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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  July 29, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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breaking news tonight, new clues as police search for answers in the shooting rampage at a california food festival, videos showing the moments terror as shots rang out, family scrambling for safety. among the three people killed a 13-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy. >> still can't believe that he's dead. he's only 6 years old, you know. >> police swarming the shooter'me removing bags of evidence. tonight the disturbing trail he left on social media and the hunt for his motive. another young ch d dying in a hot vehicle left in a van ou ide a daycare just days after a father was arrested for leaving his 1-year-old twins in a scorching car. president trump escalating war of words taking new aim
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at the city of baltimore and a top lawmaker after a series of attacks democrats condemned as racist. two shark attacks at beaches 100 miles apart, one caught on camera, a surfer struggling as a shark bites his arm. how you can stay safe in the water. and hey siri, who else is listening? an anonymous whistle blower sounding the alarm about apple and eavesdroppers. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening. we learn today that two of the three people killed at a mass shooting at a alalifornia food festivre children and that the attacker was a 19-year-old. tonight police are examining his social media posting some with racial overtones as they search f a motive. in addition to the dead, a dozen were yeinjured in erday's attack in gilroy that sent families fleeing in panic and police leaping into action. ll we have it a covered tonight and miguel almaguer leads us off in gilroy. what's the latest
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there? >> reporter: good evening, the park behind me where the festival took place remains a crime scene. just this morning this entire area was on lock wn as police were looking for a possible accomplice. they never found one. the suspect is dead and now ty may never know why he opened fire. the band was playing eir final song when gunfire began. e at s and carn the gilroy garlic enestival. the tee gunman unloading round after round as families ran for their lives. >> he just brought his gun up and started spraying out rounds all around. >> reporter: killing three people and wounding a dozen wises say the suspect shot at randomra spying the crowd with some 60 shots from an ak-47 style rifle. >> he was just shooting. h if we woulde screamed, he could us.urned and shot >> reporter: within a minute, three officers arrived killing the suspect now identified
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, as santino lege 19-year-old wearing tactical gear. he bypassed security by cutting through a fence, never uttering a word, say witnesses, as he loaded halfway through the shoing. >> had your officers not acted quicker, there have been more bloodshed? >> there absolutely would have been more bloodshed. >> are weoing to be able to drive out of here? >> reporter: during the scramble to escape, some were ampled as the critically wounded were rushed to local hospitals. among the dead 13-year-old kayla salazar, 25-year-old trevor urby whost ied biology, and 6-year-old stephen romero. his mother and grandmother also wounded by gunfire. his father at home when he got the news. >> he was more of a ha friend to me ta son who i will miss forever. >> reporter: after early reports of ase cond possible gunman, a massive man hunt was lauhed. but the overnight e ragnet came to a closth no arrest. >> any time a life is lost, it's a tragedy.
