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tv   News4 Today at 430  NBC  October 12, 2015 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> the lines from where you have to start to where we are now hasn't even finished. it's approximately three miles. it affects southwest's website and app. they're not sure what caused the problem in the first place or when it will be fixed. recovery continues this morning after historic flooding rocked the state all last week. now state officials are working to get the roads back to normal. concentration of the reporting of the roads and bridges is next on the agenda. a long stretch of 95 remains closed. it's made traveling through south carolina take more than two-hour detours. the didn't of transportation hopes to have it reopened in a few days. some area patrol numbers are back this morning after serving five days in south carolina. a few of the maryland civil pilots are from leesburg.
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these are photos from their mission there. the group of volunteers made 138 flights over that flooded region to help look for people who needed help and they provided aerial pictures to help fema get a handle on all the damage. >> 4:31. time for "weather & traffic on the 1s." >> storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is back. welcome back. >> thank you, aaron and eun. it's cool and clear. the sun's not coming up until after 7:00. it's cool this morning. mid to upper 40s through 7:00 in the morning. mid-50s by 9:00. mid-60s by 11:00, 12:00. a gorgeous afternoon coming. sunshine and mild temperatures in the low to mid-70s all this afternoon and going out this evening temperatures dropping back down into the mid-60s by 9:00 this evening. the overall weather impact will be nice and low. if you've got the day off, it's
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going to be a perfect day for that. if you're going to school, go to the bus stop. >> good news in the traffic department. overall looking quite good. we have this problem with a truck that hit a pepco pole. taking a look at 66 and 95, we don't have any issues on 66 or 95. a live look there at 66 compton road eastbound, westbound, looking just fine. top of the beltway moving along nicely and moving along, route 91, colesville, all of the roads heads into the beltway, also nice and green. i'll see you back here in ten minute minutes. i'm molette green at the live desk. a man is fighting for his life after he was shot after an nfl football game. police say two men got into a
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fight at the dallas cowboys/new england patriots game. it happened in the parking lot. when the cops got there, they found a man in his early wounded. he's in critical condition. a another man is charged with having a deadly weapon. police are investigating into what sparked this fight. back to you. >> i'm beyond comprehension with how someone could possibly do this to my son. >> a pain this mother says she will never quite get over. her 22-year-old son is dead and now alicia arnold said finding his killer is the only thing that will bring her piece. someone shot garrett mclease at a neighborhood park in silver spring. while officers investigate, arnold said she will lean on relatives and friends like the ones at this vigil last night.
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>> his dad and i went to the funeral home to choose caskets, and that is the most pain that i've ever experienced. >> mclease had a little girl. he did well in school and had a full ride to college before he decided to drop out. a man from bethesda is dead after an accident on old georgetown road. montgomery county police closed area through the cut threw. they say garry sue wagary sewar motorcycle when an 85-year-old ran into him. she was trying to make a left turn. a scary mistake police want to stop from happening again. d.c. officers are asking for your help to find a sexual assault suspect. a woman said she thought she was getting into an uber vehicle on mccomb street. instead the driver took out a
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knife and assaulted her. there is a reward if you can help get the drive sbeer custody. vice president joe biden is reportedly deciding whether he'll run for president. he hasn't given a definitance. in about ten minutes tracie potts will talk about it as others prepare for tomorrow's first presidential debate. one of those candidates martin o'malley has cut all ties with the campaign volunteer who's behind bars. michael teagarden is behind bars for trading porn online. he helped with o'malley's virginia campaign. the campaign says, quote, they're horrified by these allegations. randy quaid is heading to court for extradition charges. he and his wife tried to cross the border. they were wanted in california
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for technically vandalism in 2010. they moved to canada. he said he would like to resolve the issues in california and move on with his life. as many as 20,000 people will gather in the prayer gathering. it's a display of unity. more than 250 will send representatives. today is the first day on the job for the university of maryland's new football coach. offensive coordinator mike locksley is in charge after the school fired randy edsall yesterday. last week some said he would be fired after the terps game against ohio state which they lost. the team's next game is against penn state on october 24th. turning to the redskins right now, they're getting ready
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for another game on the road after last week's tough loss. the falcons are undefeated but the skins fought hard for a win. >> not any easier than any others. this is an opportunity. we got the ball midfield. we throw a pass out there, our receiver slips and falls. they get a pick six. no executions whatsoever. they outplayed us. congratulations to them. >> as the coach mentions they lost due to an interception. matt jones may not be able to play after he sprained his big toe yesterday. it's going to be a chilly morning at the bus stop, but will the children need a jacket by recess? chuck will have that answer at :41. what can be bad about gas prices? a lot if you're on social
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security. new details on the
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geico has sent me to washington d.c., our nation's capital, to ask this question: what presidential race is run right here in washington 81 times a year? that's right! the washington nationals geico president's race. geico is washington's hometown insurance company, and a proud sponsor of the washington nationals.
