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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  December 28, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EST

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in a lot of places. good morning. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's say hello to gwen tolbart. she has the word of the day, breezy. >> yes, we had gusty winds in some of hour neighborhoods but they will increase during the course of the day. you will feel the difference in the air as a result of it. plenty of sunshine. let's take a look at our maps now and get you started. here is a look currently at our temperatures across the area. right now, it is 44 degrees at national airport. 45 at annapolis. baltimore at 40 degrees. we've got 42 degrees at dulles and 39 to the south for fredericksburg. satellite-radar composite showing you not much happening here but a different story out to the west. we do have snow showers across areas of the mount tapes, the result of moisture from the great lakes as well as it is interacting with a very cold wind pushing in from the north there. they are expecting to see anywhere from about 2 to 4
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inches once it is all done with accumulation but it will end this morning. there is a winter weather advisory posted affecting areas of extreme western allegheny, mineral, pendleton counties. it is until about 6:00 when the snow is expected to end. wind are the main story for the day and already they are gusting fairly strong. 22-mile per hour wind gusts at dulles. 1 at national. the same at gaithersburg. martinsburg, 22-mile per hour wind gusts. we could see the winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour today before this day is over. so you probably would feel that if they start to pick up in term of driving on the roads and so do be careful out there and just be aware of it. by midday, we'll be around 44 degrees. expect the daytime high to be about 45 degrees. >> so it will feel like what again with the wind? >> i'm sorry. >> do you think it will feel like in the 30s do you think? >> the winds are coming in from the west so they are not a cold
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northerly wind but it could make it a little bit cool weather wind chill. >> let's get a look at traffic with lauren demarco. maybe folks will head back to work. >> maybe. it has been kind after weird week. lighter volume out there on the roads. very busy at the shopping malls. but we had we have to kind of take each day and see what it brings. we did have construction zones in effect overnight but they should be wrapping up at this point. to the right side of the screen, that is the northbound traffic both the main and hov lanes running incident and accident-fidel castro right now. no problems heading across the okay 12:01. -- running incident and accident-free right now. no problems heading across the occoquan. quan. heading into the district, the
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freeway looks good in both directions. traveling the beltway, you will find things nice and smooth through virginia and maryland. the american legion bridge and woodrow wilson bridge wide open for business. 66 and 270, nothing to report for you. watching the volume through manassas, not much of a delay right now. leaving route other fair oaks in towards the beltway, nothing to complain about at this point. 95 at bw parkway both running well between beltways and route 50 the john hanson highway also checks in incident-free. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. over to you. >> thank you. expect big traffic delays in parts of northern virginia and the district today. several roads will be closed for the funeral and procession of u.s. park police sergeant michael boam. the 19-year veteran of the force collapsed december 16th as he was helping with an investigation on the key bridge. his funeral will be held at the church of the nativity in burke at 10:00 this morning. a procession will then head to the u.s. park police headquarters into the district
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before returning to virginia for his burial in fairfax. another big story we are following this morning, the state funeral of north creigh's kim jong il who died a week and a half ago v of north korea's kim jong il who tied a week and a half -- the state funeral of north korea's kim -- kim jong il who died a week and a half ago. governor rick perry was one of the cth who fail to get enough signatures to get on virginia's primary ballot so now he is suing. the perry campaign said virginia voters should able to choose between all the
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candidates, not just the two who gathered the signatures needed. the candidates are crisscrossing iowa with less than a week before the first vote in the caucuses. >> plenty of iowa voters haven't yet decided who to vote for. sherry is down in the newsroom with the latest on the gop. >> reporter: well, dueling bus tours, campaign ads, hunting trips. this is iowa with less than a week before the caucuses as republican presidential contenders battle for votes. now that ron paul has surged to the top of polls, he is also feeling the heat. mitt romney is paul's chief rival going all out in this final stretch. an iowa win by paul could be most damaging for michelle bachmann in her birthplace. while evangelicals appear to be pumping up rick perry's campaign. across iowa, they are logging miles in the hawkeye state's 99 counties. those trailing in the poll are turning up the attacks on the two frontrunners, romney and
