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tv   Today  NBC  March 15, 2019 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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. >>ki good brngmo news. terror in new zealand. at least one gunman openiir fe inside two mosques killing 49 >> from what we know, it does appear to have been well planned. >> one of the safest countries in the world now reeling from its worst mass shooting ever. this morning we'll talk live to somebody who was inside one of the mosques when the gunfire erupted. >>mo final nts. overnight chilling radio messages from the pilots of the ethiopian airlines crash revealing what was happeni inside the cockpit. new clues emerge on possible links to the other boeing 737 max 8 crash. here at home airlines struggling to replace grounded planes.
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veto president trump set to use his power for the first time after a republican revolt. 12 members joining democrats to denounce his emergencyn declaratt the border. >> this is not about the resident or about border security this is a constitutional issue. >> so what does it mean for the president and his pa ly? we aree at the white house. those stories, plus dropped. how that massive college bribery scandal is now taking a toll on lori loughlin'sar ceer. social distortion, a shocking new connectio bween social media and serious mental health sues in teens. >> it's not something that makes me happy. it makes me anxious. and a palace divided. the royal split thatas h harry and meghan moving on from william and kate and the world is talkingut abo it today friday march 15th, 2019. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with savannah guthe
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and hoda kotb f liverom studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. nd welcome to "today" on this busy friday morning. thank you for joining us. savann has the morning off. craig is filling in. a lot of people hearing about a krewe that many thought i guess was ang the mos safe on the planet? >> the deadliest attack in the history of new zealand. right to that breaking news on thisriday morning. deadly shootings inside two mosques in new zealand where worshippers were in t of friday prayers. >> officials are nowle saying a t 49 people have been killed, four people taken into custody at the >> new d's prime minister speaking out overnight calling the attacks an unprecedented act of violence. >> in a moment we will talk to a man who was inside one of those mosques. first, nbc's chief global correspondent bill neely with the latest on this. good morning. >> good mning. a horrifying attack. the worst ever mass shooting in
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new zealand. a gunman wring a bullet-proof vest moving from room to room at one mosque, killing men, women, and children. that took around 15 minutes. then a second mosque was attacked. police haven't said if the same gunman was involved there. he is described by authorities as an anti-immiroant tst. it all began during friday prayers. ussurvivors saying they prayed for the bullets to stop. this was a massacre without mercy. > reporter: minutes after the massacre, a stream of wounded begin arriving at city hospitals. many with multipl gunsh wounds. armed police still hunting for l gunman, sti unsure if the attacks are over, and everywhere survivors w haveeen through unimaginable horror. m the blood is on i mean, it's oni me. think oh my god, oh my g god, it'soing to happen to me now.
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fortunately, i am epalive. >>ter: this man saw the killer. >> and he had helmet and the of the and he dressed military and is has a gun of the 16. >> reporter: minutes after the shooting police were filmed arresting a man. they later held two other armed men and a woman and found two explosive devices attached to cars. >> so far, one person, a male in his late 20s, has been charged with murder and should appear in the christchurch court tomorrow morning. >> reporter: policee was not onnd any new zeala terror watch list. the massacre in christchurch began around 1:40 in the afternoon at the al noork. m a mosque at linwood then. a horrifying twist. they say the man streamed his massacre live from a body cera
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and left a long anti-immigrant docudnt. >> he st is clear that this is one of new zealand's darkest days. clearly, what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence. >> we stand here and condemn absolutely the attack that occurred today by an extremist right-wing violent terrorist. >> reporter: police are advising new zealanders to avoid all mosques after an attack that has stunned this normally peaceful country. police sources have told our partners at australia's channel 7 that the killer is 28-year-old brenton tarrant, and that heca ly releaded his weapon during the massacre. they are raiding homes right now and they are vestinginvestigati
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threat to the islamic community. it is a terrible irony that many of those killed were refugees from war zones seeking peace in what was o of the world' safest >> bill, thank you. >> we are joined now about mohan ibraheim who was inside one of the mosques when the shootin started. good morning to you. take us inside that mosque, if you can, si when the shooting started. what did you see? what did you hear? >> thank you so much for having me. i was inside the mosquua ally at that time. w as inside on the right side corner. it's a big mosquf you see any video, you willha recognit. he start shooting from the main do, the main entrance. wh he was getting inside the mosque i heard the first sound. i thought maybe it was a short
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circuit. but it was a bignoise, b sound, a loud sound was happening, and the windows and glass was dropping by. and that time lots of, peop we were inside, and there was a door on the right side where the ladies entrance section. some of us, we were able to comt out of t door on the back side of the mosque. and there was lots of car parking. the main car parking on the back side of the mosque. and i had to run out of the area and i had to jump a wall to get into the street from there. so there was a distance in between. you can say it was 700 or 8ta
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meter disnce we had to run. then we jum out of that area. so the was a whole barricade of gun --f the mosque area. i was listening the shot, like the big snd, and of the fired guns. it was just like firing like that. >> mohan, we are so happy you are okay, sir. our thoughtsre and prayers with you and the rest of the survivors in that mosque. >> thank you. more on this investigators.en richard g rich engle is with us. there is aanifesto. we haven't been able to independently confirm that at nbc. if it is true, the things that this guy writes are clear as day. like he tells you exactly who he is, why he did it. what did we learn? >> as you heard, police havenf med that there was
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someone, the believe to be the shooter, who posted live video, streaming video from a body cam, posted same person also a manifesto online. it was called the great replacement. it is anti-immigrant, antiblack, anti-muslim. the concept is, and obviously we poe not going to put that on air, but it's imant to describe it to under the context in which thiss murder, terrorist act took place. the idea behind e it, which have seen in a lot of ext mist literature, is the great replacement, muslims, non-white people are out-breeding white people and therefo it's important to kill them off. that's what he tried to do. it'sittered with conspiracy. theories it mentions dylann roof, the shooter who killed nine african americans in south carolina. it's the same kind ofessaging that you heard even in dylann of's own manifesto, anti-immigrant, anti-non-white
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people rhetoric. >> new zealand considered to be one o safest countries on the face of the earth. strict g laws. they require home checks to make sure that people's guns are locked up safely. you reported extensively on a lot of events like this around the globe. are we see more attthks like fueled by the sentiments that you just talked about? >> when they happen, they are very i am not sure if we have seen more of them, about you they do tend to cop each other. that's why police in new zealand right now are so afraid. they put out a call telling people not go to the mosque today. so i'm not sure if is a global trend, but certainly over the next few days there is this concern that somebody could take this up, read the manifesto, and decide they are going to do something similar. for the first time ever new zealand put the terror threat level to high. it had never done that before. there is certainly that concern you are expressing. at least in the immediate future
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there could be copycat activity. edobally are there more a hate crimes? perhaps, but not on this scale. >> all right. richard thanks for joining us today. >> absolutely. now to the latest on the grounded 737 m planes and the investigation into two deadly the black b from ethiopian airlines 302 are in paris. they will be analyzed by both american and french investigators. we are also learning more about the tpilots' las radio conversations. tom costello is on the story this morning. m, what do we know? >> reporter: good morning to you. we can tell you that there is widespread discussion now aboutl the pos link between the ethiopia crash and the donesian crash and american this morning and southwest airlines are juggling their schedules,la shiftings around to make up for those grounded max 8s and 9s here in the states. from miami to llas, chicago t l.a., the 737 max groundings
