature, 90 percent relative humidity, and poor visibility at philly international and places north of the city, it is better down by the shore, the visibility. eighty-four is our high with showers and thunderstorms popping up any time but most likely this afternoon and this evening. we have fog forming again, kacie after midnight. >> repeat again tomorrow. >> yes. >> all right. >> thanks sue. >> lets head out to i-95 at girard. 7:34 right now. things are getting better, roadways drying out. that is good news. east falls one accident here
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has cleared out, lincoln drive at kelly drive. if we head out to 295 we have a bad idea. on vehicle off the roadway there. at that scene 35 miles an hour. still on your bridges, betsy ross is particularly foggy. that is still in place n plymouth meeting germantown pike at butler pike another accident to look out for, guys. 7:35 on this tuesday. defense official says five u.s. nato soldiers were killed in southern afghanistan in what appears to be, a friendly fire incident. a senior official in afghanistan says that they have been killed when they called for air support, as they clashed with the taliban. total of 36 nato soldiers lost their lives so far this year in afghanistan. let's bring in column oliver north. welcome to philadelphia good to see you again. >> mike, i would love to be starting this out with good news and not good news. >> how does this happen? it does in every battle field
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situation. how does it happen. >> yes, and in spite of the fact that we have got all of the high tech stuff in the world, it sound to me very much like this is one of those kind of incident where someone is what we call lacing the target with the laser target designator, ignition being used fit was a b1 it is probably a laser guided bomb and something sabado kurd between what the target was, the target is not on the target, the laser guided bomb hits the designator. that is what it sound like. those kind of terrible mistakes happen. i can recall one in the very beginning of the campaign back in november of 2001 when i was out there with the marines have and special operators. >> i'm glad you are here because i have not been able to talk to you since this bowe bergdahl situation started a week ago now. is what your take on this. we could in the leave him there, could we?
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>> no, we shouldn't. the problem that we're seeing mike, and it is very valid to talk about it is the the conditions under which he was released. what i know of this mike and i was very close to the family. i'm wearing the bowe bergdahl bracelet his mom when i was asked to look into this and meet with them which i had to do with a number of american families. it is difficult. not a pleasant task. meet with the families, explain to them how it works. i did. his mom gave me this bracelet. here's what we like to know and should know. what were the conditions of him being in the hands of not the taliban but the criminal network, and they only wanted money. i know well what the intelligence is saying. that network is not the the taliban. for the time that i was watching this and talking to the family, only money was the issue. that offer was rejected.
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it was only after that that the issue of the taliban releasing people, locked up in gitmo. if they never wanted the release of anybody. they didn't even ask for their relatives who were lock up in bog ram. so you've got to ask yourself did the administration, in addition to these five, who weren't wanted by captors, different people, did they pay a ransom, who paid the ransom, how much was it, who got it, and those questions aren't even being asked by a members of the congress who want to be asking the question. so, on top of all of the other questions about bergdahl's behavior there ought to be people who are saying what were the real conditions that caused this administration to add to the mix fab five of the toll ban and who paided what to the hostage holders we will see how this plays out.
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bring let you go, who but this new book, a thriller, is that what you have been doing lately. >> through go, brother. this is sub context for the entire other bam an ad perfection, counterfeit lies, it talks about the next big scandal mike and that will be in days from now you will hear about it. an agreement that allows the government of iran to get away with still building their nuclear lies. that is sub plot for this entire book. it will be another scandal because they will agree to stop building their nuclear program, the international community such as it is will agree to those terms. so will they, and they will continue to build nuclear weapons good when i can get that book. >> i will send it to you personalized. >> get it on amazon and signed cop is in time for fathers day at oliver north dot column. >> column, great for being with us. getting the entire family around the dinner table, many people feel it is very
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important. >> yes. >> you have to get rid of the cell phone and tablets. no texts no e-mails eating dinner with your family. ironically you can use, your phone to disable your phones. >> um. >> i'll explain this so we can >> um. >> i'll explain this so we can have dinne thisfind the perfect gift for dad... ...on sale at hhgregg. like this 51" samsung hdtv for just $429. for huge savings on all the gifts dad really wants... ...come to hhgregg. and fill your home with happy.
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thisfind the perfect gift for dad... ...on sale at hhgregg. like this 51" samsung hdtv for just $429. for huge savings on all the gifts dad really wants... ...come to hhgregg. and fill your home with happy.
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had. there is a new app that can help your children sit down for an uninterrupted dinner. you know what people find it is very important to have dinner with your family. >> it vice important. >> connect as a family, sure. >> but the kids won't get off their phones and tablets. >> that is right. >> how do you get them to do it, quincy. >> first you have to get off of these things right here. app is created by a co founder of din are time, a meal planning app web site and he was inspired when he noticed his kids were distract during dinner time. here's how the app works. it locks the app until the dinner is over. so, parents just have to, set it for them and dinner time app is free to down load. i down loaded this application. thing is you have to down load
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it to your kids cell phone, or their ipad or their unit as well, so that they can see that you can talk to the different devices. you down load it. you set the app. then it can go tour cell phone and you can control their cell phone from your cell phone. >> you are having dinner from 5:30 to 6:30, it shuts them all down. >> yes. >> they will not do this for significant others, i'm telling you. >> that is the problem. hopefully my wife is watching this. >> let's do it. >> it is a good app. kids can finally have a conversation during dinner time. >> it is true but back in day my, my dad and mom would do, they would just say mike, put down the phone. that is it. there wouldn't be an app because would you respect your parents, get off the phone. >> you were in charge. >> and put the tablet away and eat your peas.