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paul. >> to have somebody who is a massachusetts moderate who said he did not want to go back to the reagan-bush years whoosh voted as a democrat for paul tsongas in 1992-rbgs who campaigned to the left of teddy kennedy, who recent had say i'm sort of a moderate pragmatic guy, to have him on a commercial that questions my conservatism? >> just like the bus i was on here and go up and down the state talking about this. >> reporter: the caucuses may be make or break and romney could have the most to lose. paul, who has long been considered a fringe candidate, has stolen the spot height now in iowa and with no clear frontrunner in the national race, the other candidates have now decided they can't afford to surrender iowa and they are going all in. >> thank you. unsettling news for democrats concerned about keeping control of senate after next year's elections. democratic senator ben nelson of nebraska says he is going to
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retire after two terms that. could mean an easy and crucial victory for republicans hoping to dominate all of congress. the gop has 47 seats in the senate. they need to gain four to win the majority outright. we may soon know the details of an agreement roached between harry thomas and the district attorney's office over unpaid student loans. a judge ruled the public does have a right to that information. to him thomas owes some $16 how in -- $16,000 in unpaid loans. strong winds causing big problems for air travelers up in new york. we'll explain. and a scare on a california runway last night. emergency crews rush in after i apilot is forced to abort takeoff. even a hit on the big screen back in the 1930s. this morning, sad news to report about cheetah the chimpanzee. we'll be right back.  -dad, why are you u getting th? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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mom, we're dydying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner.
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pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. new this morning, this is a sad day for movie lovers. cheetah the chimpanzee, been around identify long time, known for his role as tar zap's sidekick, has died.
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the chimp died of kidney failure. he was the comic relief back in the 1930s tarzan series. they say he loved to finger paint and was very outgoing. he lived to be 80 years old. new york city's airports are still playing catch-up after wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour forced long delays on tuesday. some flights had to wait to land at either new york, la guardia or jfk. some planes were diverted to other cities. the airports say flight delays are no more than 15 minutes this morning. a scary scene at sacramento international airport after two tires on a southwest airplane blew up. it happened forecast night as the flight was departing for eatle. the pilot aborted takeoff. all passengers were evacuated and no one was injured. the incident is still under investigation. if you are looking for a job, still ahead, how can you score free advice on how to find one today. it is one of the most important maces inside the u.s. capitol building but it does not include a tribute to d.c. a
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new push to change all that. and wind are a big factor today. they will be strong and gusty. hang onto your hat. we'll have the details on what you can expect and that all- important new year's eve forecast coming up. we'll be back after the break. take the finish challenge. my name is ashley and my blog is n not without salt. when i take pictures of my food, you don't want to see spots on the dishes. i was using cascade actionpacs. they just didn't have that spot free look. when i took the finish challenge, i was thrilled. as soon as i opened up the dishwasher, i could tell there was a difference. my dishes had a shine on them.
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this little guy right here makes my dishes incredibly shiny. i'm moving on to finish quantum. take the finish challenge. get up to half off.
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you can see the monument there on the right, u.s. capitol dome on the left. it is actually nice. it is not too bad since the rain moved out yesterday. that was the biggest problem yesterday. it felt chilly and rainy all day. >> it was a cold rain. so wear back to some sunshine at least today. it will be really nice but we do have strong winds to deal with today. that will be a factor. let's begin with a look at our temperatures though and see how we're starting out this morning. it is pretty comfortable out there. not bad at all.
