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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  February 5, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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accomplishments and layout a road map for the year ead. >> this comes as they're back in the corner with the threat of another shutdown loomg. we have all of the angles of the president's speech covered for you. atdoreen gentzler is live capitol hill. >> there's a lot on the line tonight for the president and for all of us as h gets ready to deliver his second state of adthe union ess. this one will be much different than his first state of the union address a year ago. now he's speaking to a divided congress. and his approval ratings have dropped lately because of that government shutdown, which went an incredible 35 days longest one ever in u.s. history. he -- we are tol that the theme of the president's speech tonight, choosing greatness. a lot of people are waiting to hear what he has to say. here are four things to watch in the president's speech tonight. he is not expected t declare a
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national emergency tonight to spend money on a border wall without approval from congress. that's something he's been tler threatening for weeks and we understand that is not going to happ tonight. immigration, of course, will be one of the big topics that we expect to hear a lot about fro the president. but we're also expecting to hear abt the president's plan on infrastructure spending. lowering the cost h oflth care and prescription drugs, and national security. and look for stacy abrams to deliver the democrats' response to the president's address. she's the former minorityeader of the house of representatives in georgia. she's considered one of the rising stars in the democrati party. joining me is scott macfarlane, f covering capitol hill and, scott, one of the things we're really watching for tonit is what the president says about government shutdowns. that's so important to so many government employees n our area. >> and their families and their
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neighbors and their co-workers. in fact, so many local federalw ers will be here. every member of congress gets one to give to a guest and the local delegation has invited local federal ctractors or employees to watch this in person. what we've heard so far today, no indication any divide will b brideponderance of the eviden evidence. both sides are dug into their sides. and while the democrats he the majority on the floor and house majority leader steady howiyer theater on the floor as well. >> there are issues we ought to deal with, we ought to deal with them constructively and collectively if we can, because that's the only way they'reg goo get addressed in a positive way. >> we know one democrat that
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won't show up tonight, john lewis is sitting this out like last year, a protest to president trump. you and i were the only ones in the house chambers to see the theatre. it's likehe size of a high school gym. >> it's small. yes. >> and it's cold. >> they'll make it colder when theyet all those bodies in there. >> and might bes already showing s toke out their seat of choice. >> one of the things that's going to be different tonight. the optics. we're going to see nancy pelosi looming over the president's shoulder. that's somet ang we' be watching. >> i remember covering the state of the union in 2007hen she first became speaker. one of the first tngs president bush said was tong tulate the woman from maryland. let's see if president acknowledges her speakership. e'll have more at 5:30
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about the other political story in our area, governor ralph northam and what he's going o you've been talking to some of our lawmakers about that. we'll be bk with more about that coming up. wendy, jim. >> we'll see you then. that speech is still hours away but the road closures set to take effect at about 5:30. look at this ma the first roads will close down in about 25 nutes. 7:00 every road that surrounds the capitol grounds traffic.n for vehicle pedestrians will be allowed to walk in those areas. the caporol vis center will remain closed until tomorrow morning. this evening there is new suppor emerging tonight for governor ralph northam. it comes from some of his med school classmates. and inrs richmond lawmare starting to offer reaction to that latest controversy to hit
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the capital, an uncorroboratedx assault allegation against democratic lieutenant governor justin fairfax. our bureau chief julie carey is there tracking it all for us today. another day of high drama, julie. >> reporter: it is a lot to keep track of right now. tonif t, ninee governor's med school classmates have signed onto a letter say'rg th convinced he is not in that racist photo onis yearbook page. the governor keeping a low s profile, hisff hasn't put out a public schedule. but the spotlight here and nationallyirected mor toward lieutenant governor justin fairfax and that allegatiod against him 're learning today his accuser has hired a hi pro file law firm in washgton to represent r. and she's agreed to be publically identied, vanessa tyson, an associate professorn california. the rotunda in virginia's capital has rarely if ever
