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tv   Fox 5 News at 11  FOX  December 11, 2011 11:00pm-11:15pm EST

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>> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. thanks for keeping it here on fox 5. i'm maureen umeh. a terrifying time in a northwest d.c. neighborhood is over tonight. nearly a dozen people including children were inside a home when a man burst in with police on his heels. tonight those people are safe. the man is in custody but questions remain. fox 5's roz plater has the latest. reporter: the standoff began about 2:00 in the afternoon when a u.s. park police officer tried to make a traffic stop near north capitol street northwest, but the driver kept going, the officer took off after him and the two cars crashed. >> after the crash the person bailed out of the car and he struggled with an officer attempting to arrest him. reporter: the driver broke free and ran into a home on galton street setting off a
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massive police response to this normally quiet fort totten community. neighbors were on edge. >> i came out on the back porch and necessity told me to come back because they had rifles -- they told me to come back because they had rifles and pistols and everything. reporter: officers determined there were about a dozen people inside the home the suspect had holed up in. unsure of what they were up against, they brought in s.w.a.t. teams and hostage negotiators. over the next couple hours they were able to get them out one by one. >> they took out like three kids in baby carriers and then there were three little kids that were out and then a lot of adults. so we're not sure what happened, but it was a lot of people. reporter: eventually they got the suspect to give himself up, but what happened on the inside of that home is still unclear. >> i don't think that anybody was in danger. i think that there was no hostage situation in that house. i think it was more of a situation where he just simply
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wasn't coming out. reporter: we're told investigators are debereaving the folks who were inside that home and that the -- debriefing the folks who were inside that home and that the suspect is in custody as they determine what charges he could face, roz plater, fox 5 news. funeral arrangements are set for the virginia tech police officer shot and killed on campus last week. the family of deriek crouse received friends at a funeral home in christiansburg, virginia earlier today. there will be service tomorrow at virginia tech's cassell coliseum from noon until 2:00. crouse leaves behind his wife tina, 16-year-old son dustin and four step sons. fired assistant state football coach joe paterno has another problem to deal with. he fell and broke his pelvis in his home yesterday. he will recover without surgery. paterno is undergoing chemo and radiation for lung cancer. republicans and democrats are going head to head over plans to extend the payroll tax
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cut, this as the gop wants to include as part of the bill the construction of a pipeline from canada to texas. fox's steve santani explains what's on the line. reporter: congress' time is run being out, but the two sides -- running out, but the two sides have very different ideas how to go forward. republicans want to tie extension of the tax cut to the keystone pipeline from canada to texas. republicans say it will be a big boost for the economy and construction needs to go forward. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell may use that pipeline as a bargaining chip. >> we have the keystone pipeline in there. it's a shovel ready project, the biggest and most important ready to go project in america, wouldn't course the government a penny, not one. three years of environmental studies have already been done. the secretary of state was ready to stein off on it.
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the president -- to sign off on. it the president pulled it to the white house and delayed it for a year. reporter: president obama threatened to veto the tax cut extension if the keystone pipeline is tied in with it and the dispute continues for how to pay for the payroll tax cut. republicans want a continued freeze on federal workers%, but the president and the democrats want to raise taxes on higher earning americans. >> this is a make or break moment for the middle class on and this point the republicans have consistently said they will refuse to increase the taxes on the wealthiest people in america one penny if that's what it takes too make sure that working families get a -- to make sure that working families get a payroll tax cut. it is a clear defining moment, a contrast between the parties that the president made clear. >> a house vote on the payroll tax could come later this week. extension of the jobless benefits also on the proposal.
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with seven months until the summer olympics in london the focus is on security. london's organizing committee has taken heat for not planning for nearly as many security officers as about a zing brought on board, but the chairman of the come teal -- bezing brought on board. >> at the same time they need to be proportionate about the level of that security. >> there was questions about letting dow chemical sponsor the games. the company has been criticized for a gas leak in india that killed 15,000 people in 1994. >> another cool day across our area. temperatures today into the low 40s pretty much everywhere. we hit 43 degrees at national airport, 42 at dulles and 43 degrees at bwi. it's a cold night tonight, temperatures dipping into the 20s.
