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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  December 30, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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the couple will honeymoon in virginia wine country, then travis has to get back to japan where he's stationed. they're hoping that eventually they'll get all the kids settled in okinawa and kneel all be living together as one -- they'll all be living together as one big happy family. in woodbridge, beth parker, fox 5 news. >> congratulations to the whole family. the news keeps coming. wisdom is here with the news edge at 11:00. >> off the top tonight a warning from d.c. police after a woman says she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. it happened in the busy area of downtown around 7:30 last night. her baby was in the back seat. fox 5's roz plater is in the newsroom with this story. >> this is a very busy night in the penn quarter and police warn folks there about a brazen kidnapping that took place late last night. police say it happened around 7:30 near the verizon center. a woman told police she had just pulled out of a parking garage when main with gain hopped into her -- a man with a gun hopped into her passenger
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seat and her terrifying ordeal just got started. she told investigators he sexually assaulted her, then jumped out of the car near fourth and farragut. police are reminding women to keep their car doors locked and keep on their vigil even where they would normally feel safe. >> you do kind of feel safe around here because it's well lit and all the crowds. i never really expect anything like that to happen around here. >> i think women let their guard down with all the crowds. you just feel safer. reporter: police are getting the warnings out. they don't want folks to get their guards down while investigators sort this out and they hope anyone that might have seen anything unusual in that area last night will give d.c. police a call. two doctors in maryland have been charged after police say they performed abortions as
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late as 36 weeks. steven brigham and nicola riley allegedly came to elkton to perform the procedures. two of their patients wound up in the hospital. police found the remains of dozens of fetuses at the clinic. both are now charged with second and third degree murders. prince george's county police need your help finding this man accused of holding up a bank in district heights yesterday. he walked into the wells fargo on silver hills road around 3:00 and demanded cash. you recognize this man, police want to hear from you. to politics, the final weekend of campaigning in iowa is underway tonight. massachusetts governor mitt romney appears to be in front in the hawkeye state, but with ron paul and now rick santorum trailing close behind a surprise could be in the works. fox 5's tom fitzgerald has the latest on the race for the white house. reporter: in 2008 mitt romney lost in iowa not to john mccain
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but to mike huckabee. iowa is known for its surprises, so while romney is leading right now, the former massachusetts governor is taking nothing for granted. appearing throughout iowa this friday romney is drawing some of the biggest crowds of his campaign so far. part of the reason was the appearance on the campaign trail of new jersey governor chris christie who briefly considered his own run before endorsing romney. the latest polls from rasmussen puts romney ahead of ron paul, but the surprise cunning has come from rick santorum who has passed newt gingrich in third place in iowa. >> it would be fairly foolish for me not to stay in the race. it is a long way from here to picking a nominee. >> i'm not a lifelong politician. didn't spend my life in the political world. i didn't spend my life in washington d.c. >> i ask for your support. i hope you come out january 3rd, but there's no reason to be despondent about how this country is going right now if
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we do the right thing. >> for his part ron paul has become a bit of a new target for mitt romney, romney telling fox news paul is a fringe candidate who does not represent the mainstream. after all of this talking the voting will finally get underway in iowa on tuesday at 7 p.m. central. tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news from. of now to the latest controversy surrounding the virginia presidential primary. gold you last night about a man by the state republican -- we told you last night about a plan by the state republican party that there is a loyalty oath that must be signed or they will be turned away from the polls. the attorney -- two more nato service members were killed today in afghanistan and afghan forces killed the three senior taliban
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figures. there may be fewer reports like those if peace talks with the taliban succeed next year. fox's jennifer griffin has the story from the pentagon. reporter: in an effort to jump start peace talks with the taliban just days after vice president joe biden said the taliban is not our enemy, the obama administration is considering the release of six top taliban commanders who were among the first prisoners sent to guantanamo bay after 9/11. among them muhammad fasal whose assessment by the u.s. military was outlined in a leaked state department cable. detainees assessed to be a high risk. detainee is an admitted senior official of the taliban government and served as chief of staff of the taliban army. detainee is wanted by the u.n. for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of shiites. >> i'm very dubious that the inner circle of mula omar and other afghan taliban leaders has any interest in compromise and i'm a little worried that
