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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  July 22, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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any more. now on "news4 midday," residents in disbelief after a fast-moving storm leaves a path of destruction in their maryland neighborhood. trees down on homes,ars and even power lines. and we've got another round of storms out there today, alrehdy a flash flood wa in place. you can see these storms knocking on our doorstep. let's time them out for you. your weather alert, also, police looking for this man in connection with one ofomeveral hides this weekend in the district. this shooting took place in the middle of the afternoon. coming up, more on the summer violence and how city leaders are responding "news4 midday," starts now.
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good morning. and welcome to "news4 midday," i'm mowlette green. i'm juliy olabanji. >> storm te 4 is tracking the risk of severe storms and the possibility of flooding. >> the one positive, finally an end inor sight f the heat wavur layn tells us when we start feeling the difference, so hopefully . >> yeah, it is going to be pretty soven. we' got one more day before we start seeing that heat break m down andre importantly, the hudity break down. but look at it outside right now. it's a beautiful day. when we have storms knocking on our doorstep with
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know what to expect. of course, we're weather alert because of the storms. we'll talk about that coming up in jst 20 minutes. guys? >> lauryn, thank you so much. people all across our area have quite cthe mess toan up this morning after strong storms swept through last night. >> yeah, bethesda, multiple scenes jt like this bone from chopper 4. trees down on homes, blocking roads. me mcgrath is checking on the damage out there. we see that big, huge tree right behind you. >> reporter: yeah, it's absolute mess here. now, not all neighborhoods in the dmv experienced the full impact of the storm, but here in bethesda, they sure did. just take a look at the damage we have here on alcot road.
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extensive damage with several large trees coming down and the cleanup not just limited to this neighborhood. we've got it going all over around the dmv, especially in the bethesda area. > so i've been here 30 years, andve never seen damage this extensive. >> reporter: on alcot road in bethesda, the wind brought down three large oakerees. ame crashing down on the roof of this home. another hit the corner of the house. residents say the large, mature trees are a signature of the woodhaven community. last night's strong winds took a toll. >> so we always thought, you ouknow, there was -- y always have in the back of your mind, like some worst-case scenario, where you're going to come home and find a massive tree in your house. sure enough, it happened last night. >> reporter: right around the corner on wittier boulevard, a similar scene. but the tree landed on top of an suv. residents say the srm was fast
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and packed a punch. >> became fast and furious. rees came down. it sounded like thunder, so you couldn't really distinguish between the trees and the thunder. e and en you looked outs trees were down all over the place. the house next to us just got totalled by two huge trees. >> reporter: trees took out power lines. this morning, hundreds of people still didn't have electricity. this newspaper delivery man rmally drives hisroute in the morning, but today he had to make deliveries on foot, walking around the roadblocks and debris. bethesda, potomac and kensington were among the areas hard-hit. >> you have a number of families that are displaced. a lot of trees on houses. so typically it was the older, mature type trees in thisolder, established neighborhood. >> reporter: so a lot of cleanup work still to be done here. perhaps you can hear the sou of the generators in this neighborhood.