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just in, the volkswagen vehicle recall extended to china. it's to correct engine software the company has admitted cheats on emissions tests. v.w. says about 11 million cars
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worldwide has the illegal software. it switches on pollution controls when undergoing emissions tests and switches off when driving. i'm molette green. millions who get social security benefits can expect to get the same. by law inflation moderates the cost-of-living adjustment. cheap gas prices are dragging down inflation. it's 4:41. time for "weather & traffic on the 1s." we've had some beautiful weather. >> so you guys like the weekend and you want more of that. >> yes, please. >> all right. i can deliver for at least one more day. a little bit of patchy fog in the shend.
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shenandoah valley. mid-70s by the time you come home. rain chances are sneaking back tomorrow. more of that in ten minutes. for your now l. >> in frederick we still have some closures there. right near linden avenue. some lanes blocked in both directions. i wanted to mention that one for you this morning. taking a look at the district, no problems downtown. we still have this problem here in bethesda at east-west highway with the westbound lanes blocked there. prince george's county overall looking good. see you back here at 4:51. will he or won't he. with just one day till the first democratic presidential debate, we're standing by to see whether vice president biden will run. and the controversy around the confederacy flag
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welcome back. at 4:45, people who live near this burning home say they are impressed with the prince george's county firefighters. first responders were able to get a father and son out and keep the flames from catching on neighboring homes along old beltsville road. one firefighter and resident were hurt but not seriously. >> once i came outside t whole street was blocked down and the firefighters were on it.
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it was really impressive. >> the fire destroyed the house where it started. heat from the flames damaged the siding on homes on either side. investigators are working to find out what cause thad fire. >> there has been speculation for months about joe biden running for president but no definite'. biden spending the holiday weekend at home in delaware reportedly weighing the decision with his family. tracie potts with more. good morning. >> good morning. no real indication that he's going to try to jump in this race before the debate tomorrow, but if for some reason he decided to even hours before that debate in las vegas tomorrow, he would actually be able to take the stage the way that they have written those rules. for now it is hillary clinton center stage as we wait to see if vice president biden will jump in. what's interesting here, the way the numbers have played out, he's double digits in key
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states. if he did decide to jump in, he seems to be draining more support from hillary clinton than he does bernie sanders, so bernie sanders could actually benefit. at least with the current numbers if the vice president decides to jump in. so far, no definite answer on that. aaron? >> tracie potts on the hill for us. thank you, tracy. there's more pressure on paul ryan. a cross-section is encouraging him to go for that job even though he's repeat lid said he's not interested. ryan dodged the question again this weekend. >> ryan was the republican nominee for vice president in 2012 and he is chair of the house, ways, and means commit e committee. congressman jason chaffetz said he will drop if ryan decides to
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run. the supreme court could decide tomorrow whether it plans take on a matter. if the court hears the case and decides the law is not legal, bans in other states could be challenged. if the court does not hear the case, it could lead to more states imposing similar gun bans. >> a 14-year-old on a hunting trip in queens end county shot and killed a man leading the hunt. that's what maryland police say happened saturday afternoon. martin cop itch was 75-year-old and he was helping the group hunt pheasant. he was scaring a bird out of the bushes when the teenage boy shot him. an investigation is under way. someone splashed red paint on the roger tawny statute. people who say the statue is offensive want it removed.
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others say it would erase part of frederick's history. members of the group flag for all mississippians marched. supporters for the flag were present to counter what they call negative attacks. organizers say that is not the case at all. >> it's not about about letting go of your southern history. it's a way to look at the flag and feel proud of and not feel any sense of fear or shame. let's go to the next story, guys. development plans now that some could take some stress out of driving in northern virginia. you have until tomorrow to join a special committee on extending the area railway service from gainesville and haymarket.