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but when it's young people, it's even worse. >> reporter: not releasing a motive, nmolice are puzzled by the gu. why would the teenager open fire? a killing spree that took three lives includinttle boy who was gunned down while celebrating at a festival wh his aamily. miguellmaguer, nbc news, gilroy, california. >> i'm gadi schwartz in gilroy where today bags of evidence were ized along with a factical rifle case pulledrom the family home of 19-year-old santino william legan less than a mile from where he opened fire on a crowd of people. >> our preimminent a inciple concern at this point is motivation, ideological leanings, was he affiliated with anyone or any group? >> reporter: in a post from his now deleted instagram profile, the shooter mentioning a book advocating racism, sexism, and
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ceominance through violen also posting a photo of the garli festival saying come get wasted on overpriced expletive. to avoid security and metal detectors, the suspect found a back way into the festivals. authorities say the shooter knew security would be tight. this is the creek that runs in between the shooter's home and the garlic festival on the other side. inves gators say he cut through a fence wearing camouflage. those who saw him open fire describe him as early subdued. >> he looked calm as n'ould be. he didt look like he was nervous or hanything about what was doing. >> reporter: investigators say the ak-47 style weapon was bought last month legally in nevada. authorities tried hardening security by bag searches. but security experts describe fences like this one and the concert in nevadwh e 58 people were killed as soft
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targets, public spaces where thousands gather and perimeters are difficulto secure. >> folks running events around the country will look at this and say can we do anything? at he end of the day you have thousands of people coming in and it's a challenge. >> reporter: now more questions whether any public gathering is safe. omow many people in this cnity asking how to increase security hoping for the garlic festival to come back next year as n thisbeen here community for 40 years now and vowing not to let fear win. lester. >> gadi schwartz there, thank you. more breaking news. another d has died inside a hot car. the young victim left in a van outside a florida daycare just days after 1-year-old twins died in new york after being left all day, their father now charged with criminally neglect homicide. blaine alexander has more. >> reporter: tonight it happened again, yet another child left insi a hot car. a 2-year-old died after being left inside a van at this daycare in oakland park, florida. >> 2-year-old male not conscious, not
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breathing, possibly left in the van all day. >> the 24th child to die in a hot car this year. today's incident comes as a new york father faces charges for the deaths of his 1-year-old twins. 39-year-old juan rodriguez sobs during appearance.ourt he says when he went to work he forgot his children were in the car. they had been inside for eight hours. the medical examiner says the temperature inside was 108 degrees. today the twin's mother called it a horrific accident and defended her hband. he is a good person fa and a great er. i know he will never forgive himself for this mistake. experts say it can happen to any parent. >> alwaylook in the backseat before they lock up their car and leave a reminder in the backseat, something that you n't get through the day without looking at, your phone, your wallet, your purse. >> reporter: another tragic reminder look before you lock. blaine alexander, nbc news.
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gh>> and breaking toni out of afghanistan, two u.s. be service memrs were killed in an apparent insider attack in kandahar when a member of the afghan security forces opened fe on . two u.s. military officials said the shooterth was i njured and is now the custody of afghan forces. the taliban claim responsibility. e,>> at the white housresident trump met with religious leaders today after taking new aim at baltimore, the city's black congressman and reverend al sharpton. hallie jackson is at the white house tonight. >> reporter: the president touting by tweet a private meeting with inner city pastors today after his public attacks on the city of baltimore, calling it a disgusting rat and de ront infested mess an la bin strepresentsart of the elijahci,ty cmings. one attendee was asked whether he thinks the president was racist.
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>> i find that hard to believe. when you consider the eethings that have b done for the black community. >> do you believe today was an attempt at damage control by president trump? >> congressmcu ings slammed the homeland security secretary over conditions at the border. >> what does that an en a child is sitting in their own feces, can't tak a shower? n tweets, the president is attacking not just the african-amican lawmaker and the majority african-american city, but the african-ameran wiv criticized the remarks describing sharpton as a con man and a troublaker. >> i make trouble every time racists and bigots move around in any way, shape or form, including the president. >> reporter: the president's defenders insist he's not racially motivated but fighting back ainst a congressional antagonist. on the campaign trail, candidate trump looked for support from urban communities of color promising to help. >> what do you have to lose? ay>> reporter: tod,