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they are still without electricity, several hours after the storm blew through. and, of course, we're talking about the potential for severe storms again tonight. so not exactly what people around here want to hear. back to you guy >> not at all. the cleanup willti connue. megan mcgrath live in bethesda, thank you. the heat is being blamed for the death of a womanho took a weekend hike along the montgomery county trail. she was on the billy goat trail near great falls on saturday. when she suffered at's being described by first responders as some sort of heat-related emergencyas that woman waken to the hospital where she died. on sunday, the trail was closed. first responders tell us thathi wit temperatures and humidity, hikers can quickly run into trouble. >> well, you know, we talkedou you go early in the morning or later in the evening when it's cooler times than middle of the da it's not a good time. what you've done yesterday and day before as far as hydration is going to help you today. >> we're still working to learn
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whe that trail will reopen. today at 11:30, d.c. mayor muriel bowser and police chief newsome plan to address the gun violence in the district. this video from saturday showing them announcing an arrest in the murder of 11-year-old caron brow >> news 4's megan fitzgerald joins us from the north west with more e on what we cect to hear 30 minutes from now, megan. >> reporter: that's right. that press conference about to get started here. an what we're expecting to hear is an announcement of how the community can work with police to try and stop the violence in th city, andn tell you, a lot of people i've spoken with say they are counting on hearing some sort of solution, because they're outraged. it has been a deadlynd dangerous past week in d.c. several families left with the unbearable grief of losing a loved oneli fa like 11-year-old caron brown. he was inside a car at a gas station on nailor road
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southeast. police say people started arguing. the young boy was killed. the suspect, 29-year-old tony antoine mclamb, arrested days later. this weekend, more violence. multiple shootings and homicides on saturday. 34-year-old ericird lost his life after being shot to death on the popular u-street corridor in northwest after getting into an argument with a suspect. not far ay, 22-year-old george hendricks was shot several times on k street and died. mayor muriel bowser and police chief peter newsham say they're doing what they can to op the nsolence. >> n the hands of the wrong people are deadly and make our neighborhoods unsafe. >> reporter: now we're told there will be a candlelight vigil for that 11-year-old boy gunned down last week at his elementary school, stanton
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elementary, tomorrow, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. back to you. >> megan, thank you so much. in just a, few min a plan to protect immigrants from federal authorities will move forward in montgomery county. county executive mark elridge will sign an order that prevents agency working with i.c.e. to arrestr deport undocumented immigrants. a press conference planned for 11:30 at the execu ve office building in rockville. late supreme court justice john paul stevens is lying in repose at the united states supreme court. the public is invited to pay respects until 8:00 this evening. associate justiceen ela kagan spoke about stevens during a private ceremony this morning. >> but if ever there were a case where a funeral shou become a celebration of a life well-lived, this is that case. justice stevens lived a ng
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life. he lived a great and important and influential life. >> the 99-year-old died last tuesday after suffering a stroke. a private funeral service and internment will be held at arlington national cemetery tomorrow. 11:09 this morning, and newo the washing wizards have a brand-new general manager. they tweeted this out just a al.tle while ago. tommy shepard has been hiredas reiplaces ere grunfeld, left go in the spring. the wizards had a disappointing season, beou winning just 32 t of 50 games. good luck to him. we do have a hearewreaking n interview with a mom whose toddler died after falling from a cruise ship window. >> such a sad sry. also coming up, massive new protests are getting under way in puerto rico. this despite a new social media appeal by that island's governor. and equifax will pay nearly $700 million to
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settle numerous lawsuits. a look at what consumers will be eligible for. coming up.
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liftoff for a mission top exre the moon's south pole. but this time the rocket is from india. the goal of the unmned mission is to land on the lunar south pole and send ats rover to i floor. landing is set for september. in successful, india would will be only the fourth country to land spacecraft on the moon. developing this morning, iranian officials say they have captured 17 people who were allegedly spies rking for the u. central intelligence agency. the oicials sayome of those arrested have been sentenced to death. nbc news reached o to the state department for comment.
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ll of this comes during heightened tensions with ir. iran seized a british tanker in the strait of hormuz friday. the uk government says this seizure was in clear violation of international law. iran says it was enforcing internal law. the uk is now iscussing how to respond to this. president trump is stepping up his criticism of four o democratic wmen in congress. the group is know as the squad, and they are all women of lor. >> the president's supporters say it is not about their race, it'about their policies. news4's tracie potts returns, not everyone is buying that. >> reporter: president trump's latest controversial tweet. i don't believe the four congresswomen are capable of loving our country. they should apologize to america and israel for the horrible, ateful things they have said. >> i think we have to not take the bait and get off the ride that the occupant of this oval office has us on. i'm aroud to be anmerican. i love this country.
