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tv   News4 Today at 400  NBC  January 2, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EST

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presumably because of the cold. schools in west virginia on a two-hour delay. half shir schools. >> wait until the end of the week. we're going to say this is the coldest air we've seen. you're latching. i'm laughing because i'm in denial. it's painful when you walk outside. look at in the district. 14 degrees. it feels like 2 degrees right now. as we go into the end of the week, i'll show you that coming up. i'm warning you, it's going to be even colder if you can believe it. we're talking about daytime highs being very cold. 0 degrees windchills, 3 degrees dulles and leesburg. martinsburg at 5 below. feels like 2 below in clinton. 0 manassas. 4 in quantico. layers will th
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i know a lot of people heading back to work and kids heading back to school. the actual temperatures will be in the teens. we're concerned about the windchill. make sure you cover up any exposed skin. we're talking about snow chances for part of the area. >> thanks, sheena. in the midst of the brutally cold temperatures, an explosion knocked out power to a lot of families. they were left in the cold and dark for hours. pepco had to quickly work to restore the power. we'll send out weather alerts during the frigid temperatures. download the nbc washington app. also got breaking news in maryland where first responders rescued three people from this car. i retweeted this video from montgomery county fire and rescue. you see that car stuck in several feet of icy water. this was in ten mile creek at shiloh church road.
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0. kramer middle school in southeast d.c. has been flooded. here's what we know so far. a pipe in the school's basement burst causing water to overflow and to make matters bores, wors heat, no electricity. you can follow the updates on twitter. a heads up about three water main breaks. first this one in hinesville. rhode island avenue, there are two southbound lanes shut down between 42nd avenue and charles armitage drive. they will need an alternate route in alexandria as well. in silver spring, southbound new hampshire avenue at oak view drive is still closed at this time. over the last few days, firefighters have been responding to a lot of fires.
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was different. a 94-year-old world war ii veteran died in that fire. his wife woke up coughing and couldn't find him through all that smoke. >> i did not save my husband. i don't know where he is. >> she used to care for lewis and his first wife hazel where she died. great nephew tells us lewis was well-known for repairing fine glass. >> find department stores where people would bring things to their home. they were very well-known in the annandale community. >> lewis' wife and another woman staying at the home got out safely. no word on what caused that fire. montgomery county fire says a fire inside this home in potomac was burning for some time before anyone noticed.
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and the family of five got out okay last night. the fire started underneath the fireplace in the basement of the home. the fire did about $500,000 worth of damage. the red cross is helping the family find somewhere else to stay. today, senator al franken's resignation officially takes effect. he stepped down after a string of sexual misconduct allegations. he's not going to stop fighting for the things he believes in. lieutenant governor smith is replacing franken. she will be sworn in tomorrow. meanwhile, president trump is back in d.c. with a full agenda to tackle this year. the first family arrived last night. there's one of the top priorities. appears to be reigning in north korea. tracie potts will give us a rundown of the domestic
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legislative plans for president's second year in office. we're now into the second day of 2018, if you're feeling lucky, tonight may be your night. we're talking about the mega millions drawing. the jackpot stands at $343 million. if you haven't bought tickets already, time is running out. the thing is, this isn't going to be your only chance to strike it rich this week. tomorrow night is the powerball drawing. okay. the powerball jackpot is pretty massive. hovering around $440 million. the odds of winning, not so great. in fact, about 1 in 175 million. here's the perspective. chances of getting hit by lightning, 1 in 10,000. getting a hole in one in golf, 1 in 12,000. the chances of you getting hit by a meteorite. 1 in 1.6 million and getting attacked by a
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million. you're more likely to experience all of that than to win the lottery. you know what, sheena, i'm still going to stop on my way home and buy a ticket. because logically that may be true. i still think i got a chance. >> if you don't get hit by lightning on your way, chris. >> or the meteorite. >> or a shark could fly out of the sky and attack you. i think the chances of a sharknado are higher, too. we didn't put that on the graphic. >> you never know. if you don't -- can't win if you don't play. >> just play. i will cross my fingers for you. >> i'll play. you'll know at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning if i win. >> i have a good feeling about this. everybody this morning, though, i have a good feeling you'll be freezing when you walk outside. it is pretty brutal with the windchills. make sure you dress in layers. layers upon layers. not just today w
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you see what's going to happen by the end of this week. if you think these temperatures look bad, these are the windchills. some below zero. look at what happens by friday and saturday. we'll take a closer look at all that and a chance for snow coming up. >> all right. sheena. it is the wind that caused major ticketing website to crash. what we learned overnight for any of you trying to score tickets on stub hub. we're working to help you keep your resolutions. it's only day two. w to keep yohour
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if you want to know why sheena is here and not chuck, he's still inconsolable after last night. the first college football game was an instant classic. georgia beating oklahoma in double overtime. >> he probably is in the fetal position still. >> he's a big sooner fan. the georgia fans were excited for next week's national championship game, they crashed stub hub. >> wow. >> as soon as they won. the sugar bowl between alabama and clemson, big plays. any chance of a comeback was snuffed out by alabama's stout defense. alabama and georgia will play for the national championship. >>