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havenot america and southwest airlines scrambling. canceling some flights, finding replacement planes for others. p 20,0sengers affected. >> our first reaction was, wow, what are we going to do now? because we knew we were going to miss our connection flights. >> reporter: meanwhile, this morning "the new york times" has the final radio conversation between the panicked captain of ethiopia flight 302 and air traffic controllers. brake, brakk request bo home, the captain radioed. request vector for landing. controllers say the pilots were strugglingnt to l the plane and the faa says there are striking similarities with the lion air max 8 crash in indonesia last october. satellite data shows the lion airplane experienced erratic vertical speed readings after taking off, up and down overmi seventes, climbing at 1,500 eet per minute, descending at 1,500 feet per minute. data from the ethiopia plane is similar. up and down and up again a over
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very volatile two minutes. investigators are lookin at whethe a software glitch may have mistakey pushed the nose of the lion airplane down with the pilots fighting to pull up. did the se thing happen in ethiopia? former air canada pilot aaron murphyin says rg fast to an in flight emergency requires intense training and experience. >> somehow this has slipped through the training for some of the pilots. this is a training issue because you should know how to deactivate that system. if you are not aware the system exists, you wouldn't think of it. >> reporter: t a ethiopia airline capital was 29 years old. the co-pilot very little experience, 200 hours. this morning ntsb and french investigators b ainning to analyze the plane's badly damaged black boxes. as the faa faces backlash for only grounding the 737 max in
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the u.s. after the rest of the world had acted first. >> of course, they didn'tct quick enough. they should have been the first up to on this. they should have been the first one out of the >>gate. eporter: so investigators in ethiopia are also looking closely at something calledja t screw which controls the stabilizer on the tail, if you will. and if that suggests that the plane was in aose down position, that could be further evidence of a link to what happened across the world in indonesia. meanwhile, most authorities are telling me do not expect a quick answer a from the frenut the cause of this accident. this could take some time. remain anes could grounded for months. guys, back to you. >> tomcostello, thank you. now to a stunning rebuke of ubesident trump from both democrats and rlicans voting to block his declaration of a national emergency at the mexican border. the president vowing to use his first veto since taking office.
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peter alexander is at the white house with mr on this story. peter, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> reporter: fresh off an embarrassing defeat i the senate with republicans delivering the key votes againse him, pre trump is poised to use his veto power as early as today. the president arguing the issue herede is b security, but for many republicans it's about pulling back the reins on his use of presidential powers. >> are there any senators wishing to change their vote? >> reporter: after republican rejection with 12 gop senators rebuking president trump over his national emergency declaration, the president is brushing off the thumbs down at the hands of his own party tweeting in all capng veto, addi thank all of the strong reports who voted to support border security and our desperately needed wall. >> the joint resolution is passed. >> reporter: the president hitting a wall in the senate. that stinging vot including a
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defiant dozen republicans joining democrats to block the president's go it alone strategy, specifically his effort to bypass congress to get billions of dollarsor his border wall. >> we must stand up and defend congress'al instituti powers. >> the use of national emergency powers to kir sum ventre co's decision on funding is unprecedented. >> this for me is a matter of defending the constitution and the balance of powers. >> reporter: still the president is ueterred, expected to prevail in this fight because there aren't enough votes to override his veto. his first as president. >> it doesn't er. i will probably have to veto. it's not going to be overturned. >> reporter: the next test in the courts with 20 states already filing suit against the president's national emergency, pouncing o his own words to nbc last month, appearing to undercut his argument. >> i could do the wall over a longer period of time.
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i didn't need to do this, but i'd rather do it much faster. >> reporter: i am told the white house has noweceived the bill. again the president will likely veto it today. his strategy he though i clear and it focuses on 2020. the president's pushbacken designed to a message to his base that he is fighting the establisent on border security. as he said yesterday, i think it's going to be a great election issue. craig and hoda. >> also breaking news on another front overnight. north korea sing it may actually suspend talks with the u.s. tell us about >>that. eporter: that's right. kim jong-un, of course, the north korean dictator, according to one of hisil top aides make a decision soon whether to go forwa with future diplomatic talks with the u.s. and, as importantly, whether to restart missile launches and nuclear tests according to this official. speaking to reporters in north korea overnight, the aide says that the u.s. needs to change its political calculation. it als calls out two of the president's senior aides, seetary of state mike pompeo. also national security advisor
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john bolton for effectively elevating tensions.he about relationship between president trump and kim jong-un, the north korean official says the chemistry is, in her word quote, mysteriously wonderful. hoda and craig, back to you. >> odd. all right. peter, thank you. time to say good morning for the first timeo mr. roker. al, how are we looking for the weekend? >> things calm. we like that. yesterday, it was the busiestra day f storm reports. 155 across the we have the remnants of that storm in canada. a cold front coming through. showers stretching from new orleans and louisianap into the northeast.fe some lake-ef snow behind that. that will be the worst of it. now we are also looking at temperature changes. up and down the east coast we have got warmer than usual temperatures. new york city 66 degrees today. raleigh 77. look at jacksonville, 12 degrees above arage at 85. but that colder air is just behind it with new orleans at 60. tomorrow we are looking at 59.
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at's 12 degrees below average. chicago 8 degrees bel average at 39. pierre 39, 12 degrees cooler than usual. next week not too colot too hot. it's like, you know, goldilocks' porridge. just right. your forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. off to a bit of a gray sky this morning, but don'te fooled. it is incredibly mild outside.
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southerly breezes and cloudy skies overn wht. waking uh temperatures in the low-to-mid 60s. already more than 10 degrees above an average high temperature. it will stay mild friday. the rain showers across the mountains of we promise to bring us a 60% chance for rain, maybe a rumble or two ofer today. highest chances for rain between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. >> craig. more on t top story we have been following. this deadly terror attack in new haaland. ahead, we are learning about the victims and the suspects now in custody. plus, fired by hallmark. fallout for actress lore in the ake of her arrest in that massive college admissions scandal. first, this "today" on nbc. [vacuum]
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♪ introducing fresh step clean paws, with low tracking litter. your vacuum becomes a cat toy. let's make litter less of a mess. let's start fresh. coming up, inside the royal split. why harry and meghan are officially parting waywi with iam and kate. also, the big moments from
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last night's iheartradio music awards. quite the show after your local news. ♪ severe rheumatoid arthritis was intense. i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us... ...which is kind of, a lot. and if that pain... could mean something worse? joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain... and helps stop irreversible joint damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including... infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system, and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been some place where fungal infections are common... or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. since enbrel... my mom's back to being... my mom. visit and use the joint damage simulator
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(burke) hit and drone. seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ this is a news4 today newsbreak. >> 7:26 is o your time this friday, march 15, 2019. good morning. in the news this morning, a body found in a wooded part of stafford county is that of a teenager who tried to escape the violence of a gang from el salvador. the family says he and his family fled to virginia, gang found them. police say the teen was killed in prince george's county and his body was left istafford. a 15-year-old boy accused of oxually assaulting membe the damascus high school football team will be tried as u nile. he is the third teen to have his case moved this year from adult court to juvenile court. now let's check on your
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commute with melislissa molet. >> inner loop before saint barn bis road, crash cwith the lt shoulder block. between 7th and the case crash is cleared. delays hanging around. germantown southbound 270 at middlebrook delays remain there. >> thank you. a check on your nrecast is upt.
