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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  February 2, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the former speaker and not the former massachusetts governor who, indeed, did receive trump's backing today. the question now is does it help romney with all of the attention it will bring or will it hurt him, given some of trump's known outspoken and controversial comments. two days into the nevada primary, the donald, as he's known, walked into a ballroom inside the trump international hotel in las vegas this afternoon. trump has been critical of romney's business record echoing many of newt gingrich's attacks that romney had been responsible for people losing their jobs. today, though, it was a much different story as mitt romney and donald trump took part in a bipartisan praising of each other. >> mit is tough, he's smart and sharp, he's not going to allow bad things to continue to happen to this country that we all love. so, governor romney, go out and get them. >> donald trump has shown an
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extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs for the american people. he's done it here in nevada and across the country. >> should be noted that this rocky relationship between mitt romney and donald trump has been a two-way street. not only did trump criticize romney, but romney, you remember, turned down trump's personal invitation at the end of last year to take part in a republican debate that would have been sponsored by donald trump himself, brian. >> and makes sense why he did that. and skip to local politics. maryland's governor proposed a higher gas tax. some business owners are protesting. a baltimore county rental sign company posted this sign today, reading gas tax, flush tax, app tax, tech tax, governor, you're a tax-a-holic. the proposal was met with near silence at yesterday's state-of- the-state address. he said boosting the gasoline tax up to 21 cents a gallon will pay for road and bridge
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projects. tonight, the fed chief is warning congress to put together an incredible budget plan. ben bernanke spoke on capitol hill today saying we're moving closer to a fiscal driesis without -- he said that interest rates will remain zero until 2014. another battle over defense spending. senate republicans are trying to avoid hundreds of millions in automatic spending cuts and the white house vows to block the efforts. nicole collins has more. >> reporter: trying to spare the u.s. military from an automatic 500 billion in spinning cuts, the so-called sequestration, senate republicans proposed offsetting 127 bottom of those and other domestic cuts by scaling back the federal workforce and freezing its way. >> we still live in a very dangerous world. and everyone agrees that this kind of sequestration can't take place. >> reporter: the cuts came about because of a congressional committee's failure to reach an agreement last year to reduce the deficit
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by $1.2 trillion. many democrats say republicans need to stick to the deal. >> a handshake is a handshake. here, we have more than a handshake. we have a law that is no in place in our country. that tells how we're going to deal with domestic spending and military spending. >> reporter: the b a tough sell in the democratic- controlled senate. it may get the support of some red state democrats in this election year, but some republicans may not be on board. >> that i agree with secretary gates who said that not every dollar spent on the military is sacred or wisely spent, and i think there is room for savings. >> reporter: president obama threatened to veto any effort to ditch the cuts. >> the cuts have to take place. congress is compelled to make them happen. this president will obviously sign into law a balanced approach to making that deficit reduction happen. >> reporter: across the board, cuts kick in in january of next year and lawmakers, can maybe agree on a better way to reduce
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the deficit. nicole collins, fox news. >>. a news alert from d.c., a man who choose to go to trial rather than rat out the friend has been convicted of murder. reginald rogers was found guilty in the death of calvin judge in 2010. rogers thought he had a deal to plead guilty to a lesser charge. the judge refused to accept the deal unless he ratted out his partnership in crime. he refused. the police never identified a second suspect. tonight, police d.c. are still searching for a man who entered a elementary school yesterday and sexually assaulted a female student. matt, what do you know? >> reporter: we check in with the d.c. police this evening, and they tell us they're still in the process of investigating this case. so far, they do not have this man in custody. this took place at ketchum elementary school in southeast on wednesday. officials say the adult male entered the school and, while in the school, he inappropriately touched a student. today on wtop, chief lanier
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said ital, peers the man touched -- appears the man touched a female student escorting him. >> and there was an adult male who entered the school, asked to speak to someone in the school and was given an escort. during that escort, inappropriately touched a female student. >> parents with children were notified about the incident. chairman brown, who has oversight of d.c. schools, issued a statement this afternoon saying he was greatly concerned by the incident and said that dcps and d.c. police responded quickly to the situation. we'll keep you updated on this story. >> all right. matt. d.c. police offering big money to put a stop to robberies lately. thieves are going after e pensive electronics like iphones and ipads and reselling them on the black market. >> there are people selling -- and that are producing the market. they're taking 15, 16, 17 stolen phones in a day and reselling them. some on the internet, some on the street.
