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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  September 29, 2010 4:25am-5:00am EDT

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good wednesday morning. a beautiful look at our nation's capital this morning. thank you for joining us early. i'm gurvir dhindsa. let's go straight over to tucker to found out about our weather today. we got a bit of a reprieve from the rain but i guess it's coming back. >> coming back with a vengeance tonight. lets eight get to it, show you the satellite-radar.
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our fetch continues to be out of the south. increasingly cloudy out there. i think we might see a few peeks of sunshine to start the day. the rain showers which are across the carolinas will start to move in later this afternoon and particularly touring the nighttime hours and then we'll be in for a real soaker around here as we get the combination of an area of low pressure and the remnants of a tropical system moving through the area on thursday and we've got a flash flood watch because of that. temperatures right now are cool. a lot more comfortable than they were yesterday at this hour. lots of others out there. 55 at dulles international. 54 in frederick. # 7 for you to start your morning in ocean city. our highs later today will be in the low to mid-70s. increasingly cloudy. -- 57 for to you tart your
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morning in ocean city. >> i was at the church but i heard the gunshots. >> what do you make of what happened today? >> senseless and something needs to be done about the violence in this city. >> this resulted from a taunting at a funeral. we have this kind of serious consequence as a result. >> u street was shut down for seven hours while police investigated the shooting. it affected neighbors and businesses in that area. wisdom martin has more. >> reporter: it was a crime that happened in the middle of the day on u street, a shooting
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in one of the busiest areas in d.c. i am really shocked about it. you know, this area has calmed down a lot and i'm really surprised to hear about something happening like right here. >> reporter: just moments after shots were fired outsideed a funeral, chaos and confusion. when it was over, several cars were smashed up and an suv was flipped over in the middle of u street. a large section of the heavily populated area was shut down for nearly seven hours during the investigation. no traffic meant almost no business for the normally booming ben's chili bowl. >> most of the time, we are always busy and the line is outside the door in the alley. today, after the incident happened, we were dead like from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. there were only 10 customers. >> it is always shocking when we have a shooting like this in broad daylight, a lot of people around, middle of the day. it is very unnerving. >> reporter: unnerving because
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the gunfire and smashed cars could have injured any of the hundreds of people walking on u street at that time of the day. u street resident thomas smith. >> when you look at the fact that it was a funeral, it lets you know that we are not putting the value on life that we should. >> reporter: as police continue their search for suspects, a community searches for answers. >> it makes me more sad than angry. you know the way the situation in the community has been. it has gotten better. this is just another step backward, shows we have some more work to do. >> reporter: wisdom martin, fox 5 news. d.c.'s mayor-elect vincent gray is making good on a campaign promise. he scheduled eight town hall meetings, one in each city ward. the first will be on october 5th in ward five. former president jimmy carter is in a cleveland, ohio hospital this morning after he became ill on board a plane. mr.cartestomach. doctors recommend that he stay at the hospital overnight as a
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precaution. the 85-year-old carter is on a tour promoting his new book. stay with us. we have much more still ahead. your weather and traffic and top stories as fox 5 morning news at 4:30 begins now. there is a live look at our nation's capital on this wednesday morning, september 29, 2010. a little cool out there this morning. you might even say a little bit nippy in light of the temperature that we had this time yesterday morning. at least we get a bit of a break from the rain. not for long. >> no, be back later on this afternoon and tonight. >> with a vengeance apparently. >> yeah. right now, it is nice and comfortable out there. >> it is a little nippy, isn't it in. >> yeah, it feels good. we'll be looking at cloud cover moving in during the next several hours. let's go to max 2 and can you
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see the cloud cover moving in from the south and the southeast and the rain showers not too far way. increasing chance for rain around here. i think most of it will hold off until this afternoon. the main event arrives later tonight and during the daytime hours tomorrow. we've got a flash flood watch. you know how that is this time of year. with the combination of an area of low pressure and a tropical system approaching the area, flash flood watch goes into effect. total rain accumulation, two to five inches. we'll have a lot of rain moving through the washington area by morning. your evening commute tonight, just some satterred rain showers. this big rain event doesn't get in here until tomorrow morning's commute. >> thank you.
