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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  November 26, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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holiday shopping season. black friday. >> people have been lining up all night to be the first through the doors. our sherri ly is live at the best buy. good morning. [ no audio ] >> we will have sherri in a couple of moments. she is getting ready. we will check in with tucker barnes to see what is going on with our weather this morning. you can see them on the live show the. the showers are moving in. cooler and drier air will filter in. it feels tropical with temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. let's get started with the weather look in our hd satellite/radar. we have showers continuing to push in from the north and west. it is hit or miss, but we have widespread showers during the next couple of hours. let's show you the satellite/radar. all of this is associated with a cold front. look what is going on with the
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cold front. see the white? >> what is that? >> that is snowfall. >> no. >> that indicates cooler air moving in. our temperatures will fall and we will be in for a cold start for the next couple of mornings. right now, no problems with the cold air. 55 out at dulles. 53 in winchester. 62 in fredericksburg. 61 in ocean city. the cool air not too far away. hagerstown at 45. ahead of the front, 59 degrees. early showers. sun this afternoon. breezy and winds from the south at 20. they will be shifting west/northwest gusting to 25 during the afternoon. bring along a jacket. >> right. thank you, tucker. all right. we have an eye on the roads this morning with lauren. >> it is very busy on the secondary roads heading to the
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shopping centers animals. you -- centers and malls. you need to watch out for pedestrians. on our highways, things are looking good. here is the beltway. the american legion bridge at the right of the screen. no problems there. the inner loop heading into maryland looks great. we had an accident reported 95 northbound which has cleared out of the way. you have a new wreck on the right shoulder. 95 in virginia looks great. no problems here at 395. you will find everything wide open. that is the check of the on time traffic. thank you. now, this is the traditional kickoff to the holiday shopping season. black friday. >> you know folks have been out there all night long. they are trying to get the first big deals of the season. sherri ly has more out at best buy. >> reporter: the late shoppers
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here on black friday are just getting here to best buy. it is hard to believe i'm saying that. it is m. they have been opened here since 5:00 this morning at best buy. people are coming out. hundreds of people lined up. when the doors opened, they made the mad dash. the first in line were the serious black friday shoppers. many started camping out early. the experienced shoppers went in with a plan. some did reconnaissance days before and planning their route. people walked out with tvs and laptops and wiis and ps3s. one shopper saved about $1,500. it has been crowded all morning long, but orderly. >> this is my 4th time in five years. >> reporter: what is black friday like? the rush in the door? >> this one was very organized.
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the people were very nice. when i went to wal-mart the last time, it traumatized me. i don't want to do wal-mart again. this one was nice. >> reporter: we don't want her traumatized again. a 46" plasma tv. this guy is heading home with one of those. i asked one woman why do you do this? she said it is the buzz. there is a buzz about going out here on black friday. it has to be something. i heard you talking earlier this morning. $30 or $40. one woman said think about this, in these financial times, $30 saved on a wii system, that is a tank of gas.
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back to you. >> we head inside now. >> we have paul live at tysons corner where they have been hunting for bargains all night. coming as far away as england. >> reporter: that was amazing to find someone from england. we are not going to dodge shoppers. we are getting gift tips. i have lori here joining me to give me the tips of all of the issues. >> this is black friday. we are all out here. >> reporter: i don't know too much about women's gifts. i need to bring in an expert. >> we have fabulous fun finding today. we have incredible deals and tons of retailers and great specials. let's get started. >> reporter: okay. >> the biggest trend is to look or feel like a celebrity. we will start the morning off with blush. this is a fantastic gift item.
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these are used by celebrities. it is a great space creams and shampoos and body lotions. you can now get it for less. the ipad. the hottest gift. we are seeing it for men and women. look at the cases. that is something we are seeing this holiday season. mark jacobs. $39 at nordstrom. ipad cases as well. ipods starting at $4.58. moving along here, we have some of oprah's favorite things. she loves this coach bag. this is available at nordstrom. we have the large and medium size. we have the jimmie choo uggs. >> reporter: and what else do
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we have here? >> we have the cozy and comfortable items here. we have the bling. scarf and gloves and hats. we have fantastic shoes. we always love that. and you cannot go wrong with pottery barn. >> reporter: this is my favorite item. i could wear this. tell me about it. >> this is from eddie bauer. we have fantastic fine jewelry. you can add it to the hat. >> reporter: we will talk about more men's gifts in the next hour. guys, back to you. what do you think? >> you love that kind of hat. >> i have seen him wear that before. that was a gift idea for paul, if anyone is watching. >> reporter: i'm bringing it back for you. >> no, thank you.
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paul, thank you. let's look now at the day's top stories. north korea lashing out at planned south korea military drills warning that the maneuvers are putting south korea and north korea on the brink of war. earlier this week, the north launched the artillery drill when four people were killed on tuesday. wiki leaks plans to release more military files. a state department spokesman says the files could contain derogatory or critical comments about military leaders we consider friends. the files could e details about surveillance at u.s. compounds abroad. this man is behind bars this morning after sending police on a wild case and firing at an officer. police say trevor hinton took off after he was pulled over or
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speeding. when an officer ran after him when he crashed, he started firing. a sophisticated drug tunnel between mexico and san diego was discovered yesterday. it is a half mile long. it runs from a home in tijuana to a warehouse in san diego. this is the second major drug tunnel discovery in the area in less than a month. 7:09. 61 degrees this friday morning. >> we all know smoking kills, right? but a new study shows how dangerous the secondhand smoke is. super fruits are not just for eating. they are now being worked into products for your skin. a look at what they are and how they work when we come back.  
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61 degrees at 7:12 on this friday morning. let's look at the headline stories. a happy ending after a dog fell into a ravine. it should have been an ordinary walk, but the dog fell out of his harness. there is the dog. the neighbor climbed back down into the ravine to wait with the trapped dog. the rescue teams used a stretcher to pull the dog out of there. the woman was able to walk away as well. flames ripped through a farm house in frederick. the fire broke out at 8:00 yesterday morning on poole jones road. the farm house was recently converted into a medical clinic. investigators estimate the blaze cold $500,000 worth of damage. fire also ravaged a nevada home of heidi fleiss. she was home home at the time.