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looked like this, media swarming around lawmakers looking for comments on two controversies. the latest came yesterday about a woman who accuses lieutenant governor justin fairfaf sexually assaulting her at the 2004 democratic national onvention when he was an unmarried 25-year-old. he says the one-time encounter was entirelyse connsual and calls the revolution a political smear. today vanessa tyson is stepping forward hiring the same law firm that represented christine blasey ford. most lawmakers refusin comment on the accusation against the lieutenant governor. others saying theeed more information. >> it's a tough allegation and we have to sit backnd gather, you know, whatever information is out there. >> we don't have all the information, but we take any allegation of sexual abuse or harassment very seriously. so we'o going wait and see
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how that information involves. > louise lucas also repeating her plea that governor ral northam resign without delay. last week when a website revealed this racist photo, the governor apologized then a day later saying it wasn't him. lucas rejecting the governor's desire for more time to clear his name. now a little bit more on that letter from the med school . classmat they say in the letter they were disgusted by what they call a racist photo but theyay this about the governor. we do not believe the governor engaged in, promoted, tolerated or condoned racism, they go on to say that is not who he is now or who he was then. that is the case that governor northam hoping to make to virginians, refusing to resign and hoping to clear his name. >> julie careym reporting f richmond. thank you. we have some breaking news
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in rosslyn where a loud explosion was reported this afternoon, a lot of smoke at the intersection of northndynn street 19th street. fls fire offic say an underground transformer blew. there are buildings in the area that don'tave power. a few elevators could be stuck. the greater bimpact cou on drivers, affecting drivers who use the key bridge to get in and around dce metro servi has not been affect affected. disappointing breaking news in the sports world. d.c. sports fans will not be seeing john o wallthe basketball court for quite some time. wall is out for 12 months after suffering yet anotherinjury. sherree burruss has more from our live desk. this is some prolond pain this time, sherree and expensive. >> yes, it's devastating news for the wizards learning he'll
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miss another season. the team announcing the five time all-star ruptured his achilles and will be out for 12 months. he was already out after undergoing surgery on his left heel. the team saying he also developed an infection after that surgery. the wizard star is expected to have surgery on his achillesex the few weeks. not only are they losing a star, his contract extension kicks i neson and they'll owe him over $37 million. since the team's announcement of the injury, reaction and support is pouring in on social media from other players around the nba. >> a lot of people feeling his pain. so unfortunate. we'll see you at 6:00 tonight, sherree. a couwie in prince lliam county afraido put their children to bed after gun fire
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was fired into this house. news4 pat collins is live outside the home this evening. t, what do you make of this? >> reporter: i really don't know, wendy. imagine what it must have been like. you're asleep, your wife's asleep, the ks are asleep. then all of a sudden bullets start flying through your house. 2:00 a.m. monday morning,00 11: shots fired in this neighborhood. 7 of the bullets went into the home of the zaheeds. most unsettling. >> it sounded like really loud. almost clapping. to the point where it was extreme. we jolted out of bed. >> i got on my hands and kne and my first thought was to go check on my children. i have a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old little boy, so i crawled ony hands and knees to their rooms to make sure they re okay. >> reporter: a bullet came
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through the dining room, through the drapery, hit the wall in the living room, the ceiling in the living room and is embedded here all the way ie the front of use. >> it's definitely a scary thought. things like this don't happen in this neighborhoo you know, but -- >> reporter: somebody could have gotten hurt. >> right. >> reporter: somebody uld have gott killed here. >> right. >> what do you make of it? >> what can i do? >> reporter: let me show you something. the shots came from the fence line way back ethere. of the bullets went between these two homes, across this cul-de-sac, and into the garage across the street. it hit a woman's mercedes car. it missed the gas tank by that much. prince william county police are on the case. >> the homes that were hit were not targeted?