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>> they also have a din are time plus app so you can see, what application your kids are using and what kind of data you are using. >> very well. >> i ask what do you think a man looks like would be able to run a marathon, seven straight days on seven different continents, that is what that man would look like. >> he doesn't look tired enough. >> the guy is a show off. >> but he also survived a crazy plane crash and he climbs mountains all the time. we will tell you why he is in philadelphia. this is it, seven, seven, seven. we will be right
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i'm the proud dad of three beautiful, awesome, messy kids. they get stains like you wouldn't believe. this new tide ultra stain release and zap! cap helps me get out pretty much any stain. can i help? aww. just kidding. [ female announcer ] new tide ultra stain release helps remove % of everyday stains. ♪ music plays [male announcer] from the tide factory in lima, ohio to a walmart near you, join walmart and tide in supporting american jobs.
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we have, even less than that in trenton, pottstown, allentown and it is really socked in with fog up there in the pocono mountains. so, allow some extra time no matter where you are, plus rain that will slow you down. pockets of heavier rain in new castle county delaware and in across the river in pilesgrove, new jersey. other parts of the salem, cumberland county starting to get heavy rain there. we will move up to delaware county pa, upper darby, marion we are seeing umbrellas up
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outside our window in olde city. upper providence getting lighter rain and lower south ford and montgomery county, then we will head down in southern delaware, salisbury mar licensed has rain, ocean city maryland very light rain there and mills boro in sussex county. you never necessity where they will pop up. that is what is happening all morning long. seventy-one and muggy. phillies are supposed to play tonight. there may be a rain delay getting a pop up thunderstorms, 79 degrees. we will come down from a high of 84. we do think we will get some sunshine at some point but be on the alert for pop up thunderstorms that could happen at anytime just like yesterday, 84 today. we will stay in the 80's every day throughout the rest of the workweek. we have thunderstorms in the forecast every day through the rest of the workweek but look at what happens once again for weekend just in time for saturday, we will dry out, we will get sunshine and bonus, kacie low humidity.
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>> perfect. >> my hair is happy. >> i'm having a horrible day today. >> just horrible. >> 202 at route one just taking a look at the few majors this morning. things looking better. all you have to look out for is wet roadways. for the most part fog is out of here. northbound side of 295 at route 47 exit number 25 vehicle off the roadway. they are taking out the shoulder. germantown pike at butler pike accident number two. smith bridge road atmont shanon road. here are your majors. you can see in roadways are exempt from delays. seven marathons, seven continents and seven days. you heard that right. i don't know but i don't think he looks really tired. >> he doesn't look tired at all. he is with jen. he makes us all bad. >> it did take him six months to recover. mike is here good morning. >> good morning. >> you have written this book. you are on a book tour. you will speak in philadelphia for back on your feet
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foundation. >> yes good this evening. >> at 6:30. we will talk about that for a second. >> you have never run a marathon before you decided to do this. >> i had climbed mount everest, loved it but too dangerous and i have three little kid. they need a dad more than i needed to keep. i wanted a challenge just as scary, just as hard. i came up with this idea. see seven marathons, seven days. >> you had to run through you tube. >> and so i actually, ran. >> so this right here is when were you running the world's highest marathon. >> yes, i wanted run the world's hardest marathon, 18 and a thousand feet and complete 26.1 miles. i don't know if anyone can run a marathon higher. we filmed this in july. >> so you are basically running, that is insane. by the way that is insane. we will take you through
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itinerary for the actual 7/7/7 run. you began in an arctic contact mike jerrick said you are cheating but it could. >> faulkland island is part of the an arctic continent. over san diego and out to los angeles and then, i had on get off the airplane at 8:00 and get back on at 4:00, over to london, and hong kong and back home to new zealand. >> pretty cool. >> other thing i love you included your children now, is that right. >> absolutely. >> you exposed them. you take them to nepal. >> they get to come to sianni it is just two of us spending time together. there is my daughter maya. she's seven. kids love it. there is the amount of time. it is just the two of us. we just have a magic time. >> that is amazing. >> i could talk to you for four or five hours. >> this book begins with you getting rescued by the u.s. in
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a plane crash. >> book starts off with a very serious plane crash. we ditched a twin aircraft, 150 miles off the coast of honolulu at night. and we are live with the u.s. coast gar. very dramatic story. i don't think anyone survived that sort of crash before. >> i have been very lucky. >> your wife is beautiful. you are from new seal land. >> that is right. >> thanks for coming. >> you make us all look very small. >> i ran a 5k this weekend, wow. >> wow. >> i ran a 5k. >> one country. >> same deal. >> in my neighborhood. >> still ahead helping you pay back those mounting student loans are you still paying off your student loans? without breaking the bank. it is promise of a new bill by the president that he announced yesterday, what it means for you and why are some people opposed to it. ♪
