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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  June 10, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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story of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at a warning this morning, watch out for that woman. she's waiting for the right moment to strike before making off credit your credit cards and wallets, one thing so many women do while shopping that she's using to her advantage. shark attack off the coast of delaware, beaches shut down right now after a teen says he was bitten by a shark in 5 feet of water where life guards are about to keep a very close watch. new video shows moments after a tractor trailer
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slammed into those cars on the new jersey turnpike, how long that driver may have gone without sleeping before getting behind the wheel, of the big rig. it is causing a traffic nightmare for drivers around wilmington, a head of the status check of the 495 bridge new claims that drivers tried to warn officials of possible danger weeks ago. good morning, chris murphy. >> good morning. >> i'm karen hepp with chris, we have a very foggy morning. we have reporters out there developing and covering all of the news this morning. serial thief target would go man's what will nets popular stores and some new information about that 495 bridge close another our crews covering all of that. >> lets start with sue serio track ago this fog, good morning, sue. >> obviously it started to rain in other area that we are looking at earlier. flight advisory in effect for lancaster county until 6:30 this morning. it extend, to the west of there as well but lancaster county in our viewing area
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with a lot of rain in a very short period of time. you see it moving through, so we will zoom in and we have had lightening in parts of the southern chester county, around elkton, maryland as well in the northeastern part of the state of maryland. as we go up i-95 there heavy rains there. as you head further north towards berks county and parts of the chester county and lancaster county we are seeing heavier rain this morning. so, then we will see honey brook still getting that heavy rain, possible flash flooding in these places where rain is heavy. we have fog as well. eighty-four is your high temperature. we will have clouds, showers and isolated thunderstorms throughout the the rest of the day. there will be a few times of the sunshine as well, you will recall yesterday you might have seen some sunshine and that means a chance of pop up thunderstorms toward this evening. so 70 degrees overnight. that is your fox cast from the weather authority, and boy do
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we have wet they are morning. thick fog, kacie so if you are heading out, the entirety of route 30 this is what you are up against. as sue said, north and west of the city, you will have rain in addition to the fog this morning. as we go to the northbound side of i-95 at girard that new construction project went into effect yesterday morning right around girard avenue interchange on the northbound side and southbound side that construction is going to start on the 19th and that construction stretches all the way up to allegheny avenue. cristina river bridge is closed 495 going to the shore this weekend. you need a alternate route which is 95. expect big delays, karen and chris. 6:03. we are following breaking news right now. the nato said five services member were kill in the friendly fire incident in southern afghanistan. at lines did not give nationality of the soldiers but most of the forces operating in the area from the u.s. one senior official in afghanistan says the troops came under attack by taliban
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and called in air support. they were killed mistakenly by a nato air strike. this brings total of nato soldiers killed so far in afghanistan to 36. >> there was a shark attack which has shut down delaware beaches for the evening, this happened at the state park in sussex county. it was a 16 year-old sang in 5 feet of water yesterday afternoon when he said something grab his left arm and then he sees a shark swimming away. he was taken to the medical center and treated for cuts and gashes. beaches are expect to reopen in three hours today. life guards and the scientists will be out there monitoring the waters for shark activity. police are searching for two home invasion suspects. this happened 1:45 in the 1300 block of olney avenue in the olney section. with man who owns the bar was tied up for an hour in the apartment above the bar. police say they got away with the woman's gun.
