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tv   News4 Today  NBC  March 26, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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cincinnati this morning. that's where police are trying to track down the shooter of a deadly nightclub attract. >> news 4's derrick ward is at the live desk with a look at the new developments. >> well, we understand a restaurant owner in cincinnati is now offering a $10,000 reward in connection with this deadly shooting. police say they are looking for one shooter who opened fire inside the cameo nightclub around 1:00 this morning. one person was killed, 14 others were hurt. many of the victims are still in the hospital, some in serious and critical condition. police say they are working to interview as many witnesses as possible, but many people fled when the shots rang out. one witness did tell nbc affiliate in cincinnati that he heard the club's deejay call for security about ten minutes before the shooting. police don't think this is terrorism related. the atf is helping with the investigation. back to you. >> derrick ward at the live desk. derrick, thanks. we welcome you i
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today." i'm david culver. >> i'm molette green. we're checking out the weather and what's to come in this forecast. a big change from yesterday, tom. >> yeah, dramatic drop overnight. temperatures have dropped about 30 degrees since yesterday afternoon's 70s. it's now down into the 40s with a low, overcast gray sky. that sky not producing any rain or drizzle or even sprinkles yet, but it might later this afternoon and this evening as temperatures only reach the mid-50s midafternoon, perhaps near 60 at the tidal basin and downtown. they hold steady overnight in the low 50s to mid-50s by dawn on monday. warmer air moves in tomorrow. a look at that and rain chances for the week ahead coming up this half hour. >> tom, we will check in with you then. meantime, we're following a developing story out of landover, where someone shot a 15-yea
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the teen did not survive. it happened around 9:40 last night. you're looking at some of that video from columbia place. prince georges can coun county they've recovered a handgun. neighbors and friends are trying to understand why this happened. >> he was nice, always looking out, like a little brother. i don't even see what he could have had did to anyone. >> here's the trouble for police this morning. they still are working on finding a suspect and have no motive in this case. david, people have returned to the heart of the las vegas strip after a deadly shooting on a double decker bus. the suspected gunman now in custody. one person died, another person was hurt during the shooting that broke out around 11:00 yesterday morning. witnesses told police the man was on the second floor in the back of the bus and just started to shoot at passengers. the suspect later surrendered after a more than four-hour standoff. police say the man has mental
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troic terrorism related. while president trump is ready to move on to his next legislative fight, it's clear his first legislative loss to replace the affordable care act is still fresh on his mind. nbc's chris pollone has the details. >> reporter: in huntington beach, california, saturday, supporters and opponents of donald trump clashed during competing demonstrations. a symbol of the gulf dividing the country's people and political leaders. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: a day after the president said he's moving on. >> big tax cuts and tax reform, that'll be next. >> reporter: it's clear trump's still thinking about his first big legislative loss, predicting in a tweet saturday morning that obamacare will explode and assuring constituents do not worry. >> our vice president michael pence. >> reporter: mike pence took the administration's message to a friendly crowd of small business owners in west virginia, a state trump carried by more than 40 points. >> they told me how obamacare stand in the way and stifles
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it's a burden not just to job creators. it's also a burden to the american people. folks, i frankly -- i wasn't surprised to hear it because every promise of obamacare has been broken. >> reporter: despite have been a more than 40-vote republican majority in the house, the administration is pointing the finger at democrats for friday's defeat. >> with 100% of house democrats, every single one, and a handful of republicans actually standing in the way of president trump's plan to repeal and replace obamacare, we're back to the drawing board. >> reporter: senator bernie sanders among those happy to claim victory. >> we should be proud as a people that we defeated that proposal. it makes me a little bit nervous that the president of the united states is apparently working and hoping that a major federal plan will fail. and i hope that he doesn't sabotage it. >> reporter: the question now, what's next? democrats admit obamacare needs to be improved. will the administration take another crack at it, or will the