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they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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how do you stay awake. >> on times you don't. sometimes you pull over, you know, pushing yourself back that little bit that you are no longer safe. >> a lot of truck drivers weighing in over the weekend on the new jersey turnpike, according to a criminal complaint, state police say that kevin roper, the driver, accused in that crash, may have been up for more than 24 hours before crashing into tracie morgan's limousine bus. one person was killed and tracie remains in critical condition but stable condition. doctor mike joins us now and so does karen hepp hi karen. >> good morning, guys. >> so doctor, explain, what happens, why could we be driving down the highway just fine and then a minute later we are about to fall asleep. >> well, we are sleep deprived as a nation. four to 5,000 fatal accidents a year according to many researchers are caused by people falling asleep at the
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wheel. now who are these people? these are people that are commercial drivers, they are people with conditions like sleep apnea where you are not sleeping, taking medications to help you with anxiety, ambien, all have of these things make it a nightmare on the highway. >> i think shift workers feel it all the time. working overnight. then people that check with us that are nurses and those folks. what do you do. we have to go to work. we have to take the kids to school what do we do. >> you have to find ways to make sure that you get enough sleep, and that you are not behind the wheel. a lot of people and there was a study showing that your ability to drive a car fuzz are sleep deprived is similar to nearing the blood alcohol level of the legal limit of alcohol, so it is a problem. if you do shift work you need to make sure you are not behind the wheel when you are tired or taking benadryl. do you know the commercial
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pilots they take within benadryl, they're out for a month or so. you have got to be careful. it is a big problem. it is very easy to find someone hoist drunk. do you a breathalizer. we have to find technology with cars where if you are sleep deprived the car will not start. >> that would be great. they have these alerts on the new fancy cars. >> they memorize how your driving. >> if you are seeing off the lanes, alarms go off. and they have glasses now fur head tilt a alarm goes off. so many people that get and they boost exercise equipment, treadmills, stuff like that. >> we have that in our basement. >> a lot of people put exercise equipment in their basements. maybe not a good idea. >> we talk all the time about exercising and getting yourself in shape. new research shows that exercise equipment in the basement. except for steve keeley who has equipment in his bedroom,
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his living room and his dining room, most of us put it down in the basement. is what the problem with that, raid on. that is number one cause of lung cancer in people who don't smoke. make sure if you are in that basement to get it check. make sure air quality is good. don't put it near the furnace. make sure there is no mold or other pests. we have mice in our house in the winter. those are the things. exercise but be smart bit. put it in a good location. >> i have never been to steve's house, that would be very interesting. straight up 8:00 o'clock good day tuesday june 10th 204. >> reporter: when you come to the grocery store and grab a shopping cart one of the things you will see is warnings about not leaving your kid unattended but they will need warning at this wegmans not leave your purse unattended and we will tell you why, sue.
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>> another umbrella day on radar we have got some more rain moving through the area, not every where but there are showers around and watch out for the fog, we will have all of the details in your weather authority forecast, jen. >> a beauty queen calls it quits, coming up very public shame that has forced her to give up her crown less than a month into her reign, mike. >> we are live with the hippos, yeah, hippo. >> yes. >> this is about to get up close and personal with these hungry hippos. >> there was a porkie pine too did you see him. >> i didn't. >> start guessing, how many calories do you think those dudes eat per day. >> i know and it is disgusting. >> i was shock, start guessing, on twitter. >> hi karen good good morning. >> hi, karen there is kacie and sue. >> didn't you tell me once you could put away two pizzas. >> we will do that eventually on the show. kacie mcdonnell consume two
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pizzas in one sitting. >> yes. >> lets get to the weather. we have a problem out there with fog. it is making it very tough to see buddy. good thing he has bright yellow rain coat on. yes, you need rain gear around this morning. temperatures are in the mid i 60's and 70's at the moment and yes, there will be times when you need the umbrella. in weather by the numbers we will go with a five. we have breaks of sunshine for later on this afternoon once this fog burns off but we will have pop up thunderstorms and areas of fog around this morning. is there ultimate doppler to show you rain moving through parts of the new castle county delaware getting very heavy rain now, southern part of the county there rain is moved out of the new castle county. also, delaware county but in philadelphia we are still seeing light rain from montgomery to bucks county getting light rain this morning. they just had a big then are storm up there no matter where
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you are, you will get rain at some point today. 71 degrees right now with 90 percent relative humidity. watch out for wet roadways, 84 is the high temperature. there is your visability, only 2 miles at philly international, much less when you go north. eighty-four is the high isolated thunderstorms popping up, 70 degrees with more fog forming after midnight but first we have to get through this morning. >> a lot to look out for. ninety-five at girard that is what we will look at at this second. we can see volume southbound not too bad northbound. right here on the northbound side girard avenue interchange they are doing construction there starting a four year construction project. southbound construction work will start on the 19th. we have a break there. northbound side we have a vehicle off the roadway. they are taking out shoulders. crews are on the scene. big delay heading towards 42. forty-two headed towards that same spot will be delayed as