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she was not injured. we have an important warning as you head out, make sure you watch your pocketbooks. >> police in new jersey are looking for a woman they say is targeting shoppers. fox 29's steve keeley is live, with more on how the police say this woman is doing it, steve. >> reporter: we will go from the home invasion story to car invasion story. she's invading your cart while you turn your back on your cart and what grocery you have so far. if you are like me i thought it was in this aisle but leave my cart and go a couple aisles over the problem is i don't have a purse when i shop like a lot of women do they are leaving their purse unattended and this women has easy pick is ings. thises isn't the first time. i got the police blotter. i see this frequently. people leave their wallets unattended at stores and someone takes them. this lady takes them and you can see she wears the same
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exact outfit because in two of the three that they have surveillance pictures of, she's got this same look that distinctive t-shirt where the the guys image on there been marley or bob dylan or somebody that looks like them. she puts jean jacket over it. she is from wegmans. these pictures are taken. she start shopping there, buying hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. she's coming out with her stuff because she also to wegmans check out and realized their cards have been ripped off, chris and karen. >> steve keeley, thank you. of course, the big story over weekend was this, this was new video that showed aftermath moment after a tractor trailer slammed in the party limo carrying actor/comedian tracie morgan. you can see the limo busted glass and distraught the bystanders. the the wal-mart truck driver charged with causing the the crash is out on bail this morning but investigators say he may have been awake for more than 24 hours straight right before that accident.
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morgan remains in critical but stable can be following that crash that killed one person and injured several others. now, morgan was leaving a show in delaware at the time, for the first time we're hearing some of the 911 calls from drivers who saw that crash. >> it is a terrible accident. >> were you involve or are you just calling it in. >> i'm just calling tonight. >> vehicle is turn over do you know if anybody is injured. >> it is two vehicles and a wal-mart truck. >> as we said morgan is in critical but stable condition, he has several broken bones. he is expect to remain in the hospital for several weeks. >> 6:07. progress in the work to get that i495 bridge in delaware factory opened to traffic. the lets get to sabina kuriakose with the latest on this, good morning. >> good morning. that is right. we will get progress update from dell dot officials
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regarding the status of this bridge. there is another big question that has popped up did dell dot know, what safety concerns weeks before the emergency bridge closure. that is a big question after 911 call surface west an alarm driver describing how center median between north and southbound lanes appear to have separated. that was six weeks before dell dot moved to close the bridge. officials will hold a news briefing to discuss progress on getting bridge back opened. tons of soil, exacted beneath the beams. officials say that soil is suspect of causing the tilting. two big questions did dell dot know about that 911 call and what to they do in response to it. of course if there is any kind of time line getting this bridge back opened. back to you guys. still ahead, playing on line video games, may have saved a life when crooks burst in the home watch what her competitors saw, showing that
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she was in trouble, wow. we came out of the white house in the only dead broke but in debt. >> hillary clinton opens up but her family's tough financial times why she says she and bill were broke after financial times why she says she and bill were broke after two terms in t
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew
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that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. few weather issues, watching fog, where we cannot see much and areas of heavy
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rain. each time we look at this map as we told you earlier it gets worse. .8 of a mile wrist built at philly international, better call ahead if you have a flight out this morning and they are sock in trenton, pottstown, mount pocono cannot see anything there. mild visibility in wrightstown. it is worse in delaware as well. well, that is one reason to leave early. here's eras we watch this heavy rain, thunder and lightening moving through chester county, lancaster county, berks county and edging into new castle county in delaware. we saw sabina with her umbrella up around newark, hockessin delaware, probably hearing thunder down there and experiencing heavy downpours. honey brook still raining there, east nantmeal in chester county and lightning pottstown this morning. the these are areas we are watching rain. there is wilmington, delaware dealing with rains this morning. as we look at the future cast we have rain lasting through
