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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  November 25, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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you want to know how i do it? four generations of inbreeding? oh... (grunting) (helicopter blades whirring) (grunting) (shoes squeaking) i can smell fresh air. (birds chirping) i can hear birds. i taste freedom! excuse me! watch out! coming through! (yelling) (loud thud) (beeping) (groans quietly) i was tricked by an idiot! hey, i know how you feel. i was beat in tic-tac-toe by a chicken. good-bye. (stammers) homer do good? actually, you doomed us all. again. nice knowing you, homer. but i... oh.
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(crying): oh... i can't do anything right. (grunts) (rapid beeps) (steady beeping resumes) get out of here! (people jeering, homer crying) i've spent my entire life doing nothing but collecting comic books, and now there's only time to say... life well spent! okay, boys, when you meet jesus, be sure to call him mr. christ. will buddha be there, too? no! (door creaks) hey, flanders. bart! how good to see ya. and how terrible you're here. thanks. l-listen... i was just wondering if... before i died, i could pretend i had a father who... cared for me.
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come here, son. there's always room for one more in the flanders clan. (quiet hissing) (beep) come on, bomb- disarming robot. you're our last hope. red wire. blue wire. black is usually the ground. (groans): uh, so much pressure. (metal rattling) pressure! (gunshot) he'd been talking about it, but i-i didn't take him seriously. ♪ marge! marge! marge! (smack, thud) oh, no, the epipha-tree! hey, i tried my best. what am i supposed to do? (wind rushes) but how am i supposed to get up there? (heavenly music plays) oh... here, buy yourself something nice.
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homer? what the hell are you doing now? homer: risking my life to save people i hate for reasons i don't quite understand. got to go. first one stop. (beep) (tires squealing) bart? son? do you think you could find it in your heart to give your foolish old man one more chance? (mumbling): oh, i don't know... it seems to me, son, that your father's saying that he wants to spend his last minute with you. no! i can't do it. i want a father who's the same in the morning as he is at night-- oh... what's that word? both: consistency. thanks, losers. sorry, homer. i'll let you hold the bomb. (beeping) the man knows me.
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(laughing) i wish homer was my father. and i wish you didn't have the devil's curly hair. (crying) i've been taking your crap all my life! (grunting) whew! this feels good. no wonder you do it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all ans. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all ans. ♪ lost in love and i don't know much... ♪ the target 2 day sale starts tomorrow at 4am. get there, first. [ male announcer ] there are billions of people in the world. ♪ but only one dad.
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♪ show him how much you care with gillette fusion proglide. ♪ [ male announcer ] there are billions of people in the world. ♪ but only one dad. ♪ show him how much you care with gillette fusion proglide. ♪ show him how much you care with gillette fusion proglide. coach: "watch fifteen!" carmelo drives right, pass to anthony, they've been calling his number all night& yes!! now a two point lead with seven seconds remaining "we need a bucket baby, we need a bucket" it all comes down to this ball in the air ...melo catches... ties it again!!
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a fifth overtime! "we're seeing it all tonight, chris!" "here we go again" we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet?
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i wonder what it could be?! ♪ bung, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ♪ ♪ bing, ding, ding, bing, bing, bing, bing... ♪ ♪ bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah... ♪ savvy shoppers aren't even waiting for black friday braving the lines for deep discounts early. we're live. but will the weather hold follow the busiest shopping day of the year? of the year? the fox 5 storm cast is
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(engine roaring) okay, bart, you've only got one shot to throw that bomb through the hole. dad, in case i miss, i'm sorry i said i wish you weren't my father. i don't blame you, son-- i wasn't much of a father. maybe it starts with the way my dad raised me. yes, it's clear to me. it's just been one long, unbroken cycle of... somebody throw the bomb! (engine revs) (gasps) (screaming) (continues screaming) d'oh! (wild cheering) (thumping) (anxious stammering)
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(relieved sighs) (loud explosion) (high-pitched whoosh) we did it, boy! uh, dad? (cracking, homer yelps) (cracking continues) (both yelling) go! ♪ (both screaming) (screaming continues) (distant screaming) (screaming loudly) (screaming continues) (homer continues screaming) whoo-hoo-hoo! (grunts) whoo-hoo! whoo-hoo! (explosion, shattering)
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(excited chatter) magnificent! it's amazing no one was hurt! (loud thud) bye, everybody. (dying groan) (wind whistling) now, that was a great father-son activity. hello, homer. so, we meet at last, whoever you are. there's a couple of things they don't teach you at harvard business school. one is how to cope with defeat, the other is how to handle a shotgun. i'm going to do both right now. wait! if you kill my dad, you'll never know where the treasure is buried. what treasure? uh... the treasure of ima wiener. ima wiener? (both laughing) classic. well, always leave 'em laughing. (chuckles) good-bye, sir. (thump) maggie! what a great little accident you turned out to be.