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no, we don't haveny indication as of right now. >> reporter: wrereckless gun fi? >> that's what we believe. reckless handing of a firearm. >> reporter: police say they're increasing patrols in the neighborhood just in case. back to you. >> this is baffling. thank you, pat. >> it's one of the deadliest roads in the state and now a push to help addre dangers on indian head highway. why this move could finally result in some major changes. and a father's frustration at the lossld of his chi inspiring him to help people in his community who are addicted to >>opioids. talks evolve into action as scientists figure out what it would take to save the planet from being hit by a massive asteroid. and how about the 70s, everybody? we hit 74 degrees today, a rerd high temperature. cooler weather though just back
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to our west. 'll show you what that brings in for tomorrow. you'll
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for top quality floors at rock-bottom prices, come to floor & decor. if you love your wallet, and you love your home, you have to go. hardwoods, laminates, tile or stone. the pros come here. i come here. hands down the best place for floors. no question. floor & decor.
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itself or the drivers on it, everyone agrees something must be done to make route 210 safer and more efficient. past decades, more tn 60 deaths on that road. just last month three young children became the road's victims. today county leaders sent a message to the state asking for prioritized funding for new construction there. tracee wilkins shows us what it could mean for indian head highway. >> reporter: the mia family lost three children after an alleged drunk driver crashed into their carn route 210 in december. >> this is an unimaginable pain. >> reporter: f soon after that wreck county officials vowed to
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make the road safer at last. >> it's become a notorious road, maybe not the road itself but because the decisens peo have made driving on the road itself. >> reporter:ncoday the p george's county council voted to support the county executive's meage to thetate to fund improvements for 210. >>t is a graduated project. the question we're trying to figure out is how can we speed up the major c struction work involved with this and also some of the ancillary things invor:ed. >> repor 210 has bumped some of the county's long standing prioritres for cotion. and is now at the top of the list. something this council of membersrom across the county agreed neede tohappen. today's process in the council is an important part of the step to revamp indian head hiway, but it is not the end of this ongoing discussion. there are seven to eight intersections that need repaired, one that's been underway for years.
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they're looking at an additional 30 years or more to do those other intersections and it could cost as much as half a billion dollars. i'm some of the money from mgm national harbor is dedicated to help improve indian head highway. the casino can pay up to 15 million a year depending on its profits. so far it's contributed half of that. this is crossover day in virginia, day that bills started in the house to move over to the other. the house of delegats raised the age to buy tobacco products. and the bill requiring clergy to report suspected abuse. both bills have identical versions in the senate s a goo chance they'll become law. these are not canned goods
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from south florida today, it's half a billion dollarsn cocai cocaine. the coast guard took the cocaine from nearly twooz ships in international waters in recent months. the seizures took place off the coast of central and south america and meco. military officials say most of the drugs originated in mlumbia. this is the secoor drug bust in two weeks. last week agents found fentanyl and meth. a truck carryingce pro from mexico took the drugs into the united states through a legal port of industry in arizona. they said therugs had a combined street value of more than $5 million. did you know that maryland has one of the highest death rates for opioid overdoses in the entire nation, averaging 30 deaths per 100,000 people. that is more tha twice the
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national average. mark segraves with a maryland narcotics officer who lost a daughter to a heroin overdose. and the new war he's waging on pee drug crisis. >> reporter: kevin 30 years in law enforcement, first in the military and then in th hagerstown police department. >> really on the front lines of the drug war, in the trenches, chasg people down, locking them up. >> reporter: he thought he was making a positive difference in people's lives by locking up drug addicts. better. re arrests the >> reporter: then he got a look at the drug problem from a different angle when his 18-year-old daughter brook told him she was addicted topids. >> brook was -- she meant everything to me. >> reporter: over the next year they struggled with her addiction. >> she falls down and says i'm sorry, i can't beat this. this is where she aed me to shoot her and put her out of her miseot, because she could fight the demons anymore. she had to go get the heroin.
