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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  October 7, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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. working to prevent a disaster. i'm aaron gilchrist monitoring a situation in south carolina as crews try to make sure the already dire flooding emergency doesn't go from bad to worse. how much would you be willing to pay to get to work on time? another mild and dry autumn day underway. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. our next chance for rain coming up. we've learned police arrested a naked man on federal property. i'm barbara harrison.
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news4 midday starts right now. we're following developments out of south carolina. a bit of a bright spot this morning as we're learning that a dam situation, a dam that had risk of breaking has been mitigated. the people have been evacuated this morning and are now back in their homes in south carolina. that doesn't mean the threat is over. more than 35 dams being monitored across the low country right now. 11 of them, we know, have been at risk of bursting. some of them have failed. others are just being watched very closely. at the same time, south carolina dealing with a drinking water problem as people try get cleaned up around south carolina. they have 40,000 residents who don't have good drinking residents. bottled water is being brought in. at this point officials say it could be days before all that water that came down in southern south carolina has gone into the ocean. there's still the ocean of water coming from upstate down to the east coast. and then running into the already flooded problem that
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they're dealing with there. that's the latest from the live desk. virginia task force one is working to help people east of columbia. they're doing several things including assessing the damage from the flooding. the teams from fairfax county are performing water rescues, picking up, delivering water and supplies there. i'm molette green. transportation experts say tolls reduce traffic and could be the answer to part of this stretch is but commuters i talked to say that this is only a cash cow for the state. and they say it's not a simple dollars and cents solution. commuters dread the congested i-66 corridor. part of v-dots plan to transform the stretch inside the beltway is to make it a toll road during rush hour. >> one of the reasons that we moved to falls church and not further out is so we didn't have
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to take the toll road. >> reporter: as she fills her tank, garrett turner has a fight of her own to fight this. >> post on my neighborhood listserv and get everybody to start commenting. >> reporter: some are willing to pay to get out of jams, but the promise of a more efficient ride could cost you about $17 a day. $85 a week. >> i don't think they should be charging people to get up and down the highways. >> reporter: planner says this toll option could get you going up to 45 miles per hour during rush hour, unheard of now on a commute that only seems to be getting longer and more frustrating. this toll option is slated for 2017, it would redefine rush hour time. starting earlier and going later into the morning and the evening hours. you can get in on this discussion tonight at 7:00 when there is a hearing set for tonight at 7:00 in arlington at
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washington lehigh school. reporting live from falls church, molette green, news 4. new at midday, a unique arrest outside the capitol. a man was bathing in the fountain outside the library of congress last week, according to capitol police. police say the man was exposed. this happened last thursday at around 9:00 a.m., just as some of you were getting to work. there were probably plenty of tourists outside at the time. just n arlington police say they arrested someone for multiple sex assaults in the county. we told you about the nine assaults in the last four months. police believe one man was responsible for three of those, including an assault on north scott street. officers arrested that man last night. they say they'll release his name later today. developing now, the fbi says it foiled a plot by russian-linked smugglers to sell nuclear materials to muslim extremists. the associated press reports
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there's been four attempts over the past five years. the latest case the smuggler offered enough radioactive material to contaminate several city blocks and sought a buyer from isis. the a.p. says in some cases radioactivity material was seized, in every case it was small amountses or not potent. today search and rescue crew also continue looking for survivors from the cargo ship lost during hurricane joaquin. the search continues as new questions arise about the captain and crew. the el fara ran into the storm on its way from jacksonville to puerto rico. many wonder why they underwent the trip during the hurricane. 33 crew members were on board the ship when it sank. right now clouds in the metro area, beginning to break up a bit a little sun trying to come through. overcast is brightening. live view from the tower camera
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overlooking washington. here's another view, looking off to the west. quite overcast there. but some thin spots further to the west. shenandoah valley, sunshine breaking out there. no rain up and down the atlantic seaboard. thankfully things have settled down as far as any more rain for the carolinas no chance of that today. temperatures are now jumping up with the sunshine in the shenandoah valleys, upper 60s to near 70 there. mid 60s around the metro area. climbing into the 70s this afternoon. it's an expensive mix-up. why some could pay big for a problem with the voting process. and vice president biden pushing back hard about the motivation for a potential