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tonight the city of alexandria is turning on the christmas lights. the public is invited to the tree lighting ceremony at 7:00 at market square. there will be entertainment and santa is expected to stop by. the event will be held rain or shine. and christmas cheer coming to the fox 5 studios. we are about to set up the fox 5 christmas tree. we would love if you would send in your ornaments to decorate the tree. send them in with your name and where you are from to 5151 wisconsin avenue northwest, washington d.c., 20016. we will feature our fox 5 friend groups in the area. you know, after it is all decorated, we give it away to a charity to spread the holiday spirit with the bling on the tree. look for the christmas tree
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next week here on the big show. >> i cannot wait. thank you. so, tucker barnes. >> it is raining here in northeast washington. the cooler air is on the march. we will get through here by late morning. you will have the temperatures fall off in the next couple of hours. let's look at the satellite/radar. let's show you the shower activity moving right through the district. points to the north and west. we have a good and steady band from columbia and clarksville and the western portions of the district. it is passing through manassass. once the showers pass to the east, the cooler air will filter in. the satellite/radar shows you the bigger picture. it is a cold front. look what is going on off to the west. some of the frozen stuff into
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western pennsylvania and western portions of west virginia. that will not get across the mountains. you see how cool the air is off to the north and west. look at the temperatures. 58 in washington. 29 in lexington. 24 degrees now in cincinnati. old man winter will pay us a visit tonight. our temperatures will plummet in the 20s and 30s. bring a jacket. it will feel brisk out there later today with good breezes from the west/northwest. here is the five-day forecast. cool. if you are going to the redskins game on sunday, jacket weather. temperatures in the mid-40s. all right. get ready. thank you. >> our lauren demarco is in keeping an eye on the roads. >> we have a light volume on the roads. we do have a couple of accidents reported at 70 east
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off on the right shoulder. then at 95, police are responding to a wreck there. a live look at 270. here we are traveling toward the beltway past falls road and everybody is running speed- limit conditions. 95 and 395 are running well. this is the mixing bowl and springfield. everyone is headed north. a nice and easy trip up to the 14th street bridge. that is the check of the fox 5 on time traffic. surprising details on the deadly effects of secondhand smoke. a study found that it kills more than 600,000 people worldwide each year. 200,000 of those who die from secondhand smoke are children under the age of 5. according to the study, europe and asia
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have the highest number of people exposed. cold and flu season is here. a lot to talk about with these super foods and super fruits that we can eat to keep us healthy. the beauty industry is jumping on board. they are putting these foods in the products we put on our skin. joining us to talk about this is lee stevenson. you can find you on your web site the >> thank you. >> this is confusing. a lot of stuff on the market. >> with beauty products, aren't we also confused? they say something new is put out there. >> they are always striving for that thing. >> we all want to look younger and diminish fine lines and wrinkles. it is confusing over the super foods. i have five of them for you. we will start here with the
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acai. >> a lot to talk about with this one. >> this is the number one super food by oprah. this ishighh in anti-oxidants. we have the acai renew scrub and this acai crushed lip and cheek stain. it is perfect for the holidays. these are all natural and affordable. >> love it. >> next is a standard. >> the cucumber on the eye. this is nice to see it is still around. >> have you heard of c-buxalin? >> i have not. >> this acts as a skin protectant and healer.
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this has the facial cleansing cream and toner. it is affordable under $15 each. this is great especially in the cool months. >> the price is right. we heardaboutt the pomegranite. >> they help us and our systems. rich in vitamin c and cell regeneration and proliferation. that is something we want to do as we get older. we have a cranberry pomegranite moisture mask. we also have a cranberry soap for the face. we can put those properties back into our skin as we age. this is a new product. this is by a brand called genesis today.
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it is the berry juice drink. something else i had not heard of. this is a naturally occurring plant extract. it has been used by french women for a long time. we say french women look so beautiful and stay in great shape. >> right. >> this something we can do so the routine doesn't stop when you walk out the door. then we will move on to the goji berry. >> you can eat these? >> yes. it is a snack like any other dried fruit. it stimulates your hormones. this is the goji berry hand wash. take care of your hands. especially this winter. the last product is the super 8 complex. mega 8 super fruit. this is a grip of all of the super fruits in there.
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you can pick those up online as well. >> that is great advice. lisa, thank you. you can find her at her web site. you are the thank you. >> thank you. all right. thank you. 7:21. school officials now have the right to search student cell phones and laptops. we will tell you where coming up. stay with us.
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welcome back. 7:25 now. a prince george's county high school student was injured in an altercation with the principal of the school and two security guards. at issue is a cell phone. the spokesperson said the principal of the high school you saw the student talking on the phone in class, which is not allowed and asked her to leave. the student refused and security was called in. the girl was restrained for her
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safety and safety of others. police are investigating. students in virginia may have their cell phones and laptops seized and searched. the attorney general issued the official ruling on wednesday. he says school officials must have a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated the law or school rules. when the attorney general issues an opinion in virginia, it is considered law unless someone challenges it in court. 61 degrees at 7:26. we will check out some of the hottest high-tech gifts out there this season. >> i love that segment. you want to take your umbrella with you today. we have rain showers this morning. tucker barnes will tell us how long they will last and we will get another check on traffic when we come back. stay with us.
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welcome back. look at this. it wasn't quite a white thanksgiving, but some residents were treated to snow flurries yesterday. >> they got what you predicted. >> i'm glad you mentioned. that tucker barnes is here. a couple of weeks ago, we asked
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a weather guys question. when do you think the first snowfall will be? tucker predicted today as the first day of flurries. close. there were some up and down the eastern seaboard yesterday. there is a wintry precipitation out to the west this morning. not here in washington d.c. >> we had sleet yesterday. >> did you pinpoint where it was located? did you say reagan national? >> tony made me say downtown washington. >> that was close. >> you get the very close award. >> he will win the award and i will have to take him out to lunch. it is all good. you have to love the snow when it falls and it is not sticking. it sets the mood for the season. let's get to it. we are dealing with balmy conditions. it will change rapidly as our cold front is marching in from the north and west. you see the rain showers across the area. it is not everywhere.
