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tv   4 Your Sunday Viewpoint  NBC  June 4, 2017 5:30am-6:15am EDT

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good morning. it's a cruel destructive disease that's diagnosed every 66 seconds in this country. more than 5 million americans are living with alzheimer's disease. the most common form of dementia. it's now the 6th leading cause of death in the u. s. claiming more lives than breast and prostate cancer combined. june is allianz timers and brain awareness to month we take a look at this disease and other forms of dementia. years ago dementia struck the wife of prince george's county. how is your wife who has
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suffering dmeementia and was diagnosed several years ago. >> she's doing good. we're in a good place. our son just got married and we had the graduation of ou youngesy youngt child. she knows about it and she is doing better. >> and the family has had to rally and tell me when you realized something was happening to your wife? >> she was 48. 48 and stopped working and was looking for a new job. i was away on a business trip and she had taken our daughters to richmond where she is from to visit her parents and my daughter called me and said dadly, we're lost. i said well, you know, your mom is directional challenged. where are you? >> we're around the cor
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nana's house but mommy doesn't know how to get there and she is crying and i said well okay see if you can help her get to the highway and get back to your house. that lead me to saying we need to take you in to see somebody but she said nothing was wrong. she was diagnosed in 2010 with early alzheimer's. that was it. he announced. this was it. and he sent us home and that started a new process for our life. i was about to run for county executive in the midst of announcing that and then our life completely changed. >> how did she respond? >> she responded because when they did the test, they normally do, and theywo
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name and she would be offended and then the doctor would ask her their birthdays and she couldn't remember them and she started crying and i started crying and then he started talking to me and saying here are the things and the thing about it. as soon as we left the doctor's office we were in the car, she didn't remember that she had had the conversation with the doctor and from that point on, you know, she just knew that we said i don't want you to drive anymore. and we completely changed and for her, she didn't remember any of the incident with the doctor. >> how much did you know about dementia and allianz timers before this happened? >> nothing. absolutely nothing. i wasn't prepared at all for it and this is one of the reasons we got involved. financially my wife did everything. she bought our houses
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clothes, kids clothes. she handled everything. all the finances. i didn't know anything about alzheimer's. what helped me was my wife had causes that she believed in and the alzheimer's association was one of those just be chance. she would give them money and they would send us brochures and i happened to pick up one of the brochures. >> your children, you have three, how do they handle it? >> they each handle it in their own way but they handle it marvelously. much better than i did. i was in denial for probably the first year. our youngest was really the best, quincy, because she spent the most time at the stage where my wife was diagnosed. she was the only one left in the ho
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sudden snap out of it and they dealt it with the way adults would deal with it. how do we deal with the situation and how do we make it for for the family? >> we'll continue our talk gh after this
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you are a public figure and went public with a very private issue. tell us how you got there. >> about a year into being county executive it was obvious she couldn't do the things she had done before. we had to make a decision whether we were going to say something publicly or say this was a private matter thoondel it. i wanted to keep it
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the kids came and said we can't advocate for change if we don't tell people what mommy has. we're not ashamed of mommy. she didn't do anything and you're in a position where you can help others and that's when we went public. it changed our lives and the lives of people in the county and aloud tous do the advocacy work we want to do. >> you are being an advocate and we have video to prove your advocacy. you all got tattoos. >> we all got tattoos. the girls thought of that. we were trying to raise money so the girls said if they raise enough money, i think it was like $20,000 that we all get tattoos and my son and i of course were afraid but we said as a family we're going to do it for raising awareness and raising our resources for it. >> beautiful. >> yes
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got in her honor are the symbols of the allianz timers association and her initials. >> her initials. right here so you can't miss it. but i thought it was appropriate. our oldest daughter said when she was getting the tattoo, well you know this is going to be permanent and she said that's appropriate because the effect that alzheimer's has on you is permanent. and i think that was the best quote ever and so appropriate for what we are trying to do. >> what are you doing in prince george's county? >> we're having one of the most successful walks we have had in the past. it's even bigger now this year the awareness and growth and generosity of people in prince george's county has grown so we're very pleased with the work that's going on. >> what would your advice be to