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vice president joe biden's office is pushing back on a political article. the story accuses the vice president of mixing political ambition with grief over his son's death. it said he made a calculated call to say beau's dying wish was for biden to run again. biden is expected to announce whether he will run by the end of the month. donald trump and hillary clinton are leading the polls in three key swing states. the quinnipiac university poll shows donald trump leading over ben carson and marco rubio. hillary clinton is in front of the democratic field with 43%. bernie sanders and joe biden tied at 19%. in ohio, 23% support trump, carson and john kasich round out the top three. clinton leads the democratic field in ohio with 40%. in pennsylvania, trump has 23%
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of support, carson has 17%. clinton is the favorite with 36%. biden i closing in with 25% in pennsylvania. it could cost tens of thousands of dollars to reprint some election ballots in prince william county. the potomac local news reports several candidates names are not printed the way the candidates wanted them. it could cost 100,000s to reprint the ballots. the county elections board meets tonight to decide whether to reprint the ballots or post signs at polling precincts with the correct name. a store unlike any in our area. and it's about to open its doors in a very busy
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. we have still the possibility of some high water during times of high tide. this is just along the coastline
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in far southern maryland, and parts of the tidal potomac during the times of high tide during the afternoon. no longer any high water in hanes point or the alexandria waterfront. tidal flooding still possible there. coastline of st. mary's county. 2:00, low 70s with sunshine breaking out. mostly sunny by late afternoon. should jump into the mid to upper 70s. by 8:00 p.m., mild under a mostly clear sky. back down to 70 degrees. new video this morning of a semi truck flipping over on a busy highway. the truck went over the median and flipped on its side. the driver walked away from that crash. it happened in detroit, michigan. the semi truck driver said he lost control when a car cut in front of him. the interstate was shut down for hours after that crash. today target is opening a one of a kind store in arlington. it's called target express which is different than other stores in the region. one noticeable difference is the store's size.
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it's located at 1500 wilson boulevard in rosalyn. the building is much smaller, only 20,000 square feet. target wanted to be the go-to destination for you when you need just few essentials, but you don't have time for a major shopping outing. hitting the sidewalk instead of the road? why you might have seen a lot of people walking instead of driving this morning.
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i'm aaron gilchrist at the live desk. we're watching a hearing happening on capitol hill talking about those unmanned aircraft systems, we call them drones. they are becoming big business across the country. right now this transportation committee in the house is having a hearing trying to learn more about the technology and trying to talk about how to create the right regulatory systems to make sure that drones can be used safely. pilots are a part of this hearing talking about the potential threat the small aircraft are having for commercial pilots who are in the skies now. listen to what one pilot had to say. >> the faa numbers show more encounters are happening more often. for pilots, these uass appear out of the blue. they're much smaller than other aircraft. some uass do not have lights. they have limited contrast against visual background and they move much more slowly than airlines. >> the pilot offered an example and perspective of how pilots
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can see or not see drones in the sky. this hearing is supposed to be an informational one for the congressional committee. the faa just has a small window to get the right regulations in place so that drones can be used and that they're able to maximize safety, utility and the economic benefit so many industries are trying to see. chrysler may be facing a walkout. walkers are ready to walk off the job at midnight unless a new contract agreement is put into place. union remembers rejected a tentative deal last month. there's no word on which plant will call for a strike. volkswagen elected a new chair this morning. vw's ceo says the company will start recalling cars with illegal diesel software in january. 11 million cars are affected. volkswagen plans to have all of
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them updated and fixed by the end of next year. we're getting sme autumn color around here. this photo was taken in arlington a couple days ago. some leaves are falling and showing nice color. these are some maples. we're seeing a bit of color here. still mostly green. we usually get our peak color by halloween. for the rest of the day, the clouds we have now breaking up. a little sunshine breaking out in northwest washington. then tomorrow, mostly sunny, highs mid 70s, on friday, a little warmer, may make it up to 80 before we have showers coming through. right now looking likely for showers, thunder and lightning friday evening. a small chance they may link near early saturday morning and sun back saturday afternoon, high 60s. beautiful day sunday and first part of next week. today is international walk to school day. children across the area hit the sidewalks early for this occasion. kristin wright met the walkers
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in potomac. >> reporter: walk to school bay in montgomery county. the excitement growing with every step. >> we're going to walk to elementary school. >> students and teachers from both schools walked the one block together, the enthusiasm camming from every direction. >> we can do something to help our environment by not starting those cars up in the morning and making that walk to school. >> are you excited to walk to school today? >> yes. >> in addition, a critical piece of our physical education program is the importance of physical fitness. >> reporter: how is the walk going? >> it's going great. we're getting so much exercise. >> reporter: the schools teamed up with montgomery county police to highlight safety. >> i love walk to school day. >> reporter: the kids walked down to the elementary school where montgomery county police and aaa talked to them about walking safely.