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it is hit or miss here. manassass, you can expect a shower. here in the district, we received some a few minutes ago. that is pressing to the east. there is more shower activity to the west associated with a cold front that will come rolling through here this afternoon. expect a few more showers during the morning and then we should see a gradual improvement with sunshine later this afternoon. let's get to the black friday forecast. here it is. very official looking forecast. showers out of here by noon today. we will see gradual clearing. it will be breezy around here later today. temperatures in the 50s and 60s, but we will fall into the 40s this afternoon. get ready for a cold one tonight. temperatures will really plummet. we are near freezing tomorrow morning. even here in the district. current temperatures are not too bad. here in washington, we were at
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61 degrees. as we watch the cold front move through, the temperatures are falling into the 50s to around low 50s off to the north and west. 58 in washington. we are falling. 46 in hagerstown. 48 for you in cumberland. a cold front off to the north and west. the shower activity. look what is going on in maryland. that is snow flying. not far away in the mountains. that will not get in here, but the back edge has cool temperatures. in ohio, temperatures are in the mid-20s. we will have a sunny and cool weekend. 59 is the high. we are doing that right now. temperatures will fall during the course of the day. gusting to 25. it will feel like late fall around here this weekend. saturday and sunday's highs in the mid-40s. overnight lows in the 30s. going to the redskins game on
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sunday, that is jacket weather as the temperatures top out in the mid 40s. that is the weather forecast. -- in the mid-40s. that is the weather forecast. let's go to lauren for the check on the traffic. things are looking good on the highways. we have lighter volume. we have a few accidents to report as you head east on route 50. the john hanson highway. watch for the wreck there. also on the beltway. montgomery county at the temple. we have a report of an accident. you can see lighter volume. it is not causing much in the way of delays. watch out for the slick roads. 95 and 395. it looks great in virginia. like we said, there are large crowds and parking lots are filling up around the malls and shopping centers. this is the best buy here in
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columbia mall. watch out for pedestrians. that is the check of the fox 5 on time traffic. it is the holiday shopping season. we have david gregg with what to buy for folks this holiday season. >> we are proud of ourselves. we did our homework. televisions are big on people's lists. this is about 22". it is thin. about 1.5"att its thinnest point. 1080 hp. this allows you to put in the usb drive. it allows to you pause live
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programming. it automatically controls volume. when a commercial comes on, it does not blast you out of your seat. this technology and this price point is the only i know of. >> love it. >> just about $280. mp3 players are daunting for people that are non-techy types. if you have a person that has always wanted one, this is the easiest. this is from sandisk. it is the mp3 player. it makes it easy because you take the files on your computer and drag and drop it. that is it. that is how you load it. it has a very large lcd screen on it. it has an fm tuner and microphone. it takes the little cards called slot radio cards. the card has 1,000 songs on it. this is $40 for 1,000 songs.
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>> there are so many songs. >> you can get blank ones and load them yourself and give the blank ones to someone. >> i have spent many hours putting together photo books for my parents over the holidays. you have a better way to do that. >> you just said it. people spend hours putting these books together. the easiest way to put a book together. it is affordable. kodak gallery. you drag and drop your pictures and it puts them in order as far as you took the picture and corrects the photo and you push buy. that is it. under $10 is the starting price for the book. it is easy and goof proof. >> they know that because it is something embedded in the digital photo. >> yes. it is how it puts it together. >> these are cool. these fall under the unique
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category of gifts. these are giftsthatt will add illumination to your life. this emits about 16 million color shades out of it. it comes with the remote control. it adds a cool vibe to your room. you can sync them up together. i have to say right now it is only at it should roll out further. >> that is for the person who has everything. >> and style. and a way to get a person out of bed without jarring them out of bed. the wake up light from philips increases light and intensity gradually. you can sync up an mp3 player as well. it is endorsed by the national sleep federation. they are under $100 for that. >> it looks like sunlight. >> it does. we are in a big studio with
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lots of lights. i had this in a dark room and it was wonderful. >> a nice and mellow way to wake up. >> you light up my life. >> green is my favorite color. >> david gregg has all of this online. thank you so much. >> thank you. happy holidays and happy shopping. >> love that stuff. 7:38. this weekend, the injured washington redskins take on the vikings who fired their coach this week. it should be an interesting game. coming up next, dave ross is back with his friday football forecast.
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 it will be tough. the redskins hope to be 6-5 against the vikings after the vikings fired their head coach brad childress. >> are you making the official prediction right now? >> i think the redskins will pull it out. this game more than any game this year, i don't know what to
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expect because of the circumstances. >> i will not make my official pick right now. we know where tony stands on this one. we talked to tony about clinton portis not being around this sunday or the rest of the year. who picks up the slack? >> williams. >> the rookie out of lsu. tony, surprising numbers. he leads the team in touchdowns. >> he does. >> he has 5 touchdowns. three rushing and two receiving. he has done 45 carries for 145 yards. the two also receiving 24 catches in the backfield. the guy is serviceable as a rookie. you have to take the good with the bad. you will get a heavy dose of williams. also james davis.
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a rookie they signed off the practice squad. he was as clemson. this guy can bring it. he will lower the shoulder and hit a seam. you will see him on sunday. look forjamess davis and heath williams. he has been underrated and valued this year. the ap. adrian peterson. he is a freight train. ron is not playing on sunday. guys, buckle up. this guy is a challenge to tackle. he will come at you. he is physical and fast. he is all of the things great running backs are. >> are his stats good? >> i'm glad you asked that. number one rusher in the nfc. 4.6 yards per carry. the truck can run.