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>> reporter: democrats flipping the script. >> he owes these women an apology. they obviously love this are in because th public service. >> the president has decided that racism is good politics. >> reporter: trump's supporters insist, it's not about race. >> it's not abouender, it's not about religion.oc they are adving policies that will destroy this nation. >> i fundamentally disagree with the view that if you criticize somebody, and they happen to be a different color skin, that makes it a racialcriticism. >> reporter: representative ilhan omar, rashida tlaib, alexandria ocasio-cortez and ayanna pressley accused of being anti semitic and anti-american. for now, president trump not backing down. neither are these four. >> now the trump campaign is picking up on this, mentioning a couple of these female lawmakers in their latest fund-raising emails. >> also, robert mueller will testify in public befo two congressional committees this week. mueller s will testifyarately
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before the house judiciary and intelligence committees on wednesday. ttee cair jry dler ysu jhoommi iaudicmu c report presents very substantial evidence that president trump is, quote, guilty of hh crimes and misdemeanors. mueller submitted his report in march. it details his 22-month investigation into russian t idfeenteriaelnc election. we'll have live coverage of his testimonywe starting esday morning. you can tune in and watch it right here on nbc 4. switching gears to taer about summtravel. of course, the season is in full swing and far from over. and this morning, the news4 i-team is working for you with t the repohat anyone who is heading to an airport this summer has to hear. >> this is prey alarming. a rising numr of people causing some disruptions at area airpgts, carryin weapons in their ba scott macfarlane and the news4 i-team looked into it. >> reporter: we found people arrested by the dozens as just
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ourl loca airports just this year, including here at reagan national, bwi and dulles nternational. the tsa has not released names of those stopped carrying illegal firearms. so the i-team did some digging. we found those arrested avoid jail. most instead paid fines, completed community service or served unsupervised release. and most had their cases eventually dismissed. we found many of these arrests happening at tsa precheck locations, among frequent flyers, who undergo background checks. like a loudoun coun who asked me not to show his face out of concern publicity of his arrest could cost him his job. how can you forget a gun when walking into an airport? >> maybe if you travel enough and you start to think of that airport as your home. because that's exactly how i thought of it. >> reporter: tonight as part of our 4 i-team investigation, how one local prosecutor does notek seail sentences for those stopped at airports with guns. but why some in other states
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might face a stiffer punisent d what tsa says is the most common excuse it hears from those caught. for now, scott macfarlane, news4 i-team. now to a story that will tug every parent's heartstrings, the family a toddler who died on a cruise ship is demanding answers. >> just so tragic. -month-old chloe wiiee gand. her grandfather put the child ua gainst the window because she loved to bang on the glass. he didn't realize the window was open. >> there was one point where my son said, mom, i wish i would have been standing there, because i wuld have jumped and i would have saved her. and that was like -- toreus me. beca i know that he believes that. you know. and to know he's living with that. >> the parents have hired a lawyer. they say there should have been
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more protective asures in place that high up and they want to make sure changes are made so this does not happen to another family in the future. the cruise line released a statement, saying its hearts go o the family. they're demandi answers. so many quesmaons. >> so ny questions. such a sad story. >> high temperatures in the 70s. the big changes that are coming to our weather. plus, baseball back in d.c. starting tonight. an with that, a greatdeal for families heading to the ballpark. how your kids can eat for free. [mus iic playing] (vo) thiss matt and rachel. and this is the few minutes they have until naptime is over. this is rachel depositing a check without leaving the house. (r(matt) [whispers] seen my debit card? (vo) this is rachel turning off her debit card. (matt) [whispers] babe. (vo) and back on again. this is your right here, right now bank. this iwells fargo.
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puerto rico's governor's attempt to try to pacify protesters by sang he won't seek re-election apparently didn't work. protests continue today with hundreds of tousands pledging to drive governor ricardo rose oo fromice. >> it's from an insulting online
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chat last wk. nbc's gabe gutierrez is in san juan, and he has more. >> reporter: this morning, protesters in puerto rico are preparing for their largest demonstration yet. after governor ricardo roso insists he has a responsibility to finish the job he was elected to do. he did't say he wonun for re-election next year and is stepping down as the head of his political party. but that's not enough for protesters that gathered outside the governor's mansion in san juan overnight. the prsure has intensified since nearly 900 pages of a private group chat were leaked and published by the center for investigative journalism in in puerto rico. the messages between he and several close aides include personal attacks on rival politicians, anti gay slurs and even jokes about the dead after hurricane maria.