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we need to go after those folks. >> police are offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of the thieves. chief lanier wants the phone industry to get involveed and quickly disable the phones once stolen. coming up here, a local teacher who deserves a gold star. the national certification, wait until you see what else she's achieved. 21 dogs left on the doorstep with a note. more what it and said how can you help. sue. you heard the big news out of the weather department, right? punxatawney phil said six more weeks of winter. yes. we'll let you know what the weekend is looking like and, feldy, what is going on in sports? >> reporter: i know you come from a baseball family. lord knows your husband likes it. the nats got help and the right- handed pitcher. his name is edwin jackson, they have to sign the guy pending a physical. he seems to make a healthy rotation healthier. we'll give you details. and if you have a story idea, call the tip line at 202-
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895-3,000. e-mail your tips to we're back.  brad, where we going? just a second. just, just one second. ♪ what are you looking at? don't look up there.
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. >> 21 poodles and young pups will be available for adoption. dropped off at an animal shelter in cumberland, maryland, attached with the note from the owner saying the owner should had had dementia and couldn't care for the dogs. the virginia rescue group, forever home, picked the dogs up last night and brought them to a shelter in chantilly. >> it's considered the gold standard in teaching excellence. the certification from the national board of professional teaching standards. tonight, a prince georges county elementary school teacher joined that e light group, even though she had to overcome an obstacle. shawn yancy has more. >> reporter: this is an incredible story. her name is sharon dudley, she spent the last 14 years teaching in prince georges county, the last 10 in bladensburg. dudley is a preschool teacher
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and has taught kindergarten. she is also blind. show had to work extraordinarily hard over the past year to achieve her board certification. and she accomplished her goal. dudley said she's able to do her job despite her disability. >> i would love to see their faces. i miss that a little bill. when they get that look that comes into their eyes. >> not only is it amazing but it's inspiring to our staff and students and our parents. they love coming in and watching her teach. >> she was illegally blind when she first started teeing. she hasn't stopped teaching at all. about 100,000 teachers nationwide are nationally board certified. she went through a year of rigorous training before taking her certification test and said the process made her a better teacher. congratulations, brian. >> congratulations. still ahead, life behind bars means no facebook. the contraband facebook is a big problem in the maryland jail.
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how officers are getting serious about the social media crackdown. >> first, love is in the air for all species. the national zoo is over sharing some of the weirdest love rituals in the animal world d. you know bald eagles meat while free falling toward the ground and snails shoot darts at females when they're in the mood. can you see the entire list on the zoo's website including rituals that are too wild for tv.  . welcome to carmax.
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>> contraband behind bars. an age-old problem. tonight, we're learning about -- in baltimore where an inmate is on trial for posting on facebook. keith daniels has more. >> reporter: outside courthouse east, a family waits for the verdict in the manslaughter
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trawl trial of charles johnson, a 20-year-old man accused of causing the deaths of three teenagers in a car crash in federal hill. while the victim's families wait for the jury, they also deal with the aggravating blow. they say johnson has been talking about his case and the victims killed in the accident. >> it's on facebook and that just went right through me. how can a man have a cell phone in the jail cell. it's not right. >> reporter: look at it. johnson, also known as chucky t., seen on facebook, squatting in his cell behind bars. he's an inmate at the baltimore city detention center who, according to those posts, is sipping messages outside via a mobile phone. one post talks about trying to get a deal with prosecutors. nelson thomas jr.-- . >> i'm pissed off. >> reporter: is one of the victim's brother. he said the family learned about the facebook post after a witness in the case friended