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the truck has wheels. >> how is it that the vikings are 3-7? >> i have no idea. >> brett favre is having a terrible year. >> it has a ton to do with it. when you get down to the brass tacks, it is about brett favre. we will get to him in a second. i want to get to one other weapon. this kid is from virginia beach. per -- percy harvin. he can fly. what they do with this guy, tony, he is not just a wide receiver. he is a punt returner and kick returner. he is not just a go-guy. inside a handoff and he goes up the gut. they handoff the ball to him 10 times. >> wow. i did not know you had a research staff. >> they will give him some
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space. they will get him deep. you have to be careful for 12. he can flat-out go. >> a dangerous game for the redskins. >> when you look at it on paper. do we have time for brett favre? >> do we have time? >> yes. >> dump on brett favre. >> take him to town. >> he can't move anymore. he comes slowly out of the tunnel. he doesn't do anything with any giddyup. >> he is 83 years old. [ laughter ] >> qb rating? >> i have no idea. >> 69.8. here are the bears here. we did not get to it. he hasten touchdowns and 17 picks. 17 picks with all of those
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weapons. what are you doing? stop texting and get in the playbook. >> dave ross with his prediction coming up later in the show. tucker, back to you. he is a little opinionated. you don't talk about favre until after he visited. he was younger than dave the last time i checked. >> whoa! >> let's get a look at the satellite/radar. showers moving through the area. they are hit or miss in the next couple of hours. they will push off to the south and east. you know what? we will be left with a little sunshine this afternoon. be prepared here today for cooler air. it is moving in out of the west. we will have good breezes as the frontal system pushes east.
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let's do temperatures. here in washington d.c., 58 degrees. temperatures are falling. cap hatteras is 55. lexington, kentucky at 29 degrees. cincinnati not far away at 24 degrees. you get the idea. that is headed in our direction later tonight. we will be told around -- cold around here tomorrow morning. here is the five-day forecast. morning rain and afternoon sun. breezy conditions as well. 32 in town. lots of 20s outside the beltway. saturday and sunday's highs in the mid-40s. this is weather that the vikings will love by sunday afternoon. >> yeah. >> cool out there. >> picking up country wisdom? i never heard you say that. as the crow flies? >> really? >> okay. lauren demarco is here. she has both eyes on what is happening on the roads. >> as the crow flies.
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>> you are having fun. we have a couple of accidents to report northbound at route 3 at route 50 in bowie. the ramp to west 50 is blocked with a wreck. 295 at the 11th street bridge, the accident blocking the way. let's look at our cameras there. it looks good here, but you will find a slowdown on the inner loop after connecticut avenue. the accident is actually on the inner loop at the morman temple. everybody is getting by in the center lane. the other big story that we are following today is black friday. here we are at the mall in columbia, maryland. look at the parking lot. it is so full. folks have been out there for some time. we have a lot of congestion heading into the parking lot. be aware of pedestrians in the parking lots. back to you. sunday is expected to be another busy travel day in
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washington d.c. we will talk about the controversial security procedures during the lame-duck session in congress. in developing true risk-based security has been delayed and the tsa is delayed in giving timely information to the public. two high school football teams took to the field thanksgiving day. hd woodson beat dunbar 44-12 in the turkey bowl. dunbar came out strong. blue senior high school was pulled from the game after a player raid scandal. >> you have to play by the rules at the end of the day. it is sad because it hurt them. that is how the game goes.
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>> the schools ruled a player had his game changed improperly. he was forced to forfeit that game putting dunbar into the city championship. a more than 50-year thanksgiving tradition in montgomery county almost did not kickoff this year. a local alumni from several high schools started this flag football came in 1956. they have been playing the turkey bowl in meadow brook park ever since. the police showed up and said playing on the wet field is against park rules. in the end, the officials allowed them to play this year. >> isn't that the best? >> yes. >> it is fun. i'm glad they let them do it this year. they had good passing. >> you know all of those guys used to play football. >> you love seeing the kids. today may be black friday, but tomorrow is being tout as small business saturday. we have more on that coming up after 8:00. still ahead in this hour,
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more on the special ways that patients at children's hospital celebrated thanksgiving. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back.  
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lightning fast. lightning strong. verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world.
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7:54 now. by this time, the turkey is done and the potatoes are gone and what are you thankful for? >> we will show you how good we have it this year. >> reporter: as they ladle of gravy and pull out the bread, these cooks sneak in a small dose of love. this is not just any thanksgiving meal. >> anything we can do to make their time as a patient better, makes me feel good. >> reporter: for 13 years, penny adams has whipped up a feast for kids too sick to go
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home for the holidays. >> i'm getting used to it. >> reporter: the staff carefully checks and double checks each child's menu. >> unfortunately not all kids can eat. some are sick and on special diets. >> i would eat, but i can't. >> reporter: this 12-year-old jessica had a nasty asthma attack. >> my chest started to get tight. i couldn't breathe. >> reporter: the drugs she has taken kills her appetite and forced her on a liquid diet. >> i want to get out of the hospital. >> reporter: determined to give her something special, penny calls on her training as a dietician to find the one thanksgiving staple she can eat. >> she can have cranberry sauce. >> i'm okay with this. it is kind of okay. >> reporter: for other patients, if they can walk,
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they can pick out whatever they want. >> what did you have surgery for? in your tummy? >> yes. it is right here. the part you don't use. >> the appendix? >> reporter: feeling better, she decided to dig in. mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy. >> what are you thankful for? >> i'm thankful for my parents and i stayed here because they operated me. i have to stay here for two days. yesterday and today. i'm thankful for all of the nurses here because they take care of me. >> reporter: because sometimes it takes the wisdom of a child to remember what we all ought to be grateful for. back to you in the studio. >> i want to thank the staff at
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stafford hospital taking care of my grandmother this thanksgiving. feel better. we are talking about black friday, but there is also small business saturday. >> coming up, why you are being encouraged to shop smaller tomorrow. we will look ahead to cyber monday. how to get the most ahead of shopping online. we will share a different twist on what to do with the thanksgiving leftovers. think of it as the fixins on a bun. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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just days after firing artillery rounds at a south korea island, there are reports that north korea has fired again. the blast happened after north warned the peninsula is on the brink of war. we are following the latest. and they are off. people lined up to get the first black friday deal. there is another shopping event scheduled for tomorrow. what you need to know about