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on sunday, demonstrators filled the waters off san juan in a kayaks, boa jet skis and on paddle boards. and on land, some protesters meditated. otrs took to horseback. played conga drums, all with the same message, he must go. on saturday with streets jammed with protesters, some placed shoes to represent those who died from hurricane maria. this man says he'll stay in then streets l the governor leaves office. singer bad bunnas who l week left his european tour to protest in san juan back in barcelona, leading a chant that he resign. [ speaking in foreign language ] and pop star ricky martin criticizing his decision, prompting himre to turn to puerto rico for today's march.
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>> ay. so imagine if this happened to you and your family during the heatwe. nearly 30,000 customers say their power cut in brooklyn thik weend. the con edison utility took customers offline to make tpairs and prevent a larger outage. timing could not have been worse. i we've beening outside. a lot of the neighbors going back and forth. people sitting in their cars, trying to deal with the heat. >> okay. so that noise you may have heard in the background there, that's an ice cream truck tha through the neighborhood to try to help residents and neighbors cool off. >> it's one thing toose your power because a tree falls down like what happened here in montgomery county. but when it's like -- we just have to turnt off - >> yeah. >> oh, man. >> no, no, thank you. >> can you imagine the calls, the emails? >> i can't imagine. >> they would be flooded. >> yeah. ooh. listen, it is hot outdahere. yesterwas national ice cream day, though. >> i had some ice cream!
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.> i did. >> i forgot >> i didn't either. i was too lazy to get off my couch and go outsi. soon as i opened that door, i was like, nope. i'm going to go right back here and wat my netflix. >> but there is relief coming. >>we do. tomorrow. tomorrow it's coming. it feels better out there today compweede tinar theo 90s. 99 was our temperature out there yesd,rday. anagain, looking a lot better out there today with that semperature right around 90 degrees. we're 86 right now. we still have that humidity out there. but blue skies out there right now. and, again, here look at your weather question. are we going to see some strong storms this afternoon? yes. we will have them this afternn d continuing through this evening. that could lead to some flooding and power outages. heavy rain.e and multiplounds of storms with damaging winds could bring some downed trees. we're already satued on the ground. later tonight, no, we're going to have some storms through the overnight and really don't see
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them getting ou of here until tomorrow morning. then we have showers through the day tomorrow. so it's going to be wet for the tevening commute, we for tomorrow morning commute. i think i bwill be out the time tuesday evening's commute comes along. but you can see these storms are just knocking the doorstep of i-81 right now, continuing to push to the north and east right now. but al of this is associated with a cold front. so we're going to have that lift. we're going to have that mechanism to create some storms in this unstable atmosphere with all t is sunshinethat we're getting out there right now. so widespread storms happening after lunch time, and continuing into the overnight. we'll have some rain showers and some storms tomorrow,n but the we're dry as we get into wednesday, thursday, friday. we could see an isolated shower on wednesday. i just don't really have than i the forecast quite yet. let's get through the next two days. current temperatures out there now, in the 80s. here we go. loat index, more what it feels like. w to mid 90s. already feels like 100 degrees in fredericksburg and towardhe eastern shore. now, over the next 12 hours, those temperatures are going to top out in the low to mid 90s. we've got that 70% chance of
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storms. timing it out for you, again, after 1:00, 2:00, seeing them roll through, places west of us. and then they'll continue to push through as we go through the ev could be heavy and strong at times. ave a flash flood watch. look at this, tuesday morning, heavy rain and ntme storms uing right along i-95. and then by the time we head into the afternoon, the frontal system will clear, maybe a chance of few showers, but that's it. let's talk about wednesday and ehe rest of the week, more humidity on th horizon. that's coming up. guys? >> we'll see you then. thank you. we get an update on the safety changes at mets park. plus, equifax exposed the personal data of millions of americans. now it will have to pay up. we're going to explain and show you how to protect your credit.