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44degrees right now at national airport. the same at annapolis. we've got 40-degree at baltimore. 42 at dulles. 40 at hagerstown. 41 at winchester. way to the west, 39-degree at cumberland and we've got 41 at manassas. -- 39 degrees at cumberland. 51degrees at boston. 45 at new york and this is a telling tale here over areas of the great lakes because this is where we've seen some cool are air that has shifted in down across areas close to our mountains and a lot ofmen has pushed in from the great lakes. interaction of those two have produced some snow showers. we are seeing some snow showers and they will end this morning but at least 2 to 4 inches is anticipated and as a result of that and the wind that we have that are fairly gusty, there is a winter advisory that has been issued for extreme western allegheny, mineral county, pendleton as well. this is in effect right through until 6:00 a.m.
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this morning. wind will be gusty today. right now, they've already picked up. 18-mile per hour gusts at national. the same at gaithersburg. 20 at manassas. 29-mile per hour wind gusts already. 22 at martinsburg. we anticipate the winds could gust up to at least 40 miles per hour into the course of today before it is all said and done. departing low pressure system with an associated front. ridge of high pressure moving in. that is producing the strong wind. plenty of sunshine today though across the area. we are looking for a high of about 45 degrees. not bad at all. the wind will improve by tonight and as we head through into the week, not bad at all. we have two clouds we pick up by friday into saturday. series of weak low pressure systems and little disturbances will push their way through. could see a little precipitation in the course of the weekend. we'll watch that closely but we head to the 50s. lauren demarco, let's have a look at the roads. >> we have a heads up for folks traveling through the annapolis area. if you are on route other making the trip eastbound, we do have an accident or accident activity to report there. let's take a live look at the
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cameras so this is eastbound 50 at route 2. this is just past the severn river bridge. if you are again headed east towards the bay bridge. westbound traffic, be other some rubbernecking not impacted. your lanes are open and you should be in good shape all the way new bowie in toward the beltway. let's take a live look at trafficland at the beltway. no problems in montgomery county either as you make the trip from college park around towards silver spring. everybody running smoothly. so no problems to report for you. 270 looks good right now out of frederick in towards the lane divide. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. do you need any help fining a job? if so, the placement firm, challenger, gray and christmas is offering free job search advice to callers nationwide. all you have to do is call in today between 10:00 a.m. and #:00 p.m. we posted the number under web links on
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one of the most majestic spots inside the u.s. capitol, statuary hall. >> reporter: it is a beautiful historic spot. statuary holiday is where you will find many of the state statues of important figures in american history. this is where the house of representatives once gathered but you won't find a statue from the district of columbia. >> it reinforced the fact that we are not yet fully a part of the union. >> reporter: congresswoman eleanor holmes norton has been pushing lawmakers to accept two statues from d.c., one of abolitionist, frederick douglas, the other of the engineer would designed washington, d.c., pierre l'enfant. both statues are ready to go and currently sit inside one judiciary square. >> we should have the same
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place in statuary hall as every other state. >> reporter: recently congresswoman norton received a partial victory when daniel lundgren introduceed a bill that would allow d.c. and other u.s. territories one statue each inside the capitol. it still needs approval. >> we'll take one statue and we'll go back and get the next one at another time. >> reporter: norton does support a move by house speaker john boehner to place a statue or bust of winston churchill inside the capitol. >> rather than feel insulted, i feel that it gives us an opening to approach the speaker to ask that our bill come forward. >> reporter: no word on where the churchill statue or bust will be placed inside the u.s. capitol. matt ackland, fox 5 news. steven spielberg has a new emotionally charged film out.
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>> in war horse, a boy's beloved horse is sold to the cavalry. kevin mccarthy sits down with jeremy irvine to talk about the project. 