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president look for his first legislative win somewhere else? chris pollone, nbc news, new york. we're just talking now to a special guest we have with us this morning. he's here to join us, talking more about this health care fight. >> joins us now, nbc news special correspondent tom brokaw. it's a pleasure to have you. welcome back into the building. >> thank you very much. i still know where the soft drink dispenser is. >> hasn't changed too much. >> no. exce except the food in the cafeteria has changed. >> we won't talk about that. we do want to get your perspective, however, on the big legislative loss for president trump in his first 100 days. put it all in perspective. the health care repeal and replace just done. >> well, very, very complicated issue. i'm a little surprised they w
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they rushed through something in an all-night session and went to the republican side main congre and said, you got to pass it. they already knew the freedom caucus would say no. there are parts they don't like. of course, they were defeated. he came into office saying my first day in office, i'm going to get rid of obamacare and have something much better. turns out, he didn't have anything in mind. it was a campaign promise. what worries me most of all is people out there in america are looking and wondering, am i going to be okay? maybe i have a child who has leukemia or a child with some kind of another condition and i need to have coverage. is it going to there for me in six months? i think that the washington establishment, both sides, has to do something to be more reassuring. >> i know that we've seen president trump, even when he was candidate trump, saying things people would ask, well, how is he going to recover from that? now you have something, that as you mentiod,
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first hundred days in office. how does he bounce back from this? >> well, one of the very prominent republican senators said to me the other day, a day without a tweet is a good day. i think maybe he could dial back on all of that and get his act together before he goes forward. for example, he had a very good, i thought, state of the union address. then he was tweeting the rest of the week and kind of dismantling it as he went along. the job of being president of the united states is a lot harder than being a real estate developer or a candidate. everything you do has reverberations of some kind. i think he underappreciated that. i think he may have overestimated his hold on the country. he won the electoral vote, lost the popular vote. a lot of states he won by narrow margins. he doesn't have the huge mandate he would claim. >> special correspondent for nbc news, tom brokaw. what an honor for us to have you here. e
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way, was when we were giving my commencement address at the college of william and mary. i was about 32 rows back. >> i saw you there. i said, that young man is going to end up at wrc. >> thank you for the confidence early on. >> have a good day. it was very stormy, if you'll remember. i barely got there. >> it was a rainy day. >> he remembers the weather. >> i was in the black cap and gown. i don't know. thank you. >> thank you. speaking of the rain, if you're heading outside, you might need a light jacket. not raining just yet, but tom is tracking some rain in the forecast. we're going to check in with him. and it's one of those sights that's the best sight to see all year for a lot of folks who come to town to see those cherry trees. storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein tracking when that rain is going to impact things.
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if you haven't headed out there yet, still time to check out the cherry blossoms in peak bloom this weekend. >> you might want to grab a jacket though or maybe a coat if you plan to head down to the tidal basin today. yesterday, look at that. look at that crowd. people flocked to the cherry trees near the national mall. they just had to see them in bloom. temperatures soared into the 70s during the afternoon. while the earlier cold weather hurt some of those blossoms, there were plenty still to see and photograph. >> we're used to the cherry blossoms having more pop, more appeal. typically the crowds are larger, but we're still having a great time. >> and there's still time to join in on the celebration. this year, the national cherry blossom festival runs through april 16th. a live look outside right now. a gloomy start. but as asked on facebook, we're going to be more positive. we can look ahead to warmer temperatures. tom is closely tracking a warmup headed our way.
