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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  July 14, 2017 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT

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now at 11:00, police discover the worst, while checking on a local family. two women dead, now, neighbors and family members wait for answers from police. mistrial in the killing of a wedding
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full of testimony, whether the jury went home after six hours of deliberation. they felt the boom after the power went out, it was not just the slelectricity. a couple forced out of their home after a tree came crashing down. >> first up, that breaking news in fairfax county where two women were found dead in a roam. >> police found the two bodies inside a home this afternoon after breaking down the door. we have been talking with neighbors and police and we are live in mcclain with more. chris? >> reporter: tonight, police are telling neighbors they have nothing to fear. that may mean that what happened here was a murder followed by a suicide and that the two people still inside knew each other. fairfax county police got a call, saying someone may have been murdered in this
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police gather at the front door, announce themselves and when no one answered they rammed the door to gain entry. >> they came out with guns and riot shields and came and told us to stay in our house and stay with a way from windows. >> reporter: neighbors say the owner of the house was a middle aged woman who was an executive with a government contractor. her daughter and 7-year-old granddaughter have lived here almost 3 years. >> i have been told that both bodies are adult females. >> reporter: neighbors say they don't know the people who live in the house very well. >> they moved here from new mexico two years ago, and we are hoping for the best and fearing the worst. >> reporter: people here are relieved to learn that the 7-year-old girl who lived here, apparently was not home when this happened. >> you hear stuff like this, it's sad when you know there's a child living there as well. >> reporter: police are not ready
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the two adult female victims or disclose what murder weapon was used. now police say they will investigate all night long, gathering efld, taking photos and trying to figure out of the motive for the two killings. that's the latest from mcclain, virginia. back to you. >> thank you. chris. also, breaking tonight, a mistrial for the man accused of killing a popular wedding caterer last year. he claimed that he stabbed the cate caterer, in self defense. the jurors announced they were deadlocked. >> reporter: after four days of sitting through evidence and testimony and more than six hours of deliberations, no verdict. jurors telling the judge they simply could not come to agreement and said more time, well, that wouldn't help. escorted by
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jurors walking out of the court, exhausted, they were tasked with determining the fate of the park employee accused of murdering a beloved wedding caterer, the prosecution told the jurors that he was taunting the wedding guests and it ended with him stabbing their and killing her. defense using different video. showing audio and video evidence showing bonds threatened by the group, calling his actions self defense and the jury could not agree. the judge declare ago mistrial. families on both sides we noticed left feeling rather incomplete. and to keep the peace in what was an incredibly emotionally charged case, we noticed several deputies stayed late as to escort each group out separately. back to you. >> reporter: turning to our weather now and the fast moving
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rain this afternoon, along with wind gusts strong enough to uproot huge trees. here's a time lapse from our tower cam in northwest d.c., looking forward virginia, look at that. >> looks like a movie, doesn't it? >> it does, but the good news, it's less humid outside right now. doug will talk about it more in a few minutes. first, we are live with the bad news for people who have to spend tomorrow cleaning up, shomari? >> reporter: you have to feel bad for the homeowners ear on 32nd street northwest in d.c., look behind me, you can see the clean-up has started, this tree expert company is removing branches, storm debris, you can see the gutter hanging right there. the front window is shattered, that tree came crashing down, we with talked to the homeowner, let's hear what he had to say as the storm moved in. as heavy rain falls on parts of d.c., maryland and
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>> i'm annoyed. you know. i mean, i did not need this. >> reporter: john martd inis irritated on 32nd street in the district. the thunderstorm toppled this tree and crushing a car and crashing on his roof. john and his wife were inside at the time, they got out okay. >> we heard a crash and didn't even sound that bad, power went off immediately. >> reporter: in the neighborhood, a lightning strike lit a roofdeck on fire. >> that was put out without injuries. >> reporter: trees caused metro problems. one sideswiped a train before the station on the orange line. passenger bored a rescue train. a family was rescued that was paddle boating. >> i think it was important that we had an officer that was able to get them out. >> we get a strong storm, the current gets strong and i was concerned. >> reporter: back on 32nd street, john martin said that the strong storm is a pain. >> i'm not looking forward t
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i mean, we have a huge amount of work to do. >> reporter: you are looking at a live picture of the home t crews have a lot of work to do over the next 48 hours, they have to remove the tree. the homeowner and his wife cannot live inside here t firefighters have determined that it's just too unsafe that roof could collapse. live here in d.c., i'm shomari stone, back to you. >> thank you, shomari, nice to know that storm system is in the rear view. we have a look ahead for tomorrow. >> it's feeling better tonight than it is last night, doug. >> what a difference, last night, the heat index was over 90 and now, sitting at 73, it feels pretty nice outside. i'm tracking a couple of showers and a few thunderstorms. these are all down in our southern zones. down towards charles county and places in st. mary's, they are moving to the east, and a