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well. plymouth meeting germantown pike at butler pike we have a bad accident this morning. look out for crews on that scene. we will go to wilmington next heading out on smith bridge road we have a down pole and wires from overnight. aside from that your majors are pretty delays this morning. >> happening right now, police would like to find a with man they say is a pick pocket. >> shoppers are being targeted in grocery stores in new jersey especially by this woman. steve is on the case in mount laurel. >> reporter: you will remember doing those gross out zest mealing about what to be on the look out for grocery stores. germs that lurk in places like those over use bagged. and they do not put any footed that produce where baby seats are because baby-sit in those seats and a lot of times babies diapers are not so fresh, let's put it that way. here's something else we will warn you about not putting in the baby seats. that is your purse. lately it is easy access for a lady coming here to this mount
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laurel well mens stealing wallets. and in the words of the late great miss michigan burt parks, there she is, right on surveillance shopping herself right next door to the wegmans at tarring next door with this stolen credit cards, buying hundreds and expensive items, probably licensing before victims realize this were ripped off. these pictures were showing you side by side are pictures of her in the same outfit but on different days. this woman has hit here three times that the the police know of between may 21st and 29th and she had that same t-shirt under the same jean jacket, no disguise, stupid, braces or all of the above. many admit they leave their purses unattended while shopping and could have become a victim too of this woman. >> i'm very guilty. i have been told by customers to watch what i'm doing, putting my purse in the cart. >> i'm one of those people that put it here too but i
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really try to watch it, it gets heavy. >> do i leave my purse in the front where the kids would sit? and then if i go, i will leave cart and i will go walk over and get milk or something. >> you cannot leave the purse unattended. that will protect you somewhat. you need to make sure that they are not accessible to anybody but you. >> reporter: where a carries just like a t-shirt, very blue. likely tiehl blue. also a mitsubishi out lander. no front license plate if you look closely. she parks in the handicapped zone. maybe she has a handicap plaquards as well. that may indicate she has back plate maybe coming from philadelphia over here to mount laurel. short drive down route 38. notice the other thing silver roof rack that stands out as well. so chances are you either know the car or that woman and you can give police a tip and stop anyone else from being ripped off. karen and mike, she has done something else that is real
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board, she goes to the check outline. why one card is being swiped and signing she stole the wallet right there at the the check out aisle according to police. that is another way she dit. that is really bold. you have witnesses there it is closest to the door. she made a quick getaway with that what will teeth. >> just so distract, it makes perfect sense. you have a million things going on. >> she is brazen. people say on twit their her t-shirt has maleficent. >> yes. >> the movie. >> you why, the character. >> angelina jolie. what is the deal with miss thailand, miss universe thailand. >> lets get up to jen. she can explain this one. she's in the social media center. >> miss universe tie land has resign less than a month into her reign after getting caught up in her country's political crisis. get this she's 22 years old. you sees he heard here. she's in the middle, and she's being criticized for comments
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that she posted on facebook attacking supporters of the country's former government. she's also called for the execution of their leaders. she wrote the comments in mid-november, long before winning the title but the harsh criticism is proving to be just too much. she said that her family's happiness has totally disappeared just because of the comments. pageant organizers have not yet responded to the controversy, miss thailand would have gone on to represent her country at the new miss universe competition, later this year. so, it is, again we talk about this all the time. you never want to post things on any sort of social media, right because it will come bite you. >> i saw some tweets saying that she was fat too. >> everybody is picking on her and you're fat. now i have seen this famous bridge in paris where they call it the famous locks
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bridge. famous locks of love bridge in paris has reopened after it was evacuated due to a partial collapse. you know this bridge. if you are lovers, you're lovers, you take a lock and you attach it to the bridge and then your love is locked in place forever, until you go back with the key and unlock it. >> or until it falls down. >> police had to force visitors off this bridge when part of the railing because again to fall on to the walkway and into the river. no one was hurt. for years, thousands of people from across the world have been attaching locks to the bridge as a symbol of their undying love and then throw the key in the river. >> they are doing that at brooklyn bridge now too. >> stop it. >> stop it. >> the bridge is getting heavy from all that metal. >> you go there together and put the lock on.
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>> nothing can separate us. >> throw the key in the river. >> i will never stop loving you is what they're saying. still ahead, the life time costs of autism are increasing, supporting someone with the disorder could cost more than $2 million, why this number is much higher then ever before. but first the average student debt is now you almost $30,000, are you still paying for student loans everybody. >> a lot of people. >> rates are going up, next month, well, coming up how you can get some financial relief,1e >> rates are going up, next month, well, coming up how you can get some financial relief,1e
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there's no place like it in the world. my favorite place is the hudson valley. it inspired famous painters like thomas cole, with amazing landscapes like the breathtaking mohonk preserve. here you'll visit historic locations like olana and west point, and appreciate chefs at the culinary institute of america. come discover your favorite part of new york. plan your summer vacation at there's something for everyone.