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bundle up if you're heading out this late hour. 34 degrees now at national. we've got 25 at gaithersburg, 27 degrees at baltimore this hour. a haley 21 degrees at frederick and to the west 24 martinsburg, 27 winchester and 28 degrees at fredericksburg while manassas is at 21 degrees. ridge of high pressure in control across our area and that is keeping the clouds way. that's going to hold into the week. it's gradually moving east but very slowly. it is the dominating force in our weather pattern. we don't have any precipitation to talk about in the next few days. the later part of the week we have a system moving in from the west and that could possibly bring a few showers, but in the meantime it's a december chill. tonight we'll feel. it temperatures for overnight lows into the upper 20s in some areas to about 30, but it is still not quite as cold as it was last night. the jet stream responsible for the colder air we're feeling is well to the south of us. we'll be hanging around into the 40s as we move into
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tomorrow and a gradual warm-up into the course of the week to take us to the mid-50s, but we're not going to get much warmer. be prepared. don't be fooled by the sunshine. it's still going to be fairly cool outside. here's a look at your day planner for tomorrow, chilly and sunny, no shortage of sunshine. by 8:00 around 33 degrees and by midday we'll be about 43. it doesn't change much by 4:00, still into the low 40s. your five-day forecast showing you once again no shortage of sunshine. by the time we hit thursday we'll start to see some clouds rolling in ahead of a system. thursday night we'll get a few showers. they'll be out of the way by friday, but you can see that gradually rise in temperatures i spoke about by thursday heading to at least the mid- 50s, a far cry from the low 40s of yesterday and i want to add that saturday night we did hit the first freeze in d.c. and that actually holds fourth place as we take a look at the records that have been held for the first freeze it.
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actually doesn't count. supposed to come really in about november. so it was pretty late. >> thank you. we are taking the edge off tonight with an unusual holiday fund raiser. take a look. hundred dollars of bikini wearing -- hundreds of bikini wearing fans raced down the streets in budapest, a fewer k run for needy children. most of the participants wore much less than a bathing suit and a santa hat. you're probably wondering what was the temperature? a balmy 41 degrees. kind of like the pokes that do that polar bear plunge -- folks that do that polar bear plunge for a good cause. sports x fra is next. good night. xtra is next. good night. [ female announcer ] at,
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only at contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to the washington in a nissan dealers sports xtra. >> good evening, everybody. i'm dave feldman. it was real close today which doesn't much help when it comes right down to. it you see, the washington redskins turned the ball over today for the 27th consecutive game. that's the longest streak in the nfl and it's not a good one. their last turnover this afternoon proved to be the costliest in a game that every one thought was heading to overtime. mike shanahan heaping to end a four-game losing streak -- hope to end a four-game losing streak. redskins second possession and it's the former redskin andre
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carter bump from the blind side. patriots recover, a 7-0 lead temperature. next -- lead touchdown. next possession, grossman to donte stallworth, 501-yard game down to the 14. it's the -- 51-yard game down to the 14. it's the redskins longest pass of the season and it led to a graham gano field goal. look at roy helu, 26 yards. you know, helu had 127 carries. he's the first redskins rookie to rush for over 100 yards in three straight games. two plays later grossman fakes the handoff and finds a wide open jabar gaffney, nice touchdown, nice leap. then he disappears. the fans didn't catch him, 14- 10. first play of the 2nd quarter, redskins trail 14-10, helu to banks. banks is a left-handed quarterback, wow! santana moss 49 yards. moss takes a leap. redskins have their first lead
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of the game 17-14. 3rd quarter now tied at 20. tom grady, rob gronkowski, ryan occasion gabrielle giffords should have had, it 37 yards -- ryan occasion gabrielle giffords should have had it, 37 yards for the -- ryan should have had it 37 yards for the score. patriots march downfield for their next possession. tom brady, that's elusiveness. wes welker, 20 fewer yards for a touchdown, new -- 24 yards for a touchdown, new england back in front. six plus minutes to go, patriots leading by seven, tom brady back in the end zone, josh wilson a huge interception, steps in front of the receiver. he keeps it a one-score game. just over a minute to play, grossman rolls right, santana moss, 5 yards for the touchdown. here's your equalizer. oh oh, a flag. moss called for offensive pass
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interference. mike shanahan said i might have gone for two to win the game -- he might have gone for two to win the game. grossman to moss, goes off his hands and fixed off to ice the game. wow. redskins fall to the patriots 34-27 as new england gets its first ever win in d.c. mike shanahan and company have lost five straight at home. grossman passed for 252, his fifth straight game with at least 200 yards. donte stallworth led the team with 96 yards on four catches. jabar gaffney a team high six receptions and helu set career highs in rushing and carrying yards. the redskins outrushed the patriots but lost the game. >> we're all judged by winning and losing. we moved the ball fairly well, scored a few points. you can't turn that football over early. you give a touchdown and you've got to try total those mistakes. but still had our chances there at end.
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>> i thought our guys on offense and on defense battled for 60 minutes and gave it their best effort and or offensive line did a hell of a job. >> it's always tough when you have a game like we did today and with scoring at end and we thought we were going into overtime, but unfortunately those things happened and it's tough today. i was really looking forward to winning this game and playing well against my former team, but like i said, we didn't play well enough for 60 minutes to win the game. when we return, the redskins' version of lambeau leap needs some work, especially on the landing. the leap's okay. it's the landing part that has issues. we'll be back. 


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