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are. a boy's beloved horse is
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sold to the salvery in world war i. jeremy irvin and emily watson sat down with kevin mccarthy. >> this is a deeply emotional film for both of u what that camera shuts off and the day is done, does that stick with you? does that emotional element stay with you or are you able to turn back into your normal selves? >> i'm so new to this. yeah, you find that, if i know i'm about to spend a whole day doing a big scene, you kind of find you are in that mind set already and yeah tsh takes a good night's sleep to shake that off, i think. >> i used to when i first started out be very, very in it and of stand stay in it and get very overwrought. then a had a family and you can't do that. you have to let it go and you
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have to go home and make macaroni and cheese. that is the way it is. i thought i was getting really god at putting down and then you realize you have to take it into account. you have to allow for the fact that you might have been maybing it up but your body has been going through an emotional experience. >> the key is macaroni and chee. >> that is what i need to do. i always feel when you get home and sure, you do long hours when you are a filming, but i think why am am so exhausted? i'm not a doctor saving lives. i guess having to get through whole days of crying taking it out of you. >> this whole idea of going out into the world and becoming an adult and realizing that the pressures you have on you as a character. i want to being you both, what was that moment for you in your
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hive where you feel like this is the moment i am not an adult. i am not responsible for myself. >> i think losing a parent, you suddenly go, okay, i'm in charge now. yeah, i think that is it, a real moment. >> maybe not. >> in a lot of ways, no, don't feel like an adult. i know i'm very old to say that but i don't. >> i don't. i'm playing make-believe for a living and playing dress-up as well. that is pretty much what acting is. >> can i ask you about your audition? >> yeah, i did a lot of scenes with just the horse. i was going on tape with the horse and doing a lot of the monologues that i have. those periods where it is just me talking to the horse. it was three weeks into filming
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before i acted with another actor. yeah, it was crazy. at no point did i ever begin to imagine that i would get this role. i wasn't even getting call backs to commercials let alone movies. as far as i was concerned, of his good learning to audition experience and then, one day, i got a call saying can you come into the office. it was my agent because we need you on tape for steven spielberg. he want to check your accent. she said don't turn it over until we press action. i turn it over and i start reading. i go joey, joey, steven spielberg wants me to play this in the feature film war horse. so a big hoax from my agent. it was a great way to find out. >> just to be the person steven spielberg wants you to be. >> great way to let him know.
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>> the movie is out now. check it out if you get a chance. sherry ly is following today's top stories for us. >> reporter: republican presidential contenders are pulling out all the stops with the iowa caucuses just days away. why some are still calling this a wide open race. over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year
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with flu complications. lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill over 50 germs on surfaces. this includes cold and flu viruses. so we recommend using lysol every day.
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let's take a look outside right now to what is happening out in the oxon hill area of
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prince george's county. traffic is pretty steady for not many people going to work. we'll check in with lauren in just a minute. >> maybe some people still going out shopping. >> i think people took an extended holiday since it was over the weekend. so that was a good move. plenty of excuse to stay inside and shop yesterday because it was raining. today, it will be windy. but we've got lots of sunshine. you might want to have a nice walk. here is a look at where we are temperature-wise now at our area airports. 4 # at dulles and 40-degree at baltimore airport. here is a look at satellite- radar composite. not much happening for us. we expect some clear skies but not the story for the west where you can see we've got some snow showers moving across the region. -- 42 at dulles and 40 degrees at baltimore airport. there is a winter weather advisory in effect for extreme western allegheny, mineral
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county, pendleton county. that end at 6:00 a.m. this morning. otherwise, we are talking winds. here is a look at the sustained wind right now. take a look at winchester. their sustained winds are at 26 miles per hour. and the gusts are now up to 29 miles per hour for winchester. gusting at 21 at dulles and 22 at martinsburg. 18 in the nation's capital. the wind will continue into the course of the day so be prepared. our high, 45 degrees. let's check in with lauren demarco for the latest on your traffic. >> if you are headed northbound up to the baltimore area, you want to be careful. we do have reports of an accident there right near 895. ve look at the b-kway at 895. dub at route 32. here, everybody is moving pretty well. that is good news as you continue further northbound. you will encounter delays because of that wreck.
