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tv   Today  NBC  July 24, 2019 7:00am-8:12am EDT

7:00 am reluc foer counsel robert today. fi a ti into russia a president. t ha f the
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laakersse funding for afterek o >>case. police mak an arrest in the murder of an ostudent. earning now secrets. employe inside jeffrey epstein's this dorna bat cape terrifying the moment aauhes ir into th o ly4th, 2 aouncer: from nbc 4 is "toda with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb live rin
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welcome to paments a "page 's counsel it's the cyes of>>insthe forme director wasal i t investig inn 201 and caaign.eethe t 448 pacd version oe mseller ror to i april ofarhi he has made just one public statement, roughly nine minutes long since, and has not any that's ri8:30 this morning r getting a chancesons.ll appear
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his he's youaidwi bondt' to testify.we're willoo takemor >> repor rmfospecial cnsel hind me and aof questions from lawmakers who will be seated right over here. for mocrs,e a up and all today ae. this mo orn for more wo yet, ansttime. iscision to muel tot to advising
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de won't answer questions hearit second whecc addingunir. should not be allowed. a rigged witch hu. t whole speakinmm. >> 's impeach t , theseotly crazy. escalation overnight,laed the j department for insucting mueller, who asked for guidance, to remain within the boundaries his public report. schiff writing, i fully expect the doj letter w ho stimony. bobeaed a russiaed by theound
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of posble he in tion about r ts muellerwe justice department polsend, h r and eporr: while there was d atle contacts. third, why didn't mueller have the president in for an in-person interview? they will zero in on bias on mueller's team of 19 prosecutors. all of it setting the stage for a historic shatdown. democr lawmakers have been holding practice sessions
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overnight. sources close to mueller say he'll be prepared, too. this will be his 89th time testifying on capitol hill throughout the course of a very ng career. the stakes could not be higher. this will be his most consequential yet. savannah and craig? >> kristen welker, thank you. for mor t on whato look for today, let's bring in former democratic senator claire mccaskill, a former general. good morning to both of you. you've sat in a chair like this and ask questions. i don't think i'll offend you, members of congress aren't known for their incisive questioning. what do you expect today? >> that'll be the k here. can tnd women their egos resist the grandstand let this don't try ttify he's notive toet
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heeally br peop rl >> neil, a "rk times," scleaob mueller. out, he no nusio obstruction, fr totally exonerates the president. i questions that t obstrunueller, yerthree,epresi? divulgedalumbo j heart has t on, as isenator said, not the
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grandstanding. >> many lawmakers want a hypothetical of mueller. if this weren't a sitting president, if this weren't this department of justicesaule that you cannot indict a sitting president, is the conduct ufu found scient that you would have charged him with a crime? if they ask that question, do you think he'll really go there? >> i thought he wouldn't go there when he turned in the report. the report says i'm forbidden by justice department policy from answering that hypothetical question. something has changed in the last month, which is, barr went on tv and said, oh, mueller, i think you can answer that questionne >> the attor general. >> the attorney general has said to mueller, you can answer that question. now, mueller, who is so by the book, the book has changed, and it allows him to answer that hypothetical. >> do you think he w to answer the question, senator? d >> i't think he does. if he wanted to, he would have written the r ort differently. i think he wants to leave this to the judgment of congress and the american people. but, you know, i hope tt they allow him to read some of the most salacious, the ostjuicy,
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the most substantive parts of his report, particularly as it relates to obstruction of justthere is significant stuff there that the american people don't know, and they need to know. >> senator, it would seem as if democrats are banking on the fact that americans would rather watch the movie than read the book here. how much do we think, six, seven hours from now, how much do we think this is actually going to bolster the case for impeachment? >> i'm ot sure. imean, you know, this may be like, you know, sometimes i tease my friends what are weathermen the hype sometimes exceeds the weather event. it is hard to tell now. i'm cautiously optimistic w tha thl do a good job of illuminating, particularly the obstruction of justice clearly laid out. as a former prosecutor, i would take these cases to a jury, particularly the stuff about the white house counsel being told to fricate and fraudulently put evidence in writing that was false. th's a big deal.