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the rest of the morning. the seven day forecast has 84 degrees today with those rain and those pop up thunderstorms and showers and storms in the forecast for wednesday, thursday and friday as well. temperatures will make it in the 80's all those days but weather remains unsettled finally drying out for the weekend, kacie. >> perfect. >> thanks, sue. >> route 30 at 282, looks stink even rotten right now. we will have delays as well. south warren avenue checking on that down pole, down wire. still with us from 4:00 a.m. at shepard road. as far as rest of your major roads go no slow downs. only slow down is on i-95 from roads go no slow downs. only slow down is on i-95 from woodhaven down to
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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lets look at your national headlines hundreds gathered outside cc's pizza in vegas where two officers were ambushed eating lunch over weekend. mourners lit flowers and put photos of the two officers, on the fronts of the restaurant. one other person died in that rampage. police say husband and wife who went on that deadly shooting rampage harbored anti government beliefs. here is the couple there jared and amanda miller shot those two officers sunday. they went to a wal-mart and shot a third person killing a man. amanda then took her husband's life before turning the gun on
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herself. the couple was kick off a nevada ranch for anti government protesters clashed with federal agents earlier this year. doctors say u.s. sergeant bowe bergdahl is physically ready to travel but he is not emotionally prepared to reunite with his loved ones. pentagon psychologist says captives take five days to three weeks to go through the reintegration process. once he is ready he will be flown to the army medical center in san an tone yes where he will see his family again. so far he has not even spoken with them. heated debate over his release is ongoing in washington. former first lady and secretary of state, hillary clinton, sat down for a one on one with dianne sawyer and hinted at a possible run for the white house. clinton is embarking on a book tour for her memoirs hard choices. in it she says she takes responsibility for the deadly attack the on the u.s. council in benghazi but does not believe she could have done anything to prevent it. she also depend how bill
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clinton has reportedly earned nearly 90 million-dollar in public speak ago experiencees since leaving office in 2001. hillary clinton says after leaving the white house, her family was broke and had mounting legal bills. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had in money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses for chelsea's education. it was not easy. bill has worked really hard. it has been amaze to go me. he has worked very hard. >> she has worked hard as well n fact, hillary clinton earns on average $200,000 per public appearance. her book by the way hit store shelves today. new audit shows thousands of patients waiting to be seen at va hospitals and clinic. report finds 57,000 new enrollees are awaiting care nationwide. it included locations in pennsylvania, with
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philadelphia's medical center having the most people who are waiting at least two months for an appointment, 1100 enrollees are on that waiting list. university city hospital and facility in horsham are both being investigated further for the audit coming in the wake of the veteran health care scandal that may have led to dozens of deaths. protesters lined the streets of center city hoping to crash a fundraiser planned for governor tom corbett outside the union league. new jersey governor chris christie is also expect to a ten. they voiced their concerns about cuts in education, but they moved that event to the comcast center where we have seen to have or tom corbett do that before. they were a red ted for failing to leave the street. >> i saw he took time to tour camden city schools. it was a year ago there was a state take over by that city school system. while visiting camden high he and the superintendent claims progress is being made.
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6:19. quick thinking gamers helped police stop a home invasion. >> they witnessed two armed men break in the woman's apartment while her web cam was still on. >> wow, a game inner europe first contact a friend in the area who then called police, authorities got to that apartment in time to catch one of the two suspects, would the man and her roommate were not hurt, a lot of commotion could be heard on that tape. >> horrifying. >> what could be catching web cam at say mike jerrick's home. >> i don't think we could air it. >> it would be horrifying. >> i need to clean my place. >> fathers day is this sunday what makes your dad the best? send us a video tell us what makes him so special. go to my fox ape hit that you report tab there. well, use hash tag fox 29 best dad.
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getting the entire family around the dinner table without cell phones or tablets is that possible? no text, e-mails, calls or games? ironically there is an app, for that. how we can make sure your kids detach from their cell phones when it is time for dinner. a lot of people say that dinner, you know, with the family, very important. >> very true. >> when i was growing up, sue. >> back in the day. >> six children all sitting around the table and we all sat in the same spot for 20 years. we had to be on time. >> oh, yeah. this is the result of that. >> two weather issues, we've got the fog and the rain. it depend where you are but fog is more widespread and it seems to be getting worse out there. very muggy.