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a really mild start. we are in the low-to-mid 60s across the area as you go out the door on your friday morning. there is a 60% chance for rain to interrupt parts of your mid and late afternoon plansyo toda. may want to take the umbrella to play it on the safe side. 73 for a high today, breezy and mild. a chance of showers between 3:00 p.m. and 7 or 8:00 p.m. today. dry weather finally for the weekend.
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it will be a whole lot chillier and blustery on saturday. >> thank you. anoth local news update in 25 minutes. >> back to "the today show" after this short break. have a great day.
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back now. 7:30 on this friday morning. it is the 15th of march 2019. a beautiful look there over the big apple. a city that is getting ready for the marathon -- excuse me, the maradaon on s that half-marathon. of course, the st. paddy's day parade. we are starting with the check of the headlines. we start with the massgs shoot at two mosques in new zealand overnight. police saying there was at least one gunman who reportedly used an anti-immigrant manifes explain the attack. nbc's chief global correspondenh bill neely whe latest on this. good morning. >> good morning, hod 49 now confirmed dead, dozens injured and a gunman charged with murder. it began during fridayfternoon prayers.
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a man wearing a bullet-proof vest moving from room to room at one mosque, killing men,women, and children. thatdook aroun 15 minutes. then a sond mosque was attacked. police haven't said if the same gunman was involved there. he is a 28-year-old australian described by authorities as an antimmigrant terrorist. in a horrifying twist, they say the man streamed his massacre live from a by camerand left a longim antgrant document. police diffused two explosive devices on cars. they arrested two other men and a woman. it's not clear if they are involved. and they are raiding homes right now. survivors have been saying all they could do was pray that bulletsst would . new zealand's prime minister has describedas thier country's darkest day. it's a terrible irony many of those killed were refugees from war zones seeki peace in what was one of the world's safest countries. ba to you. >> bill neely. thank you.
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and theit israeli my says it has hit more than 100 n hamas targets the gaza strip in response to a rocket attack on tel aviv. air raid sirens sounded in the israeli city last night. it's the first time tel aviv has been targeted by rocket fire since 2014. here were no reports of injuries hamas denies involvement. jussie smollett pleaded not guilty thursday to 16 felony charges stemming from his claims of a hate crime attack. supporters chanted as the "empire"ctor arrived at the courthouse in chicago. smollett is charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly ling a false police report. he told police that two masked men beat him while hurling racist and homophobic slurs. prosecutors s tt attack was staged. a conviction carries up to three years i prison for each count. also this morning there is new backlash for the stars
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involved in that massive college admissions cheating scandal and the first lawsuits have just been filed. nbc's joeer with the latest on that. joe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. thosew lawsuits target both the celebrities involved and the universities named one mother is asking forli $500 b in damages saying her son was robbed of a top tier education. this i the biggest names accused of wrongneing are facing w back llash. ning under indictment and out of a job, actress lori loughlin dumped by the hall mack dhanl after investigators say she and her husband paid $500,000 in descro get their children into usc. >> my parents wanted me to go. >> reporter: also dumped,lo hlin's daughter dropped by sephora and tray sem a. media outlets reporting
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loughlin's children withdrawing from usc. it's not just celebrities and wealthy parents under fire. lawsuit has been filed by a student at stanford university. she is suing the eight colleges involved and williamng sier, the alleged masrmind behind the scheme, saying she never knew the admission system was an unfair rigged process in which parents could buy their way into the university through bribery andhe dishonest s. >> they faked information or something like that, you know, expulsion, revoking of a degree. ihink that would be warranted. >> reporter: the entire operation varsity blues may have been triggered by a financial executive who was already under investigatn. nbc ne learning morey tobin was seeking leniency in an unrelated securities fraud case and i toldestigators the women's soccer coach at yale asked for a bribe toet his daughter into that university. one of the 33 parents arrested, hollywood star felicity huffman, is out on bail after investigators say she paid0
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$15,00 to have a procter correct her daughter's s.a.t. answers. her character on "desperate housewives" paying a bribe to get her ks into school. investigators say life imitating >> a generous donation will ensure our kids beat them out. >> how generous? 15,000 >> reporter: this morning the real life suspects may be hollywood stars. the wealthy and the privileged. investigators say the victims are the childre who lost spots at the universities they deserved to attend. >> joe, back to th lawsuit, how many people cpld end being involved? >> craig, if the courts agree to certify its a class-action suit as lawyers are asking, more than one million students could possibly join stanfordrsity says the lawsuit is filed without merit. investigors say none of the universities played a role in this scheme. back to you guys. >> all right. joe fryer in los angeles. thank you. we have not heard the loast of that story.
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rarely do i hear the wornd beerour forecast in the same sentence. what is happening? >> okay. for example, we know st. patrick's day is coming up. what do you think st. patrick's day -- it falls from the o hierarchyf beerndolidays? seco >> top? >> yeah. >> it is in the top five. there areshree oth where we drink more beer. new year's eve,as chrisday. >> that surprises me. >> the gift that keeps giving. and july 4th. guess what? because of clihatee, by the year 2100 that beer could double in cost. why? because of extreme heat and drought. barley is highly vulnerable tod ght and heat waves. hops, another ingredient, actually decreases the crop yield and water if we have drought water restrictions, breweries could lit oduction. so drink up right now, okay? st. patrick's day, new york the parade tomorrow, sunny skies at 11:00 a.m.,breezy, 48 degrees. another city's big parade,
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sunday on st. patrick's day sunny, chilly, 38egrees. and as we make our way to chicago where they die the river green saturday at noon, a few clouds, chilly. >> and 38. savannah, georgia, saturday 10:15, mostly cloudy, mild, a temperature of 60 degrees. here's what's happening in your neck of the wmods. gooing, everybody. off to a cloudy start, but fear t. it is nice and warm outside this morning. it's already 65 here in washington.n 64 leesburg. 65 in fredericksburg. 64 frederick and gaithersburg. so super mild. we will be up in the low 70s againhis afternoon. our first back-to-back days in the 70s stiince last november 1 and 2nd. however, there is a 60% chance of rain and a thundershower or two later on in the day today. y weather for the weekend. right back to the late february eling. >> al, thank you. up next, an eye opening new look at social media and the negative impact it could be having on young minds.