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you have to find a purpose for your life after retirement. you need to retire to something. >> decades of teaching and a lifetime of lessons. the classroom comeback inspiring tinew genera
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y2b7ky ysty we love this story right here. for decades, she's been a familiar face and really a warm presence to hundreds of students. the 95-year-old
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dedicated her life to children at wheaton high school. >> but after 60 years of teaching, retirement just didn't seem right. news 4 shares the classroom comeback. >> tyler. tyler here? tyler is not here. >> reporter: annabelle is a teacher, a mentor, loved by everyone here. she turns 95 in may. >> at my age, you have to have a reason for getting up in the morning. and that's my reason. >> reporter: she retired from montgomery county public schools five years ago, 60 years into her career. >> there were so many young people looking for jobs. i thought, i'll give someone else a chance. >> reporter: but her retirement lasted, well, just one summer. >> as soon as i retired, i said, oh, my goodness. i began to miss the children. >> reporter: so she's back at it. >> so every morning i'm up at 5:30. >> reporter: as a full-time substitute. >> i like to get there early so i
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the teacher's lesson plans, get an idea of what i'm expected to do during the day. >> reporter: with her husband and son now gone, this is her family. >> if you want to call me grandma, that would be fine. >> the love she has for the students here makes it so inspiring. >> everybody just seems to be very in tune with her. it was amazing. >> reporter: she spent most of her career as a guidance counselor. one of her former students has now been teaching here at wheaton for 38 years. >> she's a marvel. >> why? >> because she keeps going. you know, she comes regardless of what's happening. she shows up to sub. >> it is due tomorrow morning when you come in. >> reporter: you can imagine all the changes she's seen over the years, including this shiny new building. still, the warm welcomes await her. >> oh, you're back. it's so good to see you. i get a good feeling when they say that. i just love kids. >> reporter: but that's not all. she loves the students here so
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much, every year she offers a scholarship to two different kids. >> i would love to see one of you win one of those scholarships. >> reporter: $1,000 for college tuition with no plans to retire again. >> when one retires, you have to find a purpose to your life. you knead to retire to something. . >> good advice. >> joining us now, tom kierein. as folks are planning their time to get out to the cherry blossoms, what do you think as far as when they should actually make that appearance? >> still a good day to get out, even though it's a lot cooler. photographers will appreciate the indirect light. no sunshine today. low cloud cover illuminating things. the sky brightening a little bit, but the cloud cover still lingers. as we look at this live view from our storm team 4 city camera overloin
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river, capitol hill in the distance, a little light fog in the air this morning. you can notice it's also a little damp as well. those low clouds, though, still are not producing any drizzle or any fog or any sprinkles right now other than what we're seeing there. cloudy for the rest of the afternoon right there at the tie ba d -- tidal basin. right now it's only in the upper 40s there as well as around the chesapeake bay. just about everywhere we're in the 40s. storm team 4 radar scanning the clouds, not picking up any sprinkles now. hour by hour timing, as we get into the evening hour, these patches of green are where we might get a few light sprinkles. just enough to make the pavement damp tomorrow morning for the commute. for today, good day to get out and get some exercise. just wear a few layers. mid-50s a
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mid-50s through the rest of the afternoon. then dry pavement for the most part after a few sprinkles in the morning on monday. for your lunch hour, we rebound nicely into the upper 60s. a little sun back tomorrow afternoon and ought to jump back into the low and mid-70s. rain showers are looking likely on tuesday. maybe even a few thundershowers. mainly south of the metro area during the afternoon on tuesday. another mild day. then it gets a lit cooler. dry weather, delightful day on wednesday with sunshine. a bit cooler on thursday. then moderate to heavy rain perhaps friday, saying hello to april. next weekend, partly sunny next saturday and sunday with highs around 60. i've said before, this is the most port thing that i've ever done in my public life. what i know now as i get more and more into it, i'm going to double down on that statement because it's extraordinary. >> right there, a familiar face around here.