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we delude ourselves into thinking we're headed down a successful path or make them think we're showing signs of weakness. reporter: mohammed fasal turned himself into the northern alliance in november, 2001 proclaiming a desire for peace. weeks later he was captured at the prison where a riot broke out in november and cia operative mike span was killed, the first u.s. casualty of the war. he is a legend in pentagon corridors. military officials have been tight limited about the proposed release of fasal. "the united states continues to support an afghan led process of reconciliation that would end the insurgency. we in the afghan government have been clear about the conditions that would need to be met. insurgents would need to break from al-qaeda, abandon violence and abide by the afghan constitution." the former vice chief of the u.s. army had this reaction from kabul. >> the white house is pushing for reconciliation as a way to
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terminate our involvement in afghanistan much more rapidly. reporter: afghan president hamid karzai is so distrustful of u.s. efforts to reconcile with the taliban that he pulled out of those efforts recently after hearing the u.s. was pushing to allow the taliban to open an office in the gulf state's capital. jennifer griffin, fox news. imagine coming back from war only to find a struggling economy and high unemployment. that's exactly what our veterans face. in california department of veterans affairs is working with community colleges to make sure veterans don't get left behind. fox's anita vogel has the story. reporter: corporal aaron ariza served in iraq 3 1/2 months before an ied attack cut short his tour in 2007. the next year the purple heart recipient was out of the marines and facing a problem thousands of vets know all too well. >> the biggest thing was the economy took a dump on me right
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when i was getting out of the service. reporter: but california's veterans affairs department is simplifying the transition from combat for the classroom. after signing up vets get an e- mail list of colleges in their zip code with financial aid information. much of their application is filled out for them using data from their military forms making it easier to get the ball rolling. >> i was a little lost at first and afraid to do it. i wanted to go to school but just did not know how to make the first step of even applying. reporter: that's changing and california hopes it will become a model for other states to help vets with their first steps back into civilian life. >> our veterans have made a sack fights for our country and they certain -- sacrifice for our country and they deserve a helping hand. reporter: this is a joint venture between the california and the california community colleges. -- affairs -- veterans affairs and the california community
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colleges. in los angeles, anita vogel, fox news. score one for the consumer, just one day after announcing a new $2 fee for some of its customers, verizon wireless is ditching the plan. the company had planned to charge the fee to people making payments over the phone or online with their credit cards or debit cards. the company was hoping to steer people to electronic check payments which are cheaper and automatic credit card payments which are more reliable, but today verizon wireless said it is scrapping the plan due to customer feedback. up next on the news edge at 11:00, scientists in texas are hitting the pool, the first step to preventing a major disaster in deep waters starting here in the shallow end. we'll explain. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. 
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2010 bp oil spill showed firsthand the extreme dangers people faced while working offshore rigs. now one company is using a training facility built for astronauts to teach oil and gas workers how to survive a catastrophe in deep water. fox's chris gutierrez has the story from houston. reporter: it's the world's largest indoor swimming pool,
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nasa's neutral buoyancy lab more than 200 feet long, more than 100 feet wide and holds 6.2 million gallons of water. the average backyard swimming pool holds about 18,000 gallons. since the mid '90s astronauts have used this pool to prepare for spacewalks using a model of the international space station submerged 40 feet below the surface and now the construction of the space station is complete and nays has opened this pool to others -- nasa has opened this pool to others. petrofat, an i'll and gas company teamed up with nays -- an oil and gas company teamed up with nasa to use this facility to help teach offshore workers how to get out of facility that crashed. >> you would never be able to do this anywhere else in the world of. reporter: i volunteered to try it out. with cameras rolling i had to stay call and buckled in my seat as the training simulator
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sank while holding my breath, knocked out a window. the most difficult thing was trying to push that window out and i couldn't see. my contacts, you know. so i could only imagine if you go down at night. you're so disoriented. >> we get people through the doors who have genuine phobias of water and these guys are having to fly offshore to do a job. >> when somebody leaves the center they're equipmented with the right confidence and knowledge if something does happen, they can escape safely and obviously return home. that's what this is all about. reporter: in houston, chris gutierrez, fox news. sunday marks the beginning of a new year and new laws. matt ackland has your fox 5 top five. >> up first tonight, wisdom, don't forget your reuseable bags when shopping in montgomery county. no. 5, starting sunday all stores will be required to charge you five cents for every paper or mask bag. the only bags that are exempt are bags for prescription
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drugs, bags for fresh produce and doggie bags from restaurants. no. 4, paying to park in silver vince maryland will cost more in the new year -- silver spring maryland will cost more in the new year. there's a series of parking fee hikes approved last summer. rates went up in bethesda in august. no. 3, it's also going to cost you more to drive the dulles toll road. starting sunday rates go up 25 cents at the main toll plaza to $1.50. the on and off ramp remain at 75 cents. no. 2, don't drink and drive this holiday weekend. to keep you safe washington's regional alcohol program will once again sponsor soberride program. you can get a free cab ride home up to $30 between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. sunday morning.