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morning and learning about your story? who may be going through the same thing? >> seek help. don't be afraid to let others help you. i was afraid in the beginning. i wanted to do it myself with my youngest child and i but seek help. take their advice. the alzheimer's association and other dementia associations are great resources when you're going through trials and tribulations. there's many times during the process with my wife i would go online with the allianz timers association and learn how to brush her teeth. something as simple as those things you could find out through others that have gone through it. whether it's your church, but you need a support group. talk to your family constantly. >> thank you for talking to us and sharing your story. i know it hasn't been easy for you. but many of your colleagues
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wishing her both well. >> thank you so much. >> all right. thank you. and up next the facts about allianz timers. the warning signs and where to turn for help. we'll be rit ck ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam,
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the memories disorder program. chris is president of the allianz timers association of the national capitol area and anna nelson is vice president of programs and services. thank you for being with us. chris what is your focus going to be? >> well, june is alzheimer's brain awareness month and that's a big month for us. we're going purple. got my purple tie on and it's a time for us to promote alzheimer's awareness and to raise money with our special fund-raising day which we call the longest day and it refers to the summer solstice so people with allianz timers and their caregivers live with it 366 days a year. so people that
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alzheimer's they can bake all day, they can play bridge all day. my wife and i are going to go for a hike all day to raise awareness and money. >> if he research which we know is needed. anna, earlier in the program we talked about alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. is it true that everyone that has dementia has alzheimer's but not everyone who has dementia has alzheimer's but not everyone that has alzheimer's has dementia. >> there's a lot of confusion. there's a difference. dementia is not a term used to refer to a disease but rather to a collection of symptoms of a number of illnesses. so the problems with memory, the gradual memory loss all of these are symptoms
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cause them. it's 60 and 80% of all the dementia but there's many other kinds of dementia. they all have their own make up, the progression is different. their diagnosis is different and pathology is different so it's very important that they be diagnosed properly. >> there's also condition that can cause lapses in memory as well. if you're worried make an appointment to get a complete physical. >> bridget, i remember when my mother began this burning things on the stove and stopped making her bed. she subsequently had hemorrhagic stroke and then the doctor said she is also suffering from dementia. can you explain how dementia presents itself and there's so many people suffering from
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they don't all have alzheimer's. >> so different forms of dementia may present differently and that's one of the important clues when doing an evaluation was what were the first symptoms noticed and how have they progressed overtime. >> and is allianz timers always fatal? >> alzheimer's is considered a fatal disease. and people will ask how do you die from alzheimer's disease? well alzheimer's disease robs people of their function and often so they may fall and get a hip fracture and then be in bed as a result of the fracture and it's those series of things that lead to death. >> it also happens and develops in stages, is that correct? >> yes. people progress from early
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could progress over a few years. my mother-in-law had alzheimer's and she lived for 11 years after she was diagnosed. >> i heard anywhere from 10 to 15 years sometimes people will live. >> since the year 2000 the cdc said deaths from alzheimer's has jumped by 89%. that's just mind boggling. can you explain that kind of increase of numbers? >> well, the population is aging and age is the greatest risk factor for the disease. so every day 10,000 americans turn 65 putting them at a higher risk of alzheimer's. that's the main risk factor for the disease. there's a very small percentage of folks that has a very rare form of alzheimer's but outside of that, of the 5.5 million of americans that were diagnosed with alzheimer's, the majority of them there's no
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connection. >> we have to take a break. we'll continue talking about allia alzheir't th vo: delivering cleaner, reliable energy... creating jobs for our veterans... helping those in need save money on their energy bills. it takes 16,000 dominion energy employees doing the job. and now, dominion energy is investing $15 billion to build and upgrade our electric and natural gas infrastructure... creating jobs now and for the future. across virginia, we're building an economy that works for everyone and dominion energy is helping power the companies that power our economy.