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>> next monday. >> we like our football down south. that's for sure. >> boy oh, boy, chuck is a big sooner fan. >> i'm sure he cried. president obama is no longer in office but keeping up with one tradition. he released his favorite songs and books of last year. take a look. if you're wondering if your tastes overlap. he listened to tracks by kendrick lamar, jay z, u-2. eclectic mix. it had 22 songs. mr. obama spent his first year out of office doing a lot of reading. he listed 11 favorite books, including, the power by naomi alderman. >> i haven't read any of those. >> it's about women become more powerful than men. it flips the gender stereotypes on their head. >> i believe it. >> timely read. >> you come to me and i'll tell you. i
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>> check out the entire list on president obama's facebook page. all right. what are we looking at here in terms of getting out the door this morning. it's painful again. if you stepped out yesterday morning, a lot of people had yesterday off, waited a while. a lot of people don't have today off. it feels like 2 degrees in washington. actual temperature is 14. we don't even have a very strong wind, but it is enough to make the temperatures go 12 degrees colder. wait until you see the rest of the area. i'm going to show you that in a minute. we're going to talk about possible snow chances. >> stay in the car. turn the heat on. we've got new information on a story we brought you as breaking news this time yesterday. what we learned about the new jersey teenager accused of killing a friend and three members of his own family. breaking news just coming in
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what the country is proposing ith the north aheadw o ♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. iand i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah!
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you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. simply smarter shopping.
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♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. if you're just joining us, we're in weather alert mode because of the bitter cold. look at the windchills from the left side of your screen. as sheena told us, only going to get colder. she is coming back in a few minutes with a clos
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that cold. we also got breaking news this morning. south korean officials reaching out to north korea to find ways to cooperate during the upcoming winter olympics. the games get under way next month. the offer comes after kim jong un is willing to send a delegation to the olympics. also had nuclear threats during that same address. we're learning about a quadruple murder in new jersey. a 16-year-old allegedly killed his parents, his sister and a family friend inside his home in long beach. today that teenager is facing a judge. he used a semiautomatic rifle and still trying to determine the motive. three counties of murder and one count of possession of a weapon. indecisive driver, two elderly men in
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trying to make a u-turn and changed his mind mid turn when he hit the two men. the truck also hit a car with five people inside. someone from homeland security was nearby and arrested the driver. one of the men who was hit has life-threatening injuries. this morning, the computer glitch that impacted u.s. customs check-in points across the country has been fixed. the malfunction created long lines on new year's day for people trying to get back into the country after spending their holidays abroad. check out the crowds at the miami international airport. customs says right now it doesn't appear the malfunction was caused by hacking or any malicious plot skbliefrnl. a new year is here. what approximate a new you? starting to become tough to get fit. justin finch has a few changes you can make right
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healthy new year. >> reporter: this may be among the last places you want to find yourself after weeks of big meals, snacks and celebration. but show up anyway. >> you start the new year off getting your mind set right. your body will typically follow. >> delaney washington, personal trainer in fairfax encouraging you to give yourself a lifestyle reset. start with finding a workout you can do routinely and safely. it doesn't have to be long. >> i firmly believe you can put at least a half an hour in. it doesn't take much. it's a commitment to saying i want to live a nice healthy lifestyle. >> to power your routine -- >> get enough fresh vegetables. it may not be organic, but shooting in the right direction. read the label on things. and hydrate. we shoot for at least half your body weight in ounces. >>
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>>ment gym memberships spike in december and january and falls off a cliff come february. >> i worked at a gym when i was in college for four years. they came in as fast as you could expect them to and dropped off like flies. it was always like clockwork. >> it's not the getting started. it's following through. >> we only had a handful of people that did follow through and they looked amazing. you know, this is the thing every year. hopefully, people can stick to it. >> with that cold weather outside, you got to find something to do inside. not much to do outside. hey, go to the gym. get a workout in. >> it's discouraging. because i don't even want to walk out my door to go to the gym in this weather. hopefully, people can muscle through it. a lot of people headed back to work, a lot of kids headed back to school today. bundle up this morning. another weather
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morning of dangerous windchills. we're talking about some areas feeling below zero right now. we're watching snow chances for the middle of the week. for a small portion of the area. after that, after that snow chance, we have the arctic air returning. it looks like it's going to be colder this time if you can believe that. >> feels like 2 degrees in washington, 2 below in clinton. dulles is 3 below zero. we are dry. that's good news. anything falling would be freezing immediately. the roads are nice and dry. tomorrow they're dry as well. we'll notice the clouds increasing, back in the 30s. but then we'll see a late chance of the snow main hi south and east. here's area of low pressure that stays offshore. best chance of any snowfall by early thursday morning is south and east of the district. of course, that track can still change. we'll bring you updates as we