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this week is mental illness awareness week. it's the 25th year that the national alliance on mental illness has used the first week of october to offer support and to end the stigma that can come with mental health issues. this morning we're looking at some of the issues that affect people in our area the most. dr. joshua weiner joins us now. we want to talk about something that timely affects us, the oregon shooter who is said to have asburgers syndrome. many say there's no connection between asbergers and violence. do you agree? >> in general, yes. people with autistic spectrum disorders do have difficulty in general with managing their tempers. they have a low frustration
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tolerance and a harder time calming themselves down if they're disappointed or upset with something. i have one patient in my practice on the spectrum who punched his teacher and broke her ribs when he was upset with something she was doing. with all of that said, i would have no problems with my children hanging out with a kid who has a spectrum disorder. it's very, very uncommon for the vast majority of them to become really violent. >> it's said that only 5% of violent acts are committed by people with a mental problem and people with mental problems are more often the victims. what do you say about that? this one confuses me. i hear this i heard other psychiatrists talk about that, and i think it's strange. the vast majority of people with mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder are not more likely to become violent. but if somebody becomes extremely violent, like this shooter o a spouse killed
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because the other spouse is cheating on them. we may not have a label for it now in the diagnostic and statistical manual, but there is something wrong clearly with that person mentally, whether it's an impulse control disorder or they have an anger management problem or a personality disorder. i think it's strange to say they don't have a mental illness of any type. we want to talk more about the stigma and misconceptions of mental illness. we'll ask you to wait here and we'll come back to that in a bit. do you want a more comfortable see the on that long flight
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i'm aeun yang, a new airbus design is lighting up social media. how would you like to be stacked on top of other passengers on your next flight? not so much. on the bright side, this design allows at least some of the
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seats to lie flat. still not buying it. for now, the patent is pending on this design so you won't be trying it any time soon. makes me nervous. it was sheer terror for chinese tourists after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway shattered. the platform is suspended more than 1,000 meter s above sea level. the u-shaped platform attached to the side of a cliff in the hyunen providenince is now clos. microsoft unveiled the first windows 10 devices yesterday, which include three new lumia smartphones. they all run on the latest microsoft os and come with added features like windows hello and continuum. you will have to wait to get your hands on the ones because they're not in stores until
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facebook will now let you draw on your photos. you upload a photo, hit edit and draw away. it's the latest tool facebook has unveiled to let people more fully express themselves. it is available on ios and android devices. > a little sunshine now breaking out around the metro area. cloud cover starting to break up. temperatures are beginning to climb now it's already near 70 to the west. there's more sunshine in the metro area, upper 60s. upper 60s around the chesapeake bay. another dreamy autumn day is underway with low humidity. afternoon highs that make it to the upper 70s around washington and northern virginia. shenandoah valley and the mountains, mid 70s. lots of sunshine in the mountains. highs there reaching the low to mid 70s a delightful autumn day coming up.
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enjoy. take a look at this. a car slams right into a gun shop in the hampton roads region of virginia. this morning polices in newport news have several suspects behind bars. most of them under 18. the group took at least 25 guns from the store last month. they have not said if they've been able to recover any of those guns. three people celebrating their brand-new nobel prizes right now. the two mens along with a great britain scientist won the nobel prize for chemistry today. all three study how cells can repair damaged dna. their work has inspired new cancer treatments, in fact. the nobel prize for literature comes out tomorrow morning followed by the nobel peace prize on friday. right now on news 4 midday, vice president biden may not have said if he'll run for president or not, but that doesn't mean you won't soon see a campaign ad. and now what? desperation in south carolina as
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crews try to prevent a
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in south carolina right now, a massive cleanup and several warnings still in effect as the state deals with historic widespread flooding. a dam in columbia that crews said was on the verge of breaking is stable now. churches and emergency response teams are passing out water to tens of thousands of people who don't have it now. nbc's jay gray is in columbia.