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>> reporter: brook would go in and out of treatment facilities but nothing see td work. simmers became frustrated with a system that made addicts wait for treatment. >> noea other d do we treat people that inhumanely. >> reporter: after b had a near overdose he became so frustrated as a lastor r he urged prosecutors to send his own daughter to ja. >> i'm trying to save her life. >> reporter: brook would get out of jail and overdose one more time. >> she drove to a nearby church where she played basketball as a id, and she crawled in the backseat of the car, and she died there from heroin overdose> eporter: before she died brook told her father she wished there was a s place could go and live and get sober. >> we were going to fulfill oo brk's prayer. >> reporter: he spent the next several years raising awareness and donatio to build brook's
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house.da hundreds gathered to see the opening of brook's housra >> brookd for that house. god answered her epayer. >>ter: if you'd like to help, we ve a link at brook's house. mark segraves, news4. quite a legacy sheeaves behind. what a beautiful young woman. in addition to addiction services women living there will ea get some job training includingrning to make chocolates that will be sold to help fund the halfway >use. a lot of companies track everything from your e-mail address to your online shopping habits. but not insurance companies, not yet. just ahead susan hogan on whether your digital footprint could lead to increased insurancerates. >> chopper 4 flying over great falls tonight. people broke out the t-shirts
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again today, but will this warm weather stick around? doug is back with a look at what doug is back with a look at what could people aren't talking about giant's doug is back with a look at what could easy grab and go chicken wings, perfect for game day. they're not talking, because they're eating.he oho. at giant, it's the little things y,that make entertaining e leaving more time for those closest to you. switch to fios and get entertainment delivered to your home like none else. because fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. that means you'll get the fastest internet available and fios tv one with amazing 4k capability, and an advanced voice remote. and now we'll give you a netflix premium plan for a full year.
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♪ restaurants me to you. delicious at your door. download doordash. first order, no delivery fee. people aren't talking first order, no delivery fee. fresh grab and go salads and sandwiches. they're not talking, because they're eating. oh, hello. at giant, it's the little things that make mealtime easy, so you have more time with the people you love. it's such a beautiful day we had to eat some cake. remember yesterday i said to doug did anybody send you cake? well, our beloved buddy brian of
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red truck bakery, he watched last night and he texted this morning and said, i'm bringing you ca . >>he's the devil. >> i know. >> this is national weather person's day. >> yes. >> so what do you have there? >> i have the almond cake which beautiful. cake. the meyer lemon >> this is the kentucky bourbon cake which mak wendy mean. >> on the second slice. first one i'm affectionate second one i get belligerent. >> you can smell the bourbon in this. >> don't want to see that. >> thank you, bria thank you red truck bakery, we love you. >> we have to dig into these. vei knowone in the news room is ready to go for these. we got this because it was such a great day yesterday. today much better. high temperature of 74 degrees. we showed you cpper 4 a little while ago. a great day to get out thererd to the falls. you can see what's happening out there, quite a few people looking over thelook like the g
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know and love, not what we saw the last couple months. we saw the river raging and lookt this, enjoying the weather, taking the dog for a walk, arun, temperatures were spectacular. 71 degrees theem highrature at dulles. 74 at reagan national, that's a record. look at the old record, 70. 70 at bw record 72. haven't set that record yet but it.rybody loving including the kids at scotchtown hills elementary school. picture one, picture two, thankg for have on there, guys. e looks like he's mad at there. this was the funnest guy in the bunch. he had the biggest smile all day. so many questions those kids had today. i told them warm today but get ready for the umbrella tomorrow. 71 and winds out of the north at 9 mile hour.