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you're watching "news4 midday." all right. welcome back. an update on a developing story out of the
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district. d.c. mayor muriel bowser and the district's police chief are expected to hold a news tnference starting in next few minutes. the pair will address the recent spike in violent crimes across the city. eit people have died since wednesday. the latest victim, 27-year-old jamal bandy. he was killed lashtn congress street in southeast. >>in other news this morning, equifax set to pay up to00 $7 million to settle one of thela gest data breaches that exposed the private information of nearly half the u.s. population. >> incredible numbers. dithe cret reporting agency blames criminal hackers for the 2017 breac but some cyber expert accuse equifax of not doing enough to safeguard the data. here's nbc's tomel costlo. >> reporter: it was one of the most extreme cases of americans' personal data being compromised. credit bureau giant equifax revealed in 2017 suffered a major security breach. 145 million people affect,
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ncluding customer names, addresses, social security numbers, birth dates, even driver's license information. now equifax is expected to pay t least $600 million to settle federal and state investigations, as well as coumer claims. this is the largest data breach settlement in the history of our nation. and it is because it had a massively negative impact on consumers. >> reporter: a coalition of 50 attorneys general across thery couneached the settlement with equifax, said to be announced this morning. consumers affected by the hack will receive $25 for every hour they spent working to ensure their information was protected. and will be reimbursed for certain credit monimsring prograhey purchased, as well. they'll also get ten years of free credit monitoring going forward. ir they're going to pay consumers for theloss, and they're going to pay to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. t reporter: investigation found equifax failed maintain a reasonable security system, which enabled hackers to penetrate its systems and expose
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the data of 56% of american adults. after the hack, lawmakers on capitol hill blasted former eqfax ceo, richard smith. >> i take full responsibility. i'm here today to say to each an every person affected by this breach, i'm truly and deeply sorry for what happened. >> reporr: but for many americans, the apologies were not enough. >> we're sending a very clearal signhrough this equifax settlement we're not going to tolerate this type of data breach and he want to see heir nies invest in infrastructure so that our information is protected. >> experts say you should assume that your sensitive data has been compromised. they recommendsigning up for credit fraud alerts from equifax and the other major reporting agencies, experian and transunion. you also should also consider paying fvi monitoring sers and also put a temporary freeze with agencies so criminals will
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be blocked out if they are trying to use your informatiot jusemember, though, to unfreeze if you aan to buy car or even a home or open a new card. will take over the top spot from katie ledecky and win gold in the women's 400 free. >> that is a big upset for the favorite pro swimmer katie ledecky finished second last night at the 400 meter freestyle final at the world championships in south korea. it marks her first loss at a major international competition, but she can still make up for it. we know her skills. she has four more races in the championship. thecky is expected to be on u.s. team for the next summer olympics in tokyo, which will begin one year from tomorrow. unbelievable. >> good luck to her in tokyo. speaking of sports, let's talk baseball. the nationals -- i call tm the hottest team in baseball right now, back home tonight for the first time in two weeks.
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we have jake burns with us, the nats executive vice president for business operations. to talk about a new program that we welcome for families. first of all, thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> "news4 midday." we see this kids' meal. a talk to usut the kids eat free progrel. >> absoluty. it's a special summer prograr that uns starting tonight through labor day andt's for our junior nats kids club members ages 12 and under where we provide a free kids meal to every club member. so it's easy to sign up, free sign up. and just go to major league baseball ballpar app and >> so i know it's not just an empty box. what comes in the box? we see some of it here. >> our most popular item, a free hot dog, choice of free chips or apple sauce as well as your choice of soda or >> okay, great. and so you say we have to have the app. and that's free to download. >> free to download, absolutely. free to download for anybody. you can also go online at m/
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nationals.dseatfree to signiv up and you'll rece a voucher and redeem it for the free kids meal. >> i like to think of myself as a kid but i'm a little too old. what is the age range for those who can take part? >> sure. 12 and under. >> okay, all right. missed that by just a little bit. speaking of kids, i know that the nats announcedarly this year after the all-star break, making some changes to the field and the stadium. we're going to see that tonight, ys well. can talk about that? >> that's right. we have made the decision to extend the netting to as close to the south pole aswe possibly could and really it's about fan safety. there's so many line drives there. really hard-hit line drives coming into the stands and injuring fans. and, you know, safety is the most important ing to us. so we made that decision to extend the netting. >> okay, great. impact course, that will the experience for fans. you'll still be able to get great views of the field. >> that's right. we implemented a special netting, so some visibility concerns will be alleviated. >> jake burns, executive vice president of the nats, we appreciate you coming in. thank you so much.
