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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  December 14, 2011 4:25am-5:00am EST

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it is wednesday, december 14, 2011. taking a live look from our tower cam, you can make out the national cathedral there in the background if you look. you don't even have to look really closely. it is there. looking pretty good today, this wednesday morning. good morning. i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. lets he get a quick look at our weather this morning with mr. tucker barnes. >> good morning. we have temperatures sort of typically cool for this time of euro with temperatures generally in the 30s.
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we're 40 here in the city. we have a storm system approaching from the west. today should be a dry one but you can see a lot of rain on the horizon. max hd radar, live look here and we are looking at quiet conditions here in the washington area. right along the immediate eastern seaboard, conditions again just about ideal here. see that little h down towards richmond. that is high pressure. as long as that is in the neighborhood, that will keep us dry for another day. later this afternoon, that area of respect will start to slide off the coast and allow more cloud cover and that rain to get ever closer. we'll have a lot of clouds around today. let's do temperatures. right now at reagan national, the temperature is 40 degrees. humidity, 73%. winds aren't a factor. they are out of the north at zero miles per hour. they will shift later today appear that will help pump in the warmer temperatures. today, we'll be in the low 50s.
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tomorrow, upper 50s to about 60 in some spots so should be a good one. your high temperature expected to be about 50 degrees with clouds moving in later today. back to you. >> thank you. the house of representatives has voted to approve a bill extending the social security tax cuts. while it may have been a bipartisan effort, a number of lawmakers say they object to one of its provisions. we have a report. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: lawmakers have voted to pass the republican payroll tax plan. the bill extends unemployment benefits and keeps the social security payroll tax at a lower rate. >> the senate can take up our bill, pass, it amend it, they can move their open bill but it is time for the senate to act. >> reporter: the legislation has an amendment that has nothing to do with payroll. thus, it might never see the light of day. the bill would also require an
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early construction date for the controversial keystone pipeline within two months. >> we already know this bill is dead. we need to begin real negotiations on how to prevent a thousand dollar tax hike on our citizens. >> reporter: president obama has said any bill containing pipeline provisions will be subject to a veto. the president suggests the legislation forces middle class families to pay for the measure without asking the rich to contribute. the news does not sit well with representative john boehner. >> it is disappointing that the white house has threatened to veto this bill. it is their top legislative priority. >> reporter: republicans say both sides need to come to an agreement. >> this is a bill that is not representative of a perfect formula the way we see it so it is time for the other side, the harry reid as well as the president to compromise as well. >> reporter: the payroll tax legislation is one of three major bills congress was struggling to finish before
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q104's end. a measure covering pentagon spending and means to fund most government agencies through the end of the budget year are also on the table. in new york, ainsley earhart, fox news. the national transportation safety board wants drivers to put down the cell phones and other electronic gadgets when behind the wheel. it is recommending that states ban drivers from using such devices except in emergencies. the new push is only a recommendation from the ntsb t would -- it would be up to state lawmakers and the city council to ban cell phones altogether. california representative darryl issa has sent a letter to the interior secretary pushing for the national park service to enforce the no camping rule at mcpherson
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square. in sports, yagr returned to the verizon center for the first time in four years but this time as a flyer. this one was all philadelphia. they blasted the caps 5-1. they are now 3-4 under coach dale hunter. plenty ahead, weather and traffic and all your top stories. fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts now. good wednesday morning to you, december 14, 2011. just a couple of days away from christmas. i can hardly wait. taking a look there from our tower cam and the national cathedral in the distance. i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a quick look now at our weather with tucker barnes. i thought it was my imagination, it felt warmer this morning when i went out. >> you're right. >> but i don't know. it felt significantly warmer. >> a few degrees. >> it made a difference. >> not too bad out there. we have a little more in the way of cloud cover today. in fact, a lot more in the way
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of cloud cover later this afternoon. it should be a nice day with temperatures expected to be back in the low 50s. right now, 40 in washington. that is about eight or 10 degrees warmer than we were yesterday at this hour. 33 at dulles. triking to see the entire area above freezing this morning. so that is good news. ocean city, 33 degrees. going to be a decent day today. we should be dry but we have more clouds in the forecast as we watch an area of low pressure out to our west start to move in. we'll still be dry but we'll have more cloud cover. you can see that white milky haze on the satellite picture is the cloud cover. it should be a partly to mostly cloudy afternoon with some rays of sunshine and mild temperatures. not a bad bad looking day for the middle of december. 48 your high temperature in winchester. >> it doesn't feel like christmas but we are enjoying the warmer temperatures. i'll take it.
