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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  December 13, 2011 4:25am-5:00am EST

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good tuesday morning to you. taking alike at the washington monument. very clear skies out there. looking a little chilly but then again, it is december. what can you expect? i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a quick look at our weather with tucker barnes. >> good morning. we have cool temperatures across the area. generally 20s and low 30s. we should be in for a nice
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lookday. there is your max hd radar. not a lot to show you. we'll have another real nice day today, a few degrees warmer than yesterday. the rain you see out towards st. louis is rain. we'll start to get in here late wednesday and during the day on thursday. we'll have more showers in the forecast. we'll be fine for a couple more days. current conditions, reagan national. humidity, 83%. they are real light out of the north at zero miles per hour. sunshine, dry conditions expected and a little warmer than yesterday. we'll go with 50 your daytime high. yesterday, we were at 46. more details in just a minute. back to you. >> thank you. some of the top stories we are following this morning, a suspected gunman shot by d.c. police has died. witnesses say the man was randomly shooting a gun into the air and into apartments along clay terrace in northeast last night. officers say he refused orders to put down the gun and eventually they fired on that
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suspect. former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky heads to court today. his lawyers say the ex-coach is looking forward to the preliminary hearing eager to face his accusers. he wants to lock witnesses into testimony and learn more about the government's case. as many as 10 young men could publicly testify today for the first time. he is being accused of more than 50 counts of child sex abuse but maintains his innocence. with time running out on the payroll tax cut, the house is voting later today on a republican plan to extend it so everybody's taxes do not go up on january 1st. the measure includes a provision on moving forward on the keystone pipeline, something opposed by president obama and because of that, democrats in the senate say it does not have a chance of passing. four protesters with the occupy d.c. movements are on a hunger strike this morning. they want a meeting with the top republican in the house who oversees the district. congressman darryl issa chairs
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the oversight committee and the protesters say they will refuse all food until congress takes action to give d.c. full representation in congress. the sum of michael jackson's personal items up for grabs in l.a. julian's auction house is selling some of of the things from jackson's home. >> reporter: marriage's fans have a rare opportunity to open a piece of the pop star's legacy as several items from the house where he died hit the auction block. >> these are all the surroundings that were near the family during the laugh year. we have a long history with michael jackson. we sold his thriller jack net june for $1.8 million. we worked with michael jackson. he hired us in 2008 to clear neverland. we have a lot of interest some michael jackson in general. this is the first time we've
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sold artwork. the item from his personal bedroom will be of most interest. he would often write on the furniture. we have an armoire that name wrote on. >> reporter: one item removed at the request of the family was the headboard from the bed where jackson died. >> we had a private viewing. they came in, made posters, cards, and mrs. jackson asked that the cards be brought over to the kids after the exhibition and auction is over. we have achalkboard that the kids wrote on in the kitchen and they changed messages every day. it has the last message that the kids wrote for their father. >> reporter: adam housley, fox
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news. fox 5 news at 4:30 starts right now. wakey, wakey! december13th shaping up to a beautiful day, a beautiful cold december day. good morning. i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a quick look at our weather with tucker barnes. >> it has been mild for the last couple of weeks but this is typical of what we should be dealing with this time of year. we are in the 20s and low 30s. going to be a nice day today. lots of sunshine expected and highs in the upper 40s to about 50 so maybe a few degrees warmer than yesterday. cold at the moment. 33 in the city. look at all the 20s there. 25 in winchester. 28 in fredericksburg. 25 in baltimore so cold start to the day. these temperatures will likely fall back as we get close to sunrise.
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a nice rebound with winds shifting here occasionally out of the south. i think our temperatures will be near 50 or so later this afternoon. all the heat from yesterday escaping into the atmosphere and that is allowing the cold temperatures to move in. with lots of sunshine today, we should be warmer than yesterday. here is your forecast, warmer, 50 degrees your high. dry weather today and tomorrow. then a few changes by thursday. >> good time to get some christmas shopping done. >> always a good time. i went yesterday. i wasn't the only one at the mall. >> what mall was that, tawnders where you were the only one there? >> i said i wasn't the only one there. >> -- what mall was that, tucker barnes, where you were the only one there? >> i said i wasn't the only one
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there. >> oh. southbound 270 out of germantown, no problems to report. on both loops of the beltway, the overnight construction has cleared. no problems to report south on 270 passing old georgetown road. if you are traveling northbound i-95, we're in good shape right now leaving the prince william parkway headed for the occoquan. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a man was suspected of randomly shooting into homes. stacy cohan has the latest. >> reporter: this all started around 7:00 last night when police got a call for a man who was walking around this apartment complex firing a gun. now, witnesses tell police that a few shots would be fired and then the suspect would hide the gun walking around shooting randomly in the air, at homes. nobody that we know was hit.