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his sister. >> and he's supposed to be one of the witnesses -- and here he is talking to him on facebook, telling them they're going to be out on the street together and soon and all that. >> reporter: it's illegal for inmates in maryland to possess a cell phone. regarding johnson, a spokesperson for the detention center released this statement reading in part while it can not be ascertained at this point that these allegations are accurate, bcdc staff is putting the full resources into the investigation. another investigation for one family waiting for the results of another. >> i want justice for my son. we were a close family. we're all torn a part. we're not together no more. a day since facebook announced plans to debut on the stock market. a wisconsin woman has been arrested for selling fake stock. five victims have come forward, including the victim's own daughter and a construction
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worker said he was swindled for almost $30,000. he thought the facebook sounded like a great opportunity. >> you know, and i was like -- some options and work hard and make a little easier money for my kids and family. >> you can't buy into facebook just yet. the company filed for an ipo yesterday and will begin to sell shares this sprig. for years now, there is talk of developing wind energy in our region. that could soon happen. ken salazar said a recent review shows no reason why wind power releases can't be issued off of the mid-atlantic coast, i.e. ocean city. the review showed there would be no environmental impact. virginia governor said he's moving forward with wind energy development off of the virginia coast. coast. . plenty of wind out there for everybody these days. >> looked breezy this afternoon. >> yes. >> the front has gone on through and the high pressure is building in. we're going to notice that another hour or so and then it will get lighter. >> sue's a -- you see a few
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showers this morning? >> no. >> a couple of people had them, they were quick hitters and they're out of here for a sunny afternoon. temperatures, once again, responded into the upper 50s, so a very pleasant groundhog day here in d.c. yes, punxatawney phil saw his shadow. he said six more weeks of winter and we're delightd about that. that is the best winter ever, for the non-snow lovers. i like snow but it's a pain to forecast it, for sure and that shuts down the city as we know. some signs that maybe there is some colder air toward the middle of february and we'll keep you posted on that and we'll enjoy what we have. the temperature today, 58 degrees, still above average. the average high new is climbed up to 45 degrees. we picked up under a .1 of an inch of rain this morning at reagan and at dulles, where they came in at 57 and as did bwi. not that cold out in, it will get chilly later tonight and will be longer before we see the temperatures dropping on down. some of you may, in fact, be headed for the 20s tonight. as the clouds clear out and the
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breeze is lighter, we will have what is called radiational cooling around the region. the last of the showers departed awhile ago off of the eastern shore. we have a stubborn shower hanging around the northern neck of virginia and that is moving into the bay new and looks like they'll be clear skies for us tonight and tomorrow. a sunny friday for us. the next big player is going to be this big storm system, which is going to probably degenerate into blizzard conditions for denver and this will move into kansas and nebraska, eventually iowa changing from rain to snow and some severe weather will get across the deep south. more heavy rain is expected for from parts of the country that are very, very dry. we'll watch this. it may, in fact, give us a glancing blow of rain late saturday night, the next chance of rain for us. for tonight, though, clear and chilly. we will eventually drop to go about 36 degrees inside the beltway. and there could be some 20s in the suburbs, the winds will lighten up, five to 10 miles an hour out of the northwest.