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let's get a quick look at our traffic with julie wright. >> better news, you guys. traveling the top stretch of the beltway, that overnight roadwork at colesville road on the outer loop and the inner loop at university boulevard has cleared. so all lanes are now open. southbound 95 and 295 quiet coming in out of laurel. southbound 270 good to go leaving clarkburg headed out to the leap divide. late-clearing construction going to tie up your drive as we work through the hot lane zone. we had overnight construction tying up the portion of the eastbound freeway traveling between the exit for the third street tunnel and headed out to the 11th street brim. that's a check of your - - b ridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. the government shutdown continues with the house of representatives passing a controversial version of the payroll tax cut extension. the house approved a bill last night that would extend unemployment benefits and keep the social security payroll tax at a lower rate but it is unlike this bill will pass in
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the senate because of a requirement to build an oil pipeline between canada and texas. democrats say it is a special interest that costs taxpayers too much money but republicans say it creates the jobs americans are demanding. california representative darryl issa sent a letter to the exterior secretary saying demonstrators are ruining the park and that the no camping rule should be enforced at mcpherson square. people living and working nearby agree with issa. >> at first, i was sympathetic. but now, enough is enough. >> enough is enough? that is an eyesore. >> the garbage is strewn. they are not taking care of t
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they are not respecting the property. this is my neighborhood. >> i think a $400,000 hit is well worth the price of the voices that are dissenting but also voices that are speaking something that needs to be heard. >> demonstrators aren't roird to have a permit if the crowd remains under 500. and they are not camping by law if they're not sleeping in the tents. jerry sandusky waived his right to a hearing in court. the hearing would have included testimony from at least some of sandusky's reported victims of sexual abuse. prosecutors will share the evidence against sandusky faster and will not raise his bail. >> we would have heard a recitation of the allegations without realistically being able to cross examine the witnesses who testified as though their credibility and as all of you know, credibility is going to be the main factor in this case. >> sandusky left the courtroom yesterday telling reporters he would, quote, stay the course, fight for four quarters and wait to tell his side of the
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story. ate maryland woman has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for a deadly hit and run. she was convicted then homicide and dui in the october 2010 crash that killed keila ryan. ryan was out celebrating her 24th birthday when david sop hit her in dupont circle. -- when davidson hit her in dupont circle. one federal agency is now pushing state lawmaker across the country to ban cell phone use about by drivers entirely. stacy cohan has the details on this one. >> reporter: anyone driving through our area will find different laws in different jurisdictions. here in virginia, it is the only place you can still drive and chat on your cell phone without a hands-free device. however, if the ntsb has their way, everyone will be impacted by a dramatic new ban. it is the evening commute and look closely.
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you will see drivers texting behind the wheel, others talking on their phones. texting while driving is against the law in the district of columbia and 35 states, vicious and maryland included. but many of us still do it. >> i have a hands-fidel castro set but it stopped working like months ago. i've been meaning to replace t so times i just take to using the phone with my left hand. >> cell phone use and texting is so pervasive in our society. people are almost addicted to these devices. >> reporter: now the ntsb is recommending all 50 states and the district of columbia ban the use of cell phones entirely. >> we know that all drivers, when they're talking hand held or hands free, they are dividing their attention. it causes accidents. >> ntsb chairman says this deadly crash in missouri last euro was the last straw. investigators finding the teenaged driver of a pickup
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truck was at fault sending and receiving nearly a dozen text messages in minutes leading up to the pile-up. >> there is substantial evidence to suggest that any phone calling or texting from the car is a distraction. it is a dangerous distraction for the driver. >> reporter: dose councilmember jim graham use as a hands-free device in his car. >> this is legal in the district of columbia. >> reporter: he voted to ban the use of lend held devices behind the wheel. >> whatever you could create that much behavior change so that people have no cell phone in the car is going to be pretty changing. >> we made a recommendation today. >> reporter: ntsb chairman debbie hurzman was on fox 5 news at 5:00 and seen all acrossment country promoting her new campaign. >> there is a time and place to talk on the phone, to text, to update your facebook page but it is not when you are behind the wheel. no call, no text, no post is
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worth a human life. >> reporter: though it is just a recommendation, the ntsb is hoping that this effort will gain traction the same way drunk driving laws did back in the '80s and '90s. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. new this morning, holiday shopping taking a tragic turn. a grape add tossed into a large crowd. up next -- a grenade tossed into a large crowd. up next, details of this attack. turns to winter
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and brings in the cold. because of our economy, millions more will feel that chill than ever before. they're the forgotten ones. the big boys have abused the system to enrich only themselves, while workers are still hurting. it could be a layoff after 22 years of working for the same company. or choosing between food and heat for a sick child. or after working your whole life, you don't have what you need to stay warm. you played by the rules, but who changed them? even though oil prices are soaring to record levels, in washington, fuel aid for the poor was cut in half. citizens energy asked big oil companies and oil producing nations to help. they all said 'no,' expect for citgo and the people of venezuela. for the last 7 years, citgo has helped struggling families in the united states in good times and in bad. so if you need help staying warm this winter, give me a call. because no one should be left out in the cold.