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in some cases it is getting worse, we have a mile visibility in allentown and pottstown and in trenton. the less than 2 miles. as we remind you, call ahead if you have a flight out this morning, it is bad in some places, plus we have the rain we're dealing with as we zoom into new castle county, delaware in the southern part of the counties around
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chambersville we have a pocket of heavy rain, and possibility whenever you see that orange there of flash flooding. dark green means steady rain around palmyra, new jersey, cedar grove and germantown and in new jersey getting some of that rain. then we will go up to the north and see rain as well in berks county and easing up but you will need that umbrella at times, sussex county delaware has not been spared. we will look ahead and we have temperatures 71 in philadelphia, lower 60's in mount pocono. seventy in atlantic city. seventy in lancaster. it is muggy. it will be muggy at the ballpark tonight if they get the game in. there will be pop up thunderstorms, maybe a rain delay. phillies start tonight with the padres and as we mentioned earlier it is trait utley bobble head night. 79 degrees. shore cast today, we give you shore cast every day even though it is a lousy day at
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the shore. is there a nine for uv index when the sunnies shining, le rip current risk, 65 degrees your ocean water temperature. seven day forecast, 84 degrees today, low to mid 80's, wednesday, thursday, friday each and every day has then are storms in the forecast, until we get to the weekend, and it looks fantastic after that, kacie, once again, timing out well. >> you know what, you gave us monday too. usually monday stinky. sue gave us whole weekend. new castle as we head out there eastbound side of old baltimore pike all lanes block there at the scene. traffic is using that shoulder. north bound side of 295 checking on this accident at route 47, vehicle off the roadway, ramp is block there at the scene, 35 miles per hour, if you are heading out on the betsy ross bridge. lots of fog there. restrictions are in place. looking at your majors. >> i check out seven # six in both directions.
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probably worse than 95 south if you are heading westbound on 76. you can see it is pretty delayed past the boulevard and towards conshohocken. >> okay, what do you think of this yesterday, president barack obama signed a presidential memo expanding the program that helps college graduates, manage their debt and it will cap monthly payments for certain federal student loans at 10 percent of the borrowers income. in other words pay as you earn. i guess is what they are earning. our dan ri coto is in there. is this good or bad. >> it is a good thing because that sound you here is a trillion dollars student loan time bomb. any relief that we can get is probably a good idea. there are caveats that we will talk about that i want folks to be aware of with regards to this program. >> our average debt is what $30,000 per student. >> yes. >> we are paying so much of our paychecks, to pay off our student debt. how will this help people that are owing money good point, karen. interest rates go up next
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month as you mentioned earlier. 70 percent of graduates got a payment book with their diploma last month. as you said, average is about 30 grand. so, without getting lost in the numbers and details of the program basically big picture here's how it will work. for 5 million new borrowers out there, they are eligible for this pay as you earn program. lets say you have $30,000 in loans, mike. you make 30 grand a year. your current monthly payment under today's rules is based on ten years and it will cost you $350 a month and total interest is about 12 grand. under the new program mike if you are eligible the pay as you earn program you can lower your monthly payment by a hundred bucks to 350 to 250 and stretch it out over 20 years. now i'm over simplifying this but you get the picture. it becomes more affordable on a monthly basis. but mike, here's the deal, you may wind up paying more interest in some cases a lot more interest.
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we have to be very careful about that. >> thinks only for the federal portion, isn't it, dan. >> is there a few caveats. it only applies to federal student loans. many of them are private loans. that does not apply here. secondly it doesn't start until december of next year, 2015. >> 2015. >> lastly, again we want you to keep your eye on it and do the calculation about how much interest you may wind up owing because it may be in fact that sure it sound like a good idea to lower that monthly payment but if you are paying more in interest and becoming a life long servant, may not be a good idea. >> you may pay a lot more than that $10,000. >> there were quite a few people upset about this. what is the down side. >> there is really two down sides as i see it, mike. at the macro level it will cost you, i, karen and everybody else a lot more money as taxpayers because someone will have to have flip the bill for writing off is what left after 20 years, right? that is a big number in the billions. second down side as i see it
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is that interest thing. right around your kitchen table if you are sitting down grabbling with student loans this could be a great program and i want to you look into it. i want to you prom that is will pay extra each month as you are your incomings up so you are not caught in that student loan interest trap for the rest of your life. >> could you call this a bail out for students. >> in some cases, it is, mike. here's where it will apply. those students with very high balances and start out as very low salaries, think your typical graduate student or law student or in my case i have a daughter in medical school, those student loans will benefit. those kids will benefit out of the gate. but again, mike it could be a trap. you have to manage the interest part of this thing. >> okay, dan be careful out there, everybody. >> you got it. >> thank you for that. we tried to find different diet plans especially every summer. well, we have found one. this is a hot new summer diet but it is giving us the
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chills. it is called the ice diet. how 13 cups of ice each day can melt away the inches according to a gastroenterologist, who is going to join us in the studio. this is his idea. >> is this because you are frustrated. >> you chew on ice all day and drop the pound. >> lets see fit works. >> but first scientists believe a 9-foot gray white shark has been eaten by something bigger. >> like what? >> coming up, what could be lurking in the ocean right now that could eat a 9-foot shark nelson: when i started high school in jersey city
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making it to the finish line seemed like a distant dream. mr. cunningham: i know how hard nelson works running track and he works just as hard in my honors class. nelson: i thought i wasn't good at history but mr. cunningham, he makes it come alive. now i'm heading to college-- and my teachers helped make that happen. mr. cunningham: we're not just teachers, we're mentors, and helping all our students realize their dreams is the best part of the job.
