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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  June 6, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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>> i cannot breathe what had happened and what i came through. >> honoring the memory of veterans in the battle thatted the course of history. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> first at 6:00 local doctor busted after police make a disturbing discovery inside his home. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm dawn timmeney. i'm iain page. let's get right out to fox 29's thalia perez. thalia. >> reporter: iain and dawn i spoke to the penndel chief of police earlier today, and he tells us that the suspect is facing felony charges and this investigation is on going. >> he's a sick person. very sick. >> neighbors are reaction to go the disturbing details of the charges against quinton parker. the 36 year old was hauled away by penndel police and fbi after they say he downloaded child important to his home computer
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between april 19th and june 3rd. >> i saw them take him away in handcuffs and take some, you know, bags out. >> reporter: police say parker has admitted to downloading 58 images and videos of girls between the ages of nine and 13 engaged in sex acts. >> that is the ages of my grandchildren. >> reporter: no one answered the door at his home on dark leaf lane in levittown. while police tell us parker was arraigned on the felony charges. >> i'm glad he's in jail, because i'm glad i didn't know about it. because he would have had hard time with me. i'll physical that you. i don't like that. i don't like that at all. >> you hear about child pornography something like that it sort of changes your -- your perspective in terms this is just some random normal looking guy. he's a doctor. he helps people every day. but then there's obviously an other side to him i doubt his own wife knew about. >> reporter: spokeswoman from aria health his employer tells
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while parents pant in the physician training program the physician trainee is not a member of the aria medical staff. immediately upon receiving this information, aria responded by placing the individual on administrative leave as the investigation proceeds. parker is being held at the bucks county prison in lieu of 10% of $150,000 bail. iain? >> thalia, thank you. the shooting that killed a pregnant wife avenue pennsylvania state trooper in march is ruled accidental. 30 year old joanne miller died of a gunshot wound to the head in her east norriton home after reviewing the evidence and the laws the da' office says the shooting may have been negligent but it wasn't unintentional and accidental. investigators say the gun went off while her husband was cleaning it. >> and time now for your fox 29 weather authority. and taking a live look at center city philadelphia. it is first friday and the weather right now is just right. but what can were he expect later on night? chief meteorologist scott williams
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knows and he's outside our old city studios with the answer. beautiful were there on this friday to get outdoors and enj enjoy. as you mentioned it is first friday here in old city. so folks are out and about the restaurants are open and the vendors, they are outsetting up as well across the area here in old city. let's talk about this beautiful weather. temperatures today were in the 70s. 76 degrees right now and it's just comfortable because the humidity is in the 30s right now. we have those winds out of the northwest. but look at the sat late and radar. nothing going on. high pressure it's in full control. that will set us up for pretty nice weekend but look at the temperatures. 75 in reading right now. 73 degrees in atlantic city and 76 currently in wilmington. so beautiful on this friday. in fact, what about 7:00 o'clo 7:00 o'clock. get outdoors. great to throw something on the grill. 75 degrees. low 70s by 9:00 o'clock and as we roll the clock to around 11:00 still pretty comfortable. staying dry.
