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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  July 19, 2019 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT

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breaking right now at 11:00r a teenag and his father found dead. >> i'm trying to wrap my head around it. blazing heat. dangerous temperatures, the worst of it all coming just in
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time for your weekend. >> temperatures near and around triple digits and with the humidity, it will feel even hotter. >> and liftoff on the national mall. a moon mission remembered with a special tribute on the nationa monument. first to that storm team4 we don't have to tell you it's hot outside. it's 11:00 p.m. and it still feels like more than 90 degrees out there. >> a this heat wave is sticking around for the weekend. wee got team coverage for you tonight on what that means for you and your family. >> we'll check in with cory smith in just a moment, but first to amelia draper. how hot is t it going get, amelia? >> we could hites 100 degre and if that's the case, it will be the first time reagan national
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has hit 100 since august of 2016. we think at night we'll get a little bit of the break from the heat. i just noticed the heat index in washington go up from 10:00 p.m. at 96 degrees to jump up t 99. it's actually feeling hotter out there this hour than it was last hour with the humievty ls potentially ticking up a degree. here's the current heat index across the area. this is stifling. 99 in washington. 104 in annapolis. feeling like 97 in leesburg right now. this is for 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. this is dangerous heat.ou f you can yant to stay indoors especially during this time period. 11:00 a.m. it's feeling about 110 degrees. i'm going to have much more on the heat throughout the wekend plus the storm outlook coming um full forecast. >> all rwht. e'll see you in a few minutes.
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thank you. liftoff on the national mall. a recreation of the launch of apollo 11 played out on the to washingn monument tonight. n >> we've bee waiting for that. >> yes, we have. we speed it upyo so u can see unfolded. >> the mall was packed with people who were out there watching this happen. and this weekend, thousands more arexpected to be out there honoring the moon landing. >> if you're heading out there, ke amelia's warnings in mind. cory smith is on the mall tonight with a look at warning fromtslimate scientis who say we could be seeing many more triple-digit temperature days soon enough. corey? >> reporter: yeah, doreen. this ita a very s warning. it's coming from the union of concerned scientists. they're a nonpartisangr up of climate researchers. they say as the 21st century progresses, we will continue to see extremely hot days.
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they will climb in an amount that is potentially dangerous. >> it's really hard to stay cool. >> i like the water fall. >> reporter: these children, surviving the dog days of summer is a slaplash in the park. their mother can't help worry about all of theitomorrows as the days of extreme heat pile up on an already warming planet, she wonders if days like this will become the norm. >> i don't want to wait untist what scientis predict. >> the research started a long time ago. >> for climate scientists, that prediction is summed up in stark terms. >> it's going to get hot. that's the bottom line. >> for their newer kiheat study, researchers at the union of concerned scientists spent two years rying to figure out how many dangerously hot days we could for the rest of the
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century. >> we use a threshold of 90 degrees, 100 degrees, 105 and off the charts. >> reporter: for the purposes of the story, we'll look at a number of daysurith temperates above 100 degrees. >> it's between one and ten days. it goes out to mid century, by mid ceretury, we where, 26 to 50. by the end of the century, we are now in the 51 to 100 day range. this is between april and october. so these days are going to be spread out, but when you start seeing a lot more ofhose days, even your body that's acclimateo it, it's going to start to feel it. >> reporter: not to mention the impact it could have on entire ecosystemis we're at rk unless something is done. >> we need to reduce ouri emions by 2030.
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>> >> reporter: and for moms, ti there's like the present to get started. >> i'd rather do something about it so maybe the prediction can change. >> reporter: now this study isn't all doom and gloom. if we really get serious about mitigating the impact of climate change, we can reduce the number of extremely hot days we see in the future. out here on the mall, if we can get to the moon in 1969, we recollected we should be abl to mitigate the impacts of climate change. >> here's hoping. thank you, corey. if you plan to attend anyut odoor events tomorrow, check to make sure they're still happing. a lot of organizations made cancellations or adjustments. d.c. is keeping its public pools later this weekend to give you a chance to cool off. we'll have hour by hour forecasts and updates to those heat advisories in our nbcw ashington app.