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>> thanks for having me. >> sign up so yoids can eat for free. 12 skpuand under though, molett >> i have one kid who will fit in there. extrve netting may ha prevented this accident in ay cleveland sund in the sixth inning of the royals/indians game, a foul ball went past the netting and into the crowd. a young fan struck by the ball the first baseline. the play was stopped as players collected themselves and a renewed push to expand netting at major league ballparks s come after similar injuries this year. and we're told the child who was hit remains at a local hospital in stable condition. wishing for the bt there. another hot summer day, but storms could arrive in time for the evening commute. lauryn is coming back with her updated forecast. it's 11:36, almost, on "news4 midday."
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>> oh, my gosh! >> oh, my gosh. talk about a fish tale. a family in cape cod, massachusetts, over the weekend, got a little too close to a great white shark. the massive animal jumped out of the water at them while they were trying to snag a fish off a line. now the good news here, no one is hurt. there is a look at the video again. this wasn't an isolated though. there have been more than 100 shark sightings this summer with than 30 near cape cod. >> and that little boy in the whole andled himself a lot better than i would have. >> i would have jumped off the other side ofhe boat. speaking of animals, our pat collins is helping to find new homes for pet's he also searching for the ar's most talented four-legged odiends. >> tay we're going to learn which pets made it to the final. >> one more? high five. good boy!
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>> this afternoon,re going to reveal the final contenders for pat's prize pet challenge. tune into ne4 starting at 4:00 this afternoonto find outho will go on and g the grand prize. lauryn, you didn't end your cat. >> i really wanted to, because puppy is so good. when she was giving a high five, utwas like, oh, puppy can do that. i'm pretty sure she can do that. let's be honest. but they were already judging those. chuck was judging them, they were all judging themthe conference room this morning. >> i know, it's happening. >> yep, so -- >>an't wait to see what's happening. >> tune in for tat later on this afternoon. and you may want to stay indoors, not only because it's t hot, b we have severe weather. somelia just came in. oi were talking about it. i think it's g to be anti ac afternoon. for doug and amelia. dealing with severe weather. keep it on wtop. of course, w'll keep you updated throughout the afternoon and into the evening with any
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storms that do at looks beautiful out there right now. that's not necessarly a good thing. we have this sunshi. that's creating the instability that we're going to see bubble up around the regn. so sunshine and a situation like this, not necessarily good. flash flood watch, as you can see. pretty much for everybody, with the exception of southern maryland. southern maryland, you see, we' got these little orange spots here in calvert county and st. mary's county, a heat unvisory. so you guys arohere probably make it up to 105 in terms of the heat index. everybody else right around 100. so that's cool compared to what we had overe weekend. but a flash flood watch is really what we're concerned about. again, heavy rain with any of these storms. and we're going to have multiple rounds of storms likely in the same reas. so we will see some, flooding possibly flash flooding. that means it's going to happen pretty quickly, like that. soagain, download the nbc washington app and we give you those alerts and keep it here throughout the afternoon. we've got these storms just knocking on our doorstep right nowy a frontal sem is going to
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bring these chces of rain eventually sweeping through by tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon. but lots of rain just off to our est and it's pushing in on the mid atlantic. current temperatures out there right now, we're on the 80s. 90s to the south. that heat index0 in the 9s, close to 100, is where we're going to top out for the he index today for a lot of the area. fredericksburg, probably up to 105 and same with those areas that have the heat advisoryn calvert and st. mary's county. over the next 12 hours, about a 70 to 80% chance of seeing storms in yourneighborhood. so they're going to be likely, heading not only through the afternoon, but also into the overnight. so, again, we'll have that one round of storms that goes through just after lunch time. that's when we're going to time it oht. and t some more coming in through the evening commute. again, the yellows and reds, oranges, heavy rain, lots of lightninge going to be within these as well. so once you hear that thunder, get inside.e we do have somin overnight and in through tomorrow morning we could have some heavy rain. so chuck and i will be back with
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you tomorrow mornabg talking ut heavy rain pushing our way. as we go through the morning and into the early afternoon. a lot of it tries to get out of here. another disturbance tries to sneak through tomorrow afternoon, so a chance of showers through the late afternoon and into the evening. but we do clear as we get into wednesday. and watch the clouds clear out. we will clear to sunshine on wednesday and wednesday's temperure back in the low to mid 80s with low humidity. dropping humidity tomorrow, look athat temperature. oh, yeah. we're going to be low to mid 90s today. but 79 tomorrow with themalling huity out there. for the next five days, again, weather alert today and into the overnight tomorrow morning. there could be a passing shower on wednesday. a stray shower here or there thursdaynd friday, looking good. but let's talk about the returning humidity. and let's talk about the temperature for that weekend. that's coming up on therten-day foecast in just about ten minutes. >> do we have to talk about the returning -- >> no. but we want to taleeabout the wnd, you know what i mean? . >> 79 is going to feel like fall. >> we're going to need a wind chill adsory or something.