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very moist, muggy and moist out there this morning. 70 degrees the average temperature walking out the door. we have got temps in the lower 70's. we should be at 82 at lunchtime, some sunshine here and there but you cannot rule out a thunderstorm anywhere at anytime. high temperature today 84 degrees. that is your planner tuesday for the weather authority, kacie. >> going out to 76 right around city avenue, really foggy, this is what we will run into on 76, 95, florence township eastbound side of the new jersey turnpike connection bridge. we had an accident since 4:00 that is cleared. we had an accident since 4:00 [ male announcer ] tv's come a long way.
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l.a. kings are one win away from winning their second stanley cup in three years. former flyers jeff carter and mike richards scored goals leading kings to the three to nothing win over rangers in game three of the stanley cup finals. the kings now lead the series three games to none. look at the the rest of the night in sports, here's howard eskin. good morning, i'm howard eskin. eagles signed their first round draft pick marcus smith to the four year contract with the fifth year option for eight million-dollar. all eagles draft picks are now sign. also yesterday eagles quarterback nick foles works more on getting comfortable on his new team and media works him over just to get a comment on the possible new contract
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which he could sign at the end of the season now that the 49ers colin kaepernick signed a 110 million-dollar deal, so how does foles feel. >> we're working hard in here and on the field. i'm just cherishing this. as i said before there has been so many times where careers are just cut short so i'm just trying to make the most of it. if i'm fortunate enough to get to that down the road i'm faithful. i'm just faulk that you will what he is doing. >> last night cole hamels had number 19 retired from the days with the lakewood blue claws when i played single a baseball. that is sports. i'm howard eskin. drama between donald sterling and nba has taken yet another turn. now he says, i'm not going to sell. i don't want $2 billion. instead i will sue. he is suing nba for $1 billion. he is upset that the league is not dropping that life time ban, for him participating in that organization. the the punishment was put in
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place after tapes of him making racist comments were leaked. microsoft ceo steve ballmer was trying to purchase the clippers for $2 billion. there is a six time olympic gold medalist swimmer who severed her spine in the atv accident over the weekend. >> amy van dyken, severed her spine in the atv accident in arizona she's just 41. she told emergency workers she could not feel her toes. hospital spokesperson will say that she's in good condition. still ahead, seeing double, but not double trouble, more than a dozen sets of twins set to graduate from one of our high schools. the remarkable bond that this group shares, sabina. we will have a status update on the i495 bridge closures from officials to day but big question is what dell dot did after a 911 caller seeing the concrete median had
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separated. that was a month and a half [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal. so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex!
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we will get an update on the progress of the shut down of the i495 bridge as we learned about a 911 call placed weeks before the bridge was shut down. wilmington business owner called to report a shift in the bridge. how officials reacted to his call. take it or leave it, former eagle irving fryar
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offered a plea deal in the mortgage fraud case that will land him in jail for five years what can happen if he does not accept the offer. double take, 14 sets of twins are graduating from william tenant high school in bucks county. that is right, 14 sets of twins in one class. what the students are saying about their unique connection. all right. good morning on this tuesday. it is fathers day that is sunday. so we are using the hash tag fox 29 best dad. i tweeted out something about my dad, about all kind of bat practicing for us as kids. >> i see your tweets as well. we have barbara writing in can you drive with your car lights on. she drives a school van. not only so you can see but so thaw can be seen, sue serio, lots of fog. >> right, it is getting worse each time we come to you on the one's, we have more fog to tell but. that is why it is a little bye to see bus stop buddy this morning. good idea to wear that bright