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the fact that he wanted to clean out his office and resign over being asked to lie about the evidence, that's stuff the american people ought to know about when they sit down for dinner tonight. >> republicans are likely going to go after the beginnings of this investigation, the perceived political bias whin theueller team. is that a risky move, to take on >> i do think it is risky. number one, i don't think it'll get anywhere. we have one of the most legendary figures in the law. a person who stands for truth and the contrast with other figures in this investigation evidnkt. i don't tt'll work. number two, it may risk mueller going beyond the fourne cor in honor to defend himself and his people. >> we shall see. thank you both. i'know you'll be along with us today. ll be anchoring alongside lester holt and chuck todd. 8:15 eastern time, right here on nbc. ra now the dtic battle over compensation for 9/11 first
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responders. today, almost 18he years after t terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 americans, the men and women who we on the front lines are breathing a sigh of relief. duo congress passed a bill to make sure their compensation fund never runs out of cash. geoff bennett has more. good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. thousands of emergency workers ero rushed to the rubble of the world trade centfter the september 11th attacks will now be granted health care coverage and other compensation for the rest of theirve li those first responders won a very public battle after years of emotional pleas. their v tory nowensuring a financial safety net for those who got sick from toxic exposure at the site. thisirmorning, the responders who risked their lives on september 11th, now getting the rescue they've been demanding. >> nays are 2. the bill is passed. >> reporter: the legislation
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guarantee the 9/11 victim compensation fund, which had been funded through next year, will never run out of money. on the senate floor, a rare moment of celebration. >> expression of approval is not permitted in the gallery. >> reporter: the weeks long drama over the legislation gaining nationwide attention, following ple of support from first responders andn comedia jon stewart. >> we'll spend some time today thinki about the friends that we've lost, who gave t lirt moments, really, coming down to washington and fighting for their brothers and sisters. >> reporter: after the vote,se nse of relief. >> hopefully, it'll bring peace. >> this bill means a lotna fiially to a lot of people. >> reporter: stewart back on caottol hill for the final v calls his work on the bill the honor of his life. captured in this viral photo, as senate lajorityder mitch mcconnell walked by.
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a nod to their feud over the fund. >> i don't know why he's all bent out of shape. >> this has never been dealt with compassionately by senator mcconnell. >> reporter: mcconnell l tuespr sing the agreement. >> congress can never repay the men, women, and families for their sacrifices. we can try to make them whole. >> reporter: it comes too late for alvarez, theetective who spent months searching through the toxic rubble at ground zero. >> i'm going to make sure that you never forget to take care of the 9/11 responders. >> reporter: weeks later, alvarez died of 9/11 related cancer. he was 53 years old. his son, david, in washington for the vote. >> now that we're on the finish line, how does it make you feel? >> better latehan never. better sooner than now, but better late than never. >> reporter: the two senators voting against the bill were
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rand paul and mike lee. both introduced measures that would have capped the payouts for those first responders. thech legislation, was previously approved by the house, it now heads to president ump's desk for his signature. i'm told the president is expected to do that in a friday afternoon ceremony heret the white house. he'll be surrounded by some of the first responders. craig, savannah? >> geoff bennett at the white house, thank you. a new prime minister taking over in the united kingdom today. former london mayor boris johnson. nbc's chief global correspondent bill neely is at 10 downing street with the very latest g >> reporter:d morning, savannah. he's called britain's donald trump, evensi by the prent himself. boris johnson will arrive here at downing street to start work in a few hours' time. mr. trump says he'll be great, but he is walking into a crisis that's already destroyed two prime ministers. >> the work begins.
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thank you all very much. >> reporter: london's former will lead s johnso his country tonight, and he hopes, lead it out of the european union soon. brexit is his priority. >> to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love. >> reporter: the crisis that broke his predecessor, theresa y. she left for her final duty this morning, answering questions in parliament. johnson now trying to rally a deeply divided country. >> i say to all the doubters,oie are gng to energize the country. we're going to get brexit done. >> reporter: he won the immediate backing of president trump. >> boris johnson. good man. he's tough and he's smart. >> reporter: nothing new there. >> i likehn boris n. i always have. boriss a friend of mine. i like him. identify li liked him for a long time.
