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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  December 29, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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the news keeps coming tonight. here's maureen umeh with the news edge at 11:00. >> up first tonight, turned away at the polls? that's what could happen to some voters in virginia come primary day if they refuse to sign a piece of paper promising to vote for the republican nominee in november. fox 5's roz plater with the details. >> this so-called loyalty oath is building quite a bit of controversy in virginia's republican party tonight and tonight delegate bob marshall is taking on his own party. before virginia voters cast a ballot in the republican primary in march they could be asked to sign a so-called loyalty oath promising to support the eventual republican nominee for president in november. sign the pledge or you can't vote in the primary. it's part of a seldom used state law that says political parties can set the primary requirements including the signing of a pledge by the voter of his intention to
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support the party's candidate when offering to vote in the primary. republican delegate bob marshall of manassas says hold on a minute. >> but you want to have mandatory voting for someone you've never heard of it, you don't know and might not even run for office now. so for the republican party to depart so far from what the founders wanted, i just think it's a mistake. reporter: virginia lawmakers approve the pledge or oath as part of a voting reform bill in 1999. at the time sponsors said it was needed because the state does not have party registration which means any registered voter can cast a ballot in a presidential primary. >> i don't think there was a malicious thought about this, but i don't think they thought it out very well. reporter: people voted for, it though. you did, too. >> 90 of us voted for, it but it was not a big deal. look, i read about 1,500 bills a year. i'm going to miss some things at some times, but this question didn't come up it was actually going to be imposed. reporter: but now it has come up and marshall is calling on voters to ask the state board
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of elections to rescind its approval. he's also asking the attorney general if the ruling meets the law's deadline requirement 90 days out before the might of primary. this one is set for march 6th. just tonight delegate marshall sent a formal letter to the attorney general asking him to weigh in on whether or not they met the deadline of the 90 days out. we reached out to the virginia republican party and have not heard back from them so far. as of right now virginia rotors will only see two names on the republican -- voters will only see two names on the republican primary balance plot, mitt romney and ron paul, the only two who collected the required 10,000 signatures. newt gingrich turned in 10,000 sprig tours, but think thrown out -- signatures, but they were thrown out. rick perry's first efforts to get his name on the virginia primary ballot has failed.
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today a federal judge denied his request for an emergency order requiring the state's board of elections to place him on the ballot. instead the judge set a hearing for january 13th. that is four days after the ballots must be printed by law. the edge on maryland now and the latest on that deadly metrobus crash from yesterday. the driver of a pickup truck was killed after crossing the median on rockville pike in bethesda and crashed into the bus. he was identified as 409-year- old knonou ayaovi edorh of silver spring. the bus driver and several passengers were taken to the hospital 6789. in silver spring a vigil -- hospital. in silver spring a vigil held for two young women killed and another seriously injured in the wreck early this morning. their suv ran off the road, smashed into a brick retaining wall outside a home. it's not known what caused that crash. the news edge on d.c. now,
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a jung ordered the city to pay more than -- a judge ordered the city to pay more than a million dollars in attorney fees resulting from the historic gun right case ultimately decided by the supreme -- rights case ultimately decided by the supreme court. >> when you look at this one million dollars four, heller's attorney gets paid and the five other members of the legal team gets the rest. dick heller sued the city in 2003 over the ban on handgun ownership and the u.s. supreme court overturned the ban in june of 2008 saying it violated the second amendment heller's attorneys wanted 3.1 million in legal fees. the city's attorney said the number should be around $840,000. today a judge decided that just over a million dollars in fees and expenses was a fair amount. heller said he was surprised. >> that takes nothing into consideration for the heart, muscle and man hours and the