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>> welcome back. tell us what it's like to care for an alzheimer's patient takes a tremendous toll on the caregiver. our allia ouronod at the impact alzheimer's has on family caregivers. and most of them are doing it alone. that's unbelievable. caring for someone with any illness is 24 hours a day and without the support it can take a toll on the person's health. if they're working, some of them actually have to stor
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all. it can take totally stress on their relationships with family as well. >> where do they go for help? >> the alzheimer's association. one of the things that we do know is once the diagnosis is made families don't know where to turn to. a call to the 800 number which is 1-800-272-3900 can connect families to all kinds of community resources and what we like to do is start with a care consultation with families. these are opportunities to start the conversation a lot of times families will say we haven't even told our children. how do we have that conversation? we address what needs to be done. planning ahead is key. we know caring for someone is very expensive so we offer a number of community presentations on legal and financial planning to help families plan for the future care of their loved ones. >> what's the latest on
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alzheimer's but there's very interesting research taking place. >> i believe the most exciting area of research now is prevention trials are underway. we don't know how to cure alzheimer's disease and all of our clinical trials have been neg -- negative to date but we learned so much and this paved the way for us to begin to look at, we understand what's happening and if we can target that underlying pathology years before the on set of memory loss symptoms then perhaps we can prevent the on set of memory loss in people that are at greatest risk. >> can we just review again the main symptoms, the symptoms that people should look at? >> so memory loss in alzheimer's disease is the most common, it's the earliest symptom and
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that memory loss is things like not being able to find keys but not being able to remember where to look to find them because everybody has the opportunity that they can't find their keys. so memory loss repetitiveness so people telling the same stories over and over again, having difficulty following directions that were once familiar to them. those are some of the early symptoms that might be recognized. >> okay. the prince george's county executive will be taking part in the walk. that actually happens in prince george's county later this month. >> we have walks all over the metro area and in prince george this will be in national harbor and the last saturday in september and mr. baker will be there with his family and he is very involved with the association and the walk in prince george's county and it will be a lot of fun. a new venue this year at national harbor. >> and then there's the 21st, the longest day. and you talked earlier about how people can get involved and what they can do on this day
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raise funds. >> the quickest thing is that our website is longest day. and people do whatever is fun for them. they do it as a fund-raiser and they can do their own thing. >> anna and bridget what do you feel is the most important thing for someone that may be watching now that is either going through this now or who may be about to go through this? what's the most important thing that you can say to them? what do they need to know? >> for family caregivers i think it's that the primary caregiver is more and more of the relationship. initially not much but the family member is doing more and more of the work not realizing that it's taking a toll on their overall health so they need to understand that the real strength really is in knowing your limits and that it's okay to ask for help and that's where the assocon
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with. >> okay and is there medication that's making it easier to live with? >> there's medications that help to alleviate the symptoms of memory loss. there's not medications that target the underlying problem of what we call the tangles and plaques directly but we're working on that very aggressively in research and hope to one day find a treatment that will halt or slow progressive decline in alzheimer's disease. >> a lot of work to do. >> yes. >> but hopefully you have provided hope for those that are watching this morning. thank you. jana nelson, chris broyer and bridget reynolds. thank you for being with us. you can get more information about this program and any topic on viewpoint by logging on to the nbc washington website and searching community. i'm pat lawson muse. news 4 today is next.
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[000:30:00;00] [ sirens ] terror in london. >> they are stabbing everyone. >> chaos from two attacks. >> people running, screaming. >> dozens hurt, but a city determined to fight back. >> we will never let them win. at 6:00 on this sunday morning, we're waking up to a tough morning here as we give you a live look at london where that city is responding to the aftermath of a deadly terror attack. this started when a van barreled into pedestrians on a london bridge. >> and then three went on a stabbing rampage.