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>> reporter: no he's calling boris the britain trump. >> people are saying it is a good thing. they like me over there. that's what they wanted. >> reporter: trump johnson is a maverick, unconventional, unpredictable, ahoan who defi d defies opinion. >> people do stop their cars to get out and shake boby the hand. >> when he says optimism, he means, i haven't got any idea. en he says, we need to be positive, it means, i've got no plan. >> reporter: and no plan so far for isgirlfriend, simmons, to d walk intoowning street with him. she's 24 years younger. johnson, twice married, has, like trump, had aolorfule privatlife. the quiet life about to end. in a fewurs, boris johnson will be formally asked by britain's queen to form a government. he will be her 14th prime
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minister and, quite possibly, her most untidy. already trending on social media, the question, will he comb his hair before he meets her, or maybe he's just cut it himself already. b guys,k the you. >> bill neely, thank you so much. the ybi bill says "untidy." 7:16. hey, gu, good morning. all those stormy conditions in the northeast. look what happened in cape cod. rippingo,uay ef-1 the roof off of this hotel. a lot of damage but thankfully no injuries reported. but that was the extent of that really strong weather. that same front pushing into the south bringing heavy rain in florida. parts of florida may see upwards of 3 to 5" of rain especially in the northern half of the stat now, the other part of the -- the beautiful part of this front, it brought in cooler,
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dryer air. temperatures from 5 to 15 degrees below normal to this time of day. then for tomorrow, more of the same. from baton rouge, memphis, all the way to atlanta. jacksonville and raleigh. t the heat has moved around to the east across the atlantic. look at what they are going to be looking at in europe. today getting up into the tripli di in paris. tomorrow, the same in other partsf france, madrid 102, near 100 in rome. madrid in the upper 90s as well. we'll g to your local forecast coming up in and we're giving fa an oan online option for public education. e schools provide students with the personalized attention they deserve. students can thrive, find their passion, and learn in an environment that encourages discovery at the own pace. these schools may not be for everyone, but they are here for anyone. k12 education for any one
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it is a sunny start to your wednesday here in the nation's catal. mperatures comfortable in the 60s for e most,ven a few in the upper 50s thisornis of the shen. double-header for the nats today. 1:05 and a 7:05 game, both against the rockies. both games will be played to completion whout delay from mother nature. beautiful weather for today and more sunshine to come for the d st of the week. it sticks arounroug >> al, thank you so much. coming up, behind bars. the stunning twist in the murder of a popular student at ole miss. police now sayel flow classmate and friend of hs was behind that crime. we're life with theery latest. y > another case we've been following closelre, jeffrey epstein, with his luxury properties under scrutiny, stephanie gosk takes us inside
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his tropical hide away with a former eloyee who says he has a lot of questions and regrets ability what went on there. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, that bisonca attk ht on camera. a young girl recovering this morning after a scary incident at yellowstone national park. , also intermittent fasting, is it the key to losing weight? the results of a new study that the results of a new study that doesn't look at [upbeat music ♪] you got this. you got this.t you gois. you got this.
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soe body burned down my shed. well my she shed's on fire. your she shed was struck by lightning. zachary, is my she shed covered by state farm? your she shed's covered, cheryl. you hear tt victor? i'm getting a new she shi-er she shed. she shi-er? mhhm. that's wonderful news. home insurance trusted by more people than any other. state farm. a "news4 er: this is g.good mornb it is 7:26 on wednesday july 24th. >> irnthe news this mog we are counting down to special counsel robert mueller's testimony before two congressional committees. the first one begins after 8:00 this morning. mueller will testify about his reporting to the russian interference during the 2016 ection.
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e's going to appear before the house judiciary committee first. you can watch those hearings right here on nbc 4. obviously that wasn't the correct video. but trust us, the coverage begins at 8:15 this morning. >> also today the redskins report to the fir day of training camp. starting tomorrow fans can attend in lynchman. if you can't make the trip we da you covered with coverage at 4:00. >> inner loop, outer loop pretty typical. no major sville u.s. 1 ata ike drive and inbound 50 anacostia and south lokota, crashing the right side. >> melissa, thank you. checking your forecast is
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good morning, everybody. temperatures are in the 60s for a pleasant change here in the washington area. even cooler low 60s and somer
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0s across parts of the shenandoah alley. nice day coming.o partly sunnyostly sunny skies today. only the teeny tiniest little chance for a stray shower or two. most of us will not see rain today. we will not see rain tomorrow with more sunshine and highs still in the mid-80s. un will not see rain on friday, saturday, or sy either. our next chance for afternoon storms rolls around middle of next week. >> all right, chuck. thank you very much. another local news update in 25 nutes.