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the search for answers as to why a man in belgium threw a grenade into a crowd of holiday shoppers and then opened fire on them. four people were killed and more than 120 people injured in the tax. police say they have found the body of a woman in the suspect's home. the suspect has spent time in jail for previous gun and drug offenses. a northwest d.c. nightclub the scene of a recent shooting
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is about to reopen. heritage india brasserie and lounge will be open next week. the police chief closed that dupont circle club last month after a man was shot to death and five others were stabbed. the alcohol bev ram control board says the lounge can't have any more live entertainment or promoters and it must chose by mid -- close by midnight every night. donald trump will no longer moderate a debate for republican presidential hopefuls. he gave up after only two people agreed to the event. republican strategists feared the debate would be more like a trump-centered circus. trump, who previously said he would not run for president, now says he wants to preserve his right to run as an independent. you could soon be paying more for a cab ride in the district but it is not all bad news. there is also something in it for you. up next, details of a proposal that has some cab drivers a
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little bit angry. >> all right. we've got milder temperatures this morning. what will the day have in store weather-wise? i'll have the details on that for you and julie wright has a look at your traffic coming up in just a minute. when a sore throat strikes, the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ welcome back to fox 5 morning news. looking it he washington
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monument on this day that is shaping up to be a beautiful december day. just a couple of days away from christmas. you are helping us decorate the fox 5 christmas tree. this lovely dove ornament was sent to us. the sender did not provide a name or an address but says an animal symbolize as a wish for peace with nature. we want to thank whoever did send it because it is beautiful. you can accepted us your ornament and when you are done decorating this tree, we'll send it to an organization that really can use this tree during this christmas season. that group, of course, here in the d.c. area. >> tree is starting to get weighed down. >> nice to see so many people taking part in this. i think it is a nice gesture. we have some warmer temperatures. i want it to be a white christmas but not complaining about the warm-up. >> we'll see when happens.
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we still have a couple of weeks until christmas. today, not i abad looking day. we'll have more cloud cover. but with highs in the 50s, we'll be a good six, eight degrees above where we should be for this time of year. lets he step -- let's step back to yesterday. 52degrees. not bad at all. 50 out at dulles. 52 at bwi marshall. a decent day yesterday. lots of sunshine yesterday. we won't see as much sun today. we'll have a lot more in the way of cloud cover. it should be a mild afternoon as the winds will be shifting out of the south and southwest. all right. we are 40s degrees right now in washington. that is a little warmer than we were 24 hours ago. 37 in leonardtown. freezing mark starting to rear its head here off to the north and west. gaithersburg, currently 32 degrees and lots of mid-30s in the mount tapes. hagerstown, martinsburg, 36. winchester, 36 at this hour. these temperatures will likely fall back and remember, our coldest part of the early- morning hours here right before
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sunrise. it will likely fall back for another hour or two but then we'll get a nice rebound. combination of a warm front and then a cold front a little further out to the west is going to come through here. the warmer air will start to move in today. even with the cloud cover expected, we should be experiencing temperatures above normal as mentioned. you can seat clouds starting to move in. it will be a mostly cloudy day. i think there will be periods of sunshine as well. the good news is the rain should hold off until tomorrow. best chance of rain will be tomorrow afternoon as high pressure will keep us dry for one more day. we'll get a little bit of rain shower activity in here thursday, thursday night and then we'll quiet things down for the weekend. this forecast, not a bad looking one for the middle of december. more clouds than sun. mild afternoon, 52 our daytime high. note us a shift out of the south. mostly cloudy, cold night. maybe a mild night. 4 # your overfight hoe. showers return tomorrow.