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we will have an honest conversation with a group of teens. also ahead, richard engle with an update on his family's quest for a cure for that adorable little son of his, henry. >> the big winners from last night's iheartradio music awards and the surprise performance hathat stole t show. and the royal familfab fourplit. everything we know about prince meghan markel's official move away fromli wilam and kate after these messages. >> so broken up. first, these messages. cut it out. from the first loving touch everything that touches your baby should be this comforting pampers swaddlers, the #1 choice of hospitals, is 2x softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection so every touch is as comforting as the first pampers the #1 choice of hospitals, nurses & parents
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also bk with "in-depth today" on this friday morning. a big concern for a lot of parents that impact all that time that your teenagers are spendong devices. >> a national survey shows that social media may be a factor in rising mental health issues among young people. itat's a biggie. savannah sellers more on that. you've got to sit down with
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teens and talk it out? >> i did. it's necret that kids have a lot to deal with these days. i was talking toith them about if we are making things worse by put t internetn their hands. >> reporter: now even morear reason forts to tell their kids to unplug. a new study suggests gener z'er are more see emotionally distressed. research says kids ageo 17 had a 50% increase in depression or anxiety in the last decade. 18 to 25, a 71% increase in psychological distress. show of hands. how many of you guys feel stressed, depressed, anxious? you?f so what's changed? well, symptoms spiked in 2011 when social media hit the scene. what is social media doing to you? why does it mak you unhappy?
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>> i think it's fun sometimes. interesting for like five minutes. it's not really my thing. and it's not something that makes me happy. it >> kbro li mi don't like seeing friends hang out without me or my ex-boyfriend's post with his new girl. >> feel like a few of my friends hanging out and i'll be like, oh man, i didn't gethe invite. >> reporter: interestingly enough, researchers found noea incrse in mood disorders for those over 26 years owed. >> i think that it's more towards kids because adults have their lives together. they have jobs. i h think theyave different kinds of anxieties. >> reporter: potentially contributing to the problem, lack of sleep. the study found that younger generations are more sleep deprived abo deprived with experts asking if it comes from smartphone use at night. >> i will really stay up at night, just scrolling through emes, just laughing myself to sleep. >> reporter: lack of sleep can lead to anxiety and depression.
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why don't you ste away from them? a i have tried to step away from instagra that lasted about two days. ocial media for a long time, for almost the past year, and ine rejoid because you kind of have to in order to have friends. >> reporter: so what should parents are looking f s? doctor watch for angry outbursts, poor school perfngmance, extreme c in appetite, and social isolation. also, limit your kids' cell phone use before by so tn get to sleep. but if they do appear to be suffering, experts say encourage them to talk to you about their feelings and understand that depression most likely won't get better on its own. so seek help from a professional. >> it's more about like knowing how to use it. you will learn a lot of things. then you also have to know what not to put out and then what not to, like, take in. t reporter: most social media sites require y be at least 13 before getting an account. right now there is also a
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campaign called wait until eight, mea at least eighth grade. or you can follow in the footsteps of bill gatesho refused his kids cell phones until high school. that leaves out the topic of bullying, which is really devastating to a lot of kids. >> it could be i'm a semi well adjusted adult, and i have har time navigating the waters of emotion vis-a-vis social media using my phone at night. i can't imagine a young kid figuring that out. >> like they said ihe piece, you actually have to see be pictures of nog invited to things otherwise that you wouldn't known about. ould have heard abo at school. you see pictures of it. sometimes kids use that purposely to target kids. >> think if you get a nasty tweet or something and how you get that ouch. then imagine being 16. >> yeah. then your community knows about that. lock up nick's- computers >> really? >> in a safe after 9:00. he was staying u he w
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falling asleep at school. >> you sound like the smartest group of teenagers. >> they were inkrebdable. one as 14 arsold. she wishes when she was 11 her parents would have taken her phone away from her. >> wow. >> savannah, thank you so much. just ahead, a castle divided. why harry and meghan are officially splittihouseholds. >> what? >> they are splitting. >> no! no! >> first these msages. una mesa para dos personas. so again, using "para," you're talking about something that is for someone. pretty good. could listening to audible inspire you to start something new? download audible and listen for a change.
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early days on "cheers." also, abl d dose. st. patrick's day leftovers. first, your local news and weather. i t to go.a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped. -that's fair. readyaveeno's sheer formulaiant? packed with pure soy evens tone and texture. so skin looks like this. and you feel like this. aveeno® positively radiant get skin happy™ i was inspired by nature's finest ingredients to create new pure leaf herbal iced tea.
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this is a news4 today newsbreak. >> 7:56im is your on this friday, march 15, 2019. good morning. i'm eun yang. let's get to melissa mollet in your first4 c.traf >> hi. a couple of slowdowns on the beltway. nothing t worry about too much this morning. outbound clear before cavin john parkway, the right lane blocked right now fairfax arlington boulevard flashing traffic lights causing slowdowns there on 50. >> thank you. we will take a breakor now. yourast is next. stay with us. welcome to fowler, indiana.
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good morning everybody. it may be cloudy outside but it is breezy andmild, too. south winds between 15 and 20 miles per hour have allowed us to get o to an incredibly mild start. ow-to-mid 60s across the area now. afternoon high around 73 degrees. there is a likelihood of some showers, maybe a thundershower or twod as this cont comes through. highest rain chances will be between 3:00:0 and or 8:00 this afternoon into this evening. ry weather for the weekend but blustery on saturday and chilly on your sunday. >> chuck, thank you. >>back to "the today show. at havertys, every piece is made to last. and, action! cut. love it! and havertys spring fever sale is the perfect time to buy! get free fin -cing for five years
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for the next foudays. our best pieces are on sale now! it's time to prepare your home for the future. havertys life looks good it's 8:00 on "today." comingp, terror in new zealand. >> i was hearing that the shooting of the shooting of the shooeang, i couldr screaming and crying. >> overnight tozsf people killed in a mass shooting at two mosques in the city of christchurch. >> this is one of new zealand's darkest days. >> what we're learningbout the investigation, including the multiple suspects now in custody. we live with the latest. plus, royal split. the reason harry and meghan are breaking away from william and kate, setting up their own household in buckingham palace. and the luck of the irish. a head start on st. paddy's day celebrations. plus, carson and siri to share
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their twists onhe traditional holiday season. today is friday, march 15th, 2019. ♪ ♪ representing gcu, go! >> from lubbock, texas. >> celebrating my 12th birthday fr st. louis, missouri. woo! >> happy birthday, michelle. >> i'm turning 50. >> i love watching "the today show" with my brother and mom. >> here to celebrate st. patrick's day, woo! >> welcome back to "today on this friday morning. savannah has the day off. >> we are, of course, going to getutside in a bit. we have a lot to get to. your noews at 8:00. terror attacks overnight at two i mosques new zealand. nbc's chief global correspondent
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bill neely with the lates on the shooting rampage. rnll, good morning. >> reporter: good g, hoda. a horrifying attack, the worse ever mass shooting in new zealand. the gunman wearing a bullet-pof vest, moving from room to room at one mosque, killing men, women, and hechildren. he went back to his car, reloaded, and returned. it took around 15 minutes. then a second mosque was attack. police haven't saidam if the gunman was involved there. he is described by authorities as an anti-immigrant terrorist. it began during friday pyers. survivors saying they just prayed for the bullets to stop. it was a massacre without mercy. minutes after the massacre af stream o wounded begin arriving at city hospitals. many with multiple gunshot wounds. armed police still hunting for a gunman, still unsure if the attack are over, and everywhere survivors who hadgh been thr