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call 1-800-200-taxi. and no. 1, metro is keeping close tabs on its economy service beginning in february, undercover riders will be riding all of metrobuses and checking out every station. the riders will report back on the right and wrong. wisdom, that's tonight's top five. >> it's that tape, the moment everybody has been waiting for -- time, the moment everybody has been waiting for, weather time. >> did you tell him, he can be in the park tomorrow with all three kids and it will that be kind of day once the rain gets out of here in the morning. if you have the christmas lights that you'd like to take down, that's probably what i'm going to do tomorrow, get all that done. get all that put up because next week, i mean winter settles in for a little while
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around here and this weekend it's not going to feel like winter. we'll be back up to the 50s both days. here's temperatures right now, still fairly mile again for this time of year -- mild again for this time of year. it's 49 in the city. look at fredericksburg sitting at 55 degrees, culpeper is 12 degrees colder at 43, winchester 46. now some of these temperatures are all over the place, 30s up to the northwest, mid-50s down to the south. some places have more clouds than other places and the clouds, a big effect on temperatures. that is what is going on. now listen, this is what's coming our way. by tuesday the core of this real cold air which is up into canada now will be right on top of us, but we'll start getting colder late sunday night, monday, but again the coldest of this will be getting here tuesday, wednesday and probably thursday, but ahead of that for the weekend we look real mild. tomorrow 56 degrees, start with possibly a little shower in the morning, some clouds and end up
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with some sunshine and again temperatures in the middle 50s, pretty much the same new year's day, temperatures of 55 degrees and it looks like late in the afternoon on sunday perhaps we'll have a few clouds. i'll just say. this some of the new guidance tonight is suggesting that maybe by sun afternoon we could have a couple showers around. looks doubtful, but again if that trend continues, we may have to put a couple showers in late new year's day. here is the system that will move through overnight tonight. i know it is showing what looks to be rain on top of us now, but that's just some false echos on top of us. it's not raining. we just have some clouds. the clouds return overnight. they'll be with us. we'll have a few passing showers out there overnight tonight. i don't nerf will get them, but some of you will, low -- think everybody will get them, but some of you will, low temperatures down to the 40s and a possibility of an i remember sprinkle around. by noon we -- an early sprinkle around. by noon we'll have plenty of
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sunshine and it looks like about the best weather we could ever hope for around here on new year's eve and it looks like temperatures in middle 50s tomorrow. we're still talking about 40s for temperatures tomorrow evening and at about midnight tomorrow night as we ring in the new year i think we'll probably be right around 44 to 45 degrees and more importantly, it will be dry out there tomorrow night. here's a look at the five-day forecast. of course, a gorgeous holiday weekend, happy new year to all of you. colder monday, 43. it will be breezy, too monday. it will feel like it's in the 30s and much colder tuesday, high 33, wind chill values in the 20s and teens. time now for sports. lindsay is in with a look at how the capitals did tonight. this is the nissan sports desk in hd with lindsay murphy. >> good evening. the buffalo sabres have been the capitals arch nemesis this season having beaten the capitals twice this year, but the caps had one advantage
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tonight, a home game and they've won four straight at the verizon center versus the sabres. caps up 1-0 in the 2nd, pretty passing by washington. alex semin to alex ovechkin back to semin to nicklas backstrom who scores his 100th career goal putting washington up 2 -0. 3rd period cams holding:to a 2- -- caps holding onto a 2-1 lead. caps win 3-1 winning five of their last six at verizon center. >> you know, since i've been here alex has been taken the body, one of the top hits. he hits and plays hard. that's his game and by doing the right things the scoring is coming. so as long as you're fore- checking and hitting, he had some hits for it, he's rewarded for it. the wizards visiting the bucs, strange moment in the
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first quarter, roger mason subs in for crawford which is good because mason scores seven section after he checks into the game -- seven seconds after the checks into the game, but then he was asked to leave because he was forgotten to be put on the team's active list. the wizards are charged with a technical foul. wizards lose to the bucs 102- 81. sorry, roger. paul hewitt and george a match on the road facing college in charleston. the dropped pass to ryan pearson, an easy layup plus the foul. patriots led by 8 at the break. 2nd half mason up by 2, pearson double teams, spins, a wild shot somehow goes in, just his game, pierson a career high 35 points and beat the college of charleston 84-76. elsewhere 23rd ranked virginia hosting, evans slimmed the
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defense here to a wide open sammy zaginski. 24-16 at the half. 2nd half, the cavs running to harris, he 17. don't go way. we've got more sports news coming up like some bright spots in an otherwise lackluster season for the redskins. don't run away. we're talking the run game after the break. it's the perfect time to find great deals
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on the 4g lte devices you love. like the droid bionic by motorola for $199.99. or the pantech breakout for $49.99. our lowest price ever. get the technology you love, on the network you deserve. and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon.
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we can't stop talking about the roger mason flub, but we are going to move on. mike shanahan and the redskins may need to focus their offseason on finding a franchise quarterback, but they won't have too many slipeless nights thinking about their running game. it's -- sleepless nights thinking about their running game. when tim hightower went down rookie roy helu stepped in averaging 4 yards per carry. helu couldn't go last week and another hookey evan royster got the call and also overachieved, 19 carries and 32 yards. now the skins have a triple threat and some extra competition. >> it's been a roller coaster. my emotions have been up and down. at the beginning of the season i was kind of disa pinted i was cut, but -- disa pinted i was cut, but i needed -- disappointed i was cut, but i needed to come out and work every week. >> it's great too have a
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running game. there's so many other -- to have a running game. there's so many other things open up. you can't pass the ball and have a good running game. it works hand in hand. it's good to see those guys running wild because that gives you an assurance you can look forward to in the future. >> that's all for sports. the news edge will be right back. 
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big holiday weekend and the weather is for the most part going to cooperate. we'll have some showers tonight, a few lingering tomorrow morning, but temperatures middle 50s. happy new year's! >> now you have the news edge. the news is always on happy new year!


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