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they were terrified, call police. police came out here to confront him. witnesses and neighbors said in all they heard about 30 gunshots. >> there were several calls that came in, first for main with a gun shooting at the houses. then calls came in for a person high on pcp firing a weapon. as officers entered the block, they heard the gunfire and observed the subject with the gun firing. >> reporter: police did confront the suspect. they ordered him to drop his weapon. he did not comply and that is when officers fired upon him. he was taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead. we do not have information on who he is. he has not been publicly identified or what the motive was behind this random shooting. i'm stacy cohan, back to you. >> thank you. police are still looking for the people responsible for a deadly shooting this time in reston. a man was found shot on cameron crescent drive. he later died of his wounds. three men were spotted leaving
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the scene. they have not yet determineed a motive but they believe there is no threat to the public. the killing was the ninth homicide in fairfax county this year. hundreds remembered officer derek crouse in an emotional gathering at virginia tech. family, friends and dignitaries took part in yesterday's funeral service for the slain officer killed in the line of duty last thursday when he encountered 22-year-old ross ashley. ashley shot crouse and then himself. the governor called crouse a life long public servant. he was an army veteran who served in a rack. he leaves behind a wife and five children. and now to the latest in the penn state child sex abuse case. jerry sandusky is heading to court this morning and lawyers say he is looking forward to it. as men as 10 young men could publicly testify against sandusky for the first time at today's preliminary hearing. lawyers claim the 67-year-old is eager to face his accusers. they want to lock witness into
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testimony and learn more about the government's case. ?uts is being accused of more than 50 counts of child sex abuse but he maintains his innocence. the hearing is scheduled for 8:30 this morning. the clock is ticking down to a critical house vote concerning the nation's financial future. house speaker john boehner predicts the republican plan to extend the payroll tax cut will pass later today. that is despite a provision to allow construction of a controversial oil pipeline. the bill is likely to stall in the democratically controlled senate though. both sides agree it should be extended so every worker in america does not get a tax hike next month. they just can't agree on how to pay for it. now to the war in iraq. as the conflict wind down, a number. questions surround the future of u.s. and iraqi relations. monday, president obama held talks with the iraqi prime minister to discuss what lies ahead. fox's craig boswell reports. >> reporter: after a longer than planned face for face meeting at the white house,
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president obama and iraqi prime minister nouri al-maliki held a joint press conference publicly discussing the future of the u.s.-iraq relationship. >> worth taking all of our troops out of iraq. we will not have any bases inside of iraq. >> reporter: december 31st marks the end of almost nine years of war . on sunday, u.s. troops rolled out for the last time and signed it over to the iraqi forces. >> i'm happy for the iraqi people that they are able to secure themselves. your during their appearance in washington, the two leads are say they will maintain strong ties but iraq's sovereignty must be respected.
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>> reporter: president obama also addressed threats that come from outside the country, a veiled reference for iran. >> make no mistake. our strong presence in the middle east endures. >> reporter: after their appearance, they laid a wreath at arlington national cemetery honoring nearly 4500 u.s. troops killed in iraq. president obama travels to ft. bragg, north carolina wednesday to speak with troops and their families about the sacrifices and achievements of american forces. craig boswell, fox news. a deadly helicopter crash involving in u.s. soldiers. we'll have the details up next. allegations of a heart less crime, faking a disease to collect donations. a construction work left dangling six stories in the air outside a high-rise. we're checking more headlines. stay with us. ( ( l an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles.