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yellow rain jacket. if you are a kid you can be seen as well. thunderstorms are a possibility in someplace these morning and heavy rain falling in parts of the chester county. temperatures in the 60's and 70's. we will give you a five today because it will probably be sunny at some point today but we will have those areas of fog and pop up thunderstorms. lets get right to the radar and show what you we're talking about. a line of thunderstorms moving through delaware and heading toward wilmington out of newark and that extend in chester county as well. as we will look the at kenneth square, hockessin, delaware, and greenville, delaware about to get some very heavy rain. chadds ford it is on your doorstep and in thornbury township heavy rain as well. we will move up towards west nantmeal in chester county. as well as good old pottsville, kacie's hometown. lots of place west rain. flood advisory just lifted. it was in effect until 6:30 for lancaster county but the rain has moved out of there as
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you just saw. 70 degrees. kind of following i out there relative humidity at 90 percent. a mile visibility at philadelphia international. less in trenton. pottstown and mount pocono. so, call ahead if you have a flight out there this morning. 84 degrees is our high. isolated thunderstorms, clouds, showers, a possibility, and then tonight, we will have, 70 degrees with showers and storms and more fog, form after midnight, kacie, what a mess. >> thank you very much, sue. in addition to the fog, the rain, whatever you face, you come up to a roadway because you don't know until you get on that roadway you have a lot of accident. east falls lincoln drive at kelly drive one accident. down pole from overnight in wilmington. smith bridge road atmont shanon road. crews trying to get that out of the way. looking at your majors 76 is slow. i-95 south slow. normal slow spots this morning. as sue mentioned if you have a flight out and didn't sign up for text alerts to check on that, guys.
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speaking of traffic, progress being made to get i495 bridge over in delaware reopened to traffic. >> we have is a bean owe out there all morning. what is the latest good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. look at site of the closure. you can see those workers. they have been out there since early this morning. they are still out there despite all of this rain. you can see them walking around. they are trying to make some progress on getting this bridge back opened but right now we have two big questions. of course a time line from officials, about when the bridge will open and the second question we have been talking about, did dot know about the concerns, weeks were the emergency closure. we are wondering this because a 911 call was placed back in april that indicates a man called 911 after driving over the bridge and noticing the concrete median between the northbound and southbound lanes had separated by about a foot. details of the 911 operators,
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crazy emergency. those are his words. he didn't know where to turn because he could not get through to dell dot. news reports say dell dot was in touch with the man after the 911 call but the bridge was in the closed until an engineer noticed support columns tilting. that was six weeks after the alarm driver happen. the the emergency closure happened last week. officials will no doubt to have address concerns over the call as well as progress towards getting this bridge back opened. they will talk with removing all of the soil that had been piled autopsy long those beams that had been tilting. today they are supposed to finish removing that soil. they are indicating in their press release today they will discuss perhaps the soil was in fact the cause, these columns to tilt. back to you guys. >> seems to make sense. sabina kuriakose, live for us, thanks. former eagles player irving fryar has been offered a plea deal in connection with
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his mortgage fraud case. that would send him to state prison for five years. he and his mom are accused of obtaining loans without disclosing other loans to banks. they pleaded not guilty earlier this year to charges against them. a meal deal owe eye a plea deal for his mom. a south jersey truck could go is preparing to shut down. mean some 1500 workers will be out of work. drivers were tipped off last week, that new century transportation would file for bankruptcy, the company is based out of west hampton, new jersey in burlington county. police are looking for a woman they say is targeting unsuspecting victims just trying to buy their groceries. she's pick ing up woman's purse es but they are difficulties traj doing their shopping. >> fox 29's steve keeley is live in mount laurel, new jersey to show us who police want to find good morning, steve. >> reporter: you get your choice, chris of four carts. neither will go with the mechanical one that jerrick will take. chris you will go to this one
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to the left here, the family cart. that is single guy loser cart in there. for demonstration purposes i'm fully admit ago this is where i put my wallet when i shop here. the wallet, as you will notice, it is a converted black berry holder but it fits good in the cup holder. you won't be, probably victimized. you go with the young boy. you are going with the race car, shopping cart. >> oh, yeah. >> your kids, your kids are probably keeping a death grip on your purse for you. it is good. another good reason to have a young strong son. and then other women are going to the business murphy cart. you can see the sons kids in there. that is where you put the the purse where the kids will go. that is the problem here. dawn see on surveillance this women doing this is shopping right next door with the stolen credit cards at the target store. that is where these pictures are from. she's buying hundreds of dollars in items, probably even before the victims realized their wallets were ripped off and these side by side pictures we will show you show you that she's wearing the same outfit on different