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unimaginable horror. >> the blood is sitting on me. i mean splashing on m i think oh my fogod, it's goingo happen to me now. >> reporter: this man saw the killer. >> and he had helmet and he giving the glasses and he has the military and guns of the m-16. minutes after the shooting police were filmed arresting a man. they later held two other armed me a a woman and found two explosive devices attached to cars. 20s hasin his late been charged with murder. >> reporter: police se was not on any new zealand terror watch list. the massacre in christchurch began around 1:40 in the afternoon at the anoor mosque. more than 40 killed there. then a mosque at linwood was attacked and at least seven killed. police recovered autsatic weaponn a horrifying twist they say the man streamed his
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massacre live from a body camera and left a long anti-immigrant document. >> he said it is clear that this is o of new zealand's darkest days. >> reporter: police are advising new zealanders to avoid all mosques after an attack that has stunned this normally peacef country. so at least 49 dead. police sources have told our partners at australia's channel 7 that the killer is 28-year-old brentonarrant. they are raiding homes right now. they say the attack was planned over many months. 48 people are in hospitals, including young children. it is a terrible irony that many of those killed were refugees from war zblensea seeking in what was one of the world' safest countries. hoda. >> le. all right. bill, thank you. experts have started examining the black boxes from sunday's deadly crash of a
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boeing 737 max 8 jetliner. ere is mounting evidence to support possible connections to a similar deadly crash last fall. nbc' costello has more. good morning. >> goo the investigation right now is centered in paris because the french investigative body with ntsb investigators from the statesinre sta to look at the brabs from that ethiopia crash on sunday. the black boxes are seriously damaged and they are worried about damaging the data inside. extracting that data will take time, we are told. however,he data that suggests there may be slim layimilaritiey have do with the speed readings, the vertical spe readings on both planes after takeoff. both were erratic and volatile, up and down, up and down,nd that has investigators concerned. they are also looking at the jack screw assembly on the tail and to see whether that might
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suggest anue between both planes. meanwhile, at the airports nationwide in thetates american and southwest continue to try to juggle their m schedulee planes around to accommodate all of the passengers who are going to be in some way affectedy the fac that they have had to put their max 8s and 9s on the ground. max 9s in the case ofte u that is playing out. this could go on for weeks or mohs as boeing is ordered to keep those planes on the ground. guys, back to you. >> tom costello at reagan national. we have an important recall to tell you about this morning. 39 tons l is recalling of raw ground turkey products that could be contaminated with salmonella. health officials investigating six cases of illness found a strain of salmonella in butterball samples similare to ne that infected several patients. it covers 16 and 48-ounce trays of butterball ground turkey with natural flavoring. some of t them carry kroger or food lion names.
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they were sold nationwide. although the packages do have a use by date of july 26, 2018, officials are concerned that they may still be in some consumers' freezers. we have the news covered we could use a boost. >> okay. y if like babies, you'll like this one much you have probably seen the babyac they hold sometimes during the halftime at basketball games. ybe you have never seen one as exciting as this one. after a slow start and separation anxiety, two babies m break away fhe pack. they are neck-and-neck until the baby decides to take a break. do not count that baby out yet because just when it looks like the baby in blue is making to the finish line, look blah -- look what happens. a stunning fish! >> wow. wow! >> boom. spectators joked that a fix was in. they would haveaid double the
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admission price just to see something like that. >> that's great. >> it looked like they were using some sort of toy. >> a lure. wh whatev> it takes. ust ahead, carson has the highlights, winners and some surprises from last night's iheartradio music awards. first, the special relationship between richard engle's son henry and the doctot whnks she could hold the key to a major medicalea brkthrough. richard joins us with that story coming up right after this. look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh... yeah, i've been a customer for years. huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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[ "werk it" by mama haze ] ♪ werk it now ♪ woo, werk it now, woo, werk it now ♪ ♪ baby watch me werk it like ♪ ♪ werk it now, woo. werk it now ♪ ♪ baby, baby, baby ♪ baby watch me werk it now there's dial... loving everyone's skin, ,making it clean, healt and huggably soft. dial. healthier in. healthier us. new cinnamon toast crunch churros. perfect for breakfast time, snack time, and night time. introducing new cinnamon toast crunch churros. churros for breakfast or whenever. brushing only reaches 25% of your mouth.
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listery 10e® cleans virtuall0%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ sorry... hey. he just likes cute dogs. and pretty ladies. or is this your buddy's kid over there and you're just using him as bait? i'm blaming my friend entirely because... thank you. thank you. that was not your dog. now in 6 bold flavors. ♪ that's why we've been maeng the best mayonnais for hellmann's.ars. we're on the side of food. and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time.
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use as a creamy mask and rinse in one minute, or leave in for lasting nourishment. get silky hair fast, with fructis treats. by garnier, naturally. [ "werk it" by mama haze ] with fr♪ woo treats. ♪ baby, baby, baby ♪ baby watch me werk it now ♪ woo ♪ baby, baby, baby ♪ baby watch me werk it now ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪ welcome back, this is close to our hearts. as you know, richard engle's 3-year-old son henry is battling rett syndrome. >> his family has been very open, sharing their story on
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"today." there are hopes of a possible cure and this hope or these hopes areied to this doctorpi who is h henry? >> so i just got back from houston, texas i tend to go every six months to get a follow-up on heny's conditnd the research being done, and in houston a team is trying to build a cure. currently rett syndrome doesn't have a treatment, a ce. she, based on henry's cells, his dna, she is trying to create a cure. it goes to inspiration. she thinks henry important. she had a connection with henry. she fell inov with henry. based on that relationship with henry and another child she met decad decades ago, she is working and hopefully she will make a breakthrough. >> reporter: our son henry captured dr. huda's heart. more than that, she could lead to a scientific
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breakthrough. it was another relatnship that started her down her path of medical discovery. the connection she w feltn she met ashley fry more than 30 years a. when ashley, who lives with her parents, was born, there were in sig no signs of trouble. ose forwas right on the the first year, developing absolutely in accordance with thebooks. >> reporter: then slowly ashley's motor and cognitive abilities slipped away. >> she used to be skillful with her hands. she started losing the uses. of her ha >> i knew in that moment what ashley had. i knew she had rett syndrome. and the doctor says, i agree. i think this is what she has. >> seeing someone who is born healthy and able toano so things for a couple of years, and then gradually lose all of their skills, that never left me.
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>> reporter: she decided to switch from treating ashley, who loves music, to finding a cure for her by dedicating herself to research. e> i decided i cannot go on l this. i have to do something. >> reporter: and she knows a thg or two about determination. born i lebanon, she was in medical school when civil war broke out. often unable to leave the school because of bombings. i used a little closet in the ladies room. that's where i slept, on the floor. >> reporter: she escaped to the united states, landing as a post-grad in houston, marrying o cardst she met during the war and starting a family. and then in 1999 she made her big breakthrough, discovering among the tens of thousands of genes in our body the exact one that, if distorted, causes rett syndrome. >> it was truly f like looking a needle in a haystack.