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just three ingredients to sweet memories. holiday ideas made easy. making headlines, two army
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helicopters crash in maid air out west. at least four soldiers are dead after that chopper crash at a base near tacoma, washington overnight a spokesman says two helicopters crashed into each other. in addition for the four killed, two other soldiers were injured in that crash. a construction work in new york city dangling six stories up in the air rescued and it happened in front of hundreds of onlookers. the man was on a window washing scaffolding on the side of a residential building when somehow he slipped and fell. the only thing that kept him from crashing to the pavement below was a safety harness. firefighters were able to use a ladder to get that man down thankfully. police in maryland hope some surveillance photos will help catch suspects in an armed robberies. these show three men using a victim's credit card at a convenience store. victim says he was walking back to his apartment sunday night when he was held up at
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gunpoint. a power outage at a wastewater treatment plant in frederick. three million gallons of raw sewage released. the spillage spilled downstream from the city's drinking water intake area so city officials say there is no danger to the water supply but as a precaution, tests are being run on the water in carroll creek and the monocacy river. say virginia woman accused of faking she had cancer in order to collect don't, a. mart anick always apparently started collecting cash back in april. investigators say they found no evidence of any cancer treatment at any medical facility. nicholas was arrested wednesday and she is now charged with two counts of obtaining money by false pretenses. gone in just seconds be a car stolen from its owner but up next, how a free iphone app and a quick-thinking mom helped track one woman's car. you are helping us decorate
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the fox 5 christmas industry. this ornament comes to us from valencia cornegay. she september it in remembrance of her brother who passed away three years ago. lovely gesture there and a beautiful ornament. stay with us. we're back after this. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? we are taking a look at the
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wilson bridge this morning. traffic moving, getting started at least this 4:44 in the morning. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. it is a pretty cold morning but things are getting better, as you said. >> yeah, later today, about 50 degrees. we'll be nice and mild for this time of year. a lot of sunshine. nothing to complain about j not at all. no complaints. >> it is cold in the morning. let's get into the numbers and we'll talk about yesterday. mid-40s yesterday. that is where b. where we should be for this time of year. and with a lot of sunshine in the afternoon, it turned out to be a nice one. reagan national, 46 your daytime high yesterday. dulles, 44. bwi marshall, 46 degrees. we are thinking 50 today so a few degrees warmer than yesterday with light winds and plenty of sunshine. we should see more sunshine than we saw yesterday when we had a pretty good cloud deck moving through. let's do temperatures.
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33 in washington. that seems tonight warm spot. i think we'll fall back. we were below freezing last hour. we're likely to fall back below freezing in the city. 31 in annapolis. look at the 20s and even now we've got teens. 18 now in frederick. clear skies, light winds. that is perfect ingredients this time of year for what we call radiational cooling and really letting the atmosphere chill down. 21 in manassas. going to be a chilly start. be ready for winter cold at the bus stop. by later this afternoon, you can shed the heavy coats as we should be some for sunshine and highs about 50. more sunshine expected as high pressure is in charge today. later tonight and tomorrow, that warm front will start to approach. that will bring us a chaps for some showers on thursday and then finding the cold front will bring us the showers late in the day on friday before we cool things down ahead for the weekend. up ahead of it, our temperatures will be well into the 50s. so nice couple of days in the forecast. 50 today, mostly sunny skies. winds out of the north and west
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at about five to 10 miles per hour. partly cloudy tonight and it will be a cold one overnight. most of the area at or below freezing. here is a -- generally a nice- looking five-day forecast. we are in the middle of december. no complaining about this. 50 today. 52 tomorrow. upper 50s with a few showers on thursday. back into the 40s, that is where we should be by saturday with sunshine. most of the next five days should be dry. that is a look at weather. let's do some on-time traffic. julie wright has got your latest. >> so far, so good out on the roads this morning. no incidents to report as you travel inbound along 66 leaving manassas headed in towards the capital beltway. a nice, easy trip as you work your way in towards fair oaks. coming across the american legion bridge on both the outer loop and inner loop, you will find yourself at speed as you travel between tyson's and 270. overnight roadwork in the hot lane zone has cleared. live stretch here suitland
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parkway coming inbound towards the douglass bridge and south capital street, all lanes open, still running at speed. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. expect to shell out more money if you ride on the dulles toll road or the dulles greenway. starting january 1st, tolls are going up on both roads. drivers will have for pay an extra 50 cents for a one-way trip from the beltway for the greenway in leesburg. the virginia state corporation commission has okayed a plan for greenway officials to raise tolls every single year between now and 2020. v-d.o.t. making several traffic immovements around the new mark center in alexandria. the chains include retiming traffic signals, installing new signs and adding some traffic lanes. traffic has been a big concern in the area. the base realignment plan is moving thousands of workers to the mark cent are. a free iphone app may have saved a woman a lot of money.