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days. so she's hit this place three times we know between may 21st and 29th but wearing the same outfit. one thing she is not buying at the target. many shoppers admit, they are also having their purses left unattended by when they are shopping. >> i'm very guilty. i have been told by customers that watch what i'm doing, putting my purse in the cart. >> i'm one of the people that put it here too but i really try and watch it. you know what it is, it gets heavy. >> do i leave my purse in the front where the kids would sit, and then if i go, i will leave the cart and i will go walk over and get the myth being and something and then come back to the cart. >> you cannot leave your purse you been attended even for a few second. if you put your purse in the cart make sure it is sipped closed because that will protect you somewhat but you really need to make sure that they are not accessible to anybody but you. >> reporter: even surveillance picture of her car and tiehl
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blue, likely mitsubishi out lander. the key no front license plates. she parks in the handicapped zone. she has a silver roof rack. if you know the car works man give police a call. chris and karen, i have shopped here. we have had a case from january. we have somebody getting an $800 ipad stolen out of their cart at this wegmans. people using their i pads to keep their shopping list. don't leave anything in the cart unattended. that is the key here. >> good point, thanks steve. 6:39 is the time. trenton residents will head back to the poles to choose a mayor, eric jackson and paul perez are vying for the position in today's run off election. the winner will replace former mayor tony mack, mack, as you know is convicted of corruption after being found guilty of bribery, fraud, and extortion. coming up next, one local mom's graduation ceremony surprise. getting her diploma was only part of her special night, her son a marine pulled off a mallet the you don't want to
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miss. we have got, socking us in, blanketing our area, you cannot even see our sky line, where dit go?1 underline
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we have two issues with other weather that could cost you extra time this morgue. the the first one is the fog. now we're seeing that philadelphia international is socked in with only 1 mile visibility. we've got dense fog in pottstown, in trenton, up in mount pocono it is particularly bad. 1.7-mile visibility in
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lancaster, and reduced visibility in wilmington, delaware. that is issue number one. issue number two is the rain. we're seeing a line of thunderstorms moving through new castle county delaware, parts of the chester and delaware counties in pennsylvania as well. it looks like heavy rain falling in wilmington right now as well as albertson and all of that in new castle county. them we will go up to west goshen in chester county heavy rain falling there we will go over to upper darby getting some rain right now, media as well as philadelphia. we have seen a pocket of heavier rain moving in the area, this is a deal, the rains could pop up at anytime, berks county, leaving from there, reading, we're seeing steady rain at the moment. we will give you the shore cast every day even on maybe not the perfect beach day, temperatures in the lower 70's, southerly wind at 10 miles an hour. there will be times like it is try like right now but you have to keep an eye on the the sky for that lightening and get off of the beaches if you have ever seen lightening or third thunder.
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70 degrees in philadelphia 61 degrees in mount pocono. it is muggy every where. that is kind of the night we will have the at the ballpark. muggy night with pop up thunderstorms around as phillies begin a series with the padres tonight. 79 degrees when the game begins. seven day forecast start off today, 84 degrees. all temperatures in the 80's and each day we have a chance of pop up showers and thunderstorms but all that goes away in time for the weekend. saturday and sunday look particularly nice, kacie? >> thanks very much, sue. all right, checking out 422 at 363, if you are heading eastbound, i don't know what to tell you we are up against a lot of delays this morning. westbound looks fine except, of course, rainwater and all of the fog out there our majors are looking like that this morning. heading out in east falls lincoln drive at kelly drive one accident to look out for. down pole in wilmington smith bridge road atmont shanon road a side from that we have delays every where. i-95 if you are heading southbound an extra 15 minutes there, right now, guys? >> kacie, thank you.