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national small business day. the feast is over, but what do you do with all of the leftovers? how about putting them all in a burger? we have a guest chef coming up to show us how. welcome to fox 5 morning news. i'm tony perkins. >> i'm allison seymour. >> all of that stuff in a burger? >> it is ridiculous. >> i cannot wait to hear it. >> it is like sweet potatoes. it is like a dagwood burger. tucker barnes is here with the latest on the showers. >> we have cooler weather on the way after enjoying overnight temperatures in the 50s and 60s. people overnight in line were happy. the satellite/radar showing the showers moving through. most of the area should see a scattered shower during the next few hours. notice out to the west, the white and pink, that is frozen precipitation. that will not get in here. the cooler air will start to
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arrive shortly. you will have the winds shifting and breezy to 25 miles an hour. then here comes the cooler air. temperatures will be falling throughout the day. currently 58 degrees at reagan national. 54 at dulles. 57 at bwi marshall. we have falling temperatures and clearing conditions. maybe a little san francisco sunshine with temperatures falling into the upper 40s by late this afternoon. we will be cold tonight. a good hard freeze across the area. more details coming up. >> here we go. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. here is lauren demarco with the rush hour traffic. >> things are looking very good on our roads in virginia. there are no delays on 95 or on 66. a different store any maryland. let's look at -- a different story in maryland. let's look at the beltway and georgia avenue. the accident is off on the
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shoulder. it is not causing many details delays. you have the inner loop up to the accident scene. you want to be careful. we also have a wreck reported on 29. north of university boulevard. watch for police activity there. in bowie, the ramp to west 50 is blocked. 95 and the bwi parkway is running well. that is the check of your fox 5 on time traffic. allison. staying on top of a developing story from the koreas. new tension today as north korea warns that planned south korea drills set for this weekend are putting the two countries to the brink of war. the move was bold considering the top u.s. commander toured the damage on the small island.
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the the attack on tuesday killed four. our big story is the holiday shopping. a frees i for this christmas season. >> -- a frenzy for this christmas season. >> we have sherri ly checking out the scene at best buy, but we start off with paul at tysons corner. >> reporter: it crazy. this mall opened at midnight. some of the department stores opened at 4:00 a.m. some people are sitting down. we caught a few people sleeping. others are hitting the starbucks here. the line has been out the door the entire morning. everyone getting their caffeine fix. trying to recharge.
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this year, they are saying about 138 million people may shop this weekend. the holiday season sales are up about 2.3%. joining me is lauren. the shopping expert. here now to talk about male gifts. >> yes. >> reporter: what are you seeing people buying? >> novelty cuff links are big. we have a few of those up here. everyone has a superman in their life. we have superman. we have some wall street cuff links. spiderman. these are great and fun. these are available at lord & taylor. they have great black friday discounts. grab a coupon. you know, it is all about luxury this season. how can we indulge the men? this burberry tie would look great on you. it is a good match for you.
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we have some nice items here. this is all available at nordstrom. this ipad cover. burberry and gucci ipad covers. prices are down at apple today. >> reporter: it looks like people are trying to look cool and stay warm. >> yes. it is all about trying to be chic this season. you have real good items here. nordstrom has gucci. >> reporter: great ideas to look chic as a male. we will have a look at kids gift ideas in the next hour? >> yes. >> reporter: you can go online to and it will link to your web site for ideas as well. guys, back to you. >> thank you, paul. good information there. let's check in with sherri
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ly. she is live in alexandria this morning. >> reporter: tony, things have calmed down a bit here at best buy. it is crowded. look at the parking lot. it is full. people driving around and some of them heading home. some of them getting a late start. i know it is still early. it is a late start for the folks who have been here all night long. shoppers are trying to come in to see if there are deals left. best buy opened at 5:00 this morning. target down the way here opened up at 4:00 a.m. beat them by an hour. a lot of people were out there this morning shopping there. i tell you, a lot people came out here to get those good deals. the doors opened at best buy this morning and hundreds were in line. each with their eyes on things like big-screen tvs and laptops and wiis. one man saved himself $1,500 by getting here early. down at target, the pace has
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slowed. tvs and cell phones and $3 kitchen appliances sold out fast. there are still deals to be had. some prices are so good that some people who did not plan to shop got sucked into the bargains. one woman we spoke to said she got one of the e-mail text alerts. she was on her way to work and she stopped by target. she walked out with a big screen tv. it was about a 40". she said it was too good to pass up. i talked to a guy who said he got dragged in there. he made the best of it. he is looking for bargains. there is a lot of stuff available. get on out here if you want the early deals. i'm sure they will be gone very soon. that is the latest here in alexandria. back to you. >> thank you. amazing. >> i'm getting caught up in it. i feel like i need to start. >> i have to admit it, too. 8:08.
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temperatures are in the 50s. while many are hitting to the big box stores today, there is a movement asking people to shop again tomorrow but at your local small business. we have details on that coming up. and is it a violation of students civil rights? the latest ruling from the virginia attorney general that has to do with your kids and their electronics. stay with us. we'll be right back.   
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8:12. let's look at stories making headlines this friday morning. tense moments in takoma park after a hostage situation. trevor hinton led police on a chase and fired at an officer after holding an elderly man hostage. it happened yesterday when an officer tried to stop that driver for speeding. a south carolina veteran is under arrest for threatening to kill the president.
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mick al bowden had three handguns near his bed. bowden confessed to the threats saying president barack obama is not doing enough for african- americans and he disapproves of the job president barack obama is doing. students in virginia may have their cell phones and laptops seized and searched. the attorney general issued the official ruling on wednesday, but he said officials must have a reasonable reason for violating the laws. all right. time to put a smile on your face this morning with what you like to call the cute factor of the day. >> here is tucker barnes with that and more. look at that cute face. >> time for our first photo of the day. let's get cute together. this is 7-month-old nathan, jr.