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(sucking) colin? colin! lisa... colin's dead. (gasps) but his last words were, (irish accent): "milhouse, take care of lisa. hold her hand." uh... i got her all warmed up for ya. colin! whoo! hi. hey, you want to go... clean up the lake! well, i was gonna say, get some ice cream, but okay. (laughs): oh! i-i like ice cream. kind of sweaty. sorry. (loud cheering) (gasps): boy, you survived! how?
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i love you, too. (cheering, whistling) ♪ best kiss of my life. best kiss of your life so far. ♪ (electric saw whirring) homer: steady... steady... steady... uh, dad? thanks, boy. steady...
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(grunts) whoo-hoo! waah...! (bart laughing) (loud thud) (rock version of the simpsons theme playing) ♪ ♪ smithers: they've taken everything, sir. smithers, i don't believe in suicide, but... if you'd like to try it, it might cheer me up to watch.
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♪ (people shouting rhythmically to music) (people singing with the simpsons theme) (song ends) this is tom hanks saying, if you see me in person, please, leave me be. ♪ do, do, do, do, do, do... ♪ spi... der... pig... ♪ do, do... ♪ ah, ah... ♪ spi... der... pig ♪ spider pig ♪ spider pig, spider pig ♪ does whatever a spider pig does ♪
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♪ can he swing from a web ♪ oh, no ♪ no, he can't ♪ he's a pig ♪ look out! ♪ he is a spider pig ♪ do, do, do, do, do, do... ♪ look out! ♪ he is a spider pig ♪ do, do, do, do, do, do... (song fades out) ♪ ♪ come on, dad, let's go. i've been holding it since they put the dome over the town. you can wait-- a lot of people worked really hard on this film,
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and all they ask is for you to memorize their names. well, i want to make sure no animals were harmed during the filming of this movie. lisa: phew! homer: okay. (crunch) ooh, floor popcorn! (chomping, crunching) wait, wait, wait-- it looks like maggie has something to say. oh, my god, her first word! sequel?
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this is fox 5 news at 10:00. forget about black friday. the holiday season has already begun and shoppers are taking advantage of the deep discounts on thanksgiving night. good evening. i'm wisdom martin. >> and i'm maureen umeh. happy thanksgiving to you, wisdom. >> happy thanksgiving. >> some stores are already open. the ceo of toys r us said the company decided to open at 10:00 tonight because reaction was so positive to the store's midnight opening last year. >> fox 5's roz plater is live in fairfax where some shoppers are taking advantage of the early opening. >> reporter: boy, are they
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taking advantage of. it you know, the doors opened right at 10:00 and there are hundreds of people waiting to get in. there is still line here and that line is growing. we know that more than 500 already have gotten into the store. they're doing it in u.s. troops of 50 for a little bit of crowd -- doing it in groups of 50 for a little bit of crowd control. word obviously spread quickly that toys r us was going to open at 10:00 tonight. folks showed up about four hours early braving the cold standing in these lines. they're hoping to find a bargain or just to find a hard to find item and most of those shoppers told us they came armed with a plan of attack. toys r us, the latest retailer to get a jump on black friday opening its doors at 10 p.m. on thanksgiving day. the lines were long way ahead of that some shoppers arriving as much as four hours early and what may be a good sign for retailers only a handful of them told us they are waiting in this long line hoping to save money. so you have a list or you're
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just going to wing it? >> i drew a map. i came to the store yesterday and i scoped it out. so i drew a map and i briefed everyone. so now we all have a plan and are ready to go. otherwise we're just going off the ad. >> this is my first time doing this. i have no idea what i'm getting myself into. >> reporter: why would you do it? >> just for the experience. looks pretty neat, save some money, get some stuff for the kid. >> reporter: what are you trying to find at toys r us? >> the gaming tower for the wii, guitar hero and the wii bowling ball and if my kids see this, they'll know what santa's bringing them. >> reporter: you mean santa's helper. >> santa's helper, that's right. >> i think it's wonderful. this puts you in the christmas spirit. this is the thing to do. >> reporter: you're not really trying to save money, though? >> no. >> reporter: what? >> no. i'm trying to spend and help the economy and i do all that that i can. i support my country. >> reporter: good for you.