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let's turn to some breaking news we've been following here. >> a murder mystery after a father and his son were found dead. their bodies discovered inside their home and apartment on queens street in northeast. >> shomari stone is there live tonight. what have you learned about that? >> reporter: it is a murder mystery. people who live in this northeast d.c. neighborhood are comng up to us asking what happened. now within the last minute or so, that is when a medical aminer's van arrived to remove the bodies of this father and this son who are located in an apartment building behind me. people tell me that this son was incredibly well liked in the neigouorhood. he w go to football practice and then come home. and now they're wondering who killed him, his father, and why. >> i'm hurt. i'm in a lot of pain right now. a lot of pain. >> reporter: elizabeth scruggs is in shock, she says her son
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and her son were found dead in their apartment. >> all he did was went to school and play football. i'm not understanding why anybody would do this to him. >> elizabeth says a relative found the bodies with several bullet wounds and called police friday evening. homicide detectives roped off the street, questioned people in the neighborhood, and gathered evideane. were ther signs of forced entry at the apartment here? >> we're in the preliminary stages of this investigation asl you a know. those details have not been established. >> reporter: a police source close to the investigation tells me the shooting did h notppen today. and it's unclear how long the bodies were inside the apartment. >> right now we don't have any suspect information. that's why we are asking the to public report anything that they have seen suspicious.
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>> reporter: elizabeth and neighbors say her son was a good, well liked teen. >> he played football. hcewas exing in school. he didn't deserve to die like this. >> reporter: people in the w neighborhoodk up to us on this incredibly hot night asking was this a murder-suicide, or was there a sign of forced entry in which someone brokes into th apartment and killed this father and son. those are the questions that police are looking into and we will hopefully get an answer within the next couple of days. live here in northeast d.c., i'm sha mari stone. tonight we're learning more about the 11-year-old boy who was shot and killed last. night karon brown was at a gas station. several adults got into an argument and shots were filed. he tried to run away but he was hit and killed. today news4 spoke to his mother who didn't want to reveal hs
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entity. >> he was just a baby. he was my youngest. his brother told me he ran one way and karon ran the other way. >> karon he was a fifth grader at stanton elementar school. the school is close to wherewa killed. his mother told us he loved thwa program he involved in. she said it taught him to be patient. the reward to find the killer has been t raised $50,000. the assistant police chief told us it's not clear who the shooter was targeting in this incident. we did get some more images of . off icers tell us that he was with four other people and as of right now, no one has yet been arrested. this is just inut mines ago, d.c. police toldus they arrested one of the suspects in a metro station shooting today.
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he faces assault with incident to kill charges. the two suspects then ran out onto eighth street t. victim was taken to theospital and is expected to survive. police are looking for one more man, officers believe the victim knew the suspects. new tonight, montgomery for y police are asking your help to find this guy. detectives say he stole a car in the piny branch area yesterday afternoon, a car with three children inside. he drove the car to a parking lot on pinyad branch r and took money from the kids before letting them go. they were not hurt. the car is still missing though. it's a 2011 blue ford escape with maryland tags. 2 dd 3455. ifou recognize this man or
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spot the car, police call the police. three members of a white supremist group will spend between two and three years in prison for their part in the deadly rally in charlottesville, virginia. members were caught on camera assaulting counter ptestors before a rally. benjamin they each pleaded guilty. virginia democratic state lawmakers say that they will not attend the 400th session in jamestown on july 30th. president trump is expected to be there. the lawmakers say mr. trump does not represent the values the event iselebrating. they offered three words of advice tohe organizers, quote, send him back. tonight a grandmother is fighting for her life. it happenedt lasght in
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virginia, the woman rear ended another car in herpickup truck, that's when her truckt stuck on the train tracks. moments later, the train came barrelling down. >> she got all of them out of the truck and then i believe what happened is the train hit the truck and then it hit her. >> these kind of accidents are l unfortunaty common. the slogan fothe d.o.t.'s campaign is, quote, you have more than you think. still ahead tonight, infected on purpose. >> a mother will learnlo ho she will spend behind bars. her sentence and why she said she did it. and we think about thero dange heat and our kids and pet es. no amount of time is safe to leave your kids or pet in a hot car remember walking the dog this weekend, if the top of your
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hand can't stay on the surface of the ground for more than 5 to 7 seconds, it's too hot for your aspha tomorrow will feel like 155 degrees. plus, getting the pomp and c circumsta she deserves, decades later.