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back now at 7:30 on this wednesday morning. july 24th, 2019. you're looking at the fine folks who decided to get up, go early, and spend the mning with us re at rockefeller plaza. we are grateful. say hello to them in a bit. >> absolutely. let get a check of the of the morning. robert sueller in the hott this morning on capitol hill afrsr house lawmake issued a subpoena for him last month. he faces five hours of
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questiing today in a televised hearing. the appearance is mueller's first since wrapping his two-year russia probe last spring. president trump reacted overnight to ecdemocrats' dision to allow mueller's deputy, zebley, to be next to him at the hearing. he accuses zebley, without evidence, of being bias against him. an ohio hospital paid thees te of neil armstrong $6 million in a confidential agreement to settle allegations that complications after an emerryncy heart surge led to armstrong's 2012 death. that's according to newly revealed court documents. armstrong's sons continued care provided by mercy spital, saying it cost their father his life. spokesperson didn't reveal specifics on the matter. up is going sevensay d a delivery starting january 1st, as it responds to growing demands in online shopping. it is going to be assisted by the u.s. postal servic which delivers some ups packages ieg the final ls of their
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journeys. ps is adding more pick-up locations for packages inside cvss, michaels, and advanced auto parts or. now, the stunning twist in the murder of an ole miss student. a suspect is behind bars, arreing another ole miss students, just days after 21-year-old ally kostial was found shot n to deathr campus. bla blayne alexander is near the sheriff's staon this morning. >> reporter: good morning. this morning, 22-year-old brandon theesfeld is wakinhe up at the detention center, just two minutes away from the ole miss campus. the now suspended student could have his bond hea as early as today, as students on campus are struggling to deal with this crime. this morning, police say the suspect, in a stunning crime that has rockedrs the univey of mississippi, is another student. 22-year-old brandon theesfeld escorted from e county
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courthouse in handcuffs tuesday. he's been charged with the murder of 21-year-old ally kostial. yshe was last seen friight outside a bar near campus. her body was found saturday b morning an officer on routine patrol, about 20 miles away near a lake, a s popularpot for students to hang out. law enforcement sources tell nbc filiate wlvt to kostial was shot multiple time theesfeld was arrested two days later, 80 miles away, at a gas station inmp s. he was brought back to oxford and charged with murder. >> he is being held in jail without bond. >> reporter: this picture posted on social media in 2016 shows kostial and theesfeld together, bothere students at ole miss. she was enrolled in summer school and teaching workout classes. the school confirms theesfeld has now been suspended. his father says his son is
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innocent. in ally's hometown of st. louis, the tragic news report spread fast. >> i didn't believe it at first, her i was absolutely devastated. >> reporter: back at ole miss, it's a crime that has shocked the campus. black ribbons are hanging outside of sally'sority house. the interim chancellor calls her death an unspeakable loss. mary collins west said she and her friends were afraid to go anywhere alone. news of the arrestrings some relief but mostly sadness. >> she was somebody's daughter, somebody's sister, somebody's friend. it's still really, really, really sad. >> reporter: this morning, there are grief counselors available on campus forde stus and staff. the interim chancellor sending condolences to ally's family, friends, and anyone who knew her. craig and savannah? >>de blayne alexanr in mississippi. thank you. 7:34. let's get a check of the weather. al made hou way ide. how does it look out there?
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>> it is a beautiful morning with a beautiful crowd. this young lady right here. we have low humidity. here is something just a little disturbing, it's balloon al. hi, what's your name? >> wyatt. this. mad >> amy. >> you made other members -- balloon savannah. >> that's craig. >> that's balloon craig? >> yes. >> who is this. >> balloon carson. >> he looks a little le savannah. thank you very much for making. you know i have a lot of hot air in me. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. a lot of wet weather through a, florid gulf coast. off new england. temperatures moderate, 90snd 100s as you get into southwest and southern texas. for the day today, not a lot o bad stuff. we do have heavy rain down through florida. monsoonal florida in the southwest,rm severe s through the central plains, sunshine
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from the great lakes into the ohio and mississippi river valleys. sunny skies through the suthwest. just want tow a few more o peop here. come on. there you do. that's what going on >> and good morning. i'm storm team4 meteoro gist chuckll. a comfortable start here in the washington area as well. misu60s in the rbs. upper 60s around town, low 70s by the bay. your forecast forwednesday, a mix of clouds and sunshine, just a sma chance for a raindrop or two today. here is future weather. you see few and far between as far as a rain threat today but we can't give you the 100% dry. most of us don't need to worry about it for today.ra in chances fallway to zero starting tomorrow and hanging around for the weekend. >> that's your latest weatoor. niceng group here. by the way, we have our model kevin here with balloontoday" show logo. >> that's a creative bunch. >> it is. i like that, al. thank you very much. >> and thank you,kevin. up next, souded in
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secrecy. a former longtime employee ofre jeffy epstein's takessi us inde the convicted sex offender's private island propnity. stephae gosk with that story right afte introducing colorsnap colorid from sherwin-williams. color palettes curated just for you. at their reddest, ripest,et th. like our strawberry poppyseed salad and new strawberry summer caprese salad. strawberry season is here. panera. food as it should be.