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you cannot rule out a few stray showers. the heavy stuff is out. here's the line. look at the line coming through and watch when i put on the severe thunderstorm reports here. each one of these little dots happens to be a severe thunderstorm report strog do with downed trees. these are all downed trees in the blue. all high winds, over at least 40, 45, and 60 per mile an hour winds. the cold front back to the west. a few showers and thunderstorms to go. and behind it, some relief. not a lot, but some. we will explain coming up. >> thank you, doug, right now, women are camped outside the department of justice where they will hold a rally tomorrow morning. they were part of the women's march against the national rifle association. marching from nra headquarters in fairfax to the d.o.j. with a brief interruption because of the storms. many joined the march for different reasons but this rally is a response to the nra's silence on the death
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who was shot by a officer after a traffic stop. >> todays like today can cause major problems on one section of the red line. heavy rain and leaky tunnels can lead to fires on the track. to deal with the problem, metro started to test out a water proofing technique and it will continue tomorrow. that forces metro to close down stations between friendship heights and grosvenor, you will have to ride shuttle buses instead, and that will mean for the next four weekends. we got a look inside the leaky tunnels a couple of years ago. they say they hope the repairs will cut down on the repeated track fires. >> new tonight the company that employs a dump truck driver that is accused in two similar crashes is responding to this latest incident. only news 4 talked to the family of bianca butler. they have tough questions for fort meyer
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after being run over on south dakota avenue tuesday. two years ago, the same truck driver, 62-year-old ismael alvarez, hit and injured a university student that was walk engine a crosswalk on florida avenue. he should not have been driving. this would never have happened to bianca, i don't fault the driver, i fault the contractor. >> reporter: alvarez was arrested for the 2015 hit and run after this week's crash. his employer said this, safety is our top priority. we are looking in to what happened and working with authorities as they investigate the july 11th accident. >> police release pictures of a man they say satisfy acknowle-- attacked a man on a ride on bus driver. he got on
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started to beat the driver with the radio phone that he used to call police. the suspect was caught on another bus after that assault. next at 11:00. it's more than 70 years overdue. but a largely untold story is finally coming to light as a world war ii vet gets honored with a purple heart. and a look at the florida sinkhole that is already swallowed up two homes and
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at enterprise, we guarantee it. next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. talk about a family with persi
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was shot down and survived it. the documents that proved it were lost until his daughter made it her mission to get him his purple heart. >> reporter: his voice cracks at the sight of it. >> all i can say is that -- i love this country. same other. >> a medal he earned more than 70 years ago. now on his chest. >> the greatest thing in my life was serving my country and my wife. >> reporter: he is just shy of 95. but in world war ii, he was the youngest man in his bomber squadron. >> on one fateful day on april 24th, 1944, his bomber w
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he still completed his mission like every good american did, unfortunately the plane did not survive, so john and his fellow airmen had to bail out. >>er planes were supposed to escort his bomber and they could not fly because of the weather. >> his face and hands were wounded. >> reporter: john lived through the crash and captured by the nazis and hauled away to a prison camp. months went by and as the german military collapsed, they were forced to consolidate the p.o.w camps. >> he was forced to march 300 miles through was the coldest winter in europe. >> for decades john would not tell his story. >> i don't think that you want to talk about it, because there were so many other veterans in the same p
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women. >> reporter: and john's family thought his files burned in a massive fire in a military records building. it was not until his daughter call today national archives two years ago, that she discovered some had survived. john's only regret about being awarded the purple heart, that his wife gloria, did not live to see it. >> she was by my side at all times and i accept this honor for my wife and in her memory, and for the crew of my b-17, the m miscarriage, thank you. >> a special brooeed of man and team there. today, john lives in college park, maryland and his daughter works at walter reed and she met another purple heart recipient there that helped heror
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way through the process to make sure he was recognized for his bravery. >> we are glad he was. >> absolutely. >> the third time is the charm for afghanistan's all girl robotics team. six members of the team should arrive at dulles airport within the hour, they were finally granted visas after applying for the third time. president trump personally intervened to reverse a decision denying them entry in to the country. the girls will now be able to participate in next week's international competition here along with entrance from 157 countries. which also includes syrian refuges. >> take a look at the video, a massey sinkhole swallows up at least two homes in florida, this happened this morning, it's about 30 miles north of tampa, if you know the area. the officials say the sinkhole started out of the size of a small pool and became bigger and bigger and growing at one point, at 30 feet per hour
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of the collapse there. but firefighters did rescue two dogs from inside. at least ten other homes have been evacuated for safety reasons and so, far, no reports of injuries. >> kind of a mess. >> yeah. >> doug, quite -- did you get a good night sleep in that neighborhood? indeed. an exciting afternoon for you today. >> it was, we were moving and shaking back there in the weather center. you know the storms came through here, and became severe quickly out there, and we saw one storm really develop and it moved through fairfax county so quick, that's why we saw the 50, 60 miles an hour wind and all the trees down. and right now, tracking a couple of showers and a couple of rumbles of thunder, look down toward southern maryland, calvert ktd and saint mary's and st. charles county, all seeing activity, most of it, not a lot of lightning associated with it, we are seeing some, looking at the heavier rain, down around the mechanicsville area.