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fairfax county mother convicted of infecting her own disabl son will spend two more years behind bars. she put her own blood into
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needles. she said she meant no harm s sheaid she did it to get doctors to be more responsive to her son. she's already served 15 months of her three-year sentence. her son's condiion has improved since her >> one pn is hurt after a small plane missed the runway in ocean city. shortly after taking off from the ocean cy airport, the pilot tried to make an emergency landing there but the plane didn't stop. skidding dwn the runway an flipping over as you see there. the pilot was taken to the hospital, but had nonlife threatening injuries. this, by the way, comes a few days after another incident in that area. you may remember this picture here. a pilot on his way to the w airportas forced to make a tuesday.anding on he was the only one on board there and was not injured, believe it or not. >> today six flags america reopened a roller coaster that got stuck stranding passengers
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high above the prince george's county park last night.le chopper4 fabove the firebird. riders were stuck up there for about two hours in the heat. six flags tells us the ride was inspected before the park opened today and it's back up and running. a d.c. grandmother provingi s never too late to go back to school. er high e finally got oma and she did it at 1.e spritely age of she had to drop out of school in seventh grade to do farm work and support her family. but over the years, she always said she felt like she was missing an education. and that's why she we back to school and today she got to walk across that stage. i want them to know, no matter how old you are, if yo have determination, determine
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that you would do this, you will do it. >> her teachers say she was one of the hardest working students they've ever had and she alwaysp show to all of the optionalsi review sesons to get as much help as psible. and now that she has that diploma. she hopes to visit classrooms around d.c. and share her story to ispire others. >> she is inspiring. it is too late for a cool weekend, though, isn't it? >> that's way down the road from here. >next weekend, maybe. >> weekend is not looking bad. but what's unbelievable to me, we felteat like this before, but to feelike 100 degrees outside right now at 1:20 at night, that is the shocking part to that's where we're seeing our weather change the most, our nights aren't cooling off as much. something nice in the nightsk y, the beautiful moon.
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i've been noticing it the last few nights. this video, the moon was full just a few nights ago. it's still very beautiful and very big outehere in th night sky. check out youreather headlines. we have that excessive heat warning in effect tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. on sunday we have an heat watch for the same time period, 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. monday, it's stillmuggy, it's feeling clos to100 and thderstorms are likely on monday. some of them could be strong to severe. we could see some flooding. but let's focus onee the wnd and we have so many different types of weather alerts out there. a quick refresher, thatatch on sunday means we're monitoring the situation. tomorrow we have that excessive heat warning, that means dangerous heat is happening. it's a high threat out there. the watch onsunday will become a heat advisory or an excessive heat warning based on the numbers that i'm seeing, i do think that we'll have an excessive heat warning issued
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again for your sunday. more dangerous heat in the forecast. top of that, our air quality over the weekend is rated poor based on the amount ofzone at the surface. here we are tomorrow morning, feeling like 95 already in washington. noon, it is triple-digit heat everywhere. 110. during the afternoon hours it only gets worse at times feeling clo to 115 degrees. tomorrow night, 7:00 p.m., still feeling about 110. 10:00 p. tomorrow night, there you see, it's feeling about 100 in washington and 90s in the suburbans. there's a chance for some late day thunderstorms out there on sunday. worst-case scenario, here's your heat index,or tomw topping out at 115. sunday topping out at 113.
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and that would be an excessive heat warning in our area. monday topping out at 102. it's still ununcomfortable out there. 70% chance for tomorrows on monday. lower humidity on tuesday. we could see some some rain, maybe a fhu tnderstorms hanging around. by wednesday, it's nice, it's sunny, 86. >> not like it's -- it's not like we can escape the heat this trykend because half the co is also -- >> we're not alone. >> it's impressive how much of the country, the whole eastern party of the countr is experiencing this mugginess and dangerous heat. >> thank you. stay with us. just ahead we go to sports, the wizards wizards not all water is created eal.
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only 1 billionth of 1% is filtered naturally. and eserges crisp and refrhing enough to be called deer park 100% natural spring water. born better®
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>> i believe it was throw who once said march to the beat of your own drum. the wards did that this season after firing lo-time team president, the team went through tnd draft a free agency without hiring a new general manager. tommy shepherd, sheerded them through that time. they announced they're naming him the team's general manage the first new gm since 2003. shepherd was responsible for drafts and will be charged with leading the team into a new era. he's working with the team for seasons.
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last year he was the senior vice president of basketball operations. mystics, late in the fourth, down 2, step back, easy. never a doubt. she had8 2 points. we would be going into over me and ot belonged to d.c. mystics up 6. and then off the inbounds play, another tough finish inside. she had 17 points, 6 in ot. mystics win 95-88. patrick corbin celebrating his birthday with his catcher. 2-0, bres. he comes in to score. in the bottom hf of the
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inning, it was 3-1. the nats were down to their final out, and a two-run shot. in theom bott half, josh donaldson with a singl braves win this 4-3. that was a tough one. "o's" got a start. three-run shot inthe first. birds would not look back. third inning, i'm going to call this the rainmaker. 6-2. "o" win this.
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and in northern ireland,d unkin some of the giants of e game. phil mickelson, he needed it. and couldn't quite hit it. phil was plus 9 for the t rnament. tiger woods also struggled. not pleased with that one. that's what i lo like on the course. and the favorite, rory mcilroy playing on his home courseco he d not connect. the local kid is out. andls a tomorrow, washington spirit in action. we want to see that after the world cup.
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[ and applause ♪ >> steve: from 30 rockefeller yo plaza here in new city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." and now, here's your host,


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