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well, that's our nonscientific economic indicator. folks don't seem worried about spending money or not wanting to spend money. the doors opened at 10:00 tonight and five after 10:00 people were already wheeling out full baskets of items they bought, so probably a good sign for these retailers. >> are you going to stand in line and give it a whirl there? >> >> reporter: no, not at toys r us. >> simple answer but so effective, roz plater, thank you for that. >> continuing on with our shopping theme, are you ready for the super bowl of shopping? diehards mapped out their moves, but our expert gina lewis says there's one more thing you need to figure out. >> this year it's how you purchase. it figure out how you're going to pay. are you going to use a discover card where you earn cash bank? do you have a bank of america card with a new reward system of 1% cash back and you see it on your next statement or a
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site called and they keep a tally of the cash back you're earning and three months later you get a check back in the mail. >> more deep discounts will begin in a few hours. wal-mart opens at 12:01. the electronic special begins at 5 a.m. and ends at 11:00. doors open at 4 a.m. at target and sears. bargains at best buy begin at 5 a.m., but you need a ticket to enter. they'll get passed out around 3:00 in the morning and the sale at k-mart kicks off at 6:00 in the morning. the madness continues at shopping malls, tysons corner, leesburg corner premium outlet, arundel mills and potomac mills are all open at midnight. westfields and annapolis hills is at 5 a.m. and montgomery opens at 6 a.m. >> it was pretty chilly out there or just call it cold and if you plan to wait in a line, you may want to bundle up. >> gary mcgrady is in the weather center with a look at your black friday forecast. >> believe it or not, i think
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i've been here for seven black fridays or something like that. i don't think i can say for what i'm about to say for any of those black fridays before. for a change temperatures are actually going to be going up overnight tonight. so those folks that started off in line this afternoon when temperatures were in the upper 40s, by tomorrow morning, 5:00, 6:00, temperatures could be in the upper 50s, believe it or not, across the area and again it looks like temperatures are coming up. here's why. you can look at the radar and see all the rain, but the temperatures are warming up and the rain will start coming across. i guess that kind of equals each other out. here is your black friday forecast officially. it is basically we're calling this the shopping cast, too. i think that the showers will arrive for everybody by 4:00 in the morning and be with us until about noon tomorrow. it's going to be breezy in the afternoon, drier, too, and temperatures will start going the other direction and falling into the 40s late tomorrow afternoon and it will be a bit
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brisk by tomorrow evening. more on the complete forecast coming up. if you're not going to brave black friday, maybe saturday, sunday we'll have that forecast coming up as well. >> i'll take it from here. thanks. see you in a bit. while most of you were at home with friends and family members enjoying thanksgiving fixings, there were some people in the air scrambling to get back home to their loved ones. tonight i caught up with a couple trying to make a love connection at national airport. john alexander and his 2-year- old daughter michaele were patiently waiting for his wife and other daughter. they were scheduled to arrive at national from lima peru around 5:00. >> it's been 2 1/2 weeks and we really missed her. >> reporter: the couple has been married for 3 1/2 years. >> since we've been married this is the first time that she went away. >> i miss him a lot. >> reporter: but while john was waiting upstairs marie had
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already gone through and was at baggage claim. >> i said he's late. >> reporter: finally after about 20 minutes john rushed downstairs and was reunited with his wife and newborn. >> i was hoping you were going to take the bags. >> i totally blew it. i tried to come with a surprise and i -- >> reporter: what did you think about the surprise, though? >> i loved. it. >> reporter: it was only because you were talking to us. >> i blame these guys. they were holding me up and telling me about this bit that was going to be on tonight. so i was excited i was going to be on tv and i blew it. i made turkey and your favorite sweet potatoes. >> reporter: after the couple finishes with their thanksgiving feast they plan to hit the road again. at midnight they're going to toys r us. >> going to get some toys. >> it's christmas shopping time. >> only for the kids, not my husband. i'm not buying him anything because he was late. >> that's okay.