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still very warm. look ast the a difference, 71 i d.c. only 50 towards annapolis towards the water. 57 back towards winchester. temperatures will fall efficiently tonight. no rain to talk about current but we're tracking a storm system back to the west. you can see the system has rain to the south and snow bace to north. look at the difference in the temperatures here. out ahead of the storme are way warm, 70s for sure. 20s, look a chicago, 18 for the wind chill. but that cold air won't be abl e it our way. it gets cooler tomorrow by about 20 degrees but not talking any real cold air until the weekend. cldy and cooler, rain chances increase, temperature around 51u dry t about 4:00 and 5:00. i'll show it to you.00 .m. no problem. 2:00 in the afternoon, no problem. by 5:00, for the evening w rush see the rain. so have the umbrella handy you'll nee it tomorrow into
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thursday. 62 on your th turning colder. temperatures fall on friday through the 50sheown into 20s and 30s for wind chills. saturday high of39 the rest of the ten day forecast including the next chance for some snow. it's in the forecast, too. i'll send it back to you guys and i'll take those cakes. >> there's just three slices left. >> we saved you one of each. >> we need the cake for the extra insulation. washington is getting ready for the state of the union. >> doreen gentzler and scott macfarlane returnno break d the potential for another government shutdown. also we introduced you to this contractor during the last shutdown. tonight sheill be a guest at it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the
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sleep number 360 smart bed. anit senses your movementaus to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleenumber 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 24-month financing on all smart beds. only for a limited time.
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>> announcer: you're watching news4 at 5:00. and we are less than four hours awayrom president trump's second state of the union. >> the president set to face a divided congress as he speaks to a country at a time whereng t remain intensely partisan. todaythe white house say his speech will feature a call for unity. and welcome back at 5:30 a lot of fol from our region will be listening to see what, if anything, the president hasy to about the recent shutdown and the threat of another in just over a week. in just a moment we'll hear from one of the federal
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ntractors who will be attendin tonight's address. >> our team coverage continues with doreen macfarlane live from emancipation hall at theca tol. hi, guys. >> hi, jim and wendy. you know the speech was supposed to happen last month but it was delayed at the behest of house speaker nancy pelosi because of the government shutdown. the government has reopened after the longest shutdown in amican history but there's a very short window, three weeks, to reach an agreement. and there doesn't seem to be any progress so far in reaching an agreement. >> they don't expect progress tonight. both sides t remain inir corners. it's worth reminding folks, members of congress knock lated themselves from a shutdown, they pay for staff, office budgets, no surprise tonight while congress is on the lower level of the house chamber, the upper level ey're
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bringing the federal workers, the federal contracts. but while this is happening, it's not really happening in a vacuum. there is the situation in richmond, there is ralph northam, and for the northern virginia democrats this is something they're going toou ta today up to the speech and perhaps after. we spoke with jerry connally. he was happy to go on camera and say ralph northam should step down. >> he can't govern effectively. ere's a lot of hurt in a state with a racist background, story, that now has to be addressed, and he can help, but he has to make thatce sacrif stepping down. >> do we expect the president ta anything about ralph northam tonight? >> we know the white house communications director was asked if the president will talk about virginia tonight and she deferred, didn't really directly answer the question. that's one of the things hanging
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the air. but what a big night for thosehe guests, epa employee, the janitor, that's here. i'm told at 6:00 they go house speaker's office, they'll have a bit of reception, get ur picture taken with the iteaker, have good and 7:00 you go through the secregiment and go through the gallery to watch this. it's just a fun big night. >> the guests are n randomly selected. the members are choosing guests to make a point. >> they're choosing constituents. but also somebody represents something, a big component of the federal workforce, people disadvantaged by having a >> one of the guests is a guest of senator chris van holland, someone we have profiled on news4. she has been a contractor for the federal government for more
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than 20 years. remember, the contract employees aren't getting any back pay, and he is bringing her to the capitol for the speec tonight. cory smith spoke to her earlier today and has her story. >> i was glad to see them. >> reporter: la johnson is a lot happier these days. >> we had fun,h eventhe supervisor. >> reporter: funny how being able to go back to work can do that. >> they talk about, i seen you on tv. reporter: we first met ohnson and the two grandchildren she's raising in december. it was the early dayse of longest government shutdown. the bills were piling up then and since federal contractors pay. get back >> i'm behind in my rent and c note. >> reporter: monday was her first day back at work, she's happy to be earning a living, but behind the smile is a deep resentment for the >> i'm angry.