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let's get a look at the roads with julie. >> good morning. no accidents to report traveling to and from the wilson bridge. inner loop of the beltway where the lanes divide, they are checking for a stalled car on the inner loop in the direction of the wilson bridge. if you are traveling south on 270, nice, easy ride. no trouble spots to report through rockville. i noticed they had already picked up the roadwork. no problems reported # 95 coming across the 14th street bridge headed across the potomac to the freeway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. -- no problems reported # 95 coming across the 14th street bridge. there has been a fire at an apartment building in northwest where residents have been rescued and where we believe as many as eight people have been injured. this is happening right now in the 3100 block of 16th street. we have reports of a child and
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an adult being burned. and also people sheltering in place on the eighth floor. our other big story, the search is on for more suspects following a drive-by shooting at a funeral in the district which left one man dead and two others injured. the gunfire eresulted in the middle of popular u street t may have been an act of gang retaliation. sarah simmons has more. >> reporter: mourners gathered ads four to 12 gunshots rang out in the busy u street corridor. friends of after ton mccray gathered for her funeral. some were known to be a gang members. witnesses describe a drive-by shooting after the two sides clashed. >> we was walking down to try to get into our car and realized that our car had been shot up. >> reporter: when the gunfire stopped, cars were left crashed and three people injured. 21-year-old jamal coats was
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killed. he was in the suv which flipped. mourners could not believe it. >> it was of church when i heard the gunshots. >> what do you make of what happened today? >> senseless. something needs to be done about the violence here in the city. >> reporter: late tuesday, three people were taken away in handcuffs and questioned by investigators. they also towed away this car. now, detectives will try to determine if they know more about the shooting. >> this resulted from a taunting. this was a taunting at a funeral. and we have this kind of serious consequences as a result. >> that was sarah simmons reporting. >> a large section of heavily populated u street was shut down for nearly seven hours while police investigated. no traffic meant no business for the normally booming ben's chili bowl. the johns hopkins doctor who was shot last week by a patient's son is back home.
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dr.david cone was released from the months monday night. police say a other-year-old man shot the doctor and then killed his mother and himself. more details about a silver spring hit and run that left a young woman fighting for her life. somebody hit the woman saturday night. she is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. police have released these photos of the type of vehicle they are looking for. authorities believe it is a 94 to 98 tb. mc jimmy chevy pickup, blaze are or oldsmobile bravada. there will likely be cracks in the wine shield. president carter hospitalized. we have explosive pictures of the former president that you will only see on fox. it is cell phone video of mr. carter greeting passengers on that flight from atlanta to cleveland, ohio. he developed an upset stomach and was rushed to the hospital as soon as that plane landed.
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the 85-year-old former president is expected to be okay. vincent gray is making good on a campaign promise. he scheduled eight town hall meetings being one in each city ward. gray will host the two-hour meetings alongside each of the area's council members and anc representatives. the first town hall will take place october 5th in ward five. we've posted information on the other meetings on under web links. there is a new poll in the race for governor of maryland which shows martin o'malley with a significant lead over former governor bob ehrlich. the "washington post" poll gives democrat o'malley 52% to ehrlich's 41%. the poll is a huge jump for o'malley from the dead heat both candidates were in just a month ago. president obama is getting volunteer in maryland politics with more backing for governor o'malley. >> the governor has made the tough decisions to put education, safety and job
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creation first. so stand with me, barack obama, in moving maryland forward with my friend, martin o'malley. >> that radio ad started airing in baltimore yesterday. it will hit d.c. air waves next week. o'malley is hoping to once again get that to help him beat former republican governor ehrlich. race is a rematch of the 2006 election. president obama is working his way across the country. the four-state stump has the president talking jobs, the economy and education. during a backyard chat with voters in albuquerque, president obama criticized republicans saying the republican values extending tax cuts to the wealthy at the cost of education. the president made a stop in wisconsin. today, he will hold two more backyard vies knits iowa and virginia. heavy rain trigger as a massive landslide. homes buried in mud and many people still missing. coming up next, we'll get new details on the situation some mexico. ate - -
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a tense situation at the eiffel tower in paris. details of what is being called a credible terrorist plot.  i love my curves. but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie, mmm, it threw a curve at my curves. so i threw it right back... with yoplait light --
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strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie. 30 indulgent delicious flavors that satisfy my love for tasty treats. around 100 calories. zero fat. now i love my curves in all the right places. yoplait. it is so good.
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nearly a dozen people are missing in two southland slides in southern mexico. those landslides are a result of days of heavy rain which caused a hillside to collapse on hundreds of unsuspecting residents. al-qaeda plan ago attacks in europe but apparently the organization was stopped by intelligence officials in britain and france. the terror plot is raising security fears at the eiffel tower which was briefly evacuated again last night following a bomb threat. this is the second alert at the eiffel tower in the last couple of weeks. police say the gunman who opened fire at the university of texas was a student at the school. police say 19-year-old colton tulle used an ak-47 to fire shots on campus before running into a library and shooting himself. nobody else was hurt. witnesses say he was wearing a
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dark suit and a ski mask. he fired shots in several directs but didn't seem to be aiming for anybody or anything in particular. a judge delayed an execution in california of albert greenwood which was supposed to happen tomorrow night. california's supply of drug used in lethal injects is running low and one key ingredient expires on friday. after that, no executions can take place until next year when new shipments come in. the government is getting out of aig. after bailing out the insurance corporation to the tune of more than $130 billion, american international group is now in talks to pay back its debt to taxpayers. time now is 4:41. imagine a train ride from
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washington to new york that takes only about 90 minutes. coming up next, that is just one of the plans that amtrak has for the future. we'll run that down for you. metro is on board with a graphic new effort to keep people from texting and driving. we have temperatures ais are the region in the 50s and low 1r0. i'll have all the details on a rather rainy and wet forecast. not so much today but wait until you see the forecast for tonight. julie wright will have a look at your on-time traffic coming up after the break. we have temperatures in the region in the 50s and low 60s. [ male announcer ] have something you love doing?