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we are following breaking news defense officials say five nato service members killed in afghanistan are, in fact, americans. one senior official in afghanistan says the troops came under attack by the tam ban and called in for air support. they were killed, mistakenly, by a nato air strike this brings the total of nato solder killed, so far, this year, in afghanistan, to 36. what a tragedy. all right. 6:45. it is time of the the year when we celebrate our dads and our grads. we have a college graduation for one woman last night, so special. >> so, not only is she part of the inaugural class of human resource management from pierce college, but a surprise guest is on hand to present her degrees. our thalia perez was there. >> it is like i'm really sorry i could not make it. i was like it is okay, i knew if you would be here you would. >> reporter: marine corporal paul robinson is stationed in virginia and has not been home in five months. so, it was the biggest surprise when he walk on stage
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touring her commencement ceremony. there were hugs and cheers. then comp rally with robinson, presented his mom with her bachelors degrees from pierce college in sorry sources management. in front of the all of the graduates. >> such a heart meaning moment. >> i'm excited right now. >> my mom was one of my biggest inspirations throughout the passing of my father, i never seen my mom be so strong. >> reporter: but, his dad passed away in 2011 after a long illness, he says his mom put the her education on hold, for her children who were all present tonight for her special moment. >> i'm proud of everything that she ever accomplished because she raised, three kids, and we all better now but we don't forget mom. >> reporter: robinson tells us earning her bachelor's degree is just the beginning of is what next. she plans to pursue her
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master's degree. >> words just cannot express. this is next best thing to my husband. i lost my husband, to second years ago. >> reporter: after all of the sacrifices and hardship this marine surprised his mother, and a day she completed her special journey and something they will cherish in their hearts forever. thalia perez, fox 29 news. 6:37 is the time. we are looking at your health. german researchers say red wine may boost, short term memory, and improve, concentration. they credit, reservea compound found in red wine and dark chocolates. scientists believe it may prevent cognitive decline in elderly people. even help you pronounce that compound. all right. drink up. graduation day, it is going to be very special this week at william tenant high school in bucks county. >> that is because 14 sets of twins, they are saying farewell, not only to school, but to each other and their
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classmates. the group says that they shared, a very unusual connection, while some are identical, others are not, they say nothing can break their bond. >> so even if you are going to fight, tomorrow morning when you wake up, in the same exact house you have to be friends with each other or else mom gets mad. >> class officially graduates on june 28th and for many, it will be the first time these students are together. eight sets graduating in the top 10 percent of their class of 485 students. >> great job. entertainment headlines. >> rapper lil kim, and she gave her bundle of joy a very regal name. >> a little kid 38 year-old she gave birth to her daughter and she name her royal reign. that is the name, yesterday morning at hackensack university medical center in new jersey. baby weighs in at 6-pound, 5 ounces, 19 inches long. first child for her and her boyfriend rapper mr. papers.
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>> sketch jonas has sold his new jersey mansion for 1.6 million-dollar. the home was where he and his wife, danielle, filmed their reality show married to the jonas, married to jonas. i haven't seen the show. kevin is oldest member of the former boyfriend, jonas. the the five bedroom home was listed in october and sold in january but final papers were not signed until recently. sir mix a lot. >> that is right. >> i wanted to see if you knew him or not. >> old school. he made his debut with the seattle symphony of all groups. >> they performed the classic, baby got back, as dozens of women hit the stage for what quickly became a dance party. >> ♪ this is so much fun.