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stress and trauma and drama that the whole legal team, the bill of rights foundation and the heller foundation, went through. >> anybody who is looking at this saying oh, the district has lost again and its gun control laws are bad and so forth, that's not what this is about and if there is any further litigation over it, it's going to be over whether we pay $1.4 million to lawyers or $880,000 for lawyers. >> after the u.s. supreme court decision in 2008 the city rewrote its gun laws and for the first time in over 30 years permitted handgun ownership. the new laws, however, did include numerous registration requirements and those requirements prompted heller to sue again. that case is still pending. stay tuned. >> thank you. tis the season to buy new guns according to the fbi, almost a half million instant criminal background checks for gun ownerships were done in the six days leading up to christmas. december is on its way to surpassing november des moines
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had a record of more than 1.5 million -- november which had a record of more than 1.5 million names in background checks. shawn yancy now everywhere at 11:00. >> a blind man's family telling us he was spotted in new jersey. mitchell smith left union station on december 16th headed to birmingham, alabama, but he never made it. amtrak told his family smith took a train to newark, new jersey where he checked into a plot on the 17th , checked out on the 18th, no word why he went to the hospital and tonight he's still missing. a 9-year-old indiana girl brutally murdered lived in hagerstown maryland earlier this year. washington county school officials say aliahna lemmon attended winter street elementary this year. police in indiana say a neighbor confessed to killing her december 22nd while baby- sitting her and her sisters. federal prosecutors reportedly preparing to file the first criminal charges against bp in connection to the massive gulf
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oil spill. according to the wall street journal, prosecutors are considering whether bp engineers lied to federal regulators about the risks of drilling at the well. a conviction in this case could mean five years in prison. a separate federal trial to determine bp's liability for the spill is set to begin in february. the national september 11th memorial just reached a major milestone. 1million people have visited the memorial since it opened to the general public september 12th this year. thousands head to the site each day. bronze plates surround the fountains and bear the names of the people killed in the 2011 attacks. construction on a museum near the memorial site has come to a halt due to a money dispute. the museum was scheduled to open next september, but the foundation overseeing it is in a fight with the port authority of new york and new jersey. michael bloomberg said today there is no chance it will open on time. up next on the news edge we've got a look back at the beginning of apple computers. the company has come a long way
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since the early days. we've got the cure for that new year's hangover. don't waste your money on those so-called remedies you buy at the store, the natural foods that will put the pep back in your step. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. 
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i think you would agree apple computer has been a major influence in society and technology for 35 years. now the company is making sure that history is protected to help future generations understand how a garage startup changed the world. reporter: this 1984 super bowl ad introduced americans to an l's macintosh computer. -- apple's macintosh computer. it's just one slice of apple history you'll find in the silicon valley archives of history. stanford is home to the largest collection of historical materials from the company that steve jobs and steve wozniak started 35 years ago. through this one collection you can sort of trace it out the history of the evolution of the computer. the archives contains company videos where jobs talks about apple's first product. >> remember an apple 1 was not particularly usable for too much, but it was so incredible
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to be able to have your own computer. reporter: here wozniak remembers how the company got its name. >> i remember driving down highway 85. we're on the freeway and steve mentions i got a name, apple computer and we kept frying to think other alternatives, but we -- trying to think other alternatives, but we couldn't think of anything better. reporter: fans of the 1984 movie ghostbusters will appreciate this company video featuring steve jobs and other executives. >> today we're going to introduce four new products. reporter: the collection also documents the years jobs present spent at next computer which he founded after i was forced out of apple -- he was forced out of apple in 1985. >> this is it. in a slab, sits right underneath the monitor. reporter: the apple archives are housed in this refrigerated warehouse where stanford stores its library collection. apple donated most of the material to stanford in 1997.