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some in baltimore suggest he hasn't stepped up. nbc's rehema ell is ere. >> what do you think about the president's tweet? >> i think it was idiotic. i think it was hurtful. i think it was bited. >> i think he is a racist. not only his tweets, but i think he has some issues as it relates to diversity. >> and hallie joins us. there had to be a lot of emotion today as the president signed the 9/11 first responders bill. this was the end of a very hd fought and emotional battle. >> reporter: you're right lester. it means those responders will never have to ask for money again from the victim's compensation fund. it will now be paid for permanely. the senate passed a bill last week nearly unanimously last week. >> thank you. next tonight the major power shift in e ths. intelligence community. president trump has nominated a top supporter to replace dan coats and oversee the nation's 17 agencies,
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traditionally a nonpolitical job. let's get more from nbc's andrea mitchell. >> reporter: texas congressman john radcliff, a aunch trump loyalist, only last week he seemed tbe auditioning for the intelligence job by attacking robert mueller. trump is not above the law, he's not. shouldn't be below the law. >> reporter: he claims he put ter errorists in prison. ere's no record of the former attorney prosecuting a terrorist case. a former small town mayor, he nevered managed anything as large as the 17 esintelligence agenci and he's embraced the president's theories about the russia probe. >> it appears there were crimes committed during the obama administration. >> dan coats came to me and others and said they think it's russia. i have president putin, he just said it's not russia. >> reporter: three
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days laterts was caught off guard when we told him the president had just invited vladimir putin to the white house. >> say that again. >> vladimir putin -- >> did i hear you? >> yeah, yeah. >> okay. that's going to be special. >> reporter: confirmati for radcliff could be tough. tonight the republican intelligence chairman ignored the president's decision bypass coats' to respected deputy sue gordon saying for now they will work with her. lester. >> andrea mitchell, thank you, andrea. night two american teens from bars in italy under investigation for the murder of an undercover police officer after what police are calling a ug deal gone wrong. nbc's richard engel has the lates>> eporter: tonight 19-year-old finnegan lee elder and 18-year-old gabriel hjorth are in this italian jail. and according to esolice, elder has confd to stabbing an italian police officer. at his funeral today, the 35-year-old
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officer,ario rega was hailed as a hero. his memorial held in e same church where he was married just six weeks ago. police say the american teens were trying to score cocaine when a dealer sold them crushed aspirin. when they figured it e out, they stol backpack from one of the dealer's associates and commanded 100 euros and cocaine to give it officer rega was one of two undercover cops sent to respond. afr he identified himself, officers say rega was stabbed 11 times and the suspects took off running. italian media aired this footage believed to show the suspects. it has not been verified by nbc news, but tonight officers are apologizing for this image of the teen blind fold before questioning. they say that was a mistake. nbc's sarah harmon is in rome. >> both of the teens
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are being held here. there is real outrage here in this country, the interior minister saying the focus should not be on that photo, but on the officer that was killed. >> reporter: elders mi fa said they continue to gather facts on the case and their hearts go out to the family and friends of officer ga. tonight police say they found the murder weapon hidden in the teen's hotel ndroom, a that they were ready to leave, bags packed, when they were arrested. beacgoers are on high alert after two separate shark attacks along the coastline. gabe gutierrez is at jacksonville beach with more on how to protect yourself. >> reporter: tonight pro surfer franklin o'rourke is recovering after the scare of his life. >> i never felt force like that from any animal or anything in my fe. i was in shock. >> reporter: this video shows him and other surfers in the waters off jacksonvle struggling with what
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he thinks is a black tip shark. >> i've never seen one that close and that kind of agsion. it was coming at me. i was scared for sure. he had a really high energy level. >> reporter: lieutent eli phillips was one of the first responders at the scene. >> he didn't realize what was happening while he was getting bit by it. afterwards he was like wow, i just got bit by a shark. >> reporter: a hundred miles down the coast b agie boarder was also bit by a shark. he wasn't hurt badly either. and coco beach and daytona beach, other sightings. swim in groups, don't wear shinyelry, and if you find yourself being attacked f back. n jacksonville, o'rourke says the scare won't keep him >> i'm still living. i'm still here. >> reporter: o'rourke knows how lucky he is. he says right after the attack on these waters, he went right out and he bought a lottery ticket. he figured ihe can survive a close encounter with a shark, the odds might be in his favor. >> you're in the right place, the beach.
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a new warning ofrs and what apple might be using with your con very saugss. another terrifying bison attack at a national park. we'll hear from the teen who survived. stuffy? that's llcause your home is fied with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the ro. so, try febreze fabricefresher febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics (bubbles popping) and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. ♪la la la la la. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax.look for t. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. exactly. so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with ur... partner?