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back now with in-depth today. this morning, attorneys for jeffrey epstein are appealing a judge's decision to keep the wealthy financier behind bars. the alleged crimes taking place at alleged estates in florida and new york. >> it's bringing attention to another of his luxury properties, this in the u.s. virgin islands. stephanie gosk is in the caribbean this morning and has been looking into this. good morning. >> reporter: savannah and craig, good morning to you. i'm in a narrow canal between little james island and great st. james island. jeffrey epstein owns th. the only way to get out is by boat, unless like epstein, you
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have your own private helicopter. ou can get a sense how isolated it is here. the charges he faces have no relation to this place, but locals tell us they have long wondered what was going on out here. from the air, opulence is on display. two pools, perfectly manicured beaches lined with palm trees, surrounded by turquoise waters. tourists snorkel here daily to check out the turtles neano the w infamous island. epsteinsed to flyut here, we're told, on his private chopper, after flying into st. thomas on his privatejet. >> how are you? >> reporter: it is not easy to get to. we had to hire a boat captain. when youove to st. thomas, four years ago, how long did it take before people started talkingbout jeffrey epstein? >> it was immediate. the first day i took this boat out, h we a training captain i went out with. that was part of the tour. >> reporter: boats can float right up to the edge of the island estate.
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n i talk to you for a second? epstein's groundsworkers a still on tjob. the ones we approached were not willing to talk. steven scully knows the property well. he worked there for six years. when you first met epstein, what were your impressions of him? >> smart guy, lyunbelievab focused. >> reporter: scully says he was told not to talk about what happened on the island. when you say you saw young girls, were they under 18, you think? >> i have no way of knowing that truly, but they appeared to be young to me. >> reporter: scully also told us ere were photos of topless girls i buildings around the compound, and says he quit his job after a conversation with one of epstein's emploes from palm beach. >> he said, what's with the young girls? yeah., oh, i'm not real comfortable with the young girl thing, too. is that in west palm beach, as well? he said, worse. >> reporter: did you consider in that moment perhaps reaching out to law enforcement?
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>> no. >> reporter: when you look back on it now, do you wish you had? >> yeah. >> reporter: epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution in a 2008 a deal. in a civil case about the deal, ere acc said she took part in an orgy on epstein's private island init 2002, wh approximately eight other young girls who appeared to be under the age of 18. accordingo government records, epstein is registered as a sex offender in the virgin islands, but unlike in the u.s., where he had level 3 sex offender status, considered the most dangerous, the virgin islands, he is classified as tier 1, the least dangerous. meant he had to check i with local authorities once a year. today, he sits in a jail cell, denied bail after pleading not guilty to sex trafficking charges. some locals we spoke with say that's where he shou be. were people surprised out here when they heard about his arrest in new york? >> i don't know if surprised
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would be the right word. maybe happy it finally happened. >> reporter: residents also tell us epstein was looking to expand his eate on great st. james, the island he bought in 2016. beaches in the virgin islands are public property, but epstein made it very clear the rest of this island is not. he has been doing construction on great st. james up until very, very recently. hed was ld this white built only a few months ago. the work being done right up until his arrest, bringing new attention to this trol hide away, and raising new questions about what may have happened here. >> stephanie, you were there, lviously. what was securitye on the island? >> reporter: well, we're told by that employee we spoke to it is 24-hours a day. he told us an interesting story. at one point during his employment, they brought done erman erddobermans here.