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kicking back. he is relaxing with his own dog, lucky. >> their hair matches. very cute. >> they are always the nicest dogs. they are always so sweet. >> little kids with always fascinated with the dogs. >> here comes the music. you can go to and click on mornings. nathan, have a great day with lucky. take him out for a walk in a couple hours. it will be for most of the morning here with scattered showers. there is the hd satellite/radar. you see the shower activity pushing west to east. the warm temperatures we had around here overnight are pushing east as well. expect cooler temperatures and pretty breezy conditions out there during much of the morning. let's go to temperatures. take a look. this is amazing. 56 now in washington. about an hour and a half ago, we were at 61. the temperature is now starting
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to fall. 65 at cape hatteras. lexington, kentucky, 26 degrees. cincinnati, ohio is 23 degrees. that cold air is heading in our direction. ready for much colder air ood later today. here is the five-day forecast. morning showers. a cold front is coming through. it will cool off at 59. we have done that already today. cold tonight. beautiful weekend and cool with high temperatures each day in the 40s. the next chance for good rain is on tuesday. let's look at the traffic. light volume on the highways because everybody is shopping taking advantage of black friday. expect volume heading into the parking lots of the malls and shopping centers. are careful in the shop -- be careful in the shopping centers. ways. not much of a problem as you
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head around the beltway in virginia and prince george's county. in montgomery county, we had a wreck on georgia avenue. that is off on the right shoulder. 270 in at germantown to the beltway is okay. that is the check of the fox 5 on time traffic. thank you, lauren. you can give your feet a rest after black friday by doing the rest of your holiday buying online on cyber monday. we have the best deals and prices online. >> are there really good deals to be had online on monday? can we wait until monday? >> it is still early in the game. what we are seeing now is pent up demand. people have been window
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shopping. when you were out and about, you saw something for yourself. people now are getting down to business. you also have deadlines approaching. the 14th is the biggest online shopping day of the year. between now and then, you really do need to make a list and nail some things down. >> let's talk strategy with cyber monday. what are things to keep in mind? >> one, comparison shop. make a list. if there is a particular item, use a site at aol where you can compare prices and look around. there are thingsyouu can download things for you. it is a trade off which is time. if you see it, you hop over to a different site.
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that single move can save you 35% on average per item. comparison shop. coupon codes for years. they are widely available on grab the coupon before you check out. you need it for gift wrapping or free shipping. >> i just have to ask, do retailers hate or love this thing? do they love the invisible hand? >> that is interesting. it has made it more competitive. one of the things that retailers realize is the model. if you have the lowest price on certain hot items, you are getting business from other people. it has made it a lot more competitive. you need to be in the search engines to be counted. it is tricky at the targets of the world where the merchandise is made specifically for that store. by definition, there is no comparison. >> you say shop early and often when you do the cyber monday
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thing. >> shop early. the sites change overnight when there is less traffic. get in the game early. we are also seeing flash sales. those are a certain number of an item for a specific amount of time and it is gone. sometimes those are fantastic deals. >> there are a bunch of those. >> yes. >> there is something new in washington d.c. you may have heard of groupon and one called that has deep discounts if you want to buy a wow shirt to do something socially. that is a neat gift idea. >> the x-factor would be shipping. how do we get around the shipping thing? >> it is great. amazon is really knocking it out of the park. they have more distribution centers now. they have the prime shipping
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program. for $70, it is almost all you can shop. it almost pays for itself quickly. consider that. it changes the way you shop. you use amazon which has so many stores. i would have a strategy. usually that means trying to find one site where you buy more items. you hit a threshold where the free shipping kicks in. this year, i'm a big fan of using the cash back sites. why not earn cash back while you are shopping. you can do that with the bank of america card which is popular in this area. on shortcut, they will keep track of the cash back and send you a check in the mail. you get a check. cold, hard cash when the billing come. >> you have to -- when the bills come. >> you have to know people. thank you for all of that good advice. happy shopping. >> good information. >> she is the best. let's see, 8:20 on this friday morning. it has been a thanksgiving
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tradition for more than 50 years. a flag football game involving alumni from several area schools. this year, it was almost a bust. why the annual event was nearly called off. s
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8:23 now. two high school football teams took to the field on thanksgiving day. hd wilson beat dunbar. dunbar came out strong considering they did not know they were playing until 24 hours before kickoff. belue senior high school was forfeited because of a player. >> it is sad to see it because they earned it. that is how the game goes. >> the player had changed or had his grade changed improvely before the win over dunbar. they were forced to forfeit and put dunbar into the citywide championship. a more than 50-year thanksgiving tradition in montgomery county almost did not kickoff this year. local an -- local alumni started this game back in 1956. they have been playing the
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turkey bowl in meadow brook park ever since. this year's game was in jeopardy after the police showed up and said playing on the wet field was against park rules. in the end, they decided to let them play this year. this way special -- this was a special year because grandfathers passed the tradition down to their kids. >> i play football my son. he is 7. when he catches the ball and runs, i cannot catch him. >> he is not watching, i don't think. you are not giving him any advantage? >> no. he is fast or i'm slow. >> he is fast. it is 8:25 on this friday morning. black friday shopping is in full swing this morning. >> you may want to hold up on the gifts until tomorrow. we will tell you about national small business day. that is next. 8:25.
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stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ fresh butter taste ♪ yes that's here ♪ no hydrogenated oils, ♪ so there's no trans fats here, ♪ ♪ whoa... ♪ turn the tub around, ♪ talking about nutrition. [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" has 70% less saturated fat than butter and no hydrogenated oils, so there's no trans fat. "i can't believe it's not butter," butter taste, better health.