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seven are dead, are injured. >> a short time ago we did hear from theresa may, the prime minister there. throughout the morning we'll of course bring you updates on what is happening out of london. but first at 6:01, adam tuss and angie goff have the morning off. i'm david culver. >> and i'm meagan fitzgerald. we're in for a warm and steamy sunday morning, so get ready. tom kierein is standing by. what's the latest, tom? >> not too steamy. not a lot of humidity around, but it will be feeling more like midsummer here than early june. there is the sun coming up now, a live view from our storm team 4 tower camera. we have just a few high clouds drifting over the region. we'll have them from time to time into the afternoon. right now we're down into the 50s just about everywhere. and in the low 60s right by the bay.
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reagan national at 62 all dry, no rain in the vicinity. temperatures will quickly jump. by 10:00, mid-70s. by noontime, low 80s. mid-80s by 1:00 and should peak out in the upper 80s by around 3:00, 4:00 this afternoon under a partly cloudy sky. and then rain moves in on monday. i have the new hour by hour timing and the areas where they may get the most rain, that is coming up. the sounds of sirens filling the streets of london. you can hear it right there. sirens filling those streets as a terrorist attack strikes the heart of london. and right now authorities trying to get to the bottom of who is behind it. >> these attacks are being described as panic and chaos. and this is just days before people are headed to the polls in a highly anticipated election.
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two political parties are >> and these attacks happening in two separate areas. we'll show you where they are. on the london bridge and the nearby borough market. police say it started when three men in a white van swerved into a crowd of people, they were walking across the bridge. that van mowing down everyone in its path. they then drove to borough market, the suspects getting out with large knives and starting to attack people at nearby bars and restaurants. >> stabbing everybody in all the bars. stabbing everyone. flying glasses, chairs, tried to help as many people as i could. probably would have killed me. >> right now the death toll stands at 7, nearly 50 are injured. police say all three suspects were shot and killed by police officers within eight minutes. >> president trump has been briefed on the attack.
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he also spoke minister theresa may to offer condolences. the president about taking to twitter to offer any help that the u.s. can proitvide the uk, t he also used the incident to make the case for his controversial travel ban saying we need to be smart,ing vigilant and tough. wecourts to give back our rights. >> and in new york city, the police presence is beefed up. the nypd deployed its elite counterterrorism squad to busy areas of the city following the attacks in london. but important to note these are precautionary measures. the department stresses that there are no known specific or credible threats to the new york city area. >> and back here at home, the nation's capital, there are certainly shared concerns. d.c. married muriel bowser wants you to know that there is also no credible threat to the district. she tweeted this out saying that she has been briefed about the situation in london as well.
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and all of this as a benefit concert in manchester which is scheduled for this weekend will no doubt have even more so increased security tonight following the attack. >> and of course the concert will benefit the victim of the attack outside of the ariana grande concert. 22 people died and dozens were injured there. grande along with other stars like justin bieber and katy perry will perform in a charity concert. gra gra gra gra grande also vitt tsited fans an said pray for london. they use their lives to protect ours and today five firefighters will be added to the maryland wall of honor annapolis. among those one who passed away from brain cancer. and also a recent qodser served
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with the montgomery county fire being found unresponsive while on the job. love will replace hate today. this is after another noose was found in the district this time across the street from an elementary school. baptist church is urging people to stand together in solidarity. there will be a vigil and rally on 36th near where the noose was found. just yesterday, mayor muriel bowser said signs of hate, ignorance and fear are not welcome in d.c. there have been multiple nooses found including two at smithsonian museums and american university. >> a lot has changed at the congress and white house, but who we are and the values that we hold dear haven't changed. >> tonight's prayer vigil and rally will begin at 6:00. people will march from the church. and a live look outside, a
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cool start telling us, but we'll be getting quite warm. tom is tracking the warmup and also some showers. and he'll have say hello to the new frozen dunkin' coffee. real dunkin' coffee, blended frozen, creamy smooth. a whole new way to enjoy your favorite coffee. try a small for $1.99.