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he'll join us live in 15 minutes. we are also watching a press conference just about to get started with south carolina's governor nikki haley. we'll have updates on that. and developing in waldorf maryland, detectives want to find two men they say shot a teen n teenager in order to steal his bike it happened yesterday afternoon. students at nearby eva turner elementary school activated their shelter in place plan during the incident. the victim is expected to be okay. this morning one of the republican presidential candidates is defending himself after comments about the tragedy in oregon. republican candidate ben carson generated controversy yesterday when he said giving teachers guns could limit mass shootings like the one at umpqua community college last week. he also said he would not just stand there and let the gunman shoot him. carson was interviewed on the
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cbs morning show today. he said people were too quick to set up battle lines in response to what he said. >> anybody who you are voting for is on the right side of this issue. >> rosenberg's mayor says he is not going to let politics get in the way of president obama's visit to rosenberg this week. he's our president. let's get him here. the nation is supportive and behind us. we need him here. >> as you heard, the mayor wants the president to show his town the nation is with him. however he's also a republican and he favors gun rights. he said i supports the president's visit even if it includes a speech about gun control reform. police in northern virginia are asking for the public's help now. prince william county police say this woman is missing and may be unable to get around on her own. penny laurel wolfe was last seen on lafayette avenue in manassas yesterday. she is 53.
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if you can help, call prince william county police. well, we do have those clouds holding on thick now. we are seeing some breaks which is promising. this is our tower camera looking west. you can see a break in some of that cloud cover. that's good. once we get that sunshine that temperature will move up in the right direction. so what we're looking at for daytime highs today, in the mid to upper 70s. we have clouds out there. we expect sunshine later on. it will be a nice day. we will be dry. we'll be dry tomorrow afternoon as well. temperatures tomorrow staying in the mid 70s. so another beautiful thursday. by the time we get to friday, especially in the afternoon and evening moving from the west to the east, we will see showers in the forecast. we have more on that weekend coming up. back to you guys. new tolls on part of interstate 66 could cost you almost 20 bucks a day. tonight you can let v-dot know what you think about its proposal. they want to use tolls between
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d.c. and the beltway to reduce traffic a public hearing begins at 7:00 tonight at washington lehigh school in arlington. let's break down what the tolls could cost you and when. they won't kick in until 2017. if you drive during peak hours, expect to pay $9 in the morning and $8 on the way home. that's $17 a trip. that adds up to about $85 a week. $4,400 a year. but you can avoid the highest tolls in you meet the hov requirements. >> when you look at your son and daughter and realize they turned out better than you. they did. >> the political clock is ticking for vice president joe biden to enter the presidential race. this ad released today is the latest call by one group trying to persuade him to join. the commercial debuts on cable tv next tuesday, the day of the first democratic debate where biden is not expected on the stage. the polls are out, so are the 2016 presidential
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candidates. democrats and republicans are speaking in new hampshire and iowa. edward lawrence is live on capitol hill with how the race is shaking out. >> reporter: hillary clinton spoke to workers in iowa and took shots at the republican candidates. she said she sent gop candidates a copy of her book "hard choices" so they know what it means to face tough decisions. if they want to know how to put together a coalition that imposes international sanctions on a country like iran, they can read about it. that's what i did. >> reporter: she pointed out differences between her and the other democratic contender, senator bernie sanders. that momentum carrying him into the democratic debate next week. for republicans, national polls show donald trump's lead faltering. but senator marco rubio moved into third place jumping six points, within striking distance of the republican front-runners. we have people in public office at every level, particularly
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washington, who forgot what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck or never did. >> reporter: rubio fared well in the last two presidential debates. as more light is placed on his campaign and message, more scrutiny will come with that. >> reporter: we'll see how all the candidates fair in the next cnbc debate later this month. the biden ad is a personal ad that will air nationwide october 13th over the airwaves. it uses his own words to describe his feelings and how he could be president. the ad ends with two words on the screen, joe run. in washington, edward lawrence, now back to you. >> developing story in morning. new york's attorney general is investigating fantasy sports sites. the inquiry comes over accusations that employees are using inside information to win money. major league baseball is also demanding answers. the league has an ownership stake in draftkings. this started because a draftkings employee won $350 on
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rival site fanduel. and what many say amountses to insider trading. espn is pulling all of its draftkings sponsor segments but will still air commercials. comcast is also an investor in fanduel. baltimore police get ready to pay up but not for the
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in the day ahead baltimore will pay almost $100,000 to settle a federal lawsuit. the suit accuses baltimore police officers of giving 28-year-old christine abbott a rough ride on her way to jail. abbott said she was slammed against the police van wall during her arrest in 2012. the city is planning on trying six police officers in freddie gray's arrest and transport. gray died after suffering a spinal injury after riding in the transport van.