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>> i love that. >> you see how he laughed that off. f that ever happened to you -- if that ever happened to you, would you be mad at your boyfriend? >> as long as he picked me up sometime. >> but he wasn't on time. >> because you held him up. ruin a marriage. >> i apologize. a happy thanksgiving today after a dog fell into a ravine. it should have been an ordinary walk but the dog broke free of its harness and fell. the owner walked back up the trail and asked a neighbor to call police and climbed all the way back down to wait with the trapped animal. rescue teams used the stretcher to pull out the dog. the woman was able to walk away, too. flames ripped through a historic farmhouse in frederick today around 8:00 this morning on pool jones road. the farmhouse was recently converted to a medical clinic but closed earlier this year because the pediatrician's medical license was suspended. investigators estimate the
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blaze cost a half million dollars worth -- caused a half million dollars worth of damage. thanksgiving morning interrupted with gunshots, an officer running after a suspect winds up caught in the line of fire taking place in takoma park. the suspect is facing attempted murder charges tonight. fox 5's roby chavez has the story. >> reporter: it all unfolded in this elementary school parking lot at 11:00 in the morning. under normal circumstances it would have been filled with young children. luckily it was a holiday. tonight the suspect is in custody and a hostage is thankful for his life. on a quiet thanksgiving morning this car was driving erratically at high rates of speed. within seconds takoma park police cornered it and chased it into the school parking lot where the suspect hit a pole. >> the vehicle was endangering pedestrians, almost struck two pedestrians. the officer attempted a traffic stop. the vehicle wouldn't comply. a pursuit ensued.
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>> reporter: after hitting the pole the driver abandoned the car and took off running on foot down the hill with officers in pursuit. at the bottom of that hill the suspect then ran into this parking lot in the thayer terrace apartment complex and started firing at police. these pictures show at least three bullet holes and a wooden retaining wall. police returned fire. >> the suspect produced a gun. there was an exchange of gunfire. no one was struck. no one was injured. >> reporter: it didn't stop there. the suspect ran into this narrow passageway. the suspect found himself cornered blocked in by the walls of the building and the fence at his back. police say the suspect then grabbed an elderly man and briefly held him hostage. >> an adult male resident just happened to be coming out. he was grabbed by the suspect and held as a shield as a hostage. the officer gave verbal commands to release the hostage. the suspect complied. >> reporter: the suspect was taken into custody.
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montgomery county police say in addition to the weapon, they also found what's believed to be drugs. in takoma park, roby chavez, fox 5 news. it's more than just a thanksgiving meal. >> turkey and sweet potatoes and clear liquid, see what the folks at children's national do to try to make this a special thanksgiving day. think you served an army this thanksgiving? well, try again. we'll show you how the u.s. army does it coming up. here's to the believers.
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the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world.
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we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t.