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it is so foggy outside. it is like walking in to a cloud, an a trochus hair day.
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>> it is so fog any some parts it is basically raining. >> yes. >> it is so thick. >> sure. >> hi, everybody. >> you ever go swimming and you get out of the pool, right and you wanting to home and go get a cocktail and get in your car and soaking wet because of your swim trunks or your bikini or whatever. >> yes. >> there is a young inventor who wants to help us out. he has made waterproof swimsuits a reality. he is only 19. lives in canada. he told a newspaper he came up with the idea he was tired of getting the car seat all soak after a day of swimming. it is so tedious, isn't it. they are made from a blend that repels water. his goal, it is to raise 45 you this dollars to continue this process, get this invented out there on the market so he has raised $10,000 from donations from people around the world. that kick starter campaign, you can get it on line. >> best idea good they did
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that no showers happy hour. now they will be all dry there, yes. >> hasn't there been invented before. >> it is like why isn't this out on the market already. >> yes. >> how dumb. >> yes. >> good idea mr. canada man. could there be something in the water out there that makes jaws look tame? is there something that could eat a 10-foot shark. >> they think it is a super big can bull shark possibly in australia. this is their first attempt to attract great white in that neck of the woods and they tag them. they put this on a 9-foot shark, it is huge. >> so they tagged the nine footer, four months later little tag washes up on the shore and it can track all kind of temperatures. so temperature spikes when it is out there in the water, and it could only happen if that was in the belly of an enlarger creature. >> wow. so what ate the 9-foot shark.
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>> fun guess that people are guessing it is a orca, bigger shark. >> i'm going with cracken. >> greek mythology release the cracken. >> yeah, it is from that movie. >> yes. >> good movie. >> we got it. thanks, kacie. all right. still ahead philly's own kin dread the family soul, they are back with a new cd. guess what they will perform a song from that cd in our studio, what do you think of that. >> it drops today. >> i like when you talk about that. >> you know who i learned that about. >> who. >> quincy. >> hi q. >> i'm feeding the hippos, and at adventure aquarium. >> get cracking. >> they are hungry. they love cracking food or something. i'll be back.
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look at that nice little picture there. i'm landing from kansas visiting my dad for the summer. his birthday is tomorrow. happy birthday, dad. he is picking him up at the the airport there. that is love right there. >> use the hash tag fox 29 best dad and then send them however they want to do it. instagram, tweet it, come to my fox >> do a still or a video. >> love to see a video. >> that would be nice. >> saying why your daddies a best dad. >> yes. >> no question. >> it is free. >> all right. lets getaway with that and lets get to the fox cast for today. 84 degrees is our high temperature today. we've got clouds, we've got showers, we have got isolated thunderstorms. why this is the same forecast
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we had yesterday and we have seen some showers moving through the area this morning. not every place has seen a shower but we have been using those umbrellas and bus stop buddy for little kids still waiting, temps in the 60's and 70's areas of fog around, weather by the numbers is a five today. we expect some sunshine later on this have afternoon but with that rain moving through the area right now it is staying foggy and it is staying kind of cloudy especially we have that i rain around collins beach in new castle county delaware. kacie will continue to keep an eye on raids air up in bensalem, it is raining but we have plenty of places to show us plenty of fog. >> fog, rain, it is treacherous out there. we will take you to the turnpike, and, westbound other side 422 eastbound it will be all slow this morning. that is because of the fog and rain. heading out on 76, 47 minutes from 676, up to the blue route this morning. ninety-five, pretty delayed.