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a judge has bedenied a requt to move the trial out of the city. the trial against the first officer will begin november 30th. now to a police chase from down under. a guy took a rather bizarre and unsuccessful approach to try to get away. this unfolded in western australia. officers wound up following a man on to the beach when the cops catch up the man floors it and goes straight into the indian ocean. he gets out far before his car completely stalls out. police took him into custody after he climbed out of his vehicle to swim back to shore. a new study shows how dominant amazon is in on line retailing. more than 4 in 10 people turned to amazon first when searching for a product online. 44% of online shoppers say they go directly to amazon when
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looking to buy or research a product. how is your work life? why a lot of people here in washington might be pretty happy with their
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there's a sense of optimism this day and it may be in your office. the government's yearly poll of federal employees say people are happier at work this year than last year. here's some concrete examples. employee engagement is up. employee opinions of upper management are more positive. they're on the rebound from a five-year low in 2014. more of the 420,000 who took the survey say they felt they would advance their careers and get the training they need to do so. this might be the ultimate lost and found scenario. actor tom hanks helped a fordham university student find her i.d. hanks found the student's i.d. in the park and tweeted, lauren, i found your student i.d. in the
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park. if you need it, get to my office -- my office will get it to you. the photo was retweeted more than 7,000 times. lauren doesn't have twitter so she doesn't know that thousands of people were looking for her. she's in the process of getting that i.d. back. but she already spent 20 dollars on the replacement. maybe she'll get to meet tom hanks. >> wouldn't than nice for her? i guess. it's a view of the flood damage in south carolina@gb% we've never seen before. >> and breaking through the stigma of mental illness. news4 midday is back in a
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breaking news coming into the live desk. we're learning about a lockdown of three schools in culpeper county. we've learned that the culpeper middle school, high school are locked down as the sheriff's office is investigating reports of a person with a gun on the campus. the sheriff's office is still investigating. no confirmation that anyone with a gun has been seen. so out of an abundance of caution the school system has chosen to lock down the schools, so nobody in, nobody out until the sheriff's office completed its investigation. we are staying on top of this story. more details as we learn them. we are follow two developing stories on new 4 midday.
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first the associated press is reporting that russian smugglers sought to sell nuclear material to isis. >> the fbi foiled four attempts by gangs shopping radioactive material in formol moldova. >> we have a report from jay gray in south carolina where the after effects of the flooding won't stop. >> you're right. good afternoon to you. you can see the barricades here. this road like so many across the region closed down now. this is why. look down the road. teams are in what is a huge sinkhole. just a massive part of this roadway ripped apart by the floodwaters here. an evacuation order in this area has been lifted, but police warn this community and others may be forced to move again depending on where the water goes. a rush to higher ground. families near beaver creek urged
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to evacuate as crews struggle to reinforce the dam there, pushed past its limits by floodwaters. >> we have a lot of holes in the system. >> reporter: national guard helicopters dropped massive sandbags trying to plug some of the holes. for now it seems to be working. >> the dam had been stabilized, unstablized, stabilized, unstablized. again, these crews have been working hard, nonstop since sunday. the latest word now is it has been stabilized. >> reporter: there are more than a half dozen dams in jeopardy. teams move franticly to shore them up. >> times like this the things you treasure are your family and friends. >> support so many will continue to need during the long and
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difficult recovery. but they insist this community will recover. >> i'm not going anywhere. been here for 64 years. >> reporter: a strength and determination stronger than the water here. >> it's a strength that will be tested as well. along with the bridges and dams here, as the rushing floodwaters continue to build. now, this storm, the water is wreaking havoc across the state. i know you have more on that. back to you. >> you know, take a look at this. not only did south carolina get it as we all know, but north carolina was not spared. they had flooding from wilmington. this is by kitty hawk. the tide is coming up almost all the way to the buildings. you can see some of those sandbags to try to keep it there taking over the buildings. the water has eroded a huge part of the beach in the outer banks. that's close to kitty hawk.