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temperatures will be in the upper 60s. so what about saturday? the city 84 degrees. poconos 78. 77 degrees down the shore. coming up when i come back inside we'll talk about if this beautiful weather will last through the entire weekend, plus what to expect as we head into early next week. >> all right, scott, thank you. happening now, big traffic troubles in delaware. the shut down of the i495 bridge is bad enough but little whiling a just north of there a tractor trailer broke down add the weekend traffic headed to the delaware beaches and it is a recipe for some big-time delays. fox 29's dave kinchen is live in new castle county with the latest and he's mobile. dave? >> reporter: iain, we're heading to the delaware beaches right now. let me spin the camera around. we'll show you what's going on. we have some movement right now, there have been pockets of backups on 95 southbound. south of wilmington but now we have as you can see some traffic
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moving along but still a lot of frustration for drivers here because of all the work that's being done on the i495 bridge over the christina river that certainly puts a lot of pressure on 95 southbound. they're working to make some repairs, working to fix support pier that is have shifted on the 495 bridge there, but, again, traffic moving and and that stopping and then moving and then stopping. that was the situation right when we hit the state line from pennsylvania into delaware. north of wilmington and we're actually a approaching another little back up here it seems but not a pretty situation for a lot of the people that are trying to get down to the delaware beaches and enjoy this beautiful weeke weekend. as far as weather is concerned. a lot of headaches. back to you. >> dave, thank you. delaware senator chris kuhns saw the damaged bridge first hand today. he toured the area at rush hour this morning. kuhns is working to get some federal money to help make those emergency repairs to the tilled vertical support columns. a 90 year old man is being
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checked out this evening. witnesses say he hit the gas and went flying on to a neighbor's lawn. it happened along ditman and sheffield in mayfair. neighbors say the man was driving when he hit two cars before landing on his neighbor's lawn. >> only on fox tonight, video of a dangerous explosion of a soda machine and now police are searching for the person responsible for this incident that could have had deadly consequences. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live in northeast philadelphia tonight and dave you spoke to that business own are in pretty scary stuff. >> reporter: dawn, the business owner says he has no idea why someone would put an explosive device in front of his business. he's been there 30 years. tonight a federal task force of atf the city bomb squad and city investigators are trying to track done whoever made and planted that device. neighbors tell us they could feel the explosion several blocks away. >> this was a significant blast. >> reporter: it was an explosion that rocked an entire mayfair neighborhood and brought business owner ralph to his shop
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on the 4200 block of mcgee street only to see his vending machine blown apart by a powerful blast. >> a bomb went off in front of the building. it's insane. you know, it's and sane. >> this is not somebody playing with firework. this is someone that constructioneconstructioned an e device powerful one and somewhat sophisticated one. >> the explosion shattered windows and sent plastic and metal debris flying over 65 feet in all directions along this busy block. >> somebody could have got killed. i mean when i see the damage here. >> this is no joke. this is not a prank. and we're treating it as a crime. and we intend to make an arrest. >> the explosion brought the city's bomb squad, atf and detectives to the scene as they tried to piece together what happened. investigators believe it could have been a homemade explosive device. peaces from the device were sent to the atf lab for analysis. >> we need to have them in custody to make sure that we have them and any other
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components they may possess to make another device. >> police did retrieve surveillance video from the scene that not only shows the blast but the suspect as approached the vending machine and planted the device. seconds later a large plume of smoke engulfed the area. this is the serious damage left behind. for somebody to throw a type know might and whatever they flew in there it's ridiculous. that's terrible. kids could be walking by. >> reporter: fortunately no one was walking by and no cars were going by. there were no injuries tonight again the components from that bomb have been sent to the atf lab investigators seem to have some good leads here and are predicting they will make an arrest in this case. iain? >> all right, dave, thank you. why were 754th grade students fed dog treats? that is the question the boyertown area school district is looking to answer tonight. school officials at new hanover upper frederick elementary school say a recess aid gave them to the kids. they may have been miss repped as cookies or crackers.
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letter was sent home to parents about this last night. no word on how many students actually ate the treat. the employee has been placed on administrative leave. >> pottstown police and fbi flood your help to identify the gunman who tried to rob a wells fargo bank on east high street. authorities say he fired several shots into the ceiling and a bullet proof divider. no one was injured. the suspect left empty handed. if you know something that could help catch him, call pottstown police. >> some terrifying homes for workers at a church's chicken in southwest philadelphia. >> take look at this. gunman getting into struggle with the manager after jumping over the counter. police say another suspect then started grabbing money from the safe. the manager had some minor cuts on his face and his head. the robbers got away with an unknown amount of cash. if you have any information at all, police want to hear from you. decades after their loved ones vanished two families now
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have some answers. >> these philadelphia sister-in-laws disappeared in berks county back in 1968. how new clues helped investigators track down their remains. plus, remembering d-day. honoring the memory of veterans in the battle that changed the course of history. >> and the phillies have tough matchup ahead in cincinnati as one player goes for three in a row. we'll explain why that won't be as easy tonight coming up in sports. scott? >> colleen, coming up in weather it's been a picture perfect day today. will this nice weather continue throughout the entire weekend? the details next.