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8:28 now. north korea lashing out at planned south korea military drills. they are warning that it is putting the two countries on the brink of war. four people were killed in artillery fire on tuesday. there are reports that the north has fired more rounds at the south korea island this morning. wiki leaks plans to release more sensitive military files that could test our ties with allies. the files could contain derogatory or critical comments over leaders that we consider friends. they could expose details about surveillance at compounds abroad. the congress member wants to talk about the new tsa
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security procedures during the lame-duck session. she is not surprised the tsa has failed to stay ahead of the technology and develop true risk-based security. they failed to produce timely information to the public. all right. it is 82:00 right now. a lot of -- 8:29 right now. a lot of people out of town. more people coming back in. >> if you are headed out of town, it will be nice and sunny. the roads will be dry. we are not expecting any wintry precipitation. it is wet out there right now. bring along an umbrella. we have more showers on the horizon. just off to the west out to leesburg and fredericksburg. we have another good band of rain showers developing. it will not be with us all day. for the next couple of hours,
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hit-or-miss showers. it presses east and southeast along with rain showers. cooler air is on the march. let me show you the cold front on the satellite/radar. there it is off to the north and to the west. right now, the main event with the rain showers here in the washington area will be out of here by late morning. look at what is going on in western maryland. snow falling to the west in the mountains. that will not get in here, but it indicates colder air not far away. the colder air will get in here with the gradual cooldown this afternoon. we already hit our high temperature. 61 degrees at 5:00 a.m. we will be in the 40s this afternoon with pretty breezy conditions. there is the bigger picture. you see the cold front. temperatures in ohio in the mid- 20s. that will get in here later tonight. the coldest air of the season is set to arrive this weekend. we are 56 degrees. 61 in fredericksburg. 46 in hagerstown.
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cumberland at 45 degrees. much colder off to the north and west. the 40s will be in here later today. the arrow points down. the afternoon sun is breezy. the winds west at 10-20. here is the weekend forecast. the cold temperatures. 32 degrees in downtown washington d.c. saturday and sunday look fine. lots of sunshine, but cold for the weekend. if you are going to the redskins game, you need a jacket. temperatures in the 40s. let's do some traffic with lauren demarco. good morning. we have an accident in virginia at old fort road. let's look at the traffic. as you head across springfield to the mixing bowl, everything is running smoothly. no problems continuing on 395 up to the 14th street bridge.
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on the beltway, watch your step in prince george's county. we have a ladder that fell off a vehicle. it is blocking the second lane from the right. the lighter volume is out there. be careful on the beltway in prince george's county. in montgomery county, an accident reported on the inner loop at 270. no major delays because of the amount of cars on the roadway. that is the check of traffic. back to you. thank you. many shoppers are hitting the big stores today. there is another event that is piquiing iing -- piquing interest. it is small business sales. we have danielle doug list with the latest. -- douglas with the latest. this is the first time this has
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been done. why is american express doing this? >> american express small business group business for the holidays. it is more difficult to offer the discounts the big box stores can't. they tent to -- they tend to suffer more. they want to get about $100 of free advertising on facebook. it will allow for participating businesses and customers and charge $25 on the american express card and it will be credited to american express. >> consumers get something out of it as well. what small businesses qualify? you have to be an american express card member or associated business? >> you have to be an american
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express card holder and have an account with the company from that perspective. also folks who are participating. >> one of the driving points behind this is the fact that as some politicians have said and pointed out, small businesses in a very real way can drive the economy and hopefully the economic recovery? >> certainly. most jobs are derived from small businesses. we have seen a lot of activity in congress trying to help foster further growth in that area. >> from the consumer point of view, you want to do this tomorrow. tomorrow is the day. if you charge the first $25 on
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the qualifying businesses, you get a $25 credit. you don't get a $25 credit for every $25? >> no. just the first $25. >> it is a good credit. >> yes. >> american express has their facebook page involved in this events. >> as i mentioned -- in this event. >> they are offering $100 for free advertising. you can click through to the facebook face -- facebook page to get to the web site. >> american express is donating money for everyone who says they like them. >> a facebook fan. >> yes. they will benefit $1 for each person that likes them to girls incorporated up to $1 million. that is a win-win as well. >> certainly. >> this takes place tomorrow. for more information, where do you go? >> go to
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you can go to their facebook page and like them. >> very good. sounds like a great idea. small business saturday. it takes place tomorrow. danielle douglas, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> allison, back to you. thank you. 58 degrees right now. it is just about 8:37 on this friday morning. finding a job in the current environment can be a challenge. we know that. there is one group getting help this morning. how a program and the house of representatives is helping disabled vets find a job. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread
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when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at
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for veterans, finding a job and transitioning into civilian life is tough. the unemployment rate for veterans is high. the congressional program called the wounded warrior program is changing that. it gives disabled vets and wounded warriors a chance to work in a congressional environment and make contacts for future employment. many of them appreciate the opportunity since the road to finding a job is not an easy one. >> for about an year and a half it was frustrating.
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i felt like i had the skill sets that were not transferable. >> there are 50 fellowships. fellows work in congressional offices around the nation. and our job of the day is at the graduate school here in washington d.c. it is looking for a horticulture instructor and evening and weekend instructor. click on for more information. the cowboys game was a good one yesterday. >> what can we expect after last week's big win for the redskins? we have dave ross with the latest coming up.  
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we are checking out the sun trust weekend events. we begin with the festival of trees at the maryland state fairgrounds in timonium.