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several lanes blocked. again northbound 295 at 895. 95 looks good between beltways in maryland so that is a perfect option for you. this is in trafficland. eastbound route 50 after the severn river bridge with folks headed out towards the bay bridge. this is not inbound traffic but you do want to watch out for the accident to the side of the roadway. westbound traffic looks good on 50. no problems out of annapolis through bowie in towards the beltway. you should be running at speed with your lanes open. beltway itself looks very good right now. no problems to report in maryland or in virginia. 270, 66, incident-free. 95, 395, no real problems to report for you. we to have a decent amount of volume there heading into woodbridge. you've got the main lanes to the right of the screen. hov in the center and then heading across the 14th street bridge, 395, no problems to report for you. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. expect some big traffic delays in parts of northern virginia and in the district today as several roads will be closed for the funeral and
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procession of u.s. park police sergeant michael boehm. he collapsed as he was helping with an investigation on the key bridge. the funeral presession will head to u.s. park police headquarters in the district before returning to virginia for his burial in fairfax. one of the republican candidates who did not get on the virginia primary ballot is now suing in federal court. texas governor rick perry is challenging the rules in the commonwealth. several others also failed to get the required 10,000 signatures but perry is suing over it. only ron paul and mitt romney qualified for the virginia primary set for march 6th. all the republican candidates are shifting from a race driven by debates to a real ground game in iowa. >> the gop candidates are desending on the hawkeye state make ago final push for votes that could make or break in of
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their campaigns. >> reporter: steve and sarah, republicans haven't been able to make up that you are find for months now and with no clear frontrunner in the national race, the gop candidates have decided they can't surrender iowa. it's mad dash now across the hawkeye state. mitt romney is still neck and next at the top of polls with ron paul. pull's new spotlight has put him under increased scrutiny. there are plenty of voters in iowa who haven't decide who to vote for making this race some say wide open. the gop contenders are hitting iowa's 99 counties logging miles by bus, holing rallies and stumping for votes. >> there is a huge difference between the philosophy of a supply side conservative in the reagan tradition and the philosophy of a massachusetts moderate. >> why should you settle for anything less than an authentic conservative would will fight for your views and values
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without an apology. >> reporter: political insiders say evangelical christians are key in iowa. whoever wins them should win the caucuses. the candidates all make five- minute speeches. there is a lot of debate and then the voting begins. >> thank you. encouraging news for republicans in the 2012 senate elections. democratic senator ben nelson of nebraska has announced he will not run again in 2012 and is retiring after just two terms. that leaves the door open for a possible republican takeover of the senate. nelson release a statement asking his replace ndp to look for common ground with both parties. president obama recognized him for that thanking him for working with democrats and republicans on many issues. new this morning, north creigh's state funeral, the next leader of north korea leading a procession. kim jong un was shown walking beside his father's coffin. tens of thousands of mourners stood in the snow and onlys are
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bowed their heads as they passed by. hosni mubarak back in a cairo courtroom this morning. his trial resuming after a three-month break. the former dictator facing charges related to the deaths of 840 protesters in the crackdown against a popular uprising earlier this year. he could get the death penalty if convicted. some other top stories, two garage fires in urbana monday night appear to be linked and the work of an arsonist. one happened on singleton terrace. the other just blocks away on addison woods road. no one was hurt during all of. this a number of caps practice marine flares were found in the area. investigators believe the fires may be connected to some recent neighborhood vandalism. it has happened again. another 7-eleven store in the district robbed. this time, the robbers target the 7-eleven in the 800 block of maryland avenue northeast just after midnight. police are looking for two suspects. at this point, d.c. police are not sure for it is connected to
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other recent 7-eleven robberies in the district. two were hit a week ago monday in the early-morning hours as well. a warning going out about a police fund raising scam in virginia. a form is being circulate in the mail soliciting donations for the prince george's county police department. the mailer asks resident to give their credit card information to make a donation. the department says it does not solicit donations by the mail or by phone and that any such requests should be ignored. still ahead, iraq releases three contractors including two americans. more on that after the break. plus the young boy is making a big impact on soldiers heading off and coming home from war. we'll explain, coming up. first, we'll check the markets. very light volume yesterday with the holiday week. but the dow was still pretty much flat, down maybe two and a half points. nasdaq was up 6 1/2 yesterday. the nikkei lost 17 point after china announced slowing economic growth. we are back in a minute. 