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what's thanksgiving without a big parade in new york city? this year's event featured all the favorites plus performances from kanye west and jessica simpson. the show was a holiday delight for children of all age as. by this time the turkey is done, the potatoes are gone, so at the end of the day what are you thankful for? fox 5's tisha thompson takes you on a thanksgiving journey to an unlikely place to remember how good we've got it this year. >> reporter: as they ladle the gravy and pull out the bread,
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these cooks admit they also sneak in a small dose of love because this isn't just any thanksgiving meal. >> anything that we can do to make their time as a hospital patient better makes me feel good. >> reporter: for 13 years penny adams has whipped up a feast for kids too sick to go home for the holidays. >> don't get used to it. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the staff carefully check and double check each child's menu. >> unfortunately not all kids can eat. some are sick and are special diets. >> i would eat, but i can't. >> reporter: 12-year-old jessica birch had a nasty asthma attack. >> my chest started to get tight. couldn't breathe. >> reporter: the drug she's taking have killed her appetite and forced her onto a liquid diet. >> i just want to get out of the hospital. i want to feel better.
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>> reporter: determined to get her something special, penny called on her training as a dietician to find the one thing thanksgiving staple jessica can eat. >> she can have cranberry sauce because she's on clear liquids. at least it's a little bit of thanksgiving. >> i'm okay with this. is kind of okay. >> reporter: for other patient -- it's kind of okay. >> reporter: for other patients, if they can walk, they can pick out whatever they want. do you mind telling me what you had surgery for? was it in your tummy? >> yeah. it was for the -- you know right here, the part where you don't use? >> reporter: the appendix? feeling much better 7-year-old yays minimum decided to dig in, mashed potato -- yasmin decided to dig in, mashed potatoes, stuffing and turkey. what are you thankful for today? >> i'm thankful for my friends. actually is that i stayed here because they have to operate me. so then i have to stay in for
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two days. so i'll pretty much say what i'm thankful for, all the nurses here because they take care of me. >> reporter: because sometimes it takes the wisdom of a child to remember what we all ought to be grateful for. at children's national hospital tisha thompson, fox 5 news. president obama expressing his thanks for many things today including the men and women in our military. he personally called 10 members of the armed services stationed in iraq and afghanistan to wish them and their families a happy thanksgiving. the white house says mr. obama thanked two each from the army, air force, coastguard, marine corps and navy. if you think you had an army to feed this thanksgiving, some people in ft. meade maryland might give you a run for your money, just a bit anyway. when it comes to feeding hungry troops, dinner for 500 is no small task. >> reporter: they say an army lives on its stomachs, but when
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the granddaddy of eating days roms around, the u.s. army is on -- rolls around, the u.s. army is on a mission. >> happy thanksgiving. >> have a nice day. >> reporter: that white gloved well dressed server manning the carving station is michael wallace, the command sergeant major of the u.s. army's ft. meade. >> i've been in the service for over 31 years and i remember coming in seeing my leadership serving me and i think it's only right that we continue the tradition. >> reporter: in fact, the entire senior leadership of the fort puts on their dress uniforms to serve thanksgiving dinner to soldiers who are away from home. >> it's my first thanksgiving in the army. >> reporter: and away from loved ones. >> my wife lives in alaska and i live here in maryland, so i'll be spending thanksgiving alone. >> reporter: the mission here is simple. serve 500 meals to 500 soldiers with military precision with a few laughs thrown in along the way. as you can probably figure, serving several hundred soldiers on thanksgiving is not
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like any trip you've ever taken to the grocery store. michael hayes is the man in charge of buying all of this food and it is no small bill. >> we have 237 pounds of turkey, 160 pounds of ham, 106 pounds of pork, roast pig, 10029 pounds of steam shrimped. >> reporter: -- 129 pounds of steamed shrimp. >> reporter: how's it taste? reviews are thumbs up, but still no match for mom. >> it was nice. the spread they had, it was really nice, really good food. it's not compared to my mom's. i'm not saying that, but it was really good. >> i'd rather be at home eating mom's cooking or she could have mailed me something to eat. i'd have no problem with that. >> reporter: for a few hours at least a few slices of pie provide a small slice of home away from home. tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. tensions rising on the korean peninsula. the u.s. and south korea prepared to take action in the
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midst of more tough talks from the north. 