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northbound side, at girard is where we have all that traffic and construction going on right at girard avenue interchange. that is what you are seeing right now. i-95 at girard. it looks like maybe a lit built of the fog moving out of the way, which is good news, in new castle eastbound side of old baltimore pike. we have an accident shutting down all lanes on the eastbound side. traffic is using the shield they are morning. so keep that in mind heading out. >> if i told you, kacie mcdonnell, and karen l hepp, that a hippo, a hippo was spotted in camden would you believe me. >> no. >> two of them have been spotted. quincy found them where are you. >> i'm in adventure aquarium in camden. you can see it is feeding time. this is join i. this is buttons. this is annmarie right here. they are marine biologist
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here. we will feed them correct. >> yes. >> how heavy are these girls. >> button is, 40,000-pound. jenny his thousand pound. >> they eat what do they eat. >> they are vegetarians. in the wild they eat grasses, mostly and aquatic plants. we feed them hey and we will feed them some greens which is part of their regular diet but also the snack, believe it or in the they love their greens. >> is this the snuck right here. >> just a snack. how often. >> a couple times a day just to keep them busy and active. >> yes. >> toss it right over. >> do i jump over. >> you don't want to jump over do you see those teeth. >> they don't eat people. >> they attack people but they don't eat them. >> through go. >> they are ready to eat. >> i heard they eat
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07,000 calories a day. >> yes. >> similar to a hundred philly cheese steaks. >> there you go. >> only a lot healthier for you. >> owe kay. >> this is pretty fun. >> which one jenny and which one is buttons. >> this is buttons right here. jenny is on the left. >> dodo you ever just throw the the whole thing over. >> no. >> and if people don't, we could not go inside and swim with them. >> even though they are trained and in conditions, we would never be stupid enough to go inside with them. >> that within stupid. >> sorry. >> i'm just saying good hippos out weigh us by a few thousand pound, right. they are curious but they are curious with their mouths. you saw what is in their mouths. they have 44 teeth. they can use them as they need to. in the wild in africa they are
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very aggressive. they are not afraid of people f somebody comes into their territory they will take care of them if they feel threaten. >> you never feed them meat. >> they don't eat meat. >> how about cheese. >> no cheese. >> just leafy greens. >> and mostly hey and they also get grain which is formulated for a hippo diet, and so they meet all of their nutritional needs. >> i didn't want to say this but these guys are some hungry, hungry hippos. >> we saw that one coming. >> nice. >> quincy, ask annmarie, don't hippos kill more people than lions. >> what? >> ask annmarie. >> do they hurt people? do they kill more people than lions. >> yes, they do. >> are you happy. >> it is no the that they are
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seeking people out to attack them, it is just people that come in contact with them. usually a female with a young hippo, they are protecting. >> they are not going around attacking people. >> thank you. >> organized groups. >> yes. >> it is a common thing. >> bye-bye. >> by the way, they say, those are the two, only zoo in the world, quarter yum, only aquarium in the world that has hippos. >> how about that. >> in camden. >> still ahead children's hospital of philadelphia is named the best medical facility for children in this entire country. but there is a tie, this year, coming up the other hospitals that is ranked number one because we're always number one at chop.
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somebody else butting in. >> coming up later, loneliness can be a killer. experts say being lonely can be just as bad for your health as smoking. coming up the simple thing we do every single day, that makes our loneliness worst. hey, i lost my debit card. do you guys do instant replacement? what just happened? check your wallet. no. no way. your debit card should arrive in 7-10 business days. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. get debit cards on the spot,
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and deposit checks right from your phone at td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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hi, welcome back. every year we say that the children's hospital of philadelphia, we're so proud of that hospital because they are always rank number one for children. well again, it is number one but new there is a tie. >> it tied with boston's children's hospital on the honor reallies for u.s. news and world report. they put together a great list. they are a great magazine. they got high scores in three medical specialties. chop is number one in the neonatology and pulmonology, rang in the top three in six
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other specialties. >> can i also do a quick shout out to st. christopher's hospital for children. they do a great job too. >> du pont does a great job. >> we are so blessed with our wonderful hospitals in this region, but our medical center is one of the best in the area. >> you better believe it. >> philadelphia is also known for having some darn good sandwiches out there. but not just cheese steaks. we are now on the best sandwich list, not for cheese steaks, but listen to this. >> all right. yahoo travel came up with the best, eight sandwiches in the country and they say tony luke's roast porkies best sandwich to get in philadelphia other sandwiches they recommend bacon, egg, cheddar cheese bagel in brooklyn and pass ram i and rye at the deli in los angeles. >> really. >> the roast park with the greens, amazing. broccoli rob, getting down there. going down there. and, you wonder, broccoli rob,
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and, garlic in it. didn't tony lukes ultimately move in dubai. >> and, bill and brook, getting married in dubai was interrupted by rich, and flew over there and interrupted the wedding. just i quick update. 8:42. jen? >> mike, i don't know if you heard but it is fathers day and sure you can get get your guy tickets to the fills game but this is a little bit more creative, this will have dad spending time with the kids and kids making stuff for dad. we will show you, joey portman is back.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. every year my daughter asks what do you want for fathers day. i don't know. so we have brought in, somebody that does know, joey