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♪ >> investigators identified two sisters in law whose remains were found more than 40 years ago. in october the bodies of martha
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guard steiner and sandra an inform steiner were he can humidity from potters field in berks county. investigators believe there were similarities in their cases. authorities cezanne today died from multiple gunshots. a cause of death was never determined for martha. both women were reported missing by philadelphia police back in 1968. >> the world honors the legacy of the brave troops who stormed the beaches of normandy on d-day 70 years ago. ceremonies were held around the world today in france world leaders including president obama gathered to honor the allied troops who braced enemy fire to drive back the nats cease. ceremonies were also held at the world war ii memorial in washington today. among the speakers, the granddaughter of general dwight eisenhower and the great-grandson of franklin roosevelt. bruce you spent your morning at a local d-day remembrance with very very special guests. >> reporter: that's right, dawn. men who were part of the american fighting force that hit the beach, if i was the inland
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battle that followed and, yeah, lived to tell about all of it. >> the eyes of the world are upon you. >> reporter: 90 year old russell deck we are watches historic of the d-day invasion and listens to the inspiration words of general eisenhower with a bit more interest than most. >> good luck and let us seek the blessing of almighty god among this great and noble undertake. >> deck we are was there landing with his army cam rods and utah beach three days after the initial assault. he remembers the carnage. >> barricades in the water and barbed wire and shell holes and it was -- everything was in diss i was rash. >> reporter: d-day was the beginning of a massive allied push into and through france, belgium and finally nazi germa germany. decker was involved in four major battles along the way carrying little -- carrying little about the global
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implications. >> i was 19 years old and i tell you i could careless about anything. >> just trying to survive? >> that's right. i think that's why i did survi survive. i never -- never worried about anything. >> reporter: i asked deck we are whether he was ever afraid. >> thinking about doing what you had to do and -- >> reporter: no time to be afraid. >> no, no. most of the time you were afraid after it happened. wondering how you survived it. >> reporter: decker was among the gets at a seaport museum d-day remembrance that included the display of a 48 star american flag that flew aboard one of the boats and equipment to shore at nor money dee. >> these men and women who served understood that they were protecting us ensuring our way of life. >> reporter: decker says he gave little thought to his service until a few years ago when the enormity of what he had accomplished and what he had survived took hold. when we spoke decker was proudly wearing the legion american
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medal merit. he's proud but not boast full. >> i did my job. i tried to the best i can. >> reporter: decker told me he feels fortunate to have survived his tour of duty in one piece. american casualties in normandy and the battle that is followed were high. those who survived often say they're fallen comrades were the real heroes dawn. >> great story, thanks, bruce. >> well, it is a fabulous friday but the question is, will this wonderful weather stick around? time now for your fox 29 weather authority. skyfox down at the shore this morning in cape may. the peaceful water and the clear skies just perfect for a day at the beach and chief meteorologist scott williams is here now. hopefully we won't be needing our umbrella at all for the weekend. right. we can give the umbrellas a break the entire weekend. however, early next week, that's when you'll need to get those umbrellas and rain gear out again as we start an unsettled pattern. but take look at current conditions right now. it's 76 degrees in the
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philadelphia area. humidity it's low, 37%. look at the wind direction out of the north northwest at 12 miles per hour drawing in some of that drier air. really comfortable if you're stepping outdoors this afternoon and evening. just a beautiful scenario across sections of old city. as we take a look at the current scenario, high pressure is in full control so that will mean a nice weekend as we have zincing air area wide that will really limit the threat for thunderstorm development, however, toward sections of the south east, you can see this cluster of showers and storms, it is going to stay well to our south throughout the and tire weekend. the high temperature today made it up to 77 degrees. the normal this time of year now up to 80. so we were a few degrees away from that but still comfortable and once again the sun will set this evening close to 8:30. as we look at those temperatures right now, the pocono mountains, 66 degrees. 76 in philadelphia as well as wilmington. low 70s right now down the sho shore. so pretty comfortable weather.