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>> reporter: tonight she'll be in the chamr, she just wants to hear one thing from president trump. >> he should apologize for what he didthe american people. >> reporter: johnson was invited by maryland senator chr van holland, the two joined forces that would ensure lock pay for wage contractors. she wants to look the president in the eye and letho him the pain they've etdured. >> l him see the faces that's not going to get paid only because he choose not to sign the bills. >> r porter: with thespect of another shutdown on the horizon. putting her she's faith not in the president but a higher power. >> god's in charge of everything, not donald trump. >> reporter: i asked lila what else she was looking forward to tonight, if there was anyone else she wanted to meet, she id stacy abrams, the woman who is giving the democratic response to president trump tonight. lila johnson representing thousands of federal contractors
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who endured that 35-day shutdown without any hope of back pay. although there is a plan to try to rectify that. >> there's a bill that we have to pass. >> we'll see if that happens. wendy, we'll be back with more from the u.s. capitol in just a few minutes. >> we'll look for you thenyo than doreen, scott. the d.c. council set to consider a bill that would bring new relief for renters dealing with mold. today the council chairman introduced are that would close what he's calling a gap in enforcement. this came after i team found that while d.c. has laws that require landlords to repair mold, there is non agency charge of issuing the citions. his legislation would require land lords to submit reports p thve the mold is gone and give the district the power to fine those who do not. money forchools versus
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saving a loc landmark. the latest on a plan to divert millions ofwa dollars from the rebuilding of an ice rink. h, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didu get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ] -"box, haveat summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. i'd like to slow it down here co with a special dt for a special girl. danielis one's for you.
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police are hoping to solve last nit's bus sto shooting with surveillance video. the victims, four men, were among a crowd of people at the bus stop at the corner of pennsylvania avenuend
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minnesota southeast. at the height of rush hour and they ranet for s when the shots were fired. also an elementary schoch age d was injured but that could have been from flying glass. police say the shooter walked past the bus sto fired. everyonep i anjured is expected be okay. people who use t fort dupont ice arena will not be hanging up their skates just yet. today the d.c. council decided to meet in special session in fundings to talk about the expansion. the city had budgeted o $20 millionbuild and expand the facility but last week mayor muriel bowser said money to o use that renovate schools instead. that brought outcries from rink supporters. news4 worki for your money tonight. just ahead, what you done onli he eventually drive up price of your autoinsurance.
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>> reporter: i'm adam tuss some people say driving on his road is like driving on the s face of themoon. we are out on pothole patrol today as these drivers try to dodgse all of t roads. i'll tell you where the biggest problempots are coming up.
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happening now, d.c. police are looking for the driver who hit a pedestrian then just kept going. that victim was walking neart 4h and t streets here in northwest. around 3:00 this morning when they were struck. they were taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. the speed limit here athis intersection, just 15 miles an n ur. but peoplee neighborhood tell us they oen see cars just flying liby. po tell us they're looking for a dark colored suv but so
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r no other leads. wendy? this warm stretch of weather is about to spell big trouble for your roads. crews are warning potholes could start spreading across our region. transportation reporter adam tuss working for youhowing you the roads where the potholes are the worst. >> repter: get ready because the ground is about to be ripped open with potholes across the region. >> you're going to see more of these as we go into the spring season. >> reporter: road crews everywhere filling the craters and with the record moisture we've had and the swing in temperatures kee your guard up so you and your car don't get bent out of shape. >> we've had to replace two rims ons thi vehicle as a result of potholes. >> reporter: tim went through expensive repairs. >> one phole my wife hit it and took out both of our tires. four new tires, two new rims on year-old vehicle. >> reporter: and again, this is a problem all across the region.