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>> reporter: the discovery won her nearly every major science award and international acclaim. but not a cure. >> so beautiful, yes, you are. >> reporter: then, two years ago, she met our son henry. like ashley, henry also started life normally. but he never learned t.walk or talk my wife mar and i work hard with physio and occupational eserapy seven to eight tim week. tooy works hard, and he has brain scans to check for seizures. but there m light at the tunnel.his dark the doctor believes henry could hold the key she has looking for because his genetic mutation is ainy bit different from any known so far, and he is coping with it better than expected. >> so that intrigued me. it told me maybe we have an opportunity.
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>> reporter: and she got to work in her lab a the texas children's duncante institu creating mice that have henry's exact genetic mutation. the next step, using the mice to find a treatment and hopefully a cure. b henry isk for more testsop and we areg she is inching clo closer to finding an answer. and if she can do that, the potential is enoous because henry, ashley, and millions of others suffer from incurable disorders. >> we know today that hundreds of genes that can causeutism or can cause intellectual disability or complex psychiatric disorders. >> reporter: the research using henry's cells can be applied to any of those diseases, and if you can fre one thes hope for all the others. >> we want to get to the doctor in a second. she is phenomenal. but before we do there was a
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moment that happened for youou with son that i think a lot of parents like just take for granted. henry lookedt me and called me dada, the first time a few days and it was something i have been waiting for for years. a lot of parents, it happens naturally, it hpens early on. henry's situation is different. o when he locked on, communicated with me and said dada,kn you , my heart lit up. >> i want to thank yng. craig is go tell everybody where they can thing you wrote. i read it last night. and you wrote to the readers of this that made it seem like much to you, your kid saying deaa, but it everything to you. that was a gift to us because it reminds us when we get home and get to our children nhi to take an for granted. i drag my kids to church o s sundays and we have a lot to be thaufrl for and we are highly inspired by your family. >> it would seem as if she is on
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the path here? >> we are encouraged. she is encouraged. and the reason she is focing onenry is not just because she loves henry. although thas part of it. she there is something special nd unique about his genetic makeup. she has a team, 15 people working around the clock on his cells. you saw some mice. last time i w, heix months ago, we had two. there are hundreds now. and they are plowing ahead. >> time is of the essence, we know. how does she see it in terms of time? like when that breakthrough may come? >> obviously, we wtot i be tomorrow and not after that. what'sal so spe about this case, and a lot of neuerlogical disoare like this, there is not actual brain damage. the brain is okay. it's just not functioning properly. it lacks a particular protein. but if you could boost that protein and get it to the right
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level, there is a possibility tis could be reversed, thhe brain could fire up and get going. that's the plan. so she thinks it could be a few years before there is something she can show. >> not >> you know, we got to keep the faith. thank youor those thought and prayers. >> good for you. we are rootingor henry. >>ell mary hello as well. >> i will. last time she wasre they are still in houston doing followups. >> thank you, richard. love youney. >> as carson mentioned, richard has written about his family's experience. it's a fantasticit read. atm. mr. roker? >> our weekend outlook, tomorrow mild in the east. if you are doing something st. patrick's day festivities, chilly up in the northern plains. oung west looretty good as well. sunday, sunday, it's turning colder in the northeast.
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cool in the mid mississippi and ohio river valleys. nice and mild in the pacific northwest and warmingp in the southwest. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. good morning, ybevy. it is mild, in the 60s already his morning, plenty of clouds around we will have a chance for showers coming in later on in the day today. so keep that in mind. we have a high today of 73 degrees, but it comes with that 60% chance for ain, maybe thundershower or two. highest rain chances again start mid to early afternoon and disappear by early to mid-evening. should be dry overnight. dry for the weekend, but back to the chilly pattern that we just bare got out of yesterday. that's your latest weather. >> thank you. when couson is here, know what it's time for. >> what do you got? >> big nig at the iheartradio music awards. great perspectives, great moments. alicia keys' son genesis caught off camera flirting aylor swift. the 4-year-old there waving to
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the pop star. a little wave swift took home the award for tour of the year. another big moment from the night started with chris pratt introducing the artist of the decade garth brooks and ended with pratt being pulled back on stage to help garth and friends sings "friends in low places." back to alicia keys. her son egypt joining his mom on stage and playing the piano s while sang. take a look. ♪ every day and every night i pray ♪ ♪ i adore you even more and every minute that passes me by ♪ ♪ we can't afford for us to be
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ignored ♪ ♪ you are >> mary had a little lam is hardly recognizable. >> he is 8. egypt. unbelievable. takes after mom and dad, for that matter, in the talent department. taking home the innovator award for contributions to music and social causes as well. next, karlie kloss sat down with andy cohenns on watch what hap live last night to celebrate the arrival of his son benjamin. she baked a t cake gift the host. du he said it was amazing. he thanked his guests. look what happened. a it's sugar and butter. >> it's sugar butter, literally. ooh! >> it was sugar and butter. >> i got you, i got you, i got you. >> it's so good. >> od y. it was a gtter cake.
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>> you made me thaig last, the night before the premier. >> i think it's still good. >> well, scoop that rig you. >> get in there -- >> three-second rule. >> that's right. i think she shouldak just another cake for us. >> come on, carly. >> we promise not to drop it. "the voice" is underway. john legend has been doing great, an amazing addition to the show. while we may love his musical contributions, one person -- >> he is so excited to be here. this is our >> he fits right in. it's amazing. >> really? >> my favorite part is that he sings to us. >> you like it? >> i love it. >> you don't love it? >> it's a lot. ♪ checking my mind >> he sings a lot. ♪ how is it fruity water if it's so clear ♪ ♪ i'me sitting her by myself on
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hais couch ♪ ♪ did theynge the meeting time ♪ >> tired of the singing. we sure don't. he is awesome on "the voice" as a coach. monday we wrap up the blind auditions. then we have the battle rounds. you can tune in a 8/7 central. of course, "the voice" airs here on nbc. >> you have a crossover battle? yeah, that's a new part of the show this year, coming up in april. >> thank you, j carson. >>t ahead, as al roker calls him sweet willie geist, he is going to tell us about hanging out with woody harrelsof ahead his latest movie premier. plus, kicking off st. paddy's day. we may be a couple days early, but whyot? >> are you going to dance an irish jig? >> i think that's what you and al are dor g. >> aftercal news after this.
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this is newsbreak. day >> good morning. 8:26 on this friday, march 15. i'm aaron gilcrest. a check on the road with melissa dmollet. >> gorning. right now the beltway looks good inbound 295 coming from the south or headed into d.c. s it is prettw this morning. live look 66 at cedar lane. noajor problems into town or out of town. we are single tracking on the red line between medical center and grosvenor. >> we will he a check on your forecast when we come back. stay with us. news4 today on nbc4 is brought to you by next day blinds.