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her car and purse stolen. she got it back thanks to her cell phone and her mom's quick thinking. beth parker has more. >> reporter: just make a quick stop on the way home from work, the driver, kaitlin capping ton, left the engine running on her car and went inside. her friend was in the passenger seat keeping an eye on things but a few seconds later, he decided he wanted a snack. >> i thought he was playing a jog and he was like get the phone let's call 911. and it is not a joke. >> she was like oh, my god, where is my car. >> somebody had to happen, hanging out watching from the sidelines. >> reporter: annapolis police were out looking for the honda friday night. >> then around 1:00 in the morning, the victim's mom called and said she had done the find my iphone app for the
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phone that was left in the car. >> reporter: katelyn's mom had used the iphone app to trace her daughter's phone to bryce on street and janwell in annapolis. kaitlin says she never leaves her car running. >> i moved here from new york city and before that santa fe, it is just one of those things that you realize you just don't do that. >> reporter: but police say some people do. >> they think it will only be a couple of seconds. i'm just going to run in and do this or get that. >> reporter: we witness it in the same parking lot. >> somebody had a car taken from the partner lot over the weekend when she left it running. >> i really have to go. >> reporter: it katelyn's case, investigators are still reviewing surveillance video to try to identify a suspect. >> this is the best outcome to that could come out of it. so many things could have gone wrong. >> i'm happy to hear she got everything back. >> reporter: she got her purse, her money and her honda back.
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we talked to her today on the same iphone that led police right to the car. in annapolis, beth parker, fox 5 news. >> i have got to get that app. a group that helps others, the vic taism heart breaking crime. we have details of a break-in involving habitat for humanity. you want to hear this story. stay with us. back after this. -- a group that helps others the victim of a heart breaking crime. >> i want to say hi, mary christmas and a love you to mom, jess and cheyenne of lexington park, maryland. when a s sore throat strikes,
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the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol. now is the time to do your christmas shopping job line. this friday is this year's so- called free shipping day. this is when thousands of people allow free shipping on the last day that allows differy by christmas eve. a heart high pressure
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breaking crime targeting a group that routinely helps others. over the weekend, someone broke into the habitat for humanity restore in frederick, maryland. the store has home improvement items donated and sold to the public at a fraction of the retail price. they use that money to pay for construction of habitat for humanity homes. fox 5's wisdom martin has more. >> reporter: ron kramerer is the executive manager of the habitat for humanity restore. >> this is a blaes where we make money to do the things we do. >> reporter: sunday night, he got a call from his cousin who was driving by. he saw the garage door open. once he arrived, they realized someone had broken into the store flu a very small back window. >> shock, just total shock. i mean just unbelievable somebody would break into an organization's facility that wear out trying to help people. >> reporter: he says once the
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burglar got inside, they ransacked all the office spaces, took the cash register from the counter, took a safe that was in the back of the room and took that with him which was pretty heavy and then just opened the desk and strew things all over the floor. >> reporter: in addition to the cash register and the store safe, ron says the burglar endedded up taking between $5,000 and$10 thousands worth of expensive tools. it was a pretty big setback for the habitat restore. ron says especially when you consider this is the season of giving. >> we are definitely going to carry on the christmas spirit. that is what god brought us here to do. we are a faith high pressure based organize and we have to pick up and carry on. >> wisdom martin reporting. investigators are looking into the possibility that the person who committed this crime may also be involved in other burglaries in the community. we've heard of people
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inheriting millions of dollars but up next, we'll introduce to you one filthy rich feline. plus, better hope you don't run into anything like this during your morning commute. the story of the massive sinkhole. stay with us. that is coming up. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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some scary moment in new hampshire. a driver got caught in the massive 150-foot sinkhole in the middle of the road. she said she thought it was just a puddle of water. witnesses say they heard a loud boom and saw water shooting into the air. a water main break caused that sinkhole. a dutch architectural firm
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is apologizing for this design. some people think this plan looks like the world trade centers exploding. construct is set to begin in 2013. the statement did not say whether the firm will change the design. there is a new fat cat in the world literally. a cat in italy is rich. i mean rich inheriting some ten million euro from its late owner. it was also left a manor, two apartments and a piece of land in the south of italy. how can i adopt that cat? plenty ahead. weather, traffic, all your top stories continues right now. let's take a look from the tower cam. can you just make out the silhouette of the national cathedral there on the left of your screen. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm maureen umeh. welcome to fox 5 morning news. we'll get a check now ever your weather with mr. tony perkins sliding up


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