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you might want to call this hubcapal y. this is military road in north arlington. you can see here as the cars come through, they are dodginge pothfter pothole and it continues all the way up the road. so why do potholes form? take the rain and snow, it freezes into the ground and the constant pressur from cars starts to break apart the road once it gets warm, the road has an open invitation to expand and crumble more. chopper 4 shopeng us this spective along the bw parkway. >> you got to avoid them. i got a bent rim on mine. >> reporter: btom line, be road ready the next couple weeks. am tuss news4. road crews tell us they can't make permanent the potholes until the weatherr up for good. could your online behavior afct what you pay for car
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insurance. >> we know that what we do online is being tracked by countless mpanies. but are autoinsurers looking as well. susan hogan has howour digital footprint may drive up your rates. >> it's crazy. but right now auto insure can't use our online behavior t setes but they're looking at whether the data is relevant to determining risk factors, and the impact it o could have our bottom line. >> every click, swipe, tap, collectively says something about us. it's our digital footprint. and it's how companies track us and learn a about our consumer behavior. website ando to a shop for a pair of shoes but they don't buy it, later they're on social media ty see those shoes marketed to them. >> the zebra a care insurance comparison website wanted to
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know what it would look like if auto insurance companies tracked our online activities. >> how much netflix are they streaming or what size clothes are they buying? that tells them how active and healthy they are,ig which m affect their health insurance premium. >> researchers admit there's no evidence that auto insurance companies use any of the data to setur rates, but the auto insurance industry is trackingl activity for other reasons, such as marketing and fraud detection. >> just ting to verify things you may have put on your application, whether or not you were honest about it, your driving history,e things l that. certain items that might create a redep flag. orter: when it comes tott g rates, regulators restrict the information they
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can use for now. >> your age, drivi history, make and model of your car, your residence. those are the things that insurance departments have determined are really predictive of the risk that the driver epresents when they applying for insurance. >> reporter: drivers agree in a recent survey by the zebra more e unfairf say it would for companies to use their digital footprint to determineu auto ice rates, even if it meant lower rates. >> some people don't care about money at all and they're just concerned about their own privacy. >> reporter: so want to see how your auto insurance rates compares to others in in the d.c. region? youan check out our story in the nbc washington app. search autoinsurance. we did it county by county. different it can be depending on where you live. >> good to know. >> thank you, susa let's get the word on the weather. boy can we get used to this,ka doug erer. >> but my answer to that is --
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overinter's not >> don't because winter is not erave cooler temperatures coming later this week. but yeah, 74 today. it was very -- it was so nice across the aa toda so many smiles in the news room today. out there right now, sun has gone down, clouds trying to make their way in but stillmild. this was the top of the hour with 71 degrees. next hour we're sitting in the 60s. dropping to 54 by 11:00 tonight. just gorgeous, gorgeous whether erywhere. annapolis 13w5uz because it's on the water. inland you are on the warmside. temperatures still in the 60s and 70s. nothing on the radar. we're dry. we stay that way through tonight and most likely until about this time tomorrow. we'r watching system back to the west. iss throwing clouds our way.he the testimosystem right now, it
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doesn't look organized and it's not butt's going to continue to grab moisture from the gulf and come our way. as long as the moisture is from the south we'll staywarmer. by warmer our average temperature is tomorrow we're going for 51. tomorrow will be a dreary day m wie on what we can expect the next couple days, let's go to amelia because we are talking a r coaster through the weekend. >> absolutely. through the end of the work week, our temperatures stay above our normal high of 45 but th go up and then the weekend hits and they go down. tomorrow h the weather is going to impact the kids, heading to school, not an sue, maybe a sprinkle or two. but most of us dry. dreary with clouds around on your wednesday. recess they'll want the jacket. high temperatures tomorrow around 50 degrees. for dismissal, showers moving in. sosc the aftol activities
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may be dealing with a little bit rain out there. the norl high 45 degrees, we're staying above normal but you want to grab thumbrella, especially for later in the day tomorrow. thursday, a lingering shower in morning. but most of the thursday is going to be dry. as we look to friday we're keeping it completely dry so you can leave the umbrella at home and the weekend is also dry.king talking about that temperature roller coaster, here's your temperature trend, 45 degrees. tomorrow we're above normal. thursday we're in the 60s so a nice day on thursday, despite clouds.lenty of on friday this is kind of deceiving because we hit our high temperature during the early morningrs h and temperatures fall throughout the day.em the weekendratures running below normal saturday and sunday. i leaveou withthis, the box turtle i saw on my morning run.e as loving it out there too with the high of 74. >> you named him?