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.>> oh, my goodness it smellsne divi in here. the tradition of brazilian barbecue. > you can meet the chef grilling me in its purestat
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now that the weather is about to cool down a little bit, the summer favorite is an option once again. an what better to do it than with steak on e ill, right? chef lopez and kristalm willhe from north bethesda are here with a special technique for grilling. good morning. thank you both for coming in. okay. so the chef is going to do his thing on the grill here while we talk about the southern brazilian cooking technique you guys do so well, r>>ght? absolutely. so fogo de chao has a southern
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cooking technique called churae o. so we havefs who cook all of the high-quality, fresh, >>re-roasted meats over an open flame. kay, look. just take a look at the meat we're talking about. i mean, the tize ofat. i mean, this is amazing. the spread itself is amazin t but look tokay. i interrupted you. go ahead. >> yes. show it works, we'll press the meat on the securkewers and tak to the fire. >> take it to the fire! >yes, we put it on the open-fired flame. and once it is cooked up to temperature, we take it to your t and our chefs will then carve off a piece of meat and put it right back on to the fire. they let it sit 10 to 1 minutes and get that nice, juicy flavor back to the meat. >> okay. talk about the quality of meat that we're seeing here. >> yes. >> mean, this is just amazing. >> this right here actually on
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this stove, that was just prepared as well over here. our house specialty, picana. it's a top sirloin, one of my favorite cuts of meat, actually. r so how we pare it, like i said, on the secure, has the nice fat oer edge. so you take it off if needed. but it always comes thinly sliced and you get that ce, perfect seasoning, which is very simple. we only season with kosher salt. we don't go too crazy. >> now i have been one time -- this is a very popular place for people to go. and you get the little -- it tells you when to stop bringing the meat to the table, right? turn it over to red when you're ready to stop. >> exactly. so our little medallions are your keys to the meat. so you'reon red, they will let you enjoy our market, which you can see up here, we have a meread of, and when you're ready to begin the t, you flip to the green side and they are going to come to your tableside
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and start se you continuous meat service. o >> all kinds meat! >> all kinds, yes. we have pork,ef and chicken. so a variety of everything. >> and for people who don't even eat meat, i don't know why you would go, but there are somens optor you too. >> yes, absolutely, absolutely. so as you can see up here, we have aon of great vegetarian options, as well. we have our mozzarella and tomato salad. we have a amazing cold cut station, imported cheese. >> asparagus there. >> exactly. an amazing chicken salad, very, very popular with theo pee. but -- >> okay. talk about what you serve with the meat, because that's important. i know this. come on, krista. >> so we have -- well, not outside of the arket, we have our meats and then we also do a ton of great hotide dishes. traditional bread, ourarliced mashed potatoes, polenta, caramelized bananas. we also have amazing wine, as well. >> okay.ta
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very imp to pair that up. >> of course, of course. can't have a nice cut of meat with no wine. >> so the weekend brunch. i want to talk about that before we run out of time. we're getting close. >> of course. ilian k about the br brunch. >> we do brunch saturday and sunday morning at all of our l ations. we have a beef rib hash we do. we have amazing yogurt parfaits n of different sometimes of brazilian fruits and vegetables. we also have an amazing waffle station and omelette station we switch up on the weekends. >> got to think about brunch. >> saturys and sundays. >> saturdays and sundays. thank you for comi in. fogo de chao. we're going to eat all of this. >> save me the cheese or something, please. >> please do! all right. coming up, summer brain drain. we've got the latest on that.