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portman business jen. >> joey has great ideas, good morning to you. >> thank you. >> one thing you said in terms of mother day is. >> i say to my husband fit noise the handbag size of my head or trip to tahiti, i don't want i. i love to make something. >> my husband is out of town, traveling. i went to old navy, bought a couple shirts and said which kid wants to give what. so, we're going to begin with stuff that dads are forced to do with the kids. >> yes, magic show. these are great because, ready, here we go, we will show you magic. >> yes. >> ready. >> do you see it on top. >> there. >> nice. >> but it is a great idea. took me two hours last night to figure that out. >> twenty bucks you can get eight of these, go toe to toe with dad in the soccer game by ideal or get some magic. this is only 20 bucks. >> that is great. >> they are forced to spend time with each other but they feel confidence, right that
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they can do a show for dad. >> without too much involved. >> i'm all for it but my husband is not good reading directions. >> i do like the fact that they are all $20. if you want to take dad out for brunch or lunch this is a nice something else to have. >> yes. >> and then talk about homemade stuff. this hour we're doing stuff that the kids are legitimately giving to the dads. in the next hour we will do what the women are getting information their husband. >> you can go to create and bar owe to do a real chalkboard math but these are paper ones. they come with all different kinds. put different nets on there to dad and let them know and everybody goes around the room and they talk about why they are with dad. >> i love it. >> if you are not so craft i this is why i love alex. i'm not cooking but i am craft i. alex brand has come up with crafts that kids can do for
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dad. they are less than $15. cap it off frames and silk screen factory. you can use actual letters or you can just create your own, like my dad rocks. >> i get it with the rocks. >> they tend to be girly so you use your joey scrap book arsenal. >> yes, which is ridiculous. >> just to kind of make it your own, right. >> absolutely. >> do you think that matt will hang this in his sports office. >> he has everything hung in is office. >> yes. >> turf say as we toss it back that we have bill here, he is a dad, shooting the camera. he says he likes these ideas. >> i like that magic thing. >> then you can say fun things about my dad and hang it on whatever. >> bill is wearing orange too. >> yes. >> i wish my doubt wore come up with ten things they like about me. >> you are funny. you tell good jokes, fun to
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spend time with. >> being funny and tell good jokes is the same thing. you can't even do good. >> you are paying for the wedding. >> we want to hear why your daddy is the best dad in the world. here's an example of what we want you to do, karen's three sons are talking about their dad so try to do what they did. >> okay, let me get a happy fathers day. >> happy fathers day. >> we love you daddy. >> what happened there. >> i fell down. >> you fell down. >> so it doesn't have to be fancy just do your best and send us a tweet or instagram or come to my fox and load up on the you report. you see it, fox 29 best dad. anyway to get your kids to say something nice about the guy
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in your life and share with us. >> i will kidnap karen. >> how cute is he. >> technology has certainly change since the 90's. but overtime do you remember toma gucci's, and other gadgets that we missed the mess from the 90's. >> i went with the them, tom and debbie. >> what is a
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we throughout it would be lifted but fog is still an issue, less than 2 miles visibility at philly international. a mile in trenton. in pottstown and up in the mountains. it will slow you down in some spots. hopefully we will see sunshine later on. we have a few areas lift that still has rain but that is easing up that situation is
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improving around pine islands in southern new jersey and bay side we have pocket of heavy rain. then sussex county delaware and south of that heavy rain around snow hill, ocean city maryland has had some rain as well. 71 degrees in philadelphia. sixty-six allentown, pottstown and trenton heading to a high if we get enough of 84 degrees but pop up thunderstorms in the forecast for today, tomorrow, thursday and for friday. now driest of all will be wednesday and that is when we could see some sunshine but it does look like it gets really nice in time for weekend, kacie. >> we are going to take a look at your majors. lets look at 76 at 476, you can see is there still a lot of fog out there and we just took a look at 202 at route 29 i had that up on the traffic camera as well. is there fog every where. it will be patchy. just come up on it, if we go to new castle in delaware
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eastbound side of old baltimore pike all lanes block on the eastbound side traffic using shoulder there to get around that accident. northbound side of 295 there was an accident that has cleared. a delay right there at route 47. forty-two north really slow leading up to that scene. the bridge still again 35 miles an hour speed restrictions, in place and look out for a lot of slow downs on your majors, karen. should southern songs be banned from the radio, there is a local man hoping to clean up muse that i can our children hear every day. [ male announcer ] for a limited time verizon fios
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hey, welcome back everybody. good day to you. it is tuesday, june 10th, 2014. karen is here. kacie is here.
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>> so many kids with autism in the greater delaware valley and costs are increasing. supporting someone could cost you more than two million-dollar. why this number is so much higher then ever before. >> cost you 2 million over your life time. >> new studies. >> all right. new diet plan. >> it is giving us chills, it is called the ice diet. how 13 cups of ice each day can melt inches off your waist line you are chewing ice, almost all day long. >> all day long. >> all day long. >> and a fathers day gift for your spouse, the do's and don't's when it comes to dad's big day because you we can read, they make big mistake when we give dad a gift. >> all right. there is a philadelphia manny know well who is hoping to clean up the muse being we hear on the radio. >> all right good two time grammy winner carbon hagan the founder off the record labels. he is involved with jill
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scott, chris brown and justin timberlake. he is spearheading a m to get rid of these violence, over sexualized lyrics that our children are hearing every single day. >> i am saying if you are artistic be artistic write something that everybody ain't doing. build a community up. you getting rich off the community. put somebody back into it. put better words in it. >> he is a father of seven himself. you see video of his little kids. they don't know what the lyrics are. they are imitating their big stars. he said our radio stations are not responsible and certain songs need to be edited further, even the clean version. >> we have all been through this, playing the radio in the car. you are like my gosh turn off that station real quickly because kids are starting


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