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best chance will be tomorrow afternoon. -- 43 your overnight low. temperature falling back into the low 50s. saturday and sunday, with sunshine, dry conditions and temperatures in the mid-40s. let's do some on-time traffic with julie wright. hopefully, it will be a smoother commute than yesterday. >> i think today is a little bit better so far. we are off to a quiet start southbound along 270. no problems to report as you work your way in from falls road. your land are open on the top stretch of the beltway traveling between colesville road, university boulevard and 270. overnight cop struck has cleared. you are not going it find any problems here. also, we checked your ride along the eastbound freeway. that is where we had some overnight closures due to construction between south capital street and the douglass bridge and 295 and the 11th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. taking a taxicab in the
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district could soon cost you more. the taxicab commission approved a proposal to raise fares and introduce credit card pavement options by next fall. that sounds like good news to cab drivers but there are some other changes that drivers say could ruin their business. wisdom martin has more. >> this city is small and not only small, most of our business is just around downtown. >> reporter: the way d.c. cab drivers do business in the city could soon change. the d.c. taxicab commission approved a proposal to increase cab fares and make some other changes to the cab ride. the base fare would remain $3 but the per mile rate would go up from $1.50 to $2.16. the wait time would increase from $15 to $25 an hour. >> it is a lose-loss situation i don't feel the proposed chains would also eliminate additional fees for additional
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passengers. cab drivers say that is a devastating blow for business. >> when he they find out it is free for four or five people. they jump in and they pay less. that is not how we make a living out here. >> it is not to the advantage of the cab drivers. the proposal is not accessible. >> good deal to the passengers but probably not the greatest deal for the cab drivers. >> i think it is good. i mean i always take a cab with like five-plus people so it would be good to take a group together instead of having to pay extra. >> reporter: the proposal eliminates fees for luggage, pets and emergency fuel surcharges. some of the drivers say they were already suffering from when the meter system went into play in 2008 and say their income went down about 30% then. they say f this proposal takes place, they will lose even more money. >> the cab drivers are already hurt and this proposal hurts the cab drivers more. >> reporter: wisdom martin, fox
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5 news. a reminder about holiday safety. up next, tips about christmas trees that could help you avoid a tragic but all too common scene. stay with us. us. hi. my name is fontaine jones. want to wish a happy holidays to my family and friends in washington, d.c. and a special happy holidays to my boo, joseph and my son hassan. thank you, mr. president. 
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a frightening reminder about how the holidays can quickly turn tragic. during this seen soap, there have been an average of 50 tree fires per week. melanie alnwick has more on what you need to know to keep
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your family safe. >> reporter: the glow of candles, holiday decorations, gifts around the tree t can be ruined in seconds. >> we continue to see injuries and deaths during this time of the year when everything should be happy and merry and bright. >> the consumer product safety commission says candle and tree fires have caused an average of 134 deaths and $378 million in property tan a year. so keep the live trees watered and heed the expiration date. >> no matter how fresh your tree is when you bring it home and how well you keep it watered, the trees really only last a maximum of four weeks. have you to plan your festivities around that. >> reporter: up spect old light strands fro from as and cracks and throw those away. >> this just isn't work it. >> if you are using incandescent lights, there is a limit. >> end to end, you shouldn't have more three light springs of the mini type lights. the ul mark on a product means someone has looked at that and tested it to make sure it meets
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the safety standards. >> reporter: in all situations and weather. beware of counterfeits. take a look at these lights seized in long beach, california. look at the cord itself. it is really thin. there is no label on it. the strands are so thin, you can pull them right apart. >> we seize lights at the port regularly that are counterfeit lights. these are not built to manufacturer's standards. >> reporter: some also have cheap wiring inside rather than actual protective fuses. there isn't much time if your house goes up in flames. a few extra minutes for safety could save your celebration and possibly your life. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. are you attending your company's holiday party this year? up next, beware of how you behave in front of your boss. we'll have some dos and don'ts to help you avoid crossing that line. stay with us.
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in sports. yagr returned to the verizon center for the first time in four years but this time as a player. philadelphia blasted the caps 5- 1. they are now 3-4 under coach dale hunt ir. the holiday season packed with celebrations from christmas parties to cookie parties and oh, yeah, that office party. but how do you have fun without crossing the line? hot 99.5's sarah frasier has some of the dossant don'ts at your office holiday party. >> they things are usually pretty crazy. >> reporter: how crazy? >> a boss at an employee actually start fighting at their party. >> they started pushing each other. it got really physical. it probably was the watercooler talk for a couple of days afterward i would imagine. >> reporter: what would be more
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embarrass, a woman whose date got out of hand in front front of her bosses and coworks are. >> he was getting belligerent. he got rangery with -- he got angry with us. we ended up escorting him out. >> two drinks, you're god for go f you can get yourself out, good to go. >> reporter: these days, you never know who is watching. facebook has changed the entire game. it is not just your coworkers who who are at the party when will see what is going on. >> pictures of what you are with, what air doing, what air wearing, all of this can end up on the internet the next day so you got to watch out. >> reporter: if that is not enough, most bars and restaurants also have security cameras rolling in public areas. >> last person at a holiday company party that you took a picture of, they didn't know it, what were they doing? >> vomiting. >> that boss,


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