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the computermaker was collecting it for a corporate museum but scrapped those plans when steve jobs returned. the collection offers a glimpse into apple's early years as a scrappy startup in the 1970s. >> what we hope will happen with the materials here is that people will see that there are lessons in the past and that some of them are worth digging for. reporter: the apple archives can help people understand how a silicon valley startup became a global icon. we're hearing new rumors about a new ipad from apple. shawn yancy again with your fox 5 top five. >> up first, a brand-new ipad could be on the horizon. no. 5, the rumors are swirling about the next generation ipad. two tech blogs claim apple will debut two versions next month, both with a higher video resolution and light bars to make the screen brighter. no. 4, move over apple. amazon kendall sales are
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through the roof. earlier this month the company sold more than 1 million devices each week in december it revealed. the kindle fire, the new touchscreen color tablet is the best selling kendall device of no. try, what do you -- kindle device. no. 3, what do you think about taxi service in d.c.? mary cheh posted a survey on her website that asked questions like how do you think taxes in d.c. compare to the rest of the nation and what color scheme would you like to see for taxis in the district? go lion on our website to answer those questions, no. 2, do not drink and drive this holiday weekend to. keep you safe washington's regional alcohol program will once again offer up the soberride program. you can get a free cab ride home up to $30 between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. through sunday morning. all you have to do is call 1- 800-200-taxi. no. 1 tonight, you ring in the new year a little too hard, experts are offering up hangover remedies. you can go for healthy and
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comfort foods. they say eggs contain sistine which helps your liver and rich for the juice and avocados -- reach for the juice and avocados because your body needs salt and water. we may need some alka seltzer, anything. >> you talked about a mixed bag in the weather department. >> we're kind of under the storm track 6789 you know what that means? >> not really -- track. you know what that means? >> not really. >> we don't get the brilliant sunshine and sometimes you get an unexpected snowfall. >> sometimes you learn something every day. >> i learn to be had. ed by the weather because i didn't -- to be humbled by the weather because i didn't expect those flurries today. the numbers haven't fallen very much from where we were earlier this afternoon and once the sun set we dropped off a bit, but
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temperatures are holding in mostly the upper 30s and lower 40s because the clouds are holding that heat of the day in place. listen. this is the weekend setup. there's some very cold air coming from north and west. this will be easily the coldest air we've had this season so far and it starts coming in late, late sunday and then in another piece of it comes in late monday and by tuesday the coldest of the air is settling on top of us. out ahead of this front saturday and for the most part sunday, too with the mildest of the air down south where they'll have 60s and maybe a couple 70s down through the carolinas and georgia. we're talking about lower to mid-50s up to your -- from the mid-atlantic and a little cooler, but i think some 50 diagriddings up to the north and oh, but once -- degree readings up north and east, but once that front comes in things will definitely be changing. we're talking about 50s both days this weekend.
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36 gaithersburg, up a little, dulles 37, manassas down a little bit. it's leading me to believe we're getting some clearing taking place out to the west. it should be temporary because i think most of the overnight will be fairly cloudy, 42 in town at quantico, 36. this is a storm no. 1 passing overhead now. that's what brought the flurries and light snow to the area. then there was storm no. 2 back out to the west there. that will be coming in tomorrow night and early on saturday morning. so again this is passing through, any chance of a flurry now is about to get east of i- 95 and it does appear we're getting a little clearing back west. so not much colder overnight tonight. we'll drop down to the middle 30s here in town. upper 20s to lower 30s out in the suburbs and most of the night these clouds will linger. we may get a bit of brief clearing, but they'll fill back in. tomorrow we're talking about a
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mixture of clouds and sun, more sun tomorrow than what we had today and it will be warmer with these winds coming out of the south at 5 to 10 miles per hour. highs tomorrow lower 50s. this is futurecast tomorrow morning. notice the clouds here. we'll have some sunshine, too. through the day we'll have some breaks of sunshine and then back to some clouds by 6:00 and you notice back out to the west here some rain getting closer to us. this is saturday morning, perhaps a lingering shower saturday morning, but as we progress through the day saturday we should have a good amount of sunshine for the afternoon. again temperatures on saturday will be in the 50s as well. so this will be a nice little run. this is sunday at 5:00. we'll have 50s here. we'll have some sunshine, but notice back out to the west here, lots of snow out here in this cold air and that's the real cold surge that starts to move in. so next three days we're in the 50s, first day of the new year 54, 55 degrees and then next year we get real cold, flower