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is the a congressman from new york says iraq has released three security contractors including two americans. congressman peter king announced the releases last night. iraq held them since december 9th because they did not have the correct paperwork. they were not charged with any crime. another example of why you might want to think twice before you post on facebook.
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a mexican anti-poverty official has been fired after posting a comment suggesting that poor people smell bad. the comment appears to describe an event attended by poor people and reads, quote, truth is, this smells impressively bad, poor thing. that comment was retreated on other social media sites. he has since apologized on his facebook page. he may just be a little boy but what he does makes a huge impact. eight-year-old cody jackson heads to georgia's airport a handful of times to greet american soldiers. you can see him dressed up there and to show his appreciation to the troops either deploying or coming home from the middle east. this is why he does it. >> he will come up to you and see the soldiers and greet them and give you a piece of candy and say thank you for your service and salute you. >> they are risking their lives. they are fighting for us, our fidel castrodom and our country j cody's grandfather was in the military. he too wants to serve his
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country once he is old enough to do so. isn't that great? >> love to see it. a zoo in illinois welcomes a rare animal. the new delivery coming up. we'll run down the year's biggest shockers. kers. @ñ
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look at thai. new animal swings into illinois' prokefield disoo. a one-mcdonnell douglas white cheeked gibb bonn made its debut yesterday. -- look at this. a new animal swing into his illinois' springfield zoo. the chicago zoological society says in the past 45 years, 80% of the population has actually disappeared. that is great for them. you can kind of understand that with the giant pandas too. they are trying to work on that as well. -- a white-cheeked gibbon made its debut yesterday. we are not starting out too badly this morning. temperatures into the low 40s
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and upper 30s pretty much everywhere. the winds have started to pick up and that will be the story into the course of the day as well so be prepared for that. 44degrees right now at national airport. the same at annapolis. 40 at baltimore. we've got 42 degrees at martinsburg, 41 at winchester. 40degrees at hagerstown and 41 degrees to the south at fredericksburg. here is a look at the satellite- radar composite. we are doing fairly well. we'll see clear skies today. not quite so for the west though. here is where they're seeing a few snow showers. a combination of the cold north early wind that kicked in as well as the moisture flow from the great lakes. they are looking at 2 to 4 inches of snowfall but it is starting to gradually taper off into the course of the morning and it will be just a few flurries before it is all said and done. this is going to expire at 6:00 a.m. it is a winter weather advisory, extreme western allegheny, pendleton, mineral, all under that advisory currently. winds sustained anywhere from
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three to 26-mile per hour winds sustained at winchester. gusting up to 29 miles per hour for winchester this hour. it has picked up there. 0 at manassas. 18-mile per hour wind gives at d.c. and 21 at dulles. -- 18-mile per hour wind gusts at d.c. and 21 at dulles. we'll do very well in the sunshine department. we've got a frontal system that moved out. that ridge of high pressure that is building in but once again,ments the wind that will be the factor. your five-day forecast showing you we start to get a few clouds on thursday. we are warming up into the low 50s as we move through into the weekend and we pick up a little more cloud coverage. so far, it looks pretty nice for new year's eve. temperatures will be into the mid-30s. before a couple of weak disturbances to watch as we move through into the weekend t did you understand look like they will bring us any precipitation but they will bear watching. let's check in with lauren demarco to see how the commute
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is going. >> with the high winds and damp trees, you want to watch for branches down as you head out this morning and continuing into the day. we have an accident reported, clara barton parkway closed between cabin john and macarthur boulevard. you want to avoid that. no problems across the american legion bridge. we are see something volume today so the roads not quite as empty as yesterday but again, it should be lighter than the typical morning rush as you head out there. 66, here we are through manassas. headlights heading towards you are the inbound traffic. things looking pretty good as you continue into centerville and from route 50 fair oaks towards the beltway, no accidents reported. 95 volume picking up here making the trip from newington in toward springfield. as you continue on 395, we've got some volume here near seminary road but once you get past that up to the 14th street bridge, you are in very good