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65 degrees under a cloudy sky here in town. it will be a chance for some showers cing in later on, but at least we get a nice mild st the cold front out to the west, that will bring that rain chance later on in the afternoon. take your umbrella on the way to school and work this morning. today's highs in the 70s, but
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chilly 50s and a blustery northwest wind return tomoanow lingeri linger next week. get the latest news and weather in the nbc washington app.
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♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> and we are back. 8:30 with music from the port authority police pipes arums band as we head into st. patrick's day. another big round of applause,. gu [ cheers and applause ] >> you know, they were going to send the b guys. >> they are big men. >> this, byhe way, in case you hasn haven't heard, st. patrick's day sunday. new york city's parade tomorrow. they will play auge role in at event. thatas wonderful. > coming up, more music in a bi but siri is here, my wife. we are going to cook some food for yl. we w also have some cocktails. stuff perfect for st. patrick's day but ao the day after. >> are you cooking or siri? >> she is ecooking. >>oes the cocktail and the drinking. >> all right. >> all of that, y. we ha an enormous crowd. we see vcu.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> we have a big crowd. who am i lookinglo for? i'm ing for erin. where is erin? here is the sry abo erin. erin actually came yesterday, got cited, g all dressed, showed up, waved, and nobody in her family rolled the vcr, okay? dvd. exactly. so you are back for round >> yes. >> what do you want toay s >> holy moly, i'm erin gey. shout o to the blue jays. my family. hi. happy st. patrick's day. >> there you go! >> holy goley. it worked out that they didn't roll the vcr. >> old school, baby. >> you mentioned vcu. i feel like if we don't show these people, if we don't show the vcu owd, you guy may burn
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this place down. vcu, for folks who don't know, where is it? >>vicu! >> rginia. >> you are in the tournament th week. >> yes, noon today. >> good luck, vcu. thanks for hanging out all morning. they brought the party bus. yeah, there is a big bus that vcu has that is circling. who is he? [ crowd chanting ] >> wait, the flyers are here? >> right here! >> it's called equal time, baby. way to go, you guys. >> i like that. >> we like it. >> whepl is the power supy in that thing, man? that is good looking. you've got to sell that stuff. >> just ahead, a conversation with actor woody harrelson. he is opening up to willie about his roller coaster career and how he says early fame really did go to his head.
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plus, what drewdy w to his latest movie role. and i will be going wn the jobh a man who may have the most beautiful workplace in the cotry in charleston. he has been keeping the history of the famous flowers and historic flowers in bloom for decades. and the music of a great charleston group rankky tank y. >> you have weather to do? yes, look ache head for today, snow showers around the great lakes. sunshine up and down the west coast. rain in the southeast. tomorrow st. patrick's day new york city parade at 11:00 a.m., sunny, breezy, 48. let's head to boston,how you there we are looking at sunday's parade 1:00, mostly sunny, chilly, 38. head over togo chi where they ive theer green. saturday at noon a few clouds, chilly, 38. and finally savannah, georgia, another big parade saturday 10:15, cloudy, mild, and 60 degrees. that's what's going on around
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the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. 12 hours of nice wild weather. mid-60s this morning with cloud around. this cold front promises a 60% chance for rain showers and a rumble or two oftohunder later y. rain chances will peak between about 3:00 this afternoon and 8:00 this evening. in the meantime, though, nice andil 65 degrees currently. our high today up near 73. chilly0s over the weekend, and lasting well into the middle parts of next week. >> you can always tune into today show sirius radio xm channel 108. mr. melvin! >> way to go, roker. >> the roker run. willie geist with a sneak peek at a sunday sitdown. this is a good one. >> this was a fun one. woody harrelson, you say the
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name, people go, to e, woody. i got together with him in austin, texas, to talk about "the highway men." it took us back to the beginning including the early days onnd "cheers" a regrets about how he handled his newfound fame. >> i thought, yeah, i'd like to do fame. >> reporter:oody harrelson ways knew he'd end up in show business one way or another. >> i rember at the time the film crew coming through lebanon, ohio. i was like, man, this seems like it would be a cool life. oo >> reporter: a life that took a big leap into the movies. in 1992 with "white men can't jump". >> he is ap, right? >> reporter: followed inck qui succession by indecent proposal, natural born kille and the people versus larry flipt, which earned harrellson an academy award nomination. on tv, woody starred most recently in the hbo series true
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decorative. >> it all started with another woody. >> this is amazing. >> one of my buddies said, woody, there is this part in show "cheers." the part is called woody. you know, it's from indiana, which we'd gone to college in hanover, indiana. so he said, you ought to, you know, go audition for it. >> my first bachelor party. no dates, rht? >> no. >> reporter: how did you work through thaf part being the star of a huge show? >> i didn't think i was dealing with it very well, you know. >> reporter: what does that mean? >> i was a mad men. well, probably too much partying and too much loose moral type of behavior, you know, as a young christian boy. >> reporter: that covers a lot of ground. loose moralr. behavio
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>> yeah. >> reporter: walking along the riverfront in austin, the texas-born harrellson fits right in. >> i could see this. >> reporter: he is in town for the premier of his new netflix film "the highway men." kevin costnerside in the true story of two former texas rangers calledo back int service to track down and take out the infamous bonnie and clyde. >> it was really a sign of the times, you know. it was the depression. i think people looked at them as really rob w hood types we stealing from the rich, giving to the poor, which wasn'tr a f account of who they were, but they somehow g got justd pr, you know what i mean? have at be good to doctor look at yu sometime. >> might be good to have a doctor look a yousometime. >> i ain't got -- >> reporter: were you aware of them before you were offered this part? >> no, not a all. when i heard kevin was doing it, i was really psyched.