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employ as wereed to wear guns at one point. it'd tak police up to an hour to get here af help wassked for. >> interesting. thank you, stephanie. a girl's scary encounter with a wild bison i'm phil mickelson. that's me long before i had. i've always been a go-getter and kinda competitive. flash forward, then psoriatic arthritis started getting the better of me. and my doctor said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. and enbrel helps relieve joint pain, helps stop that joint damage, plus helps skin get clearer. ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure
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7:48 am
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7:50 am
only at your lincoln dealer. we're back on this wednesday morning with a cautionary tale as millions head to our national parks this summer. officials at yellowstone are reminding people to stay clear of wildlife after a young girl from florida was hurt in a bison attack. it was caught on camera. >> miguel almaguer has her lucky escape. we want to warn you, the video isng disturbi >> reporter: the massive bison was grazing feet from visitors when it suddenly thcharged. video shows two people nning before a 9-year-old orida girl was popped high
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into the air before the video ends. a scary scene playing out near old faithful, the famous geyser where wild bison often graze. a male bull can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and can run nearly 30 miles per hour. parkangers cautioned, these are wild animals. >> bison can be aggressive. they can move quickly, and they can get bothered in amoment's notice. >> reporter: the young girl rushed to a nearby clinic. rangers say t child is lucky she wasn't seriously yjured. tuesda night, our crew in nearby grand teton national park, capturing other visitors getting far too close to the wild. this latest altercation hirdly the f time tourists have pushed the limits at yellowstone national park. pointing to encounters like these, rangers sayee visitors nd to keep at lst 25 yards away from large animals like bison, elk, big horn, sheep, and moose, and more than 100 yards away from bears and wolves >> getting close to wildlife is
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not a smart idea. i know everybody likes to get th selfie. they like to get that great photo. safety needs to come first. >> reporter: witnesses say a group of 50 people were just a few feet from this bison when it charged after 20 minutes. after the incident, park rangers could have cited the family for what many on social media are calling reckless behavior. a frightening scene playing out at one of the most beautiful places on the planet. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news. >> hope she's okay. terrifying. >> could have been far, far worse. >> yeah. coming up, could t time of day that you eat be just as important as what you eat? a new study is opening some eyes this morning, all about (vo) parents have a way of imagining the worst... ...especially when your easily distracted teenager has the car. at subaru, we're taking on distracted driving [ping] with sensors that alert you when your eyes are off the road.
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withugigh protein and 1 gram. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. u'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. and here we have another burst pipe in denmark. l if yk close... jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip? ouch, okay. huh, boring, boring, you don't ne to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle? wait, you're a lawyer? lmonly licensed in stockho. what is happening? jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. you know karate? no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. this is not just a headache. this is not just a fever. this is not just the flu. it's meningitis b... and you're not there to help. while meningitis b is uncommon... once symptoms appear,
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they can progress quickly and can be fatal... sometimes thin 24 hours. before you send your teen to college... make sure you help protect thema to your teen's about mengitis b vaccination. s >> announcer: thi is a "news4 today" newsbreak. 7:56 is your time on this wednesday july 24th, 2019. good morning to you, let's get a check of what's going on. we are counting down to former special counsel robert mueller's testimony before two congressional committees. the first oneusegins j after 8:00 this morning. mueller will testify about his report into the russian interference during 2016el ection. he'll appear before the house mi judiciary comee first and then the house intelligence committee. you can watch the hearings here on nbc 4. coverage bs at 8:15 this
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morning. we're going to get check of your forecast coming up next but first to melissa. >> good morning, adam. taking a look at the beltway no major problems, wildfire 56 at 123, an animal hit, a deer, trying to get tha out of the way. marlow, overturned, and anacostia bridge crash blocking right side. lore ton i-95 after 163, delays remain. >> bac
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7:59 am
pretty nic for a wednesday morning here in the washington area. 60s in the western suburbs. low 70s downtown and by the baye ect afternoon to be outside today. very small chance of rain. most of us won't need fororry about that. high today 84 degrees. perfect weather for the double-header, nationals and ckies. first game 1:05, second game 7:05. both games should be able to be completed today without weather delays to worry about. heat and humidity return next week. >> all right, chuck. thank you very much. another local news update in 25 minutes. nowow back to the "today sh seeod i itched from dodge.