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friday looks nice. plenty of sunshine. i'm seeing cool, even though it's above average this time of the year, any other february, we would call this a warm day. since yesterday with 72 will stay cooler, the temperatures will still feel comfortable and the breeze, maybe a bit noticeable out of the north at five to 15 miles an hour. we'll art is you -- start you out at 39 degrees at eight in the morning and lots of sunshine. perhaps a few clouds at the noon hour at 48 and by 5:00, nice and the temperature about 51 degrees. very nice start to the weekend. by the way, most of saturday is going to be dry. notice on the weekend, it will be cool or saturday. we'll see some clouds increasing in the afternoon. this could be a late shower and i'm talking kind of after dark into the early part of the evening. maybe 11, 12:00. on sunday, 45 degrees. colder and more sunshine. we're not worried about any kind of freezing precipitation again. the temperatures should stay well above average. so, we'll look at the future cast to help you plan the next three days and in particular, the weekend. it's sunny for most of the day on friday and comfortable
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temperatures. pausing this at 8 in the morning on saturday, and we start with sunshine, but notice the high clouds starting to come in. i will run this out to 6:00 and while we still have clouds, we don't have any precip, but this is going to be a part of the snowstorm we're watching in denver. comes in as rain for us and passes to the south so by 11:00 on saturday, virginia might be getting wet. most of maryland at this point looks like it's staying destroy and -- dry and had is moving on out. while you might have clouds to start the sunday, you will probably break for sunshine in the afternoon and then we will be looking at another drier day and sunday again on the cooler side at 45 degrees and we think monday will feature clouds and climbing temperatures on tuesday with a temperature of the 50s. working our way through february and in fine shape. again, maybe some signs of a cooldown toward the middle of the month. >> thank you, sue. remember, can you check the weather any time when you download the fox 5 weather app. go to the apple app store or
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market on the smart phone and search for d.c. weather. the magna carta is coming back to the national archives. it's been off display for a few months for conservation is treatment and a new case. it will be back two weeks from tomorrow. there were four original copies of the nen -- the 1297 magna carta left. that is dyslexia kicking in. this is the only one permanently housed in the united states. coming up, the hoyas into the ships last because uconn will hear from the head coaches why everything clicks against the defending national champs. first, x factor winner melanie amaro getting a starring war during the super bowl. she taped a pepsi commercial with elton john. they gave us a behind-the- scenes look. it was part of the x factor prize with a $5 million contract. ntract. t t t t t t w.
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. >> good evening, i'm dave feldman. the nats agreed to a one-year contract with right-handed picture edwin jackson. he said the agreement is pending a physical. the deal is worth between 9 and $12 million. jackson's 28 was 12-9 last season with a 3.79e.r.a. for the chicago white sox and the world series champion saint louis cardinals who acquireed him on july 27th. washington has seven candidates for the starting rotation. steven strauss bug, jordan zimmerman, landon, long, dettweiler, jackson and geo gonzalez. to hoops now, the georgetown hoyas had a big win last night. georgetown hosting uconn. the first half, thompson some comes off of the screen and hits the 3. georgetown with a
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10-point hamptime lead. second half, sims took thompson for the land and made the free- throw. he had 18 points -- points. that was the team high. under six minutes to go. thompson to sims and drives in for the sure fire, too. sims with 14. georgetown defeats uconn, 58-44 and holding the huskies to their lowest point total of the season. it was good to have this type of performance. absolutely. i thought we played l. i thought we played well -- well. i thought we played well at both ends of the floor. going through, they were off. particularly, i think, in the first half and they got a lot of open shots that didn't go in. you know, but i think that our defensive communication, i think, our intensity throughout the whole game was very good. >> miami coach jim laranaga, battle -- jim battling the flu. terps down 11, calling for the
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charging foul. the head coach mark turgeon, gets beat up not once but twice, dejectd can and fired up the -- dejected. fired up his terps. hits the 3 and tied at 69. overtime, and with that career high 33. double overtime when jones finishes. maryland is finished, too. defeated by miami, and on the -- didn't make it to the arena. >> i was sick all day and didn't think i was going to make it to the game. i had great assistant coaches and said i was going to have to take care of business tonight. i felt better at 7:30, got dressed and came over. >> finally, a funny post script to yesterday's national signing day. seems birmingham-alabama linebacker cassanova mckenzie was leaping to going to clipson -- clemson and until he went to the campus where there was no
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chick filet in sight. never mind there is one on clemson's campus, it was clearly not highlighted on cassanova's about business. note to recruiters, check where your chick filet is on campus and make sure they have a good view of it. >> kids these days. all you can say, right? right. >> sue palka, one last look at the forecast. feldy, chick filet delivered your dinner. the five-day forecast, we want to show you that tomorrow's about too pooh degrees. we'll have a lot of sunshine. the next chance of showers is late on saturday. >> now you have the news edge. back here at 10. 
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a lot of patients are using toothpaste to clean their dentures. you really want to be careful, you can't use something as abrasive as a toothpaste
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because it will cause scratches. as a result of those scratches, bacteria will get lodged in that denture and as they multiply in the mouth the odor can get stronger. i always advise my patients to use polident. it has specific agents in it that can kill bacteria. using polident daily, you definitely will not be creating the scratches. you're going to have a fresh bright smile, and you're going to feel confident.


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