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north carolina wasn't spared so much. we were here in the d.c. area and we're receiving beautiful weather. temperatures, though, for areas that got more sunshine are popping up into the 70s. winchester at 70. leesburg at 72. stuck in the 60s in washington but we will see some sunshine continuing into the afternoon. we do have by 5:00, temperatures in the mid to upper 70s. it will be warm and another mild night as temperatures fall into the 50s. looking good for your wednesday. looking fantastic for your thursday as well. temperatures are going to be in the mid 70s on thursday. by friday, we will have a few showers rolling through mainly in the afternoon and evening as a frontal system comes through. showers before day break, we have that three-day weekend for columbus day. fantastic for next week. guys? new developments on a sex assault arrest we told you about at the top of the broadcast. arlington police showing us the man, did they say confessed to
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several attacks. look here this is 19-year-old melvin peres bonilla. you can see the mugshot and the sketch of the man they're looking for. this sketch is from july. officers say they picked him up earlier this morning and he tried to assault women in july and august, and last month there were assaults. all women walking home late at night. police used surveillance from metro stations to identify bonilla. they picked him up this morning. he's been charged with sex assault, attempted abduction with the intent to defile in two cases. barbara? it's the 25th anniversary of mental illness awareness week.
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whe where we try to change the conversation. dr. joshua winer is with us this morning. i want to ask about the stigma. the #i'mstigmafree is what they're using this year is tell us about the stigma. >> i think that everybody is hoping that the stigma of mental illness declines. i think it is declining overtime. we're talking so much more about mental illness in the mainstream media they recently did a survey of a lot of people that found people were starting to say they prioritize mental health as much as they do physical health. the tide is starting to change. it's changing slowly. the most important thing that people can do to destigmatize mental illness is have a willingness to talk about the mental issues they have themselves. i make no bones talking to my patients and telling them i've been on medication to help me with anxiety for 15 years. it helps me live a better life,
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be a better person. people say, dr. weiner, you seem like a normal guy. i am a normal guy. i have some anxiety issues, and this medication helps me function better. >> it's more normal than people think to have some issues. exactly. the more people talk about and the more people say that person is successful and they're on medication or getting treatment. >> quickly tell me, what's the biggest misconception about mental illness. >> there are a lot but the one i want to highlight is the concern that people have about kids taking antidepressant medications. you watch the commercials. i think if you watch the commercials you will think kids are killing themselves all the time because of these medications. most of these medications do not significantly increase the risk of suicide. one of them had no risk at all, it is generic prozac. since there's been the warning, there's been a number of 20% decrease written for kids and
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suicide rates are on the decline. people need to be clear about the fact these medications are, in fact, safe. >> medications do help. >> they do save lives. >> dr. weiner, always great to see you. here at nbc 4 we are changing minds. search mental health services at the nbc washington app for a list of resources throughout our region. back to pat now. thank you. it's a victory celebration that's raising a few eyebrows today. how it actually did so
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i'm eun yang, cat lovers, you may want to look away. police in michigan are looking for the person who shot this cat with a crossbow. they say cats have nine lives, for this little guy it's true. he survived. he's not out of danger yet, but things are looking good. the new york giants are
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dealing with a big outbreak. some precautions here after one of their players was diagnosed with mrsa. tight end daniel fells was being treated for a chronic ankle condition when he was diagnosed with mrsa. the disease can be fatal. the locker room, training room and all meeting rooms have been scrubbed down just in case. kevin harvick dominated the field at dover in the nascar sprint cup series on sunday, but his celebration is raising a few eyebrows. he backed his car into the wall during his celebratory burnout which would hamper nascar's ability to do a proper post race inspection. harvick says he doesn't remember hitting the wall. he says you have to play hard and celebrate hard. he's the reigning sprint cup champion.
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just getting word from culpeper county schools that a suspect has been ap pprehended the search that was happening there. three schools put on lockdown because of someone with a gun. the schools remain on lockdown for further investigation. because suspect has been apprehended off campus. that, according to culpeper county schools twitter account. >> thanks. we'll continue to follow that story on the nbc washington app and have the latest coming up on news 4 at 4:00. that's it for news4 midday. >> thanks for being with us. don't forget to join us at 4:00. pat will be here then. i'll be here tomorrow morning at 11:00 with news, weather updates when you need them on our nbc washington app. check that out. have a great day.
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test. >> announcer: today on the meredith vieira show. ashley judd reveals she was sexually harassed. and sandra bullock and her youn form. and dirk on the sexy scenes with kerry washington. it all starts right now on "meredith". ♪ ♪ makes you feel real good. feel real good. [applause] >> meredith: thank you. we have a great show today. thank


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