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>> i don't know. help me. >> boxy. >> he was small. >> i thought she had a name. i didn't know i was supposed to come up. >> tomorrow when you see him, hey,xy that was doug's name. 59 degrees on your friday t friday a much different day than it looks like. becoming windy, falling temperatures, take the coats on friday. wu walk outside you't think you need them but by friday night, windhills in the 20s and 30s here. this is the storm i'm going to be watching. is there enough cold air that this is mostly a winter storm, from rain to reezingrain. we're watching it, but we're seven days away. i'm just enjoying temperatures out there right now, and so is boxy. so it was like a plot from a hollywood movie. >> but it is so real. ahead at 5:00, the engineers on the project to sav the planet
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from a direct hit by an asteroid, what it's like to device the plan. i'm doreen gentzler at the u.s. capitol getting ready for the president's second state of the union address. the union address. i'll he more
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.assi massive astero it's a theme we've seen play out in the movies. >> but a it's reality for a research team at johns hopkins universty. >> it' nasa's first mission not defend re space but to against it. >> the movie "armageddon" kept audiences on the edge of their seats. an asteroidni threa earth. bruce willis has to stop it. dr. elena mattis sai she's no bruce willis, but they have to build a laser to hit the in >> every now and then i sayily job is to the world. most times i work nasa mission and this time i'm working on a
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ark mission that's going to move an asteroid. >> the double asteroid rerection test, they're building a spacecraft to target theoon revolving around this asteroid. it's the size of the washington monument. >> an asteroid would hit the earth of this size, it would create devastation on the regional scale. that's the catastrophe we're trying to avoid. >> the mission she's been training for since she studied astronomy in space camp. >> i'm confident with the team working on it and i'm fortu tte that thim is going to make this mission work. >> reporter: the applied physics lab has been launchingce spacecraft s 1959 they are now designing and building the one used in thed.a.r.t. mission with launch scheduled for june
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2021. reporting from laurel, chris gordon. now at 6:00, team coverage at the state of the union speech. and thetakes couldn't be higher, ten days to avoid another government shutdown. president trump addressing a divided congress for the first time what we expect to hear from the president and democrats. and the local wl kers who w be watching closely. new today, the woman accusing lieutenant governor justin fairfax comes forward creating new uncertainty. >> i just don't have enough information. >> as governor ralph northam clings to his jo bulle tired into a child's bedroom. >> are my children okay? why my house? >> the spike in crime that has an entire neighborhood on edge. a call forun y, that's the promise from the white house, three hours before president trump's second state of the
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union address. >> but it comes atim a when america and congress are so on ded and it will display for all of us to see tonight. >> for the first time the president will be addressing the houseut chamber witwo republicans sitting behind him. now democratic house speaker nancy pelosi is there replacing paul ryan. and members of congress and theirlr guests aredy arriving. our news4id team has been i the capitol for a few hours. >> doreen gentzler anchors our te coverage. a lot riding on it. >> that' true. three hours away before president trump walks in the door of this building and the house chamber to deliver his second state of the union address. this is going to be very different from the one a year ago. he's talking to a dided house in congress as you said. he's expected to strike a tone of unity and his theme we're told is choosing greatness. but this comes as there is so a much concern


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