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more tough talk from north korea as the country threatens more attacks on the south. meantime the u.s. and south korea plan to continue joint military exercises in response. fox news white house correspondent wendell gohler has more on the rising tensions. >> reporter: the white house is trying to keep things on the korean peninsula from spiraling out of control as north korea ramps up its rhetoric warning of attacks. president obama has yet to speak publicly regarding the artillery exchange but has refuse cancel plans in naval exercises in the sea. >> i think what's got the north a little cautious right now is the fact that this thing is playing out at a much higher level than perhaps they
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thought. i think north realizes that they may have sort of pushed too far. >> this would be no contest. it really turned into a full blown shooting war, north korea would be crushed, but there's more to war than a military victory. there would be lots of other negative consequences. >> reporter: which is why many experts say china is the key. beijing has a major interest in not wanting this to escalate into something more serious because it could mean millions of refugees flowing across the shared border with north korea taking a toll on the regional economy. >> and by the way, if north korea were to collapse, you'll see u.s. and south korean troops moving north into north korea to secure that nuclear material and china doesn't want that to happen. china doesn't want u.s. troops near its border. so all these countries have an interest in avoiding a war. >> reporter: walsh says the danger is not a deliberate war, but what he calls an accidental war which is precisely what the u.s. is trying to avoid.
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wikileaks planned to release more sensitive military trials could test our ties with foreign allies. the files could contain derogatory comments about foreign leaders we consider friends and also expose details about surveillance in u.s. diplomatic compounds abroad. students stormed the leaning tower of pizza and rome's coliseum in -- piza and roam's coliseum in protest call are for budget cuts and changes in working conditions for university professors expected researchers designed to save millions of dollars and would make funding merit bases. the students say their schools have suffered another with past cuts. two high school teens take to the field on thanksgiving day. >> reporter: the battle at the turkey bowl, beleau is out over a player trade scandal, dunbar is in, but can the underdog take out the defending champ,
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h.d. woodson? d.c. schools have been criticized for years, but on this thanksgiving day a shining example of how things are turning around. i'm matt ackland, that story coming up from southeast. as
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you're watching fox 5 news at 10:00. the 21st annual d.c. turkey bowl went on today, but here's the thing. no one knew who would play the defending champs h.d. woodson until less than 24 hours before the game. beleau senior high was pulled from the game over a player grade scandal replaced by dunbar. the decision came down so late there wasn't enough time to change the programs. fox 5's sherri ly has the story. >> dunbar! >> dunbar! >> reporter: dunbar senior high school football team stepped onto the field in the 41st annual turkey bowl and played like they belonged. >> dunbar, it's a big fight
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here. look around. we're here, but still a last minute decision. >> reporter: giving defending champ h.d. woodson all they could handle. >> i'm not surprised at all. >> reporter: dunbar didn't get to the championship game the usual way. d.c. schools ruled a beleau high school player was ineligible after having his grades changed improperly before beleau's semifinal win over dunbar. beleau was forced to forfeit that game putting dunbar into the championship. >> due to some illegal things we were able to make it. in. >> reporter: now that you're in, you guys are playing pretty tough, aren't you? >> yes. it's a real good game, 14-12. hopefully we can be successful. >> reporter: the h.d. woodson warriors scored first. but the crimson tide kept it close trailing by just two at the half. if anyone felt sorry for beleau's ouster, the fans didn't show. it.
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>> they worked real hard to get here, but you got to obey the rules by the end of the day and it's a sad decision, but that's how the game goes. >> reporter: wayne ward has been coming to the turkey bowl as long as he can remember. he's rooting for h.d. woodson but knew dunbar wouldn't just roll over regardless of how they got here. >> nobody said these games will be easy. you don't say because we beat them it's going to be easy and so forth like that, no. you prepare for every game to win. it. >> reporter: the 2nd half a different story. the warriors came out firing. >> it's never been our 1st half. we come out in the 2nd half. >> reporter: the warriors pulled it out 44-12 setting out the crimson tide in the 2nd half to win the turkey bowl. >> the best of the best meets and clash and show their best skills and the coaching skills and so forth like that. that's basically why it's so big. >> reporter: by the end the beleau controversy didn't seem to matter. all that mattered were the two teams on the field. sherri ly, fox 5 news.