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moves to the east, not for severe weather, but will watch it move off t wider picture going to show us what we are seeing here. what we are seeing is rain in the north and west of us. my clicker is not working. you know how this goes. for some reason, i'm not sure why it not working. but i will have to do this right here and continue. you can see up to the north and west, back by pittsburgh, we are looking at some of the showers and storms moving down in to parts of western maryland, those should not get her either, and what it is, it's a cold front. now, we don't like the 90s, but we like this news back here. 80s. that is dryer air. tomorrow, still going to be hot by our standards. temperatures tomorrow, right around 90, but it will be a more comfortable 90. currently 77, winds out of the south at 7 miles per hour. the temperature range around the region. 73 gaithersburg and 73 in
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it was ridiculous. tomorrow, a little bit different. still 90, now, most of the suburbs, especially west of the blue ridge in the mid 80s. nice day on saturday. partly sunny and lower humidity. a little humid, but again, it will feel more comfortable than it has in the past few days and a great day for the pool. 85 at noon, 89, lower humidity at 2:00. the pool, perfect place to go tomorrow. then, take a look at the ten-day forecast. yeah, you like 90s? here you go, 90s, 91 monday and tuesday, a chance of thunderstorms and showers both days and look at what happens, wednesday, thursday, friday, we see a ridge of low pressure. we have highs, 97 for the next thursday and friday. i have 98 on sunday. i would not be surprised to see a 100 mixed in, in there. that is the kind of pattern that we have going here. now the last couple of days we have had a similar pattern and we have had a lot of cloud cover coming through. next week, the ridge is stronger that
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that 100 degrees temperature, yeah, might come next week. >> heat just keeps on coming. sorry about your clicker, doug. >> yeah. >> did you do that? the garage doors are opening up all around. >> so true. >> thanks. >> all right, baseball, back in action after the all-star break and bryce harper not showing fatigue from playing over the break. >> george wallaceas all h
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so the trick is to tell the nats the all-star break ended. no
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>> no matter the day. it worked tonight as they went to cincinnati. good things happen when you give them a few days off to recharge the batteries. they begin with a nine-game road trip, beginning with a 9-1/2 game lead in the n.l. east. nationals sending gio gonzalez to the hill to start the second of the first half. continuing to produce. runners on the corners. single up the middle, nats have a 1-0 lead. two outs, rondon, nats up two. top of the third, harper, no doubter about this one. 21st of the year, doubles the lead to four. next inning, gio, starting to struggle a bit, two runners on, watch goodwin, stretching out to make the nice catch. bails gio out and keeps cincy off the break. harper needs rest after the all-strar break? had
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gio goes 8-1/3 for the win and nationals blank the reds. >> i have not seen him in the longest. he kept the sharpness, had an outstanding breaking ball. located the fastball well, and threw an occasional change-up. this is a tough offensive team he faced with the, you know, in a short ballpark. orioles, trying to get their pitching staff headed in the right direction. gozman will start the second half for the birds. get this is trouble early, runners on the corners, contr y contreras takes it deep to center, gives the cubs, a 3-0 lead, and next batter, no better. to the same spot, back-to-back jacks. makes it 4-0, orioles down 8-0 at one point. bottom five, making a comeback. bases loaded. at the plate, he singles to
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makes this an 8-6 ball game. orioles coming back. in the eighth. mark trumbo, hit as to-run homer to tie it and the cubs take the lead back in the ninth to make it 9-8, that is where we are right now. camden yards. wizards rapped up their summer league play, 0-5 for the wizards. they announced a two-way contract, average 11 points, six boards and shot 48% from the floor, average 3 points a game in vegas. wimbledon, tomorrow morning, venus williams, preparing to face her opponent in the wimbledon final. williams at 37. attempting to be the oldest to win a grand slam event in the open era, venus born in 1997. the year she made her debut. >> love it. >> on the men's side. rodger federer won earlier today, he would be the oldest man in the
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wimbledon if he wins his title on sunday. >> that is right and federer too. >> and the
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notice the waves on the potomac river, oh, we have seen a lot of lightning out of this, you saw the lightning strike there. i get excited when we see lightning out there. this is what
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- kate mckinnon. john cena.


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