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apple. if you've ever said "hey siri" and even if you haven't your most confidential conversations migh not be so private after all. jolene kent explains. >> reporter: tonight apple is defending siri and its popular voice asstant on e phone, ipad, and appltch faces new criticism. anhi anonymous wstle blower told "the guardian" newspaper that human contractors can sometimes listen to what see ri hrs. among the chatter, confidential medical conversations, drug deals, and even intimate moments according to the whistle blower. nbc news has not confirmed the story, but apple did not deny the allegation, ll teing us it uses the recordings to make siri work better, adding only a very
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subset, andom less than 1% of daily siri utterances, are used to prove siri and dictation. but with 15 billion siri commands made every month, ten of ll mins could be listened to. apple responded saying siri recordings are not attached to your apple user name or other identifying information, adding that all reviewers are under the obligation to adhere to apple's strict confidentiality requirement. apple frequently touts that it prioritizes iv pry. >> privacy to us is a human right. >> these technologies are really reliant onview and continual sort of process to make the technology bette>> eporter: apple's head of privacy emphasizes to me that it's only trying to improve its technology. to opt out, turn siri off. in settingtap siri and search and turn o bothese toggles off. lester. >> all right, jolene, thanks. coming up next, the second bison attack at national park in just days. ave diabetes,
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next tonight the second shocking animal attack within just a few days in our national parks. steve patterson has tipse on your visit. >> reporter: tonight bison strike again, a tourist snapping shots of two bull bison gh ng in north dakota theodore roosevelt national park. but moments later a 17-year-old visitor to the park saturday was gored and tossed in the air. by phone in the n hospital. >> he came up behind me, and he got his horn, slashed it through my leg, and then threw me up with his head about six feet into the air. >> reporter: the teen said he was a safe distance away when suddenly one charged. >> i didn't do anything to aggravate him. it was all by chance. he >> reporter: incident follows another attack in yellow stone national park last week. an 11-year-old girl was catapulted in the air by a bison.
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last month, a black bear was enized after biting a woman's thigh in a tent. park officials are warning visitors about getting too close to heild life. >> tcan turn on a me and they can run 30 mile-an-hour. you can't outrun a bison. >> reporter: thankful the teen is expected to recover. >> i'm so thankful i'm still alive. >> reporter: it's a stark reminder, around wild life, be aware and stay back. steve patterson, nbc news. meghan markle just added another job title to her list of accomplishments. people 50 and older at average risk. i took your adviceas and ked my doctor to order cologuard, that noninvasive colon cancer screening test. the delivery guy just dropped it off. our doctor says it uses advanced science. it's actually stool dna technology that finds 92 percent of colon cancers. no prep, and private. colon cancer screening that's as easy as get, go, gone. ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you.
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vogue big september issue. as keir simmons tells us, readers may be in isfor a sur >> reporter: she's one of the most written about women in the world, often criticized. tonight these are her words, let's shine light a world filled with seemingly daily darkness. the influential british vogue september issue, a role she reveals she asked for. her editorial choices unashamedly political, advocating for inclusivity, spotlighting 15 female change makers like jacinda ardern who guided her nation through the worst mass shooting in its history. >> i think there's a solution. and it ultimately is coming back to the humanity that we all share. >> reporter: and pregnant be baby archie, meghan interviewing michelle obama. i'm so excited for you and harry, imagining
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meghan and michelle chatting over lunch, mrs. obama supporting another woman as meghan puts it as she speaks out unlike any royal before her. keir simmons, nbc news, london. >> and that edition will be available online this friday. ath's "nightly news."
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light, camera, access. ♪ and i happened to look over and my mom is crying so hard. >> the proud moment that left the rock's mom if tears and is wendy feuding with bow wow?>>


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