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but, no, i did not really know about them. it's great entertainment. it's kind of cool that we get to remedy some of these facts. >> when i take them down -- >> what a fine idea. >> so, first of all, the movie, "the highway men," excellent. it's coming up on netflix, about the guys who tracked down bonnie and clyde. you get the bonnie and clyde side of the story. let's not buryhe lead how cool woody harrelson is. he comes down for the interheew. he has jean jacket, cowboy hat, sweatpants and slippers on. >> unbelievable. >> as we know, a stylist will come in with auit or something. he goes, no, man, let's go. we sat by the river and talked by the colorado river. >> wow. a sat by the river and had great conversation. he is a complete blast. he also talks aboute howll
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vis pressley influenced his acting career. >> >> there ismu s there. >> a lot there. >> yes. willie nelson, too? >> they are close. >> there is a shot. woody and willie on sunday. thanks, buddy. up next, fab four's everything we need to know about harry and meghan's big move. first, this is today on nbc. river. [female voiceover] with the penfed car buying service from pd credit union, you can get rates as low as 1.49% apr on new vehicles. and everyone is welcome to app visit [music]
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[female voiceover] today, people across the nation are experiencing the benefits of joining penfed credit union. with the penfed car buying service, they're finding the right car at a better price. and everyone is welcome to apply. join today at changes currently underway in the royal family. sheinelle jones with this one. >> prince harry and meghan markle are starting a new chapter. not only are they about to be parents but they tie spl royal households. >> reporter: the fabulous four no more. megyn and harry cutting ties
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with william and kate. the soon-to-be parents beraking away it the joint operation they currently share, now setting up their own royal household in buckingham palace, a complete separate home base for their staff and offices. the split comes as harry and meghan the process of moving to frogmore house. >> in the case of hry and ghan, there is a sense they need their own path. they need to have their own s family andaration from the cambridges to do their own thing. >> reporter: the palace confirming the queen and prince of wales' support to the structure, announcing that the sussex's household will be established in the spring and this long planned move will sund neo duchess of sussex. further strains in the once close relationship between harry and william and growing tensions between their wives a alleged disagreements about how to manage their
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harry and mean setting up a new team, hiring pr consultantr latham. >> new head of communications is somebody that worked for hillary clinton. she has u.s./u.k. citizenship. obviously, that suitsegn because she feels like she has one of her own in the team. >> reporter: the sussex's on al whirind schedule, working together on causes they ar passionate about. >> i am going to try to drag my wife on stage. [ cheers and applause ] >> guys, i am with you, and we are with you. get to work. >> reporter: duchess meghan actiraly eng royal duties throughout her pregnancy, stroking with the audienceast week. >> i will put my feetp. this stage of pregnancy. >> reporter: the duchess now reportedly on maternity leave, weeksro away giving birth to the couple's first child. guys, the royal baby is expected in the spring, possibly next nth. prince harry will continue to
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carry out solo engagements while moving house and setting up their new office before the by arrives. a new chapter for the family. >> yes. >> i wouldn't want to live with my brother and his wife either. >> they can hear you. >> i love my brother. you know what i'm saying. >> what if you had your own wing? >> maybe. yeah. hank you. r. daily. >> guys, st. patrick's day is here. we are figuring you are going out tonight, be at a friend's deliciouse back with st. patrick's day food. ways you can use the leftovers and my special recipe for a deliciousrs cocktail. fi this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ beautiful sound. back with music from the port authority's police, pipe, and drum band. they wer terrific for st. patrick's day into as an added
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treat we are going to be cooking with the dailies. they are going to show h us to turn up the holiday leftovers. ght. who cares? let's start with a cocktail. this isre ins by -- in the late '90s i worked at k rock i l.a. great irish boys, cases of guinnessndhampagne. this is what bono drank. i thought it was the coolest thing ever. black velvet. we are goingo do it in this martini glass. >> equal parts. >> and then if youo want get fancy, this was something we added today. cream de casis. >> hoda? >> yes. there you go. >> hold on. >> how about that? >> that is yummy. >> heck yeah, it is. >> a little different than regular guinness. everybody has a lot ofer left corned beef, cabbage, potatoes.
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this is w to use that and make brunch. we like to do breakfast for dinner. you have eggs, corned beef. the corned beef and cabbage are already cooked. we start with a cast-iron skillet. >> why do you like that? >> it gets really good caramelization. we melt that butter and add onions. grab that cabbage. there you go. and again that's cooked. so we are just going to en amelize that for about minutes. once that is caramelized it looks like that. >> is this what carson does in the kitchen? hangs out. >> i am support. i light a fe. i make more cocktails. i talk to the kids. >> that's support, right? then add some garlic. dooot add that soon, otherwise it will burn. then the potatoes. >> what kind of potatoes do ou like? >> these are red, i think. you can use yldon anything. >> if you come back tomorrow with a shepherd's pie from tonight, take the potatoes off
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the shepherd's pie. the idea is how d you repurpose some of the things we eat on st. patrick's day. >> carson always makes fun of me. >> i love when i eat it the next morning. i can't eat it. i don't know why. >> i love taking leftovers from restaurants. he is like, oh gosh. re scared to tell the waitress that you didn't eat it all. >> sometimes. you are never going to eat it. >> breakfast with the bickersons. >> corned beef. >> my problem at large. >> pull that in. again it's already cooked. we are going to warm that through. this is the best part. it done overere. add our eggs. >> oh, wait. >> we are going to add them on topike one at a time. >> look at this. >> i know. >> exactly. >> and then you don't even -- you can bake it off or just cover it with foil. >> delicious., plplop, fizz, fizz. >> people want to know. you cover this with foil and
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then you bake it. c you doner it. you don't bake it. just let it -- >> how long? >> ten minutes. >> cook through? >> exactly, the white cooks through, the eggs will be runny. >> what is a typical dinner like at yourouse? >> this. >> like this? >> it was this last. nig jack, who is 10 today -- >> oh, my god, yes. happy birthday! there he eis. >> made scrambled eggs for dinner last night. he literally adethem. >> they are taking after us, our kids. he made the scrambled eggs. etta, our 6-year-old, made thet co. she knows everything. true. s is not >> all right. thank you. if you want these recipes head to we will keepat our st. pck's day celebrations going. >> can you b believe we haven parents for ten years? >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> cheers. at havertys we know it's hard to get a good night's sleep...
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that smucker's celebrates "today" is sponsored by smucker's. with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. >> we are back with more of our pre-st. patrick's day festivities. al is inside with people who have two reasons to celebrate. hey, buddy. >> oh, with st. patrick's day this sunday our viewers are celebrating loved ones who have birthdays this time of year. hank, he says st. patrick's day is extrpecial because everybody is celebrating with him. melissa will be 25 on sunday. he friends say her smile can brighten any room. barry, huge bruce springsteen fan. proud father of seven kids and rocking that investment keep those photos comingt guys. >> all right, mr. roker, enjoy that meal. i that doefor us. >> the third hour is just ahead after your local news. first, we want to end the
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pre-st. patrick's day show on a high ne. so geoive it up for the performs of the school of irish dancers! ♪ ♪ ♪
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catch up on segments from the show you missed. watch our digital videos, shop favorite deals. text today to 66866. simple and download. this is a news4 today nhk. >> 8:56 is the time on this friday, march 15. let's start about w aheck on the roads with melissa mollet. >> good morning. to the beltway looking good. nice and light on this friday. that's the good news.d westbo 66 beforeha8 we do ve a right lane blocked by a crash. inbound 66 through that same section is kind of slow from an
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earlier accident. frederick brand new problem right und 15 before 40, lane blocked by that accident. >> thank you. we will take a break now. we will check your forecast next. stay with us.
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still plenty of cloudid ou this morning. not much of a rain threat in the next couple of hours, but we have that 60% chance of rain later on today. between now and the arrival of rain it's going to be mild. we are in the mid-to-upper 60s already. high temperatures today will be in the low 70s. don't expect it to last. we will be back in the blustery 50s tomorrow and chilly 50s with sunshine oat's day. get the latest news and weather anytime in the nbc washington app.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and a good friday morning to eou, craig melvin here idon al sheineldr jones, dylan er, our friend jacob soboroff joining us as well. always good to have you. d'altart with whewatanze spr is calling that country's darkest dng ever, shooinside two mosques in the middle of friday prayers. as of now, officials say 49 people have been killed, dozens more are hurt. a 28-year-old man is incustody. he's charged with murder. that 28-year-old reportedly posting some sort o manifesto of sorts.


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