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welcome back. we want to go back for the breaking news out of northwest washington. there is a fire that broke out at an eight-story apartment building on 1th street. sarah simmons tells us seven people have been injured including one person in critical condition. it appears some trash was set on fire or caught fire in a fifth floor stairwell. residents on floors above the fire were told to shelter in place. sarah simmons will join us live during the 5:00 hour. it is cool out there this morning. certainly cooler than it was yesterday at this time. >> yeah, it feels good. >> it does to me too. >> it does. temperatures in the 50s and low 60s to start the day. today will be one of those days of transition. tomorrow-- >> hunker down, right? >> we have to prepare for this one. it will be a soaking rain and
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potentially dap -- dangerous rain as we get into tomorrow. lots of 50s on the map. places like manassas, you are 54 degrees. gaithersburg, 54. frederick, 54. got a trend here. a little warmer in d.c. at 63. leonardtown, 61. temperatures a good 10 degrees cooler than they were yesterday at this hour. got some clouds moving in today. it will be increasing cloudy. i think most of the rain will hold off until late in the day. p here is your radar. you get the idea that the rain showers are still well off to the south an east. we do have cloud cover across central sections of virginia. your morning commute will be just fine. as we get into the nighttime hours, that is with the soaking rain gets here. look what we've got going here off to our south and east, this train of rain. we have agot a tropical depression now crossing cuba. that will get picked up by an
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area of low pressure across the carolina and all that moisture unfortunately going to be thrown in the washington area. the rain will pick up intensity tonight and during the daytime hours tomorrow. we'll have a lot of rain, potentially, two, three, four, maybe five inches of rain in some places. we have a flash flood watch not today. this goes into effect later tonight and tomorrow. we're concerned we'll have some intense bands of rain as this system slowly pushes off to the north and east. good news is it will be oust here by friday and right now the weekend looks great. it will be cool but at least it will be nice and dry. 7 # today. increasing clouds. chaps for late-day rain. -- 73 today. the worst of of the rain will hold off until the nighttime hours and particularly during the day tomorrow. overnight low, 65 degrees. rain heavy at times overnight. as we get into the daytime
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hours tomorrow, forget about it. heavy rain, could be thunderstorms too. the good news is it gets out of here by friday. friday being we sunny by late morning. saturday an sunday, kind of fall-like. highs in the 60s by sunday and monday. more details on the forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. >> not locking see bad right now. overnight roadwork already cleared off the beltway at 66. that is good news for you. you will find as you are traveling the top side of the beltway, lane are open between college park and bethesda. southbound 270 leaving germantown from father hurly boulevard trying to get past mva. all of your lanes are open. no incidents to report on southbound 95. also in virginia, 66 looking good no problems reported 50 to 123. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a faster trip just one of the many promises that amtrak is making to passengers. amtrak unveiled a plan that is
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so far reaching that it is even expected to make air travel less congested. the 0-year vision calls if a new set of track from boston to d.c. there would be hubs in new york, philly, baltimore and the district. the trip would be much shorter with trains rocketing at 220 miles per hour. new york to washington, 95 minutes instead of two hours and 42 minutes. through the projected increase in ridership would mean fewer people flying between the cities amtrak sevens. the catch is that the project is expected to cost $117 billion not a peppy is funded yet. texting or talking while driving has been blamed for countless accidents i'm new study shows that cell phone bans might not help. researchs are study four states with bans. they found accidents went up in three of those states. the highway loss data institute doesn't know why. one theory is that people try to hide their phones in their lap leading to crashes. meantime, metro is jumping on
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the push to stop texting and driving. bob barnard explains how. >> reporter: have you teen the new ad campaign to get you to stop texting while trying inform this guy would look up, he would see it right there in the back of the metrobus. >> i couldn't figure out what it was. i did wonder what it was. >> reporter: it is the image of a blood splattered cracked windshield meant to warn you of the dangers of texting and driving. >> i think it is great. it is eye-catching. big, bold letters and everyone under the age of 40 i think knows what omg stands for. >> reporter: for the next four weeks, 50 metrobuses will be displaying this public service announcement. omg, get the message. texting while driving is distracting. >> it is a nice attempt. i don't know it will make that much of a difference to people would will text and drive. they think they can get away with it. >> orthopedic surgeon dr. robert wilson says he has operated on plenty of patients