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"meet the press" a short time ago. he talks about the interference by russia into the election. >> and it comes as devin nunez faced scrutiny this week over his actions. joining us now, moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. thank you for joining us. we're talking about the independent commission and the possibility of that being established. where are we after all of that? >> well, it was interesting. as senator warner is more open to the idea now than he has been before, but he has the caveat and his argument is he believes that he and his republican counterpart are the fastest way to get an investigation started. he's for the commission, but he believes it would take weeks or months to get up and running. maybe you don't have time for it. it is interesting. he was very careful on what he said on some of the details of this investigation. but he keeps saying these things, the more he learns, the more important it is. that is, he's not ready to
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sees a conclusion down the road. >> chuck, i want to ask you about this. it's getting a lot of traction on social media this morning. the president facing some questions as he sent a tweet yesterday, directing folks to watch judge janeen pirro's show, in which she essentially blamed blame on paul ryan. >> the question is, is this a house intrigue? is this an accident? look, i've talked to some folks involved, both sides of this dispute, shall we say. and they claim this was an innocent mistake, that the president wasn't trying to send a subtle message. we'll let others decide this. we don't want to play conspiracy theory here, but the fact of the matter is there's a blame game going on because of health care. there's some in this white house that have never fully trusted speaker ryan. there's some on the house side that have never fully trusted president trump. it's never been a comfortable, sort of a forced,
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marriage here. the fact of the matter is while they point fingers at each other, this is a loss for the entire republican party. for seven years they made this promise. they got control of the house because of it. they got control of the senate because of it. some argue they got control of the white house because of it, although i don't know if obamacare was the reason he carried michigan or wisconsin. still, they have total control here. and they couldn't get it done. so i think the question is who's going to pay the price for this. i don't know if somehow one side over the other. i think it's most interesting that the president this morning is blaming the right wing of this party, which tells you maybe he wants to move left. >> just another reason for us to be watching "meet the press" 7:30 from now. chuck todd, always a pleasure. molette thanks you for her mug. >> yeah, we ran out of time.
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can you believe it's prom season? everyone is getting an outfit for the big dance, which can be expensive for some families. everyone can't get the dress of their dreams. so some students had the chance to choose a free dress at this annual diva central dress giveaway. girls were able to pick out the perfect gown and accessories at the reston community center yesterday. organizers say it means a lot to the students. >> the students that come through the eastbound traffic really appreciate it. they love
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really beautiful pieces of closing and not have to spend a fortune. it's a special day for them. then it leads to a special event. >> the giveaway is made possible by the people in the community. they donate the dresses. this year hundreds of gowns were collected. 10:26 on your sunday mourning. let's set you up with four things to know before you head out. we'll start with breaking news from overnight. the atf now on the scene of a deadly nightclub shooting in cincinnati. they're working with police to figure out who is behind this and who it was who opened fire inside a crowded club early this morning. one person died, 14 others hurt. prince george's county police want to know who shot and killed a 15-year-old boy in landover last night. they say they have recovered a gun from the scene on columbia place. going overseas now, the u.s. military acknowledging it was behind an air strike on the iraqi city of mosul, targeting isis militants. witnesses say 100 people were killed. the military did not confirm reports of civilian
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but is opening an investigation. you still have a chance to see the cherry blossoms at their best. thousands still flocking to the tidal basin to check out those spring spectacles this weekend. right, tom? you can go out there. >> that's right. gray skies are not going to clear up, but put on a happy face anyway. enjoy it. >> great way to put it. well, thanks for having us on this sunday morning. that's going to do it for us. we have "meet the press" up next. >> and my "meet the press" mug will wake up with us monday morning. 4:26 we start. >> have a great sunday.
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where's the car? it'll be here in three...uh, four minutes. are you kidding me? no, looks like he took a wrong turn. don't worry, this guy's got like a four-star rating, we're good. his name is randy. that's like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? that's me! awesome! surprising. what's not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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trump's health care surrender. >> i'm disappointed because we could have had it. so i'm disappointed. >> i will not sugar coat this. this is a disappointing day for us. >> the party's full promise for four straight campaigns broken. how did it happen and why are they giving up so easy? white house budget director mick mulvaney joins me this morning. plus can a deeply divided republican party ever figure out how to govern? i'll talk to two republican no votes from opposite ends of the ideological spectrum together. senator mike leigh of utah and charlie dan of pennsylvania. >> and if health care wasn't bad enough for the president trump the fbi director


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