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than slow internet from the phone company. $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. the sun and warmth. what a day to be outside considering that today is the last day of the herndon festival. >> a perfect day. and the festival begins at 10:00 a.m. you can enjoy crafts, carnival rides, funnel cake and even a little barbecue with a local vendor. the fun ends tonight at 6:00. and admission is free at charge. >> and also free at charge, your sunday morning forecast courtesy of tom kierein tracking that. tom, you mentioned a cool start,
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but we'll get pretty warm? >> it will be feeli the 4th of july than the 4th of june as we'll have temperatures soaring in to the upper 80s. but a cool start now. so we'll have about a 30 degree jump from where we are now in the 50s. at dawn across the city, we have first light beginning to spread across the monument. there is the lifd view of the washington monument, the jefferson memorial, potomac river. and we have a few high clouds coming through, a soft tangerine glow at dawn. and look at luray, down to just 52. and it's cool in the mountains of west virginia, western maryland, as well. and nearby suburbs north and west of the metro area, just in the low and mid-50s as well. eastern suburbs in the upper 50s. reagan national at #62. hour by hour, temperatures throughout the day will be quickly jumping. by 10:00, we'll be into the mid-70s. and then hot and dry during the
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afternoon by 2:00, mid-80s. and around 3:00, 4:00, after that, sunsets at 8:30, it is getting later and later as we proposal summer solstice. and all dry on storm team 4 radar now, but 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, this area in the green is rain get witing close to the metro area. as we get to the noon area, some showers again mainly south of the metro area. and southern maryland. and then during the rest of the afternoon, might get a few passing rain showers moving in from the west. some of them maybe thunder and lightning out of tf of the moun. in is around 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and most of it is done by about 9:00, 10:00. so by 7:00 in the morning for the commute, near 70. by noon, mid-70s and mid and
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upper 70s for the rest of the on tuesday, highs on tuesday in the upper 70s. and wednesday and thursday, turning cooler. and then the heat comes again next sunday, a week from today, it will be up around 90 degrees and staying that way hot and humid the following monday and maybe day ten on tuesday thsome storms around. >> tuss is off, but he joined mark segraves and pat lawson muse for reporter's notebook about that. >> and we'll be back in 15 minutes. good morning. i'm pat lawson muse. a high profile baltimore democrat fish bely jumps into the race for maryland's governor. ben he's announced he is seeking the democratic nomination and he joins a growing field of challengers to larry hogan. and there are a lot expected to
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join the jump into the fray. mark segraves and adam tuss are with us. what do marylanders need to know about ben jejealous? >> i think a lot of marylanders already know his name and that is the thing that he has going for him. a couple people have already tossed their hat into the ring that aren't household names. ben jealous having headed the naacp at a very juyoung age andn the forefront of the fight for the $15 minimum hour wage, same-sex marriage laws. >> and he ran -- >> and bernie sanders, he considers himself a progressive. and so i think that's what you need to know about him. he announced in baltimore he talked about things he wanted to do for the truck in baltimore, but he talked about the purple line here in our area, wanting to fund that. and so he kind of hits the ground running because he has both some name recognition and
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clearly he has an infrastructure in placef support him and who are familiar with maryland politics and so he will definitely hit the ground running. >> and so if he were to win the democratic nomination, being he'd be facing a popular governor who wants to be the second republican governor to wichb a c win a consecutive term. >> and that is a tough thing for hogan to repeat as governor in maryland which as yyou point ou typically leads democratic. but, yes, hogan has been popular. particularly for a republican in maryland. and distancing himself, you know, he keeps enough distance between himself and president trump so that i don't think people will really be able to put that tag on him. i think that is going to be a popular tactic for democrats. >> but they are trying. >> they will try nonetheless. but what is really big is the democratic primary. i'll have to look at my cheatsheet, but alec ross and richard, the two already


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