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20s again thursday with a chance south and east. look at friday and saturday. single digits by the afternoon. not even at 26. it's going to be brutal. >> i'm cringing. she's one of the faces of country music but her face had to have at least 40 stitches. what happened to carrie underwood after a recent fall. we're getting information about a plane crash. what played a role in t
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you know who is not sad to see 2017 go away? carrie underwood. in a blog post, the country singer shared that her fall back in november at her home was a
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lot worse than she initially shared. the singer revealed that in addition to breaking her wrist, she also fell on her face. in fact, she had to get 40 to 50 stitches. underwood admits she's not quite looking the same but she's very grateful the injuries weren't worse. the community in colorado is shag goodbye to a sheriff's deputy killed. >> dan scheneman has the story. >> a community came together mourning the loss of douglas county sheriff's deputy's zachary parish. he was killed sunday during an apparent ambush. >> i will do everything in my power, zack parish, to honor you. >> they remember a colleague and a friend. >> wanted to serve the community. he served with respect. >> he made me a better prs
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because he put ten hours into a ten-hour shift no matter what. >> parish was shot and killed after he responded to a report of a disturbance at an apartment complex. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> authorities say the suspected gunman fired more than 100 rounds. parish and four other officers and two civilians were hit. the suspect, matthew real, age 37, was killed by a s.w.a.t. team. >> a veteran of the iraq war, he graduated from the university of wyoming. the school sent a letter to faculty and staff warning about rambling, nonsensical messages that he posted on his page. >> we're going to fire all these bombs come next year. >> they learn more about the suspected gunman and a community says goodbye. dan scheneman. nbc news. we are cng
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4:26. i'm heading over to the live desk to bring you breaking news out of montgomery county. "news4 today" continues right now with aaron and eun. that breaking news, three people pulled from the icy waters after their car plunged into a creek. what we're learning about the overnight rescue. for the first time on news 4, hear from the wife of a 94-year-old world war ii veteran killed in a house fire. why she says she couldn't save him. news 4 begins now with storm team 4. >> we are working for you and your family. for those headed back to work and school today, we're in storm team 4 weather alert mode. you can see why on your screen here. take a look at the windchills. manassas had nothing. >> winchester at 3
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>> there are negatives. >> can i start crying now? >> wait. >> exactly. >> i'm all out of tears. eun, you go cry for me. here's a little tissue. >> thank you, thank you. >> this is the way we start our new year. we're happy to be back. >> happy to be inside and back with you guys. >> we want to let you know we have one school delay to tell you about. we believe because of the cold. >> hampshire county schools in virginia are on a delay. we'll let you know if we hear of more. >> coming back, you have to get the heat going. crank the heat up. >> i try for so long not to turn the heat on because of the dry air. i had to break down and do it. >> why? >> melissa is like worse off than us. she's just quiet about it. she's a secret cold hater. >> how cold is it? >>
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below zero right now. here's the thing. if you think this is cold, wait until friday morning. wait until saturday. >> it's going to be worse. i'm telling you. yes, worse. >> we'll focus on this morning. a lot heading back to work and school. a lot have to go outside this morning. look at the windchills again. 3 below zero dulles. baltimore feels like 4 degrees below zero. feels like 2 degrees. we could drop to 0 this morning. 2 below in clinton. gaithersburg feels like 0. it's frigid out there. the kids who have to stand at the bus stop this morning, if you can, maybe keep them in the car until the bus gets there. otherwise, you need the warm layers. you need to cover all exposed skin. look at 8:00 this morning. the temperature on the bottom will be the actual temperature by the afternoon. upper 20s. little better. windchills still near 0. by 8:00, melissa, it's freezing, but you have breaking news too. >> we're talking about this problem in silver
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southbound hampshire avenue at oakview drive. all lanes southbound shut down by a water main break. kind of the theme around this morning because of the cold weather. pipes can't handle it. southbound route 1, near crittendon. northbound lanes are open and alexandria, westbound montgomery after north washington, a one-way street, all lanes close there because of a water main break as well. adam tuss is with the issues in silver spring. how are they looking, adam? >> reporter: the good news is northbound lane or a southbound lane here is actually opened up. this is obviously a big mess out here. take a look at the crews out here who are working to get this water main fixed. it's freezing cold out here. you can imagine that that's creating extra trouble this morning with the ice that's formed on the ground right now because it's
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any water coming out of there is freezing. what you have to do is get the state highway administration trucks out here to salt this section right here to make sure it doesn't slick over too much. we've got a double-pronged attack going on, on this water main. there is stillwater coming out of the ground and the crews are still making repairs. you should know this is right off the beltway, right after of new hampshire avenue towards takoma park. one lane getting by, as you can see here. there are a couple of lanes getting by in the northbound direction going towards the beltway. if in sticks around for any amount of time in the morning rush, this is going to cause backups here. i wouldn't be surprised if it spills back on to the beltway, guys. back to you. adam tuss live for us. adam, thank you. in the midst of the brutally cold temperatures, this underground explosion knocks out power to thousands. this was last night in montgomery county. around 5700 customers were left in the cold


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