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we've got the latest on that. doree locally-owned novec has the most reliable power in the region. and we all know how important being reliable is. novec provides electricity from multiple renewable sources. groovy man! and will soon include even more solar. yeah! and novec offe convenient 24/7 online seices. i just paid my electric bill.
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novec. power you can trust.
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britain's prince william and his wife kateleased photos of their son, prince george. oh, my goodness, he turns 6 years old today. the duchess took these photos herself. prince george is third in line to the british throne behind his grandfather, prince charles, and his father, prince wliam. george has two siblings, 4-year-old sister princess charlotte -- everybody knows charlotte. she is a hoot.ld and 1-year-o brother pince louis. now to news for your health. summer means family vacationsar and b barbecues, but if we don't watch it, it can back fire. >> yes, it can take a toll on
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our health and waistline. here is doreen gentzler with some tips to keep the pounds off this summer. >> we kind of go out of our regular routines and we're notpr sleepingerly. eating whatever we see. >> reporter: summertime is the perfect time to relax andin unw but if you're not careful, the change in schedules can wreak havoc on your family's health. a new study published in the "journal ofhe academy of nutrition and f dietetics"d children are more likely to gain weight during summerrereak. archers say it happens when kids fill up on sugary drinks and carbs and cut back on summer vegetables. krista is a personal trainer d owner of breakaway fitness in mclean, virginia. >> when kids are home for summer break, it's kind of hard to have soalmany activities, es with two working parents. so we have to set aside me for activities. i would say at least an hour a
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day for children. >> reporter: she encourages her clients to work out together as a family and showed us some easy exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home, or even on vacation in a hotel room. and they don't require any equipment or >>machinery. you would just step out, go slow. keep your hips down. step in. up. you can do this anywhere at any time. >> another exercise is a simple pushup with a shouldershap. demonstrated this with her 10-year-old son gordon. >> i'm worki my core. elbows in. chest right to the bench, okay? atever you have. you have a bed, a chair, something. >> reporter: your family can also try a three-way lunge with a sqt or a wall sit. both work the lowerody. >> here we go again. side, side, back. back. and then hit the squat. again, to make this more challenging, add weight.
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lean against the wall and have a 90-degree bend in your knees. try to keep your elbows and arms as close to the wall as possible. and you're going to reach up and try to touch your hands together, keeping your arms as close to the wall as possible. it's way harder than it looks. but you'll reall feel a good stretch in your upper back and shoulders. >> reporter: aim for 10 to 15 reps of each exercise, four times each. the best advice, set aside time each day for family walks or bike rides to help everybody burn off energy and calories. >> because children need time to move and be active. and if you can do that with them, it's a win/win for everybody. >> good stuff there. that was doreen gentzler from diet and exercise to sleep schedules and educational tools to stay ment sharp. you can look back at our series on preventing summer brain drain. we've posted all our stories on our website and app. >> today would be the day to stay indoors and do a little bit of workout because it's hot and
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the rain is coming, right, lauryn? >> yeah, that rain is coming ano it's on doorstep any time after lunch time, 1:00. especially in the shenandoah valley, north and west of d.c. after this afternoon, all bets are off. temperatures in the low 90s today. and, again, damaging winds and also flooding going to be aai m concern. dropping humidity tomorrow and nice throughout the week. >> lauryn, thank you. that does it for us here on "news4 lldday." we'ee you back here this afternoon for news4 first at 4:00. >> geesnews and weather updat any time with the nbc washington app. have a great day and we'll see you in the morning.
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♪ we are live. in five, four, three, two, one. >> happy monday everybody. welcome to "access live." wow, we got a rowdy crowd today. rock claire is here. [ applause ] >> welcome. >> thank you. i have to be honest with you. i am having a hard time looki at yourec tirhe r don mostit bee on the planet, is it just me? >> it is you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> gd to see you, too. i have to be honest with you,


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