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thinks just the way, make music accessible for everybody. the performance is part of the symphony sonic evolution project which is a sin ifeanyi with the most popular and creative musicians, great idea and we should do that here in the city. >> yes. >> my young kids necessity this song because of actually it is included in the cartoon and movie. >> it was. >> your kids know that song. >> they know that song. >> that is not good. >> no. >> we're celebrating dads, ahead of fathers day, this sunday, you know, fathers day, what makes your contacted dad the best. telling us why you love your dad so much. head to my fox and click on the you report tab there, to get started. you can also tweet us using the hash tag, fox 29 best dad. >> you are a good dad. >> i'm all right. >> and smoke, pouring out of a home. fire fighters covering the front lawn.
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but that is no ordinary fire scene. the elaborate set up by one fire fighter to propose to his police officer girl friend. that is a great use of public funds. >> if ever there was one. >> she thought there was a real fire. >> we have two issues today. >> one. >> fog. >> fog, the other is you are nauseous. >> well, that is three. so two is rain. >> rain. >> fog. it is so foggy, it is raining. >> that is how moist it is so moist. >> moist and muggy. you know how we love alliteration. your drive to work could be sled down by that fog. the visibility is poor. 70 degrees is our average temperatures walking out the the door. some have of you might see some sunshine this morning but most of us are getting socked in with that fog and all of those clouds. seventy's for the morning commute, now we will be in the lower 80's for evening commute but again we have the potential of pop up showers
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and thunderstorms. remember how it slowed you down yesterday with all that flash flooding. the possibility is there today, as well, it is just i am possible to tell, where those storms will pop up but the the chances are there. that is your weather authority forecast for tuesday, it could be a mess. >> total mess. thanks very much, sue. we have lots of delays out there on all of the majors n wilmington smith bridge road atmont shanon road we have down pole, down wires. as we go out to the majors at [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home.
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there's no place like it in the world.
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my favorite place is long island. it's an endless beach, from long beach, to montauk, to long island sound. with incredible fishing, teddy roosevelt's home, and the first port in the u.s. come discover your favorite part of new york. ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ plan your summer vacation at there's something for everyone.
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you can't see much at penns landing because it is so foggy out there sue serio has much more. kacie for that matter will look at traffic. one couple in central oregon was forced to move their wedding at last minute because of the fast moving wild fire, take a look at that picture. the not before snapping this dramatic photo, while they refocus, the couple snuck away with their photographer, to take some of these amazing pictures that they will never forget. the fire is the the backdrop. same sex marriages continuing in wisconsin this morning. more than half of the counties in that state are issuing marriage licenses. hundreds have been issued since friday, when a judge there declared states ban on same sex marriage
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unconstitutional. after their ceremony one couple in milwaukee got an unexpected surprise. the christopher graham and his partner andrew, went to celebrate at a restaurant called transfer pizzeria. when the check came the couple was delighted to find out that the staff had paid their entire bill. couple posted a photo of their receipt on facebook thanking the restaurant for that meal. coming up next on good day getting the entire family around the dinner table without cell phones and tablets. no texts, e-mails, calls or games, ironically is there an app for that. how it can make sure your kids detach from their cell phones so you can connect with them over conversation and food on good day. a police officer shows up to help a scene outside a house fire but that is not a real fire. elaborate set up her boyfriend put to
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slow down, everybody: it is not going to lift for quite a while. and, this, we're going to need a bigger boat, a shark attack off the coast of delaware. beaches shut down right now after a team says that he was bitten by a shark in 5 feet of water. and then... >> we came out of the white
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house not only dead broke but in debt. >> broke no more. how much money do bill and hillary clinton make per speech, start guessing? forty-five minute speech what do you think they make. q, what are you up to. >> i will tell but a phone application that will make your kids pay attention to you. don't miss this one. >> yes. >> i need that. >> yes. >> desperate. >> what does a man look like who ran seven marathons, in seven days, on seven continents, and i mean consecutive days. >> tired. >> he looks horrible. >> he is extremely healthy looking. >> can we answer the question why. >> why would you do that. >> he wasn't being chased. >> okay. >> meet him in a second. straight up at 7:00. we have some weather and


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