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developers say they're open to retiring the line. if you don't want to join the committee, there will be a public meeting next month. 4:50. i want to check in with chuck bell for another look at the weather. >> a lot of folks have the day off. columbus day. >> can we just keep this weather till december? >> no. we have to have a change of season. yesterday was our latest 90-degree record high. from here until march, there are no record highs, 90 or higher between now and march 22nd. so that is a sign that the seasons are changing, eun. >> okay. >> you do love your fall sweaters. >> i do. fall is beautiful. but it's too short. >> just like springtime. it never seems to last that long. right now it's great fall day outside. we're 52 now downtown at reagan
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national airport. what to expect for today, a nice cool start, abundant sunshine for your columbus day. on the mild side, temperatures running 4 or 5 degrees warmer than average by the afternoon it's chilly one first thing. 48 at reston town center, 45 in springfield and newington. temperatures will rise quickly though. this dry cool air will warm up. we'll be in the mid-60s by 7:00 this morning and low to mid-70s for high today. future weather for today. mostly clear skies for now. there is patchy fog in the shenandoah valley. we'll be mostly sunny. as wow get to 6:45, sun's already down and then clouds start to sneak back into the forecast. we should be partly to mostly cloudy by 9:00, 10:00 tonight. there's a rain chance coming by this time tomorrow morning. a nice day for columbus day. by this time tomorrow, 4:00,
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5:00, showers in the mountains of west virginia. as we get into the mountains, showers moving in from the west. could be on the i-95 corridor. nothing all that heavy but a shower chance to about lunchtime maybe into the afternoon hours before dryer weather starts to come back in. showers possible early tomorrow. nothing heavy and drying in the day. here's your seven-day forecast. enjoy your forecast. 75 today. a 50% chance of those hit and miss showers tomorrow and back to the beautiful october weather wednesday and thursday. clouds come back. there could be a shower on saturday. it could be dry. noticeably cooler. feeling more like late october. we'll look at today hour by hour. for now let's take a look on the roads with melissa mollet. >> 66 inbound looking quite good. fairfax county, going to take you nine minutes. you're on time.
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remember when you hop in your car. right now still have this construction in frederick, patrick street with lanes blocked in both directions there on 40. going down to the beltway, no major problem. in bethesda, east-west highway, we still have the westbound lanes blocked because of a pole there. at good luck road, no problems inner loop or outer loop. right now taking a look at mark, just want to warn you because of the holiday, camden on a schedule and vre not running today, of course, because of the holidays. see you in ten minutes. don't say we didn't warn you. straight ahead in "news4" your health, doctors urging you to get your flu shot now. where more parents are
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we continue to follow breaking news and the conviction of a "washington post" reporter in iran. just hours ago we learned jason rah design has been convicted of espionage. >> we're learning a lot of passengers could still feel the impact this morning.
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>> do you see how cold it is? that's cold. we'll have more in a few minutes. in "news4 your health," doctors say october is when the flu spreads. they're urging you to get your flu shot. this year it's a quad vaccine which protects against four strains of the flu. there's a big supply of the vaccine. however, it takes two weeks after the shot before it's effective against the infection. >> you can get vaccinated at any point during the season, however, the best timing is before the season begins or as early as possible into flu season. >> now, the centers for disease control says 92 million doses of the vaccine have been distributed so far. more people are choosing to home school their children in the district. the number of families who home school in d.c. has gone up by a third growing to nearly 400 families in the school year. that growth follows a jump in online support for home schooled
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families. about 3% of children nationwide are home schooled. a virginia high school is breaking ground on a new ground. it's named after soccer player ali krieger. she was born in alexander and grew up in the county. she played for washington spirit. 35,000 people laced up their running shoes for this army ten-miler. the race started at the pentagon and then wound through the national mall. one of the runners is kathy kemp. she's run in 52 race this year in honor of her father who's battling parkinson's disease. there was a big surprise waiting for her at the finish line. >> how did it feel? >> amazing, fantastic. what an accomplishment for my dad to have been able to get there. just the physical exertion of
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strong get on the metro and ride the train and deal with 35,000 runners. it was fantastic t have him there. great surprise. >> very nice. the army ten-miler is the third largest ten-mile race in the world. people do it for so many different causes. i think we should do it. i think we should train for it. i think a ten-miler is something we can wrap our head around. come on, aaron. >> i'll write a check. >> stay with us. "news4" at 5:00 a.m. we're following breaking news right now. "washington post" recorder jason rezaian has been convicted of espionage by the iranian government. iranian state tv reporting the verdict late last night. he's the post bureau chief and iran has accused him of
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collecti collecting information and turning it over to hostile opponents. good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> and i'm eun yang. chuck bell is telling us about another nice morning. good morning you do, chuck. >> that's right. what a great columbus day it's been. we're dealing with a little bit of patchy fog first thing this morning. on the hole it's going to be a perfect day. enjoy it. rain chances are as early as tomorrow. for now a cool start. low to mid-40s in the western suburbs to right around 50 in downtown and bayside. your hometown frachlt waldorf, 49 at 7:00 a.m. 69 at lunchtime and 72 by 6:00 this evening. great day to be outside. there's your exclusive sky cast. new but sunshine and a few clouds around. how are things in


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