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more than 50 years of aditi almost did not kick off today. local alumni from several montgomery county high schools started this flag football game in 1956 and have been playing the turkey bowl at candy cane city and meadowbrook park ever since, but today's game was in jeopardy. >> the police showed up this morning and they were not letting anyone play. you can see over there they've brought in three police wagons and just out of nowhere after 40 years of playing here. >> officers told players they're playing on the wet field against park rules but decided to allow the group to play this year. it was a special year for the players, though, as grandfathers pass down the tradition to the next generation. . votes are in for a fox 5 high school game of the week. this week's winner with more than 43% of the vote is broad run at briarwood. fox 5 will be there live as the spartans take on the falcons tomorrow. remember you can now effect
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text in your vote or vote -- text in your vote or vote online at standard messaging rates may apply. for years the d.c. schools have been the subject of criticism. this thanksgiving we have proof from one family that d.c. educators are not only helping provide a better future for students, but also helping struggling families get by. fox 5's matt ackland has more from southeast. >> reporter: in one of d.c.'s most underprivileged neighborhoods where some parents have to work two and three jobs, to the brooks family their most important job is making sure their five kids get a good education. >> my science teacher is miss gessler. >> reporter: 6th grader terrance brooks is the only straight a student at johnson middle school. along with his excellent report card, his test scores are high
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as well. >> i do my work, pay attention to the teachers, came home, did what i was supposed to do and that's how i got straight as. >> reporter: his parents say they encourage him to do well in school every day, but a lot of the credit has to go to the teachers and staff here at johnson middle school. to reward the students for doing well, last week they held a big dinner here at the school and those kids on the honor roll took home a surprise. >> some white cake. >> reporter: that big surprise was a basketful of food for thanksgiving dinner. for a struggling family of seven, this gift from the school was welcomed with open arms. >> we barely be making it sometimes. >> reporter: terrance's mom michelle had to work this thanksgiving holiday, but she's not upset at all. she says her family has been blessed in so many ways recently. >> god just is always been looking out for us just like, you know, this holiday. so much has happened. terrance came home with a good
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report card, good grades. they asked us to come to dinner and then they tell us they got this big thanksgiving basket for us. >> reporter: so what's the secret? so far all of the brooks children have excelled in school. >> you have to always stay involved in their tale life and be involved in their activities -- daily life and be involved in their activities and everything and just tell them that they can achieve anything. >> i sit at the table with them. i have little contests with them with their homework, see who comes up with the right answers and so it forces them to challenge themselves. >> reporter: it is clear to see how close this family really is. when we asked terrance about his future, the well-being of his family was his first thought. >> i'll probably get a good paying job and then with my money help my parents out. >> reporter: in washington matt ackland, fox 5 news. tom delay is still proclaiming innocence, but should lawmakers be worried if his conviction is upheld? we'll examine what this guilty verdict means going forward.
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[ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls.  this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.
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a jury found him guilty of money laundering, but former house leader tom delay still says his innocent. delay is accused of using his political action committees to funnel corporate donations to republicans seeking office in texas. he's looking at five to 99 years in prison or conviction. if the conviction stands a former aide said republicans and democrats everywhere should be very concerned about money transfers. >> it didn't seem on the face of it to be nefarious in nature. it seemed to be the way business is done and if the state of texas is saying no, that's not the way business is done in washington, some people may have a problem. >> prosecutors say they have not discussed whether to seek a prison term or probation for
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delay. sentencing is set for december 20th. republicans and democrats come together in the spirit of thanksgiving. president obama is hoping the new congress can. >> that's why next week i've invited the leadership of both parties to the white house for a real and honest discussion because i believe if we stop talking at one another and start talking with one another, we can get a lot done. >> the president delivered that message in his weekly address. he also thanked americans for the privilege of being president and told troops he is honored to be their commander in chief. a south carolina veteran under arrest for threatening to kill the president. michael boden reportedly made the threat several times. he allegedly had three semiautomatic handguns and a rifle near his bed. federal agents say boden confessed to the threat saying mr. obama isn't doing enough for african americans and that boden disapproved of the job he's doing in general. a veterans affairs nurse said boden told her he was suicidal. the news edge at 11:00


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