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it is a holiday fair with ginger bread towns. hours are 10:00 to 9:00 today and tomorrow. 10:00 to 6:00 on sunday. $10 for adults and $5 for kids. attention harry potter fans. there will be a wizard school hunt at the national gallery of art. it is tomorrow from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. it is for ages 10 and up. tickets are $17.50. you need to register in advance. now to something that is free. an arts and crafts market that throws in variety while you shop. it is called art carnage 316. it is tomorrow from 8:00 p.m. to midnight at the foundry in vienna, virginia. this is the 11th annual ginger bread house and show in
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upper marlboro, maryland. >> i would move into that house. >> it is from 12:00 to 5:00 today and tomorrow. it will cost $1 do get in. >> great stuff. -- $1 to get in. >> great stuff. no holiday for the redskins after the close win. the burgandy and gold takes on the vikings. we have dave ross with the latest. >> the harry potter thing that she was just reading. it said for ages 10 and up. shouldn't there be a cut off at 17? >> there should be. you don't want to see a 40-year- old. >> you know who may be there this week is brad childress. he has time on his hands. tony, i was curious. there have been three coaches and quarterbacks who have not
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gotten along. favre and ziggy wolf. he did not get along with the hand picked guy. they brought him back out to minnesota. you saw this way too often. the point being is the quickest way to get fired in the nfl is be at odds with your star quarterback. we have seen it in tennessee with vince young now and jeff fisher. jeff looks like he will win that one. the other other place -- the only other place we have seen it is donovan mcnabb and mike shanahan. we know that mike shanahan will win out on that one. we know that will be patched up. it did not get patched up in minnesota. that is why he is out. the guy they brought in is leslie frazier. he is younger and a defensive- minded coach. he came over under dungy dungy --
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tony dungy when he was in indianapolis. that is instant respect. he will get every opportunity to get to job. when you get this job, it is a chance of a lifetime. you better believe the vikings will be more prepared this sunday to fedexfield. a week ago, this was a layup. now it looks like it will be as tough as you can imagine. as we talked about last hour, they have numerous weapons. >> if you don't follow the game, you hear they changed their coach. they are in disarray. no. with a dallas team that could do nothing, a coach change and they win two games and almost won yesterday. >> the key is that the cowboys in the last three games have fought. that is what we expect to see out of the vikings with leslie frazier. they looked apathetic.
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they don't want to be there. the number one guy who doesn't want to be there is brett favre. if you don't believe me, take a listen and a look at the body language, tony. this is this week. >> we can turn this around. i have no idea. the playoffs have not been mentioned. the washington redskins are who we are focusing on. we have to win a game. we just need to win a game. >> first of all, tony, i don't think his throat is that sore. i think that was dramatic effect. it seems everything he has done is drawn out. like they have a cattle prod up there. you are playing football. you are getting paid a ton of money to do what you love to do for so many years. whatever you have to do -- if you don't want to be there, you can retire. >> $1 million a game. >> it is interesting to see the
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way it has gone for favre this year and the vikings as a whole. nfc title game laugh years and this years -- last year and this year, 3-7. the blame falls on his shoulders. that is why we have been critical of donovan mcnabb in past weeks. the quarterback gets more credit when he should and more of the blame when he shouldn't. >> we will come back in the next hour. we will have the pick coming up then. >> yes. we have mark buekre from the burger joint. he is telling us how we can extend thanksgiving to the day after thanksgiving with the thanksgiving burger. let's do it one more day. >> we will deep fry everything today. potatoes and stuffing and pumpkin pie. >> and gravy. >> and cranberries? >> let's top it off with a fried doughnut and chocolate
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syrup. we will make turkey burgers. have you had enough? >> not at all. >> that sounds like we have that every friday. >> it is like a healthy alternative to a big burger. it is turkey and it is leftover from thanksgiving. >> with the fixings all in it. just when you think you had enough, instead of doing thanksgiving again, let's do a turkey burger. one pound of ground turkey. easy. the trick is turkey. have you ever had a dry turkey? >> sure. >> turkey is dry. it has no fat in it. the secret is adding fat. >> you can buy this at the restaurant. you are generous on the day after thanksgiving. >> yes. >> this is our secret. you have to add fat to make it juicy. wee add bleu cheese.
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you have great flavors. one is thyme. it smells like thanksgiving turkey. i'll put some thyme leaves in. thyme and rosemary and sage are all of the secret herbs of thanksgiving. we do this year round at the burger joint. some people get nervous about thyme. they are really take the stem and pull backwards. >> you are still talking about the herb. >> yes. rosemary. the stem and put your finger on it and go backwards. easy. >> it looks easy. >> what do we have in? >> bleu cheese and thyme and rosemary. >> we have to go in. we are going in. >> all right. >> we are going in with our hands. >> okay. >> the only way to do it. we are going in. mixing it up.
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groovy. so far, so good. >> you don't put the dash of pepper or garlic? >> this is it. you could put salt and pepper on it. it is up to you. this is it. you make it into a patty. easy. don't eat it like that. that would not be good. hopefully you cooked your turkeys to 180 degrees. you don't want to eat turkey. you want to refrigerate them for an hour and get them cold again. we will pretend through the magic of television. put it in the hot pan. don't touch it. that is the trick of making good burgers. leave it alone. a lot of people fuss it and touch it. >> when do we know to flip it?
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>> you will see. it will start getting white up the sides to halfway and we flip it. flip it once. if it is overcooked on one side or burnt, it makes it taste better. don't sweat it. >> where does all this stuff come in? >> that goes on the burger. >> the fixings. >> forget about ketchup and mayo. >> these are the fixings. the burgers come off and we do the fixings on it. >> you like the brioche bun? >> correct. >> through the magic of television, we will flip it. >> that is nice. >> we are flipping it out. now, burger is cooking. we have the leftover stuffing from the day before. >> okay. >> we have the leftover sweet
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potatoes and cranberry sauce and graph i. >> love it. >> through the magic of television. we take the burger and put it on the bun. pretend it is fully cooked. what do we put on first? >> one of these numbers. >> let's do some stuffing. >> i did not know there was going to be a quiz. >> look at that. >> let's do the sweet potatoes. >> both? look at you. >> a little. no. a lot. what next? >> gravy or cranberry sauce? >> a little. just a hint of sweet. beautiful. >> you could put the graph -- gravy on top. that is thanksgiving on a bun. >> mark, can we go crazy and pour the gravy on top? you don't have to do it now. in your home. you may need a fork and knife.
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>> and some cholesterol medication. >> it is the holidays. >> you may as well do it. we can take it all and deep fry it. >> mark is with the burger joint. this burger is on sale. this is the month of november. >> it ends the month of november. we always have the turkey burger. come and get it. >> thank you, mark. >> the burger comes with a free doctor's appointment. we have an ask allison follow-up coming up. stay with us. we'll be right back. anan
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coming up now, here is a look at the stories we are following. black friday is here.