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in fact maybe you'll be out in the backyard we're looking at temperatures generally in the 70s throughout the entire evening and the sun won't set until about 8:30. saturday morning, a lot of sunshine out there. running those errands looking good as we move ahead saturday evening, dry, still pretty comfortable. the high tomorrow right around 84 degrees. then sunday more of the same. starting out with that sunshine and temperatures warm pretty nicely but overnight sunday in early monday we could see a few scattered showers across the area as we watch that unsettled pattern develop. but what about the weekend in the pocono mountains? saturday 78 degrees. sunday pocono for hundred we're looking at temperatures in the upper 70s both days. down the shore, water temperatures right in you about 64 degrees. 77 on saturday. 76 sunday. but don't forget that sunscreen if you'll be outdoors down the shore or in the pocono mountains or in the city for that matter, because that uv index will be high this weekend. so for tonight upper 50s in the
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city. mid 50s in the suburbs and then for tomorrow, 84 degrees will be the high temperature. mostly sunny. a beautiful day. so forecast by the numbers on a scale of one to 10, we are giving tomorrow a perfect 10. so no excuse not to get outdoors and enjoy if you can't get outdoors open up the windows and let fresh air in. as we talk about those temperatures, as we move nearly next week, we're looking at 80 degrees on monday. 82 on tuesday. early next week the best chance for those scattered showers and storms and then we'll keep things a little unsettled really the entire week. it's kind of that summer like pattern with those pop-up showers and storms during the heat of the day. >> we're in the 80s the whole week. the whole week. >> all right. >> that's good thing. >> thanks, scott. >> love it all. >> well, guys, when it comes to being bad, not like the weather, the weather has been great but the phillies they've been bad. they lead the league in one particular area, too. lebron james can't take the heat. hear from him and the corporation that joined in the
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hear from him and the corporation that joined in the so brian at citizens said one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee.
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he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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>> if you think it's bad for the phillies now, they're not exactly catching any breaks in cincinnati. the phils open a three game series again the reds starting with john know cueto which doesn't body well for the phillies league worst run differential.
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john may brrr injury gets another start tonight. this time he'll be in centerfield. he's homered in back to back games for the first time in two years. hoping tonight to make it three in a row he's one and six lifetime against cueto. but that one is actually a homerun. cueto leads the majors with a 168 era. chicago and miami this afternoon at wrigley. the chicago blackhawks have nothing else to do these days. so they took some batting practice before the game. in the fifth chris cogland with the rib we double scores nate sheer holts. cubs up three-zero in the eighth. chicago is the only team in the national league with a worst record than the phils. well the 76ers could be moving to new jersey. but don't worry, it's just practice facilities. they could be there. sixers filed an application for a new state of the art practice facility along the camden waterfront. the new jersey economic development authority must still vote on the proposal. >> well hopefully the heat are
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finally cooled down from game one of the inform ba finals. lebron james suffering cramps in the fourth quarter. couldn't even make it back on defense after this basket eventually he had to be helped to the heat bench. miami lost the game by 15. but this afternoon, lebron says the pain was more mental than physical. >> i was very angry. i was diss appointed in myself. i mean i did everything that i needed to do to prepare for this game. prepare for this moment and, you know, felt like the body failed me last night. so i was angry on the fact i couldn't help my team get over the hump. >> gatorade they got in the action too. nba officials sports drink so they tweeted this. that we've been hydrating all day. we never cramp and our athletes can take the heat. it's a little shot at lebron because lebron has signed deal with power aid. >> they apologized later for the tweets but they never deleted
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them. >> interesting. >> that will do it for us here tonight at 6:00 o'clock. >> we'll see you back here at tonight at 6:00 o'clock. >> we[ male announcer ]ere at tv's come a long way. from color. to the remote. to flat screens. now it's taking a quantum leap. introducing fios quantum tv. record up to 12 shows at the same time. store up to 200 hours of entertainment in hd. plus watch live tv anytime with the fios mobile app. redefining what tv can be. that's powerful. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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can't take the heat? >> trying to fan themselves. >> sweltering fans at the big playoff game. after the air-conditioning breaks down. >> it is so hot in this place right now. then -- shocking revelation from a miss usa contestant. she's the child of rape. >> i have no idea who my father is. and they served with ex- p.o.w. bowe bergdahl. they know him best. why they say they had to come forward and speak out. >> without a doubt people got killed looking for him. plus, scamming the scammers. >> i'm going to be rich in an hour? >> what happens when she turns the tables on a telephone ripoff artist? >> $8,400?


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