8:00 am
we switched from ford. i switched from ram. i switched to evy. we switched to chevy. for dependability. for technology. for the muscle. and just look att. adios, lexus. bye, bye, ford. we switched to chevy. couldn't be happier. see for yourself why people are switching. at the chevy all-star open house. or add another chevy to your driveway. current gm owners can get over $5,100 below msrp on this chevy to your driveway. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, hot seat. all eyes on capitol hill as robert mueller prepares to testify before congress. the former special counsel set qto answerstions about his russia investigation for the first time. what we can expect to see in this historic hearing. we're live with the latest. pl b,tersweet battle. >> 97, ayes.
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2, nays. >> first responders celebrating after lawmakers pass bill, making sure their funds never run out of money. >> hefully they'll find peace. >> what jon stewart is saying about this hard-fought battle. eat the clock. what a new study isinrevealg about the connection between when you eat and weightloss. could intermittent fasting be the answer, and how does it work? t'll break i down today, wednesday, july 24th 2019. ♪ i promise you'lin never fd another like me ♪ >> from geora. >> hello from mississippi. >> here to meet al roker. >> family vacation. >> from oklahoma. >> today is her 13th frthday. "today."t >> i w from la to "today."
8:02 am
♪ baby >> welcome back to o "today" a wednesday morning. nice to have you with us. >> by the way, we love making new friends. every day out oner rockefell plaza. if you can't get there in person, fear not. see the hashtag, mytodayplaza? send us a greetingrom wherever you are. you can be a part of theshow. >> we love to see your smiling faces. stakes are high as members of congress prepare to gribe ro mueller about his russia investigation and the evidence of possible obstruction of justice by the president. our coverage begins with nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker. good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good unrning to you. history will ld in moments, when former special counsel robert mueller faces five hours of questions on capol hill. 's just arrived. you see it there. for democrats pushingor impeachment, today is pivotal. for president trump, it is another major battle.
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he's already up sending out tweets. uncollu this one, they can fabricate a crime and pin it on a very innocent president. when he fights back against ts illegal attack on oury, countr they call it obstruction? wrong. robert mueller steps into the spotlight, answering questions about his investigation for the first time. it comes as president trump lashed out overnight at democrats' decision to allow mueller's deputy, aaron zebley, o appear next to him at the hearing, advising his former boss. he won't answer questions at the first hearing but he may at the second, when he is sworn in. the president accusing zebley, without evidence, of being bias against him. adding, very unfair. should not be allowed. a rigged witch hunt. earlier, president trump taking aim at the entire process while speaking to teenagers at a conservative summit. >> gee, let's impeach the
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president. i mean, you figure, these people have gone totally crazy. >> reporter: in another escalation overnight, house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff blasted theustice department for instructing mueller, who had asked for guidance, to remain within the boundaries of his ppolic re. schiff writing, i fully expect that the doj letter will have no bearing on your testimony before the committee. republicans downplaying the testimony. >> the conclusions that bob eller reached are not supported by the facts. >> reporter: mueller found no criminal conspiracy between the trump campaign and russia but made no determination about whether the president obstructed justice. among the key questions he'll likely face today, first, would muler bring charges against mr. trump if he were not in office? if after mueller outlined ten ce instan of possible obstruction of justice by the president. mueller has said he followed justice department policy that forbids indicting a sitting president. second, howeceptive washe
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trump campaign to russian help? >> the report was written. it said no collusion. >> reporter: while the investigation found insufficient evidence of a conspiracy, mueller reported at least 140 contacts bween the trump campaign and russians. third, why didn't mueller subpoena the president for an in-pern interview? for their part, republicans will zero in on o allegations political bias on mueller's team of 19 prosecutors. all of it setting the stage for a historic showdown. democrats held a practice session on capitol hill overnight. sources cse to mueller say he is prepared, too. this will be his 89th time testifying before congress over the cours of a very long career. likely his most consequentia savannah, craig? >> kristen welker, thank you. nbc capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt joins us now with a closer look at the politics oftoday's mueller hearings. good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning
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to you. this is a momen that's two years in the making, and it is a critical test for democrats who president.each this they are running out of time, and they need a moment to really try and shiftf public opinion they're going to be able to move forward. so that's the key questio here for democrats today. is bob mueller going to say something that is so clear, so direct, that changes minds both here in congress, among democrats, but also out therethn country, and is enough to force house speaker nancy pelosi, who has been dead set against impeachment, tohange her mind and move forward with it? of course, republicans, meanwhile, have also been practicing behi closed doors, and they're really going to try to put pressure on mueller. they want to focus on the investigion itself, the origins of it, questions around it, to try to pressure him that way. pr aident trump'sies here on capitol hill really trying to close this chapter entirely and move on for president trump.