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shape. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. it has been an amazing year when it comes to scandals. >> some of these things can you laugh at. others kind of make you shudder a bit. >> reporter: 2011 of course a year of scandals raining from the silly to the sickening. there were plenty of surprises and some ugly shocks. charlie sheen claimed he was winning but he looked like hollywood's biggest loser after hurling violin vile insults at his bosses. maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger, their meteorologist sam argier terminate. kim kardashian's marriage only lasted 72 days. d.c. competing with hollywood in the sexcapades. new york congressman anthony wiener resigns after tweeting lewd picturesto
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women. former democratic presidential candidate john edwards indicted on charges he used illegal campaign donations to hide his pregnant mistress. >> i am in the going to be silenced and i'm not going away. >> reporter: and republican candidate herman cain suspending his presidential campaign after denying sexual harassment allegations and infidelity. overseas, the italian premier caught in a string of scandals including the charge he had sex with an abused underage prostitute. in new york, a hotel maid accused the head of the international monetary fund of attempted rape. prosecutors later dropped the case calling the woman not credible. >> what are you going to do to clean up this mess? nobody in the justice department has lied. >> reporter: scandals raged far beyond he said, she said. in operation fast and furious, federal agented lost track of more than a thousand guns they
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intended to trace from their illegal purchase in arizona until they reached drug cartels in mexico. but two lost guns were found back in arizona where a u.s. border patrol agent died in a shootout. attorney general eric holder calls fast and furious deeply flawed but he says he knew little build b. it while it was under way. solyndra, the solar panel maker which went bankrupt after receiving half a billion in federal aid. president obama called sole india a bad bet but says green energy needs government support to compete with cheap actual republicans call that bad policy. mistreatment of our war dead. for years, the air force was cremating partial remains and dumping ashes in a landfill with families never knowing. all part of the mismanagement at the mortuary at dover air force base in delaware. crime and punishment. hedge fund manager roger rt otnan sentenced to 11 years in
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prison, record for insider trading. >> i would just like to say one sentence. this is the most humble day of my life. >> reporter: a media giant under fire. rupert murdoch shuts his british tabloid news of the world. the paper accused of hacking the phones. school for scandal b 180 teachers and principals in atlanta accused changing answers to hike standardized test scores. investigators say more than 80 educators confessed. and prosecutors charged high schoolers in new york with paying college students to take the s.a.t.s for them. syracuse university assistant basketball coach bernie fine is fired after some men say he molested them as boys. fine says he is innocent. and jerry sandusky, the former penn state assistant football coach charged with sexually abusing a number of boys he
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says he was mentoring. >> wait for the opportunity to present our side. >> reporter: head coach joe paterno and other top officials forced out for failure to report to police. stay with fox for the latest on penn state and all the scandals in 2012. in 2012. coming up next, some popular movies get something well-deserved recognition. we are right back after this. 
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today's facebook fan of the day is jacqueline tally. she says she loves sweets. among the classic movies to be immortalized in the film registry. forrest gump, bambi and silence of the lambs has been selected. the oldest editions are two silent films from 1912. the national film registry is the world's largest archive of film, tv and sound recording. more on apple's plan to roll out the new ipad 3 in perhaps just a couple of weeks. fox 5 morning news will be right back. back.
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