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reason. >> i love that, next year. all right -- maureen. >> i love that, next year. let's talk a little football sort of kind of. tim tebow is the talk of football and the broncos quarterback graces the front of one of the most popular restaurants at denver. the murals are changed several times a year and the manager says now it's all about the broncos, so they decided to feature tim tebow. this is your local nissan dealer's sports desk in hd with dave feldman. >> good evening. how is it that mike shanahan, winner of two super bowls in denver known as an offensive guru needs to win this sunday just to tie jim zorn's two year mark of 12-20? when zorn left, he was blasted being over his head, lightweight and eccentric. despite the record the team does seem more professional under mike shanahan. shanahan is finishing up year two of a five year $35 million contract and was asked today is there any doubt that he would
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return next season? >> well, no, there's no doubt in my mind. hopefully there's no doubt in dan's mind, too. that would be the guy to ask. no. like i talked to him about it when i first got here, i said dan, if you don't plan on me coaching me five years and doing it the right way, you're hiring the wrong guy. it's going to take some time to do it right. >> speaking of taking tape, it's been a season of missed -- taking time, it's been a season of missed opportunities. there's a big 3rd down and 21 and the skins lose 18-16. week six against philly, washington lours 20-13. rex was picked off four times, start of the six-game losing skid. week 11 a three-point home loss against dallas, could have won it, but the 52-yard field goal in overtime no good. d'angelo hall has not forgotten about those missed
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opportunities. >> it's real depressing knowing a couple games we let slip away we probably could have been in this race and to be on the outside looking in, it's real frustrating and difficult to swallow, but the game must go on. we'll suit against the eagles. don't have a lot to play for besides pride and hopefully we put on a good show. >> could heisman trophy winner robert griffin the iii, be a washington redskin this year? he took the field tonight. we'll show you after the break. stay with us. there's more sports after this. and then after twenty-two years, just like that, i was laid off. today there are so many americans like matthew. he worked hard and played by the rules. suddenly, he's out of a job. it's been a struggle not being able to find a job. but it's been our faith and family and friends that have helped us get through this.
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citizens energy was created to help the forgotten ones keep warm. we asked the big oil companies and oil producing nations to help. only citgo and the people of venezuela answered the call. and this year, in spite of soaring prices, washington actually cut fuel assistance for families in need. so if you need help staying warm this winter give me a call. because in times like these, no one should be left out in the cold.
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college hoops, howard on the road tonight facing no. 17 kansas. 12 points for the bison. howard early on with a bad pass. kansas is going the other way and elijah johnson does it the easy way. kansas blows out howard 89-34. also american falls to mount st. mary's 49-42. if the nfl 2012 draft were held today, the washington redskins would own the no. 7 overall pick and thus would be out of the running to pick top flight quarterbacks like andrew luck from stanford unless they traded up. a chance tonight to check out griffin, iii. baylor taking on washington in the alamo bowl in san antonio. 1st quarter baylor up 7, griffin takes the shot and then he's going down. no, he's not. 24 yards for the score, baylor trails washington now 42-24.
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maybe he's coming. florida state facing notre dame in the champs sports bowl in orlando, florida. the fighting irish led by 14, but tv su scored 18 unanswer -- but fsa scored 18 unanswered in the 2nd half. fsu beats notre dame, 18-14. i do appreciate this. hopefully -- >> presented with the annual redskins media good guy award, an honor given to the player who helped the media the most during the season. recent award winners are former redskin andre carter and carlos rogers. it was mentioned in his acceptance speech. >> i do appreciate this. hopefully i don't end up like the last two or three guys and say here, even though the last two guys did go to the pro bowl. hopefully that means i go to
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the pro bowl next year. die appreciate it. i like a lot you of -- i do appreciate it. i like a lot of you guys. >> good job for lorenzo. maureen is back right after this. 
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our five-day forecast, tomorrow is pretty good, a mix of clouds and surgery 53. saturday breezy, but we'll --
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and sunny, 53. saturday breezy, but we'll get some sun and 54 degrees on sunday and it gets colder next week. maureen? >> sound good. thanks, gary. now you have the news edge. of course, we're always auto have a great -- on have a great night. see you back here tomorrow.


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