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who have been hurt in crashes caused by somebody texting behind the wheel. >> most of the time, the injure you are mild, neck injuries, back injuries and much like any whiplash injury. >> reporter: but in january 2008, maryland native heather herd was killed by a distracted native in central florida. >> he was text messaging while driving an 08,000-pound tractor- trailer. >> reporter: heather's parents helped to get heather's law passed in maryland banning texting and driving. nine other states have followed suit. >> stay alive, just drive. it is a pretty simple message. but that is with we need to do. >> i would add try not to eat while you're driving and try not to turn back and play with your children while air driving. those are two other things we see often. >> reporter: now reminded in the most graphic way of the dangers of distracted driving. bob barnard, fox 5 news. >> according to the federal
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government, in 2008, nearly 6,000 americans were killed in crashes involving a advertise tracted or inattentive driver -- a distracted or inattentive driver solve the a study has found more than half the country is thought to immunity there the notorious swine flu. the nih estimates roughly 59% of the population is not susceptible to h1n1. doctors say the numbers of immunity people will go up as more people get their seasonal flu shots. another reason you might want to breast feed your baby. the longer babies are breast fed, the longer they will fight inif he cans, according to a new study. -- they will fight infections, according to a new study. it was kind of scary but it
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was motivating. it was like let's do this. we can find a way out of this. >> it is the story of one sister helping anothatther. wit we come back. a tough game and what does don haven't macnab think about his return trip to philly. have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. juicy and what does donovan mcnabb think about his return trip to philly. is right in there. so you're really, rich and happy. yeah see, i like rich and hearty better. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber.
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you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. in sports news, the caps try to make it three wins in a row. some play on the ice, second period, game tied 1-1. caps go on to edge boston 3-2. alex ovechkin had two assists in his pre-season day butte. the skins head out on the road to take on the eagles on sunday. later today, donovan mcnabb will talk to reporters in his weekly wednesday presser. no doubt, he will be asked all the things about philly.
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his counterpart, michael vick will be making his third start of the season. donovan mcnabb is still working on getting the skips' offense in gear. two weeks ago, he threw for more than 400 yards against texans but the team lost as they did last week against the rams. now t gets real interesting as mcnabb heads back to philly to face his old team. >> i've always said this is just a normal game and in the situation for us, it is a must- win coming off of two losses like we've had these past two weeks. no matter who we're playing. we have to come out and be able to execute and come out and win by any means necessary. >> the nationals playing in their second to last home game against the fuelies. - - against the phillies. the nats edged philly 2-1789. how is this for an
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attention grabber. our area leads the nation in kidney disease. 6,000 people in the d.c. area are on dialysis. if you are not directly affected, you probably know somebody who he is. fox 5's will thomas shows us why two northern virginia sisters are preparing to walk for kidney disease gentleman i have three kidneys right now and their names are larry, curly and moe. >> they are sisters with a sense of humor who now share an even closer bond than blood. kidneys. >> the one thing that hits me every once in a while is like wow, i'm an organ down but i don't feel any different than before the surgery. >> reporter: nada experienced kidney complications in 2002. that is when she became part of a staggering local statistic. 700,000 people in the washington, d.c. region have kidney disease. but her case progress today most serious stage last year. she was left with two options, dialysis, a constant process that removes waste from the
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blood system, a function usually performed by healthy kidneys, or a transplant. >> it was kind. scary but at the same time, it was motivating because it was like let's do this. we can find a way out of this. >> the person would has kidney disease, their kidneys stay in place. >> reporter: enter dr. keith m alencon. >> they had the best personalities and really were the favorites of the nurses. >> reporter: november 10, the doctor took one of lana's kidneys and transplanted it into nada. lana never thought twice about saying yes. >> she is my sister. she is family and i love her. >> reporter: the operation would not have been possible even five years ago because the sisters are not a blood match. but a cutting edge procedure helps prevent rejection and this doctor is a pioneer in the
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field. >> we are filtering out the antibodies that would cause rejection. >> these sisters are preparing to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the operation. >> so thank you. >> an operation that saved nada's life. will thomas, fox 5 news. the national kidney foundation's kidney walk is this coming saturday. it kick off on the georgetown waterfront. reaming station begins at 8:00 in the morning. we can link you to the kid nid foundation for even more information. can you go to look under web links. stay with us. we have much more on your weather, your traffic and all your top stories as fox 5 morning news at 5:00 begins now. good morning. a nice cool start to the midweek. thank you for joining us. i'm he gurvir dhindsa. >> i'm steve chenevey. tucker barnes joins us once again this morning as we take a look at the forecast to today. it starts out in the 60s this
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