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craig? >> kasie, thank you. in a few mi stes, we'lltart our live coverage of mueller's live testimony. i'll be joined by lester holt and chuck todd for that. it starts at 8:15 eastern here on nbc. a bill to extend the 9/11 victims compensation fund has cleared its final hurdle in congress. o was passed yesterday by a vote 97-2. president trump is expected to sign the bill. the measure keeps the fund going throh 2092, essentially making it permanent. final passage came after lobbying by first responders sickened by toxic dust and smoke following the 2001 terror attacks. comedian jon stewart, who was a advocate for the bill, said working with the 9/11 first responders was, quote, the honor of my life. well, we have a new weight loss study that has the potential to be a game-changer. researchers from the university of alabama atng birmim found when you eat could be as important as what you eat.
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r. john torres is here t explain. a lot of folks have been doing this, but there is research that suggests it might work, if you limit the times you eat? >> that's the important thpart. research is saying it is the appetite suppression that's the key to all this. we've triedti dieting from to time, only to sabotage it because we're hungry, eat more than we should, and put the pounds back on. they took 11 people overweight or obese and found them in a study, eati ining six hours a d. then they brought them back and had them do the same thing ove a12-hour period, 8:00 to 8:00. they found out when they were eating from 00 to 2:00, they were less hungry. they developed less of the hunger hormone. they also eed up probably burning more fat. all keys to losing weight. >> why does it work? >> it is in the line with the circadian rhythm. eat breakfast like a king, lunch liker a prince, eat dinneke a popper. eat most of the meals early in the day. that's what our body wants us to
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do because we're bning calories throughout the day and not much at night. you end up fasting,ot eating, when sleeping or doing the less active things. >> this was a small study, but it is obviously encouraging. does it matter how long your window of eating? is six hours, eight hours, four hours? >> even researchers and a participant said it was tough to do it overix the s-hour period because you're shoving all the calories into that small time period. if it is over an eight to ten-hour window, it seems to help. won can burn fat faster, so the longer period, the eight to ten-hour eating pen ing period,p them more. >> is this af sustainable way o life? >> do it for two weeks, then it can be a habit and you do it over time. work scdules, like you in particular, it can interfere with it. what they're saying is if you can do the eight ton- teur eating, fast the other time, and
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finish between 4:00 and 7:00, that seems s to be the key. doesn't have to be the six-hour window. >> dr. torres,hank you. the national weather service confirms a rare tornado touched down yesterday on cape cod, se massachus. it all happened during a storm that caused frightening scenes like this one at a popular hotel. >> come inside. elme inside! >> fortunaty, no one was hurt. all the guests werhetaken to ot local hotels. it also help thousanleft thousau customers withpower. good time for a boost. >> father and daughter from california giving sean mendez a un f his money with this viral duet. ♪ i love it when you call me senorita ♪ ♪ i wish i cld pretend i didn't need ya ♪
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♪ oh la, la, la ♪ it's true, la, la, la ♪ oh, you keep my coming ♪ oh, should be running from you ♪ >> oh, i love it. >> bravo. that's nick and his dghter sienna. their version of "senorita." they also do hits by the jonas brothers, sam smith, and many. others >> she's feeling it, too. >> she's so good. my kids and i do "baby shark." doesn't sound that good. comin up next, our live coverage of robert ♪ ♪ so kim, you going for our big drive safe & save discount? yup, using the app. i'. been quite vigilant sharon says step on it. the meeting's started. ok, write her back 'dear sharon, don't mess with my discount!' faster mommy, i gotta go to the throom. i do too honey, but we're gonna hold it for mommy's discount. easy, easy but you're in labor? don't mess with my discount! uh hem. get a discount up to 30% with drive safe & save from state farm.
8:12 am
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[upbeat music ♪] you got this. you got this. you got this.
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. robert mueller testifies, here are lester holt and savannah guthrie. >> good morning everybody, an extraordinary moment of american politics. e public testimony of robert mu special counsel led the two years investigation
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into donald trump and russia interference in the 2016 campaign. >> mueller arrived on capitol hill a few moment ago. it has been four months since he submitted his reportis today the first time he'll face publict questions about wha


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